Is it true that the land is not round. Discussing the topic: the shape of the Earth Round or Flat

In our time, what only trends will not see and what only statements will not be surprised. Is it really to increase recognition in certain areas? All for glory, although dubious?
People claiming that the land is flat, instantly become famous and recognizable. So, the land is flat - and immediately we maximize attention. Profit.

And we will talk about it now.

November 9-10, 2017 in the city of Role, the capital of North Carolina, will pass The 2017 Flat Earth International Conference. This event, as they say on the official website, is the "educational initiative of individuals and organizations united by the common goal of a genuine scientific study of the established land".

While the science firmly installed many facts about the device Solar system In general, the land in particular, among the inhabitants (not only in the United States, but also in other countries, too) is gaining popularity in the flow of "plane earth." These people believe that the surface of the earth is flat, deny generally accepted explanations of the change of day and night, the seasons, the occurrence of eclipses and other astronomical events.

The organizers list the most "outrageous", in their opinion, facts. Among them, linear speed of movement ground surface At the equator associated with the daily rotation of the planet, estimated by astrometric methods based on the galactic dynamics of the sun movement in the Milky Path, as well as the total speed of the movement of our galaxy, determined by the intensity of the dipole component.
The conference's website claims that "each ever-held Earth has ever done to confirm the simplest rotation to confirm it." There they promise to reveal at the event "Genuine evidence that shockingly indicate the existence of a flat, fixed surface".

The 2017 Flat Earth International Conference - the first similar annual event. As part of it, it is planned to perform the performance of the dozen speakers. There are such among reports: "NASA and other space lies", "flat land and bible", "flat land with a scientific method" and others.
American rapper collects money to the satellite to prove that the land is flat.

American rap artist Bobby Ray Simons - B.O.B - began collecting money for the launch of the satellite to prove that the land is flat.

Bobby Ray Simons believes that information about the circular form of the Earth is only a plot of space agencies, Nation News writes. The artist believes that from his companion it will be possible to see the bend of the earth's disk.

The collection of funds is carried out at the GofoundMe bus station, the TV channel 360. B.O.B actively promotes his ideas on Twitter and even recorded the track Flatline (edge \u200b\u200bof the plane), in which the astrophysics of the Nile degrams criticized.

Previously, the Federal Channel Ren TV has prepared a film about the theory of flat land. The premiere of the scientific painting announced one of the most famous adherents of this teaching, Pavel Sviridov, on his page in Vkontakte. Sviridov believes that our Planet never had the shape of a ball, this is a conviction - the miscarions of scientists who rebound against church teachings, and photographs from satellites - installation.
The image of a flat land is often found in the literature and cinema, especially in fiction.

Terry Pratchett, an English author of humorous fiction, created a volumetric cycle of works of the universe, which is also called - a flat world. This world, which is a huge disk, rests on the backs of four elephants, and those stand on the back of the Giant Turtle named A'Tuin. The image of this world Prathots borrowed from Indian mythology.

Flammarion engraving depicting an astronomer who has reached the edge of the "flat land", 1888

In the book of Clywa Lewis "Conqueror Dawn, or swimming on the edge of the world" from the "Chronicles of Narnia" cycle, the heroes are taking a journey to the edge of the world. According to the cosmology of Narnia, the world is flat, and behind its edge is the country of Aslan - local paradise. Lewis sought to thus emphasize the antiquity of the Narnia, its proximity to the realities of the medieval myth, and specifically asked her illustrator, so that the Narnia map reminded the old, distorted world map.

In the Legendarium, J. R. R. Tolkina, especially in the "Silmarillion" book, it is repeatedly emphasized that the world of Arda was originally created flat, and only when the world is changed, Eri Iluvatar under the fall of Numenora, figuratively speaking, was "cooler" and became round .

In the story of modern russian writer Sergey Sinyakina "Monk on the edge of the Earth" (1999) describes the following situation: the expedition on Stratostat Osoaviahim-1 proved the theory of flat land, reaching the dome of heaven, and even mined a platinum star. All expedition participants were repressed, since Comrade Stalin found that materialistic science more consistent with the political situation. Thus, the launches of the first satellites, Yuri Gagarin and flights to the moon were a grand mastering of special services distorting a true picture of the world.
In the fantastic novel, Philip Farmer "Raise Sails!" Columbus, floating to open India, swims to the waterfall of the land of the Earth, where the horizon broke around, and Karavellas fell into it.

In the third film "Pirates Caribbean»Used the same plot: To get to the light of the captain Jack Sparrow, his team sails on a sailboat to the edge of the Earth and falls with it with the ocean waterfall. A similar plot appeared also in the movie "Time Bandits".

In realistic literature and cinema are found satirical images People believing in flat land. Such are some characters of the comedy Ludwig Holberg "Highlander Erasmus" (Erasmus Montanus, 1723), the story of Reddiard Kipling "As a vote, the land is flat" (1917) and others. In these books "Flat Earth" acts as a hyperbole of militant ignorance.

In the film "Probably, the gods are crazy" (South Africa, 1980), Bushman Hee, wants to throw a blank bottle of "Kolya" from the edge of the earth. In the final of the picture, he throws a bottle of high cliff, below the edges of which clouds float, believing that he achieved their goal.
In the film "Dark City" (USA, 1998) wanderers - aliens, united to the corpses of people, create a flat world in the framework of the experiment on the study of the human soul. The chief hero at the end of the film is able to get power over reality, and the sun rises over the flat land.

Modern supporters of flat land:
Despite the fact that the theory of earth sphericity is generally accepted, there is a society of a flat land, which is intended to prove that the earth is flat. According to his supporters, all the governments of the Earth concluded a global conspiracy in order to deceive people.
The cosmology of society is such:

  1. Earth is a flat disk of 40,000 kilometers in diameter, with a center in the area of \u200b\u200bthe North Pole
  2. The sun and the moon rotate above the ground surface. The same happens with the stars.
  3. The strength of gravity arises in view of the fact that the earth moves up with an acceleration of 9.8 m / s².
  4. Southern Pole does not exist. The fact that it seems to us by Antarctica is an ice wall, a concerning world.
  5. All photos of Earth from space - fakes.
  6. Space also does not exist, all launches of satellites and people - fakes.

The distance between the objects in the southern hemisphere is much more. The fact that flights between them occur faster than should be according to the map of the flat land, it is explained by the fact that the crew and passengers of airliners and sea vessels are also involved in the conspiracy [not in the source].
Some fundamentalist defense artists of Islam claim that the shag of the Earth contradicts Muslim feedback.
The last president of the Republic of Transvaal Paulus Kruger in a conversation with Sailor Joshua by Slakam, alone by a sailboat around the Earth, repeated: "No, you probably mean not around the earth, it's impossible!".

In 2016, American rapper B.O.B, in a series of tweets defended the conviction in the land plane, joined the astrophysician and the famous popularizer of the science of the Tyson's science in the public dispute, grew into the exchange of disms.

September 25, 2017 in the program the most shocking hypothesis by Russian TV presenter Igor Prokopenko was represented by the theory of flat land. Critical comments experts in the program were not presented.

Famous people affected by the "round" land. Who burned on the fire for what he said, the earth is round?

From the propagandists of the shag-formation of the Earth, only Jordan Bruno burned. But they burned it at all. In the current "liberal" times, he would also shropotal a completely decent period.

Jordan Bruno, indeed, was executed - but not for the "round earth" that in his time it was already far from sensation, but for the "ideologically harmful" propaganda ideas of the multiplicity of worlds, including the heliocentric solar system (according to Copernicus). As well as other, already purely religious statements.

Taking into account the fact that the official Vatican recognized the round (spherical shape) of the Earth only in 1996, it could be anyone. But there is no skyless heresy in the roundness of the earth, therefore I would have been executed for it.

The executioner on the fire was Jordan Bruno, in Rome, on Campo Di Fiori (on the square of flowers).

And Galileo Galilee at interrogations in the Inquisition, hesitated from their views and brought public repentance.

Nikolay Copernicus died by his death. His words are known: "And all the same, it is spinning" (this is about Earth), when he came out from the church trill.
In 1592, Bruno deceived lured to Italy, where they were arrested. The eight years, which he spent in the dungeons, the Inquisites sought renunciation from his philosophical views as heretical. However, Jordano Bruno remained uncompromising, and the court sentenced him to the death penalty.

Bruno (Bruno) Jordan Philippe (1548, Nola, - 17.2.1600, Rome), Italian philosopher and poet, representative of Pantheism. Pursued by the Church for their views, left Italy and lived in France, England, Germany. Upon returning to Italy (1592) was accused of heresy and freedomiff and after an eight-year stay in prison burned at a fire.

Bruno Jordan Philippe (1548-1600) Italian philosopher and poet.

Pantheist and Pythygorets, a man who was not looking for nature in God, and God in nature, Jordan Bruno, of course, did not fit into the framework of medieval theology. And since the applied expression of theology was inquisition, the final of the life of a free philosopher is natural. After the expulsion of many years of wanderings in France, England and Germany, return to Italy (where heredge was hung) led to the charges of heresy, and imprisonment. Eight years in the bunches of the Inquisition, then the court.

In court, Bruno in every way convinced to renounce the delusions, because, defending her views, he risks life. Bruno's answers were simple and magnificent: "There are people who have a love for the Divine Will that there are no threats or inschesting them ... Death in the same century makes the thinner of the immortal for future centuries."

The verdict of Volnodumtsu was as much as possible: death at the fire. And again Bruno is calm and magnifies: "You utter this sentence with a great fear than I listen to it." And even after the sentence, Bruno had the opportunity to buy life with the price of renunciation. But he did not bargain. "I am dying a martyr voluntarily ..."

On February 17, 1600, one of the areas of Rome prepared everything you need for a huge campfire. Under the ringing of bells and shouts of mobile on the square fell a solemn procession. There was a bloody-red banner ahead, followed by the singing of the prayers, the priests were walking in the front robes. In the center of the procession - convicted. He goes slowly, ringing chains, which are sacked hands and legs. It is impossible to penetrate his thoughts now, but eyewitnesses note the pallor and calm, an unearthly extension on his tired face.

Jordano Bruno is measured by the steps of Eshafot and looks at the sky until the executioners tie it with a chain to the post. The gust of the wind moved his brown hair, lowered strand on his eyes, but the bruno could not raise his hands. He slightly tilts his head so that still see the world in his last minutes ...

In Rome is already spring. Wonderful aroma of the awakened land and gently shine of the spring sky. Was all this confidence worth it? Inquisitors with greed peer into the face of the convict: whether he will not get drown in the last moment, will not request mercy if it does not show? Bruno is silent. Neither sound is heard from his chest until the fire is burned down. One of the executioners was saved by the spark, and finally, he manages to fill in chips. The flames of the flame almost instantly embraces the clumsily cholerous platform and the pillar with the flesh chained to it.

Galileo Galilei died on January 8, 1642, at the 78th year of life, in his bed.

In one of the letters, he wrote: "In Rome, I was sentenced to Holy Inquisition to imprisonment on the instructions of His Holiness ... The place of imprisonment for me was this little town in one mile from Florence, with the strictest prohibition to go down to the city, meet and talk with friends and invite them…

When I returned from the monastery with a doctor who visited my sick daughter before her death, and the doctor told me that the case is hopeless and that she will not survive the next day (as it happened), I found the Vicaria-Inquisitor at home. He appeared to order me, by order of St. Inquisition in Rome, that I should not have to handle it to allow me to return to Florence, otherwise I will be placed in a real prison of St. Inquisition ...

This incident and others, about which it would be too long, shows that the rage of my very powerful pursuers is constantly increasing. And they eventually wished to reveal their face: when one of my dear friends in Rome, about two months, in conversation with Padre Christopher Greenberg, Jesuit, the mathematician of this board, touched my affairs, this Jesuit told my friend literally the following: " If Galilee managed to maintain the location of the fathers of this board, he would live on freedom, using glory, he would not have any disturbances and he could write on his own anything - even about the movement of the Earth, "etc. So, You see that I missed me not because of my opinion, but because of the fact that I was in disfavor of Jesuit "

In 1531, the 58-year-old Copernicus retired from business and focused on the completion of his book. At the same time he was engaged in medical practice (free). The faithful retik constantly slapped about the speedy edition of Copernicus, but it was slow. Fearing that obstacles will be insurmountable, Copernicus spread a brief summary of his work under the name "Small Comment" (Commentariolus). In 1542, the state of the scientist deteriorated significantly, the palsy of the right half of the body was occurring.

Copernicus died on May 24, 1543 at the age of 70 from the stroke. Some biographers (for example, Tideman Giza) argue that the author immediately managed to see his work printed. But others prove that it was impossible, since recent months Life Copernicus was in a heavy coma.

The book of Copernicus remained as an outstanding monument of human thought. From this point on, the beginning of the first scientific revolution is dating.

Let's start with the most popular theory that the land is flat, let's go!
Immediately thin: plane earths- Those who believe that the earth is flat

Fact 1: Airplanes with do not adjust the height at the far flight
As the planned planes whispered to me, the plane without constant adjustment of the height would fly out into space or at least somewhere in the upper layers of the atmosphere, but this does not happen. Why? Because the land is flat - implies flat earthmakers.

Fact 2: rivers flow in any direction
Rivers cannot flow up, and they flow in completely different directions on the ground.

Fact 3: Conspiracy of professionals
Never professionals take into account this imaginary curvature of the planet - so claim flat ceilters. Geodesists, pilots, drillers, architects - all make their calculations based on the fact that the land is flat! They know, but everything is united in collusion with the government, which in turn is under the cap from reptiloids!

Fact 4: flat land on the UN flag
They note the fact that a flat land is depicted on the UN flag. The illuminates of this once again demonstrate their power over us. "I will show you what the earth looks like, but I will make you believe in the ball!"

Fact 5: The sun is not at a distance of millions of kilometers from the ground
Supporters of the conspiracy about the form of the Earth claim that in fact the sun is located just 4800 kilometers from the planet and has a size of about 51 kilometers. This is such a interdimensional light, which spins over the earth disk and illuminates its part as if the lighthouse.

Fact 6: influential people confirm that the land is flat
Many prefer to believe that only illiterate and unhappy people can believe in the flat shape of the Earth. Nevertheless, many famous personalities They adhered to such views. Among them are our contemporaries whose names may be familiar to you. For example, Nigerian terrorist Mohammed Yusuf, the founder of organizing Boko Haram, which Yaros hates the Western education system for its perverted worldview. And they say that such views adhered to one of the creators of Moute about "Scooby Du."
If Yusuf is not authority for you, then the opinion of another prominent political figure of the twentieth century is suitable as an argument - Adolf Hitler. He was the only one who not only knew about the true nature of the Earth, but he could look at the ice edge (which NASA is issued for Antarctica).

Fact 7: horizon line
This conclusion has appeared due to the fact that when people see the horizon line, it looks straight. Although it would be logical to assume that if the land is a ball, then the horizon should be a little twisted as an arc. However, it's all about the scale and position of the watch. Since the person himself is on the surface of the planet and sees only a meager part of it, then his eyes simply do not catch this curvature.

Fact 8: Antarctica - impenetrable ice wall
In the generally accepted model of a flat land, the world is a disc in the center of which is located the North Pole. Exterior rim of a circle is a continuous ice wall - Antarctica. According to supporters of the theory, this ice wall is needed so that the oceans do not spread. And what is on the other side of the wall unknown. Some say that there are endless ice, the end of which will not be able to see either human eye, nor even the most powerful telescope. Others think that the ice still ends with a breakdown leading to an endless abyss.

Fact 9: Lunar Eclipses cause an invisible object
The lunar eclipses are obtained when the earth, the sun and the moon are built into one line, and our planet discards the shadow closing the surface of the moon. But if the land is flat, this cannot happen. However, the lunar eclipses exist, and in the model of a flat land it is said that the reason is a kind of heavenly object, hidden in the brilliance of sunlight. And sometimes he passes in front of the moon, leaving the shadow. But there is another version based on the presence of the dome and deception. According to this version of the moon, the usual hologram created by the influential people fueling the entire planet. I think, no comments and explanations are not needed.

Fact 10: NASA is based on the Nazis.
Supporters of the theory are confident that "If Masons, Illuminati, Satan Forces, Lizards and a bit of magic powder, will be able to mix in the blender of Masons, Illuminati, Satan (NASA). Worse than NASA, only people controlling this organization, but no one has seen them. Many suggest that the Nazis stand behind everyone.
To confirm, activists lead the following facts. "We will be transferred in the 1940s. Second World War in full swing. Young engineer Werner von Brown builds rockets for the Nazis. It was he designed ballistic rocket V-2, which in 1944 collapsed by the hellish fiery rain on London. In 1945, the engineer grabbed and issued allies. After that, he began working for the US Army and became one of the main people working on the American Space Program. Under his leadership, the Saturn Rocket was created 5. And further on other technological breakthroughs followed and plans for the study of other worlds began to appear. As a result, NASA considers Brown one of the greatest scientists in history. "

What do you think? Is it spinning or flat?

In ancient times, the theory of flat land was spread throughout and other versions did not have. It was believed that three elephants standing on the turtle hold it. Through time, Science was able to prove the fart of these ideas, but there were people who believe that the planet does not have a spherical shape.

Flat land theory in our time

There are ideas that the planet is actually a disk, in the center of which is located the North Pole. The diameter of the Earth is a little more than 40 thousand km. There is a transparent dome around such a disk, over which the sun and the moon rotate, like point lamps. According to adherents, the theory of flat lands of Antarctic does not exist and on the southern pole is the edge of the planet, which is surrounded by an icy wall.

There is a whole community and it includes people who believe in the global deception. Answering the question about whether the land is flat, they argue that all pictures from space, this is the installation and ability of photoshop. The adherents of this opinion believe in a conspiracy, which is sponsored by Masons, aimed at hiding from the entire mankind of the planet real truth. Disputes on this occasion have been continuing for hundreds of years.

Flat land sign

Each society has its own emblem, and adherents of the theory of flat land did not exception. They believe that the UN flag is perfect for their association: there is a round image of a world map in a blue background, where the North Pole is located in the center. The emblem of a flat land is surrounded by two olive branches, which still symbolized the world during ancient Greece.

What is behind the edge of a flat land?

People, hearing about unusual theory, are beginning to ask many questions to understand it is true or not. Many are interested, if the land is flat, then where is its edge, and what is behind him. On this account, society gives two answers:

  1. Part of the members are confident that the edge is behind Antarctic and is limited to a huge ice wall. It is worth noting that it is not specified that behind it, there is space and other planets. As evidence, the Society of Flat Land offers to read the Antarctic Treaty, which prohibits the free study of these places, which is very suspicious.
  2. Other members of society believe that not only the earth is actually flat, but she also does not have the edges, that is, people live on an endless plain. There is a certain zone, beyond which a person cannot go out, and it is most likely due to the habitat.

Who needs a myth about flat land?

Many were asked by this question, since attempts to compromise science from time to time arise in the world. Most likely, people would not pay attention to such assertions, if not extensive propaganda. Finding out who benefits the theory of flat land, it is worth noting that as a result of NTP, people begin to think differently and the authorities are becoming more difficult to control them. It is important to indicate that this applies not to rulers of states, but the level of power and ideas.

Why do people believe that the land is flat?

On this topic, you can reflect for a long time and there is a huge number of opinions. Scientists and great minds believe that modern people who believe that the planet Earth is flat, they like to go against the current, are looking for a catch and confrontation in each approval. Many are confident that there is a certain group of people, the so-called "Masons" that manage everyone, and they can promote any idea to the world, including the fact that the land is round. All this causes modern society Doubt.

How to join the society of a flat land?

Inventor Samuel Roubotham in the 19th century created a whole community for adherents of the theory of flat land. Everyone can become his member. To do this, you must pay an entrance fee equal to $ 10. After that, the society will regularly send their own newsletter. There are several basic provisions of this organization:

  1. The center of the Earth is located on the North Pole, and the edges are located in the south.
  2. The society of the flat land claims that all existing evidence of the balloon of the planet, including flights of astronauts, is just an international conspiracy of America and Russia to deceive people.
  3. They believe that the stars are stripped to solid, which is located at a height equal to the distance from San Francisco to Boston.
  4. The moon and the sun do not have huge sizes, and the Earth's satellite glows with its own light, and not reflected. Eclipses are caused by overlapping a kind of dark object.
  5. The society of the flat land claims that all the great people were adherents of their theory, but they simply hid it.
  6. It is believed that faith in spheriform is a false religion.

Flat Earth Theory - Real Facts

Before putting forward the theory that the earth does not have a spherical shape, its adherents spent a lot of research, considered a huge number of photos and video material to be what was operated. To the main facts, why land is flat, you can attribute the following information:

  1. Knowing the time of rotation of the planet around its axis and its diameter, you can easily calculate the speed of its rotation. As a result, it turns out that in a second the land turns at a speed of about 0.5 km / s. Would a man noticing such changes?
  2. Some of the most common evidence are flights on airplanes. The theory of flat land causes such doubt - as a plane can land on the specified place if it will be shifted due to the movement? In addition, due to the constant rotation of the Earth, the aircraft could not get to their destination because of the oncoming wind.
  3. If you throw the item up, then on its flight and fall will leave for a few seconds, so if the earth were round, and turned it, he would not fall in the same place where he was thrown.
  4. If the planet had the form of the sphere, the horizon would be twisted, and so in all conditions and when observing huge spaces, the line is always direct.

What are psychics about flat land?

To determine where the truth, and where a lie, it is worth considering different opinions, so without psychics, who, in their opinion, know all the secrets, do not do. The version that the land is flat, for people working with energies, is a fiction created in order to cause doubts about people and collect them in a certain sect. Psychics, receiving energy, including from the ground, are confident that it is round, if it was a myth, then energy flows would be scattered and not so powerful.

Flat Earth in the Bible

People who read the Bible can be divided into two groups, so alone are confident that it says that the land is flat, while others assure that it is no more than the widespread misconception. Although there are many scientific facts in this holy book, information about which at the time of writing the book was inaccessible, specifically about flat land, it does not say. Those who believe that the Bible says that the Earth is flat, as an argument lead the word from it - "Hug", but in Hebrew it means as "Circle" and "Ball".

Another refuting fact concerns that in the Holy Book it is indicated that the land has no point of support, and this is one of the ideas of people who came up with a legend about a flat planet. The Bible does not sharpen his attention on the form of the Earth, so it is not advisable to take it for the truth. In addition, even in modern language, the word "Round Earth" is used, and not spherical or spherical. The Bible language is not sharpened on geometric concepts.

Flat Earth in the Quran

As for the main Muslim book, it uses more words that can be considered a confirmation that the Earth is flat. The text meets such words and expressions related to our planet: "Proper", "made the land of the plain," "the land made for you a carpet" and so on. Flat land in Islam is confirmed by theologians, and the sky, according to their words, keeps on several pillars.

Films about flat land

The film, which is based on the plot of which lies the topic of flat land, no, but there are a number of movies where it is mentioned.

  1. "Show Truman". The picture of the picture once begins to understand that everything is around deception and scenery. He is the hero of the television show, which is already over 30 years old.
  2. "Men in Black". The film describes the secret unofficial agency that controls the action of UFOs. The main characters in one of the dialogues talk about flat land.
  3. "Dark City". The main idea of \u200b\u200bthis painting is that all people live in the world who manage the Favorites, forced to believe in non-existent things.

Books about flat land

Literature did not disregard the topic concerning the form of our planet. Many authors have conducted research and presented their own reasoning and evidence in their works.

  1. "Ancient cosmology" Warren. The book is a volume and in it you can find information on ideas relating to the structure of the Universe, Buddhists, Egyptians and other peoples. In this edition, many illustrations.
  2. "A hundred evidence that land is not a ball" M. Karpenter. The published work has been inaccessible for the mass reader for a long time. The author presented, in his opinion, objective evidence of a flat land.
  3. "Research Astronomy: Earth is not a ball" S. Rowork. If interested in the land is flat or round, then you should read this book, which describes experiments and there are visual illustrations, confirming that the planet is flat.

Hello dear friends and blog readers. In touch Ruslan Miftakhov. Recently, one topic does not give me a rest, and is there really the land arranged as we talked to school?

If you ask any man passing by a man round or flat? Almost all without thinking to say that the Earth is a ball, someone will add in the form of an ellipse. And maybe one of the hundred will say in a joke - the land is flat.

And maybe everything that we talked about the land, we just believe in it as in God without evidence.

Let's grow together that they hide from us, whether she really is a ball and what happens around us.

I will immediately say I am not a supporter of flat ceilters, but the planes put forward their theory, thereby breaking stereotypes about the spheriform of the planet. And forcing you to think of your head, and not believing stupidly in all that we are imposed on the programming center of people (read the school).

Recall from the story that before everyone was convinced that the land is flat. Then mankind convinced that the Earth is spherical, that the planet is spinning around its axis and around the sun. And so far we are all unquestioning in this, without thinking so it really is.

If there is no evidence, then it is just an assumption. How could Copernicus could prove in the Middle Ages that the earth is spherical? How? Chopped into space, looked from above?

And maybe there is really no space. Why does the space program not developing after the flight to the moon still in the last century? What do they hide behind? Maybe it's all the fake? And no other flight to the moon was not?

Yes, you can threlve me in my not the formation that I have learned poorly at school and so on. But think about what you are sure that you are sure that in the centers of programming mankind called the school we were filled with reliable information in brains, and the wrong one was beneficial to the highest race?

Are you interested in how many times Russia is more Africa? You will be surprised when you look at this video.

For example, I made sure that the story in the school program most lies, or simply do not agree the truth or frankly lgut. So maybe about our planet do not discover the whole truth?

And since in the adulthood, a person has all the vessels in the head are filled with knowledge, whether it is false or not, then to the new information he refers skeptical, rejecting it as immunity. Try to free your vessels from the old and pour new info.

Are you ready for new information? Then look on, perhaps you will be shocked ...

Giant Mine of another civilization

The most interesting thing in the video begins with 12 minutes talking about the fact that all rocks, canyons, the gorge on our planet are nothing more than a giant career for mining for other civilization, since 95% of production disappear to nowhere.

The essence of the video is that our land is not a planet, it is a gigantic quarry on which the entire barbaric way is mined the entire table of Mendeleev.

True from the movie John Carter

After watching a video about the quarry, then look at the movie John Carter, if you have not watched. Cinema from the category of Fantasy 2012, as they say in every fairy tale there is some truth. Somewhere I read that he failed at the box office. Or maybe there is a reason for this?

Below I posted an excerpt from the movie.

Particularly impressed the conversation with the tern that everyone planets one fate overpopulation and destruction as such.

Well, what is your goal? - asked John Carter.

He answered - but it is not, we are not haunted by the ghost of mortality as you, we are immortal. We played these games when this planet (Mars) has not yet been and will play after your (earth) disappears.

But we do not bring to the death of the planet Captain, we manage them, feed them, if you want. But on each planet there is the same thing ... population growth, split in society, ubiquitous wars.

And at that time, the planet is empty and quietly fades.

Remember what we are going on lately? The population of the Earth has exceeded 7 billion, division in society on beggars and very rich, permanent wars.

And the fact that it devoid no doubt is only from Russia how much is mined and will be pulled out in an unknown direction. But by whom and where it is unknown, and unlikely we will find out.

And how many forests put in Siberia, just horror. Although it is not a forest, and we have no trees, these are all shrubs compared to what ... however, see the video below.

There are no forests on Earth

Watch this video and you will be shocked that all these mountains that we are accustomed to accept the stem mountains are not at all the mountains and ... stumps of large trees.

I used to be attracted by the forms of some mountains and suspected that they probably artificially created. But the fact that this foundation of the tree even in the head did not occur.

Waterfalls from the mountains, where are so much water?

In the continuation of the previous roller, watch the video about the waterfalls. As far as it is plausible to decide for yourself, I do not impose anything to you, I just give food to think.

Life under the dome

Let's go back to the topic of flat land. In general, I wanted to publish this article back in September 2017, but I considered this topic by Chushye, she remained dust in my drafts. But having gathered some arguments, I returned and supplemented an article interesting in my opinion. And the article has gained the right to life.

In the autumn of 2017, at a meeting with a friend, one conversation came, saw the video on YouTube about the fact that the land is flat?

I say: I saw, but I do not quite believe it. And that's what he answered me ...

He remembered one film, where Jim Kerry is filmed. The plot is such that the main character for 30 years lived in the largest film studio in the form of the island under the dome.

There was an ordinary life around, people went to work and back, we went by cars, the day was replaced at night, there were nothing strange in general with the exception of one ...

Around all there were actors, except for one of the person named Truman.

Not about anything else for many years he thought everything around the truth and did not doubt it. While one girl could not stand and told him the truth that he was slightly shocked.

After he, more and more found evidence that everything around Falish and decided to leave the island. But he was completely interfered with it, and here he runs away with one night.

However, you can watch this film yourself, called Truman Show.

As not strange the 1998 film, and I didn't even know about this film if I did not tell a friend.

And so I began to understand his thought of the conversation, which he clone.

You did not think that everything around us is an illusion, deception that we accept for the truth. Once all believed that the land is flat and stands on three elephants, and elephants on the turtle.

Now it seems Chuchye is not true? And we believe that the earth is spherical and spinning around the sun. Is it really true? It may be all the matrix and we live in this program and are observed for us out of.

Or maybe we also live under such a dome and the earth is not round at all?

Why when we look into the sky at night, then we see the stars. And pictures from the space show that the sky is black and stars. Who to believe? His eyes? And maybe on top of the dome, and the stars is just a hologram.

Well, you probably now think that I will save and drew here. Then tell me, where is she really? And the truth is not. We live here with your life in your Mirka and entertaining the viewer by God.

Yes, no, of course, the earth is spherical, spinning around its axis and around the sun. There is an universe, where many stars, and what's not knowing there on anyone.

Have you ever been interesting to you, if there are other planets like ours in the universe.

I will say that when the general picture is built up and you understand how it all works, it becomes just calmer from awareness and understanding of the rules of the game in this world.

Who thinks on this score to write off in the comments. Be sure to share this article with friends, for this press special buttons social networks down below.

With you was Ruslan Miftakhov

Subject " Flat Earth»It seems funny for you? Then I remind you. Just 500 years ago, anyone knew that the land was flat, and those who said that the Earth was a round, seriously risked. At best, friends, acquaintances and relatives were watched on him as "Lunatic". In the worst, religious fanatics burned it on the fire.

Now this story has a continuation ...

Land again became FlatBut now no one will burn you the majority of people still will not understand what is written, because they did not learn to think their heads. However, it is not about you. And react to the article with humor.

Piece: "Flattems are applied to a retaliatory blow."

Scene 2.: "Flat Earth Proof."


Professor Sharov — (PSh ). Talked about Round Earth. . I hope you have seen his official answers. Because now it will begin what we love on this site most - "Melting our reality «.

Professor wonderful — (PZ. ). Talks about flat land. Right now.

You - Simple buyer.

I read the scene 1?

1. Our world.

You : Good afternoon, Professor wonderful (PZ. ), i just talked with your colleague ball about our world, and somehow it looked not quite convincing 100%. What do you have?

PZ. : I have a model and Map of flat land. She looks like this.

PZ. : Our world is a flat disk that surrounds the icy wall. Therefore, the water does not take away anywhere and fall off the edge. The ice wall is officially called Antarctic, covers the entire disk as far as it goes into depth - we do not know, maybe before infinity. Or maybe through a hundred kilometers there is life there. Military closed Antarctica special contract from 1959. Therefore, there is so easy not to get. Alas.

Flat Land Map officially in science is called Azimuthal projection.

More details: The "Dome" is covered on top of us - the construction under which the sun and the moon rotate, plus the other "planets". The height of the dome is 5 thousand km. The moon rotates just below the sun. Stars - light bulbs on the dome.

You : Clear. Professor of balls, do not remind your version?

PSh.: Earth - Planet, on which we live, and our model is called Globe, with Latin Globus -\u003e Ball. Surface - 29% sushi, 71% - water. Simplified model Land looks like this.

PSh. : The sun is 99.86% of the mass of the entire solar system, is in the center. Planet rotate around the sun. Earth is the third planet from the sun. Visually below.

You : Clear. Refresh the memory. Question to you PZ. . There are generally accepted evidence that is customary to tell in schools, as a confirmation that the Earth is round. Can you refute them or show an alternative explanation?

PZ. : Yes of course. Show your evidence, I will comment on them.

Moreover, I'm ready to pay 1000 dollars to the one who will refute evidence that land is flat. You are interested?

You : Yes, i want to earn 1000 USD, if you do not joke. But first refute the evidence of the Round Earth. Ready?

PZ.: I seriously suggest a deal. Ready.

You: Proof 1.. Ships go beyond the horizon and disappears first the case, and then the sail disappears. Is this not the proof of the curvature of the earth's surface?

PZ.: No, not proof. The ship simply decreases on the horizon and disappears as soon as it passes point of convergence", That is, goes for" skyline of Visibility ». You can return it back if you take binoculars.

How the vision arranged.

The object that is distinguished from you reaches the point on the horizon when it is too small so that you will distinguish at least something. Here is the point in the center in the picture, where the road is compressed to the point. This point is called « point of convergence «, point, where parallel lines in the eye converge. Such our eyesight on Earth.

We use 2 eyes to determine the distance to the object.

That is, the further object from us, the more it will be less. And even 2 parallel lines are still deleted and decrease to Points of convergence lens eyes. This skill is very useful for hunter predators (we, in the past). Determine the distance to extraction or danger .

Even 1 eye is still able to show us a distance, because the light passes through the edges of the lens (points 1, 2, 3, 4). Pupil \u003d Round lens, not a narrow slot. Therefore, even 1 eye is very cool!

We see the object at a distance of 7 km on the horizon. The physical dimensions of the pupil do not allow to see on.


Here are 2 parallel railways. They are parallel to each other thousands of kilometers forward, Path Do not intersect, do not approach each other at allOtherwise, the train would not be able to ride the weeks on the Transibirsk highway from Moscow to Vladivostok.

But, you see how 4 parallel rails are going to the point on the horizon, right? So with the ship. The curvature here is neither. The curvature is the most primitive way to explain all these effects.

Consider what to see the ship in distant and above the horizon can interfere with hot air or water vapor.

Here, for example, the phenomenon of Mirage. When the effect of the hot road hangs, as if the wet puddle is hanging. I think everyone saw him in his life. The average dividing strip disappears in " puddle«.

Object, the car machine will blur and decrease With distance. The wheels will disappear first, because the closer to the ground, although the road is absolutely even in front of you. The same is at sea.

Water and wind create waves. Waves breaking about the surface of the water create a lot of small splashes and all this mass hanging over the sea surface. It is clear that the first over the thick mass, the fog of the droplets, the sail will rise. After all, you look almost parallel to the surface of the water. And the sail is the highest object on the ship. The closer the ship will be to you, the higher the surface of the water will be a sail. Although, initially, you see the entire ship on the horizon. Just because of small splashes (the distance to kilometers to the ship) you will not see his body until it becomes close enough. With the same success, you can try to look through the fog. Will it work out?

You : According to evidence 1: features of vision, "point of convergence" + Mirage + water vapor.

Proof 2.: Moon and lunar eclipses. We see how the semicircular shadow from the ground can be placed on the moon during eclipses. A semicircular shadow gives a ball or a disk of the Earth to the moon, and on your theory of the sun and the moon are above us. What then causes an eclipse in your model?

PZ. : Solar eclipse explain easy. The sun and the moon rotate in orbit over our head. And the moon is slightly lower than the Sun, so when their path intersects, then we see like a semicircular shadow (moon), mounted in the sun, and we have a black sun before your eyes.

At the expense of the lunar eclipse.

Start with the fact that Moon by her own anomalous Object Object . You never surprised that we see always only 1 side of the Moon? Why is that? Perfect orbit synchronization? -\u003e or it artificial object? Why is everything in nature tied to the moon? Planting, migration in animals, even the same female cycles are ideally synchronized with the cycles of the moon, which last 28 days? Isn't it because of this, women are shifting "women's days" for 4-5 days by the beginning of the month?

In a word, the moon is a very strange object and does not behave like a regular piece of stone over his head. By the way, the scientific moon is satellite land. And satellite can be either artificial (turned on with its dish antenna to us) or natural.

We become children for a minute. What about the fact that the moon was built by previous civilizations? We do not know this, but also modern scientists do not know how the moon was in heaven. The impact version of the meteorite about the Earth is nonsense. Because there is on the moon WATER . When the explosion, from the impact of the meteorite about the ground, and then flying in vacuum, water not formed! So what is joke then? Just make sure that it can be artificial sphere with its source of light.

We are reverse side Moon do not see? And what's in there?

You : Presented (fantasy), let the moon - an artificial object, as in your version. Go ahead.

Proof 3.. During Lunar phases we see semicircle in heaven and during Lunar eclipse We see semicirclelyuly shadow, that is, it gives it a semicircular object, "sphere / ball / disk" as you want. How do you explain it?

PZ. : These are 2 different phenomena: lunar phases and lunar eclipse.

As for the lunar phases, when you have crescents in the sky, not a complete moon, it is explained by the lighting of the moon. The earth is not with what. The moon is a ball sphere, and the spherical body will be covered. For example, a "lamp" which is located For moon. Will now beexperiment with iPhone 5.

Imagine that there is a lamp inside the moon. And she turns. Do not you see such phases?

As for the lunar eclipse, I have already answered in the previous example. There is a third body or phenomenon that we do not yet know. For example, the moon has its own light source InsideAnd between the light and the surface there is a semicircular disc, obscure light. Moreover, its size can be thousands of times less than the moon itself. For this you do not need the sun.

By the way, the moon does not reflect the sunlight, as official scientists declare, and is the source of its Own Lights, easy to install on this example. If you have a sphere (ball), then we know perfectly well, as the light will be reflected from it. Like this.

I did not see a stain on the moon. And you?

You : Proof 4.. Around the world? Slow or fly all the time east or west, you will arrive at the same point where you started swimming. Isn't that talking about round earth?

PZ. : Simple experiment. Take a plate with water, in the middle of the plates, put a powerful magnet, lower a small boat with a compass and move to the west. You move only to the west, and make a round-the-world trip to the plate!

Here is tea with lemon. If the lemon slices will twist around the center, while remaining the leather to the edge of the cup, then it will do " trip around the world"On your cup.

Schematically: you all the time moving to the West. Magnetic compass always shows to the north .

This looks around the world journey over flat earth.

That's how the journey of Fernanda Magellan around the Earth 1519-1522.

You: Proof 5.. If everyone body Over our head Round, why should we think that our Land flat?

PZ. : Here is a billiard table on which round balls are. Table, in your logic \u003d round?

You : Table, naturally, smooth,

Proof 6.. Availability of time beltsWhen in the same parts of the planet night, and in other parts of the planet - day. How to explain? Does not turn Round land?

PZ. : Not. And then turn the turn? The sun is moving above the surface of a flat land, in the place where it is light. Where it is not - there is night.

Why the sun does not illuminate the entire disk if it is at the height? Very simple. Here is a light bulb that does not illuminate the whole wall. The wall is too big as the ground surface.


IF A Land flat
Why do not we see sunlight 24 hours a day?


For the same reason, on which a small lamp cannot illuminate the entire wall.

Light source \u003d small + moving.

You : How do seasons work? Why is it cold in winter, and in the summer it is hot?

PZ. : The sun moves from the north to the south throughout the year. When we are hot - the sun moves along a yellow trajectory close to the North Pole (Cancer Tropic). When we are cold, it rotates around the red trajectory (Capricorn tropic), far from the North Pole, but it is hot in the southern hemisphere. And, yes, the sun moves much faster in the southern hemisphere so that in 24 hours to do its 360 degrees.

The fact that we have winter in December, and in Australia - summer, says this picture. Christmas - December 21 in Australia celebrate in Santa Claus costumes right on the beach.

You : Then do not leave the sun and the evidence of a flat land. I am interested in 2 more things: Polar day and Polar night. When 24 hours a day - light, and 24 hours a day - dark. You know this phenomenon, right? In official science, this is explained by the slope of the Earth by 24.5 degrees and the location of the Earth regarding the Sun.

PZ. : Polar day - It's when the sun does not sit beyond the horizon 24 hours. That is, it spins over the horizon line, approaching the horizon, but not disappearing under it.

Interestingly, photos of the polar day and night most often show from the North PoleBut very rarely when they are shown from the South Pole. Do you know why? Because within the framework of the theory of flat lands, the Sun does not illuminate the South Pole 24 hours a day. But with the North Pole there is no problems.

Here is an example.

How to check the southern polar day?

In no way.

The South Pole is closed to visit, closed to check. There are only governmental "Scientific stations" and " military". And the first and second ( government + Military) Known as liarswith a long-long history ... I do not tell you. So there remains only 2 options:

1. On the South Pole there are no such days when the sun is 24 hours over the horizon.

2. On the South Pole there is a polar day when the sun is 24 hours over the horizon.

But, even if it is really shown that the polar day in Antarctica is there, then we have a theory. It uses the concept of reflected light from the dome. Schematically and mathematically looks like this.

By the way, since already started talking for Antarctica, then there is some unhealthy interest in it Earth elite .

Chronicle for 2016:

1. February 12, 2016 patriarch Kirill Meets in Pope Roman. February 18, 2016 - urgently flies to Antarctica.
2. Beginning of March 2016 - US President Obama flies to Argentina, where do you travel for several days by Patagonia . The territory borders with Antarctica, which he did a couple of days - unknown. In the delegation with him there was a representative of NASA.
3. 11-12 November 2016 - US Secretary John Kerry 3 days after the elections in the United States - flying to Antarctica and is there, signing the next agreement For which the entrance of fishing vessels in the water near Antarctica is prohibited.

Some strange stagnation around the icy wastelands among politicians and religious figures. Do not find?

But, it will leave aside. Let's return to the Sun and the evidence of a flat land.

You : Interesting, but this is later. Now M. yenia is interested in the fact that the sun should decrease in size if it is simply removed from us, and not to enter the horizon with a huge disk with the same dimensions. After all, you say that the sun is just moving on our head on a circular trajectory.

PZ. : Let's talk seriously about the sun.

This video will be enough to prove that the sun decreases in size, removing from us in a straight line when it goes to the horizon. Shot from the observatory above the level of the clouds. Link .

Now look here. You must understand that we are very often visible the sun, which sits above the ground level. Mountains, hills, obstacles, buildings often close our review. And since they are much closer to them than to the real horizon, then you see how big and round sun hides behind the "visible" horizon, although on the fact it is just Removes in a straight line and Decreases.

Decreases Before the "point of convergence".

In this case, the "point of convergence" goro closed. Therefore, the sun is hidden by a big disc from our review, but still decreasing along the way.

Here simple experimentin evidence of a flat land, you can make it at home. Tension the thread through the room so that it has the same height from the wall and to the wall. Put the obstacles on its path, such as a book or board (in this video it is 4 bottles of beer that keep cardboard), and that the obstacle is below the thread. And then look from the ground level, as it looks.

Get here is the "effect".

The sun will be removed from you, and a lot to leave "for the visible horizon", not a point. That's all. No turn of Round Earth for this is not necessary.

This experiment Did you not impressed you?

Good, then what is the scope of such obstacles on the horizon as IPhone 6.? Camera on Earth, 110 meters from Camera to Human? Consider that in our case IPhone is a mountain.

A person is visible behind the mountain.

You : And the last question about the Sun and the Moon - how do they fly along the side orbit? What keeps them in the sky?

PZ. : Magnetic levitation. Here are working devices with magnetic levitation.

computer mouse,
armchair sofa ,
maglev train on a magnetic pillow.

This, by the way, explains and tides and fetches on the ground. Water is repelled from magnets ! And the moon and the sun \u003d sources of magnetic background, so they just " spread water» under himAnd she runs ashore. Gravity here, as always, is superfluous. Tides and falsites are only in the oceans and seas with salt water, which are located on the way of the sun and the moon.

At home, check how ordinary water from under the tap reacts to the discourse. Just before you spend on the hair to transfer the electric discharge

In the crane - the usual fresh water! BUT sea \u200b\u200bwater - even better reacts to electricity. There isoooooooool!

Tides and low-rise attitudes for the gravity of the moon do not have. Because Samoa Gravity Does not exist at all. This is a fantasy Newton and fictional force, how to describe the world and facts at the beginning of the 19th century. This is how the electromagnetic repulsion of the moon and water looks like. Schematically.

You:Proof 7.. Photo from satellites? Photo from height? Do you still say that the earth is flat?

PZ. : Have you heard about special effects in the photo? And lenses "fish eye", right? These lenses strongly twist the image to cover the large area. Here are some examples:

1. Remons Round walls? Below \u003d without distortion.

4. Round metro wagons.

5. The spire of the church is bowed to the right

6. The area bends ...

Horizon \u003d Curivan.

So what does proof of spherical land look like?

Now returning to space and the ISS. Here is a picture for 2008. Where NASA recognizes , that pictures are made through the "fisheye". These lenses stand at the world station. Come in, check.

Here the same picture in Wikipedia , where it says that the curvature of the Earth at the expense of "Fish Eye".

Why use if the earth is round?

That's right to curb the flat image, such as proof of curvature.

Although all photos, no corrections tell us about the opposite. Earth - flat! From any height!

You : Proof 8.. Sharovers argue that we see the height further, because we see for the horizon.

PZ. : Absolutely stupid argument from chaserovers (like all others, by the way). Why?


Here is an example - a smooth lawn near the house. If you put the camera at the ground level and move away from it, then you " load for the horizon". Is it proof that the smooth field suddenly appeared curvature? Not. Link to video .

You : I like this explanation. Accurate and with evidence.

Proof 9.. And nevertheless, what about satellites? Communication / satellite television / GPS? How are they explained on flat land?

PZ. : The relationship between continents without wires was long before the satellites. The first transatlantic radio communication was successfully committed in 1906, from Brand of Rock, USA in Makhry, Scotland. No one has ever heard about the satellites for the next 50 years, and the continents have already communicated among themselves.

Today, 99% of all Internet traffic goes through underwater ocean cables between continents, and not through satellites.

Satellite antennas at home are only called "satellite," because they all look at the horizon, and not in the sky, at an angle of 90%. You see such antennas every day at home and roofs, right? Do they look vertically up, in the sky on the satellite?

Or ---------\u003e on the horizon?

"These antennas" take ordinary radio signals from conventional transmitting steels standing on the groundBut not from space. Antenna slope is clear well?

What you see with your own eyes on houses is called " tropospheric "Radio communication.

Distance "Tropospheric Radiocommunication" - 300-800 km. The signal is fought off the ionosphere. The fact that modern scientists call the "ionosphere", I call the "dome". This is a dome over a flat earth, which beats the radio wave down, to the ground.

And all that is less than 300-800 km, can be covered with additional 300 meter towers, as below in the figures. The signal "on the plate" goes from radio.

Do you recognize these creations of engineering thoughts with a height of 200-300 m?

Why do you need satellites for TV? Everything works without them.

You : What about GPS and flat land?

PZ. : GPS - Global Positioning System. Its only purpose is to convince you that she " Global ", That is \u003d globe, that is, the ball! How does she work?

In cities, she works at the expense of mobile messaging. And 3 tower is enough to determine your location exactly to the meter. It is called - Triangulation .

Outside of cities, there is a regular radio network with powerful testers, which cover most of the land. First used during World War II for navigating ships and aircraft when no one heard about satellites the next 20 years... Accuracy of the ship definition in the sea - 150 meters at a distance of 1,500 km! Name - Loran. and Decca. . Come in, check.

Here is a tower Loran. 190 meters high in Canada.

In 2000 they were renamed GPS. And they put in your mobile phone with beautiful cards. The system is managed by American military, and how it works in fact - you will never know. Just as you do not know why I drowned the atom of "Kursk", and how many full-time military Russians died in Donbas and Syria. The military always listened.

As you understood, the positioning systems successfully worked until even ideas ... satellites ...

You: Someone knows about this theory?

PZ. : Everybody knows. This is not a secret. For example, NASA in its calculations and models of flight of aircraft in the air uses a model of a flat and unwilling ground.

That is, future pilots are taught on models that did not hear about what to take into account the curvature, or that the surface of the earth rotates under them. Why? Because it is not really.

You can download the document . E. it is written on the first page in the first paragraph.

Here is another document for FAA (Federal Aviation Administration, United States), where it is said that the software for simulators simulation should be as close as possible to reality, for high-quality training of pilots in the air, learning dispatchers on Earth. Therefore, everything should be for sure in calculations.

There are also different situations and aircraft behavior in the sky. "The Engineering Analysis and Design of the Aircraft Dynamics Model for the Faa Target Generation Facility".You can download.

On page 32 it is written by direct text: " we do not take into account the rotation of the earth, and the flight passes over flat land«.

Simulation as close as possible to reality, right?

So what is our reality, dear pilots?

Official cards?

Here is official map of flat land For a wide range of users. Created by B. 1892 year, a paper copy is kept in the library of Boston, USA. What is interesting in it?

3 Moment!

Moment 1. : Immediately at the top of the card with large letters is written


what does " actually »

Moment 2.: On the right and the left is said: " scientific faithful« (scientFically and. ) and " practically loyal« (practically Correct. ). Seriously

Moment 3.. At the bottom of the card indicated how the sun is moving in June and December. Where do they come from June 21 and December 21.

Solstice June.

« White oval shows the location of the Sun in the tropic of cancer (Tropic of Cancer), in June, at noon. This causes 24 hours of sunlight in the polar regions (polar day). After June 21, the sun begins to move along the spiral south until it reaches its final point on December 21«

Solstice December.

« On December 21, the sun moves along the tropic of Capricorn, and during the movement illuminates the southern part of the Antarctic ice. It is no light below 80º southern latitude, there are only unexplored ice regions. On December 23, the Sun completes his movement to the south and begins to move back to the North Pole, completing its season. "

In addition, all the most serious organizations in the world of the UN type - Organization of the United Nations, ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organization, IMO - International Maritime Organization, WMO - World Meteorological Organization use a flat land map. Irony, truth?

Organizations controlling the globe,
Used map of flat land..

Question per million: "Can Antarctica find here"?




Found Antarctica?

And it is considered 6 continent of the earth, actually ...

Google showed the original drawing on the winter solstice . So, by the way. Nothing special here.

2. Question 2.. What experiment was carried out to identify gravity? - answer. There is nothing to check, the gravity does not exist, it is a fictional force that is only on paper.

3. Question 3.. How does the water in the oceans be twisted on the arc? - answer. In no way. Water in the oceans in a horizontal position, from the North Pole to Antarctica.

4. Question 4.. Is the curvature of land take into account during the construction of long bridges, rails, shipping channels and pipelines? - Answer. No not taken into account, because there is no curvature. There is only height.

5. Question 5. . Physics of the XXI century. Standard model Elementary particles of our universe (in short, how everything works in the world) includes only 3 forces: electromagnetic, weak and strong interactionDoes not include gravity in their calculations. - Answer. It does correctly, which does not include, because gravity does not exist.

6 . Question 6.. How did the cosmos vacuum succeeded atmosphere? - Answer. Atmosphere protected by a dome.

7. Question 7. Why does the gravity do not attract clouds? - answer. Different air density in the earth and air at height.

9. Question 9.. How rivers (water) can flow UP? - Answer. You can not and you know it. Water always flows down.

10. Question 10.. Why are airplanes so strangely fly? - answer.

Regarding the first example, flight Bali - Los Angeles, Sorting in Alaska. Here map of flat land And direct between the two cities.

Regarding routes through Antarctica. Where to fly something?

Fly in a circle? From Africa to Australia - fuel is not enough. From South America to Australia - fuel is not enough. From Africa to South America - fuel is not enough. Keep in mind that Antarctica in a circle goes to a distance much more than the equator. And the equator itself is 40,000 km around the circumference!

But this is so flying in a straight line - the most it is!

Therefore, the optical Internet cable no one will pull from Africa to Australia and South America. This is sooooo far. Red zones are empty.

You : Oh well. Governments are aware that the land is flat. They also have evidence of a flat land, a flat land map, then what is the benefit to hide the truth?

PZ. : Because there will be a disaster in science.

No gravity \u003d no globe \u003d no rotation \u003d no big explosion \u003d no millions of galaxies, planets and stars \u003d no aliens \u003d no evolution \u003d no link between live organisms and people \u003d this is enough to keep silent about the form of the Earth?

Gravity is a religion for scientists. All that cannot be explained is clearly explained by the mysterious word gravity. From Religion Do not refuse!

Why land round? — Gravitis .
Why don't people fly away from a rotating earth? - Gravitis .
Why water does not fly away from the ground and is not going to the equator, where is the maximum speed? - Gravitis .
Why is the moon in the sky? - Gravitis .

Replace the word " Gravitis "Word" God «, and get the same result. Explanations of the level "0".

Why land round? — God .
Why don't people fly away from a rotating earth?God .
Why water does not fly away from the ground and is not going to the equator, where is the maximum speed?God .
Why is the moon in the sky?God .

Say in secret:

« Gravity is a force that attracts absurdity«.

Do you know why?

Because after Newton came up with Gravity, science has developed so last 300 years.

Scientists understood thatgravity theory will lead to a singularity (the whole universe will be squealing, in the end, to the point) then they invented "Dark energy." This is, in principle, anti-gravity. But as a result of further calculations of the formula, they realized that the expansion "Dark energy" will lead to the rupture of the "space-time" of Einstein, and then invented "Dark matter", which must be balanced "Gravitons" gravity and "Dark energy".

Before us - fictional force, which should explain another fictional force and so over time When the formulas are not glued.

And in fact: "Gravitons" do not exist, from here, dark energy does not exist, he does not exist from here. And when you are forced to believe in things that exist only on paper and in dreams, it is not science, it is -"Magic".

Therefore, physics for 2017 rushed his forehead into the wall and waiting for the new prophet, who would explain what and how. Without "gravitations" and other "magical entities".

And what do we?

And we need other answers to the questions old as the world: "Who are we?", And "What have you forgotten here?" Without "magic", "gravity" and "theories of monkey-people."

The origin of the world:

1. Divine version of the world. You heard about her, the world for 6 days. Bible.

2. version - Big Explosion with Evolution proposed priest George Lemeter)) and Darwin.

"There was nothing, then suddenly nothing happened to anything and nothing exploded! Then, all the blown and scattered, nothing magically transformed himself into the matter and living particles, which were more magically learned to copy themselves, multiply ... And then there were dinosaurs ...

How do you like the theory from Catholics from the Vatican? It is considered official "in science" for 2017. Seriously!

More options?

3. The most obvious - theory , about which we wrote quite recently. We live in the matrix (digital universe), and it seems that this is a game for our distant descendants, for example children 2100. People of the future play the game of the past. As we play computer games about Greece, feudalism and the Middle Ages. And our descendants play in us - with 100% immersion in the virtual reality of the past. How fantastic it did not sound.


PSh. : You will not be able to drag your theory of flat land In official science. She is absurd.
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The famous basketball player Shakil O'Neill said he was a supporter of the theory of flat land. Despite the comic tone of the message, it immediately fell into the headlines of the media and caused a stormy discussion among conspiracles.

RT asked the psychologist why the marginal society of a flat land becomes mainstream and why people begin to believe in increasingly incredible things.

The legend of the NBA, the center player Shakil O'Neill said that he divides the position of the playing "Cleveland" Kairi Irving, who said that the land is flat.

"It's true. Earth flat. Listen, there are three ways to manipulate consciousness: with the help of what we read, we see and hear. The first thing we teach us at school: Columbus opened America. However, think about it: when he got here, I met the redhead of people with long hair, smoking tubes of the world. So, Columbus did not open America, "said O'Neill during his podcast The Big Podcast. The legendary basketball player after this discouraging statement continued to prove his co-leading.

Several weeks, a previously playing player "Cleveland Kavlyarz" player, Kairi Irving made a similar statement, but later stated that he just joked. Similar comedy comments of famous athletes caused a stir in the American segment of the Internet, because, as it turned out, the society of supporters of flat land is becoming increasingly popular.

The society of a flat land is a marginal organization, even in the opinion of various conspiracy and alternative historians of the United States following the next UFO, Big Fut and Masonic conspiracy. So, the popular conspiracy channel on YouTube Secure Team has almost a million subscribers and Video with supposedly alien objects and muddy photos of the base of the aliens on the moon. In one of the published materials, the authors of the canal expressed regret "the growing number of people regressing in this ancient faith." The channel was immediately attacked by thousands of Flat Earth Society.

Society itself on its website declares, which is guided exclusively by scientific principles. According to adherents of the theory, resorting to the method of Cartesian skepticism, the burden of proof lies at all who believe that the Earth has a spherical shape. The evidence of this they regard as minor or fabricated. At the same time, they gladly publish video with a low orbit, allegedly proving that the land is flat.

"The most reliable proof of a flat land is the experiment with the level of Bedford. Many times on the segment of the water surface long in six miles, he showed the results that prove the absence of curvature of the earth's surface, " on the website of society.

The experiment referenced by the organization was conducted by the English inventor and the founder of Self-Samuel Roubothem in 1838.

  • Bedford experiment

Members of the Society argue that our planet is a flat disk of 40,000 kilometers in diameter, with a center in the North Pole area. Also, adherents of this theory deny the existence of gravity and the southern pole, instead of which a huge ice wall stretches around the disk.

The followers of this theory claim that all photographs of the Earth from the space are generated on the computer, and faith in spherical land supports the global conspiracy of governments and scientists. Space flights are deception, and the landing on the moon was lifted by the joint efforts of Stanley Kubrick and Andrei Tarkovsky according to the scenario Arthur Clark.

The society produces a huge amount of Internet content, literally fascinating its supporters and opponents with a variety of "evidence": from low-touch mathematical formulas to lists of quotation from the Bible. It came to the point that even Christian fundamentalists fell on the followers of a flat land. Radical Baptist preacher Stephen Anderson, who spreads the theory of conspiracy about the global government, made an angry Tiraja against the followers of society.

Many alternative journalists, historians and conspiragreds spoke with the assumption that government special services can stand behind the society of flat lands, who want to put any alternative views on the world on the laugh.

RT appealed to the comment to the candidate of psychological sciences Alexander Neveev. The scientist explained that there are two reasons why people can suddenly begin to seriously perceive anti-scientific postulates.

"The first is external in relation to man. We receive a huge amount of information in the form of specially harvested information packages. We just inform about something, and we accept it on faith. This is completely normal, since we do not need to know absolutely everything on your own experience. No need to go to America to find out how people live there. But the side effect of this is that people have misunderstanding and concerns that some forces can distort any information. The media is saturated with a person with news, facts but no one is concerned about the development of their understanding. As a result, we have a similar situation. Our earth Nobody saw with her eyes, only in the photographs, respectively, a huge number of insinuations, "the psychologist told.

"The second reason is that our mind initially laid error systems are cognitive distortion and heuristics. Under the influence of these distortion, we tend to consider our version of the events of the most believable. A person is not looking for a refutation by his beliefs. Our mind functions on the principle of cognitive lightness - what does not strain us, we tend to consider the truth. In fact, this is an illusion. Conspiracy theories exploit the problem of what we cannot directly present a person to the evidence of the opposite - send it to orbit and show that the earth is round. To explain to them mathematically, astronomically the parameters that forced scientists to come to this conclusion is very difficult. To say that scientists are aligned and the land is flat, very easy, and perceive it is very easy, "the expert concluded.

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