Scenario for honoring young professional teachers. Celebration script for young professionals “Initiation into the Profession”

Characters: 1st presenter; 2nd presenter.

1st presenter.
We welcome today
Your young friends
Those who are full of strength and knowledge,
Fresh thoughts and ideas.
You all chose the best
Among the many roads,
If you're going to school soon
She brought the threshold.

2nd presenter.
My first lessons
You have successfully completed
And they taught me something
And they were able to captivate the children.
You are now worthy of honor
Be called "teacher".
Here is the first tangible one
All efforts come to fruition.
1st presenter.
Earned per month
Your first bread, labor!
Receive it and sign it!
Photo for us at such a moment!

It is better to photograph the moment by a professional photographer.

2nd presenter.
Your first payday
You can taste it.
The first bread is much tastier
Than bananas and watermelon!
1st presenter.
Here we have a replenishment.
Our business is not easy
We wish you patience
Infinite, at that.
2nd presenter.
Become the children best friend
And manage to do everything:
Teach, inspire, force,
And at the same time, you won’t get bored.
1st presenter.
Yes, even if you had a salary,
So that there is enough for food.
And the surplus goes for travel:
To the sea, to the palm trees, to the cockatoo
2nd presenter.
So that fortune smiles,
So that at least by miracle, but luck,
To protect you from troubles
The school walls are cozy and warm.
1st presenter.
And now for you gifts,
But it’s not just like that,
With meaning. We'll tell you
What, to whom, why and how.

Gifts can be presented by students together with the presenters.

1st presenter.
(To the teacher of the junior group - buttons).
Fidgets on panties
You sew on the button,
And along the loop - onto the chairs.
You fasten your seat belt and everything is ok.
2nd presenter.
(Vocal teacher - 2 ropes).
So that from the stage you captivate
Everyone smiles from ear to ear,
Here, take this remedy
And sew on the ties.
1st presenter.
(To the teacher-organizer - a collection of anecdotes).
Even if at a concert
This thing is in my pocket,
You can in case of a hitch
You reach into your pocket for words.
2nd presenter.
(To the teacher in English in the most younger group- pacifier).
The children will soon overcome
All English, but understand
That the pacifier is more welcome
Your little ones.
1st presenter.
(To the English teacher at the very senior group- a cigarette inserted into the body of a pacifier).
And in the adult group the nipple
For peace of mind you need
But for a different age
She changed too.
2nd presenter.
(To the history teacher - a soldier).
This is the beginning of the collection.
You'll gather a whole regiment of them
Then your kids
They will know a lot about battles.
1st presenter.
(To the choreography teacher - a mop).
If suddenly there is nowhere today
Give you a lesson
You can stay here.
There's a lot of space. Here's the machine.
2nd presenter.
(To the button accordion teacher - a handkerchief).
Take care of the button accordion from damage:
If you get deuces
So that tears don’t corrode
And the furs did not spread.
1st presenter.
(To the folklore teacher in the younger group - a rattle).
For folk ensemble
Here most useful item:
And you can go on stage,
And a toy for three years old.

The rest of the gifts are suitable for teachers of any subject.

2nd presenter.
(Dice with numbers (playing, but without a six).
Ah, grades! How it happened:
A three is a lot, a two is not enough.
What to put? Don't torture your mind
Let chance decide.
1st presenter.
(Bag of peas).
If by your trick
The student disrupted the lesson
Then put it without regret
Put it in the corner for peas.
2nd presenter.
(Stencil with a cut “two”).
If suddenly it’s commonplace
He will start handing out deuces,
Make this job easier
This makes them easier to draw.
1st presenter.
For the placed buttons
And hanging cats
Be threatening with pranksters,
Merciless and harsh.

These funny gifts can be distributed to other teachers. The presenters continue.

1st presenter.
Now it will come for you
And the solemn moment:
Get the most important
Your employment document.

The director hands over work books to young teachers.

2nd presenter.
But this is for your memory.
There will be light and shadow in life,
But try harder
This is an important day to remember.

Gifts are given.

1st presenter.
Congratulations to you, colleagues,
Recognition and honor to you.
Be with us, be with your childhood
Not alone academic year!

After the young teachers have been congratulated, the holiday goes on as usual: skit party, concert, games, tea party - as you wish. And let the newly-minted teachers perform their own act - a parody of the famous poem by A. Barto and at the same time the famous “Letter to the Village to Grandfather.” It can be read like a poem or sung with a guitar (there is no shortage of composers in such groups).
Hello grandpa! Writes to granddaughters.
You told everyone and wrote,
That your grandson is the leader of half-educated people,
And you won't believe who I have become.
So know, grandfather, that I am a teacher,
Yesterday I taught a lesson for the first time.
I dreamed that I was a torturer
Some small round crumbs.
I had nightmares all night,
I woke up ten times
After all, teach the lessons yourself
It was my first time.
So I woke up on a dark night,
And it was only three o'clock
And I was terribly scared
That my lesson has already begun.
I put on my outfit in a minute
And he grabbed a magazine from the table,
And dad rushed after him
And he caught up with me at the door.
And behind the wall the neighbors stood
And the electricity was turned on
While we were waking up we understood
Dad and I went to bed again.
So I woke up the whole apartment
And I couldn’t sleep until the morning,
And even my grandmother dreamed
It's like she's teaching a lesson
And even my brother dreamed
It's like he's standing with a pointer
And what's under the globe is random
He discovered dynamite.
There is some kind of coldness in the eyes of mothers,
All greetings are silent,
They say I'm indecently young,
And they are in no hurry to entrust their children.
And I'm sitting with an unshaven muzzle,
There's a kilogram of chains on the jacket,
Very proud of his hippie look
And the obedience of children.
They fall silent like fish
And someone even climbed into the closet,
Seeing a gloomy smile
And a mohawk haircut.
Little ones need discipline!
After all, eyewitnesses say
They knocked down the piano
And they are always on your ears
I want to confess to you honestly:
And I could have knocked him down.
Now it's useless to think
After all, from now on I am a teacher.
I will be paid for my hard work,
But they say that sometimes
Everything works out here, which means
It's probably not a problem.
I'll finish writing here,
I kiss you, dear grandfather.
With warm fiery greetings
Vanyushka Zhukov, your grandson.

It's good if yours educational institution occupies a spacious separate building. But if you are huddled “as a bird” in a semi-basement and are forced to put up with the proximity of a sovereign owner who is far from art (which happens all the time), then the highlight of your program may be the appearance of this same “owner” at the evening with a parody of himself ( perhaps also in execution young teacher).
May you have creative success
And see colorful dreams!
But don't forget,
What you always have to do here:
Reimburse me for all rent
And pay for all the warmth
And take part in everything,
Whatever goes on here.
And to learn “spillies”,
Still keeping things in mind:
Patch up the roof for the season
Not out of conscience, but out of fear.
Wash all the corridors with a song
And decorate shop windows,
Restore paintings
And congratulate the management.
If you didn't run away
And we agree to endure everything,
Let me congratulate you
And sit down at your table.

More from the site

Day open doors Usually held at the end of April, in May. And for any private enterprises this is a more than responsible undertaking. Here I used live performances and edited videos. The installation was carried out by me. Naturally, I connected two VCRs, I connected the sound of the outgoing VCR to an audio mixer, and a computer with various music there. Output from the mixer to the recording VCR. This combines the sound with the video and the music you choose.

Two presenters come out.

Presenter 1:There are many good, necessary professions in the world, and everywhere you need your own skills. And the teaching profession is universal. The teacher must, like a doctor, provide first aid to the student in the event of a successful attempt to throw a briefcase at the head. The teacher is also an artist, because we resort to all kinds of tricks in order to attract the attention of children in the lesson. To maintain discipline, a teacher must have the skills of a policeman; to live from paycheck to paycheck, the skills of an economist. This list can be continued endlessly.

Well, aren't you scared? (Addresses young teachers) If you still haven't changed your mind, then get ready for space. Yes, yes, there are some similarities in the professions of an astronaut and a teacher, and you will see this now

Presenter 2 appears with a sign “Spaceship School”, and presenter 1 has a sign “Mission Control Center (MCC)”.

Presenter 2: Earth, Earth! Says "School". We are experiencing severe overloads. Replenishment urgently required. How do you hear? Welcome!

Presenter 1:“School,” says Mission Control, I hear you well. Replenishment is preparing for flight, wait. End of connection.

Astronaut candidates, get ready to undergo pre-launch space training.

Today we have ________ candidates for “cosmonauts”.

Age: young. Personality: optimistic.
Education: the highest – pedagogical.
Other indicators: iron grip, mind control.
The desire to work on the ship "School" is great.

Presenter 2:You will have to pass tests before we send you to the unknown ship "School", where you will have to work for at least 30 light years. To do this, we will divide you into groups (based on the choice of color, number, season, parts of the picture, etc.).

As soon as the teams are divided into groups, they are asked to choose a name and captain, are given a route sheet and are given the start of the quest.

Route sheet

Team name:________________________________

You need to go through all the stations in the order in which they are indicated in your route:



Meeting the inhabitants of another planet


Noise overload




Communication with extraterrestrial intelligence


It is important that each team has its own order of stations, then they will not collide and crowd at the stations.

Shipwreck Station

Two presentersin the image alien creatures.

Presenter 1: Hello, earthlings! We are glad to welcome you on our ship “Zvezda 386”. We are aliens I*lo and O*lya (in the original Ilona and Olya, you can substitute other names).

Presenter 2:we were told that earthlings are very cheerful, and we would like to check it out...

Game "Caterpillar"

Target: building interpersonal trust and group cooperation.

Presenter 1 conducts, presenter 2 sits on the music.

Presenter 1:Your task is to form a chain (stand one after another)- “caterpillar”. The first player is the “head”, the last one is the “tail”.

The music turns on and the caterpillar begins to move forward, while the “head” shows various dance movements (arms, body, legs, head), and the rest of the players try to repeat these movements.

When the “head” gets tired, it turns to the player next to him, strokes his head, and moves to the tail of the caterpillar. The game continues with a new leader and new movements, as long as the music continues.

Presenter 2:You and I had so much fun that something happened to our ship... And, in my opinion, we are on the verge of a space shipwreck. To correct the current situation, we need to tie the knots of balance .

Game "Knot"

Target:development of creative thinking, ability to act in non-standard situations.

Each member of the group holds on to a rope. The task is to tie the rope into a knot. You cannot let go of your hands, you can only move along the rope. If someone lets go, the game starts over.

Presenter 1:Thank you, earthlings, for making us laugh and helping us save our ship! We wish that in your professional activity you knew how to find creative solutions to standard and non-standard situations! Thank you for your work on the “Shipwreck” section. Good luck!

Station "Weightlessness".

Two presentersin the form of astronauts who conduct tests for our candidates.

Equipment:a free office (move desks to a corner) or a gym, 3-5 plastic trays, 20 plastic cups, 15-20 textbooks, 3-4 document folders with paper, chalk (draw a route), a list of tricky questions (at least 100 pieces ). If necessary, music speakers with music (for example, the song “Grass near the House” by the group “Earthlings”).

Presenter 1:The teacher is constantly experiencing overload, and you have to experience it - dragging a carriage and a small cart of reports, questionnaires, magazines and notebooks into the office; at recess, trying to relax, answer children’s questions, sometimes the most unexpected ones; and have lunch (or even dinner) in the school cafeteria, fighting your way through the swarm of schoolchildren with your plates. You need to manage not to lose your temper and maintain balance.

Presenter 2:The first test is to get books from the library, go to the head teacher on the way and pick up a couple of reports there and bring it all to your office.

Participants take books and folders with papers in their hands, under their armpits, under their chins and walk along a drawn line (a curve with turns, you can draw with chalk on the floor) to the presenter, who counts what they have brought and asks to give back some book from the middle.

Presenter 1:The second test - recess has begun, you need to rest, but the children are running around and everyone strives to ask their own question, the most important for them, and will certainly get an answer to it.

Participants stand on one leg, fold their arms across their chests, stand for 3 minutes, and at the same time answer a number of the most unusual questions from the presenter (here the help of one or two people may be required to recreate the atmosphere of the class). At the same time, any loud music is played for the greatest immersion in the long-awaited change.

Presenter 2:Finally, the third test is lunch during a short break. So little time, and so many students in the cafeteria! You need to walk from wall to wall along a drawn route with a tray on which there are 10 full glasses of water and not spill a drop.

Participants take turns walking along the line with the tray. For a change, here you can also ask them tricky (and not so tricky) questions. The second part – colleagues are celebrating an anniversary and three of them need to carry the tray.

Leading:Well, that's all, you did a great job. We wish you success in our difficult teaching work. Don't hang your head and everything will be okay.

Station "Communication with extraterrestrial intelligence"

Two presenters inthe image of unearthly creatures with a painted “third eye” on the forehead, which is responsible for understanding speech, hearing and gestures (preferably wearing clothes in bright blue or green colors).

Presenter 1:Hello, earthlings! We are pleased to welcome you to our station “Communication with Extraterrestrial Intelligence”. Before you get to a new planet for you, we invite you to communicate with its inhabitants, find out how and what they live, what they do, and how they behave.

Game "Balcony or Catch Me If You Can"

Target: the ability to voice words so that your partner can understand you.

Presenter 1 conducts, Presenter 2 keeps track of time. The first task takes 5 minutes.

Cards for participants The following cards were prepared: Federal State Educational Standards, parts of speech, presentation, novel, Saltykov-Shchedrin, hypotenuse, Pythagoras, continent, atmosphere, reproduction, anatomy, electricity, hydrogen.

Two volunteers are selected: one, who is wearing headphones with loud music, tries to understand by his lips what word the second one is saying to him. The second participant receives a set of cards with words and phrases. His task is to explain these words to the first person using facial expressions.

Presenter 1: You did great, but this is just the first test!

Game "Crocodile"

Target:explain words to the team without using speech; approach the process creatively and unconventionally.

Presenter 2 conducts, Presenter 1 keeps track of time. The second task takes 5 minutes.

Cards for participants: current, absenteeism, tardiness, test, director, dining room, recess, diary, pedagogical council, Parent meeting, class hour, physical education, exam, last call, tourist rally.

One volunteer is selected and receives a set of cards with words and phrases. His task is to explain these words to the team without words.

Presenter 1: You coped well with all the tests! We wish you to understand and hear your students in any incomprehensible situation. And, most importantly, convey information to them so that they hear and understand you. Bon Voyage!

Station "Noise overload"

Two presenters in the image of inhabitants of the planet “Uchebnus”.

Presenter 1:Salute, dear earthlings! We are representatives of the planet "Uchebnus".
Each of you is a cosmonaut candidate for our spaceship"School 2017". Once in space, you will face enormous difficulties and overloads, so at our station we will check whether you are ready for flight.
Today you have to undergo a noise overload test. Presenter 2 will introduce you to the instructions.

Presenter 2:Dear earthlings, you have 30 seconds to choose two astronaut candidates. One will read the given text against a background of noise. The other candidate will try to understand the main gist of the text and paraphrase it. The remaining participants will create additional noise. Let's time it to 30 seconds!


Man has always strived for the sky. First with a look, with a thought. Then, looking at the birds soaring freely in the vast expanse, the man built wings for himself. Much later, inquisitive minds came up with aeronautical vehicles. Then - airplanes, spaceships, and, finally, orbital stations.

50 years have passed since the day when, on April 12, 1961, the Soviet Union launched the world's first satellite spaceship“VOSTOK” with a person on board. Then the whole world froze for a moment. And then - rejoicing Soviet Union and shocking the US.

The problem of space exploration has become global. Since the beginning of the space era, to support the flights of spacecraft, mankind has created cosmodromes, ground control services, communications, detection and evacuation of descent vehicles. Several thousand spacecraft were launched, about 300 manned flights were made, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and other objects were explored by automatic means.

Thanks to the development of science, it became known that we are surrounded by an incredible variety of galaxies of various shapes: the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds; elliptical; dwarf galaxies. The stars we see in the night sky are the closest to our solar system. And the bright stripe called the Milky Way is the visible edge of our galaxy, just one of the hundreds of billions of stars that make up the Milky Way. And the Milky Way is one of billions of galaxies scattered throughout the Universe.

Planets and stars pose many mysteries to humanity: how are they formed? What are they made of? How do they live and how do they die? Among them there are those who make you admire yourself, your uniqueness and beauty.

Among the numerous stars, called red dwarfs in astronomy, which are just a stone's throw from the Earth, a bright bluish star stands out. This is Sirius. It can be considered the brightest and most famous star on our planet. After all, the ancient inhabitants of the Earth not only observed Sirius and knew about him, he was the hero of various legends, religious cults were associated with him, they expected aliens from him and hoped to find brothers in mind there, ships, planes, and car engines were named after him.

The Egyptians built their temples in such a way that the light of Sirius fell directly on the altar. Among the Maori, Sirius personified the wisest creature, Rehua, who can heal illnesses and raise people from the dead. Science has proven that Sirius is a double star, but the African Dogon tribe knew about the second star of Sirius long before science discovered this fact...

I am sure that space leaves no one indifferent. It stuns some, delights others, makes others think... Many centuries have passed since man first began to study the sky purposefully, to discover planets and stars. On a cosmic scale of time, this is just a moment. The Universe is an inexhaustible source of secrets and wonders. For centuries man has been looking into starry sky and reflects on eternity and beauty that carries unknown dangers. Will all the mysteries of the stars ever be solved? Quite possible. After all, as Fred Hoyle said: “Space is not that far away - only an hour's drive if your car can go straight up.”

Additional sounds: the sound of an engine, a child's cry, the sound of the wind, a dog barking, an old man grumbling, a fire evacuation signal, the cry of a seagull, the sound of applause.

Presenter 1:Thank you, earthlings, you have successfully coped with noise overloads. We wish you to always be prepared for difficulties during your flight, overcome all obstacles, not be distracted by extraneous noises and never go astray!

Station "Meeting the inhabitants of another planet"

The two presenters are dressed as astronauts, experienced ones who have communicated with aliens many times.

Presenter 1:Hello, astronauts! We are glad to welcome you to our station "Meeting the inhabitants of another planet." When going to another planet, it is important to know its culture, and above all, its language of communication. Now we will find out how well you speak the language of our “aliens”.

Presenter 2:First you need to decipher three messages written in an alien language. Look carefully at the slide and try to find out what is written there.

The first message is simply studied, it is difficult to completely decipher even for experienced astronaut teachers, and the team deciphers the other two by copying the message onto their answer sheet .

The slide shows fragments of notes from the notebooks of the “alien” students.

Presenter 1:Great, you have mastered the written speech of our alien creatures, now let’s check your knowledge of oral speech, which will be useful to you in direct live communication with “aliens.” In front of you is a phrasebook; you need to write a translation of the words presented.

Worksheets are a table with two columns. The first contains words from the students’ lexicon (aggro, roflit, hype, easy, zashkvar, hater, sasny, po dehe, gaisy, pumping), in the second you need to write down the “translation”.

Presenter 2:Well done! You have successfully completed the task, and now I can communicate with you in a real “alien” language! There may be something you haven't studied yet, but I hope we can understand each other! Bro, you just had a level-up! Be at the top, get experience and achievements! Write to everyone!

Completing the quest

Presenter 1:"School", "School"! This is Mission Control speaking. Cosmonaut candidates have successfully passed all tests and are ready to go to the School spacecraft. Accept replenishment!

Presenter 2:Got you! Ready to receive replenishment!

Presenter 1: Before you set off to explore space, you need to take an oath to yourself!

Solemn oath

1. We swear to teach based on the state educational program in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.
2. We swear to abide by the Olympic motto “Faster, higher, stronger!” This means: don’t run faster than the wind during recess, don’t jump higher than the administration, don’t be stronger than Atlanta, and don’t carry bags with notebooks weighing more than 10 kilograms.
3. We swear not to scream louder than the children and forgive them for pranks.
4. We swear to love all children and remain faithful to the school.

Presenter 2:I would like to hope that smart, kind, inquisitive young people came to schools, in whose hands the future of the state is children. So be patient, wise, selfless! Happy pedagogical destiny to you! See you again!

Worked on the quest script:

Valeria Samoilova, social studies teacher at the Petrozavodsk Presidential Cadet School, chairman of the Council of Young Teachers of the Republic of Karelia.

Evgeny Baglikov, teacher of history and social studies at the Derzhavinsky Lyceum in Petrozavodsk.

Andrey Poverenny, history and social studies teacher high school No. 36 with in-depth study foreign languages Petrozavodsk.

Alexander Golubnik, computer science teacher at secondary school No. 25 in Petrozavodsk.

Elena Pushkash, social studies teacher at secondary school No. 39 in Petrozavodsk.

Maria Karpycheva, history and social studies teacher at secondary school No. 29 in Petrozavodsk.

Alina Matikainen, history and social studies teacher at Zaozersk Secondary School No. 10.

Natalya Yurkevich, teacher primary classes Lyceum No. 40 of Petrozavodsk.

Ulyana Rastorgueva-Galichikhina, teacher-psychologist, teacher-organizer of Lyceum No. 40 of Petrozavodsk.

Olga Kovru, Chairman of the Council of Young Teachers at the regional republican organization of the Trade Union of Education of the Republic of Karelia.

Ilona Vasilyeva, teacher at the Industrial College of Petrozavodsk.

Initiation of young specialists into teachers
The script was developed for the teaching staff
and was dedicated to professional holiday"Teacher's Day"
Roles: judge - director, prosecutor, defense attorney, secretary, defendants - young teachers
Secretary: I ask everyone to stand up, the trial is underway.
Judge: Today the case of young specialists is being heard. Are the witnesses ready?
Host: Yes, your honor.
Judge: The floor is given to the prosecutor.
Prosecutor: On September 1, 20..., two young teachers were accepted into school No.... -...
Olga Gennadievna and... Daria Vladimirovna. They claimed that they received
pedagogical education by specialty teacher information technologies And
primary school teacher. They even presented diplomas of dubious
Lawyer: Your Honor, I object. Here is the result of the examination, which confirms that
These institutions have a state license and diplomas, therefore,
Prosecutor: I agree. But it is necessary to conduct an investigative experiment and prove that
these teachers can work with students. (Addresses the teacher)
... Olga Gennadievna. Create an algorithm for the work day of a computer science teacher.
Computer science teacher: (Announces the algorithm of the working day).
Preparing for the lesson - going to school - remove the office from the security console - turn it on
computer – lesson – filling out the journal – lesson – filling out the journal – put on the remote control
- way home.
Prosecutor: You see, the most important elements are missing here - a visit to the canteen,
meeting with the administration. If our teachers are fed by the holy spirit, then soon we will
we will be left without a teacher.
Defender: We do not agree. The lunch break is not included in the busy schedule, and
My client was “baptized” with the position of part-time secretary.
Judge: Witness... (full name of the head teacher). Do you confirm that there were no disruptions to lessons?
Olga Gennadievna's fault? (I confirm).
Word from the accused: I do not plead guilty.
Judge: Let's consider the case of Daria Vladimirovna. Before you is a set of letters. Make them up
the names of your students. The cleanliness of the experiment will be monitored by... (full name of the head teacher of education) and
... (full name of the head teacher of VR).

Prosecutor: Knowledge of students in their class is not the only indicator. I suggest
play a game with those present in the hall. Perhaps this will mitigate the punishment.
Daria Vladimirovna conducts any game with the team.
Defender: I ask you to give O.G. an opportunity. for additional examination. She's wonderful
knows the keyboard and can sing the alphabet to the tune of any song. (“Let them run
Judge: Taking into account everything heard and seen today, the court rules
To recognize Daria Fedorovna as a teacher and oblige her to obtain a second specialty -
teacher of Russian language and literature. To mitigate her punishment, she receives
portable scanner "Kopirka2007" and Newton's apple (dried fruit).
Recognize Olesya Viktorovna as a mother of many children and she is entitled to harm for being harmful
Bow your head. You are sentenced to an unbearable eternal load - “Cool
A word from the defendant. Response from young specialists.
Judge: You have been awarded the title of young teacher. I ask you to take an oath on the most precious one,
what is in the school - class magazine.
I, a young teacher_________, I swear
forever love your profession;
adore mischievous and naughty students;
improve the quality of learning through affection, attention and care;
I swear that I will listen to my mentors;
learn from the wise;
I will become a participant in the “Teacher of the Year 2010” competition;
I will never leave my native school and never forget my first students.
I swear, I swear, I swear!
Gift from colleagues:
1. Drink a drink made from student and teacher tears. (Cup mineral water With
2. And these are the bumps that others filled before you. ( Pine cones, painted

Scenario “Initiation as a young teacher”
At the entrance to the assembly hall - distribution of emoticons and markers. Each teacher depicts himself as a smiley face.

We welcome today
Your young friends.
Those who are full of strength and knowledge,
Fresh thoughts and ideas.
You all chose the best
Among the many roads,
Have a fun day today
She brought the threshold.

My first lessons
You have successfully completed
And they taught me something
And they were able to captivate the children.
You are now worthy of honor
Called "Teacher".
Here is the first tangible one
All efforts come to fruition.

Ksyusha: The Children's EcoCenter hospitably opened its doors to young teachers. AND
Today we are very pleased to welcome you into our big friendly family.
Tanya: The work of a teacher is unique. It requires a lot of endurance, dedication, and patience, but all this is easily compensated by the smiles of the children of your associations.
Ksyusha: It's time to get acquainted! My name is Ksyusha - I am a teacher-organizer!
Tanya: And I’m Tanya, the head of the organizational and mass department!
Ksyusha: There are two of us and we are wearing vests!
Tanya: We will do everything to make this evening fun and memorable.
Ksyusha: Let's get acquainted. I ask everyone to stand in one big circle.
Acquaintance in a circle (snowball - Tatiana - Talented, Ksenia - Creative...)
Tanya: And we continue our acquaintance, only our tasks become more complicated.
Unity game - line up by height, hair length, shoe size, work experience, first letter of full name, patronymic, number of hours of study
Ksyusha: Well done. You do a good job with our tasks.
Tanya: A teacher should always be able to find a naughty child, a naughty child who corrupts the team and affects general discipline. Now we will check how you cope with this.
Frog (1 leader, 1 frog, you need to identify the frog, the frog, sticking out its tongue, takes players out of the game)
Ksyusha: We all work in the institution additional education. And each of you has faced the problem of competition. We fight with competitors when we recruit children into associations, performing at competitions and festivals.
Tanya: And we’ll see which of you does it best.
Thousand (like in a western, 2 hands 2 pistols, leader)
Ksyusha: And we move on. You work not in a simple institution, but in a children's environmental and biological center. And we want to check if you know its features. If the statement we read is true, then you run to the right, but if it is false, then to the left.
Tanya: First statement. Children's EcoCenter is a UNESCO school (+).
Ksyusha: Our institution has 6 departments (-).
Tanya: Deputy Director for Educational Work - Lyudmila Viktorovna Martynova (+).
Ksyusha: Methodical day - Tuesday (-).
Tanya: Yulia Valerievna Shurova is the chairman of the council of young teachers (-).
Ksyusha: There is a Sacred Myna in the zoo (+).
Tanya: The pony's names are Nikita and Olya (-).
Ksyusha: There are 5 computers in the methodological department (-).
Tanya: In the office of public initiatives, safari is on wallpaper (+).
Ksyusha: IEA is an international environmental association (-).
Tanya: BB - 20 years (+).
Ksyusha: The director of our institution is Galina Viktorovna Sitnikova.
“Yes - no” truth and fiction about the EcoCenter
Tanya: And now it’s time to meet our wonderful department heads. I ask everyone to come to me and stand in one line.
In front of them, the letters BTI, TsKG, SHYUV are scattered on the floor. Their first task is to collect all the letters. The next task is to determine what these letters are. Once they guess that these are the initials of all employees, they need to identify those who belong to their department.
Ksyusha: Thanks to our managers. I ask them to take their places in the hall.
Tanya: The time has come for the most long-awaited, most interesting and exciting action.
Ksyusha: Dedication to young teachers. Today they will have to pass tests from all 4 departments.
Tanya: Teachers, please come to us. We start with the task of the botany department.
Pass an apple in a circle without using your hands
Ksyusha: The MEA department has prepared the following task for us
bring clothes for speed (watch, tie, glasses, shoe, jacket or sweater, belt, scarf, cell phone, mirror).
Tanya: And we welcome the zoology department
identify animals in closed cages (Achatina snails, zoophobos, leopard geckos, bronze beetles).
Ksyusha: You coped with three difficult tests. The last thing left is from the ecology department.
Sitting on chairs they answer questions.
. aviary,
. stable,
. reception,
. Assembly Hall,
. toilet,
. cafe,
. fountain,
. Salt Lake,
. zoo,
. methodological department,
. organizational and mass department,
. Botanical Garden.
. How often do you go there?
. What do you like to do there?
. What smell is associated with this place?
. Do you enjoy going to this place?
. Which teachers would you take there?
. Why do you go there?
. Will you spend your holiday there?
. What are you missing there?
. Participation in corporate events,
. Receipt wages,
. Recruitment of children to the association,
. Conducting a lesson
. Participation in seminars,
. Participation in cleanup days,
. Cleaning the fountain
. Participation in the pedagogical council,
. Participation in competitions,
. Compilation of a report,
. Filling out logs
. Business trip.
. Are you doing this alone or with someone?
. Do you like doing this?
. How do you feel when you do this?

. How often do you do it?
. Will you teach this to your children?
. How often do you do it?
. How do you prepare for this?
. Do your parents know you're doing this?
. How many times a week are you willing to do this?
Tanya: Well done, you completed all the tasks, it’s time to take the teacher’s oath!
Arm yourself with plans and notes, lists and other papers to prove your professionalism.
Remember what they have long said in Rus': “Talent must be hungry.” Therefore, give up on everything and eat exclusively spiritual food.
Amaze yourself and others with your own invention, imagination, talent, enthusiasm, as well as modesty and politeness.
And now I ask you to take an oath and after each point repeat three times: “I swear!”
Solemn oath
. We vow to uphold the Olympic motto “Faster, Higher, Stronger.”

. We swear not to scream louder than the children and forgive them for their pranks.
Young professionals. We swear!
. We swear to love all children and maintain loyalty to the EcoCenter.
Young professionals. We swear!
Tanya: Colleagues of the new arrivals, congratulate the young people.
Ksyusha: The honorable right to say parting words to young teachers and congratulate the staff on Teacher’s Day is given to the director of the Children’s EcoCenter - Galina Vladimirovna Sitnikova
(congratulations, presentation of children's drawings)
Tanya: Passing the “Tree of Pedagogical Innovations” in a circle with wishes.
General photo

An event dedicated to honoring young professionals.

Gorbunova Natalya Alekseevna, teacher - organizer of the MBUDO CDOD in Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk region
Description. The script is aimed at an adult audience and will be useful and interesting to organizers of city events.

Target: formation of a system of work to attract and retain young specialists in the institution.
Adaptation of young specialists to the position.
Development of young specialists in professional activities.
Assessing the potential of young specialists.
Equipment: Sound design, banners, flowers, ribbons, loaf.
Progress of the concert program.

Fanfare. Exit of the presenters.
Alexander: Hello, dear friends!

Olga: Good afternoon, dear guests of our holiday!
We welcome today
Your young friends
Those who are full of strength and knowledge,
Fresh thoughts and ideas.

Olga: It seems that just recently the guys were happy about graduating from university, accepting congratulations and showing off their diplomas. And here they are - young specialists for whom the road to professional and career growth has opened.
Alexander: Youth is a time when everything is interesting. Youth is a time when everything works out. Youth is a time when all roads and paths are open.

Olga: But how to choose the right path? Who to be? This question comes to everyone sooner or later. One becomes a musician, another a programmer, a third an economist, and someone wants to become a doctor or a teacher.
Alexander: The work of a teacher is incomparable. The weaver sees the fruits of his labor within an hour, the steelmaker rejoices at the fiery flow of metal within a few hours, the grain grower admires the ears of grain after a few months.
A teacher needs to work for years and years to see the result of his creation. And there is nothing more joyful and difficult than educating the soul!
Olga: The profession of a medical worker is one of the most respected and responsible professions on earth. Sometimes not only the health, but also the life of the patient depends on the doctor and nurse.
Alexander: And we are very glad that the ranks of specialists in these humane professions are being replenished in Dimitrovgrad

Olga: In our city there are traditions that go back decades, and there are those that are still very young. Today there will be a presentation of another holiday - “Initiation of young specialists into the profession.” I would like to wish that it also becomes a good tradition in our city.
Alexander: We welcome our energetic, creative, unique, brave, young specialists, future Makarenkos and Pirogovs with applause! Let's meet our hope and support!
To the music, young specialists go to the center of the hall.
Olga: Dear friends, you have only recently embarked on this path. You are a fresh stream in your holy cause, a young shoot of brilliant ideas and aspirations. We wish you only bright days, and may each of your deeds fall into fertile soil and grow with amazing fruits.
Alexander: And ceremonial initiation into the profession is the key to successful and fruitful work of yesterday’s graduates. No initiation is complete without an oath. Young specialists, take your oath to attention.
Olga: To read the oath, we invite the director of the Municipal State Institution “Committee for Youth Affairs” of the city of Dimitrovgrad, Artem Anatolyevich Starostin.

The director reads, young specialists repeat
I, joining the ranks of young specialists in the city of Dimitrovgrad, solemnly promise:

To firmly remember and tirelessly put into practice everything that I was taught, is being taught and will be taught.
All: I swear!
Listen to the voice of reason (especially the voice of management).
All: I swear!
Patiently listen to all the comments and suggestions of colleagues (but do it in your own way and, most importantly, correctly).
All: I swear!
Take an active part in all recreational activities.
All: I swear!
Don’t give your colleagues a leg up, don’t lend a shoulder.
All: I swear!
Meet each day with the hope that it will be better than yesterday.
All: I swear!
Love yourself and those around you.
All: I swear!
Don’t be afraid to put forward new hypotheses, ideas and projects for the benefit of our city, Russian people and peace.
I swear!
Take advice from senior colleagues.
All: I swear!
Do not deviate from the chosen and undoubtedly correct path.
All: I swear!
I swear to strengthen and multiply your greatness, dear Dimitrovgrad
All: I swear!
I swear by inspired work and the ebullient energy of youth to create the present and design the future.
All: I swear! I swear! I swear!

Olga: Dear friends, let's congratulate each other with applause.

Alexander: The floor is given to the Deputy Head of the Dimitrovgrad City Administration, Irina Viktorovna Bakanova.
Speech by I.V. Bakanova.
Young specialist... interesting phrase. On the one hand, he is a specialist, and on the other hand, he is young, which means he is “green” and does not know how to do anything. You can say: you learned, work, gain experience, get bruises and bumps, a year will pass, another - you will learn. Everything is true if you work with technology, but with a teacher or doctor there are always real people. They can't wait for you to grow up and gain experience. They need you smart, kind, cheerful, wise here and now. It doesn’t matter to them that you yourself are only 20-23 years old.

Olga: And at this moment it is very important that at work you are greeted as a colleague, as a friend who can be advised, prompted, helped, warned, supported. And it is equally important to undergo an initiation ceremony into the profession.

Olga: The head of the Education Department of the Dimitrovgrad City Administration, Evgeniy Yuryevich Gribakin, is invited for the dedication ceremony.
Speech by E.Yu. Gribakina

Alexander: And the head of Clinical Hospital No. 172 of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency of Russia
Performance. Musical background. Tying ribbons.
Here we have a replenishment.
Our business is not easy
We wish you good luck,
Infinite, at that.

And we are giving you as a gift a performance by the choreographic studio “Suite” of the Center for Additional Education for Children.
Russian dance "Ladushki"

Alexander: Each person has his own charter, his own life credo, his own recipe for happiness.
Olga: But the recipe for the labor bread of a teacher, educator, or doctor is special.
Alexander: Interesting. What does it consist of?
Olga: Let's take 2 kg of justice, a glass of sincerity, add patience, a spoonful of punctuality, a handful of unpredictability, mix everything with prudence, energy, and humanity. We will decorate all this with elegance.
P A loaf of bread is brought out to the music.

Your first bread, labor!
You can taste it.
The first bread is much tastier
Than bananas and watermelon!

Olga: Dear friends! The book of your professional life is still being written, and we hope that it will turn out to be a solid tome with rich content. But now we can guess that thanks to you, this book will be as kind and wise as you are, it will be imbued with the light of knowledge and warmth that you sincerely share with people.

Alexander: And it will not neglect trifles and insignificant events. This book will be worthy of your name!

Olga: And at the end of the first part of our holiday, we give you a musical gift.
Alexander sings the song “The Best Day.”
Olga: And now we invite young professionals to come and prepare for the sports program of our meeting. After a short break, we invite teams of young education and medicine specialists to compete.
Sports part. (Young professionals change clothes and take part in a sports event prepared by the sports committee)
Demonstration performances of athletes
Alexander: Hard work and determination never go unnoticed; they evoke feelings of respect and joy. All your heights are yet to come. There is no doubt that you will achieve recognition of your professionalism. The main thing is to never stop there.
You chose according to your liking,
The choice was made well!
We see great talent
We welcome you with all our hearts.
Today you took an oath,
Congratulations were accepted.
And at the end of our meeting, accept another musical gift

Olga sings the song “We wish you.”
Happiness, health, good luck in your work.

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