Exhibition “Military Labor of Russia

military labor

Alternative descriptions

Military operations, armed struggle

Roman I. Stadnyuk

Poem by M. Lermontov

Roman by I. Stadnyuk (1970-1980)

. "... for no particular reason" from the song of the group "Kino"

. "... and peace"

. "Get ready for it if you want peace"

. "fighting" song by Viktor Tsoi

. "spawn of furies" for Erasmus of Rotterdam

Antonym of peace

What was Ares the god of?

There are no winners

Translated from Sanskrit, this word means “to desire more cows”, and the shortest of them lasted only 30 minutes and took place in 1896

The Great Patriotic War

Armed struggle

Armed struggle between states

Armed struggle between states or peoples, between classes within a state

Armed conflict between countries

Armed action

World War II

General's occupation

The only worthy occupation for a Spartan

Zh. (war, to fight, to beat, massacre, to fight, as probably a boyar, and a governor or war leader), discord and military combat between states, international warfare. Offensive war, when an army is led against a foreign state; defensive, when they meet this army, to protect their own. An internecine war, strife, when one and the same people, divided into two in unrest, fight each other with weapons. War by land, sea, battle on the mainland, at sea. Underground war, various mines. childbirth, during a siege, on both sides. Small war, outpost service, occupations and duties of the guard unit of the army. Guerrilla warfare, the actions of individual, small units of the army, from the wings and from the rear of the enemy, to cut off funds and supplies to him. People's War, in which the whole people, out of sympathy for the discord, takes a lively part. Ink war, altercation on the letter. It’s easy to hear about war, but hard (scary) to see it. It’s good to hear about the war, but God forbid to see it. A good war is just around the corner, they will end up in the pestilence, they will lie and brag during the war. Don't joke about war and fire. Every war is from the adversary, not from God. I would go to war, but it would be a pity to leave my wife. Mushrooms were gathering to go to war, from the song. Wolves howl under housing, indicating frost or war. Fight who, what, with whom, against whom; fight with whom, old. and arch. to go to war against someone, to go with an army into battle, attacking or defending, to wage war, to take up arms and fight with weapons. To fight the people, the land, the sovereign, to go offensively, for conquest. They fight, so they steal, that is, they cheat. He who is strong and rich is good at fighting. Their house is in great disarray, as if Mamai was at war. If I had known, I would not have fought. I would have fought, but lost the fight. fought and fought, but took nothing. You have to fight cockroaches on the stove. Need grieves, need fights. War Wed. duration valid according to verb. Warrior m. (plural warriors and warriors), old. warrior, warrior, zap. warrior; serving in the army, military man, soldier, warrior, warrior. I'm going to war. There is safety in numbers. The kind of warrior who sits and howls. Warrior: sits under a bush and gives. During our Patriotic War, warriors were called special militia recruited from specific estates Grand Duchess Ekaterina Pavlovna. A warrior, a warrior, a warrior, a military warrior in practice, a person who fought. leader; a ruler eager for battle, warlike, instigating war. The military, a meeting of officers and general employees in military service . Almost all the military people were at the ball (Naumov). Army, army cf. military force, army, army, militia, as a whole or in parts. The army is regular, drill, orderly; irregular combat discordant, e.g. Cossack Called non-combatant. We have a non-combat unit of the army, a convoy unit. The Cossack troops are disorganized, but they are a combative army. Our Cossack estates form, each in itself, a special army: Don, Terek, Kuban, Ural, Orenburg, Siberian, Astrakhan, Bashkir, etc. Naval land army; army on foot and horse. Army, called in the Urals. all available sets of Cossacks who fish in autumn, winter and spring (Shane). The heavenly army, angelic forces, faces of angels and archangels. Military, about a person serving in the army, about the matter of a thing, related to the army, military, combat, military; but usually, of course, military on land, not naval. War paint, black and white, in slanted checks, with hot edges. Warlike, arch. warrior, ready for battle, for a fight, for war, courageous, brave. Ivanushka Godinovich was a great man, Ileika Muromets was a fairy tale. Militancy g. the property of one who loves to fight, who is ready to fight. Military, army, related to the army, belonging to it; more commonly used about the Cossack troops. Military ataman, chief commander of the army, ataman, ordinary chief, governor. Military comrade, the Little Russian Cossacks first had the honorary title of honored warrior, then the rank of centurion. Military esaul is a type of senior adjutant, duty staff officer who managed the office. Fighting is old. to be a military man. Voivode m. leader of the army, military leader, senior in the army. The big governor is old. commander-in-chief. Voivode of the right, left hand, head of the right and left wing of the army. Star. mayor, governor. Courage to the strength of the commander. A strong army is a commander, a prison is a vegetable garden. One warrior (voivode) leads thousands, but God leads thousands and warriors. God punished the people: he sent a governor. Push water to the governor. To be a commander, you can’t live without honey. It's not a big deal, but the governor is tough: he whipped out a whip. The governor will come and bring the rolls, old man. bread and salt. The governor marks a year, and answers two. A year of litter, and three responses, from the ancient deadline for complaints. He breaks down like the Arzamas governor. Why are you sitting there like a Vazhi commander? Galicians are alarming jackdaws, Galician governors, self-willed people. army, and the governor fell in one fell swoop, sleep. Lubyan is a city, a detached city, and in that city the governor is mute? the child is in a state of flux. Voivodka m. old. reproachfully, governor, more about foreign and enemy military leaders; and. voivode's wife, voivode. Voevodich m. -chna zh. son and daughter of a governor. Voevodin, belongs to him. voivode, the same, and also characteristic of voivodes. Voivodeship or voivodeship cf. rank, rank, position of governor, district, region, region entrusted to the management of the governor. Send, put in a voivodeship, sit in a voivodeship. Management of the board, actions of the governor, by rank. To lead, to be a commander. Voyevshchina old submit to Western Rus'. Military leadership, military leadership, military leadership cf. command, command, control of an army. Military leader m. military leader, military leader, military commander, governor, commander, manager by military force. Military leader, -nic, belonging to the military leader, relating to him. Military, characteristic of the rank, position, spirit of military leadership. To command, to lead, to lead, to control troops. Military district or district, related to a military district. Prisoner of war, prisoner of war m. -nitsa w. captive during the war, a captive, taken prisoner in the army, with weapons in his hands. Military camp, arranged for or for the duration of a campaign. A military worker assigned to various jobs within the military department. - orphan, related to the orphans of warriors - employee, consisting of military rank, in military service - a servant, non-combatant military lower rank, for example. furleit, orderly - investigative, related to the examination, search for misdeeds of people of military rank. -judicial, relating to the trial of military people. -land, relative to the army, to the ground forces, the opposite sex. -marine, relative to the fleet. -educational, relational to military educational part. War-loving howl, eager for war

Conquest warfare

Animal's way of solving life's difficulties

And a poem by Alexander Blok, and a novel by Ivan Stadnyuk

The eternal crisis of humanity

Painting by French artist Henri Rousseau

Card game

Comedy by Italian playwright C. Goldoni

International bloodshed

World Shootout

Unpeaceful time

The moral medicine that nature uses when other remedies fail (Otto Bismarck)

One of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Organized Malice

Liberation fighting

The story of B. Vasiliev "Tomorrow was..."

Tale Russian writer B. Vasilyeva "Tomorrow was..."

Half of a novel by Leo Tolstoy

The poem of the Russian poet S.I. Kirsanov "... - the plague!"

The reason why the Summer Olympics were not held three times

Continuing the policy by other means

Play by Russian writer M. Artsybashev

A river in the Moscow region of Russia, a left tributary of the Kolocha River

H.G. Wells' novel "... Worlds"

Novel by Russian writer I. F. Stadnyuk

The most unpeaceful word

A series of disasters leading to victory

Pushkin's verse

Poem by A. Blok

Poem by M. Lermontov

Poem by Pushkin

Shooting gallery for the whole world

Tolstoy's couple to peace

She doesn't have a woman's face

Film by Viktor Turov "...under the roofs"

Danny DeVito's film "...Rozov"

Film by Efim Dzigan "If tomorrow..."

Richard Attenborough's film "Oh! What a lovely..."

Robert Redford's film "...in Milagro's bean field"

Film by Sergei Bondarchuk "... and the world"

Steven Spielberg's film "...worlds"

Yuri Kara's film "Tomorrow Was..."

Human sacrifice to the idol of power

What the famous French moralist Antoine de Rivarol called “the trial of nations”

What does a pacifist condemn?

This, lasting exactly 38 minutes, took place in 1896 between Britain and Zanzibar

Military labor

  • - purposeful human activity aimed at modifying and adapting natural objects to satisfy one’s needs. T. played a decisive role in the formation and development of man...

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  • - Sciara coprophila - larva of a leaf mosquito, common in Eurasia; R.ch. - one of the most studied objects in mapping polytene chromosomes ...

    Molecular biology and genetics. Dictionary

  • - larva of a two-winged insect - soil mosquito. Dl. up to 7 mm. Lives in mushrooms, under bark, in fallen leaves...

    Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary

  • - Under this name, the larvae of dipterous insects of the species Sciara militaris from the family are known, gathering in a mass and interlocking in the form of a large ribbon with the help of mucous secretions. mushroom dwellers. ...
  • - pine - butterfly Cnethocampa pimvora, pine - Cnethocampa pityocampa; see Traveling silkworm...

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  • - the larva of an insect from the order Diptera - the military mosquito. The body, consisting of 12 segments, is elongated, white, the head is black...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - larva of a two-winged insect - soil mosquito. Length up to 7 mm. Lives in mushrooms, under bark, in fallen leaves...

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  • - MARITAL, oh, oh. Military, combat. R. labor. R. feat. Military glory. Military people...

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - MARITAL, military, military. Military, combat. Feat of arms. “It is good for him who gives himself over to the power of military sport: he knows passion.” Nekrasov. “We have enough of our own warriors to repel traitors and Poles.” Pushkin...

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  • - military adj. Military, combat...

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  • - R"...

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  • - ...

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  • - noun, number of synonyms: 2 old woman Khrychovka...

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  • - breathe easily, at once, effortlessly...

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  • - Cm....

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"military labor" in books

The work of an intelligence officer and the work of a journalist

From the book Reflections of a Wanderer (collection) author Ovchinnikov Vsevolod Vladimirovich

The work of an intelligence officer and the work of a journalist I think that a good intelligence officer and a good journalist have a lot in common. You need to be able to find sources of information. This information needs to be properly assessed. You need to skillfully present your conclusions. Finally, in time to convey what I managed


From the book Soldier's Valor author Vaganov Ivan Maksimovich

MILITARY FEAT Bugrov Ivan Guryevich The battles at Stalingrad were difficult. Concentrating the fire of artillery, machine guns and mortars on river crossings, German command was sure that the Russians would not dare to transfer their troops to the opposite bank

Digression from topic 5: Directly productive and auxiliary labor, managerial labor, remuneration

From the book Ford and Stalin: On how to live like human beings author USSR Internal Predictor

Digression from topic 5: Directly productive and auxiliary labor, managerial labor, wages. Earlier in the footnote, the phrase of H. Ford was given: “The product pays us wages, and management organizes production so that the product is able to

A protective spell for those going into battle

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 31 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A protective plot for someone going into military battle. Usually this plot was read by the mother. They broke the bread and used the edge to cross the back of the departing soldier. This piece of bread was then kept behind the icon until the soldier returned home. The red sun rolled out from across the sea

From the book Volume 26, part 1 author Engels Friedrich

Productive labor, in the sense of capitalist production, is that wage labor which, having been exchanged for the variable part of capital (for the part of capital spent on

From the book Volume 26, part 1 author Engels Friedrich

The second, incorrect view of productive labor developed by Smith is so intertwined with

From the book Volume 26, part 1 author Engels Friedrich

Activity and work. Labor as actual “work” and universal labor

Activity and work. Labor as actual “work” and universal labor As long as the development of the means of subsistence still dominates the further development of man himself, so long in practical activity, which is the unity of opposites

General (universal) labor and joint labor

From the book Marxist philosophy in the 19th century. Book one (From the emergence of Marxist philosophy to its development in the 50s - 60s of the 19th century) by the author

General (universal) labor and joint labor For the idea of ​​holistic activity, Marx’s distinction between “universal” labor (allgemein) and “joint” labor (gemeinschaftlich) is essential. “Each and the other play their role in the process of production,” says Marx, “each of them passes

Military rank

From the book Vasily III. Ivan groznyj author Skrynnikov Ruslan Grigorievich

Military rank As the Russian lands united around Moscow and its power began to inspire fear, its neighbors began to show increasingly close attention to the military system of Rus'. The Austrian ambassador Sigismund Herberstein spent a lot of work to draw up

4 About how Valarshak, having rallied the Armenian braves into a military formation, made a campaign against the allies of the Macedonians

From the book History of Armenia author Khorenatsi Movses

4 About how Valarshak, having rallied the Armenian braves into a military formation, made a campaign against the allies of the Macedonians. After Arshak’s war with the Macedonians and the capture of Babylon, as well as the eastern and western parts Assyria, Valarshak, in turn, gathers a large army in Atrpatakan and in

War Worm

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia(RA) of the author TSB

Chapter 1 Mental labor and physical labor

From the book Family Pedagogy author Azarov Yuri Petrovich

Chapter 1 Mental labor and physical labor 1. Problems of growing up are new demands on ourselves. These are new conflicts, new, previously unknown claimsHarmony family relations does not mean the absence of problems and lack of conflict. On the contrary, the closer to the ideal, the

The military list has been replenished

From the book Literary Newspaper 6321 (No. 17 2011) author Literary Newspaper

The military list is replenished The living and the dead The military list is replenished EVENT Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on May 7, 2011 signed a Decree conferring the honorary title “City of Military Glory” to the cities of Stary Oskol, Kolpino and Anapa. It was established in recognition of courage,

Icon "Nicholas the Ratny"

From the book of 105 miraculous icons and prayers to them. Healing, protection, help and comfort. Miracle-working shrines author Mudrova Anna Yurievna

Icon “Nicholas the Ratny” Russia, Belgorod, st. Popova, 11, Transfiguration CathedralThe icon of St. Nicholas, called “Nicholas the Ratny,” is more than 500 years old. According to legend, she protected the residents of the village of Ustinka (Shebekinsky district) from an attack by Mongol-Tatar troops. Seeing

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    Badge For selfless military work in TurkVO. Bronze, enamel. The badge is made in the form of a banner with the Order of the Red Banner of Battle against the background of a banner silhouette of a warrior with a weapon and the inscription TurkVO and For selfless military labor in TurkVO crowned with oak... ... Wikipedia

    MARITAL, aya, oh (outdated and high). Military, combat. R. labor. R. feat. Military glory. Military people (in the old days: warriors). Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    work- tall (Nadson); oppressive (Berg, Drozhzhin); bitter (Baltrushaitis); life-giving (I. Aksakov); peaceful (Bashkin); busy (Fedorov Davydov); tense (Serafimovich); obnoxious (Nekrasov); vigilant (Surikov); “Pale Comrade of the Night” (Berg);… … Dictionary of epithets

    Aya, oh. High Military, combat. Ry feats. Paradise glory. R. labor (about the labor of soldiers and everyone who contributed to the victory over the enemy) ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    military- oh, oh.; high Military, combat. Ry feats. Paradise glory. Work (about the work of soldiers and everyone who contributed to the victory over the enemy) ... Dictionary of many expressions

    Struggle, struggle; collision; campaign, campaign, invasion, blockade, bombing. War: internal, external, newspaper, bloody, internecine, sea, land, offensive, defensive, partisan, customs. War broke out... Synonym dictionary

    - (selective, area), swearing, swearing; swearing, swearing, bickering, bickering; big conversation. Scolding does not hang on the gate (words). A stream of curses. .. Prot. battle... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N.... ... Synonym dictionary

    Main article: Tashkent Higher Combined Arms Command School named after V.I. Lenin Fights of OSAVSh cadets against the Basmachi in the Karakum desert in 1931 The struggle for the independence of Turkestan Date August 28 October 19 19 ... Wikipedia

    JOHN THE WARRIOR- Martyr. John the Warrior. Icon. Con. XVII 1st floor XVIII century (Church of St. John the Baptist on Presnya, Moscow) Martyr. John the Warrior. Icon. Con. XVII 1st floor XVIII century (Church of St. John the Baptist on Presnya, Moscow) [Greek. ᾿Ιωάννης ὁ στρατιώτης] (IV century), martyr. (memorial July 30).… … Orthodox Encyclopedia

    Circus- CIRCUS. From the first days of the war, Sov artists. Ts. joined the national fight against fascists. invaders. Moscow Ts. became a center for the formation of artistic talent. brigades performing in front of departing military echelons, in barracks, and hospitals. To Moscow Ts... ... Great Patriotic War 1941-1945: encyclopedia


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