Bitsevsky park maniac story. Biography. In popular culture

"Bitsevsky maniac" or "Killer with a chessboard." This is the name given to Alexander Pichushkin, accused of committing 49 murders and 3 attempted murders in the capital’s Bitsevsky forest park. Pichushkin’s dream was to outshine his predecessor, whose name became a household name -.

Childhood and youth

Pichushkin was born in the spring of 1974 in Mytishchi, near Moscow. The father abandoned the family when his son was 9 months old. Mother, Natalya Elmuradovna, raised her son together with his father, Alexander’s grandfather. Two years after the birth of their son, the family moved from Mytishchi to the Cheryomushkinsky district of the capital (Zyuzino). The Pichushkins lived in apartment building along Khersonskaya street.

At the age of 4, Sasha fell from a swing in the yard of the house. The boy was taken to the hospital with a traumatic brain injury. After her son was discharged from the hospital, his mother noticed that her son was confusing the letters “w” and “s”. Later, when Alexander Pichuzhkin went to school, Natalya Elmuradovna transferred him to speech therapy boarding school No. 138: Sasha confused “sh” and “s” and in colloquial speech, and when writing.

The boy grew up quiet, did not misbehave, and teachers and parents of his classmates did not complain about him. He loved chess and avoided company; he was unsociable. He pumped up his muscles: in the closet of the apartment, his grandfather installed a crossbar on which Alexander did push-ups. 50 years older, grandfather Elmurad, a front-line soldier, became a friend and mentor to his grandson. But when Alexander Pichushkin turned 14, his grandfather got a woman with whom he moved. The grandson regarded his grandfather’s departure as a betrayal.

Later, psychologists will say that the murders of mostly elderly men by the Bitsevsky maniac are a kind of revenge on his father and grandfather, who abandoned Alexander in childhood and youth. After graduating from boarding school, Alexander Pichushkin entered a vocational school, where he learned to become a carpenter.

In ordinary life

The girls liked Alexander, fit and athletic, and was not shy about his slight burr. But Pichushkin’s mother cannot remember that the guy had a girlfriend. But she remembered the handsome classmate who left Sasha a note ending with the word “kisses”. Alexander Pichushkin was drawn to older men. According to Natalya Elmuradovna, he lacked fatherly love.

Pichushkin was not accepted for military service: after a conversation at the military registration and enlistment office, the guy was sent to a psychiatric hospital named after P.P. Kashchenko, from where, according to his mother, he returned changed. With redoubled strength he began to pull himself up on the horizontal bar. But at the age of 22, Alexander became addicted to alcohol. IN last couple for years he got so drunk that he couldn’t get up to his floor and waited for his mother on the bench at the entrance. Binges gave way to tears, repentance and exercise on the horizontal bar.

Until 2006, Pichushkin worked in a supermarket on Kerchenskaya Street as a loader. After dislocating his left arm, Alexander was operated on. At the store, he was moved from the warehouse to the hall where he was arranging goods. Until the age of 32, Alexander Pichushkin had never been married.


The maniac committed the first murder in his criminal biography at the age of 18: Pichushkin strangled a fellow vocational school student, Mikhail Odiychuk, in the summer of 1992. According to the killer, he threw the guy’s body into a well, but Mikhail’s remains were not found. Alexander Pichushkin confessed to the crime 14 years later, saying that the first murder cannot be forgotten, just like the first love.

The number of future victims was “suggested” to Alexander Pichushkin by his favorite game of chess: the killer planned to “fill” 64 squares of the chessboard. Later, during interrogation, the maniac admitted that as he approached filling all the cells, he planned to buy classic Russian checkers, which have 100 cells on the board. At first, Alexander Pichushkin killed asocial people - homeless people, alcoholics. But then he switched to acquaintances, claiming that “killing those you know is especially pleasant.”

Bitsevsky maniac

Mass murders began in 2001, but law enforcement agencies were not looking for a serial killer. The maniac got rid of corpses in one way: he threw the dead into sewer hatches. Disappeared Muscovites were included in the list of missing persons. After the capture of the maniac, the head of the Kuryanovskys treatment facilities named the number of corpses found in the sewer. From 2001 to 2005, workers found 29 corpses. No criminal cases were opened against them until Pichushkin confessed to the murders.

In the fall and winter of 2005, murders in Bitsevsky Park became more frequent. The killer did not hide the corpses, but left them on the surface. All had a “trademark”: a broken skull and a branch or bottle inserted into the wound. Notes appeared in the press about a maniac who brutally kills elderly men.

Alexander Pichushkin made a mistake in the murder of a woman he knew. He invited his colleague Marina Moskaleva on a date to the park. When leaving, Marina left her number for her teenage son mobile phone Alexandra - her phone is broken. Moskaleva was found murdered on the second day. Investigators just had to identify the person who owned the number. They came for the killer early in the morning, handcuffing him in bed.

During interrogation, Alexander did not deny it and confessed to the murder of Moskaleva. Soon he confessed to the remaining crimes and declared that he was the sought-after “Bitsa maniac.” Pichushkin was sent for compulsory treatment to the Serbsky Institute. The Moscow prosecutor's office put an end to the investigation in the summer of 2007. Alexander was declared guilty of 52 crimes.

In the same year, the trial began, ending with a harsh sentence: the defendant received life imprisonment. Alexander Pichushkin claimed that he killed 61 people, but then gave the numbers 62 and 63. Three of them were women. The maniac killed two – Larisa Kulygina and Marina Moskaleva. Maria Viricheva was lucky to escape from the hands of the maniac. The killer did not repent of his crimes and stated at the trial that he had no intention of stopping.

In October 2007, Alexander Pichushkin was transferred to the Polar Owl special regime colony in Yamal. Already in November, he appealed the verdict, asking to reduce the sentence to 25 years. The Supreme Court rejected the appeal. In 2008, Pichushkin wrote his first letter to his mother, in which he listed everything he would need in prison.

Alexander Pichushkin began a correspondence with a woman named Natalya, who confessed her love to him and agreed to become his wife. According to unconfirmed information, the wedding in the colony did not take place due to angry letters from the relatives of the maniac’s victims, who addressed the colony’s leadership.

Alexander Pichushkin now

In 2017, the killer, who is serving time in Yamal, gave an interview. He confessed his love for animals and called himself “the personification of goodness.” Of the shortcomings, he admitted one - excessive kindness according to his value system. The maniac delights in describing the details of crimes and methods of murder. At work, he rejoiced when employees discussed another bloody crime, not knowing who committed it.

Pichushkin called women “an accessory, a friend of man.” He had no interest in killing women, but this was how he covered his tracks, confusing investigators. Alexander Pichushkin, answering the question of journalists why he killed people, replied that he received enormous pleasure. Before delivering the fatal blow, he found out the victim’s plans and dreams.

“After all, it was important for me not just to kill the flesh, this is the simplest thing. It was important to kill the person.”

The story of the serial killer became the plot of the 4-part film “The Gardener.” Several films have been made about Alexander Pichushkin documentaries. The film “Killer Chess Player” was released on the Discovery TV channel.

A series of new mysterious murders have occurred in the south of Moscow. How to understand where and when the killer will appear again? Creators of the program "Live" tried to penetrate the monster's soul. To do this, they interviewed the Angarsk maniac Mikhail Popkov, who accounted for 84 innocent victims!

10 years ago, the trial of Alexander Pichushkin, the Bitsevsky maniac, took place. And here is again disturbing news from Bitsevsky Park - more than five victims of the same killer have already been found there. On October 3, 38-year-old Galina Ivanova was killed during a walk. There are 28 stab wounds on the girl's body. Galina's friend Valentina Matveenkova came to the studio" Live broadcast“to warn Muscovites how dangerous the current situation is. The woman recalls: “We didn’t recognize Galina at first - she was brutally mutilated. A message was found on her body, a letter from a maniac, saying that he would continue to kill. Moreover, the note is written in Pichushkin’s handwriting... There are already many victims, more than five, and these are not only women - there are both men and boys among them.”

The investigation disseminated the characteristics of the suspect and made an identikit. But the fact is that these signs can suit every tenth person: “A man 35-40 years old, height 175-183, European type, average build. Dark brown hair, light eyes. He was wearing a black leather jacket.”

Now residents of the area are afraid to return home late. Elena Fedulova, investigator for particularly important cases at the Moscow Region Prosecutor's Office (1994-2009), believes that in the case of the new Bitsevsky maniac there is a criminal suppression of information. “All the details should be covered in the media so that people are warned and careful. I am sure that 90% of athletes will refuse morning and night runs in the park if they understand the danger they are in!” says Elena.

To get into the psychology of a maniac, the Live Broadcast correspondent talked with one of the most brutal killers of our time, currently serving a life sentence. According to him, former junior police lieutenant Mikhail Popkov has 84 murders to his name. Of these, 22 have been proven. It is believed that the trigger for the massacres was his wife’s infidelity, which influenced Popkov. This is confirmed by his colleagues and relatives. Having learned about the betrayal of his beloved woman, Mikhail set out to “cleanse” society of vice, killing those who provoked him in some way, specifically choosing victims of a certain lifestyle, taking out his anger on them.

Snezhana Kozitsyna miraculously escaped death 20 years ago - but Popkov killed her friends in February 1998. The three girls went to visit, and two of them disappeared. A few days later their mutilated corpses were found. There are ax wounds on the head, the eyes are gouged out, and the fingers are cut off. Anna Motofonova and Marina Chetverikova were only 20 years old...

Popkov has a young daughter. What does he advise her to avoid falling into the clutches of someone like him? “If you have a normal company, they will always show you off and put you in a taxi. Ekaterina always called me when she returned late. I went and picked her and her girlfriends up.”

Popkov does not consider himself a maniac, he says that he does not have an irresistible urge to kill: “I do not agree with the diagnosis of the Serbsky clinic. I did not kill all my fellow travelers, but only those in whom there was something provoking. Cleaner? But whatever you want with me call me. I was caught in 2012, and I haven’t killed since 2010, which means I can control myself.”

The worst thing is that Popkov shows no remorse at all. His behavior aroused anger among studio guests, and there were even calls to reinstate the death penalty for people like him. But not everyone agrees with this, because execution is also murder, only legalized. And this is unacceptable.

What can you do to protect yourself from meeting a serial killer? How to spot the Bitsa maniac? Why is there so little information in the media? The answers to these and other questions are in the “Live” program.


Alexander Yuryevich Pichushkin(born April 9, Mytishchi, Moscow region) is a Russian serial killer, sentenced in October 2007 to life imprisonment on charges of committing 49 murders and three attempted murders in the territory of the Bitsevsky forest park in Moscow (Russia). Gained fame as "Bitsevsky maniac" And "The Chessboard Killer".

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His father left the family when Alexander Pichushkin was 9 months old. After this, the boy grew up with his mother, and his grandfather took an active part in his upbringing. In 1976, he and his mother moved to live from the city of Mytishchi to the Moscow district of Zyuzino (then it was the territory of the Cheryomushkinsky district), on Khersonskaya Street. Alexander was not a hooligan, seemed modest and unsociable, and loved to play chess. Soon, according to Pichushkin’s mother, he had an accident - he fell from a swing and received a traumatic brain injury, after which he ended up in the hospital. As a result of the injury, Pichushkin had complications with his speech - he confused “sh” and “s”, and also made mistakes in the spelling of these letters, which is why his mother transferred him to the 138th speech therapy boarding school. After boarding school, Pichushkin entered a vocational school to become a carpenter.

First murder

The maniac committed his first murder on July 27, 1992 at the age of 18: he strangled his classmate Mikhail Odiychuk and threw him into a well. The body was never found.

Life between murders

Pichushkin pondered the first murder for quite a long time. After some time, he realized that he wanted to kill more. He finally understood this after the trial of Andrei Chikatilo. Pichushkin carefully prepared for the murders: he trained, worked hard on his biceps.

Murder Streak

During the series of murders in 2006, he lived with his mother, Natalya Elmuradovna, in Moscow on Khersonskaya Street, not far from Bitsevsky Park. Until 2006, he worked as a loader in a supermarket on Kerchenskaya Street. After his arrest, Pichushkin stated that he wanted to kill at least 64 people so that the number of victims would be equal to the number of squares on the chessboard. After each kill, he pasted a number and covered the cell with some object (cork, checker, etc.). However, during one of the interrogations, he stated that after filling all the cells, he would buy an “International Checkers” board with 100 cells. Only three managed to survive the assassination attempt. At first, Pichushkin tried to kill alcoholics, homeless people and other asocial individuals, who, in his opinion, had no right to life. He soon turned his attention to his acquaintances, claiming that “killing someone you know is especially pleasant.”

"Bitsevsky maniac"

Rumors about a maniac operating in Bitsevsky Park have been circulating for a long time, since the 1990s, but they had nothing to do with the Pichushkin case. The maniac began committing crimes en masse in 2001, but then neither the police nor the prosecutor's office suspected the existence of a serial killer. Thanks to the proven method of getting rid of corpses using sewer hatches and covering up traces, all the disappeared people were listed as missing until the end of 2005.

But for most of the 29 bodies found, the police did not open criminal cases, and the bodies of his victims remained unidentified until the caught maniac himself identified them. It was only in the autumn-winter of 2005 that notes began to appear in the press about increasing cases of murders in Bitsevsky Park. This was explained by the fact that Pichushkin stopped hiding corpses, wanting to make a name for himself in this way. The criminal’s “trademark” - the victim’s head smashed with a heavy object and branches or bottles inserted into the open wound - proved that a serial killer is operating in Bitsevsky Park, attacking mainly elderly men. However, no measures to catch the criminal, which included round-the-clock patrolling of the park by plainclothes officers and surveillance of the area from a helicopter, yielded any results.

During the same period, an episode occurred when Pichushkin persistently offered a local resident who regularly walked in Bitsevsky Park to drink a bottle of strong alcohol. alcoholic drink. Pichushkin was clearly annoyed by the non-drinking man’s refusal and began to get angry, but at that moment two dogs appeared from the bushes, the owner of which was the would-be victim. The maniac immediately chose to leave. And the man immediately went to the nearest police stronghold, located at st. Obrucheva, house 55a, where he gave detailed description incident and described the suspicious person. But the police did not consider the incident worthy of attention and remembered this episode only a few months later, after the capture of Alexander Pichushkin.



According to the investigation, Pichushkin committed crimes from 2006 to 2006. The accused was most active in 2006 on the territory of the Bitsevsky forest park in the south of Moscow. Most of the victims of the defendant were men; among the victims there were only three women: two were killed (Larisa Kulygina, Marina Moskaleva), an attempt was made on one (Maria Viricheva). The appointed lawyer for the defendant, Pavel Ivannikov, said that his client admits guilt in full. The exact number of victims of the “Bitsa maniac” is still not known. Earlier, in an interview with one of the TV channels, Pichushkin stated that he had committed 61 murders (at that time he did not know that Maria Viricheva survived the attack). According to various sources, Pichushkin claimed to have killed 60, 61, 62 or 63 people. In the last interview he spoke only about sixty:

At the same time, according to him, many of his victims were his acquaintances. According to Pichushkin, he led victims into the forest park under various pretexts, told many that his dog was buried in the park and needed to be remembered, where he killed them with blows to the head with a hammer and hid the bodies. During the investigation, Pichushkin showed several burial places of the dead. Representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs expressed the opinion that Pichushkin surpassed even the famous serial killer Andrei Chikatilo in cruelty, executed in 1994 for the murder of 53 people. He also stated that if he had not been detained, he would not have stopped killing:

When Pichushkin was filmed by a film crew from the NTV channel, Pichushkin stated:

The killer was sent to the Polar Owl special regime colony to serve his sentence. At first, Pichushkin was kept in the same cell in the colony with the terrorist Nurpasha Kulaev. Kulaev was transferred to another cell after Pichushkin began threatening to kill him.

In popular culture

  • The story of the “Bitsa maniac” was the basis for the four-part film “Gardener” (“When the Rain Stops”) - a joint special project of the television company “Teleroman” and the First Channel of Russian Television, based on the detective series “Sled”.
  • Sincere confession. Confession of a Bitsevsky maniac. (NTV exclusive).
  • The Horror of Bitsevsky Park (2007).
  • Discovery. Killer chess player.
  • Children of maniacs.
  • Reporter stories. "Devil's Advocates"
  • Documentary film “The 61st Victim”. 2 episodes from Vakhtang Mikeladze’s series “Sentenced for Life.”
  • The Finnish death metal band “Torture Killer” dedicated their 2009 album “Sewers” ​​(“Sewer Communications”) to Pichushkin, the title song of which contains an excerpt from a report about the “Bitsevsky maniac”.
  • Sincere confession. The maniacs have woken up.
  • Maximum program. Bitsevsky maniac: first blood.
  • Important. Bitsevsky maniac (2011).
  • Auf ewig Sibirien (2012).
  • Honestly: My child is a monster.
  • Let them say: Bitsevsky maniac (released June 28, 2006).
  • Let them talk: In the footsteps of a maniac (released July 3, 2008).
  • Oxxxymiron: " Last call"(2009).
  • Parents of Monsters (2013).
  • MC Squid (Kunteynir) - At Malakhov's (feat. Tragedy of All Life, Undersmall)
  • New Russian sensation “Bride of the Monster” (2014).
  • X-versions High-profile cases Chikatilo: the name of the beast (2015).
  • "The fight of extrasensories". Paranormal Show (2015).
  • MURDA KILLA – Malleus
  • The Russian hardcore group HUDSON HAWKS in the album “Hearts of the Strong” released the song “Trees Are Silent” about the “Bitsevsky Maniac”; at the beginning of the song, a recording of the voice of Alexander Pichushkin is used, in which he says: “People are born only for me to kill them” ( 2015).
  • Man and the law (issue 11/25/2016).
  • Russian Beatdown Hardcore group Cold Blooded Murder released the song “Bitsevskaya Massacre” in the album “Save and Preserve” (June 27, 2017) [ ] .

Turned out to be an outcast even in the Polar Owl colony, the killer of 49 people indulges in terrible dreams behind bars

Journalists have not yet entered the Polar Owl colony for life prisoners in the village of Kharp in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Major Denis Evsyukov, who shot people in a department store, Nurpasha Kulaev, a participant in the seizure of a school in Beslan, and national terrorist Nikolai Korolev, who blew up the Cherkizovsky market, are held there... The MK special correspondent has prepared a series of materials about the life of the colony. The first is an interview with the maniac Alexander Pichushkin, who tracked down and killed 49 people in Bitsevsky Park in Moscow!

The recent news that Bitsa maniac Alexander Pichushkin, who received a life sentence for a series of murders in the south-west of Moscow, is getting married behind bars, shocked the relatives of his victims. They bombarded the prison where the executioner was kept with letters of reproach: “How can this be, our pain has not yet passed, our tears have not dried, and you allow him to start a family?!” But the wedding fell through. And Alexander Pichushkin is very upset by this fact. He still dreams of... murders.

From the MK dossier. 42-year-old Alexander Pichushkin, a resident of Moscow, committed 49 murders and 3 attempted murders in the Bitsevsky forest in southwest Moscow from 1992 to 2007. The vast majority of victims are local alcoholics or homeless people.

Pichushkin killed almost everyone with a hammer or knife, and threw many into sewer manholes, so most likely, some of the dead were never found (according to the maniac, he killed more than 60 people).

The motive, according to Pichushkin himself, is very vague - “out of love for art.” He was caught in the summer of 2007 thanks to his last victim: while going for a walk with the maniac in the forest, she left her son his mobile phone number.

Convicted to life sentence, serving their sentences in IK-18, have learned patience and can adapt to what and who is suitable. But not to Pichushkin. Almost all the prisoners refused to be in the same cell with him.

The arguments varied, from “I’m afraid of him, he can kill at night” to “it’s unbearable to hear his revelations.” That’s why he is now in solitary confinement.

He has no interlocutors - except for the TV, which is brought once a week for two hours. Maybe that’s why Pichushkin immediately agreed to talk. He was brought in handcuffs (the only way prisoners can move around the colony) and placed in a small cell in the psychologist's room. The doctor herself asked permission to leave so as not to see Pichushkin...

The “Bitsevsky maniac,” who terrified all of Moscow for so long, was short and frail. You wonder how he had the strength to commit terrible murders. You can't help but think that the victims were under hypnosis. Pichushkin's look is crazy, scary.

- It’s difficult for you to find a cellmate...

They either become my friends or run away from me.

- I haven’t met anyone in the colony yet who would declare himself your friend. Anyway. How is life in prison?

Gray everyday life. All impressions are lackluster. There are many vivid memories left in freedom.

- What bothers you the most?

Inability to control oneself. Slave dependence on the citizen boss. It is also difficult to realize that the sentence is lifelong. My opinion will be biased, but I consider life imprisonment unnatural.

- Are you in favor of returning the death penalty?

The death penalty is murder. I am always against murder, therefore I am against the death penalty.

- How can you be against murder if you have the blood of so many people on your hands?!

What you are talking about was not murder. This is fate, providence.

- So you still don’t repent?

In my case, repentance is not just unnecessary, it is criminal. I killed because I had no other choice. Such was the situation that without killings there was neither here nor there.

- So you yourself call it murder, because there is no other name for it.

I say this so that you can understand. I chose what was most convenient for me, and murder at that moment was so convenient.

- What did prison give you?

Additional knowledge. I learned philosophy. Known life.

- Taking this into account, if you could take everything back, would you not have done what you did?

If my childhood and youth were corrected, then murders would not have to be committed unnecessarily. It's not about family. My family was basically normal, although there were difficulties there too. But society crippled me.

- And how?

Tell you the whole story from the age of 13, when I received my first blow from society, until I was 27, when I committed my first murder? All 14 years old?

- It's not worth it. You're just looking for excuses for things that have no excuses.

There was a lot of negativity in my life. I felt like a stranger. And I was alive, I wanted a holiday. And everyone pushed me away.

- Do you have any nightmares?

I have wonderful dreams in which everything is so magical that it is difficult to retell. I only had nightmares in Moscow.

- And the victims?

Killed? They dream. In a dream I wonder why they remained alive, I conduct the same dialogues with them that I had in real life and then I kill.

There is no remorse, I tell you. If I were released now, the first thing I would do is kill a couple of people to relieve stress, rape a woman, drink vodka. And then the card will fall. All your religions are false. The world is ruled by evil. I look at things realistically.

- And with such a philosophy you wanted to get married?

Yes, I proposed to Natasha. It happened spontaneously. But I proposed to her as a man. She immediately agreed. I like her. Maybe in freedom I wouldn’t even pay attention to her, but here she suits me exactly as she is. I've been here since 2008, I need her.

- Did you meet Natasha through correspondence?

She wrote to the prison. We started communicating. And now I know her 100 percent.

- Did she come on a date?

No, we are not given a date.

- So you’ve never even seen her, but you’re planning to get married?

I’m telling you, I know her, I feel her. Now we are not even allowed to correspond. At first they did, but now they don’t.

- Maybe she just stopped writing to you?

Excluded. Her letters are not arriving. And mine for her. I wrote another letter last week, but it was not sent. The administration is putting obstacles in our way.

- Will your parents approve of your marriage?

I don’t have a father, I correspond with my mother, she will support me.

- And yet, why are you so sure that Natasha didn’t leave you?

Yes, because I'm the only one. Over the years, about 80 women have written to me! What did they write? "I love you, I want you, I kiss you."

We checked with the IK letter accounting department - Pichushkin’s letter was delivered to the addressee. It turns out that the “bride” simply abandoned him. It is possible that she was generally a dummy figure, and she was asked to write to the maniac by television crews in order to later film a report. After all, in that “sensational” TV story, Natasha allegedly takes the Moscow-Salekhard train to come to her lover. So, it has never appeared in Yamal and is unlikely to appear.

The police continue the investigation into the case of the “Bitsa maniac.” Arrested 32-year-old Muscovite Alexander Pichushkin is suspected of serial murders. Pichushkin marked the corpses in a special way: he inserted signs with the name of the forest deity into the heads of the victims.

Last week, the Moscow prosecutor's office charged the detainee with the murders of two women - Muscovites Larisa Kulygina and Marina Moskaleva. Pichushkin worked with Kulygina in a supermarket located on Simferopol Boulevard. At first he was a loader, and then, due to a hand injury, he was transferred to an easier job: keeping order in the hall.

In this supermarket, two people died at the hands of a sadist. In winter, Pichushkin met another victim - a Tajik loader. Pichushkin finished him off in the same Bitsevsky forest, and threw his corpse into a sewer. On Friday evening, the maniac showed investigators and employees law enforcement burial place. The victim's remains were recovered from the sewer.

Another victim of the maniac was Larisa Kulygina. On the evening of April 11, Alexander invited her to remember the deceased dog and at approximately 1:00 he brought her to the Bitsevsky forest. Along the path they passed an open sewer. Near the next sewer hatch Pichushkin took out a hammer. He struck at least 16 times, then pulled back the lid of the well Wastewater and dropped the body.

The killer thought that the corpse would be carried away by the current. However, a few days later the body floated out of the pipe. For a long time the woman was listed as unidentified, and only in early June in the forest, while combing the area, operatives found Kulygina’s torn passport.

Pichushkin no longer hid corpses in wells. “I was offended that they would never find out about my crimes. So I began to leave corpses right on the paths to become famous,” says the maniac.

Pichushkin was distinguished by a strange love for Zolotoy Veles vodka. Several victims had fragments of a bottle with this label found in their bleeding wounds. The choice of symbol is not accidental, the newspaper writes. Veles is the god of the forest, and it seems that Pichushkin himself imagines himself as his right hand. When he was caught, Alexander admitted that he knew Bitsa like the back of his hand.

It was with vodka that Pichushkin lured, for example, a resident of Zyuzin, known in the area as Kolya the homeless man. They met on October 15 last year at a grocery store on Kerchenskaya Street and went to Bitsevsky Park. Here the maniac committed another murder. Using a similar scheme, he dealt with 57-year-old Pyotr Dudukin and 63-year-old Nikolai Zakharchenko.

Investigators are struck by Pichushkin’s calmness. He often launches into discussions on philosophical topics, and talks about murders as something completely natural. “Sometimes I woke up with a desire to kill and went into the forest that same day. I liked to watch the agony of the victims,” says Pichushkin.

The “Bitsevsky maniac” previously came to the attention of the police

As it became known to the newspaper "Life", the Moscow police released the "Bitsa maniac" back in 2002. Pichushkin had previously come to the attention of law enforcement officials. Back in 2002, the environmental police were interested in him.

Pichushkin was then working in a supermarket on Kerchenskaya Street when they came to their store for an inspection. Employees of the department for combating offenses in the field of environmental protection demanded from the store management the medical records of all employees.

Alexander Pichushkin's medical record immediately aroused suspicion among the inspectors. She was too out of touch with appearance its owner. Every column said “healthy,” but Alexander looked unwell. And he was so nervous that his hands were shaking.

But then the environmental police thought that Pichushkin was worried because his documents were not in order. And he doesn’t look good because of some illness.

Medical book Pichushkin was then removed from the store. Environmental police officers decided to check it to see if it was a fake? If this were so, then Pichushkin could be prosecuted for forgery of documents.

An official request was sent to the clinic at the suspect’s place of residence. A few days later the answer came that Pichushkin had indeed undergone a medical examination at the clinic. The document was accompanied by actual impressions of seals and stamps, which coincided with those in the suspicious medical book.

Pichushkin tried never to conflict with the police. He was very afraid that he would be figured out in the same way as his idol Chikatilo. He was shaking then at the sight of every person in uniform.

The investigation established that on the evening of April 11, Muscovite Pichushkin fraudulently, under the pretext of remembering his deceased dog and subsequent acquaintance with a realtor, took his friend Natalya Kulygina to the territory of the Bitsevsky forest park, where, having brought her to a pre-selected place, at approximately 1:00 next day killed her by striking her in the head at least 16 times with a hammer.

Then, in order to hide the murder, Pichushkin threw the victim into a nearby open manhole of a sewage well, after which he fled the crime scene.

On June 13, at approximately 21:00, at the New Cheryomushki metro station, Pichushkin met his friend Marina Moskaleva, took her, under the pretext of a walk, to the territory of the Bitsevsky forest park, where on a path about 250 meters from the gas station, opposite house 89 on Sevastopolsky Prospekt, approximately at 2:00 the next day he killed her, inflicting at least six blows to the head with a hammer, after which he fled the scene with the crime weapon.

As part of the ongoing investigation, the remains of an unknown man were also discovered on the territory of the Bitsevsky Forest Park in a specific location indicated by Pichushkin.

Now the “Bitsa maniac” remains calm in his cell and during interrogations. He willingly tells investigators about his crimes. His mother was allowed on a date with him. The woman does not believe that her son could have committed bloody murders. She believes that Alexander is incriminating himself.

Pichushkin received the first parcel - it weighed 20 kilograms. Alexander is glad that his relatives did not abandon him. In the common cell, his neighbors treat him with some caution. They are alarmed that Alexander collects all the newspaper clippings to himself, and when he reads them out loud, he laughs.

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