Private schools in the UK - Eton. Presentation on the topic: "LIVE AND LEARN. Eton College. Eton College (eng. Eton College) full name in English. The King's College of Our Lady of Eton beside Windsor private.". Download for free and without registration. Location

Eton College is the alma mater of many celebrities

Eton College or Eton College, which is often simply called Eton is a private boarding school for boys located in Eton, Berkshire, near Windsor. Boys begin studying at Eton College at the age of 13 and finish at 18. The school has more than 1,300 students.

The school was founded in 1440 by King Henry VI and has educated 19 British prime ministers, including former British Prime Minister David Cameron and generations of aristocratic scions. Eton is often called the main cradle of statesmen in England.

Eton College Address— Windsor Berkshire SL4 6DW

Tuition fees at Eton College- £12,910 per term and includes tuition, board, food, accommodation, laundry, insurance, the cost of most clubs and sports sections, textbooks and stationery. Music lessons, membership in the boat club, etc. are paid separately. Registration fee is £360. School enrollment fee - £2,100 (refundable after final term)

How to get to Eton College

Eton is located 30 km west of London, in walking distance from Windsor Castle. The two closest train stations to Eton are Eton and Windsor & Eton Central. Both stations are on the south side of the River Thames. Eton is 10-20 minutes' walk away.

Trains to Eton College run from London Waterloo station (every 20-30 minutes during the week and every hour on Sundays). The trip takes about 50 minutes (the same by car). Another train station in London from which you can get to Eton college is London Paddington via Slough (journey time about 20 minutes). The Slough branch connects to Windsor & Eton Central with trains running every 20-30 minutes during the week and every 30 minutes on Sundays (journey time 6 minutes).

Boys in Eton uniform

Entering Eton College at the age of 13

Most Etonians start school at the age of 13. Each year the school admits 260 boys. The old system where boys had to be registered from birth was abolished a few years ago and now virtually all candidates must register for the British examination in Year 5 by 30 June and take the examination at age 11 (year 6).

The exam consists of two parts. The first consists of a computerized online pre-test taken in October or November during Year 6 (British system) and a report from the current school's headteacher covering strengths the boy’s academic preparation, his interests and character. The online test is prepared by the Independent Schools Examination Board (ISEB) Common Pre-Tests and more information about the test can be found here - The test is usually taken at the child's current place of study. The second stage of the examination process takes place directly at Eton during the spring or summer term of Year 6 and consists of a special computer-based exam, participation in a special task as part of a group and a friendly interview with one of the examiners.

Applicants who successfully pass both stages of the entrance examination will receive a provisional offer of admission, which will be conditional on passing the King's Scholarship, Common Entrance Exam or Eton Entrance Exam at age 12/13 while studying in Year 8.

Entering Eton College at the age of 16

Almost all applicants to Eton start at age 13 and stay for 5 years. Admission at the age of 16 is possible for non large number candidates through either Sixth Form Scholarships or Sixth Form Entrants.

Sixth Form Scholarships are awarded to boys based on examination results from British schools (mostly from state schools, although applicants from private schools may also be considered, subject to necessary documents to subsidize studies at Eton).

History of Eton College

Eton was founded in 1440 by King Henry VI with the aim of providing education for 70 boys from poor families.

The earliest records of college life date back to the 16th century and paint a picture of Spartan life. The students were woken up at 5 am. While getting dressed, they repeated prayers and began their studies at 6 am. Instruction was entirely in Latin and lessons were supervised by senior students appointed by the school principal. Games were limited to one hour, although even at that time football seemed to be the most popular pastime. The school day ended at 8 pm. There were 6 weeks of holidays a year - 3 weeks at Christmas (when students had to stay at school) and in the summer.

From the early days of the school, students living on the college grounds were supplemented by those living in the city. By the 18th century, the number of Oppidians (from the Latin “ oppidum” meaning town) grew so large that it became necessary to expand Eton College. The first Dame's Houses was built in 1722. By 1766 there were already 13 houses in Eton.

The college continued to grow and prosper during the reign of King George III (1760-1820). King George spent a lot of time in Windsor, often attending school and entertaining boys at Windsor Castle. The school responded by making the king's birthday, July 4, a holiday.

By the middle of the 19th century, the time had come for reforms

Special state commission The Clarendon Commission, created in 1861, carried out the inspection. This in turn led to improved living conditions, expanded school curricula, and the hiring of more qualified staff. The number of students continued to grow and by 1891 there were more than 1000 boys in the school. This number continued to grow until the 1970s, when the college reached its current size of 1,300 boarders.

The 21st century has brought a new college admission system to schools. There is now no longer a need to register boys from birth and the new system passing exams and interviews and computer tests.

Why is Eton College so popular?

Every year for the past 30 years, Eton has sent 60-100 of its graduates to study at the universities of Oxford and Cambridge. Moreover, the school educated 19 British Prime Ministers, as well as a number of famous musicians and scientists.

Famous Eton College Alumni

In the past, Eton has educated British and foreign aristocrats and, for the first time in its history, members of the royal family, Princes William and Harry. In addition to princes and prime ministers, famous Etonians include such names as Boris Johnson, the current mayor of London, writers Aldous Huxley, Percy Shelley, George Orwell, Anthony Powell, Ian Fleming and many others.

Life at Eton

The boys live at Eton in a house that also houses just over 50 boys (unless he is a Colleger - then he lives in a building with 70 boys - College). This house would be the center of all his activities at Eton for the next five years. Each building is managed by a house master, who will look after the child, support him and, if necessary, make sure that his behavior complies with the rules. The house master is the main link of communication between the school and the boy’s parents.

The house master, the dame, who monitors the child’s health and also monitors the maintenance of order in the house, her assistant and household staff, help. Each house also has an assistant house master and two assistants

The older boys living in the house have a number of responsibilities, the main one being house captain. It should provide an atmosphere in which children have a good time in the house and actively participate in the various activities offered by the school. Another responsibility of the elders is to be the captain of games, which includes inviting boys to play as a team. Older children can also answer any questions the younger ones may have about daily life at Eton College.

Boys get up at 7.30 am and usually go to bed at 9.30 pm

Each boy has his own Mentor (Tutor), with whom he meets once a week in a group of 6 boys to discuss current affairs and individually if the boy needs advice. In the first three years of schooling, boys will be assigned a Mentor by the School Director; in the final two years of schooling, they can choose him themselves. Each boy has his own separate bedroom, which he can decorate as he wishes and where he can invite friends or spend time alone.

School program

From Year 9, all students must study the following subjects - English, mathematics, Latin, history, geography, theology, science (physics, chemistry, biology), 2 modern languages optionally selected from French, German, Spanish, Russian, Japanese and Chinese. Boys also study the following subjects on a rotation basis: music, art, theater, information Technology, sport and design. You can choose to study Ancient Greek. In subsequent years, the program may be modified to suit requirements.

To prepare for exams, students can choose from English literature, mathematics (simple or advanced), biology, chemistry, physics, ancient history, Latin, Greek, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Chinese, history, art history, geography, design, music, theology, theater studies, economics, politics

Eton College (eng. Eton College) full name in English. The King's College of Our Lady of Eton beside Windsor is a private British school for boys. Eton College Chapel

Eton College is located 30 km west of London, on the banks of the Thames, next to the royal Windsor Castle. The official status of the school is a private boarding school for boys. Tuition costs £24,490 or $50,000 per year. In total, 1,300 students study at Eton, some of whom do not pay a penny for tuition, being honorary Royal Scholars.

From history Eton College was founded in 1440 by order English king Henry VI. The purpose of the college was to train future students for King's College, Cambridge University, also founded by Henry VI a year later. During its existence, it produced 19 British Prime Ministers.

About the daily routine Archival records from the mid-16th century preserve information about the Spartan daily routine of students at Eton College. The young men got up at 5 am, said a prayer and had to be in class by 6 am. Teaching in those days was conducted in Latin. Exactly at 8 o'clock in the evening, the students returned to their rooms and after prayer went to bed. During the day, medieval students were fed only twice, and on Fridays there was strict fasting.

Eton of the 21st century Despite its almost 600-year history, modern Eton College is equipped in the style of the 21st century. The faculties of physics, chemistry and biology will surpass many universities in terms of the number and quality of experimental facilities. Acting training is carried out on the basis of its own theater with 400 seats, with professional lighting and sound. At the Design and Technology Center, students design new racing cars.

Eton of the 21st century Young musicians have a unique opportunity to work in a professional recording studio. Faculties foreign languages amazes with the wealth of choice: today 150 students study Chinese, 70 Japanese, 50 Arabic. European languages ​​are included in the compulsory school curriculum, and there is also a department of Russian language and literature.

Eton of the 21st century At school you can play all possible sports. However, the most popular traditional ones are football, rugby, and cricket. The selection process for admission to college is quite tough. Despite the fact that people enter college at the age of 13, boys take their first entrance exams at the age of 13. The selected lucky ones must pass the “second round” at the age of 13, which includes exams not only in such traditional subjects as mathematics and physics, but also in history, geography, French, Latin, religions and exact sciences.

School uniform All students and teachers are required to wear a uniform - a black frock coat or a pair of tails (tails in Etonian), gray thin trousers white stripe, dark shoes, a white shirt with an Eton collar and a white bow tie. Eton College is renowned for its traditions. School uniforms are part of these traditions.

School uniform Such unusual clothes teach a child to feel like a little gentleman. Move, behave, and gesture accordingly. This style is old-fashioned, but the students really like it. Since the 1960s they no longer wear a top hat, but otherwise the uniform has remained unchanged. It is sewn to individual measurements to order, which is also important.

For boys aged 13-18 years. All students live in a boarding house on the college premises. In total, about 1,300 students study here. The college is located in the town of the same name Eton, Berkshire, near the city of Windsor near London.

Eton is rightfully considered the most famous college in Great Britain. Eton is one of the top nine best and oldest schools in Britain. The college was founded in 1440 by King Henry VI with the aim of training 70 boys from poor families to enter the University of Cambridge, created, by the way, by the same king. College education was free back then. Ironically, from a free college for boys from poor families, Eton became one of the most prestigious and expensive educational institutions in England.

The model for the creation of the college was the equally famous and best at that time Winchester College, located in the City of Winchester, in the west of England. The structure and training programs were completely copied, and even the first deans and rector were transferred from Winchester by the king.

Henry VI, who, as we know, paid a lot of attention to education, when creating Eton, transferred a huge plot of expensive land into the possession of the college, since education at the college was planned in the spirit of Christian traditions, the college was given several church relics and artifacts including elements of the True Cross and the Crown of Thorns . The English Manuscripts of the Apocalypse were also given to the college. On the college grounds, construction began on what was at that time the longest church, College Chapel.

During the reign of Henry VI, the college enjoyed unprecedented privileges, but the situation changed dramatically when King Edward IV ascended the English throne in 1461. Most of the privileges were revoked, and most of the relics were removed from the college and placed in the treasury of Windsor Castle. The construction of the church was stopped, and now it is more than 2 times shorter than what was planned under Henry VI.

The college has preserved the best traditions of educating its students to this day. At one time, many famous people of their time studied at the school. 19 college graduates, including David Cameron, became prime ministers of Great Britain. Both British princes William and Harry studied here.

The college accepts boys aged 13 years. There is also the possibility of entering college at the age of 16 for the program A-level. Parents planning to enroll in the future should pay attention to the list of schools whose graduates get into Eton. The college officially provides this list; for more detailed information, please contact our company specialists.

Eton College is a full member of several organizations: the association of directors and headmistresses The Headmasters and Headmistresses Conference (HMC), the Eton Group, and the international association G20 Schools, which once again emphasizes his level and prestige.

The school is regularly inspected by the Independent Schools Inspectorate ( ISI), the last inspection was carried out in 2010. Based on the inspection results, the school received the following grades:

  • for children's academic success - "Excellent"
  • for the quality and organization of the curriculum - "Excellent"
  • for organizing extracurricular education - "Excellent"
  • for the quality of teaching - "Excellent"
  • for the level of education and development of children - “Excellent”
  • for the quality of child care - "Excellent"
  • for learning conditions, child care and safety - "Excellent"
  • for the quality of school management - "Excellent"
  • for the level of training and accommodation in the boarding house - "Excellent"
  • for working with parents - "Excellent"

In the independent directory " The Good Schools Guide" It is said about the school: "Still the number 1 school for boys. The facilities and teaching staff are simply excellent. Eton produces bright, successful young people with a sense of self-worth, and in fact the school is much more modern than many people think."

According to The Sunday Times, the college was ranked 14th in 2013 and 8th in 2012 among the best independent schools in the UK, and the college was ranked 7th in 2013 and 5th in 2012 in Pre-U exam results .

The school accepts children of all religions and beliefs. The official religion at the school is Anglicanism.

Location. Address. Web site.

The college is located in the town of the same name, Eton, near the city of Windsor, not far from London.

Full school address:

Eton College

Extracurricular activities. Sport.

Extracurricular activities in college are planned taking into account the individual needs and inclinations of each student. From a huge list of various clubs, sections and circles, each student can choose classes to suit their taste. The college has organized clubs:

  • astronomy
  • archeology
  • chess
  • singing
  • computer science
  • cooking
  • electronics
  • foreign languages
  • horse riding
  • business
  • oratory
  • bridge
  • applied arts

The college pays great attention to physical development students. Sections have been created and are constantly operating at Eton:

  • athletics
  • basketball
  • badminton
  • martial arts
  • horse riding
  • volleyball
  • gymnastics
  • rowing
  • rock climbing
  • squash
  • shooting
  • swimming
  • fencing
  • football
  • tennis
  • and many others

School equipment.

Eton College is well equipped and equipped, with modern laboratories for physics, chemistry and biology, a design and technology center, a 400-seat theater, a professional recording studio, sports fields, playgrounds and a sports complex with a swimming pool. On the Thames, boys row boats and canoes.


Eton College is traditionally a boarding college, meaning all students live on the college grounds. More than 20 residential premises have been specially built for this purpose. The boys live in rooms one at a time. Boys are housed according to age. Their everyday life is constantly monitored by a “housemaster”.

Enrollment. Required documents.

Most Eton students enter at the age of 13. Previously, the rule here was that children were registered in college from birth. Recently, this tradition was canceled and everyone has the opportunity to go to college. As you might expect, competition for college admissions is quite high, with an average of 3-4 boys per place.

The admission procedure is different from other educational institutions. Although training begins at age 13, applications must be submitted at age 11. Along with the application, you must undergo an interview at the college, pass an entrance exam, and also provide an extract and reference from your previous school.

About a third of candidates receive invitations to study and begin studying at the age of 13. The rest are placed on the so-called Waiting List, and if a place becomes available on the main list, they receive an invitation by mail.

Parents must apply no later than the child reaches the age of 10 years and 6 months. The college adheres to this rule very strictly, so if you have any questions, please contact our specialists for advice.

Cost of education.

£10,689 per term

Additional expenses.

  • registration fee
  • school place confirmation deposit
  • semester deposit
  • additional lessons
  • additional excursions and activities
  • airport transfer - depends on the airport
  • guardian - depends on the range of services
  • medical insurance
  • visa opening - from £100

*Prices may have changed since publication. Contact the school or us for the latest updates.

Eton is a college that has the status of the most prestigious secondary educational institution Britain. Boys aged 13 to 18 years old are accepted for training here. According to the rules of the educational institution, all students are required to live in a boarding house, which is located in a fenced area. On average, about 1,300 students stay here throughout the year.

Eton (college) and its history

A specialized school for boys was founded back in 1440 by special decree of King Henry VI. Initially, the purpose of opening an educational institution was to prepare boys from noble families to study at Cambridge University.

During the medieval period, the college was known as a place where Spartan educational methods were practiced. Students were required to adhere to the strictest rules of behavior. Currently, the attitude towards students here has softened significantly. However, maintaining self-discipline is still considered an essential trait that a true gentleman possesses.

Eton College in England is famous for its famous alumni. At one time, numerous offspring of royal families, nobility, public and government figures successfully graduated from the educational institution. In particular, over the entire history of the institution, 20 future British prime ministers emerged from it, including the most recent, David Cameron. Other famous people who studied at the college include writers Aldous Huxley and George Orwell, famous actor composer Thomas Arne, naturalist and explorer Lawrence Oates.

Eton (college): where is it located?

The educational institution is located in Berkshire, 30 kilometers from the center of London. The main buildings are located near the banks of the Thames River. Windsor Castle is located nearby the college.


Today, the British College Eton is equipped to the latest standards. There are high-quality laboratories of chemistry, physics, and biology. Works in an educational institution development center innovative technologies. The establishment has a design center and a recording studio. On the territory of the institution there is a theater whose hall can accommodate about 400 people.

Eton is a college where all conditions for sports are created. Students have access to numerous playgrounds, green fields, a large indoor swimming pool, as well as a whole host of specialized equipment. Docks are concentrated close to the Thames, where students come to row and canoe.


As noted above, Eton is an exclusively male college. For them, accommodation is organized in a boarding house format. In other words, students are not allowed to be accommodated outside the college.

There are more than 20 residential buildings on the territory of the educational institution. Each student receives a separate room. At the same time, the guys are accommodated according to age categories. The behavior of students and living conditions in residential buildings are constantly monitored by the so-called housemaster.

Admission conditions

What are the conditions for admission to Eton (college)? Admission here is possible when the applicant reaches 13 years of age. Until the middle of the last century, parents registered their children in educational institutions from birth. Today this option has been cancelled. This made it possible to give everyone a chance to go to college.

Eton is a college that is known for being quite competitive. There are on average 3-4 applicants per place here.

The procedure for entering the college differs from other educational institutions in the country. First of all, the application, in which the student expresses a desire to be here in the future, is submitted at the age of 11. After 2 years, if the request is approved by the management of the institution, the guys undergo an interview, after which they pass the entrance exam. Moreover, boys who apply for a place in college are required to present the rector with a positive reference from their previous educational institution.

Only a third of the total number of applicants manage to get into Eton College. Receipt may occur with some delay. Thus, the best applicants who did not pass the competition end up on the waiting list. Subject to the availability of a place, such applicants receive a corresponding mail notification of an invitation to the college.

Extracurricular activities

The college pays increased attention to organizing exciting and useful leisure time for students. An individual approach is applied to each student, aimed at developing inclinations and talents. From the widest list of various circles, clubs and sections, guys have the opportunity to choose an activity to their liking.

Thus, Eton College in England offers students the following clubs:

  • archeology;
  • astronomy;
  • singing;
  • cooking;
  • chess;
  • computer science and electronics;
  • business;
  • foreign languages;
  • applied arts;
  • oratory skill.

Among the available sports sections, it is worth noting athletics, basketball, football, volleyball, tennis, badminton, martial arts, horse riding, rowing, rock climbing, swimming, fencing.

Cost of education

The annual tuition fee here is $55,600, which equates to 35,700 British pounds. Eton also has enough students who don't pay a penny for their education. All of them are holders of a royal scholarship.

Upon admission to an educational institution, students may be charged an additional fee, which goes towards registration and confirmation of a place in the building for accommodation. Separate amounts can be paid by parents of students for additional lessons, organization of excursions and entertainment events, appointment of a guardian, and medical insurance.


You can get into Eton, the college whose photos are presented in the material, on a music or royal scholarship. In both cases, there is serious competition between applicants.

Students who apply for a Royal Scholarship are required to achieve top grades in maths and English exams, as well as good grades in science. In particular, in order to be enrolled in free education, applicants must pass history, theology, geography, and Latin. If a young person successfully passes all these tests, he is exempt from the general admission examination.

As for the music scholarship, applicants who have extraordinary talent can receive it. The student's academic achievements are also taken into account.

Structure of the educational institution

How is Eton (college) organized? The structure of the institution is based on a special coefficient, in which there should be one teacher for every 8 students. In the first year, there can be up to 25 students in one class. By the last course, their number is reduced to 10 or even less. The remaining students drop out due to non-compliance with the requirements of the institution, poor discipline, and unsatisfactory learning results.

The college is managed by its head. Assistants to senior management are tutors who contact students directly and report on progress and any incidents.

A uniform

What kind of clothes are you allowed to wear to Eton (college)? The institution's uniform consists of a formal vest, over which a black jacket is worn. In addition, every student is required to wear pinstripe trousers. This suit is complemented by a white tie. An alternative to the latter is a white butterfly. However, only senior students have the right to use it in combination with the uniform.

Incentives and sanctions for students

Eton College is known for its well-established student reward system. Work done perfectly is noted by the tutor. High performance in a particular subject is awarded a special diploma by the head of the college.

If a student has presented an outstanding work to the teacher, the latter, by decision of the supreme council, can be sent to the archives of the institution. This way, new Eton students can familiarize themselves with it in the future. This form of rewarding success has been in effect here since the beginning of the 18th century. However, works submitted to teachers are extremely rarely recognized as outstanding. In order for the work to be awarded and sent to the archive, teachers must obtain an appropriate decree from the college administration.

Guys who come to class late must sign the register. Given the systematic nature of such violations of discipline, students are subject to certain sanctions at the discretion of the tutors. In case of serious misconduct, students are removed from classes and summoned for a personal conversation with the head of the college.

However, the requirement to attend classes on time applies not only to students, but also to teachers. For example, if the teacher is late for 15 minutes, those present in the class are free to go about their business for the duration of the lesson.

Physical punishment

From the very beginning of its existence, Eton was known for using corporal sanctions on students, both for specific offenses and for no objective reason. For example, in the Middle Ages, teachers organized random beatings of students in order to intimidate them and maintain discipline. Such events were traditionally organized on the Friday before the weekend and were known as "flogging day."

Practiced for Eton students until the 80s of the last century. Previously, rods were used for this purpose, which were used to beat students on their bare buttocks. Former head Institution Anthony Trench, who ran the college between 1964 and 1970, decided to replace the cane with a cane. From that time on, punishments were carried out not in front of the audience, but in the teachers' offices. The last demonstrative beating of a college student with a cane dates back to January 1984.

How realistic is it for a student from another country to get into Eton?

Due to the numerous requirements placed on the applicant and the length of the enrollment procedure, this is not so easy for a foreigner to do. An applicant for a place at a college from another country must be fluent in English language how in colloquial speech, and when writing tests. The same goes for knowledge of British history and literature.

The only real chance for a foreigner to enter Eton is to move to live in England no later than he reaches the age of nine. To learn to think like a Briton, the boy will have to undergo training at one of the local boarding schools. In this case, you will need to study according to a special program aimed at entering college.

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Presentation on the topic: Eton College

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EATON COLLEGE Eton is a college high school. It is located in the town of Eton, 25 kilometers west of central London. The city stands on the banks of the Thames, and on the opposite bank rises the main country residence royal family- Windsor castle. The college was founded in 1440 by King Henry VI, the same one under whom the War of the White and Scarlet Roses began. The same one who was killed with a dagger in the back by a Lancastrian supporter when he was imprisoned in the Tower. Every year at the end of May, Eton students come to London to lay white flowers at the tower inside the fortress where this happened. It must be said that Eton College was created to admit 70 students from low-income families. Only in the 17th century did it become prestigious and expensive. But the tradition continues - today there are 1,200 tuition-paying youths and 70 so-called royal scholarship students studying here, and the schoolchildren do not know which of them is which.

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At Eton, children study from 13 to 17 years of age. However, everything else: the admission conditions, the daily routine, the school curriculum, the organization of leisure time, and tuition fees are not like public schools. To enter Eton, a boy must pass a psychometric test at the age of 11, and an entrance exam at the age of 13. Tuition fees at Eton College are more than 10 times higher than state school fees - approximately £30,000 or $50,000 a year - not including extra lessons.

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Eton College is a boarding school for boys with fairly strict rules, but wide opportunities. For the convenience of students, each student is provided with a separate room in the dormitory, which can be arranged according to his wishes. And the children eat both in the central canteen and in the canteens of the dormitories.

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A high level of academic performance is achieved here primarily due to the large number of teachers - there are 140 teachers for 1,270 students. Moreover, thanks to Eton College's high tuition fees, Eton College is able to employ the best teachers in Britain. But that is not all. As in the most prestigious British universities, Oxford and Cambridge, at Eton, each student is assigned a teacher who plays the role of an individual mentor, the so-called “tutor.”

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Each student has a separate room, no luxury, everything is functional: there is a folding metal bed, an ottoman and a desk. Students are required to wear a school uniform: long dark frock coats, vests, white shirts and dark trousers with small stripes. Teachers wear black capes similar to those worn by professors at Oxford and Cambridge. Getting up at school at 8 am. After breakfast, 40-minute lessons begin, followed by extracurricular activities and games. By 6 pm the student must return to the residential building, and after that he has no right to leave the school. At 9:30 pm – going to bed.

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Pupils of Eton College receive an excellent education: many of them are strong in music, art, some play musical instruments mesmerizingly... A special role at Eton is given to sports, the so-called cult of sports has formed here. Many sports grounds equipped with last word technology" and allowing students to express themselves in football and rugby, hockey and rowing, athletics and much more. All components of education, whether it be training or physical education, allow you to educate your child harmoniously developed personality. It is safe to say that Eton graduates have access to the most prestigious universities in the UK. If we look at the statistics, 99% of graduates become university students, and a third of them become students at Oxford and Cambridge. Studying in England is, as a rule, the key to a successful and prestigious career.

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