Phrases cannot be said to a girl. What not to say to a girl: topics that are best not touched upon. "Not all?"

My mom does it better

Moreover, this applies to literally everything: mom cooks borscht better, cleans, irons, sings, etc. Sometimes a sister, first love, takes the place of a mother, ex-wife, but mom is the undisputed leader of everything and in everything. It is absolutely useless to compete with the mother of your beloved husband - even if you are the chef of the most famous restaurant, and gold medals from championships in washing, cleaning and ironing occupy all the walls in your house. Mom is mom. And there is an explanation for this: childhood memories are the most lasting memories in a person’s life. But in childhood, everything seems the best, tasty, pleasant, joyful - and these “rainbow” memories remain with a person forever. However, despite this, men who want peace need to restrain themselves and not bother their beloved wife with this phrase, otherwise in response you can hear “well then go to... your mother!” And then you’ll either have to apologize, or go... to your mother.

Before your wedding you were a beauty

This phrase tells the woman that her girlish beauty is gone forever. What could follow after such a phrase, especially if it is repeated quite often, is even scary to imagine. A woman will never accept or forgive her husband for such a phrase. And a man who allows himself to say such words to his wife does not inspire respect. Time is running, and it doesn’t miss anyone: everyone gets old, and especially women, who are often upset by their husbands. All the wrinkles, dull hair and tired hands are not happy family life, for which the man is responsible. A very limited number of women can tolerate such an attitude throughout their lives, and a man can always get a chance to look for someone more attractive.

Where are you going my...

..., glasses, shirt, socks, cigarettes, hammer. The list is endless. A man who is offended by such questions from his wife lives in the house like a hotel guest - he does practically nothing, is not interested in anything, and is only waiting to be served. Otherwise, he would know for sure that his clean things are on the second shelf of the closet, his ironed shirts are hanging in the next compartment, his cigarettes are on the table in the hallway, his hammer is in the toolbox on the mezzanine, and his glasses are on his forehead. But the wife always knows exactly where everything is - after all, she washes, cleans, irons, buys, nails. And he endures - but only up to a certain point.

Are you fool?

Any woman can hear this phrase instead of a clear answer to her question. For the record, no one can know everything. And if a man answers a question in this way, this characterizes him as an ill-mannered and rude person. Few people like rudeness, and one fine day the phrase “Are you stupid?” a woman can say “no, and that’s why I’m divorcing you.”

There are still a sufficient number of phrases that can drive a woman to white heat and encourage her to break off a relationship. But is it worth saying them if you really love your wife and want a happy and peaceful family life.

Killer phrases for women are fundamentally different from expressions that men should not say. Representatives of the fairer sex perceive the world differently, which means they are offended differently. A hundred years ago, a woman’s role was to please her husband and raise children, but in the 21st century, women have almost equal rights with men. However, not all of them have lost their femininity and vulnerability, so the list of killer phrases that we will consider below applies to most modern ladies.

1. “You are not a woman!” In this case, a parallel can still be drawn with the phrase “You are not a man.” Just as it is very offensive for representatives of the stronger sex to hear such things, for women this can become a sudden shot in the back. Perhaps there will be “iron” ladies who will take such an accusation as a compliment. But, fortunately, there are few such ladies. No matter how strong and independent a woman is, it is unpleasant for her when she is compared to a man, and even in a rude manner.

2. “You’re a fool!” Every year on the planet the number of women who have several higher education, prestigious job, own business. They drive cars and deal with “men’s” matters. Even if a girl has not yet built a career, but has high intelligence and self-esteem, these words will seem extremely humiliating to her. She will seriously think about whether it is worth continuing to date the person who uttered them.

3. “Where have you been?” These three words gradually but surely destroy the relationship. A modern emancipated woman will regard this as an invasion of her personal space, and will not tolerate her husband’s total control for long. This phrase is a direct confirmation of pathological male jealousy. It’s better to say instead, “How was your day, honey?”, “Why were you gone for so long? I was worried".

4. “Be quiet, woman! Know your place!" After such a statement, the young lady can easily pack her things and leave. In the 21st century, talking to women like that is unacceptable. Many men still believe that a wife should not “poke her nose” into her husband’s affairs. With this approach, they will face either loneliness or gray mice to wipe their feet on.

5. “This dress doesn’t suit you, this hairstyle...” Disrespecting a woman's taste will clearly not benefit your relationship. For a lady, her appearance is very important, but even if she dressed really tastelessly, you need to carefully hint to her about it, and not tell her directly. Tell your beloved woman how you see her image, invite her to go to the store together and choose appropriate outfits.

6. “You don’t know how to cook.” A loving and intelligent man would never say this to his wife or fiancee. Even if her scrambled eggs burn every time and her coffee floods the stove. Try cooking it yourself. Invite the woman to sign up for cooking classes together. Unfortunately, men often throw around such accusations even when the woman cooks quite normally. Do not forget that the kitchen is the personal territory of any housewife, and attacking her cooking is her personal offense.

7. "You're ugly" This can often be heard about wives who have stopped taking care of themselves after marriage or the birth of a child. At this time, a woman almost doesn’t wear makeup, doesn’t do fashionable hairstyles, and doesn’t go for a manicure. The natural image fades in front of that beauty who fluttered carefree in front of you in the candy-bouquet period. But men are also not ideals and often do not take care of themselves. Whatever the woman’s appearance, remember that you chose her. Don’t expect fabulous transformations from her, but perceive her as she is.

8. “You’re fat!” Oddly enough, men can say this to girls who have a slim and beautiful figure. After these words, even a woman with ideal parameters begins to worry about her weight. Nowadays, women themselves strive to meet modern standards of beauty. But you are unlikely to like it if your girlfriend becomes an aneretic model. Everything is good in moderation.

9. “Olya did it better than you!” If you want a woman to leave you as quickly as possible, tell her this killer phrase more often. It doesn’t matter in what way you compare her with your former passions. This acts on the female psyche instantly and flawlessly. You cannot compare a woman with your mother, sister, classmate or any other special female person. A girl wants to feel like she is one and only. She regards comparison in someone's favor as treason.

10. “You are a log!” Not all women know how to be skillful and relaxed in bed. The reasons for this may be upbringing, complexes or personal beliefs. But no man has the right to accuse a woman of not being a super lover. In a happy relationship, sex is not the main component, although it is a very important component. If a girl doesn’t suit you in bed, you can discuss your wishes and offer to experiment. If your views on intimate life are too different, you will have to find another friend.

A woman is a sanctuary. You need to admire and be touched by her, you can worship her and sing odes to her. But going inside this temple, desecrating it and making something ordinary out of it is strictly prohibited! A woman’s resentment is not forgotten, even if they try to make up for it with gifts and promises. Don't forget about these 10 points, and then your chosen one will love you forever.

23 phrases you should never say to a woman

On the family front, there are prohibited weapons, the use of which leads to such casualties and destruction that it is better not to use them at all. Because there will be no more peace and fire cutlets after such attacks. Even if the pan of the air-to-head system does not fly towards you, your demarche will definitely not go unanswered. And rightly so, to be honest.

So let's start the countdown.

“You just need to find fault with something...”

Yeah, it wasn’t He who put black socks into the wash of white delicate ones with these very hands, but She, the scoundrel, threw them to Him. Precisely to set him up. In Her own eyes. The most insidious multi-move!

“Since you’re so smart, take it yourself and do it...”

Let’s leave the logical question “why do I need you then, and why am I feeding you valuable Pozharsky cutlets?”

“Finally decide something for yourself!...”

At this point, the firefighters, as a rule, begin to become hysterical. By the way, you too.

“You and I have already talked about this...”

The very fact that He deigned to once say a word on this topic makes this topic sacred and untouchable for the next geological period.

“It's not what you think”

“It's not what you think...”

Yeah, and owls are not what they seem, and in general the world is an illusion, and the chairs behind you turn into kangaroos. There's something flying in your direction, no? That's right - a kangaroo!

“You didn’t say that!...”

A polite version of the statement: “Darling, you are fatally ill: one chromosome is missing, the other is clearly superfluous, and it also looks like Alzheimer’s is on the verge.”

“Listen, you already have boots!...”

Well, yes, also tell the gardener that there is already one whole violet in his garden.

“Well, I’m not inviting you to buy spare parts with me!”

Aw thank you. Good man Stirlitz. But it could have been a butt.

“... really couldn’t...”

“You’re still sitting at home, couldn’t you…”

After I cleaned the rooms, washed the windows, polished the floor, whitewashed the kitchen, weeded the beds, planted seven rose bushes under the windows, got to know myself, ground coffee for seven weeks in advance and took three freelance jobs?! Yes, of course I could! I was stupidly lazy. Oh, it looks like the kangaroo is flying at you again!

“I’ve been working so hard, can I finally…”

Oh yes, yes, yavol, baby. This mega-Superman feat, worthy of Guinness in all its senses, gives carte blanche to everything under the sun in bulk. You can even eat babies without drinking compote. Because you work so hard, poor thing.

“Something always hurts you...”

Of course, this is a direct consequence of the fact that at night she secretly pierces her own wax figure... Insidious, insidious.

“..well, as much as possible...”

“Well, how much can you?...”

The universal answer with which the universal soldier gets out of any battle. The main thing is to raise your eyebrows higher and draw out your vowels longer.

“This is not a man’s business...”

Well, yes, we live in the Middle Ages at a court where every sneeze is written: die, but do not give up the ceremony. And putting plates in the dishwasher is not royal, no.

“That’s how we men are made!..”

Here it usually turns out that men have a terribly cool device. About the same as the bust of Pericles: the thing is strong, by and large unnecessary, but at the same time it is better not to breathe on it - because God forbid it breaks.

“Oh, just don’t start, please!...”

A magic spell that can reduce a problem on a cosmic scale to the size of an eyelash on a ciliate slipper.

“...just don’t start, please...”

“And you too!..”

She is Brutus, He is Caesar. What else can we talk about after this?

“A woman driving is...”

Plus women's logic, PMS and a bunch of similar terribly witty formulas. Relationships are strengthened - to the level of reinforced concrete.

“So what, you won’t love me now?”

And this magical thing is called indulgence. Issued for all occasions. Of course, the best justification is accusation.

“But you’re probably not interested in that...”

Well, clearly, women only know how to scream in trees and poop on the heads of passers-by. Cross stitch is their ceiling; they will confuse cosmetics with cosmic ones. And even Sklodowska-Curie was a man in disguise.

“...I’ve never felt so good with anyone before...”

“Yes, of course, of course... Oh, what did you say?”

He is the god of attention and communication.

“I’ve never felt so good with anyone before...”

Transcript: look, the Sultan himself gave you a compliment. Fall down on your face.

"Never mind. Everything is fine…"

The funeral intonation and sepulchral grimace make this brilliant answer to the question: “Are you sad, did something happen?” especially convincing.

“I will love you either way...”

Wrong answer. You are the weak link and are out of the game. To complaints: “I’ve gotten old, I’ve gotten fat,” you need to answer “nothing like that!” There is no other answer. Because it's a kangaroo.

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Thousands of articles have been written about what words a woman is pleased to hear, and what phrases will help win her, but for some reason everyone is silent about what words she should never say.

Bad about her male friends

A woman will immediately put you in the category of “unreliable” if you start scolding her male friends - especially if you haven’t met them yet and have never met them at all. We must understand once and for all: even if there is something between them, with your stupid conversations you are making yourself look like a coward who is not ready for competition, and for a woman this is the equivalent of “unreliability.” It’s better to sit and keep quiet when the conversation turns to one of her friends, and think more about how you look in her eyes, not them.

“I’ll call you on Friday!”

If you're trying to sell something, this phrase is a great way to end a conversation. But under no circumstances should you say such a goodbye to a woman. Firstly, it deprives your relationship of spontaneity and makes you too predictable, and secondly, you do not leave her the opportunity to call you first: now she will have to sit and sadly wait for Friday, because otherwise she risks seeming intrusive and overly impatient .

Hints to "next time"

When a woman mentions an activity she really enjoys or a place she likes to go on a first date, men often jump at it as an opportunity to hint at the next date.

Let’s say, a girl praises Thai cuisine, and you immediately: “Oh, how cool, I also love Thai cuisine, let’s go to a Thai restaurant sometime!” No and no! Stop! If already in the middle of the first date you say that you are ready to date her again and again, she will immediately understand that you are in her pocket and the job is done.

“A woman needs a man who has to be conquered!”

Of course, it’s great to find common interests and topics the first time and immediately plan various pleasant things that you can do together, but you don’t need to immediately tell the woman about this. So you will be too easy a victory for her and will be no different from all the other men she met and who immediately laid down their weapons at her feet.

“How many have you slept with?”

Is it really that important for you to know? And then, you again show yourself to be “unreliable,” especially if you ask this question at the very beginning of the relationship. Of course, if she asks you about it first, you can ask her back, but starting such a conversation yourself means dooming yourself to failure.

“I called you yesterday, but you didn’t call back. What's happened?"

This is one of the most common mistakes men make after women don't call them back. It would seem like a nonsense question, but it is completely unacceptable. I spent a long time trying to figure out how to behave when a woman doesn’t call back or doesn’t respond to messages, but then I realized:

“You just have to pretend that nothing happened!”

If you reproach her for forgetting to call you back, then, firstly, you are showing that this is very bothering you (and if you have known each other not so long ago, this should not bother you much!), and secondly, you make her feel guilty, which women associate with the same notorious “unreliability.”

"Do you like me?"

If you need to choose one single phrase that can once and for all deprive you of all attractiveness in the eyes of a woman, then here it is - this phrase. By asking such a question, you are admitting that you are terribly unsure of yourself. There is no need to ask, you just need to assume that she likes you - and act with that conviction. No, really, how can you not like you??

"What's the plan?"

Women like men who have a plan. If you call her and ask her out on a date, be prepared to offer your idea of ​​how to spend the evening. You don’t need to put the burden of planning on her shoulders, otherwise she will never believe that you are a cool guy who can always come up with something interesting.

About what a wonderful car/job/apartment you have

You know who brags about cars, apartments and good salaries to women? Well, to be honest, a lot of people do. But women unite such men into one category - “those who have nothing more to tell.” No, seriously, ask any attractive woman and she will confirm my words. Of course, some women can be impressed by an apartment and an expensive car, but even they will be much more pleased with your material well-being if you don’t start talking about it on the first date.

“Can I ask you out on a date?”

Women like male leaders who are in control and confident in themselves and their actions. Never ask a woman for permission to invite her - just invite her and that’s it. It’s enough to say: “We need to meet again. Let me write down your number?

"May I kiss you?"

Any woman will confirm this to you: under no circumstances should a man ask permission to kiss. A question like this goes against EVERYTHING a woman looks for in a man. You might as well tell her, for example, that you are still a boy. Of course, if she is polite enough, she will answer the question about the kiss “Yes,” but, believe me, the indicator of your interest in her eyes will blink with the word “NO!”

Do you want to increase your level so that girls in your bed are much better and more beautiful than now? At the RMES-Basic training you will learn how.

All men know perfectly well how sharply female representatives react to certain expressions spoken in a fit of rage or in deep alcoholic intoxication. However, it also happens that men, in a completely adequate state, want to confess to their soulmate some things that should be kept silent. Unfortunately, such conversations often end in resentment on the part of the woman or separation. So, what things should you not tell your significant other in order to protect her nerves and avoid another loud scandal:
1. About treason.
There are a huge number of opinions and judgments on this matter, but more votes are given to hiding this fact. Representatives of the fair sex often independently admit that they would not like to know such an unpleasant moment in the life of their loved one. No matter how much guilt you feel towards your significant other, it is better to restrain yourself and try to make amends for it in your actions, but deal with your remorse on your own. It is unlikely that a woman will appreciate your frankness, and the chances are too great that this will all end in divorce.
2. About her external shortcomings that repel you.
Maybe your partner is overweight or has too small breasts while you are attracted to a large bust? You shouldn’t immediately tell your significant other about this and thereby cause pain. It’s better to hint to the woman that she should start playing sports with you. You will either have to come to terms with the same shortcomings that are extremely difficult to correct, or find another partner if appearance comes first in choosing a partner.
3. About your true attitude towards your mother-in-law.
You should never admit to your spouse or lover how much you don’t like being in the same company as your future or current mother-in-law. No matter how many jokes there are about the relationship between sons-in-law and mother-in-law, women will never understand negative attitude to their mothers. Pretend that you are happy with everything or carefully hint to your spouse that your mother-in-law is very picky about you in some respects. Avoid harsh speech and harsh language that may offend your lover.
4. About the merits of your former partners.
Even if your significant other asks questions about ex-girlfriends, try to avoid answering. Women remember such moments very well, and even when you have forgotten it a thousand years ago external features his former lover - the beloved will remember and cause another conflict with her jealousy.
5. About how many women you had.
Some women like experienced men. However, there are also those who simply adore the stronger sex, who carefully choose their partners. There is no need to confess to a lady the exact number of former lovers, because in most cases everything said turns out to be against the man.
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