Thieves Guild. Artifacts Thank you very much for the interesting information

In this section you will find detailed information about all Morrovidna artifacts belonging to the category weapon. Most artifact weapons are unique and are found in a single copy. Each weapon is unique in its own way and has powerful enchantments that can help you in battle.


Cleaver- dagger, one of the Tools of the main Dwemer tonal architect Kagrenac. Created to collect and focus energy Hearts of Lorkhan. The enchantment placed on the Cleaver is so powerful that it will kill anyone who picks it up without wearing it. Phantom Guardian. The hilt of the blade is made of Dwemer metal reinforced with ebonite, but the blade is made of soulProof stone modified by Dwemer convectors? .

The tool was used by Kagrenac to influence the Heart during the War of the First Council, when the Dwemer race disappeared from Nirn.

It was used by the Nerevarine to destroy the Sixth House in the depths of Red Mountain.

Short blades, one-handed

  • Slash: 9 – 15
  • Slash: 9 – 15
  • Pierce: 9 – 18


  • Increase magic 50p. - permanent effect
  • Health increase 30p. - permanent effect
  • Attack increase 30p. - permanent effect
  • Speed ​​increase 20p. - permanent effect
  • Increase in agility 20p. - permanent effect

Features: Used to interact with With the Heart of Lorkhan. Without equipped, the Phantom Guard deals massive damage to the player's health.

A one-handed hammer, one of the Tools of the chief Dwemer Tonal Architect Kagrenac. Was created to collect and focus the energy of the Heart of Lorkhan. The enchantment placed on the Divider is so powerful that it will kill anyone who takes it without the Wraithguard equipped.

Kagrenac used the tool to influence the Heart during the War of the First Council, when the Dwemer race disappeared from Nirn.

It was reused by the Nerevarine to destroy the Sixth House in the depths of Red Mountain.

  • Slash: 10 - 70
  • Slash: 10 - 60
  • Pierce: 1 - 4


  • Attack increase 30p. permanent effect
  • Strength increase 20p. permanent effect
  • Increase in agility 20p. permanent effect
  • Luck increase 20p. permanent effect
  • Reducing the reserve of strength 1p. permanent effect

Features: Used to interact with the Heart of Lorkhan. Without the Wraithguard equipped, it deals massive damage to health.

Having a magical bonus, the separator deals purely physical damage of 40 - 100 units (magic resists of the enemy do not affect the damage of the weapon), and can also deal damage to ghosts and lower daedra. With all my positive qualities is one-handed and weighs less than Daedric weapons. According to many players it is best weapon in Game.


Umber- a sword that takes over the mind of its owner, if this owner is not the player. The wielder of this sword takes the name Umbra and becomes obsessed with murder, feeding the souls of his enemies to the sword. According to legend, this sword was enchanted by the witch Naenra Vaer with the soul of the hero Umbra, and in the novel by Greg Keyes "Lord of the souls" it turns out that the mysterious witch may have been reincarnated Sheogorath.

However, this sword is capable of enslaving the minds of its owners. Most of those who wield it become furious and bloodthirsty berserkers, living for battle and sowing the death of people and mer in order to feed their souls into the sword. Soon they even forget their own name, preferring to be called after the sword.

Sword Damage:

  • Slash: 10-50
  • Cutting blow: 10-45
  • Pierce: 10-40

Sword, artifact. Present in several games in The series Elder Scrolls.

The Paladin's Blade is an ancient claymore whose offensive abilities are only matched by its defensive abilities. It gives the wearer health, protects him from fire, and reflects any spells directed at him back to the magician. Chrysamere does not go through too many carriers, serving his master for an unlimited time.

- Yagrum Bagarn, Legends of Tamriel
When used, it provides fire resistance of 5-20% and reflection of all other spells of 5-20%, and also restores health in the amount of 5-20 HP per second. The effect lasts 30 seconds.

Saint Felms' Cleaver

Saint Felms' Cleaver - Artifact Temple of the Tribunal, an ax that once belonged to one of the saints - Saint Felms. Its last owner was Mendel Eves, the Eternal Guardian, who died in the depths of the Tureynulal fortress, fighting the monsters of the Sixth House.

Uvu Llaren, a servant from the Phantom Gate, will ask you to find and return this artifact to the Temple. The relic remained lying on the body of the fallen Guardian in Tureynula, in the Clovis Bubble location. If you like this ax, don’t be upset - when you reach the rank of Patriarch, Uvu will give you the artifact back.

Justice of Veloth

Justice of Veloth- a unique enchanted Daedric hammer, which is a relic of the Tribunal Temple. The main character receives this artifact as a gift from Tarer Rothelot, the ruler of the Temple in the Molag Mar fortress.

News reached Rotelot that vampires of the Berne clan had settled in the Dwemer stronghold of Galom Deus. The temple is in an irreconcilable hostility with vampires, so Tarer ordered the hero to clear the dungeon of vampires and kill the leader of the clan Raxle Berne. To help with this difficult task, he gave him several items from the vampire hunter's equipment, including this hammer.

It is not necessary to kill vampires specifically with this hammer, just as no one demands that you return the artifact - from now on it is only yours, do with it as you please.

Main characteristics:

Two-handed war hammer, blunt weapon:

  • Slashing damage: 1-70
  • Cutting Damage: 1-60
  • Piercing damage: 1-4

Magic effect “Veloth's Justice” (on target, upon impact):

  • Fire strike 4-10 pp. for 10 s.
  • Agility drain 25 points for 10 seconds.
  • Absorbs 5 points of stamina for 10 seconds.

Charge / energy consumption = 400 / 40 = 10 hits.

Damage Weight Price
See article 10 75000
Strength 4000
Type Staff
Skill No skill required
Enchantment See article

- a weapon that belonged to a powerful wizard. Hasedoki was a wizard with a competitive spirit. He wandered the earth in search of a magician who would be stronger than him. But Hasedoki was very strong, and never met anyone who would accept his challenge. As a result, he became lonely and unhappy - so many people were afraid of him - and concluded his own vitality into this staff, where his soul remains to this day. Mages throughout Tamriel are passionately searching for this magical staff. It gives the owner protection from magic - a gift for any wizard.

- Yagrum Bagarn, “Legends of Tamriel”

This staff is found in the Gimotran Ancestral Tomb, in the possession of the hostile orc sorcerer Coffutto Gilgar. The tomb itself is located in the Molag Amur region, south of Falensarano.

Main characteristics:

Blunt weapon, two-handed:

  • Slash: 5 - 10
  • Slash: 1 - 10
  • Pierce: 5 - 15


  • Magic resistance 30-40% for 30 sec. using.

Charge / energy consumption = 525 / 105 = 5 uses.

Staff of Magnus

Damage Weight Price
See article 10 210000
Strength 4000
Type Staff
Skill No skill required
Enchantment See article

Staff of Magnus- one of the oldest artifacts of Tamriel, was created by Magnus as a kind of metaphysical battery. When used, it absorbs the victim's magical energy and restores vital energy carrier. This is the only artifact in the world that is powerful enough to hold the power of Magnus.

The staff is capable of absorbing an unimaginable amount of magical energy, which makes the wearer dangerous for any magicians. Where the energy goes and what it is converted into is unknown. There are many theories on this subject, however, given the connection of the staff with the Eye of Magnus, it can be assumed that all the energy goes into the Eye.

In the game, this staff is wielded by the sorceress of the Tree of Hlaren from the cave of Assu, which is in the mountains northwest of Molag Mar. She does not tolerate uninvited guests and will immediately attack. Azhira, a Khajiit alchemist from the Balmora Mages Guild, will give you a hint about where to look for the artifact when main character will advance sufficiently up the career ladder. However, you can find the cave yourself by stumbling upon it while wandering around Molag Amur. The staff has the following characteristics:

  • Slash: 5–15;
  • Slash: 1–10;
  • Pierce: 5–15.

Effect when used:

  • Magic absorption 25–50 units. for 60 sec;
  • Health restoration 1 unit. for 60 sec.

Auriel's Bow

Auriel's Bow- This is one of the most powerful artifacts that has ever existed in Tamriel. Like its "brother", the Shield of Auriel, it was created by the great elven hero-god. In the Altmeri legend “The Heart of the World” it is said that Anu gave a bow and shield to Auriel so that he could save Aldmeris from the human hordes. When Auriel tore Lorkhan's heart out, he first tried to destroy it, but could not, since it was also the heart of Nirn. Then Auriel attached the heart to an arrow and launched it from his bow as far as possible, and where it landed, the Vvardenfell volcano was formed. This bow can turn any arrow into flying death. Even without Auriel's power, the bow retains magical properties using your own energy reserve.

The bow is in the possession of Ralin Poison, who serves the Tribunal Temple in Phantom Gate. Lady Terana of House Telvanni wishes to obtain this artifact. To do this you will have to either steal the bow or kill the Poisoner. Terana will pay 5,000 septims. However, you don’t have to take this quest and keep the relic for yourself.

Unlike other games in the series, Auriel's bow is not enchanted here. Perhaps this is a flaw of the creators. In the GFM patch plugin from 1C, the following enchantments were added to the artifact (effect on the target when used):

  • “Lightning Strike” 10-25 pp.
  • “Take away strength” 10-20 pp. for 5 s.
  • “Absorb Magic” 2-5 pp. for 5 s.

Charge / energy consumption = 210 / 42 = 5 uses.

  • In addition The Elder Scrolls III: Tribunal the bow can be donated or sold to Thorasa Aram at the Mournhold Artifact Museum for 15,000 gold (which is much more profitable than giving it to Terana).
  • Ms. Terana claims that the onions literally stink of ashy yams, whose smell irritates her. Maybe this is the nonsense of a Dunmer woman going crazy, but Thorasa Aram also talks about the aroma of sweet potatoes when buying an artifact.
  • If you play without GFM_1C and plan to sell the bow to a museum, do not enchant it yourself - when enchanting the weapon, the ID will change and the game will no longer recognize it.

Death of the Mages

Death of the Mages- a unique glass claymore. Obviously, it received this name for its magical properties, with the help of which you can gain a slight resistance to magic for a short time.

The blade can be found in the Urshilaku burial caves, southeast of the Ashlander camp of the same name. It is located in the Laterus Burial location in the hands of one of the mummies in the upper part of the burial, not far from the entrance to another part of the dungeon - “Beautiful Burial”.


Effect on yourself when used:

  • Magic resistance 20-40% for 10 s.

Charge / consumption = 150 / 30 = 5 uses.

Ice Blade of the Monarch

One of the most coveted artifacts in Tamriel. Legend says that the evil Archmage Almion Selmo enchanted the great warrior's claymore with the soul of the Ice Monarch - a stronger form of the Ice Atronach. The warrior, Tyrgnarr Assi, took part in a conspiracy against the great king of a distant land, who aimed to place a new leader on the throne. The plot failed and Tyrgnarr was captured. Since then, the Ice Blade has been in the hands of many criminals. This sword freezes anyone it touches with its blade.

It can be found in the Dunmer fortress of Rotheran. There in the Arena stands Llaren Terano, who owns this sword. Rotheran is located far south of Dagon Fel, on an islet off the coast of Shigorad.

Main characteristics:

Long blades, two-handed weapons.

  • Slash: 5 - 50
  • Slash: 4 - 40
  • Pierce: 3 - 30
  • Enchantment: Damage 10-40 cold on hit.

Sul-Senipul's Bow

Sul-Senipul's Bow- Ashlander artifact. All that is known about him is that this bow once belonged to Sul-Senipul, the father of the Ashkhan of the Urshilaku Sul-Matuul tribe, who, in turn, is one of the key characters in the main storyline games.

The bow can be found in the Urshilaku burial caves, which are located southeast of the Urshilaku camp. This artifact belongs to the ghost of Sun-Senipul. Kill him and take the artifact. The ghost can be found in the Beautiful Burial location.

The bow is required to complete the Sul-Matuul quest, after which you can keep the bow.

In the same caves you can find another artifact -.

A mace blessed by Malacath, made of sacred ebony. Legendary weapons Makkan, thanks to whom many Daedra were sent back to Oblivion. The weapon also has the ability to summon spirits from Oblivion. It was used against the Daedra in the Battlespire, and is currently used by adventurers. The curse of Malacath placed on this weapon is that if a Daedra calls on the power of this mace, he will end up in a place in Oblivion from where it is impossible to get out to Nirn and other worlds.

This artifact is kept in the Tel Fir Tower, in a chest to the left of the entrance to Divayth Fyr's room. The chest is locked with a level 100 lock and is equipped with a trap with frost magic. Divayth Fir himself will not object if you decide to take the artifact for yourself.


Blunt weapon, one-handed:

  • Slashing damage: 10 – 35
  • Cutting damage: 10 – 35
  • Piercing damage: 6 – 8

Enchantment (on self, when used):

  • Summons a Dremora for 30 seconds.
  • Summons a scam for 30 seconds.

Charge / consumption = 300 / 60 = 5 uses.

While completing the storyline and completing side quests, Dovahkiin can find or receive unique Dwemer artifacts as a reward. But many don’t even know what they are favorite weapon or the item was created using Dwemer technology.

The Dwemer were an intelligent people of elves who were called dwarves. However, they suddenly disappeared at the beginning First Era. Even after their disappearance, robots guard their long-abandoned fortress-homes and are ready to give their lives for it. The disappearance of the Dwemer is a huge mystery. However, in addition to empty dungeons, robots and other interesting things, the Dwemer left a legacy of several very powerful artifacts.

All Dwemer artifacts

  1. Onion Zephyr- a Dwemer bow that differs from a regular bow only in the speed of fire. This bow belonged to Katria, a traveler whose soul we meet in the ruins of Arkntazm.
  2. Etherium Crown- a hoop created by the Dwemer. The crown allows you to use two effects of guardian stones at once, but when you remove the crown, one of the effects will disappear.
  3. Hammer Volendrung is a powerful Dwemer artifact, and although Malacath gives it to the player, the Dwemer created the hammer.
  4. Shield " "- an artifact that was created by the Dwemer to fight a powerful magician. The shield blocks 50 magic damage.
  5. Etherium Shield- a beautiful and powerful shield forged by the Dwemer. When hit with a shield, the enemy becomes incorporeal, therefore he cannot be attacked, and he cannot attack the player, and also when hit, the enemy begins to run away.
  6. Dwemer Bow of Fate- a high-quality and powerful bow, which, when fired successfully, inflicts damage on the enemy and absorbs one of three attributes (magic, stamina or health).
  7. Etherium Staff- a powerful staff that allows you to summon a Dwemer spider to a specified location, but there is a chance that the summoning will fail or the spider will immediately break.

Search for Dwemer artifacts - Lost in the centuries

Now it won’t be difficult for you to find all the Dwemer artifacts, because before your eyes there is a short list of the rarest and most unique items remaining from the Dwemer civilization.

Where did the word "Dwemer" come from?

Dwemer is the real (elven) name of the dwarves. It is pronounced like this: TWO-mer. In some translations, “short people”, “skillful people” and, probably, the best translation is “profound people”. Perhaps "profound" in the sense of "enlightened and skilled" is contrasted with a reference to "physical depth" of some sort.
The name "dwarves" was used mostly by non-elven races and had various meanings. There are rumors that the name "dwarves" was given to the Dwemer by giants who once lived in Morrowind. Perhaps it's just confusion. A variation of the legend suggests that the ancestors of Men and Mer, described as the "titanic" Elnofey (also known as the Earth Bones), gave the name to the Dwemer. In this case, the name is actually a play on words, combining short stature (relative to the "titanic" Elnofey) and intelligence. Both of these interpretations show inconsistencies beyond the presentation of this manual, but they are still possible.

The most possible interpretation is that "dwarf" is simply a mistranslation of the word "dwemer", then it is correct in the sense of "deep people", but "dve" was mistakenly translated by people as "low". Thus we got the "stunted people", or dwarves.

Legacy of the Dwemer

All that remains of the Dwemer are their inventions. Of course, the most famous remaining artifacts are the Numidium, which Tiber Septim used to "chain" the Third Empire, as well as the items: the Cleaver, the Divider and the Wraithguard.

TES III: Morrowind - On the left is an example of one of the Dwemer ghosts that still haunts their Dwemer ruins. On the right is Yagrum Bagarn, the last living dwarf crippled by Corprus disease.
Dwemer Centurion Sphere
Dwemer weapons resist corrosion and remain sharp despite frequent use. The Imperial administration prohibits the use, sale or export of such artifacts outside the province of Morrowind, but this does not stop smugglers. Dwemer items are very rare and highly prized by collectors throughout the Empire.

Above is an example of a Dwemer Animunculi - a protective Centurion Sphere. According to information from unidentified sources, Dwemer Animunculi malfunctioned when they were far enough from Vvardenfell (maybe due to the radius of influence of the Heart of Lorkhan?). Since these Centurions are also present on Hammerfell, it can be assumed that the Rourken clan used an alternative power source to power their creations, such as Steam Tube devices. In the Dwemer ruins on the island of Stros M'Kai, Redguard Cyrus fought much larger, more dangerous versions of these steam animunculi and steam golems.

Dwemer runes

there are two different shapes Dwemer writing. Many good examples of the first type, which for simplicity we will call "Dwemeris Glyphs", have been found in Morrowind and Hammerfell. These are the runes that make up the texts of the books “Egg of Time” and “Divine Metaphysics” (links to the books are given below).
The second type has so far only been found in Morrowind, on pipes and panels of Dwemer ruins scattered throughout Vvardenfell. We call this collection of runes "Dwemeris Script".
Whether these two types of runes relate to each other is not yet clear, and research to find their connecting link is still ongoing. The "glyphs" have withstood all attempts to understand them and the diagram below continues to detail the indexing system.
However, we were lucky enough to translate the available "Script" runes by studying them separately. Lord Divayth Fyr, Telvanni magister and scholar, confirmed that their meanings are exactly as shown below. Of course, it is clear that Lord Fyr has access to a larger area of ​​varied examples, as he also allowed us to recognize the rune that represents the Tamriel "F", which would have been impossible otherwise.

Let's look at pages from the Dwemer books "Egg of Time" and "Divine Metaphysics".

Illustrations from the books "Divine Metaphysics" and "Egg of Time"
The first depicts a gnomish golem that was in ruins. Next is an image of an unknown group of travelers. Possibly the Rourken clan during their great exodus. Considering the last image (which was not found in the ruins), and the fact that the sign on it was the inscription "Lorkhan", it seems that this beetle somehow represents the Heart of Lorkhan or his power.
"Divine Metaphysics", according to Baladas Demnevanni: "an explanation of how the Dwemer tried to create a new god, Anumidium, using the Tools of Kagrenac and the holy sounds of Lorkhan's heart." Demnevanni also tells us that the "Egg of Time" is Btuand Mzanch's refutation of a popular theory from the time of Nerevar. Some Dwemer believed that using the power of the Heart of Lorkhan involved terrible risks. The Egg of Time contains many of Btuand's arguments against this idea, many of which are irrefutable.
Although some of the Dwemer writing has already been deciphered, this does not yet allow the Dwemer records to be successfully read. So far, for researchers, they represent only a set of unrelated symbols.

Dwemer model" Solar System"
Destroyed Dwemer telescope

Among the large number of views that can be enjoyed from the Dwemer Observatory on Stros M'Kai, there is what may be the only existing, functioning Dwemer Model of the Solar System (hereinafter referred to as the Model).
The Dwemer race's excellent knowledge of the planets is very well documented and was achieved through their careful observations of the skies using such excellent observatories. The model of the solar system on the island of Stros M'Kai provides a rare opportunity to learn about the Dwemer model of planets and their movement.
According to the Elder Scrolls Cosmology, there are eight other planets besides Nirn, the mortal planet. This is how mortals literally understand the Eight Immortals who, according to myth, created the mortal planet during the Age of Twilight:
"The eight planets belong to the Eight Divines. They are all present in the Dwemer Model of the Solar System along with the mortal planet, Nirn."
We also know from "Cosmology" that the three Guardian Constellations are "guarded" by the Dominion Planets, "Akatosh (the eye of War), Julianos (the eye of the Magician), and Arkay (the eye of the Thief)."
As they emerge from Nirn, the constellations follow an annual pattern of rotation in the sky. This allows mortals to attach certain time years to the constellations, when each of them is located in the sky where the sun rises every year at the same period.
In order for mortals to identify three of the planets as making up the permanent signposts of the constellations, these planets must also follow the same predictable annual path pattern in the sky and be visible in the orbit of Nirn. This is most likely why the Dwemer modeled a planetary system with Nirn at the very center, which confirms the model of the solar system on the island of Stros M'kai.

Dominion Planets

Since the three Dominion Planets have permanent position in the Guardian Constellations and relate to each other, we can also assume that the three spheres of the Model representing them have constant relative positions in their orbits.
Dwemer model of the solar system
Examining the Model in more detail (see diagram to the right), it can be seen that the three spheres p1, p2 and p3 are the only ones that have a constant relative position throughout their orbits, and they are supposed to represent the Dominion Planets.
These are three spheres that are connected by a triangular, dragon-like frame of the Model, and it is most likely that the head of the Dragon, p2, is Akatosh, the Dragon Planet. Comparing the constellation diagram of the Solar System model with the Observatory diagram, one can notice that of this trio, sphere p1, with the smallest orbit and closest location in relation to Nirn, is most likely Arkay, the Dominion Planet of the constellation Thief, which is depicted on the map at the lowest latitude (latitude 1).
Julianos, the Dominion Planet of the Magus constellation, which the constellation diagram placed at mid-latitude, is most likely a sphere in the tail of Draco, p3.
As we have seen, the three spheres of the Dominion Planet have synchronous orbits. They all have the same curious wobbling effect in their orbital plane, where the normal axis of their orbits shifts a few degrees from Nirn's true axis, X, to a tilted position, Y, and back again. This “Stagger” occurs twice during each completed orbit, each time narrowly avoiding the collision of the Draco Planet (p2) with the p6 sphere.
Of the five remaining planets presented in the Model, only two rotate in the orbit of Nirn, p5 and p6. The other three are in orbit around larger planets. One might mistake them for moons, but Elder Scrolls Cosmology states that moons are not (too notable to be) represented in the Dwemer Model of the Solar System.
However, 'Cosmology' explains that small planets orbiting larger ones may be "minor Gods" referring to their Gods. major planets. This may raise the question of which of the Eight Lights can be regarded as "accompanying" the others.
The orbit of the p5 sphere is quite complex due to the rotation of its inclined orbital plane. The angle of inclination is constant, but the orbital plane of the sphere makes one full revolution around the true axis of Nirn for each completed cycle of the Model. The sphere itself, at the same time, makes four full revolutions around Nirn.
It should also be noted that the p6 sphere is the only one that directly rotates around Nirn in the direction opposite to the other spheres. Whether this observation, or any other made here, might have a deeper meaning is a matter of wider debate. But in any case, the Model exists as another confirmation of the genius of the Dwemer race.

Dwemer Observatory

The Dwemer Observatory on the island of Stros M'Kai, off the coast of Hammerfell, was built by the extinct Rurken clan sometime after 1E 420 and, unlike many similar observatories on Morrowind, is still in excellent condition.

The interior walls are lined with tall metal signs, each displaying one of the twelve permanent constellations. Of course, the Dwemer understood the constellations in accordance with their culture and many of their displays are different from modern Tamriel.
A closely similar, matching set of displays can be found on the walls of the Hall of Heartfire at Bamz Amschend, a recently excavated settlement beneath Mournhold, in Morrowind. However, getting to these ruins to make comparisons can be extremely dangerous, so be extremely careful.
Below each image is a "button" on the floor depicting the Dwemer Sign representing that constellation. The observatory floor diagram creates a map of the relative positions of the twelve constellations, also displaying the signs they correspond to.
The picture on the right represents the floor plan of the observatory. The signs are shown in yellow and blue, just like the original diagram; blue signs show the Guardian Constellations, and yellow ones show their "charges".
We've added reference numbers to explain which constellation and season each sign represents. The red numbers show their latitude, while the green numbers show their sectors.
The positions shown in the diagram indicate where to point the telescope to see the desired constellation. The buttons below the portraits rotate the observatory to the correct sector for each constellation, and the wheel on the telescope raises it to the desired latitude. It can be in three positions, the lowest of which is the height of the Thief constellation.
When a certain constellation is visible in a telescope, its Dwemer image is somehow hidden from view so that the stars only shine through points allowed by it. This is very helpful, as it verifies whether the constellation is currently visible, and hides its main points in the Dwemer display, allowing you not to be distracted by them when comparing with its known main points in the modern display. The sign that indicates the currently viewed constellation is also visible in the left top corner viewing windows.

What were they like?

Because the dwarves died so long ago, there is much we don't know about them. In general, we know that they were reclusive and possessed great power, preferring technology rather than magic (the dwarves on Stros M'Kai were confident in steam power). They lived in large semi-underground buildings and created mechanical creatures called Animukuli, as well as other devices . We know that they were feared by the Dunmer, the Nords, the Redguards, perhaps even the Gods. We can say that the Dwemer were "blasphemers". They challenged the power of Eth "Hell (Aedra and Daedra), questioning their power, and went to " Outer Worlds." These factors may have led to their demise, as discussed below. Perhaps the defining aspect of Dwemer culture is their use of the "Heart". According to legend, after Lorkhan tricked or convinced the Aedra to create the mortal plane, they tore out his divine heart and threw it into Nirn, where it was to be buried forever. The Dwemer found this heart, explored its secrets, and used its divine power to create many things. They created the Cleaver blade and the Divider hammer along with the Phantom Guardian in order to control the power of the Heart.
One of the things they built was the enormous golem Nimidium, the Copper God, created to help them "transcend the boundaries of the Gray Possibility [Nirn, the Mortal Plane]" by drawing power directly from the Heart. In other words, this golem was more than just a destructive force. He was the true new God that the Dwemer created from the substance of Lorkhan, the "Dead" God.
After the disappearance of the Dwemer, Numidium reappeared in a weaker form when Tiber Septim used it to conquer all of Tamriel and usher in the Third Era.
A good example of the Dwemer's attitude towards the gods is the story "Azura's Box", in which the Dwemer calls Azura to solve a riddle and deceives her. He does this to understand the limits of Eth'Hell's power. In contrast, his pious Chimer friend is stunned by the insolence of the Dwemer, but he agrees to help him and calls Azura. At the end of the story, Azura curses the Dwemer and, possibly, the house of the Chimer for disrespect. This good example the contrast between the faith of the Chimer and the unbelief of the Dwemer.
This theme is repeated for the Dwemer. Baladas Demnevanni says that "during the Age of Dawn they discovered the death of the Bones of the Earth, which we now call the laws of nature, by analyzing the process of turning sacred will into profane. I believe that their mechanics and tonal architects discovered systematic methods of regression to reverse the process - that there is, to create the sacred out of the death of the profane."
A final aspect of the Dwemer data: although many think of them as a technology-oriented race, there was an additional dimension added to them. Apparently, the power of the Heart of Lorkhan brought some magic to their “technology”. However, there is also evidence that the Dwemer possessed elements of spirituality.
According to Kimervamidium (Ancient Tales of the Dwemer, Part VI), the Dwemer supposedly possessed an ability called "Call". This is akin to what we call telepathy or self-knowledge. It allowed the Dwemer to communicate with each other over vast distances. Supposedly, in the final seconds before his disappearance, Master Artisan Kagrenac used the Call to communicate with all the Dwemer to announce their departure from the mortal world.
Whether this version of their end is correct or not is unknown, but there is another. The last living dwarf, Yagrum Bagarn, said that when the Dwemer disappeared, he was in the "Outer Worlds", and therefore did not disappear with them. The outer worlds refer to planes outside of Nirn. It could be Aetherius, Oblivion, or any other "location" in Aurbis. Either way, this shows us that at least some Dwemer had the ability to move their bodies out of the mortal plane and travel outside of or (possibly) with their body. This is the thought of Baladas Demnevanni, who says that the Dwemer practiced "generations of ritual anti-creatures" which may have been responsible for their extinction.
As a note, I must say that it is unknown whether the Call and these anti-creatures were an innate or learned ability, or maybe they were obtained through some kind of technology or from the use of the Heart.

Dwemer artifacts

The Cleaver is an artifact blade, one of the enchanted weapons made by the Dwemer commander-in-chief Kagrenac. A cursed weapon that kills anyone who dares to take it without the Wraithguard glove. The Tools of Kagrenac are famous for being able to use the heart of the dead god Lorkhan to gain some of his divine power.

The Divider, one of Kagrenac's weapons. One of the most mysterious artifacts of Tamriel, which caused the rise and fall of the Dwemer civilization. A cursed item that kills anyone who dares to take it without the Phantom Guardian glove. The Tools of Kagrenac are famous for being able to use the heart of the dead god Lorkhan to gain some of his divine power. During the entire existence of Nirn, only members of the Tribunal and Dagoth Ur managed to accomplish this. Anyone who wants to repeat their act must remember tragic fate the Dwemer people and the curse placed by the Daedra Azura on all Dunmer when the leaders of the Tribunal used Kagrenac's weapons.

The Phantom Guardian is a mysterious Dwemer artifact that was specially created to protect the owner from the deadly energy of the Separator and Cleaver artifacts. In addition, it has less significant protective enchantments against physical and magical damage, which can also be useful.

Where did the Dwemer go?

They disappeared into thin air. Quite strange, isn't it?
The problem is that there are many different opinions about their end. I'll try to break this section down into mini-sections: facts (sometimes inconsistent) about the disappearance of the Dwemer, as well as thoughts about their disappearance.

Time and place - Vvardenfell, during the Battle of Red Mountain. This was the culmination of the war between the Chimer and the Dwemer. On the Chimer side, Nerevar, Almalexia, Vivec and Sotha Sil were represented.
On the Dwemer side, Dumac and Kagrenac acted. There was also Vorin Dagoth from the House of Dagoth, as well as Nords and Orcs. However, it is not known exactly whose side they were on. The five songs about King Wulfhart claim that the Nords and Orcs were on the side of the House of Dagoth, against the Dwemer. However, the book also states that Nerevar fought on the side of the Dwemer, and the Chimer were not introduced at all, leaving a difference of understanding. In addition, the book War of the First Council states that House Dagoth was on the side of the Dwemer, and that the Nords and Orcs fought them. This, however, is also possible, according to Vivec's records, Dagoth Ur fought on the same side with Nerevar. Although this issue is important from a historical point of view, it is not relevant to the Dwemer.
According to some versions of events, the Dwemer were simply slaughtered - and this is the explanation for their disappearance. It's not like the Rourken clan, which was on the other side of the continent, disappeared at the same time. Don't forget the stories (of Vivec and the Ashlanders) that say something much more significant happened.
These versions state that at the end of the battle, Nerevar, Dagoth Ur, Kagrenac and others were in the Chamber of the Heart. Dumac could have been here and been killed or unconscious. According to one version, Kagrenac, seeing that he was in trouble, took the Tools and headed to the Heart. Others saw him trying to use the tools on the heart and at that moment all the Dwemer on Tamriel disappeared without a trace. His use of the Tools may have been intended to make his race godlike. According to other sources, Kagrenac was killed by Dagoth Ur, and Azura showed Nerevar how to use the tools to break the Dwemer's connection with the Heart. "And on the battlefield, the Tribunal and their armies saw how the Dwemer around them turned to ashes, as they lost their stolen immortality." The question is whether the Tools were actually used and whether they actually worked.

Assuming the Dwemer end records above are correct, there are several possibilities arising from them. Here I will list the ones I have been thinking about.
Possibility A: The tools worked. Kagrenac successfully used the Tools and possibly the Call to transport his people from Mundus, the Mortal Plane. He either deified them, or simply allowed them to move freely throughout the Outer Worlds.
It's possible, but it doesn't seem likely. If this happened, then Vivec, who is a god, would not say: “I do not feel their presence in the eternal divine world beyond mortal time.” In addition, for reasons described below, I think that certain Eth'Ada would never allow the Dwemer to do such a thing. Finally, come to think of it, if the Dwemer were deified, we would have heard more about it.
Possibility B: The tools did not work. Kagrenac foolishly wiped his race from the face of Nirn. They were destroyed or transported somewhere outside of Nirn and died.
This is most likely the truth. The book "Egg of Time" shows that there were differences among the Dwemer. The book states that it is safe to use the power of the Heart, and that the Dwemer who thought it involved great risk were wrong. I think we wouldn't have known about this "dispute" if the experiments with the Heart were actually safe, and something terrible could have happened if Kagranak tried to use the Tools on it. There is also an article called "Zero Sermon of Thirty-Six Lessons" that was given to us by Jobasha on the official forum. It is very confusing and does not appear to be an official document, but it contains three secret messages that can be deciphered from the text.
One of them reads: “The Dwemer and Oblivion own this treasure and they are dead there.”
Possibility B: Kagrenac had no chance to actually use the Tools. A second before he could do this, the Daedric Prince Azura would throw him and all the other Dwemer out of Nirn and imprison them in Oblivion. Alternatively, he used the Tools, but when his race transferred from Mundus, Azura imprisoned them in Oblivion. Or he died before he had the chance, and Azura showed Nerevar how to use the Tools to destroy the Dwemer enchantment on the Heart, causing it to instantly disappear.
Or Azura took them to Oblivion and they may or may not have died there.
This is, in my opinion, the most plausible of the possibilities. As stated above, the Dwemer questioned the power of Eth"Hell and did not honor them like other races. One example of this was associated with Azura - this is described in the "Azura Box". And we must not forget the main purpose of Numidium, the Copper God. Who, according to "Divine Metaphysics", was a new god created from the power of the "Dead" God, Lorkhan. This is blasphemy in the greatest sense, and according to some sources, Azura did not want it.
More importantly, Azura was involved several times during the Battle of Red Mountain, before and after the war. In "The Battle of Red Mountain" it is said that Nerevar came to Holamayan and summoned Azura to ask for advice, and she told him that the construction of "a New Dwemer God must be prevented at all costs." In Nerevar at the Red Mountain, Azura tells Nerevar how to use the Tools in the Chamber of the Heart to destroy the Dwemer, which he does (at which point, according to legend, all the Dwemer simply disappeared). Later, according to both records, the Tribunal breaks their oath to Nerevar and Azura and uses the Heart to become gods. At this time, Azura appears and curses the Chimer, turning them into Dunmer, "so that they will forever remember their evil deeds." Finally, it has been said that Azura will one day return Nerevar to Morrowind to destroy the Heart and its destructive influence once and for all, and this is the story of the Nerevarine.
All of these events show that Azura was actively involved in preventing the Heart from being used. For some reason, she did not want the Heart to be used for mortal needs. From this I understood that Azura was protecting the natural order of the divine and mortals to protect them on Tamriel, or simply wanted to punish the Dwemer for their pride by imprisoning them forever in Oblivion, where they still exist today.

Known Dwemer
Btuand Mzanch- One of the Tonal Architects, and author of the book “The Egg of Time.” In it, Btuand challenges the idea that draining the energy from the Heart of Lorkhan is too dangerous. Some believed that using the Heart could have side effects, but the Tonal Architects insisted that there could be no unintended consequences from their work.
Dumac- King of the Dwemer and friend of Nerevar. Dumac and Nerevar united their races to drive the Nords out of Morrowind (which was called Dunmereth at the time). They renamed the land Resdain and formed the First Council to govern the two races. They later declared war on each other when Nerevar demanded a halt to the construction of the Numidium, which Dumac may or may not have known about). He was called Dumac Korolgnom (Dwarf King), and his enemies called him Dumac Gnome-Orc.
Kagrenac- "Chief Tonal Architect" or "Founder" of the Dwemer. Kagrenac was the chief mer who worked on Lorkhan's heart. He created the first Tin God, Numidium, along with Keening, Sander (Chopper and Divider) and Wraithguard. He was present at the Battle of Red Mountain, and (according to some stories) tried to use the tools on the Heart moments before his race vanished.
Yagrum Bagarn- The Last Living Dwarf and one of Kagrenac's Tonal Architects. Bagarn was in the Outer Dimension when his entire race disappeared, so he was unaffected by this event. He wandered Morrowind for many years in search of other Dwemer, but his search brought no results. He contracted Corprus and fell into madness for many years. His home is now Corpusarium in Tel Fira and he is more conscious, although not in full control of his body and mind.


Below is a rough timeline of the fascinating Dwemer and their active activities in Tamriel. Years may vary by n number of years.
??? - 1E 222 The Dwemer and Chimera live in Velothi (Morrowind), inharmoniously, in conflict.
1E 240 The Nords conquer the Velothi and perhaps rename it Dunmereth.
1E 420 Indoril Nerevar and the Dwarf King Dumac teamed up and drove the Nords away. They renamed Dunmereth Resdain.
1E??? Clan Rourken refused to ally with the Chimera, leaving Resdain and traveling to a desert land called Volenfell (later Hammerfell).
1E 668 Nerevar hears rumors about Numidium and accuses Dumac. The two races fight, and the Dwemer disappear. The Tribunal uses the Heart's power to become Gods, and Dagoth Ur creates a chain with the heart and becomes the Mad God. Azura turns the Chimeras into Dunmer, and Vulcan erupts for the first time in recorded history.
3E 0 The Unknown Hero restores Numidium again and creates the Western Portal. In this situation, as they say, many events took place simultaneously (the uprising of the new Orsinium, the King of Hearts becoming a God, etc.). The Underking consumes Mantella (rumored to be his own heart) and dies as a mortal, receiving the peace he wanted.
3E 427 Nerevar returns to Nirn in the form of another nameless hero - the Nerevarine. The Nerevarine unites Morrowind and uses Kagrenac's tools to destroy the spell for the Heart once and for all. Lorkhan's heart shrinks and disappears. Dagoth Ur dies and his creation Akulakan, the Second Numidium, is destroyed.

Thanks to In the Role for the information provided.

Enjoy reading!
Always yours,
Lord Dmitry

He pushed me to take up the investigation of the disappearance of the Dwemer race personally, because... I don’t believe all ag” and the Nomads sitting on them. The question of gnomes haunts players to this day, and a huge number of theories and versions are still being built. And today I will shed light on some of them.

The first person interested in gnomes, and who we meet at the very beginning, is Hasphat Antabolis. So I interviewed Hasfat:

- Hello, Hasfat, please tell me about the Dwemer!

The Dwemer are a fabled, extinct race of dwarves whose ruins and magnificent artifacts are scattered throughout Tamriel. Elves use the word "Dwemer" to mean "deep-digger", "wise" and "secretive"; The Imperials use the word "dwarf", which was mentioned in fairy tales. This is what the race of giants lovingly called their “little” Dwemer friends. There are several remains of Dwemer settlements in Vvardenfell. In addition, many found Dwemer artifacts.

- Can you tell me more about the disappearance?

The disappearance of the Dwarves predated the appearance of Imperial written records; Dunmer oral legends say that the Dwemer were severely punished by the gods for their insolence and lack of faith. Ruins of the Dwemer are scattered throughout Tamriel, we often find weapons, armor, household items, money and other traces of the life of the Dwarves, but the circumstances of the disappearance of the Dwarves themselves are one of the greatest mysteries of the Empire.

- Thank you very much, Hasfat, it was nice talking to you!

Finally, my photo with Hasfat:


- Hello, can you tell me about the disappearance of the gnomes?

It was not customary among the Dwemer to view their spirits as synthetic constructs, creatures three, four, or forty degrees deviating from the divine essence. In the days of the Dawn Era, they studied the death of the Bones of the earth, now we call it the law of nature, cutting the process of holy will into the mundane. I believe that their mechanics and tone architects have discovered a constant regression of technology to do the opposite - that is, to create the holy out of the destruction of the profane. Since there are no Dwemer corpses or traces of conflict left, I believe that generations of ritual "anti-creation" led to their immediate but predictable disappearance from the world. They found themselves beyond mathematics, color, beyond all existing laws. It is simply a coincidence that the Dwemer disappeared during the conflict with the Nerevarine and the Tribunal.

Baladas, I have 3 books here, found in the ruins of Betamets, Nchuleftingt and Mchuleft: Divine Metaphysics, The Hanging Gardens and The Egg of Time. Could you explain to me what they are about?

Yes, now I can translate these books. The first is Btuand Mzanch's refutation of a popular theory from the time of Nerevar. The Dwemer believed that using the power of Lorkhan's heart was a terrible risk. "The Egg of Time" contains Btuand's arguments in favor of the inconsistency of this idea, many of them quite convincing. The next book, Divine Metaphysics, is an explanation of how the Dwemer attempted to create a new god, Anumidium, using the tools of Kagrenac and the sacred music of the heart. There are several theories here on how to subjugate Ehlnofey or "Earth Bones", but I'm not entirely sure I understand them myself.

- Thank you, Baladas, it was nice to have a dialogue with you!

And, as expected, a photo with your interlocutor:

The disappearance of the Dwemer, a journalistic investigation.

The disappearance of the Dwemer, a journalistic investigation.

So we have version 2: They disappeared due to the “anti-creative” nature of their actions.

Now let’s go to the corpusarium to Yagrum Bagarn to find out what the last gnome thinks about the disappearance of the gnomes.

- Yagrum, hello. Where do you think your entire race has gone?

Hmm... I don't know what happened. I wasn't there. At that time, I was brought to the Outer Realm, and then my people disappeared. I had to leave Red Mountain and wander Tamriel for many years, searching our desert colonies for survivors or explanations. However, by the time I returned to Red Mountain, the answer had not been found. Instead, I encountered corprus, and I've lived here ever since. But I have theories about it, if you're interested.

- Yes, yes, of course, continue!

Lord Kagrenac, an outstanding philosopher and magician of my era, created a device with the goal of controlling mythical forces in order to transcend the limits of Dwemer mortality. However, after considering his formula, some logicians stated that side effects cannot be avoided, and the consequences can be catastrophic. I think Kogrenac managed to give our race eternal life, but with unpredictable consequences - for example, a complete transfer to the Outer Dimension. Or he was wrong, and our race was completely destroyed.

- Thanks a lot for interesting information!

and of course a photo for memory:

The disappearance of the Dwemer, a journalistic investigation.

The disappearance of the Dwemer, a journalistic investigation.

Version 3: Kagrenac gave everyone eternal life in the Outer Dimension.

Version 4: Kagrenac killed everyone because of his incompetence.

Now let’s analyze the most consistent versions, which I consider the 1st and 3rd.

Destruction by the Gods: a very likely version, given that the Dwemer wanted to create their own new god. Of course, the other gods did not like this. Therefore, the decision was probably made to destroy the gnomes. Also, the 1st version is not denied by the second, since in the second they could have been destroyed by the gods.

Version 3: also a valid version, considering that this is the opinion of the last survivor of the race, and an opinion supported by two Dwemer books “Divine Metaphysics” and “Egg of Time”, but here’s the point: the survivor is a Dwemer, the books were written by Dwemer, therefore the thoughts are clearly strongly should not differ, which is what we see.

Therefore, the most possible version is the divine destruction of the Dwemer, supported by at least 1 version and undeniable by the other.

The Thieves Guild is an organization dedicated to both theft and teaching this art. Although, by definition, all thieves are criminals. Official authorities try not to harm the interests of the Guild. The reason for this behavior is simple - it is better to deal with one organization than to think about how to cope with thousands of thieves who do not obey anyone.

Like any other guild, the Thieves Guild is an organization of professionals, among whom there are thieves, robbers, pickpockets, smugglers and representatives of other professions. The guild has no official representation, preferring to meet in large city taverns. In Vvardenfell, the guild has its headquarters in Balmora, Ald'Rhuna, Sadrith Mora and Vivec. Given the specific orientation of this organization, it should not be surprising that the Thieves do not have close ties with other factions, except perhaps with the Mages Guild and the Imperial Cult. warm The Guild's mortal enemy is Camonna Tong, a drug syndicate run by Orvas Dren.

The main parameters for Guild members


The main skills for Guild members

Short Blades
Light armor

A career in the Thieves Guild requires mastery of the above skills. The degree of their development determines the rank that you can be assigned. If, despite a sufficient number of completed tasks, they do not want to promote you in the Guild, check whether the values ​​of these skills correspond to those required for the next rank. If not, well, practice...

Advancement in the Thieves Guild

Rank Performance Requirements Skill Requirements
Wet ear Attractiveness 30
Agility 30
One skill equals 10
Stomper Attractiveness 30
Agility 30
One skill equals 20
Blackcap Attractiveness 30
Agility 30
One skill is 30, the other two are 5
Brigadier Attractiveness 30
Agility 30
One skill is 40, the other two are 10
Bandit Attractiveness 31
Agility 31
One skill is 50, the other two are 15
Busy Attractiveness 32
Agility 32
One skill is 60, the other two are 20
The boss Attractiveness 33
Agility 33
One skill is 70, the other two are 25
Seasoned Attractiveness 34
Agility 34
One skill is 80, the other two are 30
Master of the matter Attractiveness 35
Agility 35
One skill is 90, the other two are 35

Tasks and their implementation

1. Alchemist's Diamond
Quite a simple task. You need to steal a diamond from the alchemist Nalkaria from White Harbor and bring it to Habasi. However, if your theft skill is poorly developed, you can simply buy a diamond.

2. Key to the Nerano estate
You need to get the key to the top floor of the Nerano Estate in Balmora. The easiest way to get it is to visit the Council Club and talk to Sovor Trundel. For a small fee, he will agree to sell you the key. However, before you talk to him about it, raise his attitude towards you to 70 or higher. Then, through the "Persuasion" menu, offer Sovor 100 coins, and he will give you the key. In addition, the key can be stolen or taken away by force. However, you can first complete the quest of Larrius Varro, champion of Fort Moon Butterfly, then you will get the key completely free of charge, from the body of Sovor Trundel.

3. Artifacts of the Dwemer
Now Habasi wants you to visit Ra'Zhid from "Thick Leg Point" in Hla Oud and take the Dwemer artifacts from him. Go to Hla Oud and talk to the Khajiit. However, he will categorically refuse to help you, citing the fact that he has there are no required items. Next, the quest can be completed in two ways. Either open the chest standing to the right of the entrance and find the required artifacts in it, or explore the Dwemer ruins and find the artifacts yourself. Habasi requires a Dwemer pipe, a Dwemer cup and a Dwemer cup. Please note that There are two types of Dwemer cups, so grab both to be safe.

4. Aged Brandy
Sweet-voiced Habasi asks to get her a bottle of aged brandy from the Hlaalu mansion. Since the owner of the brandy, Ralen Hlaalo, has rested in peace, he will no longer need the bottle. The desired drink is on the shelf, next to the cold owner. More precisely, the former owner.

5. Free the thief
A major figure in the Thieves Guild, Bragor New Shoes was recently captured by legionnaires and locked up in Fort Pelagiad. Since the fort is not the Château d'If, and you are not Abbot Faria, you won't have to dig a tunnel. From the information received from Habasi, you will learn that one of the guards Shadbak gra-Burbug receives bribes from the local smuggler Mebestian Enke, and she takes bribes with Dwemer artifacts. Hack Enke's house and steal one of the Dwemer artifacts from him. Then go to the guardhouse. When she accuses you of stealing, ask how she knows who you stole this artifact from. Here she will bite her tongue and agree to let Bragor go in exchange for your silence. Go down, talk to Bragor and return to Habasi.

6. Security Master
Now Sweet-voiced Habasi wants you to win over the security master, who is only known to be an Altmer, to the side of the thieves. In order not to run all over Balmora in search of all the high elves, I recommend the Altmer Heserind, who lives in Balmora, in his own house. He is exactly the one you need. Convince him to guard the Southern Wall and the quest will be completed.

Aengtoth the Jeweler's Quests
(Tavern "Rat in the Cauldron", Ald "Rhun)

1. Tanto Devil Anaren
According to Aengtoth, the Ald Rune Mages Guild is now empty. You should go there and find the Tanto Devil of Anaren. To complete this quest, it is recommended to level up your Sneak skill to 60 or higher. In addition, you will need a large number of master keys or corresponding spells. The item you are looking for is in one of the locked chests.

2. Master Redoran Helmet
The Thieves Guild has received an order - it is necessary to find and steal one of the Helmets of the Redoran Master. There are quite a lot of such helmets in the game, but if you don’t have more than one, then Aengtot gives a tip to the Arobar estate, near Scar. Just like last time, you will have to use all your thieving skills.

3. In bed with Boetha
As you know, the Thieves Guild does not shun blackmail. And now Aengtot wants you to get him dirt on Miner Arobar, whose estate you had a chance to visit while completing the last quest. You need to sneak into the Arobar estate and steal the book "In Bed with Boetha", which his daughter is secretly reading.

4. Withershins
Now the literature lover needed the book "Withershins". You need to steal it from Miles Gloriosus from the tavern in Maar Gan. The easiest way to get this book is to provoke Miles into a fight and kill him. However, you can try to steal it.

5. Dwemer mechanisms
Now you need to get four scraps of metal from Dwemer robots. They are required so that Estoril can repair the centurion spiders and force them to guard the Thieves Guild. Of course, you know where to look for Dwemer mechanisms. Of course, in any dwarven ruins.

6. Arrows of Justice
Now you need to get four Arrows of Judgment from the Bosmer Archer in Llethri Estate. The arrows are in the guard room, to the left of the entrance. You can sell them to the Guild, or you can keep them for yourself.

Big Helen's Quests
(Dirty Muriel's Inn, Sadrith Mora)

1. Potion of Dispel
You should get the recipe for a Dispelling Potion for one of the clients of the Tusamirkil guild, which can be found in the Mages Guild in Wolverine Hall. For the recipe, you should visit the house of Anis Selot, the best alchemist in Sadrith Mora.

2. Grandmaster's Retort
One of the clients needed a Grandmaster's retort. You can find her in the Berven merchant in Tel Mora. You can either steal it or buy it.

3. Protection of the Guild
Given the war between the Thieves Guild and Camonna Tong, Helen's next task concerns the protection of the guild. You should find and hire a wizard who would agree to guard the Thieves Guild. To negotiate, you should contact Ariel Finkel, at the Wolverine Hall Mages Guild. For four pieces of ebony ore, he will agree to send one of the battle mages, Natalinus Flavonius, to the Guild.

4. Secrets of Redoran cuisine
You need to find the book "Secrets of Redoran Kitchen". You can find the book in the chest of Dinara Otrelas, in the Lletri estate. If you raise her attitude towards you to 95 or higher, she will give you this book voluntarily.

5. Felen Marion's Staff
You need to steal the staff from one of the Telvanni magos, Felen Marion, who lives in Tel Brannor. When you go on a mission, don't forget to take levitation potions with you.

Gentleman Jim Stacy's Quests
(Simin Fralin Bookstore, Vivek)

Quests only for the Busy rank.

1. The missing thief
The first quest is to find the thief Nads Taren, who was supposed to bring Jim some kind of key. Taran usually hung around the Elven Peoples tavern, so start your search from there. At the tavern they will tell you that Nads was last seen talking with a certain Arvama Ratri and that he lives in the Canals of St. Delin South Two. Find his home and in it is the cold corpse of the former owner. Search his body and find the key. After this, return to the tavern and talk to Arvama Ratri. In the conversation, blame her for Nads' death. She will not resist and will immediately attack. After killing Ratri, return to Stacy. He will thank you for finding the key and for taking revenge on the killer.

2. Allies in the Fighters Guild
You need to find allies in the Fighters Guild to fight Camonna Tong. First, talk to Percius Mercius at the Alrun Fighters Guild. Percius will tell you that you can persuade Hrundi, the guild master of the Wolverine Hall Fighters Guild, to support you. He will also say that Aydis Fire Eye secretly worships the cult of Clavicus Vile, perhaps this can be used against her. And finally, he will inform you that Zhoring the Hard-Hearted will never leave Camonna Tong. With the information received, return to Jim.

3. Bitter Cup
Taking into account the information received, Jim gives the next task, to find the Bitter Cup in order to win Aydis Fire-Eye over to his side. The Fire Chalice is located in Ald Redainia, in the Tower. Give the cup to Aidis, and she will agree to go over to the side of the thieves. However, if you are sorry to part with the Chalice, you can simply kill Aydis, in which case the quest will also be considered completed. Although it’s not worth doing this. Still, to check, Aidis is not such a complete scoundrel.

4. Woman Hrundi
Now you need to persuade Hrundi, the guild master of the Fighters Guild in Wolverine Hall. If he refuses, you can threaten to kill his woman. From the information received in Wolverine Hall, you will learn that Hrundi's mistress's name is Falena Hlaren. Tell him that you know this information, and Hrundi will say that he will support you, but will add that Sjoring also knows this secret. Therefore, he will ask you to kill the Head of the Vvardenfell Fighters Guild so that he cannot threaten Hrundi. By the way, there is absolutely no need to blackmail Hrundi. Raise his attitude towards you to 80 or higher and he will agree to support you, but again, in exchange for the promise that you will kill Szhoring the Hardhearted.

Next quests for the Seasoned rank

5. Kammon Tong Assassins
You need to kill two professional Camonna Tong killers, the Yenit brothers. You can find both killers in Orvas Dren's villa, on the lower level of the central villa. After you kill both of them, carefully search everything around. Having found Dren's order, in which he demands to kill his brother Duke Venim Dren, take the paper with you. You may need it to complete the main quest.

6. Killing Sjoring the Hard-Hearted
In order to finally break the back of the Camonna Tong, you need to take the last step - kill the head of the Vvardenfell Fighters Guild - Szhoring the Hardhearted. However, if you are a member of the Fighters Guild, you can wait for this quest until Percius Mercius gives it to you. Additionally, it is not recommended to complete this quest until you have completed all quests along the Bal Molagmer line. Because this is the last quest of Gentleman Jim Stacy, after completing which he will leave for the mainland and leave the Thieves Guild in your care.

Quests "Molagmer's Ball"

"There is a legend about the "People of the Fire Stones", who brought the light of justice to the earth. Although the Bal Molagmer were thieves, they stole only from the unjust and gave what they stole to the needy. They disappeared at the beginning of the Third Age and have not appeared since then. I believe the time has come , when the Bal Molagmer need to return. These are the gloves that the Bal Molagmer used to carry the fiery stones from the Red Mountain. When you are ready to rekindle the fires of the Bal Molagmer."

Gentleman Jim Stacy

These quests are optional, as is the search for the Threads of Sanguine for the Morag Tong guild. Please note that all quests must be completed while wearing Bal Molagmer gloves.

1. Medallion of Hlervo
When you first talk to Jim about Bal Molagmer, he will give you gloves and ask you to put them on. Put on your gloves and talk to him again. The task will be to steal Hlervu's medallion from the Venim estate in Ald'Rhuna near Scar. You will have to return this medallion to Brianas Hlervu, whom you will find in Ald'Rhuna next to your own house.

2. Yingling Half-Troll
You need to find evidence of Yngling Half-Troll's corruption. To do this, you will need to find Yngling's ledger at his estate in Vivec. When you have the book, take it to Jim.

3. Forged documents
One of Hlaalu's advisers stole land from an unfortunate widow using forged documents. The documents are in the Vivec Library. When you find them, take them to Indrel Rathrion in Seyda Neen.

4. Blade of Einemor
One of the Eternal Guardians, Salin Sareti, had his blade stolen. Jim Stacy wants you to return the brave warrior's weapon to his chest in the Phantom Gate, along with a note. Where to find Salin Sareti is described in detail in the Imperial Legion quests.

5. Brallion's Ring
You need to steal the ring from the rich slave trader Brallion, who sells slaves at the Great Market in Sadrith Mora. The ring must be delivered to Ilmeni Dren in the District of St. Delin, in Vivec. You can buy a ring, but a true thief should not stoop to such transactions.

6. Corruption in Caldera
Caldera is engulfed by Corruption, you must speak out against it, and in a very strange way. You should steal the deluxe edition" Brief History Empire" from Odral Hrelvi in ​​the Hall of Government and deliver the books to Vale Catraso to the Mages Guild in Ald'Rhun.

7. Dwemer Cup
You need to steal the Dwemer Cup from Berel Sal, the head of the Ordinators in the Court Office in Vivec. The cup should be given to Danso Indules, who suffered abuse from the residents. You can find her in the Temple area, where she heals the sick. This is the final quest of Bal Molagmer.

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