Meat advertising. Meat market. How to win over the consumer. Calculating expenses and profits

Approximate data:

  • Monthly income – 1,500,000 rubles.
  • Net profit – 85,850 rubles.
  • Initial costs – 869,800 rubles.
  • Payback – from 11 months.
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article we will draw up a detailed business plan for a store selling meat with calculations of expenses and income.

Description of service

This business plan discusses the concept of a small butcher shop, which will sell fresh and chilled meat, semi-finished products, packaged portions, and various sets of offal. The possibility of working with product orders with subsequent home delivery will also be highlighted. We will start with an analysis of the meat market and possible competitors.

Market analysis

A butcher shop is perfect for budding businessmen. There are several reasons:

  1. easy and smooth entry into business and exit from it in case of failure;
  2. you can get by with a small investment;
  3. meat is a consumer product, so it will be somewhat easier to regulate your sales and market your products;
  4. lack of strict requirements (no need to obtain a license; certificates are issued by product suppliers);
  5. the ability to change the assortment depending on consumer demand.

Of course, before talking about the advantages, you need to understand whether such an enterprise is profitable and will it generate income? Everything will depend, first of all, on the entrepreneur himself. Almost any business can be effective if it is managed correctly.

Meat is a consumer product. People constantly consume this product and, therefore, need it. Even in a difficult crisis situation, few people refuse meat.

As a result of recent events, the crisis is affecting meat shops less severely than stores in other segments. Another advantage is the introduction of sanctions on certain types of products, including meat. This prompted domestic manufacturers to increase production scales. And today’s buyers themselves prefer to buy Russian-made meat and semi-finished products.

Looking at the chart below, there are several very important trends:

If we consider the most popular types of meat separately, we can also talk about positive dynamics. Here are the results to date for the period from 2013 to 2015:

If you look at the diagram below, you will notice that these 3 types of meat today account for more than 95% of meat consumption in Russia. Poultry is in first place (40.1%), pork is in second (32%), and beef is in third (25.7%). Much of the lower demand for beef is due to higher costs.

It should be noted that in this market segment the price must be set based on consumer demand. People are willing to pay well for quality products, but they are not willing to pay dearly. You can't set a high markup. Its average level in the meat business is 30%. Anything higher can scare off the client and force him to look for another place of sale.

Before opening your own store, it is also very important to study the market structure of a particular city. The situation is different in different federal districts. For example, with regard to the production of sausages, more than 50% occurs in the Central and Northwestern District. The lowest figure is in the North Caucasus Federal District, accounting for less than 1%. This may indicate the following facts:

  • Demand is higher in regions where production levels are high.
  • The cost is higher where there is practically no own production, because products have to be brought from other regions.

It's no secret that people in the Caucasus prefer kebabs and lamb. Of course, sausage consumption there is small, so selling it in large quantities will not bring success to an entrepreneur.

So you need to consider each type of product in order to decide what to sell in your store especially actively, and what to move to the background.

Here you can make adjustments as your own store develops. Often, consumers themselves tell the entrepreneur what needs to be added and what is better to remove from the counter.

We will sell the following types of products in our store:

  • chilled poultry, pork, beef (you can add something else depending on the region, maybe it will be lamb, horse meat, rabbit or something else, no less exotic);
  • various sets of offal;
  • packaged portions;
  • various semi-finished products (this can be cutlets, dumplings, shish kebab, minced meat and much more).

Having sorted out the assortment, you can think about competitors. This can be done in parallel with identifying the products sold in the store. You can work with competitors based on the following strategies:

  • perceiving them as competitors;
  • seeing them as your partners.

The latter option allows you to strengthen the positions of both sellers. Firstly, the volume of consumer demand is very large; it will still not be possible to cover it alone. Secondly, each of the sellers may have their own strengths and weak sides. So, they may willingly buy meat from one person, and minced meat from another. This is exactly the strategy I followed Alexander Kerimov (owner of a chain of meat stores, working in the Russian market for more than 5 years), opening his own butcher shop.

If we talk about customer preferences, then most often they visit super and hypermarkets to buy meat. Their shares account for 40 and 26%, respectively. Food markets are preferred by 1/5 of the country's population. The share of manufacturing stores accounts for about 13%. To many this may seem like a small amount. But a small store cannot provide even a tenth of a percent of the demand for meat in the city. Therefore, they also have plenty of opportunities.

When choosing a premises, you need to take into account the location of other retail outlets specializing in meat. There is no need to locate your store near supermarkets and hypermarkets. It is better if it is a regional retail outlet, which local residents can subsequently trust. Thus, loyalty to the products of a particular store will be additionally developed, which will have a positive effect on the organization’s profit.

Compose portrait of a potential buyer in this case it is not necessary, because consumers will be all segments of the population (including the class with incomes above average), people different ages and floors.

SWOT analysis

Of particular importance are external and internal factors that influence or can affect business performance.

External factors are factors that cannot be influenced. For a butcher shop they are as follows:

  1. Possibilities
  • Review of pricing policy during the operation of the store.
  • Fast customer service, especially in the evening, will ensure an excellent flow of customers into the store.
  • A high assortment will be a competitive advantage. This is due to the lack of competitors in this segment market.
  • Possibility of switching to a 24-hour work format in the absence of 24-hour stores walking distance nearby.
  1. Threats
  • Dumping center from large stores. Discounters pose a particular danger federal level like “Pyaterochka”, “Magnit”, “Diskis”.
  • More meager assortment in contrast to large stores.

Internal factors are those that can be influenced by an entrepreneur, if necessary. If we talk about a butcher shop, then internal factors include:

  1. Strengths
  • Average level of competition for stores of the same format.
  • High vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
  • Excellent store visibility.
  • Being close to shops and institutions with related offers (grocery store, for example).
  • High population density in a particular area.
  • High level of well-being of the population in a particular part of the city.
  1. Weak sides
  • High competition from city super- and hypermarkets.
  • Lack of parking and convenient access roads.
  • Low traffic during the day, lack of significant buildings nearby that could provide additional flow of customers.
  • Store unknown.
  • Lack of work experience.

Opportunity Assessment

When assessing the capabilities of a store, you need to understand that this is a seasonal product. The lowest level of demand is observed in the hot season. Is it possible to fight this? Yes, you can. This should be done in two ways:

  • Look for wholesalers who would purchase products from the store. These can be restaurants, small summer cafes and verandas.
  • Change the assortment. During the hot season, people prefer to relax in nature and barbecue. Consequently, the main level of demand needs to shift to preparing preparations for barbecue and marinating it. At the same time, sales in other product categories will be significantly lower, and general level revenue will be almost at the same level.

As for suppliers, it is better to work either with large factories or with those farmers who can provide a veterinary certificate for the products sold. In this case, the cutting in our case will be done by a butcher working in a store; he will chop the meat and sort it into portioned pieces. It is very important to find an experienced worker who knows how to cut the carcass in such a way as to sell the resulting pieces as expensive as possible. Much will depend on the work of this employee.

The seller will sell the products. There will be two of them in total. They will work in shifts - two to two. The store will be open seven days a week according to the following schedule:

Total: 84 hours per week, 360 hours per month.

The butcher will work according to his own schedule. He will arrive at the store at 8:00 and leave at 14:00. Total: 42 hours per week.

You will also need a loader driver to bring products from suppliers and unload them. He will do this in the first half of the day, and leave work as it is completed. You can consider another option, when the supplier himself will deliver the goods, and the butcher will unload it.

Accounting will be done by a third-party organization (outsourcing), and cleaning in the store will be done by a part-time cleaner. Sunday will be her day off, when the rest of the staff will clean the premises (the butcher in his premises, the sellers in his territory).

If the store subsequently sells meat wholesale, then the driver will also handle its distribution.

Organizational and legal aspects

  1. Organizational and legal form or. When registering, you will need to indicate activity codes according to OKVED. For this store it will be:
  • 52.22 – Retail trade in meat, poultry, products and canned goods from meat and poultry;
  • 52.22.1 – Retail trade in meat and poultry, including by-products;
  • 52.22.2 – Retail trade in meat and poultry products.

If you plan to expand the range in the future, then it is better to think in advance about including the sale of these products in the list of activity codes.

2. Retail trade, according to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, makes it possible to use preferential taxation systems. In this case, the entrepreneur can choose:

  • “Income” 6%;
  • “Income minus expenses” 6-15% (the rate is determined depending on the region);
  • UTII;
  • form.
  1. To work, you will need a certificate from veterinary services, which is issued by Rospotrebnadzor. To draw it up, a preliminary inspection report of the veterinary shop will be made.
  2. Availability required health book for all employees, including the driver. Employees must undergo the necessary examinations on time.
  3. Permission to retail trade, which is issued by the veterinary service (doctor) after examining the carcasses. To avoid such a need, it is better to look for suppliers with a ready-made veterinary certificate and certificate.
  4. The store must have a book of complaints and suggestions. You should design a consumer corner by placing in it the texts of various documents that must be in the store by law.
  5. Permission from the fire department.
  6. Permits for the store itself from the veterinary service.
  7. It is worth reading the document “Requirements for meat industry enterprises”.
  8. If you accept payments from customers using bank cards, then you need.
  9. You can do your accounting in .

Marketing plan

It is very important to properly promote your own store. To do this, it makes sense to use the following types of advertising:

  • Local advertising in the form of posting leaflets at entrances and in elevators.
  • Placement in local newspapers.
  • The store must have a sign. Nearby you need to place appropriate signs, pillars, and banners above the road.
  • You can use advertising on the Internet, but spend a large number of money is not practical.
  • Communication with clients on thematic forums. This advertising method is especially relevant when searching for wholesale buyers.

And yet, the main tool will be word of mouth. To do this, it is necessary that the buyer likes the product, atmosphere and service in the store. Getting recommendations from your customers is not easy. But it’s possible to do this, you just need to be careful about your own business.

Calculation of projected income

Every day a small store is able to sell about 250 kilograms of various meats, bones, and bacon. The approximate revenue is 50,000 rubles. At the same time, the cost of production is about 38,500 rubles (the markup, as mentioned above, is about 30%).

Monthly revenue will be 1,500,000 rubles, and the cost of production will be 1,154,000 rubles.

Production plan

To organize your own store you will need premises. Many people believe that for “face” point of sale it must be big. In reality, everything is completely different. It is important that the store is well-groomed and neat, and the size does not really matter. Inside you will have to place:

  • shopping area;
  • area for preparing semi-finished products and cutting products;
  • area for cutting up carcasses and deboning them.

For the first time, the last two rooms can be combined, especially since the butcher will do both.

It is very important that the place has high traffic. Having serious competitors nearby is undesirable.

It is better to look for a room that has already been renovated in order to minimize the cost of decorating the store.

One of the major cost items will be the purchase of equipment. You don’t have to buy everything at once; you can rent something or buy used. As you make a profit, you can purchase the necessary equipment. So, for work you will need:

  • cooling chamber;
  • refrigerated display case;
  • freezer;
  • trays;
  • scales (conventional and industrial);
  • block;
  • ax (1-2);
  • set of knives;
  • Packaging equipment;
  • thermometers;
  • meat grinder.

For the first time, you need to purchase consumables (price tags, bowls for finished products, packaging).

Inventory will be small, as products deteriorate quite quickly.

Concerning wages(including tax and insurance premiums):

  • seller – 29,000 rubles;
  • butcher – 32,000 rubles;
  • loader driver – 31,000 rubles;
  • cleaning lady – 15,000 rubles.

Organizational plan

You can do without a car and order delivery, but it is better to have your own car, as practice shows.

Financial plan

  • Profit before tax: 1,500,000 – 1,399,000 = 101,000 rubles.
  • Tax (we will calculate the simplified tax system for the difference between income and expenses): 101,000 * 0.15 = 15,150 rubles.
  • Net profit: 101,000 – 15,150 = 85,850 rubles.
  • Profitability: 85,850/1,500,000*100% = 5.72%.
  • Payback: 869,800/ 85,850 = 10.13. Therefore, the business will pay off in at least 11 months.


One of the most significant risks is seasonality. How to deal with it was discussed above.

Another serious risk is excessive savings. Under no circumstances should you skimp on products or equipment. Let it be already used, but high-quality equipment, rather than cheap and bad. The success of the store and the duration of storage of the goods depend on the storage conditions.

We must not forget that products can deteriorate. Therefore, it is very important to calculate approximate daily revenue and compare the demand for goods for each item in order to adjust your purchases and not accumulate excess products.

It is imperative to establish cooperation with suppliers. Outages can result in serious downtime and losses for the store.

Important: Remember that you can independently create a business plan specifically for your business. To do this, read the articles:

One last request: We are all human and can make mistakes, leave something out, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others in the section seem incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity or you see a flaw and can add to the article, please let me know in the comments! This is the only way we can jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and up-to-date. Thank you for your attention!

If you are selling meat and meat products- you need to take your store to a new level. A bright facade with a sign will attract attention, but promotion must be comprehensive. Therefore, we recommend using outdoor advertising and social networks. We propose to analyze the features of promoting a butcher shop, starting with advertising texts.


🔍 Promote the store on social networks

High-quality products are of interest to social network users of any age, so advertising on Instagram and VK will bear fruit.

🔹 VKontakte

Creating a VKontakte public page for a store is necessary in mandatory. If on Instagram marketers most like the audience from 18 to 35 years old (and this is the majority of users), then representatives of all ages regularly visit VK, especially 21-45 years old. With promotion, VKontakte becomes a more universal social network. Be sure to upload all kinds of data there that can highlight your advantages. Provide information about the farm, certificates, licenses, photos of products. Create discussions where people can leave feedback.

Pros of VKontakte:

  • fine-tuning targeted advertising to attract audiences based on specific parameters
  • the ability to conduct detailed discussions, surveys
  • easy access to statistical data
  • wider audience reach


Create a commercial account properly, provide contacts and address. The appearance of the “Current” section in “Stories” has transformed Instagram: use “Stories” as a product catalog. You can also add special offers here. You can also use commercial advertising so that users from your city see the news in their feed. Regularly add interesting content - recipes for meat dishes, photos from the store, interesting stories. Be sure to hold competitions: let your profile gather new subscribers, and they will tag each other in the comments. At a minimum, new potential buyers will learn about you.

Pros of Instagram:

  • more fashionable platform among social network users
  • nothing superfluous: only pictures, short messages and likes
  • Properly designed advertising posts do not cause a repulsive effect and are perceived as interesting content

The following types of outdoor advertising will help attract customers:

  • Signboard. It should be bright, backlit, you can make three-dimensional letters
  • Banner on the facade. Required Nice picture with the image of meat. A logo, text with a special offer or a selling description of the product is applied to the banner.
  • Pavement sign. Installed near the entrance. If he stands near the sidewalk, draw a sign, this will additionally motivate the client to go to the butcher shop
  • Billboard advertising- a worthy way to express yourself, but quite expensive. Therefore, we advise you to resort to such a remedy only with a good turnover of products, and not at the startup stage.

🥓 How to promote a butcher shop in a small town

In small populated areas Word of mouth plays a major role in promotion. The store owner is required to maintain high quality service and regularly monitor the condition of the products.

✅ Let's give an example:

An individual entrepreneur opened a butcher shop and independently produces everyone’s favorite products (kebabs, dumplings, cutlets). The client sees that a person approaches his business with soul, cares about the quality of the meat supplied, and controls the work of the staff. Having assessed taste qualities product, the buyer will definitely recommend this point to his friends.

Of course, outdoor advertising and promotion on social networks have not been canceled; the brand also needs to be taken care of. It is advisable to come up with an original name that includes the first or last name of the owner. This always increases the level of trust, the store is easier to recognize and remember.

✅ Good examples:

  • "Meat from Rinat"
  • "Pork from Zalinka"

🐖 Features of promoting a store in a residential area

When selling meat to nearby residents, you will encounter various nuances. Buyers expect meat products from you that are superior in quality to those offered by well-known national supermarkets. Prices for the most popular products should be low, and the slightest mistake can ruin your reputation.

What will interest the client in a residential area:

  • discounts at certain hours (especially attractive to pensioners)
  • promotions with significant price reductions for products with expiring dates
  • special offers for different groups population
  • wide range of meat products

Be sure to print flyers with a colorful design. They are often thrown away, so originality is needed. Each flyer should be presented as a personal discount coupon. Set a limited expiration date so that the person feels like they are missing out on an opportunity.

Use savings plastic cards. The successful practice of well-known retail chains proves the effectiveness of this method of promotion. Hire a courier and send cards to local residents. More people will know about the store, and sooner or later they will take advantage of the offer.

Organize a tasting. Even if you do not sell ready-made meat dishes, it will not hurt to demonstrate the quality of your product. Prepare delicious treats and evaluate the reaction of visitors.

🎯 It's time to act!

Knowing how to influence the minds of picky customers will help you quickly grow your butcher shop. You can get rid of competitors only if you maintain the quality of the product and regularly maintain the interest of the audience. Investments in advertising are small; the main cost item is the production of advertising structures and printed materials.

Your own butcher shop is a profitable business, and we are confident in your success!

I never thought that it was so difficult until I was faced with this task. I realized that meat for an advertiser is one of the most insidious goods! There are vegetarians and Greenpeace, and Jews, and Muslims, in a word - it is extremely difficult to please everyone.

For me, it all started with the creation of an advertising poster for a large Turkish meat producer (Ekol company). Posters were mainly to be placed in Auchan. (For those who have come across this network, it is known that there are also internal controls over advertising materials).

The first task was quite easy to implement. At the request of the client, the sign should have a cheerful family smiling broadly: mom, dad and son. Their radiant faces symbolized health! A great variety of models were prepared. In the final version, a series with a package of raw meat perched in the right corner was approved.

Honestly, from time to time a conflict flared up inside me, is raw meat like this aesthetically pleasing for advertising... Blood, meat... Brrrrrrr. In the end, this is not a hymn to cannibalism.. For thousands, hundreds of thousands of years we have been eating meat... and some prefer raw...

For the next poster, which was to be placed at an exhibition, the client asked to place a cow and a sheep grazing on the advertisement. Everything seems decent... But excuse me, even small children know that this is how it is customary to advertise MILK, not MEAT...

But this time the disputes were postponed, since the exhibition opened in 24 hours, and we still needed to produce a banner measuring 12 sq.m. Can you imagine what a piece like this would look like? raw meat?!

A couple of days later a new shock awaited me. I came across a previously printed booklet from the same company. And there …. Honestly, a nightmare on Elm Street... 10 pages of pictures of butchered carcasses of cows and sheep. You could use them to study anatomy, muscle structure, etc.

While working on this project, I seriously immersed myself in the topic of “meat advertising” and came up with the following character traits:

IN different countries It’s really customary to advertise MEAT in different ways:

So in the USA, it is customary to advertise not so much meat as a way of life. The meat is always cooked. Remember the burger commercials, at a minimum. Traditionally, this is an advertisement for grilled meat. The father of the family is on the lawn watching over a browned piece of meat. And in his right hand he has a bottle of beer or any other drink. So, a barbecue ad...

What in Russia? I noted that it is customary to place gold logos, frames and other decor on meat packages. This is a national disease - everything should be in gold (well, not in chocolate). Raw meat is not advertised. Animal carcasses are placed on packages. As a rule, they prefer to post pictures of ready-made meat dishes. From time to time they borrow other people's images - Bovarian ladies or Italian chefs...

At the end of January, the year of the Red Fire Rooster came into its own. On this occasion, the portal “1000 Ideas” decided to recall 50 creative examples of advertising on the chicken and rooster theme.

Print advertisement “Chicken” from the fast lunch brand Like it Lean. Advertising agency TBWA HuntLascaris.

“Really good chicken cutting machine.” Real Good brand, India. Advertising agency DDB Mudra Group.

Product packaging M Wrap.

“If it opens up in a new way.” German store

Give your food an international look. Culinary website

“Unique gifts that help fight hunger, poverty and social injustice.” International Charitable organization Oxfam. Proximity Advertising Agency, Chicago.

Creative on a chicken theme from Garrigosa Studio.

“Giant Eggs” by American artist Gloria West.

“Chicken Fighter” with alcoholic intoxication from Alka Seltzer. Advertising agency BBDO, Guatemala.

Cadence Grill that gets rid of fat.

Advertising for Avista language school. The Publicis agency decided to play with the word “cock”, which English language means both “cock” and “male penis”. Recruits are encouraged to learn the difference between these words by learning English.

Merlot from Aurora, which goes very well with the bird.

The rooster who got up early confused his laundry washed with Ariel powder with the sun.

Coffee cockerel from Nescafe.

Headphones from Sony that promise 99% noise isolation. Authors: Pkp Bbdo agency.

Soup instant cooking Bimbo's Mizup, which comes to life as it cooks.

Little India decided to recall the Kama Sutra for appetite, calling this shamelessness “Hot Indian chicken”

Kodak decided to use a chicken to demonstrate the immortality of its batteries.

The animal rights organization PETA decided to indoctrinate meat-eaters in this way.

McCormick mustard makes chicken look better, says Mexican agency Publicidad Augusto Elias.

Red Rooster Coffee: “Wake the hell up!”

Creative calendar for 2017 with sucking cockerels

Orbit Chewing Gum: “Don’t let lunch meet breakfast.”

"Always first". Express cargo delivery company DHL has found the answer to one of the biggest chicken mysteries about what came first - the chicken or the egg.

McDonald's decided to depict the chicken burger using branded paper bags.

The Petelinka meat brand decided to highlight the environmental friendliness of its production with humor.

Enemies can be in food, like a Trojan horse. Therefore, you should beware of unpleasant surprises, says Alca-Luftal Antacid.

Two fried chickens served with Czech Budweiser beer.

Meat and creativity are seemingly incompatible things. But this is far from true. This selection contains business ideas, marketing moves and trends for meat producers, butcher shop and restaurant owners.

Meatballs are meatballs that appeared several years ago around the same time as smoothies and craft beer. Because meatballs can be easily baked in the oven, cooked in soup or grilled, the products are loved among students, young families and everyone who does not have enough time to prepare culinary masterpieces. Vizhu design studio from Russia showed how such products should be positioned. This is a stylish and youthful design and the association of meatballs with baseball balls.

Two chefs from Nashville, Tennessee, USA, decided to create the first premium online meat store. Customers can purchase premium cuts of beef, pork, lamb and chicken delivered to their door, sourced from verified, hormone- and antibiotic-free pasture-raised farms. Thus, James Parker and Chris Carter decided to help people who want to buy meat best quality, but they want to look for it on store shelves for a long time.

In the United States, butcher shops that position themselves as “artisan” and “craft” are becoming popular. Recently, the first such craft meat store appeared in Louisville, Kentucky. Customers are offered everything from regular cuts of meat to homemade subs, sandwiches and wood-fired pizza. The store prides itself on selling exclusively farm-raised meats that are raised, as they say, using humane farming methods. Humane conditions usually mean maintaining the health of animals, the appropriate condition of premises and equipment, and humane methods of slaughter in which animals do not suffer.

To enhance the natural taste of beef for steaks, many restaurateurs practice aging the meat. As a result of this process, which can last two to three weeks, and sometimes several months, muscle tissue softens, moisture evaporates, the aroma intensifies, and the meat turns out juicier. Dry Ager is a German-made refrigerated cabinet for dry aging meat, which is suitable for both restaurants and cafes, and for home use. The air in the refrigerator is sterilized so that the taste and quality of the meat is not compromised, and thanks to the thermometer, drying occurs exactly at the set temperature. The cabinet is available in two sizes - with a capacity of 10 and 100 kg of meat.

The Piller's Fine Food company decided to turn ordinary sausages into interesting snacks. Salami Chips and Whips are pieces of salami in the form of sausage sticks or cut into thin slices like chips. The product is made in such a way that it does not need to be refrigerated. In addition, Sausage snacks do not contain monosodium glutamate, lactose and other allergens.

The EXTREM meat packaging, conceived by the Spanish design studio Lavernia & Cienfuegos, was created to give additional status to Iberian ham, better known as jamón. To create a sense of luxury, an elegant black stock was created that resembles a small tray with a lid. A piece of jamon is placed in this case. This creation is crowned with a handle in the shape of a small golden pig, from which you can guess the contents.

The food industry has noticed that more and more modern people are looking for ways to purchase ready-made foods containing protein. It is fashionable to call this category of goods protein in the to-go style, that is, “with you.” Snack Bacon Cup is one example of such products, which is a cup of thinly sliced ​​bacon pieces or bacon chips. It's no coincidence that the product is sold in clear lids: in stores it is displayed on trays so that customers can see the contents and salivate.

You've probably already heard about such a topic as men's bouquets. Well, you know, when men are given beautifully decorated sets of beer, dried fish, chips and sausages? So, the guys from Say It With Beef went further. They learned how to create flower arrangements using beef jerky. The result was an ideal gift - all kinds of sausages in the form of roses and other flowers, which can be presented in a beer mug or glass. An alternative is to use the meat bouquet for decoration and sell it for double the price at the butcher shop.

Parisian butcher shop L'ami Txulette has developed a vending machine for selling French meat delicacies. Inside you can find a whole range of gourmet dishes, including duck confit, beef carpaccio and Basque pate. All products are vacuum-packed to preserve freshness and aroma. The device is located in in the eastern part of Paris on the Rue de Charon and is open 24 hours a day, if someone suddenly wants to satisfy their exquisite desires in the middle of the night.

The Football Summer Sausage - This sausage is shaped like an American football football. Inside the package lies aromatic slow-smoked pork and beef sausage. To make the sausage look realistic and resemble a real ball, the creators decided to decorate the packaging with laces.

Auckland-based Devonport Chocolates now produces chocolate that contains 50% beef. Yes, attempts to combine meat with chocolate have already been made by many, but no one has yet thought of mixing them in such proportions. The meat is ground to the consistency of butter, and the end result is a sweetness with a structure reminiscent of Turkish delight. They say that chocolate completely eliminates the smell of beef and the end result is a very interesting, tasty and protein-rich product.

Loki is a smart WiFi meat thermometer. Whether you're cooking turkey in the oven, steaks on the grill, or brisket in the smoker, Loki keeps you on top of your cooking process. The device monitors temperature and reports meat readiness directly to your smartphone via an associated app for IOS or Android. Thanks to the device, the cook can now not be afraid to go away for a while on his own business, leaving the meat on the grill. The project was successfully funded on the Kikstarter crowdfunding platform. Entrepreneurs collected more than $56 thousand for production and promotion of their business.

An interesting way to combat the food crisis was invented by former Harvard students from the Six Foods company. The young specialists realized that if they dried crickets and ground them into powder, the taste would be very good. After culinary experiments, the team created unique chips from insect “meat”. These are crickets mashed with dark beans, pinto beans and rice flour. The chips come in three flavors: barbecue, cheese and sea salt. The chips contain 140 calories, 7 grams of protein and 6 grams of fat per serving, meaning they are lower in calories than potato chips.

Dutch designer Ineke Hans has created a series of cutting boards called CHOPS that are sure to please butcher shop owners. The boards are shaped like steaks, bones and chicken legs, and the marble covering is made in the colors of the cut sausage. The author presented her work in a rather original way, hanging more than 100 cutting boards above the ceiling of the pavilion in Soostdijk Park.

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