Correct anti-aging pruning of trees. Rejuvenating tree pruning. The right type of apple tree

Sometimes a dacha or garden plot goes to a new owner, full of old fruit trees, planted by former owners.

If the trees have not been pruned and maintained over the years, the trees are like overgrown and tangled giants that do not produce a significant harvest.

Rejuvenating apple trees by pruning is the most effective way. You just need a lot of patience, knowledge, a good tool and a little know-how for your work. Read, How Right rejuvenate an old apple tree in the article below and the tree will thank you with a bountiful harvest.

Signs of aging become visible to the gardener after more than 30 years of growth if the plant has been properly grown, or sooner if it has grown in unfavorable conditions.

So, if the skeleton-forming branches expose themselves, losing fruit-bearing shoots from the beginning to the periphery, the harvest decreases. Further, the growth of the “apple tree skeleton” completely stops. Overgrowing shoots and fruits begin to die off en masse.

Possible low yield with fruits of average taste. Also, the tops of branches and shoots begin to die off and a “dry top” appears.

Rejuvenating pruning of old trees

Pruning is carried out after inspecting the apple tree and assessing its condition. Some varieties of apple trees are easier to restore than others, so you will first need to find out what varieties of apple trees you have in your orchard before deciding what to do next. If the owners are not sure which variety is growing in the garden, then they can turn to a local nursery for help, taking samples of twigs (and apples, if available).

Remember! By patiently pruning, gardeners can fix the tree. But not in one summer! A good rule of thumb is to remove no more than a third of the "old wood" over the course of a year. Otherwise there will be more harm than good!

How to rejuvenate an apple tree by pruning?

When wondering how to rejuvenate an old tree: an apple tree or a pear tree, it is easiest to come to an answer if you know the end goal.

The ideal form of apple tree has a strong central leader - this is the branch that grows straight up the center of the entire tree and forms the "trunk". The side skeletal branches are spaced apart, without sharp corners branches from the trunk, and the upper branches are slightly shorter than the lower ones.

Apple trees left without any pruning will rarely grow this way. Their branches grow “scattered”, intersecting, blocking light and damaging each other in windy weather.

The goal of rejuvenation is to make the old tree perfect.

Restoring old apple trees that are overgrown with a haphazard and unproductive collection of shoots is not a quick process. It will take three years of reasonable pruning, and in the end it will turn out well formed tree.

An owner who tries to revive an old tree only by heavy autumn pruning will most likely simply will kill the apple tree.

Timing of anti-aging pruning

Before starting the pruning itself, you need to wait until the apple tree goes into “winter slumber” and all its leaves will not fall off. Then they begin to carry out rejuvenating actions on old trees.

  • Timing of autumn pruning– end of leaf fall and before the onset of frost – 7°C.
  • Spring is the time for anti-aging pruning begins with a steady warming until the buds swell, and after You can trim off excess from the moment the leaves appear until flowering begins..

How to rejuvenate an apple tree? Stages by year

Year one. Autumn.

Gardeners, wondering how to renew old apple trees, begin reviving the old tree by carefully removing dead, damaged branches, twigs and shoots.

Look for any blackened or unusually colored spots on the bark, corrugated areas, places where the bark is peeling, especially near dead branches - these may be signs of disease. And many diseases of fruit trees, having entered the tree through a wound or a broken branch, spread further into the trunk, seriously weakening or killing the tree.

Important! Such places must be cut down to healthy wood. When pruning, make only smooth cuts and do not leave stumps. It “attracts” putrefactive diseases.

Large branches should be cut down gradually when pruning. From the top, stepping back from the trunk, they saw through 1/3, and then from below, near the “ring” on the trunk, they cut from the bottom up. If cut branches correctly When cutting, they do not split, do not tear off part of the trunk, and there is no clamping of the saw.

Next, you need to identify a new leader (central leader-guide) and “follow the leader.” You can also carry out “leaderless” pruning. To understand what exactly is suitable for a particular tree, you need to get around around the tree and look at its shape.

Look for any new branches competing with the old central leader. If your apple tree has developed several leaders over the years, start by removing one or two. leaving the youngest and strongest leader to replace him.

You can cut no more than three branches in one year to avoid a shocking state for the tree. And reduce the risk of error.

After clearing, the gardener needs to pay attention to the height of the tree and determine how many meters he intends to remove.

An apple tree above 6 meters is very difficult to prune and protect from diseases and insects that harm it.

Optimal height of apple trees 4-5 m, but if the old apple tree is much taller, then in the first year no more than 1/3 of its height is cut off. After thinning the top of the canopy, sunlight will be able to reach the lowest branch.

Next year. Spring Summer.

Begin the second year of pruning during " young summer" Gardeners should remove vigorous new shoots at the top of the tree or "spinning top".
Leave them one at a time on each strong branch to rejuvenate it. In the end, you should get a tree with proportionate branches, and fruits will form on the young branches.

Choose a shoot of average power and, using steel wire “troika”, give the shoot the most horizontal position, but make sure not to break it. Only after this procedure has been successfully completed are the necessary shoots bent and the remaining “tops” must be removed with a ring cut.

Second year. Pre-winter

In the pre-winter period, the height of apple trees is reduced by several meters, if necessary. Skeletal branches are also cut back to give the lowest branches sunlight.

Year three. Spring Summer.

The third summer will “allow” cut off the second half of the growing “tops”. The wire is removed from the previously “bent” ones. Are there any candidates for fruit branches among the new tops? They are bent in a similar way for the fastest transition into fruit branches.

Year three. Pre-winter

During this period, they continue to cut down new branches and cut out old branches. The branches of the tree must be accessible for harvesting fruits.

Anti-aging pruning of an apple tree: video

If you are interested in how to properly perform anti-aging pruning of an old apple tree, the video will help you figure it out.

How to renew an apple tree by pruning fruit branches?

The most valuable branch is the fruit. Apple trees bear fruit on short fruit-bearing branches, which are formed from branches two years old.

Anti-aging pruning is used to achieve the appearance of new fruits. Even though the old fruit shoots are capable of bearing fruit for some time, in order for the tree to maintain fruit bearing, new fruit shoots must continue to form.

The formation of fruitlets begins with the removal of the apical buds on annual branches. In the first year, lateral twigs develop. In the second year, flowers develop on the side shoots, becoming the tree's new fruiting site.

Subsequently, such fruit twigs become overgrown with short branches with only flower buds. These are already fruits. After 5 years, they become heavily overgrown and bear little fruit. And they will need to be cleaned. After 7 years, such fruit links are completely removed, transferring to a new replacement shoot.

What and how to renew apple trees?

Will need a pair of sharp, correctly set hacksaws: with fine teeth and with large ones. A pair of hand pruners for spot pruning. It is better if it is a professional instrument. Gloves with leather palm inserts will help protect your hands.

You may also need it safety harness and ladder, for pruning old tall apple trees.

What if there are more than a few apple trees on the property? Then it's worth buying electric or gas cutter(having a trimming mechanism on top of a long aluminum pole). This is especially convenient for thinning tall branches on old apple trees if there are more than a dozen of them.

You need to make sure that all tree pruning tools are clean and sharp, in good working order and safe to use. Tools that are dull and not adjusted to the specific hand of the edger produce jagged, “shaggy” cuts that heal poorly, creating opportunities for disease inside such a wound.

Advice! Use brushes to wash tools and an aqueous solution of 10% bleach or a solution of chlorhydroxydine digluconate without dilution to completely remove any dirt, viruses, bacteria, fungal spores from saw blades, hacksaws, and secateurs.

Scheme for pruning an old apple tree.

The result of rejuvenating an apple tree by pruning.

Shortening and thinning apple tree branches.

Rejuvenation of old apple trees in autumn.

How to rejuvenate an old apple tree: video

Watch the video for the technique of pruning and rejuvenating old trees:

The work of rejuvenation will be completed large harvests of large sweet apples, absence of diseases and harmful insects. Instead of an old apple tree, a strong healthy tree will appear. The tree will reward the efforts of all the years of labor with the beauty of spring blossoms and the autumn harvest.

In contact with

Even if you decide to get rid of the old apple tree and plant a new one, do not rush to take up the ax. A young tree will begin to bear fruit abundantly only after 3–5 years. All this time, an old tree will be able to provide you with fruit if it is supported by rejuvenating pruning.

In what cases does an apple tree need anti-aging pruning?

Any trees and shrubs can and should be rejuvenated, especially if they bear fruits that you like. But how do you know if the time has come for such a complex agricultural practice? Apple trees do not have a certain age when they need to be rejuvenated. If you shorten the shoots every year, thin out, remove old and dry branches, then your tree will develop well and bear fruit for up to 100 years. Of course, this requires watering, fertilizing and protection from diseases. But it depends on pruning how often and severely the apple tree will get sick, and whether it will have enough strength (nutrition) to plant and grow a rich harvest. Trees that grow on their own, without pruning, may need rejuvenation 15 years after planting.

We are talking about ordinary apple trees, growing in a classic tree 5–10 m high. There are also columnar varieties, the average lifespan of which does not exceed 10–15 years, and dwarf varieties, which maintain productivity for 20–30 years.

Today, a service is developing - pruning and restoration of old trees, since this work requires not only skills, but also great physical effort

It is not necessary to neglect the tree to such an extent that you already doubt whether it is even capable of continuing to exist. There are many signals with which the apple tree lets you know that it needs help:

  • The tree has grown to 6–10 m.
  • The crown is dense, consists of many branches intertwined with each other, some of them are dry.
  • Annual growths (young shoots) are absent or few, they are short (less than 25 cm).
  • Flowering and fruiting occur only at the top of the trunk and at the ends of the branches.
  • The apples are small.
  • The tree stopped blooming and bearing fruit.

If your apple tree shows at least 2-3 symptoms, then it’s time to start radical pruning.

When is the best time to perform anti-aging pruning?

The best time is from autumn to spring, that is, during the dormant period, when there is no sap flow and the leaves do not interfere with seeing each twig. The exact period depends on the climate in your area. If winters are warm and have little snow, pruning can be carried out immediately after leaf fall, in winter, and in early spring. In regions with harsh and snowy winters, reschedule the event until early spring, before the buds open. In the fall, it is still unknown which shoots will freeze. And pruning in winter in severe frost is out of the question.

However, in any region, pruning can begin in the fall if the apple tree has dry branches that have stood without leaves all summer. By cutting them down, you will make your spring work easier and will also improve the health of the tree. After all, a lot of pathogenic fungi and pests overwinter on dried shoots, in cracks, under the bark. Be sure to take such branches away from the apple tree and burn them.

Video: when to prune trees

How to do anti-aging pruning

The essence of this agricultural technique is to shorten or completely remove old branches and thereby force the apple tree to restore its crown. There are dormant buds on the trunk and on any branch. They do not awaken for many years and are the reserve forces of the tree. On an old apple tree, in cracks in the bark, they are difficult to detect, but these buds will show themselves if you saw off a branch or even a trunk nearby. From one cut in the spring, several replacement shoots can grow. It is from these young branches that a new and productive crown is formed.

When purchasing seedlings, pay attention to such characteristics of the variety as restoration ability: high, medium, low. The higher it is, the faster new shoots will grow, and the more of them there will be. This quality is necessary and young tree, for example, after freezing.

The most important operation of anti-aging pruning is a radical reduction in tree height. To make it convenient in the future to care for the apple tree and collect its fruits, the trunk is shortened to 2–3 m. That is, the top of the head or everything that grows above this level is cut off, if there is no one clearly defined conductor. Skeletal branches are also shortened to a length of 2–3 m.

The part that needs to be trimmed to reduce the height of the tree, as well as the knots growing downwards, are highlighted in dark color.

Foreign farmers have the concept of a “profit ceiling”. This ceiling corresponds to the height of the fruit tree - 3.2 m. Higher ones are not profitable. The efficiency of 1 m² of land is reduced.

However, reducing the height of a tree is not easy if it has grown to 7–10 m, and the lower branches are located at a level of 2 m from the ground. Then the pruning is extended over two to three years, each season shortening the branches and trunk by a quarter. Over the course of these years, buds will definitely emerge on the lower part of the trunk and sprout shoots that will become new skeletal branches. This method does not greatly injure the apple tree and allows it to continue bearing fruit.

By shortening an apple tree, whose lower branches grow at a level of 2–3 m from the ground, to a height of 3 m, you will deprive yourself of a harvest for the coming years

But there is also less gentle pruning, when all the branches are cut off. As a result, only a skeleton, similar to a snag, remains of the tree. The method is attractive because you don’t have to rack your brains when deciding which branches to cut and which to leave. But this technique is dangerous for an old and weak tree. It may die under the saw of a non-professional.

All branches are removed from the tree, leaving the skeleton

Regardless of how many times you do anti-aging pruning, it should consist of the following steps:

  1. Cut down all dry and diseased branches.
  2. Reduce the height of the tree, that is, shorten the trunk.
  3. Do thinning - remove all branches that cross and interfere with others, as well as those growing downward or vertically upward.
  4. Reduce the diameter of the crown - shorten the skeletal branches.

1 - lower the height; 2 - cut out all the shoots that thicken the center of the crown; 3 - shorten the skeletal branches

Video: basic rules and schemes for anti-aging pruning

At the same time, you are not obliged to follow any fashion or standards and form the crown in a special way. It can be pyramidal with subordination of branches, cup-shaped from several strong shoots of the same length, spherical and any other shape convenient for you. The main rule is that each shoot should be well lit and ventilated.

The old apple tree is shaped at an angle to the ground with the crown facing south: the trunk receives protection from burns; fruit branches, on the contrary, are exposed to the bright sun

By thoroughly thinning the crown, you will expose the trunk and skeletal branches. Previously, they were in the shade of a dense crown; after pruning, the risk of sunburn and deep frost damage increases. Often, after a sharp change in illumination, black cancer develops on trees. To prevent this, be sure to whiten the apple trees every fall, especially before rejuvenation.

To cause less damage to the apple tree:

  • If possible, do not make cuts larger than 10 cm in diameter.
  • Remove heavy branches in parts: cut off the entire branched part, and then saw off the thick base from the trunk.
  • Trim the bark from the underside first, and then cut the entire branch from the top. This way, you will avoid stripping the bark from the trunk and will not cause large wounds.
  • Make cuts and cuts onto the ring, do not leave stumps, but there is no need to make indentations either.
  • Treat all wounds with a 3% solution of copper sulfate (30 g per 1 liter of water), let dry and only then cover with garden paint or varnish.
  • Shorten branches to the nearest strong annual shoot or to a bud pointing outward rather than inward to the crown.

Video: mistakes when pruning an apple tree

The apple tree to which you are returning youth needs special care: water it, feed it, spray the leaves with anti-stress drugs and growth stimulants (Novosil, Energen, etc.).

Anti-aging pruning is not so much difficult as labor-intensive work. You will have to cut thick branches and even a trunk. To do this you will need to climb a tree and use a stepladder. Large wounds need to be treated and covered. If you are not confident in your abilities or you feel sorry for pruning the apple tree too much, do the pruning gradually, over 2-3 seasons. The main thing is not to forget the principles of anti-aging pruning: reduce the height, reduce the diameter of the crown, thin out its center.

Every gardener dreams of having a healthy, light and low garden, each plant in which will bear fruit well. This result can only be achieved through a number of care measures that must be carried out promptly and regularly.

If, for some reason, the orchard was neglected and over a long period of time managed to grow well, it requires cultivation intervention, the name of which is pruning fruit trees for rejuvenation. Only thanks to this procedure can you save the tree, make it produce quality fruit again and give it as a gift new life. After all, when a plant reaches the stage of physiological aging, it almost completely stops producing annual growth, even with timely watering and feeding. And in such a matter as the rejuvenation of fruit trees, the main task is to rid the plant of the burden of extra branches, lighten the crown to the maximum and return it to quality fruiting ability.

It should be noted that it is better to perform severe pruning only on those species of flora that are prone to good shoot-forming ability.

Where to begin?

Rejuvenation of garden trees begins with the removal of non-fruit-bearing branches and those from which it is no longer possible to collect fruits. If this is not enough, then partial (more gentle) or complete radical rejuvenation of tree crowns. When “full”, the crown is removed almost completely and only “stumps” remain - the bases of skeletal branches, from which young shoots will subsequently sprout and a new crown will form. With “partial”, not all branches are cut, but only part of them. This is done in order to partially preserve the foliage apparatus of the plant. After young shoots grow on the cut branches and are covered with leaves, it will be possible to cut off the remnants of the old crown.

After the fruit trees have been rejuvenated and the wounds have been cleaned and treated, you should rely on germination of dormant and adventitious buds at the cut site. They will grow out of them later a large number of young vertical shoots, which are also called “riders”, “tops” and “wen”. Of these, only those that are suitable for crown formation are retained; weak and thickening ones are removed.

In the first year after the rejuvenation of old trees, weak shoots are not removed immediately, but gradually, so that the plant does not experience too much stress. Sometimes it happens that young shoots begin to grow in the wrong direction - then they are moved in the right direction with the help of garters or special supports are installed. But this can be done with those shoots that are already quite strong, because it often happens that young branches are very fragile and easily break off under the influence of even minor loads.

When to rejuvenate trees?

This kind of pruning is best done in spring or autumn, when the likelihood of harming the plant is minimized. The only difference is that with spring pruning you will be able to see the result already this year, but if you remove branches in the fall you will have to wait until next year.

To better understand the procedure for rejuvenating trees, the photos below will help a lot:

In conclusion, I would like to note that in this matter, each representative of fruit plants requires an individual approach, since in nature there are no two identical plants - each has its own characteristics. For example, it is better to rejuvenate apricot trees as abundantly as possible in order to exclude a disease such as moniliosis in this type of stone fruit.

Remember that tree rejuvenation is a very responsible procedure. And if you doubt your abilities, it is better to trust professionals in this matter.

Tree rejuvenation video

Anti-aging pruning is carried out in order to extend the life of old trees. Thanks to it, it is possible to provide the necessary conditions for their further growth and development. The main indication that it is necessary is the slowdown in the annual growth of shoots. Anti-aging tree pruning is necessary if:

  • the growth of a tree or shrub has completely stopped;
  • the growth is no more than 15 cm in one season.

Carrying out these works will be especially justified for those green spaces that have a healthy trunk and strong, stable skeletal branches.

Where to order?

Rejuvenating pruning of old trees is one of the services that can be ordered from NOBILI! We employ specialists who have extensive experience in this area and know how to extend the development period and life of your green “pet”.

You can order anti-aging pruning of the following fruit trees from us:

In addition, you can order services for rejuvenating poplar pruning in Moscow from us. The cost of services is calculated individually, after a site visit by our specialist. Basic prices can be found on our official website. Remember: by contacting NOBILI, you will receive professional quality services and save yourself from any risks associated with material damage, since our activities are insured.

How is anti-aging pruning performed?

This type of pruning is carried out in three stages. The first step is to reduce the tree crown; the second step is to thin it out. After the work is completed, the tree must be provided with appropriate care.

Tree crown reduction

In order to achieve the desired result of rejuvenation, it is first necessary to reduce the height of the tree. This approach will provide access sunlight to all parts of the crown, will create convenience during harvesting and improve its quality.

The work is carried out as follows:

  • a part of the trunk is cut out, on which there are a pair of thick branches growing upward;
  • the top of the crown is cut out at a distance of two meters from the bottom knot;
  • The tops of the upper branches are cut off.

Crown thinning work

Thinning the crown ensures good sunlight illumination of its interior, which will have a positive effect on the lifespan of fruit branches and their ability to form buds and set fruit. Thanks to this, the fruits will be much larger and their harvest will be greater.

The work is carried out as follows.

The formation of tops the next year after pruning

In old fruit trees, the frequency of fruiting is sharply expressed, the skeletal branches die off, as a result of which the crown becomes sparse. Young shoots are formed abundantly.

With systematic anti-aging pruning of trees, they continue to produce a good harvest. To improve the condition of very neglected old trees, severe rejuvenating pruning is necessary. In this case, the branches are shortened by 2/3-1/2 of the length. More severe shortening can cause the death of the tree.

Rejuvenating pruning is carried out in early spring, after which the soil must be abundantly fertilized to encourage shoot growth. When good growth appears,

After shortening the wolves

All stumps are cut into a ring, treating the cut areas with garden varnish. It is better to rejuvenate trees gradually, over 2 years.

After such pruning, the tree bears fruit for 10 or more years. In addition to rejuvenation, it is very important to thin out tree crowns and remove branches that thicken them and reduce light levels.

Branches intertwined with each other are removed in parts, removing them from the crown

1 year after trimming
3rd year
a-removal of tops
b-shortening of tops

gradually, trying not to break neighboring branches.

You should also treat fruit branches with care; if damaged, they do not regenerate. Sometimes forest trees and shrubs are found in a neglected garden. They must be uprooted so that they do not interfere with the free growth of fruit trees, soil cultivation and do not serve as a refuge for pests.

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