White metal sheep girl. Year of the Goat (Sheep). Year of the Goat: characteristics of a man

1991, according to the eastern calendar, is the year of the White (or Silver) Metal Sheep (Goat). It began on February 15, 1991 and ended on February 4, 1992.

  • Corresponding sign for Western calendar: cancer.
  • Color: red, white, purple.
  • Most compatible: rabbit, pig, horse.
  • Worst compatibility: dog, rat, bull.
  • Season: autumn.
  • Vulnerable organ: lungs.
  • Lucky numbers: 2.7.
  • Unlucky numbers: 4.9.

The white sheep belongs to the element of metal. The main symbol of people born in 1991 is a bowler hat or teapot.

The element of metal gives the sheep external self-confidence, severity and even cruelty, but in fact it is a very vulnerable and sincere sign that sincerely loves and cares for its family and loved ones.

The metal sheep is one of the most sociable representatives of the element of metal, it loves to be in the center of attention, easily establishes connections among completely strangers. In addition, sheep are kind, merciful and charitable. Sometimes they attach too much importance to friends and are always ready to come to their rescue, which can sometimes have a negative impact on their family well-being.

In love relationships, people born under this sign (1991) do not always subtly sense the difference between sincere feelings and just passion, therefore, as a rule, their unions are fleeting. They will have a long family life only if they meet their true love.

As for work, the white metal sheep does not like to work hard. She values ​​comfort, coziness and strives to acquire patrons who can give her a pass to the world of luxury. Sheep are lucky, they can earn a lot of money, they prefer to buy expensive and beautiful things, so it is not surprising that at the end of their lives you can find a considerable number of antiques, works of art and precious stones in their apartment.

The metal goat sets specific goals for itself and knows how to concentrate on their implementation; there are many ups and downs on its way, but it never gives up and always moves forward. White sheep simply need to find their place in the world around them, otherwise they can turn into hermits who have lost all meaning in life.

People born in 1991 are very artistic, talented in art, and have a keen sense of beauty. Areas where they can achieve greatest success: music, literature, painting, design.

But despite all its elegance, charm, external calm and helpfulness, the sheep can be capricious, vengeful, picky about little things, jealous and overprotective. She is correct and courteous with her colleagues and people around her, but at the same time she is not able to show flexibility, it is difficult for her to adapt to changing circumstances, change her usual way of life and adapt to changes.

Celebrities born in 1991 under the sign of the white metal sheep: Nikita Presnyakov, Anastasia Sivaeva, Shailene Woodley, Vsevolod Sokolovsky, Bonnie Raitt, Victor Grudev, Ekaterina Zakharova, Daria Pugacheva and many others.

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign Pisces, the year of the Sheep is the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

The Sheep is a very sensual sign, and Pisces adds even more of this quality to their character. This person's emotions will always reflect the surrounding atmosphere. Therefore it needs a stable base. He will be able to show his creativity only in a safe home. This combination produces collected, calm, patient, understanding people who are not prone to panic.

Representatives of the sign are happy, preferring the safety of family and home. Very rarely do they travel far from their family. For them, loved ones are very important, so Pisces-Sheep make every effort to make them happy. They are romantic and sensual, and this is what their significant other likes. They are able to create a relationship that will ideally combine mysticism, romance and the art of seduction. People try to choose a caring, responsive and loving person. They always want to have at least two children.

Pisces-Sheep do not like to be alone, so they like hustle and bustle. At the same time, they always try to take responsibility, and from childhood, easily adapting to any situations. But they don’t like traveling and changing surroundings. Friends are very important to them. They are also capable of giving valuable advice; this is a strong character trait.

Pisces born in the year of the goat

Representatives of this sign can choose a profession that requires understanding of others. These are sociable and balanced people who respect other people. They are able to keep other people's secrets and are not interested in gossip. Pisces-Sheep intuitively find solutions to problems. However, sometimes they can be mistaken in their conclusions.

Personal weakness lies in excessive gullibility. In addition, representatives of the name are often too soft. Over time, life experiences will change their views. Sometimes the sensuality of a sign can reach the point of sentimentality.

Horoscope Pisces-Goat (Sheep)

According to the Pisces-Goat (Sheep) horoscope, they are emotional and vulnerable individuals. Their mood often depends on those with whom they communicate. For such a person, home is a reliable source of support. If everything is calm in the family, they will achieve a lot in life.

Fish-Goat (Sheep) does not cause a scandal, because by its nature it is peaceful and open. She is practical, balanced and never panics over trifles.

Pisces-Goats do not tolerate loneliness. They enjoy being around large crowds of people. Such a person sincerely cares about those with whom he lives and is friends. They like to look after their loved ones, so they do not like moving and long journeys.

Parents like Pisces-Goats have many children. In relationships with their spouse, they show sensitivity and romanticism. These are some of the most loving and attentive partners. As a rule, they look older than their age.

Pisces-Goats start working early. They are able to plan their future or start a family already in their youth. They enjoy digging in the garden, planting flowers and being close to nature. In such a person’s house you can see antiques. Pisces-Goats have few friends, but they mean a lot to them in life. They choose a profession where they can meet and communicate with people more often. They like to give advice, and Pisces-Goats themselves always listen to what others say.

These people are too trusting by nature. People sometimes take advantage of their kindness. Outwardly, Pisces-Goats (Sheep) are attractive and sweet. They can easily cry over some nonsense. Sentimental natures often fly in dreams. They have a peculiar way of speaking that attracts attention.

Pisces-Goats rely on their inner voice in everything. He tells them how to get out of difficult situations. If such a person sets a goal, he will achieve success. They are smart, but sometimes they make mistakes in life.

They don’t tend to lie even to strangers. Pisces-Goats are good at keeping secrets and rarely discuss others. Such a person needs to learn to concentrate on important things, and not on small details.

If the Fish-Goat (Sheep) learns to plan its actions, it will be able to achieve numerous victories. They make excellent consultants. After all, people constantly turn to them with different requests.

Pisces-Goats are passionate and loving natures. They are not devoid of romance, so in love they strive to surround their partner with care and affection. They are able to decorate even light flirting with fireworks of emotions and confessions.

Horoscope for combining Pisces with other eastern signs:

Pisces the Goat - Horoscope Combination: Chinese & Zodiac

Born under two sensitive signs, Pisces-Sheep/Goats are perhaps a little too sensitive. Their emotions always reflect the atmosphere of their surroundings. Such Sheep need a stable base in the form of a reliable home. Then they can fully express their creativity for the common good. The goat in Chinese astrology is considered a symbol of sincerity and a peaceful nature. The combination when a Goat-Pisces man or woman is collected and calm people. These are extremely understanding people, practical and patient, not prone to panic.

Pisces-Goat is usually happy people which go in the general flow. They love the security of home and family, and their compassionate nature makes them good caregivers. They do not like to move and often settle near their family. They are not interested in being alone and prefer the bustle and noise of their home. They want to have two or three children instead of one. As a partner they are romantic, incredibly loving and sympathetic, and can rarely be accused of neglecting their partner's feelings.

These are people who look grown up and mature, much older than their age. They can take responsibility at an early age and easily and quickly adapt to new circumstances. They do not like travel and changes in scenery. Sometimes they have a love for gardening because they admire the beauty and ingenuity of nature. They also love art and old unusual things, antique furniture.

Friends are very important to these people. You can usually always rely on them. With their sensitivity they give useful tips. A profession that requires understanding people is very suitable for them. These are finely balanced and quite sociable people who value their privacy and have great respect for other people. You can trust them with a secret that is unlikely to ever become gossip. The weakness in the personality of these people is their excessive gullibility. They may be too soft. Life experiences change their views over time. The sensitivity of the goat of the zodiac sign Pisces sometimes reaches the point of sentimentality, but nevertheless she knows how to look charming in any case. Goat Pisces is a delightful mixture of dreaminess, mysticism, thoughtfulness, seasoned with an original way of thinking.

Goat Pisces has the ability to intuitively find the best ways to solve problems and get out of difficult situations. Nevertheless, people of this mindset can be mistaken in their constructions and views and, unwillingly, deceive others, since they are endowed with the ability to attract views and find supporters.

But we must give the Pisces goat credit, if she decides to achieve something, she usually does not lose. Although she lacks the solidity to systematically implement her ideas - she often begins to make many small movements, instead of taking a closer look at first and not wasting time. But goat fish are capable of playing behind-the-scenes games and acting behind the screen or acting as an advisor on special issues.

Energetically, the Pisces goat, whether male or female, is warm rather than hot, but very sensitive and romantic, which partners like. The Pisces Goat knows how to turn a love relationship into a beautiful performance that combines the art of seduction, romance and mysticism.

Goat Combination

Pisces - Goat (sheep): Characteristics

Pisces Man – Goat

This is a balanced and rather romantic man who knows how to wait for the weather by the sea. He is very gentle and enjoys doing good deeds, which is why such people often choose to work in medicine or charity.

In relationships with women, he is very soft, vulnerable and trusting. He falls in love very much, he needs a reliable partner with whom it is not only pleasant to communicate, but also who can provide him with reliability and peace, fidelity and love.

Pisces Woman – Goat

She is also characterized by compassion, like the man under this combination. This woman is gentle, pleasant to talk to and has the gift of sympathy and empathy. She is quite vulnerable, but tries to restrain her feelings.

She is very worried about betrayal and coldness in her feelings, so it is difficult for her to find herself faithful companion life, who will understand and love her.

Sheep - Goat - Pisces

American actor Bruce Willis. American entrepreneur Steve Jobs. British musician and composer George Harrison. Soviet and Russian politician Mikhail Gorbachev. Russian showman Pavel Volya. Italian actress Ornella Muti. Italian artist, sculptor Michelangelo Buonarroti.

Pisces is an emotional and sensitive sign, and Pisces born in the year of the Goat-Sheep have these character traits in double form. In general, such a person is collected, calm, patient, and knows how to think creatively.

The Sheep-Goat-Pisces man is balanced, romantic, and knows how to wait. This person will be able to prove himself in the field of serving other people, where sympathy and understanding are needed, for example, in medicine, in some charitable structures. He values ​​and respects every person he meets life path, does not like gossip and intrigues, nipping unnecessary chatter in the bud. In his personal life, the Sheep-Goat-Pisces man is trusting and gentle. He is able to quickly fall in love and completely trust his beloved, which can sometimes be taken advantage of by unreliable individuals. In a family, he is an exemplary and sincere spouse who loves his family and honors family traditions.

The Sheep-Goat-Pisces woman is vulnerable, impressionable, balanced. She is very compassionate, therefore, like a man of the same combination, she strives for self-realization in an area where help and care for other people is needed. In relationships with the opposite sex, she is feminine and romantic, needs affectionate treatment and quickly becomes attached to her partner. IN family life The Sheep-Goat-Pisces woman is a gentle and caring spouse, loves to create and maintain coziness and a favorable atmosphere in the home.

The combination of Goat-Sheep-Pisces gives a person a subtle and receptive character. Such a person knows how to create relationships in which romance, mysticism, and seduction are intertwined. It is perhaps difficult to find a more responsive and attentive person to other people’s problems in the entire horoscope.

Pisces Goat (Sheep) - man and woman, horoscope and characteristics of the year

  • Years 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

    Pisces Goat (Sheep) - characteristics of compatibility of sign and year

    An extremely interesting, outstanding group of comrades! You won't get bored with them.

    Pisces-Goat (Sheep) is a constant “verification of harmony by algebra” using intuition, the subconscious and other vague and non-mathematical means.

    The realist Sheep is looking for support in life and finds it by turning to the shaky system of ideas about the world that Pisces possess. Having found something, we don’t know what, the Goat begins to act and help its Pisces in achieving “fishy” ideals. But only in such a way as not to bother yourself again.

    As a result, Pisces-Goat is an unpredictable person, often capricious, often unreliable and, undoubtedly, artistic. He finds it difficult to manage his deep feelings. But besides feelings, there is also daydreaming, fantasy, indulgence and laziness, which lead to vices. Often Pisces-Sheep are completely in their power. Thus, the Pisces-Goat group represents the most amorphous formation of the zodiac. You can find anything you want in these comrades: contradictions and unpredictability, selfishness and self-will, cowardice and gentleness, a penchant for an easy lifestyle, superficial assessments and a rich inner world, remarkable fantasy and imagination.

    They are talented in the arts and psychology, but are spiritual and insecure. They prefer not to fight the world, defending their views and beliefs, which may not exist at all, but they try to adapt to life and go with the flow.

    The group is characterized by the presence of an element of fatality, when the person himself cannot explain to himself how he ended up in this place and why he is doing this particular thing. Absurd actions, shocking behavior, seemingly strange and mysterious actions are not without their internal logic. But the logic here is rather what is called feminine. And the calculation is real. Controversial people, you can’t say anything. But internally they are quite organic, although their psyche, there is nothing to argue about, is weak, subject to influences and strange metamorphoses.

    What are Pisces-Goats (Sheep) really like? Where does truth end and fiction begin? They themselves don’t know about it, they don’t know.

    Horoscope of Pisces-Goat (Sheep) man

    The attitude towards the environment and oneself in this group is clearly illustrated by the statements of the existentialist philosopher and psychiatrist Karl Jaspers (“The Origins and Purpose of History”). He believed that any rational picture of the world (the words of the Goat) is an allegory, a “cipher of being” (the terms of Pisces), and it is necessary to interpret the content of the “cipher” (the Goat), and any deviations in the psyche and even the disintegration of personality are an indicator of a person’s intensified search for his own personality (Pisces).

    The reason for a person’s creative aspirations is explained by the activity of his unconscious existence. The meaning of existence can be revealed to a person in borderline situations, during a period of deep upheaval; it is then that the key to the code of life can be found.

    Cyrano de Bergerac - satirist, playwright, writer (“Another Light”). His writing raises many mysteries. The most inexplicable book is “Another Light, or States of the Empire of the Moon.” It talks about traveling to the Moon on a six-stage rocket, talks about the attraction of the Earth and the Moon, indicates the phenomenon of the absence of gravity (it had not yet been discovered by Newton) and giant structures on the lunar surface. The book also describes other wonders of technological progress: computers, sound recording and reproducing devices, airplanes.

    Cyrano also spoke about his contacts with aliens as air-dense creatures. Speaking about blood, he foresaw that these blood cells are animals different shapes and functions that fight for human health (the phenomenon associated with leukocytes was discovered by Mechnikov only in the 19th century). His ideas were used by Swift, Poe, Verne and Wells. Cyrano de Bergerac is not only the author of fantasy novels, plays, pamphlets and philosophical works. He is also a freethinker, a cheerful fellow, a daredevil who has fought in several wars, a brawler and a duelist. He was terribly sensitive to ridicule of his nose and constantly grabbed his sword. As for his origin, he personally awarded himself the title of nobility. As for his romanticism and pursuit of women, Cyrano was more interested in men, so his famous love affairs were of a slightly different nature, for which he received a bad illness.

    But our hero died in a completely stupid way: at the age of 36 he was crushed by a log.

    Mikhail Gorbachev - the first and last president of the USSR - a mystery modern history. How could a person who “charmed the whole world” and made historical changes on a global scale be and remain disconnected from reality? Why did the process start? Where did he go? And for what? In whose powerful hands did the human puppet Gorbachev end up? Which higher power forced him to act? Is this not the existence that Jaspers spoke about? Exactly them. These unconscious motivating forces, called existences - the essence of the years of birth - were called by the ancient Chinese Goats and Rats, Bulls and Tigers. And it is right…

    Michelangelo Buonarotti - sculptor, architect, painter, poet, nicknamed Furious for his character. He worshiped beauty, looked for the same strong feeling in women as in himself, and lived his life alone. However, he did not shy away from reality and its political changes. Michelangelo was in the ranks of the defenders of Florence from the Spaniards, traveled, conceived bold projects and, as they used to say not long ago, “was burning at work.” His works are included in the treasury of art. From them we can judge our civilization: St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome, the painting of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, the statue of "David", the fresco " Last Judgment", statue "Lamentation of Christ".

    He is an exponent of ideals, a supporter of monumental images, and his works are distinguished by plasticity, depth and tragedy. When, by order of the Pope, Michelangelo moved to Rome to build the cathedral, the artist’s worldview began to take on a tragic coloring. His works reflected the fatal feeling of the era and the futility of human efforts to get closer to the ideal.

    Alexander Bell - scientist and inventor of the telephone. Bell conceived the idea of ​​transmitting speech by electric waves, and the implementation of the idea took him ten years. Then the scientist turned his invention into an economic project - he organized his own telephone campaign. Then he opened a laboratory in Washington, where he improved the phonograph invented by Edison and improved the system of education for the deaf. You can talk about Bell's invention, but to get a feel for what he did, it's better to dial a phone number.

    Bruce Willis is a subtle, gifted personality, a gentle and family man who loves children. He is also a talented actor who is adored by millions, and films with his participation are not missed - there is always something to watch! Willis created in the cinema the image of a hero who became such as a result of a coincidence, and not of his own free will. “I didn’t want to play Rambo, I wanted to show a shy and vulnerable man forced to do the impossible,” he says about himself and his roles. Because I myself am shy and vulnerable. Bruce Willis only recently admitted that he would hardly have become an actor if he had not had to get rid of his stutter.

    “I didn’t want to stutter, so I started acting in a school play. This was in the eighth grade. I went on stage and it was wonderful.” And now we know that “the water is wet, the sky is blue, and women have secrets”...

    George Harrison, one of the members of the famous Beatles, seems to echo Willis, once singing: “I don’t want to be a star, I just want to play guitar.” And his reputation for being subtle deep man does not give the right to doubt these words. Harrison has always gravitated towards oriental culture, and his musicality is beyond all praise. However, Pisces is Pisces. Sometimes they don't know what they are doing. Here is a passion for drugs, and huge donations to Hare Krishnas, and plagiarism of the most famous song attributed to him, “My sweet Lord.”

    Alain Prost, a Formula 1 racing driver and speed racing legend, competed for Renault, McLaren, Ferrari and William and was nicknamed "The Professor". He retired from the sport in 1993, having won the world title four times and the Grand Prix 51 times. Prost has been named one of the best athletes of the 20th century. Beneath Prost's equanimity and poise hid an extraordinary talent and an equally unusual character. After retiring, he continued to collaborate with racing teams and, having gained experience, organized his own team.

    To get completely confused with these unique Pisces-Goats in life, let’s single out several bright characters from among them. Film director David Cronenberg (“The Fly,” “The Dead Zone”) is a master of “surgical” scenes in cinema. He is the author of the cult film Naked Lunch, a film adaptation of William Burroughs, where the real world is intricately intertwined with the hallucinations of a drug addict, truth with fantasy, and absurdity with the logic of madness. Robert Fischer, the world chess champion, who dreamed of becoming a great chess player since childhood, was distinguished by his enormous egoism, love of freedom and eccentricities. A Jew by nationality, Fischer claimed to hate Jews. When asked which country he, an American, represents, Fischer replied: “I only represent myself.”

    Former writer, head of the National Bolshevik Party, Chief Editor newspaper "Limonka" Eduard Limonov ("It's me - Eddie", "Diary of a Loser") first made a living by sewing trousers, then went to France, where he became a writer. Now Eddie is a national writer and literary bomber, but who will she be next - a prophet of a new religion? Not known.

    The leader of the alternative “The Smashing Pumpkins” Billy Corgan has felt like “a completely different eccentric from the others” since childhood. He likes to be in control and is prone to drinking, drugs and depression. main topic his opuses are suicide and passion for Eastern religion. His music is quite loud and eclectic. If we already touched on music, then the violent Kurt Cobain, who called his group with the quiet word “Nirvana,” was also distinguished by mental illness, frequent depression and addiction to hard drugs. The sudden collapse of fame and millions, his wife - a stripper and a heroin addict, the birth of a son - all this was so incomprehensible and so much that Kurt could not stand it and committed suicide.

    But about the domestic figure of the pop genre Bogdan Titomir, nothing definite can be said at all. For some he is a scumbag, for others he is a soul-man. These people are born actors who are born, accustomed and know how to play the fool with benefit.

    Pisces-Goats as politicians, military and public figures? What can we say about them? It is clear that politics is not their business. There are quite a lot of people, but they are usually of little use. Let's name someone other than the cowardly Gorbachev: Ustim Karmalyuk - the leader of the Ukrainian peasant uprising, Baldur von Schirach - the Nazi, head of the Hitler Youth, Marat Baglay - the chairman of the Constitutional Court of Russia.

    In sports, Pisces-Sheep do not show any preferences. Prost was a racing driver, Grigory Novak was a weightlifter, Vladimir Bessonov was a football player, Yuri Kidyaev was a handball player, Andrew Washington was a basketball player, Carlos Bilardo was a famous football coach.

    Where Goat-Pisces reigns is in art and science and, by the way, in business and economics. Pisces-Goats are writers and mostly poets: Vasily Trediakovsky - poet, creator of the Russian versification system; Joseph Renan (“The History of the Origin of Christianity”) - writer, philosopher, historian of Christianity; Alexey Fatyanov is a wonderful songwriter, author of the songs “The Accordion Sings”, “Nightingales”; Sholom Aleichem (“Tevye the Milkman”, “Wandering Stars”) - writer; Vsevolod Ivanov is known as the author of “Armored Train 14-69” and the autobiographical novel “The Fakir’s Adventure.”

    Among scientists, Pisces-Sheeps mainly explore what “is not there”: waves, distant galaxies and yet undiscovered planets: Vladimir Veksler - physicist, creator of the synchrophasotron; Henrik Dam - biochemist; Urbain Le Verrier - astronomer who predicted the existence of the planet Neptune; Giovanni Schiaparelli - astronomer who discovered canals on Mars; Alexander Popov - physicist and electrical engineer, inventor of radio; Georg Ohm - physicist who formulated the law of the electrical circuit.

    Now business. Bella has already been mentioned. Let's talk about others: Steven Jobs, the founder of Apple Computer, is the “king, god and military commander” of the company, his fortune exceeds $500 million. “It is believed that a person rarely gets more than one chance to achieve stellar success in business. But Steve Jobs repeatedly violated this rule.” And why? Because he is a Pisces-Sheep. Rupert Murdoch is a media tycoon, owner of the Sun, The Times, and Sunday Times newspapers, six television stations, including co-ownership of the film company 20 Century Fox. Petr Aven - banker, former Minister of Foreign Economic Relations, President of Alfa Bank.

    Among the Pisces-Goats there are such important and interesting characters: Charles VII - King of France; Giovanni Mirandolo - humanist philosopher; Napoleon II - the weak-willed son of Napoleon Bonaparte; founder plastic surgery Karl Gref; Oscar-winning film director Victor Fleming (“Gone with the Wind”) and actor Juliusz Machulski (“New Amazons,” “Déjà Vu”).

    Horoscope of Pisces-Goat (Sheep) woman

    These women need to be guided, they need to be monitored and looked after, they need to be looked after if they themselves agree to this. These are subtle natures, but with practical acumen; they can be fanatical, or they can go with the flow all their lives. They also have rich intuition and imagination, which helps them get out of the most mind-blowing situations or, on the contrary, plunges them to the brink of death.

    Ornella Muti - the daughter of a Neapolitan and an Estonian from Russia - is a bright comedic and dramatic actress of enormous talent and, according to Italian polls, the most beautiful woman Italy for 20 years in a row. She had to start with second-rate erotic films and advertising. But Ornella was quickly noticed by decent directors. This is how the films “A People's Romance”, “Life is Beautiful”, “Flash Gordon”, “The Taming of the Shrew”, “A Story of Ordinary Madness” appeared. Although the actress is already a grandmother, young people consider her their peer.

    “I never argue with directors, I’m the kind of actress who needs to be directed.” Ornella loves children: “A child gives a woman a huge boost of energy. I love being pregnant." She has three of them. She tries not to put pressure on children and relies on intuition in raising them. Now, in addition to cinema, she has her own small winery, although Ornella herself does not drink wine. “I live in peace in complete harmony. I distributed my life values ​​like this: children, love, work.” She is a very lucky woman, her friend is Adriano Celentano, the best directors dream of her starring in their films. And she is very talented: it is not particularly difficult for her to “outplay” Alain Delon or Jeremy Irons.

    Maria Ulyanova is the mother of those who brought change to Russia. Son Alexander wanted to become a killer... of the Tsar, and son Vladimir became a revolutionary. And all for the sake of high ideals, which these people put into practice in radical ways. Continuous searches, worries for the children, constant blows of fate that she gave herself, raising her children to be revolutionaries and destroyers. Death of her husband, execution of her eldest son and daughter. It was rare that all her children were free. So what's the result? "I'm proud of my children!"

    Nina Hagen is a punk singer, the female embodiment of Kurt Cobain and Bogdan Titomir rolled into one. She loves to act in front of the camera, hates communism and is more busy with the stage embodiment of her images than with music and singing. Nina once put on a mustache, shaved her head, made political statements, and even now, in general, she shocks the public as best she can.

    The profession of an actress for a woman of this astrological type is what is needed: Isabelle Huppert (“Waltzers,” “Bedroom Window”), Alla Meshcheryakova (“And the Dawns Here Are Quiet”), Kira Golovko (“At the Depths”), Jennifer Love Hewitt,

    Several more women who have proven themselves in simply diametrically opposed areas of activity: champions: Olga Rukavishnikova - in pentathlon, Lyudmila Egorova - in gymnastics; Maria Tolstaya - daughter and secretary of the writer Leo Tolstoy; writer Lesya Ukrainka (poems, dramas on historical and mythological subjects: “Forest Song”, “In the Catacombs”, “Autumn Tale”); Kazimira Prunskienė - Prime Minister of Lithuania; Rosa Luxemburg - revolutionary, founder of the German Communist Party, figure in the international labor movement.

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  • Years of the Goat, Sheep:

    1907,1919,1931,1943,1955,1967,1979,1991, 2003, 2015, 2027

    The goat is a sign of a kind and nice person. In the East, the goat was highly valued because of its unpretentiousness and meekness. The symbolism of the sign is also associated with these same qualities.

    According to Chinese myths, the Goat (Sheep) lives on the clouds, only occasionally descending to the ground. Her real home is the vast expanse of the sky. She plays there, frolics and jumps carefree.

    The goat has an extraordinary charm and evokes universal love. She has a light, gentle character. She prefers a familiar environment in which she can feel free, hates quarrels and showdowns.

    The Goat could be the most attractive and charming sign of all, if it weren't so capricious. She often leads others to despair with her whims. At the same time, she does not admit her guilt, even the obvious one: whatever happened, it was not because of her.

    The goat is capricious and unpredictable. She can be flexible, gentle, kind, caring, but in an instant she can change, become aggressive and even butt her horns. Goats change moods very quickly. You never know what she will do next.

    She lives and acts on a spontaneous-unconscious level. For example, the Goat is childishly touchy. Touchiness is her way of manipulating others.

    She is made of the same material that kept women and parasites are made of. However, great artists, writers and painters are made from this same material.

    She can be selfish and panicky about difficulties. If the person she lives with has serious problems, she won't lift a finger to help him solve them. At the same time, the Goat is inclined to mercy, willingly helps and shares with others who are more unfortunate than her, sometimes she can even share funds that do not belong to her.

    The Goat has a poorly developed sense of ownership. She constantly loses money, things, keys, gloves, etc. Often the Goat is an uncollected, disorganized, absent-minded person who has an almost complete lack of sense of reality.

    The Goat's sense of personal freedom is not developed at all or is poorly developed. She likes to be looked after, protected, and to be led. She herself does not know which path to choose and relies on others for this. The goat easily allows itself to be tied, but at the same time pulls the rope from its side. The goat is an invader, although he does not admit it.

    Popular wisdom says that a Goat grazing in a good meadow will be calm and obedient, and everything will turn out well for it. But the Goat, grazing in a meadow with bad grass, will constantly complain about its lot, and it will really be hard for it.

    Goats, as a rule, are not endowed with an iron will, asceticism and responsibility to work tirelessly and make their way in this life. Hard work is not the Goat's business. She was created to enjoy the sun, grass and love.

    The goat loves nature very much. She is smart and inquisitive, has a keen understanding of the nuances of the human psyche and constantly feels a connection with mystical forces, picking up the subtle vibrations of the world around her. The goat is a mystic from birth. Knowing about her phenomenal intuition, people around her often turn to her for help.

    The Goat is exceptionally artistic, however, for her talent to flourish, she needs not only inspiration, but also support from the outside. This creature, filled with fantasies, needs a strong will. She will never play the first role. But with good influence she can succeed, even shine, in some form of art, for she has subtle taste and talent.

    And in other areas she can be a good specialist, because she is smart. But she is especially successful in work that requires not only technical excellence, but also artistry.

    She is extremely sensitive to flattery. Her relationship with the outside world could be harmonious if the Goat were not too much of a pessimist. Sometimes preoccupation with internal problems leads her almost to self-criticism.

    A goat is a domestic animal, and this explains a lot about its behavior. She wants to live in peace and dreams of a profitable marriage. In the life of a Goat, everything depends solely on luck, and the financial sector is no exception. Under favorable circumstances, people born under this sign can be quite wealthy. In addition, no one knows how to find sponsors and patrons of the arts like Goats. They are willing to help.

    Those born under this sign have difficulties in the first half of life, but then everything gets better.

    The second phase of the Goat’s life, as a rule, develops quite successfully. If the Goat suddenly chooses an independent path, then due to its impracticality, it rarely achieves a high social and financial position. She lacks the will and independence to make a career. She is extremely dependent and dependent, although she never admits it. But if the Goat does not find someone who could show her the right path, everything could end very badly. With a bad turn of fate, the Goat may end up living in poverty.

    In general, the Goat is a talented, extraordinary, mysterious, enchanting creature with a sensitive nervous system.

    Goat man. Characteristic

    Leaders rarely emerge from them. But contrary to common sense, some Goats strive for power.

    They are often helpless in the face of life, as they are shy and prone to pessimism, and find it difficult to make independent decisions. Goat men love to use others and live at their expense.

    They are not distinguished by their eloquence, but they defend their convictions and love their work. They usually have enough money and value the conveniences associated with it.

    They are reasonable, gentle, friendly, and have good taste.

    Those born under this sign have no sense of time. Lack of discipline and regular lateness make them unbearable.

    The Goat man is attracted to noisy, cheerful companies, where he can show off plenty and be the center of attention. People around him love him for his easy, cheerful disposition; he has many acquaintances.

    He prefers to work in a team where he can count on support and approval, where there will always be admirers of his talent. The Goat has a magical gift - to gather around itself warm, cozy, fun company and be the center of attention. Here there is an opportunity to show all your sparkling imagination, artistry and gift of communication.

    If there is a need to make some important decision, the Goat begins to worry and worry. He is not cut out for power and cannot rule with an iron fist.

    Goat woman. Characteristic

    Goat is a feminine sign. She is elegant, artistic and very charming. She likes it when people talk about her. Timid and pampered, she loves to whine and complain about life. But her attitude to life is very superficial. She doesn't like to delve into the essence of the problem. The goat doesn't like problems at all.

    Pessimism, emotional instability and deep-seated fears prevent her from looking confidently into the future and believing in her own strength. She does not tolerate loneliness and adversity well, never knows which direction to choose and always relies on others.

    The Goat, first of all, dreams of a calm, prosperous life without worries and hassle. Her ideal is a rich partner.

    She is gentle, can reason wisely, but is capricious in nature. People around him like him for his friendliness, tenderness, charm; next to this airy creature there is never a dull moment. The Goat is an unusually creative person, and with her inherent taste and talent, she knows how to decorate her home, make it cozy and hospitable.

    She is often religious, but not fanatical.

    Those born under this sign are weak-willed and created exclusively for obedience. But at the same time, it is impossible to force her to do something against her will, and if she is convinced that she is right, she will fight to the end. Unfortunately, due to touchiness and stubbornness, the Goat often faces love problems throughout its life.

    She can become an ideal wife for a strong, confident man and will always be a good mother.

    Varieties of Goat

    Metal Goat (1931, 1991, 2051)

    Water Goat (1943, 2003, 2063)

    Wooden Goat (1955, 2015, 2075)

    Fire Goat (1907,1967, 2027)

    Born in the year of the Goat

    Archimedes, Gaius Julius Caesar, Christopher Columbus, Jonathan Swift, Grigory Potemkin, Mark Twain, Michelangelo Buonarroti, Miguel de Cervantes, Cyrano de Bergerac, William Thackeray, Alexander Pushkin, Mikhail Zoshchenko, Benito Mussolini, Jaroslav Hasek, Honoré de Balzac, Isaac Asimov , Semyon Budyonny, Mikhail Kalashnikov, Leonid Keldysh, Pierre Curie, Vasily Solovyov-Sedoy, Thomas Edison, Richard Sorge, Jeffrey Ford, Theophile Gautier, Franz Kafka, Franz Liszt, Alexei Tolstoy.

    Just as an artist’s palette of colors is varied, so are people born in the year Metal Goat(Sheep) are varied in the expression of their traits. The element of Fire determines the main distinctive features of the year. Different principles: masculine and feminine merged in the characteristics of the Goat - a man and the Goat - a woman in the powerful force of the feminine Yin energy, symbolizing the passive principle. In the east they say that the animal symbol of the year is capable of imparting distinctive features to people born in that year. In addition to this belief, it is believed that the elements also determine the color of the animal. Metal is always associated with the color white.

    1991 according to the eastern calendar: the year of the Metal Goat (Sheep)

    In this article you will learn:

    What year is 1991 according to the Eastern calendar?

    People born in this year of the Metal Goat are quite successful in many areas: personal life, public life. But they are most recognized in short term can achieve in the business sphere.

    They have the unique qualities of attracting a large circle of participants to their team, who quickly become imbued with their ideas and form a creative team, a kind of cell capable of moving mountains on their way.

    The goodwill and collectivism of the Metal Goat attract others like a magnet.

    The number of friends of this sign is not measured in dozens. There are many more of them and everywhere the Metal Goat goes.

    Features of the Metal Goat (Sheep) sign according to the Chinese calendar

    The Goat is characterized by a subtle creative taste and love of art. But this is not avant-garde. Most often this is restraint and moderation in forms of manifestation. A certain refinement of perception of the beautiful world.

    They are very sensitive, can deeply empathize and sincerely, but often even at the same time they do not delve into the essence of the problem or what is happening. They look at the world with wide open eyes, and to the uninitiated it seems that this look is almost meaningless, which is confusing. People of this sign easily find their place in life or, unobtrusively, move others.

    It is impossible to refuse them because behind the apparent softness, naivety and simplicity, they always know what they want and how to get it. Hobbies, most often, choose an aesthetically creative plan and immerse themselves in them, forgetting for a while about what surrounds them.

    Among people born in the year of the Metal Goat there are a lot of successful collectors who devote all their time to this hobby; for many it simply becomes a matter of life, but also a source of livelihood.

    People are generous by nature, so they never hoard. Everything that they achieve can easily be given to charity or even to unfamiliar people.

    Advantages and disadvantages of people born in the year of the Metal Goat (Sheep)

    • In the business sphere, the Goat will never waste time on trifles. Her work is painstaking and takes into account every little detail. Because he knows his business thoroughly. This gives her confidence and allows her not to fall into unnecessary hysterics and, especially, depression.
    • A metal goat can live a successful and prosperous life, creating all the benefits for itself. She is very thrifty, economical, not at all a spender, modest, and the thirst for consumer accumulation is practically absent.
    • The Metal Goat achieves its goal not through intrigue, undercover games and various intricacies, but through sympathy inspired by those around it.
    • However, being born under the sign of the Metal Goat will bring more than just sweet fruits. From time to time, Goats can worry about trifles, be fussy, and seek support from others. Although they realize that they themselves could cope with the situation. After minor troubles, they can “get sick with attacks of laziness” and be capricious, like spoiled children. If they do not find a response and sympathy for their condition, vindictiveness manifests itself at the most unexpected moments.
    Published: 2016-08-10, Modified: 2016-11-23,

    There are 12 zodiac signs in the eastern calendar, and each of them has its own characteristics. Great importance also has an element, there are 5 elements in total - wood, fire, earth, metal and water.

    1991 is the year of which animal according to the eastern calendar? A person who was born between February 15, 1991 and February 3, 1992 belongs to the sign of the Goat, with the element of metal. In 1991, according to the Eastern calendar, purposeful people were born who know what they want from life and achieve success in the business sphere. Given their originality and sociability, they are rarely left alone and spend a lot of time with loved ones and friends.

    Goat people born in 1991 have a rich imagination, believe in romance and are inclined to art. By nature, they are true aesthetes who have their own style, and for every occasion they have a prepared outfit. It’s like real goats stick their horns in any dispute and defend their point of view. With the help of developed intuition, they can quite easily determine who they can do business with and who is friends purely for profit. Therefore, such a person has plenty of acquaintances, but his circle of real friends is not so large.

    Characteristics of the sign and element

    Zodiac sign Goat

    By nature, goats are kind and sweet, although in appearance they can seem quite cold. They do any business with enthusiasm, and not for profit. Although they have penetration abilities, they rarely have material abundance. All this is due to some lack of confidence in one’s abilities and an incorrect assessment of one’s work. They are also hampered by greater compassion for those who are more unfortunate than her. Therefore, such a person can often take home stray animals and devote a lot of time and care to them. It is also difficult for her to say no and refuse help, even if she has even more problems.

    The sign is Yin, that is, female, so it is very difficult for her without a partner. Even if things aren’t going well in her personal life, she will get a couple of pets and live with her parents so as not to feel lonely.

    By their nature, goats are not inclined to manage, so at work they are obedient performers who, due to their breakthrough abilities and patience, can confidently climb the career ladder.

    In her dreams, she imagines a smooth and calm life without incident, but, as a rule, everything turns out just the opposite. Therefore, to do this, you will have to go through all the thorns and endure all the hardships, and smoothly move towards such a life. Even in her dreams, the goat has an idea of ​​a happy family life, where the partner will be a wealthy person.

    Speaking about family life, it is worth noting that they are ready to be obedient housewives and love children very much, so they often become excellent parents.

    A profession suitable for such people is creative, combined with technical skills. Let's say goat men can show well yourself as an engineer- designer, where a good sense of form, drawing and analysis skills are required.

    Element metal

    Metal is a white color, indicating a nature with white motives, in nature it is most often a solid substance. Metal melts mainly at very high temperatures and is very difficult to obtain. Both in nature and in life, such people are very firm and know what they want; they go against their opinions under great pressure. Such people are full of willpower, kindness and intelligence. A person with such an element melts himself like metal and improves, going through all the difficulties.

    Year of the White Metal Goat

    Combining the characteristics of goat and metal, such a person is born talented, with refined taste and a strong position. She is very demanding of those around her, and if they do not take her into account, she can worsen her relationship with them. Being talented, such a person searches for his path for a long time, and before finding it, he will try himself in different areas of life.

    But having found his field of activity, such a person will seem to be transformed and become confident in his position in life. Due to its ability to save, a goat can accumulate a decent fortune in adulthood. But she doesn’t skimp on the things she needs. and will buy the best in terms of practicality and cost. On your own appearance she also does not save and will not spare money on expensive things, because this will emphasize elegance.

    They have a bad habit of relaxing at work, and they always do it at the wrong time, but when deadlines will be pressing, they can do two weeks' work in two or three days.

    Horoscope of compatibility of the goat with other eastern signs

    • Rat and Goat. In most cases, such an alliance cannot last long. Although the goat loves obedience, the rat is very selfish, and therefore she will not like this situation, because the requests from the first will only grow each time, without giving anything in return. The friendship between them is short-lived because of the same reason; there will be no trust between such friends, and emotional scenes are guaranteed. In the business sphere, the rat will not properly appreciate the goat's creativity and tenacity, and it will not like the rat's willfulness.
    • Goat and Ox. Union similar people, but despite this similarity they have different assessments of values. Therefore, such an alliance usually does not last long and does not promise anything good. The first one cannot tolerate the strong stubbornness of the bull, and he cannot tolerate her submissiveness, so in the love sphere such a union will not last long. Friendship between them takes place, but not for long, exactly until the first controversial situation, where the bull seems to be not a friend to the goat at all. Therefore o business relations out of the question.
    • Tiger and Goat. Love relationship possible if the tiger gets used to the excessive passivity of the goat, and she will endure his violent anger during a quarrel. Friendship between them is possible, because the tiger is able to trust and will undoubtedly see the merits of a creative friend. But it’s better not to panic without a reason; the tiger cannot tolerate groundless uncertainty. Business relationships in such a couple can become very promising if the tiger likes the goat’s plans and ideas, because he can bring them to life. Therefore, it is best for such people to have business relationships where excessive closeness and a high level of trust are not required.
    • Goat and Rabbit. A union of sophisticated personalities who will understand each other perfectly. The goat likes the rabbit's cheerful disposition, and he likes her excessive emotionality and whims. Even if love ends, they will still be together due to affection and habit, although the end of love between them is unlikely. Friendship between them is possible and necessary for both of them, because the rabbit will appreciate her talents, and she, in turn, will be crazy about his bright personality and goodwill.
    • Dragon and Goat. Such a union is doubtful, given that the dragon admires only himself, and the goat needs no less attention. And the dragon’s waywardness and his love for the public will frighten her, because, unlike him, she is unsure of herself and does not really tolerate publicity. Not receiving attention from the dragon, she also will not show it towards the first, which he definitely will not like. Friendship between them will be very beneficial for both of them, because it does not require strong intimacy. The dragon's generosity will please the goat, and she, in turn, will not let her friend down in a variety of situations. A business alliance between them is very promising, given the dragon’s interest in art, the goat’s talents and her diligence.
    • Goat and Snake. A problematic alliance that requires a lot of dedication from both. By its nature, a wise snake will not always understand a sophisticated partner, which in turn will turn into a lot of understatements. In this pair of passive people, the sophisticated partner turns out to be more active, and the snake does not really like this, and she is not going to tolerate it for long. At this rate, the feelings between them will fade, albeit slowly. Friendship between them is possible if she does not show herself from the selfish side, and the snake helps her. In the business sphere, relations between them are impossible, since both are passive, and this will not lead to mutual benefit.
    • Horse and Goat. Marriage between them is possible if only the horse is prosperous and not greedy. Although, in principle, both are interested in art and admire each other. Most often, friendly relations appear between them, in which the horse admires the originality and elegance of the second, and she is fascinated by the horse. Business relations between them are undesirable, the goat does not care about material values, and the horse, in turn, will look for the maximum benefit, so the first one will be left in the cold without knowing it.
    • Union of Goats. One outlook on life and shared values ​​make such a union great. They like to be together, and they suit each other in everything, but at the same time they are passive, which means someone should take a more active position. They also look great in friendship, because spiritually they have complete mutual understanding. Their business alliance is useless; both admire each other, but cannot direct them to take active action. Therefore, they need someone from outside who will provide them or guide them on the right path in this area.
    • Monkey and Goat. Such a love union is actually doubtful, they are too different. In friendship, compatibility is good, the monkey is well versed in people, and she just needs such a reliable friend. The monkey will also like her charm, elegance and cheerful disposition. She, in turn, likes agility and natural dexterity. The business relationship between them is mutually beneficial; the monkey will direct the goat’s talents in the right direction, and she is not greedy.
    • Goat and Rooster. In family life, a struggle for dominance is initially possible, which can ultimately develop into complete mutual understanding. This situation is possible if the rooster is in charge in the end. In friendship, such a union has less prospects, the rooster is colder and more confident in himself and he does not like the eternal uncertainty of the second. She, in turn, does not like his cold disposition. There are zero chances in the business sphere, the rooster is irritated by the annoying nature of the goat and her incomprehensible plans.
    • Dog and Goat. A union of two pessimists who simply cannot tolerate eternal everyday quarrels and will blame each other for all troubles. Although it is possible to fully understand each other, that is, both will feel sorry for each other and support each other, this can happen if the dog gives power to the partner. In friendship there is zero mutual understanding and lack of trust, which in turn will lead to nothing. There is zero chance in the business sphere, because both will be busy with themselves.
    • Goat and Pig. An ideal love union where complete mutual understanding will reign. An unpicky pig will be liked by her partner, and she will give the pig warm feelings. In friendship there will be complete trust and mutual assistance in any situation, as well as endless topics for conversation. In business relations, the performer will be more likely to be a pig; she will be pleased to fulfill the ideas of her companion, and she, in turn, will enjoy the conscientiousness of the pig.

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