What are the morphophysiological characteristics of predators. Ecological groups of animals. Morphophysiological features. Brief ecological and faunal characteristics of the study area

edges are registered for the first time. For the first time in the Russian Federation, Dirofilaria immitis was found in wild cats as part of helminth infracommunities.




Itin G. S., Kravchenko V. M.

Method of complete parazitologichesky and pathoanatomical research of 16 corpses of cats wood from foothill and mountain landscape and geographical zones of Krasnodar Krai 18 types helminth from which 16 views of territories of Krasnodar Krai are registered for the first time are revealed. For the first time in the territory of the Russian Federation Dirofilaria immitis is found in cats wood as a part of infrasoobshchestvo helminth.

UDC 636.93:(611+612)


Kalugin Yu.A. - Doctor of Agricultural Sciences; Fedorova O.I. - Ph.D. n.

Moscow state academy veterinary medicine and biotechnology named after K.I. Scriabin, e-mail: [email protected]

Key words: distribution, fur-bearing animals, internal organs, cardiac pulse, respiratory rate.

Keywords: distribution, furry animals, organs, heart rate, respiratory rate.

Fur-bearing animals live throughout Russia. Some of them, like the wolf, are distributed throughout the entire territory of our country, others gravitate to certain zones: the arctic fox is a resident of the tundra, the marmot is a resident of the steppes, the sea otter lives near the Commander and Kuril Islands and the shores of Kamchatka. Most fur-bearing animals live in the forest zone, but under certain circumstances they enter the tundra or forest-steppe and even steppe. Most often, animals of the same species in the northern regions are larger than in the south, which is explained by lower energy expenditures to maintain one kilogram of body weight.

Geographical variability is also manifested in the hair coat of land animals. The fur of northern animals is longer, thinner and thicker. Thus, the length of guide, guard and down hairs in the northern red fox is greater than the corresponding indicators in the Astrakhan red fox

foxes by 52, 57 and 79%, and the hair density of muskrats from Yakutia and

2 2 Barguzin is equal to 14.5 thousand/cm, and from Dagestan and Kalmykia 7.3 thousand/cm.

The winter and summer colors of animals are more contrasting in the northern regions, in

in the south it is less noticeable, and sometimes does not change at all. Hair

the cover of the same species in the north and high in the mountains is darker than in

south, which is associated with better absorption capacity solar energy

dark color, which helps conserve the animal’s thermal energy. U

Semi-aquatic animals have thicker hair than terrestrial animals. U

in terrestrial animals it is thicker on the back, and in semi-aquatic animals, on the contrary, on the belly, which

stays in the water longer than on its back. This does not apply to the sea otter, which

Spends most of its time in water on its back. In thick hair

semi-aquatic animals retain more air when diving into water, and they

prevents water from penetrating the skin for a long time and thereby

The animal's heat is better retained. Contributes to heat retention and

specific sebaceous glands, with the fat of which animals are lubricated

hair, which also prevents water from penetrating the skin.

The medulla layer of the hair shaft is least developed in semi-aquatic animals and usually in the expanded part (grana) does not exceed 60% of the diameter; in sea otters 15, muskrat 42, otter 46, mink 55%, and in terrestrial animals the medullary layer usually exceeds 60% of the diameter of the rod: in sable 65, wolverine 68, fox 71%. The proportion of covering hairs (guides and spines) in the hair of terrestrial animals ranges from 2 to 12%, while in semi-aquatic animals it is from 0.3 to 3%. The thickness of the covering hairs in terrestrial animals exceeds the thickness of down by 3-8 times, and in semi-aquatic animals - 11-17 times.

We present the average index data internal organs.

Organ indices are the ratio of organ mass to body mass, expressed as a percentage. Noteworthy is the fact that the indices of semi-aquatic predatory animals - minks and otters - are higher than those of semi-aquatic rodents - muskrat, nutria and beaver, except for the length of the intestines, which in rodents is 2-3 times longer than the intestines of predatory animals. It should be noted that the intestinal index of the sea otter (sea otter) is very high, which can probably be explained by one report of this indicator in the sea otter.

The heart is most developed in animals that actively hunt for food, which run and swim considerable distances - mustelids and canines, excluding the badger, which is a large euryphage, and in rodents the heart index is much lower; they move away from their burrows in search of plant food.

With regard to heart beats per minute, it is impossible to say anything definitive. It can be noted that with an increase in body weight, the number of heartbeats decreases.

Morphophysiological indicators of fur-bearing animals

Type of animal Mass Internal organs Hair density

body, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, intestines, integument, thousand pcs. 2 cm

kg index, index, hair length by 1

index, pulse, index, frequency % % in relation to the spinal column

% impacts per min. % breaths per min. body length, times

Muskrat 1 0.48 310 1.17 99 4.2 0.41 16.7 11.0 12.4

Nutria 6 0.60 140 0.61 62 3.5 0.56 12.0 6.7 13.5

Beaver 20 0.40 120 0.80 27 2.6 0.44 9.1 26.7 30.0

Mink 1.0 0.95 250 1.78 45 4.4 1.01 4.7 10 20


Mink 1.2 0.93 250 1.66 50 4.3 0.90 5.4 18 20


Otter 8 1.00 162 2.14 27 4.5 0.98 5.4 34 50

Sea otter 30 0.90 139 4.00 6.5 2.10 10.0 152 50

Wood ferret 1.0 0.87 303 1.56 46 4.7 0.84 5.0 8.5 6.0

Forest marten 1.0 0.94 335 1.55 45 3.4 0.71 4.6 10 6.0

Sable 1.1 0.91 330 1.51 60 0.73 18 9.3

Badger 12 0.68 190 1.26 28 3.3 0.64 7.6 6 3

Wolverine 13 0.92 209 1.62 43 3.1 0.69 8.5 6 3

Arctic fox 5.4 1.02 140 1.13 40 3.7 0.73 5.0 21.0 6.5

Fox 4.8 1.15 120 1.09 50 4.1 0.90 4.3 10 6.5

Wolf 35 1.00 1.22 2.4 0.60 3.4 5.0 2.5

Raccoon 5.9 1.04 0.80 32 3.0 0.60 5.5 8.4 6.3

Marmot boibak 6.4 0.68 230 1.10 27 2.5 0.38 7.9 3.0 0.5

This indicates a more active life of small animals - they move more in search of food, since they require more per unit of body weight.

It should be noted that when immersed in water in small semi-aquatic animals, the number of heartbeats drops significantly more than in large ones: for example, in the muskrat, American mink, European mink and nutria - in water the pulse rate is 14, 18, 23 and 24% of the frequency pulse before immersion in water, and for the otter, sea otter and beaver - 31, 35 and 50%, respectively.

The size of the liver depends on your diet. This can be clearly seen in animals of the same species, but living in different geographical areas. Thus, if in the North-Western region of Russia the index of this organ in adult males of the pine marten and badger was on average 3.4 ± 0.6 and 3.3 ± 1.2, respectively, then in Transcaucasia, where euryphagy (feeding on a variety of foods) ) animals are noticeably higher - only 2.7±0.2 and 2.8±0.6%.

Semi-aquatic animals have short ears, which do not interfere with swimming under water and less heat is lost through them.

Animals capable for a long time being under water (muskrat, otter, beaver) have long tails covered with scales with a small amount of hair. Through the tail, thermoregulation occurs when the animal overheats - blood vessels open in the tail, through which a significant amount of blood flows and the animal’s body cools (since the water temperature is usually much lower than body temperature), when the animal is overcooled, the blood vessels in the tail close and thereby remain preserved warm. In terrestrial animals, the tail serves as a blanket or bedding when resting in cold weather.

LITERATURE: 1. Barabash-Nikiforov I.M., Marakov S.V., Nikolaev A.M. Sea otter (Sea otter), L., 1968. 2. Dezhkin V.V., Marakov S.V. Sea otters return to shore. M. 1973. 3. Kozlo P.G., Filimonov A.N., Bondarev A.Ya. Morphology of internal organs // Origin, systematics, morphology.-Ecology.- M.-1985. 4. Kuznetsov B.A. Fundamentals of merchandising of fur raw materials. M.: 1952, 508 p. 5. Ternovsky D.V. Ecology of martens. Novosibirsk 1994. 6. Tumanov I.L. Biological features of predatory mammals of Russia, St. Petersburg, 2003. 7. Fedorova O.I. Variability of color and quality of pubescence in cell-bred marmots: dissertation. ...cand. agricultural Sci. M.: - 1998.- 121 p. 8. Tserevitinov B.F., Besedin A.N. Commodity research of fur goods, M.: 1977, 152 p.



Kalugin Yu.A., Fedorova O.I.

The review outlines the variability of the color of animals in connection with living conditions, as well as the indices of the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, intestines and hair density, which in terrestrial and semi-aquatic animals differ depending not only on water, but also on the type of nutrition . Thus, the indices of the heart, lungs, liver and kidneys in rodents, both semi-aquatic and terrestrial, are significantly lower than in predators. The intestinal length is significantly greater in rodents and euryphage predators.


Kalugin Ju. A., Fedorova O.I.

The review sets out the color variation of animals in relation to environmental conditions, as well as indexes of heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, intestines and density of indumentum, which in terrestrial and semi-aquatic animals differ not only according to relation to water , but also to the type of feeding. The indexes of heart, lungs, liver and kidneys in semi-aquatic and terrestrial rodents are significantly lower than the indexes of predators. Length of the intestine is much more in rodents and predators euryphages.

UDC 636.087.636.2


Kirillov N.K. - Doctor of Sciences, Professor; Alekseev G. A. - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Chuvash State Agricultural Academy, tel.: (8 352) 35-06-84

Key words: zeolite-containing tripolite, body weight, basic diet, organoleptic and physicochemical parameters.

Keywords: zeolite-containing tripoli, body weight, the basic diet, organoleptic and physicochemical parameters.

Question about the advisability of using zeolites in feeding

480 rub. | 150 UAH | $7.5 ", MOUSEOFF, FGCOLOR, "#FFFFCC",BGCOLOR, "#393939");" onMouseOut="return nd();"> Dissertation - 480 RUR, delivery 10 minutes, around the clock, seven days a week and holidays

Poleshchuk Elena Mikhailovna. Morphophysiological and biocenotic characteristics of the fox (vulpes vulpes L.) and corsac dog (vulpes corsac L.) and their significance in the circulation of natural focal infections and invasions in the south Western Siberia: 03.00.08, 03.00.16 Poleshchuk, Elena Mikhailovna Morphophysiological and biocenotic characteristics of the fox (vulpes vulpes L.) and corsac dog (vulpes corsac L.) and their significance in the circulation of natural focal infections and invasions in the south of Western Siberia (On the example of the Omsk region) : Dis. ...cand. biol. Sciences: 03.00.08, 03.00.16 Omsk, 2005 276 p. RSL OD, 61:06-3/114


Chapter 1. Features of the biology of corsac and fox in Western Siberia and the importance of these animals in maintaining natural focal infections and invasions (literature review) 11

Chapter 2. Materials and methods. Brief ecological and faunal characteristics of the study area 56

2.1. General information about material 56

2. 2. Research methods 60

2. 3. Brief ecological and faunal characteristics of the study area 66

2. 4. Short description stationary observation point 76

Chapter 3. Morphophysiological characteristics of corsac and fox in the Omsk region 79

3.1. General features of the exterior, interior and craniology of predators 19

3. 2. Geographical variability of morphophysiological parameters 86

3. 3. Features of morphophysiological parameters in animals of different sexes 91

3. 4. Age-related variability of exterior, interior and craniological indicators in foxes and corsac dogs 94

3. 5. Use of craniological indicators to analyze the subspecies of predators inhabiting the Omsk region 97

Chapter 4. Features of the ecology of corsac and foxes in the Omsk region 99

4.1. Comparative analysis of the number and population density of foxes and corsacs 99

4. 2. Dynamics of the number of predators 109

4.3. Sexual and age structure populations 118

4. 4. Spatial and ethological structure of predator populations 121

4. 4. 1. Features of the use of topical resources by foxes, corsacs and badgers 121

4.4. 2. Density of brood refuges of predators 130

4. 4. 3. Types of spatial distribution of predators on the territory of the Steppe Reserve 134

4. 5. Features of animal nutrition 141

4. 6. Biotic connections in (topical). 151

Chapter 5. The role of corsac and fox in maintaining the epizootic process of a number of natural focal infections and invasions in the Omsk region 161

5.1. Corsac and fox as hosts and distributors of the rabies virus in 2000-2004 161

5. 2. The role of predators in the circulation of other infections and some invasions 176

5. 2.1. Infections of foxes and corsacs in the Omsk region 176

5. 2. 2. Infestations of fox and corsac in the Omsk region 183

Conclusions 190

Bibliography 192

Applications 224

Introduction to the work

The fox (Vulpes vulpes L.) is the most numerous and widespread species of carnivores of the Canidae family, everywhere inhabiting the territory of the Omsk region. Corsac (Vulpes corsac L.) is endemic to dry steppes, semi-deserts, deserts and dry foothills of Central Eurasia. In the Omsk region it lives in the steppe zone and the southern forest-steppe subzone.

Basic in the study of the biology of these predators are the works of the following authors: A. A. Sludsky, A. A. Lazarev (1966), A. A. Lazarev (1967; 1968), V. G. Heptner et al. (1967), A. A. Sludsky (1981), M. A. Weisfeld (1985), G. N. Sidorov (1985), etc. In Western Siberia, the study of ecology, ethology, biocenotic and economic significance of foxes and corsacs was carried out by S. A. Abashkin, 1969; L. A. Barbash, V. V. Shibanov (1979; 1980), V. V. Shibanov (1980; 1986a; 19866; 1989a; 19896).

Interest in the peculiarities of the life activity of these predators, both in Western Siberia and in other regions of the country, was due, first of all, to their importance in the circulation of the rabies virus (Malkov, 1970; 1972; 1973; 1978; Malkov, Gribanova, 1974; 1978; 1980; Malkov, Korsh, 1972, Sidorov et al., 1989; 1990; Sidorov, 1995, etc.). The helminth fauna of these predators has been studied to a much lesser extent (Kadenatsii, Sokolov, 1966; 1968).

To date, the morphophysiological characteristics of the fox and corsac dog of Western Siberia remain unstudied. Morphophysiological indicators are not used to assess the regional ecological characteristics of predators. The subspecies of the fox and corsac dog that inhabit the south of Western Siberia remain controversial. There is practically no data in the literature on the current state of numbers, its dynamics, population density of foxes and corsacs in the Omsk region. The sex-age, spatial-ethological structure of populations, nutrition, and biocenotic connections of these species are still insufficiently studied. The characteristics of infections and infestations of the described predators are most fully covered only in relation to rabies and a number of helminthiasis.

Fox and corsac dog deserve attention as components natural community, the role of which is ambiguous in the context of changes in regional natural and climatic features and anthropogenic transformation of landscapes.

The relevance of the study was determined by the insufficient knowledge of the biology and biocenology of foxes and corsac foxes in Western Siberia and the importance of these predators in the circulation of a number of natural focal infections and invasions. In the Omsk region, before our work began, the biology of predators was not the subject of targeted study. This predetermined the topic of the dissertation research.

The work was carried out as part of the planned topics of the Omsk Research Institute of Natural Focal Infections (NIIPOI), state registration number 01.200.112520, and was also supported by a grant from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (Aoz-2.12-610).

Purpose of the study: To identify regional morphophysiological and biocenotic characteristics of foxes and corsac foxes and to establish the significance of these animals in the circulation of natural focal infections and invasions in the steppe and forest-steppe of the Omsk region.

To study the morphophysiological characteristics of foxes and corsac dogs, to establish the dependence of exterior, interior and craniological indicators on the ecology of predators. Using craniological indicators, determine the similarity of predators of the Omsk region with the subspecies described for the territory of Western Siberia.

Explore current state number and its dynamics, population density, sex and age composition and spatial-ethological structure of populations, feeding habits and biocenotic (topical) connections of foxes and corsac foxes of the steppe and forest-steppe

Omsk region.

3. To study the role of foxes and corsac dogs in the circulation of a number of natural focal infections and invasions in the study area. Scientific novelty of the work.

For the first time in the south of Western Siberia, a complete analysis of the exterior, interior, and craniological characteristics of foxes and corsac dogs was carried out. Morphophysiological indicators were used to assess the biological uniqueness of the fox population in the Omsk region. This work has not previously been carried out in relation to corsac. The current state of the absolute and relative abundance of foxes and corsacs in the Omsk region is assessed. An analysis of the age-sex structure of fox and corsac populations in the Omsk region was made. For the first time in the region, a pattern of location has been established various types shelters relative to each other in fox and corsac populations. In the south of Western Siberia, such work has not previously been carried out. For the first time in the Omsk region, features of the use of topical resources by predators have been identified. The type of spatial distribution of fox and corsac populations has been studied. The topical relationships of the fox and corsac with each other and with other species of the order of carnivores have been revealed. Regional feeding habits of foxes and corsacs have been established. Opened modern features epizootic process with rabies in these animals. For the first time in the region, based on serological data, contacts of foxes and corsac dogs with pathogens of tularemia, pseudotuberculosis, ornithosis, leptospirosis, yersiniosis, listeriosis, and tuberculosis have been identified. The fox has specific antibodies to tick-borne encephalitis, West Nile fever, and the corsac dog has antibodies to West Nile fever. For the first time in the south of Western Siberia, the participation of predators in the circulation of hookworm has been determined)

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