Optical topography of the spine. Optical topography of the spine and feet. Reviews from our patients

Computer optical topography of the spine is a method for diagnosing the musculoskeletal system, based on the reflection of light from the surface of the body. It is used to identify pathologies such as scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis, body asymmetry, and chest deformation. The computer topography method was developed by Novosibirsk scientists in the 1990s. In 2002, he received a prize for the invention of a new method for diagnosing pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

Why is the method needed?

Optical topography of the spine is a diagnostic method that does not use X-rays, unlike computed tomography. However, it allows us to identify asymmetry of the pelvic bones, shoulder blades, and impaired structure of the chest.

A special projector casts rays onto the patient’s body, and scanners capture their reflection from the surface of the skin. The information goes to a computer, which builds a three-dimensional model. Optical topography of the spine allows you to take pictures with functional tests to assess the condition of the muscle corset. Curvature is determined by different leg lengths and torso torsion.

Everything about: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment.

The method is used by chiropractors to determine where there is deformation, curvature, to track changes that occurred during therapeutic manipulations. Senile scoliosis, caused by decreased bone mineral density, may also be found.

Advantages of the method

A new diagnostic method is used to determine deformation without exposure to radioactive rays, as with computed tomography and x-rays. The method allows you to dynamically monitor the condition of the spinal column after physical therapy exercises.

Computer topography with functional tests - modern, safe, fast, inexpensive and effective method determination of violations of posture, angle of curvature, as well as asymmetry of the spinal column.

The study helps prevent and treat dangerous disorders of the morphology of the spinal column, which threaten disability or a significant decrease in the quality of life. The method is easy to use and can be used as much as you like, unlike X-rays and computed tomography.

COMOT is available in clinics in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yaroslavl, Ryazan. The price of the examination is about 1200 rubles. The price includes a consultation with a vertebrologist specializing in diseases of the spinal column.

Read what it is: causes, symptoms and treatment.

Features, indications and contraindications.

Read what it is: causes, stages and symptoms.

What additional studies need to be completed?

For headaches, vertigo, visual impairment, or detection of scoliotic deformation, an electroencephalogram, ultrasound of the brain (Echo-EG), CT or MRI of the spinal column should be performed. There is also a COMOT for the head.

Rheoencephalogram and Dopplerography are the main methods for assessing the condition of cerebral vessels, the tone of which may be impaired due to osteochondrosis and lateral deformity.

There is a plantagram - an examination of the condition of the feet using a light topograph. If there is flat feet that accompanies the patient’s problematic musculoskeletal system, then this method will also help. After the examination, a vertebrologist or orthopedic doctor may prescribe a set of special exercises for physical therapy, massage, physiotherapeutic methods and reflexology.

COMOT is an examination method that is used to diagnose scoliotic deformity instead of X-ray methods. The study avoids the harmful effects of radioactive rays and effectively determines the angle of curvature. Topogram errors are insignificant.

Scoliotic disease (lateral curvature of the spine) continues to be the most severe and unresolved problem in pediatric orthopedics. Numerous efforts by domestic and foreign specialists to establish the etiology of this disease have not yet been successful. Therefore, until now, in most cases of detected scoliosis, the diagnosis is idiopathic, i.e. diagnosis of a disease with an unknown cause. The danger of this disease is due to the fact that in the initial stages it is painless for children and unnoticed by their parents. Untimely initiation of treatment for scoliosis significantly reduces the possibilities of conservative treatment and often leads to the need for significantly more expensive, difficult and traumatic surgical treatment for patients.

The only possibility for early detection of spinal deformity in children in the form of idiopathic scoliosis in today's conditions is mass screening examinations of children to identify postural disorders or emerging scoliotic deformities. Scoliosis detection at an early stage, as one of the tasks of conducting a screening study, allows one to begin using conservative treatment methods at an early stage of deformity formation. At the same time, in accordance with modern concepts, the screening method must meet the requirements of non-invasive intervention, objective recording of symptoms, quantitative assessment of the degree of manifestation of functional deviations, the use of functional loads during diagnosis and the maximum possible speed of the diagnostic process, and also allow the possibility of monitoring already identified deformities. The basic principle underlying monitoring is regular observation of the natural change in the spinal axis as the patient grows older, which is considered as a dynamic process. Additionally, monitoring provides the opportunity to monitor the results of treatment, which is applicable for idiopathic scoliosis and, equally, for scoliosis with a traceable etiology. This is especially important when monitoring the progress of treatment, both conservative and surgical, and makes it possible to individualize approaches to treatment for a particular patient and monitor its effectiveness in order to timely change treatment tactics. To solve problems associated with mass screening of spinal deformities, in 1994, the Novosibirsk Scientific Research Institute of Orthopedics and Traumatology developed a method of computer-optical topography (COMOT) [of the human body topography], which allows for mass screening examinations with obtaining objective results and the formation of a database, making predictions in during the analysis of accumulated information on the course of scoliosis and form an automated diagnosis based on integral indicators of the subject’s posture. In 1996, this system was approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for use in medical practice under the name TODP - optical topograph of spinal deformations.

The COMOT method allows remotely and contactlessly determine the shape of the surface of the patient’s torso. The principle of its operation is simple and consists in projecting an optical image of vertical parallel stripes onto the examined surface of the patients’ torso using a slide projector and recording these stripes with a TV camera. The image of the stripes projected onto the patient's body is deformed in accordance with the relief of its surface and carries detailed information about its shape. Such an image is digitally entered into a computer, where, using special algorithms, a digital model of the surface being examined is reconstructed from it at each point of the original image. Based on this surface model and the anatomical landmarks of the bone structures highlighted on it, the computer builds output reporting forms, which provide graphical representations and quantitative parameters describing the state of posture and shape of the spine in three planes: frontal, horizontal and sagittal (see

Diers Diagnostics will help you identify the following problems

  • determine vertebral mobility disorders
  • identify vertebral displacements
  • detect disturbances in the innervation of joint muscles
  • diagnose spinal curvature, scoliosis, osteochondrosis
  • diagnose protrusions and herniated intervertebral discs
  • determine muscle tension
  • identify areas of pathological muscle tension

Spine diagnostic system Diers formetric 4D in Moscow

Spine Analysis System Without Radiation

An innovation in the field of identifying spinal diseases and postural disorders is Diers diagnostics.

The system was developed by leading European universities in collaboration with research institutes.

The main goal in developing Diers diagnostics was to reduce X-ray radiation to patients.

Today's publicly available methods for diagnosing the spine are in many ways inferior to Diers diagnostics. For some categories of people, methods such as MRI of the spine or X-ray examination are not available, and ultrasound of the spine provides only a general idea of ​​the disorders, which reduces the accuracy of the diagnosis and the adequacy of treatment. Each of the methods has certain contraindications and limitations. Diers diagnostics is an absolutely safe and highly informative examination of the spine.

Application of Diers diagnostics

for posture control

during physical therapy

for changes after surgery

as rehabilitation and physiotherapeutic procedures

for neurological testing

An undeniable advantage of optical topography is that the method allows you to determine the degree of twisting and displacement, which is very important when prescribing treatment.

What violations can be detected by computer-optical topography? DIERS formetric 4D is used to diagnose:

accuracy of the diagnosis
  • leg length differences;
  • scoliosis and scoliotic deformity;
  • arthrosis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • distortion, rotation, twisting of the pelvis;
  • dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint.

Advantages of computer topography of the spine.

The main advantage of the computer-optical topography method is the absence of contraindications. Pregnant women, children, persons with oncological diseases, pacemakers. This allows these categories of people to promptly identify disorders and diseases of the spine.

No radiation!

During the examination using computer optical topography, patients are not exposed to X-rays. The method is absolutely safe and allows you to obtain objective and highly accurate results. Data from all research results are stored in a database.

How is computer topography of the spine performed?

Computer optical topography is a new diagnostic method based on non-contact optical examination of the patient. The patient stands with his back to the camera, and using a projector, an image of vertical stripes is displayed on the body, which repeat the body’s relief and curves.

Within a few minutes, a three-dimensional three-dimensional image is created, which is recorded by the camera and displayed in digital format on a computer monitor.

The image is processed by special software, which recreates it in three planes: horizontal, frontal, sagittal. Automated system allows you to diagnose pathologies with high accuracy, make a prognosis for the development of disorders for the patient, and prescribe correct and effective treatment.

Where can I get computer optical topography?

You can get computer optical topography of the spine in Moscow at our diagnostic center. Optical topography of the spine, the price of which is relatively low, will allow you to identify diseases in the early stages and prevent their further development. Additional information You can find out about discounts and promotions in the corresponding section.

You can sign up for Diers spinal diagnostics in Moscow using Diers technology by calling or filling out the form below. Call and make an appointment!

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The place of optical computer topography in the early screening diagnosis of orthopedic diseases in children in Tolyatti

Optical computer topography(OCT) is a relatively new diagnostic method. The development of the method began in 1993, permission from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for its use was received at the end of 1996. Since 2002, when conducting mass examinations of children in Togliatti, we have been using two optical computer topographers produced by the Novosibirsk company "MeToS" (medical topographic systems) in a stationary and mobile versions. The second option is used for screening diagnostics of orthopedic pathology directly in schools and kindergartens. The method is informative, visual, and quickly implementable. Provides highly accurate determination of the shape of the body surface. The examination is completely harmless to the health of patients and staff and is indicated for children from the age of four. Optical computer topography is based on the principle of moiré topography. Only the luminous flux from two sources is used: a strip projector and an illuminator of reflective markers mounted on anatomical landmarks on the surface of the subject’s body. The video camera transmits the image to the computer.

The descriptors used in optical computer topography, after analyzing the topographic parameters, describe the deviation of the apex of kyphosis, the presence of hyperlordosis, the localization of the arch of scoliotic or kyphotic curvature, the amount of lateral deviation and rotation of the vertebrae, expressed in degrees, the size of the costal hump, the inclination and rotation of the angles of the shoulder blades, their wing shape, the size and asymmetry of the location, the asymmetry of the location of the shoulder girdle, the tilt or skew of the pelvis, when viewed from the front, the severity of funnel-shaped or keeled, or asymmetrical deformation of the chest and other parameters, displaying the degree of severity of a particular pathology in terms of: norm, subnorm, deviation from the norm I, II degrees, etc. As a result of computer processing, a graphic topographic image of the surface of the subject’s body is constructed in several projections, a conclusion is issued indicating the type of postural disorder, and in the presence of scoliosis, indicating the degree of deformation according to V.D.’s classification. Chaklin (1965), the presence and type of chest deformity and congenital high scapula (Sprengel's disease) are determined.

Using optical computer topography, we monitor the condition of patients at risk, control the dynamics of the process, evaluate the effectiveness of conservative treatment of children with scoliosis, kyphosis, chest deformities, Sprengel's disease, and the results of surgical treatment.

We form a risk group for scoliosis from children with poor posture and symptoms of skin dysplasia. These children are registered at the dispensary. In the risk group, measures are taken to prevent scoliosis. For early detection of scoliosis, children are referred for optical topography of spinal deformities 2 times a year. Children with scoliosis remain under treatment and follow-up with an orthopedist. The results of treatment for grade I scoliosis are monitored using optical topography of spinal deformities 4 times a year. If scoliosis of grade II or higher is suspected, an x-ray of the spine is taken. The cost of one optical computer topography examination is significantly lower than the cost of an x-ray examination. For example, during a standard X-ray examination of children with scoliosis, three images are taken: in a direct projection, standing and lying down, and in a lateral lying position. The cost of only X-ray film for this examination without reagents is 75 rubles. We should not forget about the time required for this study, which is spent on installing cassettes, filming, developing, fixing, drying radiographs, marking them and describing them by a radiologist. You also need to remember about the radiation exposure your child receives. The cost of consumables for one examination on an optical computer topographer consists of the cost of one sheet of ordinary A-4 paper, which is 18 kopecks, and a small amount of cartridge ink. The time from the start of the examination to the receipt of results is much shorter, since the results are immediately output by the computer to the printer.

The introduction of the method has already made it possible to reduce the radiation exposure of children in Tolyatti and obtain an economic effect due to a decrease in the number of x-rays performed. Early detection of orthopedic diseases allows for preventive measures and timely, and therefore more effective, conservative treatment.

Kolchin D.V., Shatokhin V.D., Vishnyakova O.N.
Center for Medical Prevention of the Department of Health of Tolyatti, medical and preventive service of OJSC AvtoVAZ

The functional state of the musculoskeletal system can be clearly objectified using the method of optical topography. The study was carried out using a computer optical topographer at the Novosibirsk Scientific Research Institute of Orthopedics and Orthopedics.

et al. (2003, 2007).

Computer optical topography is a non-contact, high-precision method and allows you to determine the shape of the dorsal surface of the body. A quantitative description of this parameter allows us to determine the angle of lateral curvature of the spinal column. This method allows you to obtain reliable information about the condition of the spine and postural changes that occur during dynamic observation.

The examination was carried out using the patient's natural posture, which is necessary to assess his usual posture and identify spinal deformity in the sagittal, frontal and horizontal planes. To do this, during the shooting, the patient fixed his position for 1-2 seconds.

For objectification and the most reliable assessment of topographic results, filming was carried out mainly in the first half of the day, while patients were instructed to avoid heavy physical activity on the eve of the study.

The patient was positioned in front of the reference plane and an image of a pattern of vertical stripes was projected onto his back. This method allows you to obtain detailed and complete information about the shape of the patient’s back surface in the form of phase modulation of the stripes, due to the deformation of the stripe pattern in proportion to the topography of the back surface. After entering this image, the computer calculates a digital model of the reconstructed shape of the back according to each point of the original image of the subject (Figure 11).

Figure 11 – Optical diagram of the computer optical topography system

(Sarnadsky V.N.

et al., 2003, 2007)

Figure 12 – Clinical example of a patient with anterior type and deviation to the right

To conduct the survey, the dorsal surface of the subject’s torso is marked with reflective markers. Sequential marking is carried out on the apex of the spinous process of C7, the line of the spinous processes from C7 to L3. (every second or third vertebra, depending on the form of the frontal deformity), left and right posterior superior iliac spines of the ilium.

After computer reconstruction of the surface and identification of anatomical landmarks of bone structures on it, parameters are calculated that quantitatively describe the shape of the dorsal surface of the body and allow one to assess the deformation of the spine in three planes:

The following topographic parameters were used to assess spinal deformity:

O body displacement index in the frontal plane (FT);

O index of body displacement in the sagittal plane (ST);

O general integral index of dorsal surface shape disorders (PTI);

O torso angle - rotation of the shoulder girdle relative to the pelvis (GT);

O angle of lateral asymmetry of the arc of curvature (LA);

O integral index of violations of the shape of the dorsal surface in the horizontal plane (PTI-G);

O pelvic rotation angle (GP);

O angle of rotation of the shoulder girdle (GH);

O angle of inclination of the shoulder girdle relative to the horizontal (FH);

O integral index of disturbances in the shape of the dorsal surface in the frontal plane (PTI-F);

O integral index of violations of the shape of the dorsal surface in the sagittal plane (PTI-S).

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