The truth about women in the occupied territory. Abandoned women. Stories of the wives of Soviet commanders who were left behind by the Wehrmacht. French women who hung out with the Germans had their heads shaved (11 photos)

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Women captured by the Germans. How the Nazis abused captured Soviet women

Second World War rolled through humanity like a skating rink. Millions of dead and many more crippled lives and destinies. All the warring parties did truly monstrous things, justifying everything by war.

Carefully! The material presented in this selection may seem unpleasant or intimidating.

Of course, the Nazis were especially distinguished in this regard, and this does not even take into account the Holocaust. There are many documented and outright fictional stories about what German soldiers did.

One senior German officer recalled the briefings they received. It is interesting that there was only one order regarding female soldiers: “Shoot.”

Most did just that, but among the dead they often find the bodies of women in the uniform of the Red Army - soldiers, nurses or orderlies, on whose bodies there were traces of cruel torture.

Residents of the village of Smagleevka, for example, say that when they had the Nazis, they found a seriously wounded girl. And despite everything, they dragged her onto the road, stripped her and shot her.

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But before her death, she was tortured for a long time for pleasure. Her entire body was turned into a bloody mess. The Nazis did much the same with female partisans. Before execution, they could be stripped naked and for a long time keep in the cold.

Women servicemen of the Red Army captured by the Germans, part 1

Of course, the captives were constantly raped.

Women servicemen of the Red Army captured by the Finns and Germans, part 2. Jewish women

And if the highest German ranks were forbidden to have intimate relations with captives, then ordinary rank and file had more freedom in this matter.

And if the girl did not die after the whole company had used her, then she was simply shot.

The situation in the concentration camps was even worse. Unless the girl was lucky and one of the higher ranks of the camp took her as a servant. Although this did not save much from rape.

In this regard, the most cruel place was camp No. 337. There, prisoners were kept naked for hours in the cold, hundreds of people were put into barracks at a time, and anyone who could not do the work was immediately killed. About 700 prisoners of war were exterminated in Stalag every day.

Women were subjected to the same torture as men, if not much worse. In terms of torture, the Spanish Inquisition could envy the Nazis.

Soviet soldiers knew exactly what was happening in the concentration camps and the risks of captivity. Therefore, no one wanted or intended to give up. They fought to the end, until death; she was the only winner in those terrible years.

Happy memory to all those who died in the war...

Houses of brothel for army men appeared immediately after the Second World War began. German Interior Minister Wilhelm Frick sought to protect soldiers from sexually transmitted diseases and keep them from rape and sodomy, so he ordered the creation of brothels for the Wehrmacht in the occupied territories.

During the war, more than 500 similar establishments were opened, which divided the Western and Eastern fronts.


Initially, ladies from brothels were divided into categories. Some were intended to please soldiers, others - non-commissioned officers, some - officers. Later the categories were abolished.

For example, Frau was supposed to meet the pilots in neat clothes, with neat makeup, which was carefully monitored. Bed and underwear had to be perfectly clean and changed for each visitor to the brothel.

Due to the larger number ground forces and time restrictions, the girl met the soldiers, lying in bed already in her underwear. In such brothels, the bed sheets were changed after every tenth visitor.

For compliance sanitary standards The brothel manager (a doctor by training) was watching. He was also responsible for the physical health of the girls. They were examined every day by a doctor. If necessary, he sent Frau for preventive and therapeutic procedures. Brothels were kept small - up to 20 workers in each. German soldiers could visit brothels up to 5-6 times a month. It also happened that commanders personally gave out lucky coupons to encourage the fighter. It was not forbidden to deprive soldiers of visits to brothels for their duties. This helped maintain military discipline in the company.

Representatives of the allied forces (Italians, Hungarians, Romanians, Slovaks) were not allowed to visit the treasured frau. The Hungarians themselves were able to organize something similar to the German brothels. For Italian soldiers and officers, the “Italian Casino” brothel was created, located in Stalino (present-day Donetsk). 18 girls worked there. Their working day began at 6 am. There were so many people wanting to please that additional concessions had to be made. One of the documents from 1942 states: “Since the brothels available in Pskov were not enough for the Germans, they created the so-called institute of sanitary-supervised women or, more simply put, revived free prostitutes. Periodically, they also had to appear for a medical examination and receive appropriate marks on special tickets (medical certificates).”

The life of the girls of the brothels was hardly burdensome. They received a salary, insurance, benefits. If the Third Reich had continued to exist for another 30 years, the Frau would have become pensioners claiming increased amounts for participating in hostilities.

Mobile brothels

There were still not enough brothels and prostitutes, so the troops began to carry brothels on wheels with them. They were inhabited by purebred Aryan women. They underwent strict selection, were often fanatical about National Socialist ideology, and had to work out of patriotic motives. The fact of the existence of mobile homes is confirmed by entries in the diary of General Halder. “Current issues: prison camps are overcrowded; tankers demand new engines; the troops are moving quickly, the brothels cannot keep up with the units,” he wrote.

Staying in any brothels was regulated. Before the actual reception with the girl, the soldier was briefed by his superiors. One of the instructions strictly obliged fighters to use condoms (they were given out free of charge). He was also reminded of this by special signs that the soldier could see on the walls of the brothel. The payment for the services (three Reichsmarks) had to be given to the girl and recorded on the coupon. It also included information about Frau: first name, last name, registration number. The document had to be kept for two months. This was done in case of detection of a sexually transmitted disease. Using the saved coupon, it was easy to identify the culprit.

Some Russian women voluntarily married Wehrmacht officers, officials and soldiers. In 1942, a circular of the NKVD of the USSR appeared, which recognized women who had connections with the Nazis, prostitutes and traitors. The heads of the NKVD departments had to begin their work in the liberated territories with the arrests of proteges and collaborators of the Germans, including brothel owners.

However, not all Russian women voluntarily dated Germans. Some of them carried out orders from the Soviet command and collected intelligence information. It was a shame to do this in front of your own eyes. Such Frau were called “fascist litter”.

KGB Colonel Zoya Voskresenskaya recalls the story of 25-year-old Olya from Oryol. After the start of the war, the girl voluntarily asked to go to the front. At the military registration and enlistment office, a young man invited her to become a scout, since Olya knew German well. Twice a month, a Komsomol member had to put a report in a cache and take out a new task from there. After the occupation of the city, Olya quickly became involved in the officer environment, spending evenings in restaurants, pretending that she knew only a few words of German. On control days, she went to the hiding place, but no tasks appeared in them, and no one took the girl’s reports. It was impossible to escape from the city. The Nazis dominated it for more than 20 months. Soon Oryol was released. The Soviet command was reported about the alleged betrayal of the “girl Olga.” The girl was arrested and appeared before a military tribunal. The KGB colonel, after listening to the Komsomol member’s story, advised her to describe the situation in detail and ask for a review of the case in the Supreme Court. A few months later, justice triumphed - Olya was rehabilitated for “lack of corpus delicti.”

About 12% of the population of the occupied territories collaborated to one degree or another with the Nazi invaders.

Pedantic Germans found work for everyone. Men could serve in police detachments, and women worked as dishwashers and cleaners in soldiers' and officers' canteens. However, not everyone earned an honest living.

Horizontal betrayal

The Germans approached the “sexual” issue in the occupied territories with their characteristic punctuality and calculation. Brothels were created in large cities; the Nazis themselves called them “brothel houses.” From 20 to 30 women worked in such establishments, and rear service soldiers and military police kept order. The employees of the brothel houses did not pay any taxes or taxes to the German “supervisors”; the girls took everything they earned home.

In cities and villages, meeting rooms were organized at soldiers’ canteens, in which, as a rule, women “worked”, working as dishwashers and cleaners.

But, according to the observations of the Wehrmacht rear services, the established brothels and visiting rooms could not cope with the volume of work. Tension among the soldiers grew, quarrels broke out, which ended in the death or injury of one soldier and disbat for another. The problem was solved by the revival of free prostitution in the occupied territories.

To become a priestess of love, a woman had to register with the commandant’s office, undergo a medical examination and provide the address of the apartment where she would receive German soldiers. Medical examinations were regular, and infection of occupiers with venereal disease was punishable by death. In turn, German soldiers had a clear instruction: during sexual contacts in mandatory use condoms. Infection with a venous disease was a very serious crime, for which a soldier or officer was demoted and sent to disbat, which was almost equivalent to a death sentence.

Money for intimate services Slavic women in the occupied territories they did not take it, preferring payment in kind - canned food, a loaf of bread or chocolate. The point was not in the moral aspect and the complete lack of commercialism among the employees of the brothel houses, but in the fact that money during the war did not have much value and a bar of soap had much greater purchasing power than the Soviet ruble or occupation Reichsmarks.

Punished with contempt

Women who worked in German brothels or cohabited with German soldiers and officers were openly condemned by their compatriots. After the liberation of the territories, employees of military brothels were often beaten, had their heads shaved, and were showered with contempt at every opportunity.

By the way, local residents of the liberated territories very often wrote denunciations against such women. But the position of the authorities turned out to be different; not a single case was opened for cohabitation with the enemy in the USSR.

In the Soviet Union, “Germans” were the name given to children that women gave birth to from the German invaders. Very often, babies were born as a result of sexual violence, so their fate was unenviable. And the point is not at all in the severity of Soviet laws, but in the reluctance of women to raise the children of enemies and rapists. But someone put up with the situation and left the children of the occupiers alive. Even now, in the territories captured by the Germans during the Second World War, you can find older people with typically German features persons who were born during the war in remote villages of the Soviet Union.

There were no repressions against the “Germans” or their mothers, which is an exception. For example, in Norway, women caught cohabiting with fascists were punished and prosecuted. But it was the French who distinguished themselves the most. After the fall of the fascist empire, about 20 thousand French women were repressed for cohabitation with German soldiers and officers.

Fee of 30 pieces of silver

From the first day of the occupation, the Germans carried out active propaganda, sought out people who were dissatisfied with the Soviet regime, and persuaded them to cooperate. Even their own newspapers were published in the occupied Soviet territories. Naturally, Soviet citizens worked as journalists in such publications and began to voluntarily work for the Germans.

Vera Pirozhkova And Polyakov Olympics (Lidiya Osipova) began to cooperate with the Germans almost from the first day of the occupation. They were employees of the pro-fascist newspaper “For the Motherland”. Both were dissatisfied with the Soviet regime, and their families suffered to one degree or another during the mass repressions.

The newspaper “For the Motherland” is an occupation German two-color newspaper published from the autumn of 1942 to the summer of 1944. Source:

The journalists worked for their enemies voluntarily and fully justified any actions of their masters. Even the bombs that the Nazis dropped on Soviet cities, they called “liberation”.

Both employees emigrated to Germany when the Red Army approached. There was no persecution by military or law enforcement agencies. Moreover, Vera Pirozhkova returned to Russia in the 90s.

Tonka the machine gunner

Antonina Makarova is the most famous female traitor of World War II. At the age of 19, Komsomol member Makarova ended up in the Vyazemsky Cauldron. A soldier emerged from the encirclement with a young nurse Nikolay Fedchuk. But the joint wandering of the nurse and the fighter turned out to be short-lived; Fedchuk abandoned the girl when they reached his home village, where he had a family.

Then Antonina had to move alone. The Komsomol member’s campaign ended in the Bryansk region, where she was detained by a police patrol of the notorious “Lokot Republic” (a territorial formation of Russian collaborators). The police took a liking to the captive, and they took her into their squad, where the girl actually performed the duties of a prostitute.

Antonina Ginzburg during her arrest, 1979. Source:

About 12% of the population of the occupied territories collaborated to one degree or another with the Nazi invaders.

Pedantic Germans found work for everyone. Men could serve in police detachments, and women worked as dishwashers and cleaners in soldiers' and officers' canteens. However, not everyone earned an honest living.

Horizontal betrayal

The Germans approached the “sexual” issue in the occupied territories with their characteristic punctuality and calculation. Brothels were created in large cities; the Nazis themselves called them “brothel houses.” From 20 to 30 women worked in such establishments, and rear service soldiers and military police kept order. The employees of the brothel houses did not pay any taxes or taxes to the German “supervisors”; the girls took everything they earned home.

In cities and villages, meeting rooms were organized at soldiers’ canteens, in which, as a rule, women “worked”, working as dishwashers and cleaners.

But, according to the observations of the Wehrmacht rear services, the established brothels and visiting rooms could not cope with the volume of work. Tension among the soldiers grew, quarrels broke out, which ended in the death or injury of one soldier and disbat for another. The problem was solved by the revival of free prostitution in the occupied territories.

To become a priestess of love, a woman had to register with the commandant’s office, undergo a medical examination and provide the address of the apartment where she would receive German soldiers. Medical examinations were regular, and infection of occupiers with venereal disease was punishable by death. In turn, German soldiers had a clear instruction: it was mandatory to use condoms during sexual contacts. Infection with a venous disease was a very serious crime, for which a soldier or officer was demoted and sent to disbat, which was almost equivalent to a death sentence.

Slavic women in the occupied territories did not take money for intimate services, preferring payment in kind - canned food, a loaf of bread or chocolate. The point was not in the moral aspect and the complete lack of commercialism among the employees of the brothel houses, but in the fact that money during the war did not have much value and a bar of soap had much greater purchasing power than the Soviet ruble or occupation Reichsmarks.

Punished with contempt

Women who worked in German brothels or cohabited with German soldiers and officers were openly condemned by their compatriots. After the liberation of the territories, employees of military brothels were often beaten, had their heads shaved, and were showered with contempt at every opportunity.

By the way, local residents of the liberated territories very often wrote denunciations against such women. But the position of the authorities turned out to be different; not a single case was opened for cohabitation with the enemy in the USSR.

In the Soviet Union, “Germans” were the name given to children that women gave birth to from the German invaders. Very often, babies were born as a result of sexual violence, so their fate was unenviable. And the point is not at all in the severity of Soviet laws, but in the reluctance of women to raise the children of enemies and rapists. But someone put up with the situation and left the children of the occupiers alive. Even now, in the territories captured by the Germans during World War II, you can meet elderly people with typically German features who were born during the war in remote villages of the Soviet Union.

There were no repressions against the “Germans” or their mothers, which is an exception. For example, in Norway, women caught cohabiting with fascists were punished and prosecuted. But it was the French who distinguished themselves the most. After the fall of the fascist empire, about 20 thousand French women were repressed for cohabitation with German soldiers and officers.

Fee of 30 pieces of silver

From the first day of the occupation, the Germans carried out active propaganda, sought out people who were dissatisfied with the Soviet regime, and persuaded them to cooperate. Even their own newspapers were published in the occupied Soviet territories. Naturally, Soviet citizens worked as journalists in such publications and began to voluntarily work for the Germans.

Vera Pirozhkova And Polyakov Olympics (Lidiya Osipova) began to cooperate with the Germans almost from the first day of the occupation. They were employees of the pro-fascist newspaper “For the Motherland”. Both were dissatisfied with the Soviet regime, and their families suffered to one degree or another during the mass repressions.

The newspaper “For the Motherland” is an occupation German two-color newspaper published from the autumn of 1942 to the summer of 1944. Source:

The journalists worked for their enemies voluntarily and fully justified any actions of their masters. They even called the bombs that the Nazis dropped on Soviet cities “liberation bombs.”

Both employees emigrated to Germany when the Red Army approached. There was no persecution by military or law enforcement agencies. Moreover, Vera Pirozhkova returned to Russia in the 90s.

Tonka the machine gunner

Antonina Makarova is the most famous female traitor of World War II. At the age of 19, Komsomol member Makarova ended up in the Vyazemsky Cauldron. A soldier emerged from the encirclement with a young nurse Nikolay Fedchuk. But the joint wandering of the nurse and the fighter turned out to be short-lived; Fedchuk abandoned the girl when they reached his home village, where he had a family.

Then Antonina had to move alone. The Komsomol member’s campaign ended in the Bryansk region, where she was detained by a police patrol of the notorious “Lokot Republic” (a territorial formation of Russian collaborators). The police took a liking to the captive, and they took her into their squad, where the girl actually performed the duties of a prostitute.

Germany accused Poles and Ukrainians of mass rape of German women

Minister national defense Poland's Antoni MACHAREVICH said that Germany must pay his country compensation for crimes committed during the war. In response, the representative of the German Foreign Ministry, Wilhelm HOLTOFF, threatened to make public documents about sexual and other crimes of the allies, whose behavior in the occupied territory was not much different from the actions of the fascist Sonderkommandos.

The Germans are tired of repenting. Germany believes that it has paid for everything in full and is ready to reconsider its position on many issues related to the events that took place on its territory after the end of the war.

“We are ready to present evidence of crimes committed against the German people, responsibility for which lies with the Poles and their allies - Ukrainian nationalists,” said Wilhelm Holthoff. - Previously, following the principles of Euro-Atlantic solidarity imposed on us, and also contrary to historical truth, we blamed the numerous rapes of German women on the Russians. Now we are ready to name the true culprits.

Holthoff said that a commission led by Professor Jürgen Rolf had already prepared documents based on the testimony of several million German women who were subjected to violence by the Polish-Ukrainian occupiers, stored in the archives of the secret police - the Stasi.

The Nazis in occupied Europe tried to behave quite decently and did not rape everyone, but went to brothels

The investigation into these crimes began by order of the first Soviet commandant of Berlin, Colonel General Nikolai Berzarin, but the results were carefully hidden for political reasons.

Berzarin himself was killed on June 16, 1945, as a result of a terrorist attack carried out on the orders of the Prime Minister of the Polish government in exile, Tomasz Archiszewski, who was in London. He feared that the truth about the rapes would damage the image of Poland. And so, she asked for it herself.

Most likely, the growing scandal will have far-reaching consequences. The Americans, French and British can receive the bill for sexual and other crimes against the civilian population of Germany.

In American concentration camps for German prisoners of war, more than a million people died from hunger and disease in 1945 alone.

Inglourious Basterds

On the eve of the diplomatic scandal in Germany, the book “When the Soldiers Came” was published. History professor Miriam Gebhardt cited facts and figures there that you can’t close your eyes to. According to documented evidence alone, the Americans sexually abused 190 thousand German women, and the British and French - more than one hundred thousand. Many of the cases, especially those involving child abuse, are so egregious that Gebhardt was hesitant to include them in her work at all.

American military personnel sent to another continent were promised an “erotic adventure,” and it was this “mission” that they carried out with particular zeal. In addition, for blacks discriminated against in the United States, the European “adventure” became a way to “take revenge on the whites,” says Professor Mary Roberts, a specialist in the history of World War II from the University of Wisconsin, trying to explain the actions of the Allies in the occupied territory.

In Antwerp, the Nazis were kept in zoo cages, but at least they were fed and watered

Camp dust

At the end of the fighting, more than four million German soldiers were captured by the Anglo-American troops, but the Allied command reported only three million.

The first post-war Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Konrad Adenauer, once asked representatives of the US State Department: “Where did the 1.5 million prisoners go? Why didn't they come home? Washington has still not responded. Canadian researcher James Buck believes that these Germans were exterminated in death camps created by the Americans. It is known that 19 camps were opened in Germany itself. However, “camp” is not a completely appropriate name. More like a corral.

There were not even tents, just a barbed wire fence around the field, which soon turned into a swamp, recalled former Wehrmacht soldier Michael Priebke, who was held in a camp near Koblenz. - All the prisoners slept in the rain, in the wind, lying in the mud like pigs. Sometimes they brought food - they gave us a potato a day. Later I met my uncle, and he said: you know, in Berlin, the Russians fed the Germans porridge from their field kitchens.

In all camps the living conditions were absolutely the same.

Toilets were simply logs thrown on top of ditches dug near barbed wire fences. But because of weakness, people could not reach them and walked to the ground. Soon many of us were so weak that we couldn’t even take off our pants,” Private Georg Weiss recalls his camp on the Rhine. “But the lack of water was the worst thing.” For three and a half days we had no water at all. We drank our own urine...

Christian shrine of Monte Cassino...

Corporal Helmut Liebig recalls the same thing about his life in the Gotha camp: “One night it started to rain, and the walls of a hole dug in sandy soil for shelter collapsed on the people. They were so weak that they suffocated before their comrades came to their aid.”

The commander of the Allied forces in northwestern Europe, General Dwight Eisenhower, was well aware of the situation of the prisoners, but considered it wasteful to waste food on the Germans. However, there was no reason for saving. Eisenhower's adjutant for special affairs, General Everett Hudges, visited the warehouses in Naples and Marseilles and reported: “There are more supplies than we can ever use. They extend within sight."

After some time, the Americans began to prepare to return home and began transferring prisoners to the allies. Some of the camps went to the French, some to the British.

...was destroyed to the ground by the Moroccans

When I arrived to take command in Dietersheim, I did not immediately realize that I was in a camp. “In front of us there was only dirty land inhabited by living skeletons, some of which were dying right before my eyes,” said Captain Julien Boyle. “I was especially struck by the children with hungry raccoon circles around their eyes and lifeless gaze. All the women appeared pregnant due to their swollen bellies.

According to the stories of ex-prisoners of Reinberg, the last action of the Americans before the arrival of the British was to level one section of the camp with a bulldozer, and many weakened prisoners could not leave their holes.

The new owners weren't much better. In her book The Germans Under the British, Patricia Meehan recounts the everyday life of the British Executive Branch, where she worked as a secretary from 1945 to 1950:

“Almost 40,000 Germans between the ages of 16 and 70 were arrested and placed in concentration camps and Direct Interrogation Centers, where they were subjected to sinister third-degree methods such as having their eyes burned with spotlights and kept in freezers.

Executions took place every day. In the end, executions were considered too expensive, hangings too long; The British executive branch requested permission to use a guillotine capable of six executions in 14 minutes. The first to be executed was a thirteen-year-old boy after a portrait of Adolf Hitler was found in his possession.”

British personnel were punished for any contact with the conquered nation.

There were no smiles, no playing with children, no offers of food or sweets. The British and Germans traveled in different carriages and carriages, but sexual violence against German Frau was not prohibited. As a result, when the British administration ended in July 1951 and returned home, 80 percent of German women suffered from venereal diseases.

It is these facts that Wilhelm Holthoff threatens to make public.

French Expeditionary Force of Gumiers...

Bestial Cruelty

The National Association of Moroccan Victims joined the demarche of the German Foreign Ministry. The organization got its name in honor of the atrocities on the territory of Italy and Germany, which were committed by the French expeditionary force from 1943 to 1945, where the Gumiers, representatives of the native tribes of Morocco, served.

This unit of the Allied troops raped at least 80 thousand women during the liberation of Italy from the Nazis alone, the president of the association, Emiliano Ciotti, assessed the scale of the incident.

Historians believe that the Moroccans, led by French officers, far surpassed even the Nazis in their cruelty. Reports from the British and American officers accompanying the corps describe in detail how the Gumiers rape women, little girls and teenage boys right on the streets. Men who dared to stand up for their wives and children were killed with particular cruelty, often castrating and also raping. It got to the point that the partisans of some regions of Italy stopped fighting the Germans and began saving the surrounding villages from the Moroccans.

...under the supervision of American allies, raped more than 80 thousand women and children in Italy

One of the most terrible deeds of the Moroccan Gumers in Europe is the story of the liberation of the town of Monte Cassino from German troops. The commander of the expeditionary force of “Fighting France,” General Alphonse Juen, decided to stimulate his subordinates and made a speech to them: “Soldiers! You are not fighting for the freedom of your land. This time I tell you: if you win the battle, you will have the best houses, women and wine in the world. Fifty hours after victory you will be absolutely free in your actions. No one will punish you later, no matter what you do!”

The Moroccans, shouting in praise of the Prophet, went into battle and on May 14, 1944, captured this ancient abbey in central Italy.

North African soldiers raped women in groups of two or three, but we also have testimonies from women raped by 100, 200 and even 300 soldiers, says Emiliano Ciotti.

Moroccans chose the most for gang rapes beautiful girls. There were queues for each of them. Thus, two sisters, 18-year-old Maria and 15-year-old Lucia, were raped by more than 200 gumiers each. Younger sister died from her injuries, the eldest went crazy.

In a hospital in Siena, the Allies raped 24 girls between the ages of 12 and 14, recalls Archbishop Toscabelli. - And in the city of Esperia, the Moroccans abused the entire female population over five years of age. The priest of the local church of Santa Maria di Esperia, Don Alberto Terrilli, tried to stop them. He was grabbed, tied to a tree and raped for several hours, after which he died.

In June 1944, the head of the Vatican, Pope Pius XII, sent a protest to General Charles de Gaulle, in which he outlined a request to take action against the rapists and send Christian troops to Rome. In response, he received assurances of cordial sympathy and a letter explaining that “Italian women with weak morals are themselves provoking Muslim Moroccans.”

Doesn't remind you of anything? The same words in Europe were recently used to explain the behavior of migrants towards local women. They say that Frau and Mademoiselle are to blame themselves. Have they never learned any lessons?

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