The simplest qigong exercises for joints. Qigong gymnastics: exercises for the back. Let's start charging

Qigong is not just Chinese gymnastics, it is an entire system of culture and philosophy that came from Ancient China. Its name is made up of two hieroglyphs and roughly translated means management vital energy. In its homeland, qigong has existed for more than seven thousand years.

Over time, various directions of this gymnastics began to emerge. Medical qigong appeared separately, which gradually divided into several more highly specialized teachings, among which there is a special one for the spine.

What is Qigong?

Despite its antiquity, the art of qigong is especially in demand in modern world with his endless sitting in the office, at the computer, lying on the couch at home and lack of movement. According to statistics, every person today has one or another problem with the spine or joints, and they can only be solved with the help of medicines almost impossible.

It seems, at first glance, that there is nothing complicated in such gymnastics for the back, because it is based on only three principles:

  • Regulation of breathing.
  • Regulating the movement of your body.
  • Regulating your mental state.

In other words, the healing effect of qigong comes from a comfortable body position, correct breathing and the ability to focus on your feelings. However, it seems simple only at first glance. The difficulty lies in the fact that you cannot learn to embody first one principle and then all the others. When performing each qigong exercise, you must be able to combine them all.

While doing this, you should take a comfortable position, even out your breathing and focus on the circulation of vital energy. Only if these three conditions are met, qigong gymnastics for the spine will have its effect. therapeutic effect. It is sometimes difficult for beginners to develop the necessary concentration, but the longer you practice, the easier it will be to concentrate.

Today, qigong is considered not just gymnastics, but one of the types of alternative medicine that can solve many problems associated with chronic diseases.

Who is it suitable for?

The main advantage of qigong for the spine is the exclusion of high physical activity. Most of the exercises, especially for beginners, are simple and straightforward to perform. Thanks to this, such gymnastics is suitable for almost everyone. All movements require a leisurely pace, a lack of tension not only physically, but also spiritually, and focus on positive emotions. You can do it:

  • People of any age, including the elderly.
  • For those who suffer from limited joint mobility (with arthrosis).
  • People with cardiovascular diseases.
  • Regardless of physical fitness level.

As for the indications, such gymnastics can help with many different conditions. Moreover, it can be used not only as a preventive measure, but also included in treatment regimens for problems such as:

  • Damage to the spine and joints caused by injury or age-related changes.
  • Recovery after operations and injuries.
  • , regardless of their type.
  • Inflammation and degenerative pathologies of joints, regardless of the reasons that caused them.
  • Stiffness in the joints caused by an office-sofa lifestyle.


There are no absolute contraindications to qigong gymnastics for the spine. However, there are a number of situations when you can do back exercises only under the supervision of an instructor and after consulting a doctor. These conditions include:

  • Diseases associated with joint instability and...
  • Severe degrees of deformation of the joints or spine, accompanied by disruption of the shape of the chest (thoracic vertebrae) and compression of internal organs.
  • The period after spinal injuries or operations.
  • The rehabilitation period after prosthetics or plastic surgery of the spine and joints.

In these cases, a set of qigong exercises for the spine and joints will be selected individually and include exercises with a reduced degree of load.

Class Rules

Basic gymnastics exercises for the back and joints are quite simple and do not require any special skills or physical training from you. However, before you begin to implement them, it is worth remembering a few rules:

  • Before performing the exercise, refrain from eating; at least 1.5 hours must pass between these two events.
  • It is better to perform exercises for the back and joints in the fresh air, as oxygen saturation of the blood will increase their effectiveness. If you can’t go outside, be sure to ventilate the room well before starting.
  • For exercise, use loose clothing that does not interfere with movement, preferably made from natural fabrics.
  • During gymnastics, control your breathing and heartbeat. Their increase in frequency serves as a signal that you are making unnecessary efforts or are in too much of a hurry. In this case, stop, restore your breathing and pulse, and then return to performing qigong.
  • You need to do the exercises at a slow pace with a gradual increase in loads.

Performing exercises should not cause pain or discomfort in the joints. Their appearance indicates that the exercise is too difficult for you and you should return to it after a while, when the spine and back muscles become stronger.

Basic complex

There are quite a lot of exercises in qigong gymnastics for the back and they are designed to different training, age and condition of the spine. But there is a basic complex that is aimed at restoring the optimal condition of the spine and joints and can be used in most cases. So:

  • Stand straight with your feet together and your hands clasped in front and down. Raise your clasped hands above your head and at the same time reach for them, rising onto your toes. Then, return to the starting position. Breathing, like the movements themselves, should be slow and rhythmic. Repeat five times.
  • The stance is the same, but the arms are slightly bent at the elbows and clasped overhead. The upper part of the body needs to be swayed left and right, slowly, without making any effort, as if by inertia. At the same time, without stopping in the initial position. The movements should resemble the oscillations of a pendulum in a clock. At the extreme point you need to linger for two to three seconds. Total time exercise for two minutes. Then repeat the same thing, but in a standing position with your knees slightly bent.

  • In a straight stance with your hands on your waist, stretch your chin forward until you feel a pleasant tension in your neck muscles. Hold for two to three seconds at the extreme point, and then also stretch the back of your head back. Repeat six times.
  • In a straight stance with your elbows bent and your arms raised above your head, bend over in the same way as in the second exercise, but now straightening your arms when bending over and bending them again when you return to the starting position. When straightening your arms, you need to feel a pleasant tension in the back muscles. Exercise time is two minutes.
  • In a straight stance and with your hands clasped at the top, turn your body as far as you have flexibility, while stretching your arms to the side. Remember that the exercises should not cause any discomfort and should be performed without tension. Repeat six times, then do the same six more times, but this time with the neck turned.

This set of exercises is the simplest and most accessible. Qigong gymnastics includes many different options from which you can choose the perfect one for you. Starting with simple exercises, you will gradually be able to move to a higher and more complex level, and by practicing constantly, you will get rid of problems with the spine and joints for many years.

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Qigong – ancient healing practice, aimed at restoring the body and gaining longevity and well-being.

She uses methods of healing collected and transmitted 7 thousand years ago in China. It combines healing exercises and breathing exercises. In Chinese philosophy, the whole world is filled with Qi energy.

The primary task is to normalize the flow of Qi in the body, increase it and fill the centers in the head, sternum and peritoneum with energy based on the natural recovery mechanism in the human body.

What problems does the technique solve?

This complex has proven to be an extremely effective way to maintain health. An inactive lifestyle leads to poor blood supply to the spine, deterioration of posture, increased back muscle tone, which is why various disorders develop in it.

If you perform Qigong movements, then it is not difficult to get rid of these problems.

Chinese gymnastics for the spine it is also suitable for older people, because does not require excessive effort. This technique literally returns youth to them, because... inhibits destruction processes in the spine.

What is the essence of the healing power of the method

And back pain is often observed in middle-aged people. These disorders develop quickly and may require surgery in advanced cases. Qigong makes it possible to slow down and stop the development of disorders.

Moreover, gymnastics is easy to perform, does not require preparation and brings a lot of positive emotions.

The technique has a positive effect when recovering from injuries.

Effect of movements on the skeleton:

  • form the structure of the body;
  • increase flexibility in joints;
  • free from blocks in the body;
  • develop posture;
  • the flexibility of the spinal column increases;
  • give freedom of movement to joints;
  • blood circulation is restored.

The complex includes 10 movements aimed at individual areas of the spine and energy points. The exercises are performed in strict sequence.

Who needs Qigong gymnastics

Anyone can practice this method, but there are people for whom it is a necessity:

  • those who lead a sedentary lifestyle;
  • persons with poor posture;
  • who have lesions of the joints and spine;
  • persons with age-related changes accompanied by senile stoop;
  • for spinal injuries with muscle weakening.

Gymnastics has its limitations. When exercising with impaired thoracic and lumbar regions, do not perform sharp bends or twists, and in case of certain diseases you cannot bend in a specific direction.

Problems in the neck, where the arteries pass, are the most serious. When performing certain movements, you may feel dizzy, your blood pressure may rise, and even a stroke may occur.

You should not choose a complex of difficult movements. If you start intensely, you can overload the muscles and increase pain.

What features you need to know

The features of gymnastics are as follows:

  • classes do not require special preparation;
  • smooth movements;
  • all components of health are normalized;
  • accessibility for everyone.

An effective set of exercises

Qigong gymnastics for the spine includes exercises for beginners and basic ones.

For beginners

For beginners it is necessary to realize that the energy “qi” is in us and around us, learn to see it. Loss of energy causes chronic fatigue and various disorders.

Understanding when and how this happens makes it possible to control the chi and strengthen the field through movement.


These actions are useful because... teach you how to control energy.

The video shows a health-improving set of exercises for the spine from the ancient Chinese gymnastics Qigong.

Exercises for advanced

Qigong is a non-standard practice, the result is achieved through proper relaxation.

It is based on stimulation of bioactive points. All movements are carried out in a clear sequence. It is important to do the whole complex, because... this helps the normal functioning of the body's energy channels.

The main condition for success is the ability to relax.

All movements are performed standing:

  1. Bend your back, reach your chin to your chest, bend, continue bending slowly.
  2. Extend your arms to the sides at shoulder level. Turn your shoulder to the sides without moving your spine.
  3. With your hands up. Bend at a right angle with a relaxed neck. Hold for a couple of seconds.
  4. Raise your arms and extend them forward to shoulder level. Reach them to the floor and return back.
  5. Bend your leg and pull it up, hold it with your hand. Do the same thing after 3 seconds.
  6. Arms are straightened. Raise your legs one by one with a swing to the side, as if reaching for your hand with your toe.

Rules for performing exercises

Failure to comply with these conditions makes the technique useless and unsafe:

  • smoothness of movements;
  • press your lower back to the floor;
  • perform at least 10 times.
  • Perform exercises for spinal hernia while lying down.

In this case, you need to breathe correctly, otherwise there will be no noticeable effect. If you are prepared, you can use dumbbells.


Whatever is bothering you, Qigong, with the right approach and patience, can help through simple exercises.

There is nothing unusual in the fact that gymnastics includes exercises for the back - this is a chance to extend a full life into old age.

Pain in the joints occurs at least sometimes in every person and, as a rule, it comes as a complete surprise to us and is perceived as a sign of approaching old age. Modern pharmacology offers many different creams and ointments to relieve pain, but relief will not remove the pain completely. Sooner or later she will return and make herself known again. It would be much more effective to do therapeutic exercises Qigong for joints, because with its help you can not only relieve yourself of pain, but also prevent its occurrence. Regardless of your age, a series of simple and effortless exercises will give your body lightness and your joints strength and reliability, so much so that young people will envy your health.

Qigong for joints and spine

Qigong gymnastics for joints was invented back in Ancient China, and healers also worked on some exercises, who were famous for the fact that they could put even a hopeless patient on his feet in record time. short time. The whole set of exercises underlies many Asian martial arts, since it is so simple and effective method keeping your joints in good shape has interested many martial arts creators. Chinese gymnastics Qigong for joints has not lost its effectiveness throughout its existence and is still very popular in China and other eastern countries. With a simple set of exercises you can:

Cleanse the joints of accumulated harmful substances that enter there from the liver;
give joints their former mobility and flexibility without stretching;
prevent possible complications such as arthritis or any other disease.

Qigong for leg joints

Qigong for leg joints effectively helps to get rid of pain and does not require any special training. A set of simple exercises will effectively cleanse your joints and give them lightness and flexibility for many years. Qigong for treating joints can be done at any time and anywhere, the main thing is to set aside a few free minutes.

Qigong for hand joints

When doing exercises for specific joints, the main thing is to focus your attention on this joint and direct the body’s internal energy to solve this problem. Slow, smooth movements, for which Qigong for joints is so famous, allow you not to be distracted by what is happening around you and fully concentrate on the correct movements.

Qigong for knee joints

The knees contain some of the most important joints in the human body, and they are the ones most often susceptible to various injuries and pains, due to which even normal walking causes pain. Qigong for knee joints allows you to effectively get rid of pain and prevent possible diseases.

You can watch the full course of exercises here:

Sooner or later, everyone turns to different methods of healing. Among these, the most ancient and quite popular today is the Chinese gymnastics Qigong. Combining a whole range of health-improving, healing exercises, as well as elements of breathing exercises and martial arts, this ancient eastern practice enjoys considerable popularity. The system is based on Chinese statements about energy flows permeating the whole world and each person individually. And if you manage to balance the circulating energy of Qi, direct it to every vital center of the body, having mastered Qigong classes for beginners, you can achieve incredible results. How exactly this thousand-year-old technique “works”, and how with its help you can improve your health and understand your own world, this article will tell you.

Rooted back thousands of years, Qigong breathing exercises demonstrate an amazing healing experience that opens up new things for a person. physical abilities, and also provides a unique chance to penetrate your inner world. This is probably why adherents call the ancient Chinese practice the “Art of Qigong,” which allows one to reach the pinnacle of self-improvement.

The postulate that Qi energy is the source of vitality and correct interaction with a person lies at the basis of the Qigong technique. Adherents of this type of art of getting to know your body believed that this energy penetrates every molecule of the Universe, saturating it through and through.

Using the example of our body, we can show that oriental Qigong gymnastics allows us to improve the functioning of each system in the body, which generally contributes to the favorable functioning of the entire mechanism. Energy matter, like rivers, flows through the human body along special meridians (centers). And if any flow fails to penetrate, this is reflected in a deterioration in well-being. The blockage blocks the path of vital energy, as a result of which minor “failures” may initially occur, leading to illness.

The definition of the word “Qigong” itself is formed from a combination of the words “Qi”, which means energy and “gong” - movement, activity, work. Therefore, it can be translated as “technique for activating energy” or “energy management”.

The practice of Qigong consists of several directions that bring harmony to a certain area of ​​a person’s life. The most popular ones can be identified:

  • health Qigong (for the spine, back);
  • therapeutic Qigong (medical);
  • combat complex.

The uniqueness of this oriental technique is that it is universal. In the literal sense of the word. The practice of Qigong has no contraindications. The Qigong system can be used by young and old, completely healthy and sick people. It doesn’t matter what level of training the patient has – the art of Qigong is relevant for everyone.

What problems can Eastern practice help solve?

Chinese Qigong gymnastics is very multifaceted. Using a set of exercises of this oriental technique, you can solve a lot of problems.

Wellness exercise helps:

  • increase joint flexibility;
  • solve back problems (restore posture, eliminate spinal hernias, get rid of scoliosis, etc.);
  • increase immunity;
  • improve metabolism;
  • get rid of chronic diseases (with regular use of Qigong practice);
  • increase the tone of the body.

If we consider the overall effect of the healing and healing eastern practice, then we can safely say that this art is amazing. Qigong, as an integral complex, perceives the human body as a single mechanism in which everything is interconnected. Therefore, upon reaching a certain stage, energy can be directed in the right direction. Qigong can be used for weight loss, normalization of the digestive system, for cardiovascular diseases, for the back, etc.

The Chinese Qigong technique often helps where alternative treatment options and medicine are not effective. This is due to the fact that the concept of this practice is fundamentally different from all kinds of others. Qigong classes have special advantages over other options for health procedures:

  • Anyone can perform a complex of eastern health practices even without any level of training;
  • a set of Chinese exercises is quite suitable for patients of different age categories;
  • the Qigong system provides slow pace performing exercises;
  • You can devote 15-20 minutes a day to oriental gymnastics in any conditions.

Fundamentals of Oriental Art

AND The art of Qigong can easily be compared to a system that connects different stages of physical condition and vital energy. The level of intelligence, well-being and purity of consciousness will depend on how deeply the Qi energy can penetrate. By using Qigong exercises for the purpose of losing weight, healing the back, restoring tone, etc., a person simultaneously develops. Subsequently, this has a significant impact on a person’s perception of the world around him and people, and also plays a huge role if a person is in “search for himself.”

That is why it is so important to familiarize yourself with the basic rules, the mandatory implementation of which includes health or therapeutic Qigong (for weight loss, emotional well-being, for the back, spine, etc.). Correct reproduction of a set of exercises of the oriental technique called Qigong is a guarantee of its effectiveness and the absence of discomfort. Therefore, beginners should pay special attention to this set of rules.

First of all, when mastering Qigong (for weight loss, back, etc.), beginners need to learn how to move and at the same time breathe correctly. Some people make a grave mistake by ignoring this point. But it is Qigong breathing exercises that opens the necessary flows so that energy penetrates the body. Neglecting this rule can reduce all attempts to achieve the desired goal and efforts to nothing.

In addition, when performing each exercise, you should reveal your self, filling each movement you make with yourself. In the process of this, thoughts arise. However, all of them are subject to comprehension. This way, you will begin to understand where the energy is going and what you need to do next. Those who had the opportunity to visit China could observe a similar picture, when the Chinese perform smooth interconnected movements, relying only on their sensations. From the outside it may seem that the picture is completely incoherent, but only an experienced adept who has penetrated into the essence of this Eastern technique can curb the energy that will lead him along.

Qigong will be useful for beginners if they are also consistent in implementing the concept of practice and begin to do gymnastics regularly. One of the most important points in mastering ancient experience Wellness is discipline. It is possible to reach the highest level of eastern practice only under the condition of internal self-organization and regular implementation of the complex. By devoting 15-20 minutes every day, you will consolidate your knowledge and gain certain skills. Subsequently, Organizing time will penetrate into your daily life and you will notice how you will have more free time due to the rational distribution of your responsibilities during the day.

Many of those who would like to perform Qigong for weight loss or health improvement are stopped by thoughts of age. The opinion that this complex of oriental health-improving techniques cannot be used by older people is fundamentally incorrect. Due to the fact that the unhurried rhythm of the actions is observed, all Qigong classes are suitable for patients of any age category. They can be performed even by those who suffer from diseases that cause pain during active movements. In addition, not only for health, but also for the soul, Qigong will be relevant for people who have reached a certain age. Many practitioners of the art of Qigong begin to understand the meaning of life and find peace of mind.

Examples of complex classes

The most popular today are two areas of Qigong:

  • for weight loss;
  • for the back.

We will talk about them in detail below.

To get rid of excess weight

ABOUT Very often, health-improving Qigong gymnastics is used by those who, in the fight against excess weight, have tried many different methods that later turned out to be ineffective. Unlike other techniques, the practice of Qigong for weight loss, as mentioned above, uses energy flows to open the necessary channels. Through them, more oxygen penetrates into the body. Against the backdrop of this process begins active combustion accumulated fat, which is quite natural for the human body. This once again confirms the need for proper breathing.

Qigong for beginners who want to try the effect of losing weight involves mastering three main positions of the technique. These Qigong exercises will bring you closer to realizing your dream of a beautiful body:

  • Exercise "Frog". I.p. – sitting on a chair with legs spread shoulder-width apart and feet pressed to the floor. Leaning forward slightly, place your elbows on your knees and clasp your left fist with your right hand. Relax so that Qigong for weight loss will bring noticeable results, and begin to inflate your stomach while inhaling slowly. As you exhale, the stomach should return to its natural position. The recommended number of repetitions for beginners is 20 rubles.
  • "Wave". I.p. - lying on the floor on your back with your knees bent. One hand should be placed on the chest, the other should be placed on the stomach. Inhale - the stomach rises and the chest retracts. Exhale - reverse movements. These Qigong movements for weight loss are repeated 20 times in a row when there is a strong feeling of hunger.
  • Morning Qigong – “Lotus”, to stimulate metabolism. Performed in a classic pose with eyes closed for 15-20 minutes. During this time, in order for Qi energy to fill the body, you need to alternate deep, calm breaths with the same exhalations.

By using this complex for weight loss, you can restore the harmony of energy flows and normalize yin-yang. This will eliminate the obsessive feeling of hunger. In the future, doing exercises for 20-30 minutes will help you lose weight and move to a new level of eastern technology.

To eliminate back problems

For beginners practicing eastern techniques, a simple complex for the spine and back healing. It includes Qigong classes for the spine, lumbar and shoulder back, and neck. Morning Qigong involves a set of three exercises, which can take 15-20 minutes to complete:

  • – slow bends forward with the chin pressed to the jugular notch. At the same time, you need to practice “belly breathing.”
  • Turns– smooth turns with arms spread to the sides (at shoulder level). Movements are performed only by the shoulder region, not by the body.
  • Leg raises– performed in a standing position. Alternately, with smooth movements, each leg is raised, bent at the knee, and held in this position by hand for about 20 seconds.
    This Qigong complex is very useful for the spine, lumbar region, as it allows you to stretch and open the joints of the back so that they are filled with Qi energy.

“Xing shen zhuan” is aimed at all joints, improving blood supply to internal organs and the brain, increasing vitality, reducing stress and fatigue.

“The advantage of this complex is that it is entry-level. That is, it does not require special physical training and is suitable for absolutely everyone,” says Li Min, a master of qigong, taijiquan and wushu at the Hedao Center for Chinese Culture.

This gymnastics is especially useful for curvature of posture, as well as for high blood pressure, migraines and many other problems. It is good for relaxation and allows you to balance the mind and emotions.

“When doing an exercise on a specific part of the spine or specific joints, direct all your thoughts and energy there. This way you will work out a separate zone as much as possible,” advises Li Min. The master recommends performing movements slowly and smoothly, without jerking, and breathing evenly. It feels like the phase of tension in the body should be replaced by a phase of relaxation.

Set of qigong exercises “Xing Shen Juan”

Qigong: exercises for the neck

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your waist. Stretch up with the top of your head, try to stretch and lengthen your spine. Gently lower your chin toward your chest, then move the back of your head back. The first few times, do this movement with a small amplitude to relax the neck muscles. Then increase the amplitude, using the shoulder spine as well. Repeat the movement 9 times.

From the same starting position, stretch the back of your head as high as possible and slowly draw a figure eight with it, working through all seven vertebrae cervical spine spine. Draw 9 such figure eights.

Then, with your elbows slightly bent, squeeze your shoulder blades together as much as you can. At the same time, move the back of your head back. Relax by returning to the previous position. Repeat 3 times. At the end of the exercise, perform a wave-like movement, using your arms and shoulders as much as possible.

Qigong: exercise for hands and fingers

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms out to the sides. Raise your fingers up, creating tension in your palms. Without relaxing your palms, squeeze your shoulder blades together and return to the starting position. Repeat 3 times. Keeping tension in your palms, spread your fingers and collect them. Then bring your fingers together, pointing them down. Bend your little finger, ring finger, middle finger and index finger and connect them to your thumb. Open your palms while maintaining tension. Relax your arms in a wave-like motion, as in the previous exercise.

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, raise your arms in front of you at shoulder level, they should form a circle. While stretching your spine, move your chest to the left and up. When you realize that you have reached the highest possible point, direct your chest to the right and up. You should feel like you are drawing a figure eight with your chest. Repeat 3 times.

Then, placing your palms on the floor, try to bring your chest and forehead towards your knees as much as possible and, on the contrary, bend, lifting the top of your head up. After this, rise up smoothly, working each vertebra. At the end of the exercise, make a wave-like movement with your whole body. Repeat 3 times.

Repeat the same circular movements in a shallower squat.

Qigong: exercise for the joints of the legs and the entire spine

Stand up straight, place your feet wider than your shoulders, and point your toes out to the sides. Raise your arms up in front of your body, then spread them to the sides and slowly lower yourself into a deep squat, placing your palms together at the bottom. Place your joined palms with your fingers facing up in front of your body and perform a figure eight with your chest. Repeat 3 times.

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