What does the eye sign mean? All-seeing eye. Symbols and meaning. The influence of Masonic symbols on humans

The image of a pyramid with an eye is found in two versions. The classic Egyptian version is simply a pyramid with an eye on one side. But the second option has become more famous, in which the top of the pyramid hangs over the truncated pyramid, on which the eye is located. In this diagram you can see the deep symbolic meaning: the top is separated from the base, it is on it that the all-seeing eye is present. The small upper part dominates the whole - this is the idea that dominates this image.

The symbolism of the pyramid with the eye is clear, but where did this symbol come from and why does it exist in our time? Most often, this symbol is associated with the Freemasons; the sign of the all-seeing eye enclosed in a triangle is known to them as the “Radiant Delta”. It is believed that the Freemasons borrowed this symbol from Christianity, where the triangle means the Trinity, and the eye is the all-seeing eye of Providence. But this symbol was found even before the Christians; it was known in Egypt as the “Eye of Horus” (Hora, Ra). However, despite the change of cultures, the symbolism of the sign as the all-seeing divine eye remains unchanged.

The easiest way would be to consider the presence of an eye in a triangle on the same US one-dollar bill as a symbol of the Freemasons, but in reality everything turns out to be more complicated. There is an obvious difference between the "Radiant Delta" - the eye in the triangle - and the all-seeing eye above the truncated pyramid. That is why the second sign is often associated with one of the most mysterious and mysterious organizations - the Order of the Illuminati. Its members call the eye in the triangle the "Gnostic Eye of Lucifer", or the "Omniscient Eye". The symbol itself is directly associated with the World Government - a group of people with great power who secretly ruling the world and determining the path of its development. Confirmation of this option can be found in the image of a pyramid on the US one-dollar bill. At its base you can see the inscription MDCCLXXVI, which in Roman writing means 1776. It was in this year that the Order of the Illuminati was founded (also the year of recognition of US independence).

The number of levels of the pyramid has interesting symbolism. There are exactly 13 layers up to the cut top, which symbolizes 13 times 13 years. This is 169 years, which is exactly how long the Illuminati was preparing to seize power - from 1776 to 1945. Next comes the gap between the truncated pyramid and its elevated apex, which is called the “Second Era.” This is 26 years, or two times 13. The beginning of the era is 1945, the end is 1975. Finally, the raised top of the pyramid with the eye depicted on it is called the “Third Era” and lasts 39 years, or three times 13. Its end is 2010 year. After this date, the power of the Illuminati becomes comprehensive, no one in the world is able to challenge the New World Order they are establishing. It is this phrase - Novus ordo seclorum - that is printed under the pyramid on the same US one-dollar bill.


The close connection of the all-seeing eye with the sun and the divine knowledge (mind) permeating the Universe is confirmed by at least 5-6 thousand years of history of this symbol, which was especially popular in Ancient Egypt. He existed there in two forms - the Eye of Horus and the Eye of Ra, which were sometimes called “wadget” (although this is not entirely true, since Wadget was a serpentine goddess and was much more often depicted as a uraeus - a cobra).
Eye of Ra , or the Solar Eye, personified power and authority, fire and light, vigilance and speed of reaction and was capable of burning any enemy. It was most often depicted as a uraeus-cobra, quite often winged, sometimes with a solar disk and an eye, and was identified with Wadjet, Nekhbet, Maat, Hathor, Tefnut, Sokhmet, Mehit and other goddesses. In the book "The Earth before the Flood - the world of sorcerers and werewolves“I showed that all of them, with the exception of Wadget, apparently were apsaras and were among the solar gods.
Uraeus was a symbol of royal greatness, the power of life and death, the ability to rule and destroy (burn) the enemies of Ra (the Sun). Related to the latter circumstance is another possible interpretation of this symbol (Eye of Ra), which I proposed in the work “
Eye of Ra - celestial war chariot in ancient Egypt».
Eye or Eye of Horus , also called Atshet or the All-Seeing, as well as the Eye of Healing, personified the hidden wisdom and vision of the soul (clairvoyance), performed the function of protection and symbolized healing and resurrection after death. As the Book of the Dead says,“The Eye of Horus rewards with eternal life; and it protects me even when it is closed.”
The Eye of Horus was depicted as an eye with an eyebrow and a spiral under it, which is interpreted by some researchers as a symbol of energy and perpetual motion. Many Egyptians wore amulets that ward off evil in the form of the Eye of Horus - from pharaohs to ordinary people. They were placed in the burial shrouds of the mummy - and the deceased was supposedly resurrected in the Afterlife.
According to some researchers, the Eye of Horus was identified both with the left falcon eye of Horus - the Moon, which “resurrects” in the sky every month, and with his right eye - the Sun, which, having “died” in the evening in the west, is invariably “born” in the east in the morning (It was also sometimes identified with the North Star).
According to others, it corresponded only to the left eye of Horus - the Moon, while the right eye - the Eye of Ra - represented the Sun. In this case, their images were the same (in the form of an eye).There is also an opinion that the Eye of Horus (one or two) is the Eye of Ra (one or two), passed on to his son by Isis. Moreover, it was somehow connected with the secret name of Ra, extracted from him by the goddess.

Throughout the Dynastic Period, the “two eyes” of Wadjet (Ra and Horus) were painted or carved into tombs, sarcophagi and other burial paraphernalia. They were also depicted on the bows of boats to prevent them from going astray.

Quite often, the Eye of Horus was combined with one or two Uraeus-cobras, the moon and the solar disk, or depicted (one or two - the right and left eyes of Horus) between the goddesses Wadget (snake) and Nekhbet (kite), who held it with their claws, tail or wings.

The all-seeing eye in ancient Chinese, Japanese, Iranian and other symbolism

Images of the all-seeing eye are also found among many other peoples.
In ancient Chinese and Japanese symbolism The left eye symbolizes the sun, the right eye symbolizes the moon.Among the ancient Indians Shiva's third eye (in the middle of his forehead) represented spiritual consciousness, transcendental wisdom, and the Eye of Varuna represented the sun. The same interpretation of the Eye (third eye of the Buddha) existsamong Buddhists . In ancient Iran The Good Shepherd Yima the Shining (ruler of the Iranians during the “golden age”) possessed the eye of the sun and the secret of immortality.In Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire the eye symbolized Apollo, the sun, which was also the eye of Zeus (Jupiter).Among the American Indians it was the eye of the Great Spirit and omniscience.In Islam The eye of the heart is the spiritual center, the seat of absolute intelligence and enlightenment.

Symbolizes omniscience, the all-seeing eye, the ability to intuitively
vision. The eye represents all the solar gods who have
the fertilizing power of the sun, which is embodied in the god-king.

Plato calls the eye the main solar instrument.
On the one hand, it is the mystical eye, light, insight, knowledge, mind,
vigilance, protection, stability and determination, but on the other hand -
limitation of the visible. Ten thousand heavenly eyes are stars, eyes
nights, personifying omniscience, vigilance. Applied to
ritual architecture, the eye is a hole directed towards the heavens in
vault of a temple, cathedral, building or any other traditionally created
center of the world, which is a solar door that opens access to
heavenly worlds. The eye of the heart is a sign of spiritual insight,
intellectual intuition. The eye can also represent an androgyne,
formed from an oval female symbol and a round male one. One
the eye can symbolize evil, as in the example of the Cyclops and
monsters-destroyers. The eye in the center of the triangle is the all-seeing eye
Lord, symbol of omniscience and omnipresence.

In the West the right eye means the Sun, day and future, the left eye means the Moon, night and past.

In the East the situation is the opposite. The symbolism of the eye can be taken on by a pheasant feather.

Among the American Indians the eye of the heart sees everything. This is the eye of the Great Spirit and omniscience.

Buddhists the eye symbolizes light and wisdom. The Buddha's third eye, the flaming pearl, is spiritual consciousness and transcendental wisdom.

In Celtic epic the evil eye, symbolizing evil intentions and envy, is contrasted with a good heart, nobility and compassion.

In Chinese and Japanese symbolism left eye - Sun, right - Moon.

In Christianity the eye symbolizes the all-seeing God,
omniscience, power, light. The light of the body is the eye (Matt. 6:22). Seven eyes
The Apocalypse is the seven spirits of God. The eye in the triangle represents
Head of God; and in a triangle surrounded by a shining circle - her
endless holiness. The eyes are the emblem of Saints Lucy and Ottilie.

The Egyptians the eye has extremely complex symbolism -
Eye of Horus, Atshet, all-seeing. It was supposed to be the North Star and
symbol of insight, the eye of the mind. The eye and eyebrow of Horus signify strength and power.
Two winged eyes are North and South as two divisions of the heavens, the Sun and
Moon, celestial space. The right eye is the Sun, Ra and Osiris,
the left one is the Moon and Isis. The Eye of Pa is also Uraeus. The Eye of Horus could be
associated with the moon and its phases and, at the same time, symbolize offerings
to the gods in temples.

In Ancient Greece the eye symbolizes Apollo, the observer of the heavens, the Sun, which is also the eye of Zeus (Jupiter).

The Hindus third eye of Shiva (pearl in the middle
forehead) represents spiritual consciousness, transcendental wisdom.
Varuna's eye is the sun.

In Iranian mythology Good Shepherd Yima has the eye of the sun and the secret of immortality.

In Islam The eye of the heart is the spiritual center, the seat of absolute intelligence and enlightenment.

The Japanese Iza-naga's right eye gave birth to the moon god.

Among the peoples of Oceania the sun is a big eyeball. Plato believed that the soul has an eye, and the Truth is visible to him alone.

In Sumerian-Semitic mythology the eye personifies the Lord of the Sacred Eye Ea or Enki, where it symbolizes wisdom, omniscience, wakefulness.

Among the Phoenicians Kronos had two open and two closed eyes, which means he was constantly awake.

The All-Seeing Eye is a complex symbolic-allegorical icon painting
composition symbolizing the All-Seeing God. Appears in Russian
iconography from the end of the 18th century under Western influence.

The All-Seeing Eye can also be called a symbolic image
The all-seeing eye of God, inscribed in a triangle, is a symbol of the Trinity.

Eye of Ra, the main deity of the ancient Egyptians, also called the Eye of Horus (Wadjet)

Goddess of Wisdom Isis and Two Eyes of God Horus.

the picture symbolizes the unity of the male and female principles of the Universe

Egyptian symbol, a colored image of an eye with a spiral
line below it is the emblem of the falcon-headed sky god Horus, a symbol like his
all-seeing power, as well as the unity of the cosmos, the integrity of the universe. IN
Western tradition, the right eye is considered a symbol of active and solar
beginning, and the left – passive and lunar (system opposite
Eastern tradition). According to ancient Egyptian myth, the lunar eye of Horus
was snatched by Set in the battle for primacy among the gods, but after the victory
The mountain grew again in this battle. This myth caused an emergency
popularity of the eye of Horus as an amulet to ward off evil. Eye also
often depicted or carved on Egyptian tombstones - for
helping the dead in the afterlife. Images of eyes with wings in
Ancient Egyptian iconography also denoted north and south.

Heavenly eye of the god Horus

Alchemical woodcut showing the all-seeing eye of God floating in the sky

The mystical third eye, sometimes called the "eye of the heart",
symbolizes spiritual vision, which in various religions is associated with
different concepts: in Hinduism with the power of Shiva and the synthesizing power
fire; in Buddhism - with inner vision; in Islam - with
supernatural clairvoyance. The third eye depicted on Shiva's forehead
also called the inner eye.

Christian version of the Eye of Providence, enclosed in a triangle symbolizing the Trinity

"All Seeing Eye" of Aachen Cathedral

The “All-Seeing Eye” is decorated with a bronze bas-relief on the pedestal
Alexander Column. It is located at the top of the bas-relief on the front side
pedestal (facing the Winter Palace) surrounded by an oak wreath.

THE ALL-SEEING EYE OF GOD - one of the most complex symbolic
iconographic compositions: the Lord is likened to the sun as a source
light, and the method of Divine knowledge is to the eye.

The first circle, central, with four rays emanating from it,
ending behind a large circle with images of the evangelists or their

The second circle represents, as it were, the face of a person on which are placed
four eyes, nose and mouth. Inscription around the circumference: “My soul magnifies
Lord, and my spirit rejoiced in God my Savior.”

Above the second circle is the Virgin Mary with raised hands. And the third
the circle is intersected by many dense rays emanating from the center of the main one -
The Sun of Truth - Jesus Christ, to the right and to the left of Whom it is written:
“Plant my eyes on the right lands and with me.” Inscription on the circle:
“The coal of Isaiah manifests the sun from the Virgin’s womb, rising in the darkness,
Giving enlightenment to those who have gone astray."

The fourth circle, the largest, depicts starry sky with three
seraphim and inscriptions: “Seraphim is the word God,” or in this circle there are four
angels, of which two are below with scrolls.

The entire icon is crowned by a circle, truncated at the bottom, in which “Sky” is personified
heaven" with three seraphim surrounding the Lord of hosts,
blessing with both hands; The Holy Spirit, emanating from Him, descends into
the form of a dove on the head of the Virgin Mary. The figure of God the Father below is partially covered
and is surrounded by a halo, along the edges of which is the inscription: “God from the heaven of radiance
Vouchsafe me yours." On the entire circumference of the fourth circle there is an inscription:
“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts, fill heaven and earth with Your glory.”
The Lord, surrounded by clouds, sits on a rainbow, serving as his footstool
seraphim with outstretched wings; on the Lord's chest is the Holy Spirit in the form

On the corners there are four circles of evangelists, from the third circle to the fourth;
on the circles - names and interpretation: Matthew written by an angel, ambassador
Lord's; Marco is written orlim, fly to heaven; Luke is written Telchim, Peace;
John wrote the lion, and laid it in the tomb.

THE ALL-SEEING EYE OF GOD 2004, Ivan Dymov Wood, gesso, tempera, oil.

The eye (in a triangle or oval) actually met in
ancient Byzantine iconography (there are examples of the 6th century) and was a symbol
God's omniscience. Some knights (in particular, the Templars, that is,
Templars - guardians of the Holy Sepulcher), he was taken as
a certain symbol of "knowledge" or "knowledge". Therefore, starting from the 12th century.
began to appear on some Western icons of the Holy Trinity. From there he
switched to some icons in Russian churches in the 18th century. And also
was called the "All-Seeing Eye". However, from the Templars, this sign
moved to various Masonic organizations (even to the Grand Lodge of France, which is why
explains its appearance on the dollar bill), and in the 20th century - and in
occult symbolism.

In Christianity, the "All-Seeing Eye" is non-canonical, although
enduring image of Christian iconography. This symbol is also called
"With the watchful eye of the Lord." Represents an image of an eye in
triangle from which the rays emanate. Eye in triangle used
as an emblem of Aleister Crowley's magical society, the Order
Eastern Temple, Masonic lodges, Vietnamese Buddhists, Theosophists,
Rosicrucians, etc. He is depicted on the Great Seal of the United States and on
one dollar bill. His images are quite common on body wear
crosses, both Orthodox and other denominations, placed in the top
parts of the cross (as if crowning it). Also found in the temple
architecture and decoration (in the painting of lampshades, altar decorations along with
dove of the Holy Spirit, on ripids, etc.). Of these images, the most
perhaps the most famous is the pediment of the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg.
Appeared in Russia in the 18th century, along with other Masonic symbols and
paraphernalia and was especially popular during the reign of Alexander II.
Together with the motto “NOT TO US, NOT TO US, BUT TO YOUR NAME” was placed on the set
objects, for example medals to participants in the War of 1812... It is also found in
non-canonical images of the so-called. "New Testament Trinity" as
a separate element, because the triangle framing the eye is interpreted as
Christianity as a symbol of the Trinity. The most ancient version of this symbol is with
Egyptian "Eye of Ra" (right), which means God. He's the one
originally meant to be placed in a triangle...".

Sevastopol, Museum of the Black Sea Fleet

Medal of Elizabeth Petrovna

Medal for the Coronation of Catherine the Second, 1762

Medal for the coronation of Nicholas the First

Medal of Catherine the Second 1766

War against Napoleon 1812

Medal "For the Capture of Paris"

Medal of Nicholas the First 1849 "For the Pacification of Hungary and Transylvania"

For the defense of Sevastopol

Grand Duke Nikolai Alexandrovich

Vienna Catholic St. Stephen's Cathedral

Lutheran Church in St. Petersburg

St. George's Hall of the Kremlin

Mining Institute in St. Petersburg

The most important symbol of the Masonic temple is the all-seeing eye or Radiant Delta.
Radiant Delta is usually located in the eastern part of the temple, and along
on both sides of it are the Sun (closer to the south) and the Moon (closer to
north). Radiant Delta - a triangle with an eye placed inside it -
a sign of enlightenment or the principle of consciousness, otherwise, the all-seeing eye B:.
WITH:. B:., constantly present at all works of the lodge, creating
energy of presence B:. WITH:. IN:. when conducting ritual work,
constant radiation affirmation of being. A mathematical point that has no
size, but located everywhere, fills the infinity
space. It is also a symbol of awareness and attention, and attention
mutual attention shown by B:. WITH:. IN:. to each of the brothers and
the attention that every brother should show towards the world.
Radiant Delta reminds us that every Mason has his
his own Masonic star, which shines for him in his works and guides him in
searching. Radiant Delta - the main Masonic symbol of the first degree,
student's degree.


Reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States

In 1782 the Eye of Providence was adopted as part of the reverse symbolism
sides of the Great Seal of the United States. On the seal, the Eye is surrounded
words "Annuit Cœptis" meaning "it is favorable to our
beginnings." It is placed above the unfinished pyramid with thirteen
levels traditionally symbolizing the 13 states originally included in
the composition of the United States and the future growth of the country. The general meaning is that the Eye,
or God, approve of the prosperity of the United States. Perhaps because of his
use in the Great Seal project, the eye is widely used in others

American seals and emblems.

The symbolism of the All-Seeing Eye is the most mysterious sign in modern society. This symbol represents the eyes, whose power subjugates the sun, moon and stars. It is under the vigilant control of this symbol that comets make their colossal revolutions. The meaning of the all-seeing eye is such that it is able to peer inside the human heart and reward and punish people according to their actions.

In Christian sources, this symbol of religious faith is usually designated as the Radiant Delta.

Anyone interested will probably have a question: why is there only one eye on the symbol and why is the all-seeing eye placed in a triangle.

Everyone knows what the symbolic meaning of the number 3 is in the Orthodox and Catholic interpretation, these are the names:

  • Divine Father;
  • Son of God - Jesus Christ;
  • Holy spirit

It is thanks to this triangular shape that the symbol is surrounded by piety and holiness.

In the All-Seeing Eye sign, only one eye is depicted, as a symbol of a single-faith interpretation of the surrounding reality, which was lost by people over time.

As ancient philosophers reasoned, the duality of a worldview can plunge a person into uncertainty and raise doubts about the meaning of existence, which is the main weapon of the devil, who seeks to get the souls of the righteous.

The clergy believed that using the Radiant Delta, a person would be able to:

  • Fully reveal your intellect;
  • Gain spiritual wisdom (which has been tested for centuries);
  • To finally free yourself from the clouding shackles and see clearly

IN modern world, people tend to believe that the origins of the formation of the symbolism of the Radiant Delta lie in the teachings of the Freemasons, who seek to rule the world.

Masonic Creed in different countries

Since the unification of the Order of the Illuminati, who were the richest people in the world, and the Freemasons, whose order was founded by the masons of France, in protest against royal power.

The unification itself took place in 1789, when members of the societies decided on joint mutual assistance. Then it turned out that the symbolism of both orders was similar.

Thus, the icon depicting the all-seeing eye is depicted on many banknotes of the most different countries, in all parts of the world.

This symbol has existed since ancient times and scientists often find it in ancient writings left by Egyptian priests.

Many ufologists suggest that this symbol was given to humanity, in particular to representatives of the Masonic order, by aliens, thus they maintain control over the world.

What is the significance of the All-Seeing Eye in the modern world?

Today, it is assumed that this symbol represents the power that knowledge hides.

It is assumed that thanks to the symbolism of the All-Seeing Eye, the secrets of the universe and existence can be revealed to a person.

Using this sign, knowledgeable people can rise above the ordinary and control the minds of others.

Esotericists suggest that this particular eye is the “third” eye, which is capable of seeing through time and space.

According to beliefs, this symbol is capable of revealing the secrets of the cosmos and endowing the chosen ones with incredible intelligence and abilities.

What does its appearance on the American dollar mean?

Many people know that the US one dollar bill features a pyramid with a pointed top representing the All-Seeing Eye. But few people actually understand what this symbolism carries with it.

According to official sources, this action was aimed at enhancing prosperity and imparting wisdom to the new state.

Taking a closer look, anyone can notice that the pyramid is not completed and has 13 steps (which symbolize the 13 initial states included in the USA), and the incompleteness of the pyramid indicates that already at the very beginning of its formation, the state was already planning to seize nearby territories .

Thus, it turns out that at the time of its creation, US officials were trying to establish a new world order, the terms of which would be dictated by the States.

Despite the deep belief of many, there is no evidence that would support the popular theory that this mark was applied by the Freemasons.

Icons depicting the All-Seeing Eye

Among the huge variety of icons that represent images with the faces of saints, there are especially rare ones on which the Radiant Delta is applied, symbolizing the gaze of God himself.

Thanks to the Omnipotence of the Creator, this icon does not require certain rituals for conversion, nor does it have absolutely no obligatory prayers.

The first appearance of this image in the form of an Orthodox icon was noticed in the Vladimir lands.

This face consists of several compositions combined into one whole image.

Contributes to a more complete understanding of the essence of the Christian faith. The center of truth and light is contained in the image of the Lord Jesus Christ, His mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, is the intercessor of the human race. And the holiness of God is infallible, he is the beginning of all things.

How can this icon help?

Like any icon, the image of the All-Seeing Eye can do:

  • Protect from evil thoughts;
  • Enlighten spiritually;
  • Provide support (spiritual) in any endeavors;
  • Resolve conflict situations and pacify warring parties;
  • Give divine blessings before performing significant deeds.

Prayers before the icon of the All-Seeing Eye

Prayer to the Holy Mother of God

“My Most Holy Lady Theotokos, through Your saints and all-powerful prayers, drive away from me, your humble and accursed servant(s), despondency, oblivion, foolishness, negligence, and all the nasty, evil and blasphemous thoughts from from my damned heart and from my darkened mind; extinguish the flame of my passions, for I am poor and damned. And deliver me from many and cruel memories and adventures, and free me from all evil actions. For Thou art blessed from all generations, and glorified is Thy most honorable name forever and ever. Amen".

Prayer to Jesus Christ

“My many-merciful and all-merciful God, Lord Jesus Christ, for the sake of love you came down and became incarnate for many reasons, so that you would save everyone. And again, Savior, save me by grace, I pray to You; Even if you save me from works, there is no grace and no gift, but more than debt. Hey, abundant in generosity and ineffable in mercy! Believe in Me, you say, O my Christ, you will live and will not see death forever. Even if faith in You saves the desperate, behold, I believe, save me, for You are my God and Creator. Let faith instead of works be imputed to me, O my God, for you will not find works to justify me. But may my faith prevail instead of all, may it answer, may it justify me, may it show me to be a partaker of Your eternal glory. Let Satan not kidnap me, and boast to the Word that he has torn me from Your hand and fence; But either I want, save me, or I don’t want, Christ my Savior, I will soon foresee, I will soon perish: For you are my God from my mother’s womb. Grant me, O Lord, now to love Thee, as sometimes I have loved that same sin; and again work for You without laziness, just as you worked before the flattering Satan. Most of all, I will serve You, my Lord and God Jesus Christ, all the days of my life, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

The all-seeing eye in talismans and amulets

Historians claim that this symbol has existed for more than 6 thousand years, which is not surprising, given its discovery on ancient structures - pyramids and megaliths.

Since ancient times, many nationalities have resorted to making various amulets and amulets with the image of this eye.

This symbol works best when worn on the body. And in order to improve material well-being, people use coins that feature the Radiant Delta.

This amulet is made from absolutely any available material; you can also apply an image to the surface of paper in order to carry it in a pocket or purse.

This symbolism does not depend on religious views and is devoid of any side effects.

Body tattoos

The eye of the all-seeing eye depicted on the body means God’s close observation of a specific person.

In Western countries, the image of the right eye signifies a bright future and divine light. And the depicted left eye indicates regrets about the past and the darkness of the night.

For Eastern people, the meaning is completely opposite.

Before applying this symbol to your body, you need to study in detail its meaning in energy terms.

This is done in order to find within oneself the abilities and strength of a peaceful existence with the All-Seeing Eye.

Representatives of spiritual practices strongly recommend the use of this symbol as a tattoo only for those people who are endowed with spiritual strength and capable of self-sacrifice.

Due to the fact that this sign came from the distant past, it contains all the power of the wisdom of the ancestors, their beliefs and hopes. Therefore, you need to treat him with respect.

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It’s nice to see a person with clear and shiny eyes; one immediately remembers that “the eyes are the mirror of the Soul.” The eye has a rich symbolic basis that is interesting to know and useful to use.

The symbol of the eye and its meaning

The eye is not only an organ of vision, through whose function we have approximately 80% of information about the world around us. The eye feeds our perception through the light received by this instrument and interpreted by our brain. Rhythmology calls the eye “the brain brought out.”

Besides the fact that the eye connects us with fire (light), it is also related to water element (tears, tear fluid). This property shows the analogy of identifying the eyes with the luminaries - the fiery Sun (right) and the water Moon (left). At the same time, the right solar eye is emitting, influencing, and the left lunar eye is perceiving; it is into it that someone else’s will, someone else’s influence can penetrate.

The eye symbolizes active influence of one being on another, at the physical, psychological, magical level. It is a tool for projecting the power of a being, a personality, into the outside world.

Of the positive images, here one can recall the eye of Ra and the eye of Horus - as attributes of the power, strength and power of the all-seeing deity of the Egyptians, their supervision of their human civilizations.

Negative images include the gaze of the Gorgon or Basilisk jellyfish, Gogol’s Viy, the all-seeing eye of Sauron (“The Lord of the Rings” by Tolkien). The ability to influence and destroy with the help of internal evil transmitted through the eyes is the concept of the “evil eye,” the evil eye.

This organ of vision connects a person with reality external matrix, with the usual picture of the world. The eye limits our perception, and when we want to tune in to more subtle information, we usually close our eyelids. For example, in the books of Carlos Castaneda, some magicians, at the transition between worlds, saw an eye hanging in space and simply dived into it with all their perception.

And the symbol of the eye in the palm means clairvoyance, supersensible perception, the development of spiritual vision, when a person sees the essence and has access to direct knowledge.

We also know that in addition to the usual two that we can see in the mirror, we have a “Third Eye” - internal vision associated with the perception of internal or higher information, space and time of unmanifested worlds.

The third eye (epiphysis + pituitary gland) is spiritual consciousness, wisdom and intuitive perception that allows you to look behind the curtain of illusion and see the essence.

Three eyes mythical creatures- ability see in three worlds: dense (normal), subtle and fiery. Often in such creatures the third eye on the forehead was a symbol of direct influence, for example in Shiva it is an instrument of destruction and punishment.

Conversely, creatures who looked with only one single eye, for example, the Cyclops, had only a limited vision of the ordinary world, they were characterized by spiritual underdevelopment.

But often, one-eyedness or even blindness could indicate special magical and spiritual power (Odin, chosen by Neo in “The Matrix-3”, soothsayer Vanga).

One - who exchanged his right eye for wisdom

In various mythologies, there are stories about the theft of the eyes of the gods, blinding and their healing, which becomes a symbol of rebirth. For example, among the ancient Hittites, there lived a Thunder God, from whom the Serpent took not only his eyes, but also his heart. In connection with this, the God of Thunder had to give birth to a man, marry him to the daughter of the Serpent, and only after that, with the help of the man and his persuasion, dad’s sight and heart were returned.

A very similar story is also told by the Jupiterian character – the Egyptian Horus. Hawkeye of Horus (left) - also removed by the demonized Set and later revived, allowing this story to be associated with lunar cycle, symbolism of changing lunar phases.

One of the semantic symbols of the eye is perception, attention and control. For example, the constantly awake Kronos in ancient Greek mythology had 4 eyes: two of them were closed, possibly sleeping, and two were always open - apparently, they were on duty.

Often the image and symbol of the eyes is associated with a divine figure and his presence, for example:

  • Sumerian Enki– “the lord of the sacred eye” is rightfully considered a symbol of wisdom and omniscience;
  • divine Eye Egyptians, winged eye- symbols of the power, strength and wisdom of the all-seeing God. Another version is a symbol of the pineal gland, the pineal gland, through which you can communicate with higher dimensions;
  • peacock with its plumage of many eyes - a zoomorphic image of a meditating Buddha;
  • in Christianity the eye was depicted on the wings of cherubim and seraphim as a sign of insight and wisdom;
  • eye of god- an eye in a triangle, originally a sign of Jehovah, or God the Father, who is everywhere, sees everything, knows everything. And later this symbol already belongs to the entire divine Trinity (God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit) in the radiance of holiness;
  • eye of the heart- in Islam, a symbol of clear and true vision, which can only be achieved through the heart’s spiritual center, the eternal here and now, through the point of the present.

And finally, the eye is symbol of the Observer.

This term has several interrelated meanings.

The first meaning is that those who are on the spiritual path know that isolating the Observer and strengthening the Observer effect is a certain stage in the development of awareness.

The second meaning is from quantum physics:

The observer effect (observer consciousness) is a group of hypotheses about the possibility of an observer influencing elementary particles. According to Bohr, without an observer, the surrounding reality is only a probabilistic form. Concrete reality appears only with the arrival of the observer. Some scientists equate the observer, man, and human consciousness.

Thus, the meanings of the eye symbol are:

  • vigilance and protection, control and surveillance;
  • perception of the visible and visible, limiting a person to this or gaining the Observer effect;
  • providence, foresight, intuition, insight, supersensible knowledge;
  • light and luminaries, Moon and Sun, as well as stars (especially Polaris);
  • divine presence and penetration into human life;
  • transition point, portal.

Eyes - a sign system

The first key to eye signs: right eye – solar, left eye – lunar.

The Sun and Moon of our horoscope provide us with the opportunity to track solar and lunar influences not only astrologically, but also through the eyes and everything that happens to them.

Right eye - solar, can show everything that concerns our consciousness, temporary changes. In the center of this eye is , which is additional sign right eye.

Left eye - lunar and all subconscious programs. Lives in the center of the left eye, and it also tells us our spatial position.

Second key: eye - allows you to observe the signs of what is happening to us in each of the earthly spheres.

Their sequence is from the circle to the center.

And then, the eye socket is the 1st sphere and, accordingly, the 1st chakra of the energy body, and all organs physical body which she nourishes.

The pupil of the eye is the 7th sphere and the 7th chakra.

Respond in a timely manner to the prompts of your little eyes.

Eye talisman

The image and symbol of the eyes is perfect and has been actively used by people since ancient times - as a talisman, amulet, talisman.

The most popular options:

Just eye image or a stylized object - protection from evil, bad influence. This strong amulet and an amulet for both a person and a space - home, office, etc. In any new place for yourself, after clearing the space, you can use this symbol.

They work similarly - eye in pentacle, animal eyes: wolf, dragon, etc. Their function: to notice in time Negative influence, protect, protect.

Popular amulets stones: cat's, tiger's, falcon's eyes, allowing you to sense the harmful effects on its owner in time, quickly increase resistance, provide protection or immediately change place.

Traditional amulets – Eye of Ra, eye of Horus, Wadjet (Udjat), eye with wings have a general protective meaning when you are being looked after higher power which are intended for this purpose. But remember that “trust in God, but don’t make a mistake yourself,” and you also need to be worthy of such help.

Image eyes on hand– helps to develop supersensible perception, orients development according to the human program, strengthens the connection with the forces called the “Guiding Hand.” More suitable for people with a human mental structure.

A private similar amulet - (aka Hamsa, Hamesh palm, Miriam hand) - is a powerful eastern amulet.

The symbol is now popular, even as a tattoo - eye in triangle. This is the Masonic eye, it is also the all-seeing eye (eye of providence) - it sets up communication through Jehovah’s channel.

Masonic symbol " Radiant Delta“- symbolizes enlightenment and supports the principle of consciousness. Reminds each member of the Order that he has his own star, which illuminates his life, helps and supports him in life.

Also the Masonic symbol depicted on the dollar, which can be used in money magic - pyramid and eye. The pyramid is like a model of the social earthly structure, and the separate top with the eye represents the higher powers and their governors on earth who control this magical pyramid.

Peacock feathers- a solar symbol that cleanses consciousness through meditation and channeling communication with its higher structures, spiritual mentors.

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