Family life compatibility horoscope for Pisces and Virgo. Virgo and Pisces Compatibility: Unusual Attraction. The story of one of our readers Alina R

Compatibility between Pisces and Virgo is considered very successful, although with reservations. This is a union of two opposites that find it difficult to work together. But they are able to build true love, make the relationship harmonious and happy, provided that both begin to make enough efforts in this direction.

Problems may also arise with the emotional sphere of relationships. Virgo can at some points seem very cold, even soulless. This hurts sensual Pisces, forcing them to sometimes even look elsewhere in search of a more suitable match for a long-term relationship.

They should work out the points where misunderstandings arise. Set common goals, learn to negotiate and not be offended over trifles. Then everything will work out extremely successfully and harmoniously.

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Pisces woman and Virgo man

Such a couple is rarely found in everyday life. This union is rare and atypical. It is difficult for a man to interest a creative nature; he seems boring and boring to his chosen one. But if they get to know each other better, they begin to notice their advantages.

Over time, the girl will appreciate the responsibility, care and security that her chosen one gives her. And he falls in love with her intelligence and creativity, realizing how extraordinary a person is next to him.

In marriage, a woman feels safe. She is as if behind a stone wall, thanks to which she is not afraid of adversity. In gratitude, she becomes an excellent housewife, mother and lover.

Pisces man and Virgo woman

A man in relationships with other signs can be quite hot-tempered and unbalanced. But it is with this woman that he becomes calmer and neutralizes the negative traits of his character.

The Virgo girl never takes the first steps towards him, so he has to use all his strength and try to win her heart. He will look after you beautifully and show all possible creativity. So much so that both will be satisfied.

When he succeeds and she reciprocates, they usually move quickly towards marriage and family. Everything is going extremely well. A man achieves goals and earns money, and a woman creates comfort, cleans the house and creates a favorable atmosphere.

There is deep mutual respect between the couple. They understand and share each other's interests, set common goals and make every possible effort to achieve them. But there may also be disagreements regarding money.

The girl is annoyed by the extravagance of her chosen one, and to him she seems rather boring in her rationalism and practicality. The issue of jealousy is also acute. Both partners have enough admirers, which is why they are jealous of each other and quarrel. Everything is aggravated by the partners’ lack of self-confidence.

Astrology gives the signs of the zodiac circle different characters and personal qualities. Virgo is pedantic and does not indulge in dreams. Pisces is the opposite. They are messy and love to spend time in their heads, thinking about unfulfilled desires. The compatibility of Pisces and Virgo is unusual and complex.

General Compatibility

The compatibility of Pisces and Virgo signs is about attitude and this is their main problem.

Such a union is quite unusual in any area of ​​life. A pedant and a dreamer in a relationship are an interesting couple. Their union can be either favorable or vice versa. Pisces often spend time in their dreams and because of this they seem detached from reality and cold. Virgo is attracted by such mystery of her opponent and awakens in her a desire to unravel it.

Astrology says that these signs are not compatible. They are opposite. Only a situation can save a relationship when a couple of ideally educated, fact-based, neat Virgo will find it difficult to accept dreamy, weak-willed Pisces, detached from the outside world.

This union is rarely favorable. He will hold on until the Earth sign gets tired of controlling him. She will endure the laziness and carelessness of Pisces, and this is a difficult task for her. Virgo will try to return her other half to the real world when she again plunges into dreams. She won't like the fact that a large number of people are near her partner.

Pisces cannot leave anyone in trouble and say “no,” so their friends constantly ask them for help, which irritates their partner.

Opposites attract, but in this union, according to the horoscope, this is not the case.

Areas in which signs can find common ground are marriage, sex, love. In marriage and in love battles, friendship will play a big role, which can arise out of sudden interest even before rapprochement and communication between these zodiacs.


Distrust and secrecy will not allow people of opposite character to become friends. They have no common topics of conversation. They will be able to carry on short conversations with each other, but no more. More often, friendship accompanies these zodiacs love relationships.

Virgo Man and Pisces Woman

The union of a Virgo man and a Pisces woman is unfavorable in all respects. will consider the girl a chatterbox and will not see any seriousness in her. Pisces is also not happy about communicating with Virgo. She will consider him stingy and boring.

A relationship where a Pisces woman and a Virgo man is always a confrontation between two strong personalities.

Virgo Woman and Pisces Man

The compatibility of Pisces and Virgo in such a pair is just as questionable as in the first case. Astrology claims that this union will also not be successful. A man is unlikely to open up to a woman. She will seem uninterested and rude to him, and Pisces will appear quiet and lacking initiative.

This couple has different views on life, which do not agree on anything, so a friendly relationship is their maximum.


The union of the signs of Pisces and Virgo can become successful. In the work sphere, the signs are compatible, but their relationship is not ideal. The rational thinking of Virgo and the intuition of Pisces complement each other and make them a good tandem. Small disagreements between themselves and gossip behind their backs significantly harm their working relationships. The compatibility of Pisces and Virgo in business will directly depend on what kind of environment will become the background of such a relationship. If the mood of colleagues is positive, then these two will work together, but if half side with the more emotional Virgos, conflicts cannot be avoided. Often a sign like Scorpio will be the instigator who will not allow this couple to relax when working together.

Pisces is the boss, Virgo is the subordinate

The union is successful. The subordinate does not need control; he already does his job perfectly. The boss will find it easy and pleasant to cooperate.

Virgo is the boss, Pisces is the subordinate

The compatibility of the signs Pisces and Virgo at work is not bad. The boss takes his job seriously, so he will tell you all the details, so that the dreamy subordinate can immediately understand and remember everything.

The disadvantage of such a union is that Pisces is a weak worker. In case of failure, Virgo will not blame herself, but will choose someone who cannot resist her. Usually such a person is Pisces.


In a love relationship in a union of such zodiacs, the main role is played by the ability to give in to the partner - this applies to both parties. A girl, regardless of her sign and her element, should be more loyal to the inconstancy of her man.

Relationships between signs in this area can be either favorable or vice versa. Astrology says that between Pisces and Virgo a harmonious union and friendship is possible, in which the partners complement each other. But even strong love cannot save this couple from problems. They are different by nature; in a long-term relationship, it will be difficult for them to accept each other with all their shortcomings.

The main problems of the union

When considering this pair, you don’t need to think long about the disadvantages - they lie on the surface. Causes of conflicts:

  1. Stealth. Both signs are used to hiding their feelings. They need to put a lot of effort into opening up to each other. Until this happens, their communication will be tense.
  2. Attitude to money. Virgo - family man and will try to direct his finances to the family. Pisces hardly thinks about the budget, so he can spend money on unnecessary things. Virgo is surprised by this behavior of the other half; for her this is a big drawback.
  3. Priorities. Union of a hard worker and a slacker: Virgos prefer to devote time to work in order to provide for their family, and Pisces do not like stress. If they occupy a position, they work unproductively. In addition, fish of both sexes wear extremely beautiful clothes. Financially, they cannot catch up with their other half and spend a lot of money on themselves, which is why quarrels arise.
  4. Boringness. There is no passion between the signs. For this reason, their relationship becomes dry and love disappears.

Problems can be avoided if:

  1. Both partners will open up to each other and will not hide anything. The root of many of this couple's problems is silence. As soon as they learn to show feelings and talk about what worries them, their union will become stronger.
  2. Signs will allocate the budget. If Virgo and Pisces agree on the framework of family finances and stick to them, then there will be one less problem.
  3. Lovers will add emotionality to the relationship. This can be either extreme sports or variety in intimate life.


It is impossible to say that the union is one hundred percent successful. Both know what their other half needs, but they cannot always give it to each other. Negative moments happen more often than usual.

Virgo is a sign that dreams of strong relationships in the family circle. But after living for many years with their soulmate, Pisces may still remain strangers. This happens due to the instability of the water sign. The partner does not make plans and changes his mind several times a day, which makes Virgo feel emptiness and coldness on the part of her loved one. To this list you can add thoughtless spending of the family budget, sloppiness, lethargy and detachment of Pisces.

But there are also positive aspects to the marriage life of this union. Easy-going and charming Pisces will surprise your loved one. They will cheer up your partner and distract you from the hustle and bustle of work. In return, Pisces will receive support and care. Virgo will always come to the aid of her loved one and will never leave her in trouble.


Pisces and Virgo are the compatibility of Earth and Water. Bed is the place of harmonious relationships between these signs. Here both zodiacs can relax and get complete satisfaction from the process. Sensitive Pisces will make sexual intercourse as pleasant as possible for Virgo. They will be gentle and not be rude, which is what their significant other dislikes the most.

For Pisces to enjoy the process, Virgo needs to forget about her restraint. Only by completely entrusting her body to her partner can she prove her love and thereby satisfy him.

A very interesting pair is such a union as Virgo-woman - Pisces-man. The compatibility of these two romantic creatures, who love the idyll more than anything else, is very promising. However, as with everything, there are some nuances here that you should be aware of. This is necessary to create harmonious and long-term relationships.

About Pisces men

Before talking about the Virgo-woman - Pisces-man union, the compatibility of which will be discussed a little further, we should talk about the characters of these people. And it’s worth starting with a representative of the strong half of humanity.

A guy born under the zodiac sign Pisces is a dreamy and impressionable person. He loves everything beautiful and aesthetic, values ​​harmony and tranquility in relationships, and most of all he adores romance. But this is not the only thing that can be said about him. Despite such a light, airy worldview, this man has a very sharp intuition. It is almost impossible to deceive him or fool him. This is a very dual person. On the one hand, he is hardworking, honest and practical. On the other hand, he is very impressionable and vulnerable. The same duality is observed in relationships. A Pisces guy can be either a heartthrob who conquers all the girls in a row, or a romantic suffering from unrequited love. In general, this is where the cards will fall.

About beautiful virgins

It is impossible not to pay attention to the character of the representatives of the fair half of humanity who were born under the sign of Virgo. These are flirty and practical girls who do everything in the world at once and, despite being so busy, manage to do everything. They are not only charming and attractive. These people are also desperate careerists who manage to climb up the ladder of success very well. They have a very strong leadership character, despite this, they know how to remain feminine, romantic and sophisticated. Her character exhibits the same duality as the Pisces guy. She can be a thoughtful dreamer and at the same time a prudent businesswoman who does not make mistakes. This is the specificity of character. But it cannot be said that this interferes with her or those around her.

Friendly Union

And now we should talk directly about what unites such a couple as Virgo-woman - Pisces-man. The compatibility of this guy and girl seems more realistic in terms of friendship than in terms of love. They can share with each other invaluable experience, teach life lessons, work on the same project, even start a business together. But if we talk about living together, then there are a lot of pitfalls. Too many different things come up. Things appear that can cause disagreements and disputes between them. For example, the same practicality. The Pisces guy is distinguished by slight extravagance and, moreover, having his head in the clouds is a common thing for him. The practical Virgo does not like this - she is too demanding. But there is one point that almost all such couples cling to - even if not everything goes smoothly for them. The fact is that they are constantly drawn to each other. Often this is what saves such an alliance as “Virgo-woman - Pisces-man”.

Compatibility in love

These people have a quality that would be worth acquiring for representatives of many other zodiac signs. It's very simple: they really love each other and accept their chosen one for who they are. No attempts to correct the partner, re-educate, teach. They simply realize that in most cases it is useless to remake an already established personality with a formed character. This quality determines the positive compatibility of signs.

Pisces man, Virgo woman - a couple who have a lot of common interests. They can talk for hours about everything in the world, and they will never get tired of it. They like to travel together, learn new and interesting things. The Virgo girl always tells the Pisces man about what worries her, because he knows how to empathize and will always help good advice. And this is what the guy needs - he likes to help and support those who are dear to him. Due to these qualities, harmony and romance reign in a couple where the woman is Virgo and the man is Pisces. Compatibility in marriage, by the way, only becomes stronger, since both partners realize that they are no longer just dating. From now on they are a family, and this is much more serious.

Relationship problems

Well, problems are a rather slippery topic, but one should not avoid it. Especially in this case. The fact is that a difficult and multifaceted relationship develops between a Virgo girl and a Pisces guy. And this is actually not bad - it’s much more interesting. But sometimes quarrels arise because of this. In particular, this happens due to the girl’s criticality and the guy’s vulnerability, who is unable to perceive her words as ordinary comments. But she says all this not out of malice, but because it would be more correct. But the Pisces man, due to the specifics of his character and ability to take everything too close to his heart, interprets this not as logical arguments, but as complaints. If the Virgo girl begins to go too far, not understanding that she should restrain herself, then the Pisces man will simply begin to hide. This is the kind of person who cares about coziness and comfort in the home. If he doesn’t feel good in the apartment, he will start staying out in bars with friends, staying longer at work, and going hunting. The result is usually sad - the collapse of relationships. So here it is important to understand your mistakes in time and start treating your partner differently. Virgo, by definition, is the leader in this pair, and she should remember this.

Another union

Well, just for fun, we should consider a couple where the man is Virgo and the woman is Pisces. The love compatibility of these individuals is much more promising than in the case of the previous union. Their pairing can be very strong, but with one very important condition. It is necessary for both the girl and the guy to work on themselves and their relationships every day. It is important for them to strive for spiritual unity with each other. This can change a lot. And if both partners are crazy about each other, then you will get a very harmonious couple.

A girl born under the sign of Pisces will find sincerity, tenderness, love and care in a prudent and hardworking Virgo guy. And he, in turn, will receive understanding, emotional support and empathy from her. As a matter of fact, this is what a guy needs from his beloved. Also, as mentioned above, Virgo is a born leader. And in this case, everything turns out very logically and harmoniously - the man will be at the head of the family and provide for his romantic chosen one. And not vice versa, as often happens in unions of a Pisces guy and a Virgo woman.

Intimate life

You should also talk about a topic such as sexual compatibility. Pisces woman, Virgo man - a union in which physical intimacy does not occupy one of the first places, as, for example, in the case of Leo and Scorpio, or with Libra and Taurus. Pisces girls are very secretive and modest in this regard. The Virgo man is interested in understanding what his chosen one wants. He will do everything possible to help her open up. It is important for him that the girl feels freedom and is able to tell him about her secret desires. And when she succeeds, he will receive a worthy reward.


In terms of family, a couple where the girl is Pisces and the man is Virgo looks, one might say, typical. He will earn money to provide for his wife and children (although with the ability of these people to build a career, he can make a larger fortune), and she will take care of the house and raising sons or daughters. Children will receive several important life lessons from their father, and love, tenderness and care from their mother. In general, everything is the same as in average families.

Which union is more promising?

If you ask a question regarding whether a Virgo woman and a Pisces man are compatible, then the answer will be doubtful. In principle, they are compatible, if, of course, the girl is more restrained. After all, her frank criticism and straightforward arguments hurt the Pisces guy not only as a person with a vulnerable character, but also as a man, infringing on his dignity. We need to remember this. Of course, another compatibility of zodiac signs (woman - Pisces, man - Virgo) looks more promising. There the guy and the girl complement each other perfectly. A man becomes stronger and more confident in himself, since a gentle and feminine Pisces woman stands next to him. And she, in turn, gives him all the love that she has.

Virgo and Pisces compatibility is complex and interesting at the same time. These partners can complement each other very well, but the trouble is that it is difficult for them to achieve understanding. After all, each of the signs lives in its own element: for Virgo it is Earth, for Pisces it is Water. A representative of the Pisces sign is always surrounded by a veil of mystery. His nature intrigues Virgo, forcing her to look for ways to unravel the fish’s secret.

In fact, Pisces is one of the most sensual signs, but how can Virgo understand this if she sees only a cold mask of indifference? Virgo is also not the most open type of people. She will be fascinated by looking into her partner's eyes, but is unlikely to openly declare her feelings. This is why these lovers suffer because there is not enough intimacy between them.

The compatibility of the signs Virgo and Pisces rests on the boundless patience of the former. She tries with all her might to maintain the relationship while Pisces occupy themselves with unrealistic fantasies and meaningless reflection. Virgo also doesn’t like the fact that around her chosen one there are constantly clusters of people calling for help, because Pisces finds it difficult to refuse anyone. In addition, Virgo’s activities do not find an explanation for the laziness characteristic of their partner. All this entails constant reproaches from Virgo, and caustic criticism deeply wounds the heart of Pisces. The only way out for partners is to teach each other to live in different elements. Virgo will sometimes have to plunge into sentimental illusions, and Pisces will be forced to adapt to real life. Otherwise, there is no way for partners to meet in a spiritual sense.

These two are hard to be around. Compatibility between Virgo and Pisces requires a lot of patience from both and constant work on the relationship. The obvious shortcomings of Virgo and Pisces far outweigh the hidden advantages, and they should try with all their might to show these advantages to their partner. However, once they overcome such a barrier, they will remain together forever. Virgo wants to receive from Pisces, if not an ocean, then a huge sea of ​​feelings, and Pisces is capable of such a gift. Virgo in return will become the thread that will connect Pisces with reality, and will also provide them with financial protection.

Sexual compatibility of Virgo and Pisces

To achieve ideal compatibility between the signs Virgo and Pisces in intimate relationships, Virgo will have to get rid of excessive restraint. Her conservatism and rational thinking in the bedroom will not bring any benefit. Having entrusted her soul and body to a representative of the water element, Virgo will find herself at the pinnacle of bliss, since for Pisces making love is the quintessence of sensuality and unity with a partner.

Compatibility: Virgo man - Pisces woman

For a man born under the sign of Virgo, it will be a real surprise that his chosen one can be so different. She is wise and submissive, but at times her character reveals traits of other signs, because she closes the Zodiac circle. Virgo does not like spontaneity, but a considerable surprise awaits him when the Pisces lady shows the assertiveness of Aries or the stubbornness of Taurus. Sometimes she demands worship, like a real Lioness, and sometimes her ambitions exceed all acceptable limits - this is a cold breath from Capricorn.

Virgo will have to come to terms with this state of affairs, especially since very soon his Fish will return in her guise, giving him warmth and sweet bliss. Virgo will receive new impressions in this union, boundless sensuality and will experience true love, and their compatibility will find harmony. Pisces will feel the support and care of their man, who, among other things, will make them comfortable common Home and ensure financial stability.

These are exactly the qualities that they have been looking for for so long in representatives of the opposite sex.

Compatibility: Virgo woman - Pisces man

Virgo is unable to resist the charm that is inherent in representatives of water signs. Pisces will be fascinated by listening to any stories of the chosen one, while imperceptibly moving closer and closer. Thus, this seducer easily wins the lady of his heart, instilling in her a desire for spiritual and physical intimacy. These two will bathe in love, and even the restrained coldness of Virgo is not a hindrance here. Virgo for Pisces is a source of inspiration for the poet, surrounded by enveloping tenderness. Their relationship is beautiful and romantic; few people are capable of such emotions.

However, the compatibility of the signs Virgo and Pisces, when she is Virgo and he is Pisces, subjects their union to serious tests when it comes to the purely material sphere of existence. Virgo is not delighted with Pisces' generosity. Such a man cannot refuse anyone who asks for financial support. But Virgo, who knows the value of every penny earned, will not allow Pisces to waste their fortune. Perhaps this will even be beneficial for a representative of the water element, but it will invariably become a cause of conflict.

Another problem in relationships is Virgo's pickiness and criticism, especially when she is in a bad mood. However, all this can be overcome, and will not reduce the main advantage of their union - endless tenderness for each other.

Business Compatibility of Virgo and Pisces

Compatibility of Virgo and Pisces signs in business can give amazing results. Where else can you find such an amazing combination of the rationalization talent that Virgo possesses and the excellent intuition of Pisces! Such a union can solve any problem, because they competently combine their approaches to work, never entering into meaningless disputes. Each partner is an absolute complement to the other.

5 /5 (4 )

The horoscope does not consider the compatibility of these signs to be the most successful, but if both parties try, the connection between them will become much better and stronger. After all, in essence, these two signs - Leo and Pisces - are very different. And only a strong motivation to accept each other for who they really are can help them with this. Otherwise, you don’t even have to start a relationship, otherwise this may lead to the representatives of the signs withdrawing into themselves and having to forget about mutual understanding. Let's consider Virgo and Pisces compatibility in details.

Compatibility of Virgo woman and Pisces man

Few people can resist the charm of water signs, and Virgo is no exception. Pisces will listen with delight to any story from Virgo while simultaneously approaching her. With this, he can easily win the lady’s heart, simultaneously instilling in her a desire for spiritual and physical intimacy. The aura of love will directly envelop them, and even the slight coldness of Virgo will not be an obstacle. For Pisces, Virgo will be a source of poetic inspiration. For those around them, their relationship will be a standard of romance and beauty, because few signs in a relationship can show such emotions.

Watch the video. Compatibility Virgo and Pisces.

However, the fact that the Pisces man and the Virgo girl will subject their relationship to a serious test of strength, especially since it will concern the economic component of the relationship. Pisces are famous for their generosity, they are ready to give financial assistance anyone who asks them to do so. Virgo knows the value of money and will try in every possible way to prevent this, maintaining the family budget. With persistence, she can even change Pisces’ attitude towards finances, which will certainly lead to conflict situations in the couple.

95% of Virgos are picky

Another problem can be excessive pickiness and criticism on the part of the lady, this is especially evident when she is not in a good mood. Fortunately, these problems can be solved, and they in no way detract from the main advantage of this union - endless tenderness towards each other.

In love

A girl with great practicality and prudence and a man for whom emotions and romantic impulses come first, in theory, should not get along. After all, any step they take will be contradictory, and this has not yet reached the point of living together. Therefore, those around you will never understand what brought such different personalities together.

The idyll will not last long. After all, the Pisces man is used to expressing his feelings openly, and expects the same action from his girlfriend. Virgo can be called the Snow Queen rather than a romantic lady. This attitude of a friend, of course, will make the stronger sex suffer, but, fortunately, his suffering will not last long. In order to forget this relationship, he will immediately rush to look for new ones.

In a relationship

Between the Virgo woman and the Pisces man it will always be difficult, it’s strange that they got along at all. In a Virgo girl, a Pisces man will like her neatness, neatness, and clear moral principles. She is a home woman for him, he will be completely under her care.

And what attracts a girl in a partner, because she is most often attracted to successful and purposeful men, to which it is difficult to classify representatives of Cancer. Perhaps Virgo is attracted to what both signs have in common - the desire to help others. In this matter, the Pisces man will be the best partner for her.

IN family relationships compatibility is possible only in one case - if they try to better understand each other. And this requires long conversations on common topics and joint travel.

If in most couples the distribution of family roles is traditional, then in our case the woman will have to take everything upon herself. A Pisces man can gain more self-confidence next to such a woman and develop responsibility. But this rarely happens, most often it happens differently - the woman protects him from all household chores, the representative of the water sign is completely satisfied with this distribution of roles.


Almost from the first days family life quarrels and scandals will begin in the couple. And all because the husband decides to give his beloved a pleasant surprise. To do this, he can spend the entire family budget on organizing a romantic evening by candlelight. Or he will buy an expensive ticket for a pleasant trip, and will be sincerely perplexed when these actions cause her anger, because he tried for her.

THIS IS INTERESTING! Modern astrology: spicy details of the Virgo woman’s compatibility.

In a Virgo marriage, a woman is very economical, and spending her budget on entertainment is unacceptable for her. On the one hand, this deserves respect, since her family will always be shod, clothed and fed. On the other hand, a Pisces man with such a wife will be bored.

In the intimate life of a married couple, not everything is smooth either. After all, a man will try with all his might to please his beloved, and she perceives family sex as a necessary duty. At least that's what it will seem like to him. This state of affairs will soon push him to betrayal, then to another, and it’s not difficult to guess how this could end.

In friendship

Because of mutual distrust, there will never be a strong friendship in this couple. The Virgo girl's inclination will never allow the Pisces man to open his soul to her. The most they can do is make small talk. After all, they have a different concept of life, and they will never support the views of another.

Only friendly relations are possible between them and nothing more.

In sex

As lovers, the couple's relationship is very successful. With their excessive sensitivity and passion, Pisces seems to envelop Virgo from all sides. Moreover, such an attitude on the part of a man appeals to her more than a rude onslaught. They simply cannot stand the latter attitude towards themselves.

The sincere admiration of Pisces men is caused by the chastity and restraint of Virgo women. They both really enjoy physical intimacy.

In progress

Order, order and once again order - this is the credo of the representative of earth signs. The Virgo woman is successful in any profession, but this circumstance will not make her colleagues very happy. After all, in any place, the Virgo woman will keep order. And God forbid one of her colleagues leaves a candy wrapper on the floor. She will create such a scandal that even if the troublemaker is a general, even he will prefer to run away from the scene of the “crime.”

Being under the tutelage of Neptune, the representative of the Pisces sign loves comfort and coziness, and he will not refuse this in the workplace. Therefore, the work of a loader or waiter is not for him. Yes, he doesn’t need this - he is a good magician, and he has enough strength to conjure a happy destiny for himself.

5 out of 7 Pisces are weather dependent

This couple's working union may well flourish. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that with the onset new moon The Pisces man does illogical things - he disappears from real life - he turns off his phone and locks himself in his house and has no contact with anyone. He doesn't even care that there's a million-dollar deal on the line.

Fortunately, such contracts are a common occurrence for Pisces - he is able to bewitch any billionaire, the latter will happily give up his millions for just one invitation to Pisces’ team.

Pisces the magician and Virgo the neat guy are the threat of all local businessmen, and not a single entrepreneur will want to create obstacles for this strange couple. So they have no competitors in business.

In percentages

Compatibility is very low - no more than 30%.

After all, a good working relationship and good sex as lovers will not make a strong family out of a couple. The chances may increase if the Pisces man is older than 25-30 years, that is, he has already lost his youthful romanticism.

THIS IS INTERESTING! Sex with a Pisces man.

Psychological compatibility

In this regard, the partners complement each other well, and if everything depended only on this, then their union would have a good chance of success. If, of course, he had overcome conflict situations in the form of constant criticism of Pisces from Virgos. On the other hand, Virgos also suffer from the laziness and projectism of Pisces men.

Also, conflict situations are caused by the attitude towards money: the Virgo woman strives to save, while the Pisces man does not even try to do this.

But both signs are prone to mysticism and show tact towards each other - this can become the basis for a strong family union. True, it is necessary to remember that the increased workaholism of Virgos does not please Pisces at all. Since, in their opinion, working extremely hard, even for the good of the family, is not at all what they expect from life.

Men of this sign love to spend time in their own thoughts about the meaning of life, and excessive pressure from their spouse can lead to a break in the relationship. Moreover, the depth of experience on both sides will be the same.

Compatibility of Virgo man and Pisces woman

The Virgo man will be amazed at the diversity of his chosen one. At her core, she is submissive and wise, but the fact that her sign closes the zodiac circle plays a role. So the Virgo man will be in for quite a few surprises when his chosen one, Pisces, will be assertive like Aries and stubborn like Taurus.

In some cases, she portrays a Lioness, demanding appropriate worship, and sometimes her ambitions go off scale - this is already the influence of Capricorn. In order not to lose his beloved, the Virgo man will have to be patient a little, besides, everything will soon return to normal, and his Fish will again give him warmth and bliss.

This union will give Virgo many new impressions, he will gain boundless sensuality and true love. Pisces will feel support and care from their man, which will be expressed in the improvement of the home and the financial stability of the family. Everyone will eventually receive exactly those qualities that they have been looking for all along in the opposite sex.

Watch the video. What kind of man is suitable for a Pisces woman?

In love

If a Virgo man is interested in a Pisces girl, then this can only mean one thing - he doesn’t know the representatives of this sign well. They, of course, are very sweet, feminine and charming, but they choose a partner not according to the call of the heart, but according to the dictates of the mind. And only after making a closer acquaintance will a man begin to notice the difference between them, and it is very great.

At the beginning of the relationship, the Pisces girl adores the Virgo man for his reliability and intelligence, but over time these qualities of his will make her bored. Moreover, representatives of the water sign are very emotional, they take everything very close to their hearts, they are used to expressing their feelings openly. And they perceive the calm temperament of a Virgo man as a cool attitude towards themselves on his part. Naturally, resentment begins, she will begin to demand increased attention to herself, all this confuses the man. The breakup of the couple is inevitable if they cannot overcome this crisis.

In a relationship

There is practically no compatibility in this couple; when they meet, there is no passion or spark. Although mutual sympathy is possible. A Virgo man is impressed by the appearance of a Pisces girl, her hidden sexuality, while girls will appreciate the reliability and loyalty of their friend. Relationship building is underway for a long time. It all starts with friendship and only then will this relationship move into the stage of intimacy with plans for a future family union. Their compatibility is based on a common attitude towards life.

For example, they are secretive, do not really like noisy gatherings, and both have a craving for helping people. Such a family is unlikely to come to your party, but they will definitely respond to your call for help. Only in this there is a significant difference - Virgos will do something practical, Pisces will listen to confessions and give a lot of advice.

75% of Pisces are poorly adapted to life

Responsibility in the family will fall on the shoulders of the Virgo man, because the Pisces woman is not very adapted to life. This distribution of roles will make a man stronger and more decisive, and he will be successful in his endeavors. He will begin to show more emotions in relationships, and his wife will become somewhat more practical in everyday matters.

The difference in signs often puts their compatibility at great risk. If the misunderstanding is on an emotional level, then it harms Pisces more. And all because the Virgo man is used to expressing his feelings through specific actions, not words. Pisces do not understand this behavior, so it will seem to them that the man has forgotten her and stopped loving her.

Compatibility in everyday life also leaves much to be desired. There must be order in everything - this is the motto of Virgos; for Pisces, Chaos is more typical. Conflicts are also possible over finances - Pisces love to make unnecessary purchases, while such wastefulness is not typical for Virgos. In addition, the Virgo man should know that a Pisces girl will never make an ideal housewife.


The marriage of this couple will surprise everyone, since they will never have an agreement. As already mentioned, the Virgo man is famous for his rationality, no unnecessary expenses, and maintains perfect order in his home and business. He wants to have a transparent relationship with his loved ones, but he will have difficulties with a Pisces woman. After all, even if their life together is long, it will still remain a secret for him. This is facilitated by the fact that she does not make any clear plans for the future; she changes her opinion about the same thing several times a day.

THIS IS INTERESTING! Modern astrology: juicy details of the compatibility of the Pisces woman.

Even her home order is somehow unique - she has cleanliness everywhere, she always knows where she has everything. True, her husband believes that all the objects in her house are arranged in a chaotic order, and she does not have a systematic approach to cleaning the room. Although, of course, washing dishes is not the basis of family life, one cannot do without it.

Attitudes towards the general budget are also different - while the husband tries to save for a “rainy day”, the wife spends. For a husband, the best way to spend time is to be with his family at home, and he considers all his wife’s friends and acquaintances to be dubious individuals.

60% of divorces

In friendship

As in the previous version, this couple will have common topics for conversation. But only generally accepted topics - about the weather, politics, news, etc. No conversations on personal topics, since a Virgo man and a Pisces girl will never be able to trust each other. Therefore, friendship between these signs is excluded. Friendly relationships at the “hello-goodbye” level are possible.

For him, she is a flighty talker, but she sees him as an incorrigible pedant and a bore. The Virgo man’s tendency to criticize others will lead the Pisces girl to think that he also discusses her shortcomings with others. Such thoughts do not add confidence.

In sex

As has been said more than once, men of this sign show unbridled passion in sex, which shocks partners who are not accustomed to it. But it is almost impossible to shock a Pisces woman with anything, and besides, she is a water sign, which means she is malleable. Therefore, she will readily play along with her partner, and a real ocean of passions will swirl around them.

True, a woman should remember that her partner is a great neat person, and she will have to take a bath before and after.

In progress

A man under the sign of Virgo is the embodiment of punctuality, practicality and clarity. He will set several clocks in his office, plus he will periodically call the time service and find out exact time. Colleagues are not at all delighted with such pedantry of the representative of the earth sign, but all checks will go with a bang, since not a single auditor will be able to find anything.

Pisces are distinguished by their wisdom, their intuition is much stronger than logic, she makes all decisions intuitively, and then she cannot even explain her action. Her talent can manifest itself in any field - she will be successful both as a teacher and as a medical worker.

Wherever Virgo appears, comfort appears, and Pisces is able to read the thoughts of others - working together, they make a good couple. The love of comfort does not make a Virgo man a miser; he saves all his money for a great goal. And the Pisces girl dreams of living beautifully, and in order to ensure such a life for herself, she can easily charm a millionaire.

In percentages

The stars give this couple no more than 35%, since they have nothing in common.

The only thing is that the percentage will increase with age. In this case, most people already set certain goals for themselves and can give up their principles if they interfere with the relationship.

Watch the video. Astrology: psychological picture Virgo men.

Psychological compatibility

These signs have exactly diametrically opposed characteristics, but this is good, since this is exactly what the other one lacks. For example, Virgo has the ability to highlight something special from the overall picture without noticing everything, while Pisces sees exactly the whole picture. To put it simply, Virgo sees trees in the forest without seeing the forest; for Pisces, the situation is the opposite - she sees the forest without noticing the trees in it.

If Pisces likes something, then it is bought and it does not matter to her that the color of the carpet does not quite match the color of the walls. She calls it eclecticism, but for Virgo it's sloppy.

Pisces women do not pay attention to their partner’s financial viability, clothing or skin color. For them, the main thing is what they feel next to their chosen one.

But for a Virgo man, such little things come first. He pays attention to his partner’s clothes, to his appearance, is interested in his financial viability, what position the partner occupies on the social ladder. It is from such little things that he forms his first opinion about a person and rarely changes subsequently. Such views do not prevent a Virgo man from engaging in charity, but he chooses goals for this based on his views.

In this regard, Pisces women are the complete opposite, because they are born rescuers and helpers, so they are ready to help anyone in need. Even the fact that the person standing in front of them is a criminal does not matter to them. The main thing is that he needs her help. It is this approach to any problem that is an obstacle to their relationship, at least for Virgo this is of no small importance.

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