How to attract good luck to business. Magic for protection and assistance in business. An effective conspiracy after prayer for trade is read to Seraphim of Sarov three times so that the business is successful

Rite for business improvement

This ritual will help start-up businessmen develop their business. It is held in the first ten days of the month, at midnight. Have some brand new coins and a piece of paper ready. Write on it everything you would like to get from your business (increase in turnover, income, etc.). Then burn the leaf in a candle flame. Hold the coins in your fist, place them on your chest and repeat what you wrote on the piece of paper. After this, put the coins in a bag or box and hide it in a secluded place, which needs to be sprinkled with holy water. Now you have a talisman that will direct your energy towards improving your business. The ritual is not recommended to be performed frequently.

This text is an introductory fragment.

Ritual for a successful business To perform the ritual, prepare red and green candles, place them on an empty table and light them. Then think about your desire. Do you really want to become rich? How rich do you want to get? What is the wealth we are talking about?

Mantra for business and career Om - gam - ganapataye - namaha The mantra helps to successfully conduct business in business, and also promotes career advancement. All this will help you get more money. Krishna is one of the highest gods in Hinduism. In accordance with

Enlightened Business Practices For last years Many businesses have sprung up on Earth emphasizing the idea of ​​“mutual benefit.” While this sounds great in theory, the reality is often much more difficult. For example, take the idea of ​​a multi-level or network

Feng Shui for business and office premises The heavy is the basis of the light. Peace is the main thing in movement. Therefore, a wise person works all day, without leaving a difficult task. Although he harbors brilliant hope, he is in a completely calm state. Lao Tzu Five

The magic of business “Money is a special thing. They are second only to love as the greatest source of joy; they are second only to death as the greatest source of unrest. Money is different from a car, a lover or cancer in that it is equally important to those who have it,

About business people... The future lives in the heart of a woman and in the brain of a man. The feeling that they need each other is life-giving. Business women, at first glance, move life forward, but in reality they slow it down, since they are obliged to fulfill their role in order to

Removing the evil eye from business Three times in a row, read a special spell over water, which you then sprinkle on your work area (you can also water flowers with it). This ritual is performed every full moon. CONSPIRACY

Plants for business Since many are interested in improving their standard of living and changing social status, I would like to look at several specific examples of the application of this knowledge in entrepreneurship. The project provides for implementation in teams

Removing the evil eye from business Speak to the water and, if possible, sprinkle it where you work. If you work indoors, you can water your flowers with this water. And this must be done on every new moon. Read three times: Water is purgatory, wash away, drive out, splash out: lessons,

To improve business All who live will know, all who have left will see, all who pass will notice: The Lord is everywhere. His light sanctifies the path. His life is the justice of the world. His dream is the stars, and His movement is a spiral. It is impossible to live without Him, it is impossible to die without Him.

Chapter 5 THE SECRET OF MY BUSINESS After the books came out, I was bombarded with questions about the practical application of Feng Shui at home, in the office, and in people’s relationships. Everyone, of course, has their own specific problems, but the main thing I realized after talking with readers is that Feng Shui interested me

Removing the evil eye from a business This ritual should be performed if for some reason your business has gone worse than usual. Speak to the water and, if possible, spray where you work. Possible in the room where your workplace, water the flowers. You need to do this ritual every

FOR BUSINESS, TRADE So that money multiplies This conspiracy is read three times. The first time - when you sow, the second time - when the shoots sprout and the third time - when you eat the fruits of your harvest. It is possible that the work process may seem too long to you. But,

Some believe that shamanic practices and entrepreneurial activity are diametrically opposed fields. But this is a fundamentally wrong point of view. Any business, from trade to creativity, is subject to the same energy laws as everything in this Universe. The energy flows responsible for business can and should be managed. This not only increases profits, but also gives the business stability and protects it from competitors.

This applies to absolutely any business, let’s take trade, for example. If you have your own store (no matter whether it is a regular store or an online store), it needs a constant influx of customers. And magic is very effective method attract an audience and increase sales. It’s the same with the sale of services and everything else.

There are many conspiracies, rites and rituals to attract good luck in business and trade. But before moving on to practice, it’s worth understanding how such magic works.

Business magic - specifics and principle of operation

Experienced businessmen know that competent marketing can increase sales significantly. But what to do if even the most effective marketing moves do not bring the desired results? This means that there are problems at the energetic and spiritual level; these can be negative things that have a detrimental effect on the atmosphere of the entire business. In this case, it would be right to involve shamanic practices to help. You will be surprised, but many successful entrepreneurs, including heads of the largest world-famous companies, regularly turn to magicians for help, advice and consultations.

Of course, the ability to run a successful business is a kind of talent that not everyone has. But even the presence of such talent does not guarantee high sales and stability in business. Luck plays a huge role in this matter. “The stars aligned” is often said when a business project brings colossal profits to its owner, despite the scanty chances of success before launch. But the point here is not so much in the successful location of the stars, but in the correct handling of financial energy. Some people are able to do this on their own because they have more subtle sensitivity. But in most situations, to develop this ability and achieve success in business, entrepreneurs require comprehensive support, including from magical forces.

Does independent magic work without the participation of an experienced master? Sometimes such rites and rituals are indeed effective if you understand their mechanism and follow the rules of implementation. In addition, you need to be able to feel external forces(elements) in order to involve them in one ritual or another, because it is these forces that must influence the situation in order to change it in the right direction.

There are universal rules for conspiracies and rituals for business:

  • Perform the practices consciously, understanding each of your actions, while at the same time being in a state of light trance, so that you literally dissolve in the atmosphere of the ritual being performed.
  • Pronounce the words of incantations and prayers clearly, delving into the meaning of each word, so that the attracted elements can hear you.
  • Perform rituals in a secluded place, hidden from prying eyes.
  • Do not tell anyone about your practices.
  • Perform the manipulations of the ritual not according to instructions, but according to the spirit - from the heart.
  • If something doesn’t work out or is unclear, consult a specialist.

Almost all rituals use some kind of object - coins, needles, threads, etc. - never use the same object in other rituals. If any special artifacts are used in the ritual, it is better to purchase them directly from the craftsmen who make them. And the main condition for a successful conspiracy is the right attitude. You must be calm, confident, and completely immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the ritual.

Spells for good luck in trade and business

Now let's move on directly to practice. From many different conspiracies and rituals, I have chosen the most simple, effective and suitable for home use.


This ritual will help you attract customers, regardless of whether your business is related to trade or services. Conducted on the eve of the weekend, in the evening, a candle plot is read. Suitable for both start-up businesses and long-established ones to increase turnover.


A ritual that needs to be performed on the eve of making some important transaction or signing a contract. Helps you concentrate very well inner strength, gives calm and confidence and allows you to competently and successfully conduct any negotiations.


A special ritual that will help you cleanse yourself of negativity associated with business, get rid of negative messages from your enemies and competitors. This ritual uses the power of the element of fire, which will not only cleanse you, but also give you success and luck.


A very simple and easy spell, but nevertheless effective. You need to say it every day before starting work. After a while you will become truly lucky man, and your business will always go well.


This ritual is suitable for those who want to realize their grandiose plans and attract really big money. But you must clearly see and understand what you want - to see the end result. And then this ritual will help you achieve what you want.

If independent magic does not work, increase your level, know that nothing is impossible. Having learned to feel external forces and their energy flows, you, with the help of special rituals and practices, will be able to connect them with your potential, ensuring your success and prosperity. And if you need help or advice, contact me and I will help you.

Business magic is, first of all, an amazing way to turn a simple and small business into an enterprise that is thriving throughout. Success in financial affairs always attracts enterprising people, which is understandable - if you can make money, then why not make it? But where does a successful business begin, how are its foundations laid and, most importantly, how not to miscalculate in difficult times of constant economic crises?

Conspiracies for success or business are as popular as rituals for finding love or family happiness

How can magic help you in business?

With the help of magic, you will not only establish a solid foundation, but you will also be able to provide yourself and your family with real, lasting luck. But before performing any magical manipulations, you should firmly decide what your true goals and long-term plans are. Additional income, creating a new enterprise or installing protective talismans for existing businesses. The entire process of preparing for rituals (of varying complexity) directly depends on the reasons why you decided to resort to magical conspiracies and rituals. An experienced magician or sorcerer with many years of experience will provide comprehensive assistance in business, for which magic is simply necessary. You can also create an amulet for good luck in business.

Application of business magic

Every successful man strives for absolute financial independence. This is a completely normal phenomenon when the predominant character trait is the desire to provide stability for oneself and one’s own family. Fierce competition, unexpected losses, unforeseen force majeure situations - it is simply impossible to predict the outcome of this or that enterprise in advance. Difficulties that arise on the way to achieving a goal cannot always be removed using traditional methods, and that’s when magic, special rituals and conspiracies for successful business are used. Conspiracies for success or business are as popular as rituals for finding love or family happiness. For a modern person, the statement that magic is useful for your business may sound stupid and even funny, but only when faced with a problem that is difficult to solve logically does a person think about such things as the energy background, damage and the evil eye (curse). Not everyone has the power to control their own life, because negative programs, external influences, everything that cannot be seen or touched with one’s own hand are invisible until they begin to act and spoil life with constant major troubles. Financial and work magic is the optimal solution for those who do not give up under any circumstances and fight for their life’s work.

Benefits of business magic

The principle of business magic is to protect a person and his business from all kinds of negative influence from the outside, be it unprofitable cooperation or thoughtless, unjustified risks in the enterprise. The key to long-term prosperity lies in caution, and sometimes magical conduct in dubious situations or transactions. Protecting your business and your own well-being is what you should work on and what you should pay close attention and free time to.

Magic for Business covers:

  • rituals for the return of old debts;
  • conspiracies for the well-being of various transactions;
  • general security block for your case;
  • spell for well-being;
  • spell to get extra money;
  • making talismans against bad luck;
  • setting up a wealth program;
  • manipulation of the minds of partners or competitors;
  • protection from external influences on you or your partners.

Often, magic in business is used as a whole set of rituals that accompany large transactions or operations. Such issues are dealt with exclusively by professionals - practicing magicians who know all the nuances of financial affairs and transactions. If you don’t know how to protect yourself and your family from negative external influences, immediately use one of the simple rituals designed to improve the general condition of all areas of your life, including business.

Often magic in business is used as a whole complex of rituals

Ritual for concluding a profitable contract

Before making an important trade where you don't know the outcome, make sure you use all the resources available to you. Operations that require large amounts of money need special protection, because black magic and people who resort to its help can destroy your life’s work in a matter of days. Business partners, no matter who they are, act only in their own interests, and if they are at odds with your priorities, problems are simply inevitable. The ritual for concluding a profitable, and most importantly safe, agreement will provide timely protection at any stage of signing important, legally strong papers.

For a ritual of such complexity, you need things that your partner (the client in the future transaction) came into contact with. This way, you can protect your business from the influence of a specific person. You need to prepare the following in advance:

  • a sheet of paper charged with the energy of a competitor or partner;
  • regular frying pan;
  • matches;
  • pure water.

A simple set of necessary attributes can be found in any kitchen, and with their help you can protect the deal from failure and undesirable consequences.

How to perform a ritual

Magic, business magic, any magical effect requires strict ordering, a precise sequence, thanks to which the ritual receives real magical power. To plot a successful transaction, you should proceed as follows:

  1. Stock up on a sheet of paper that your future partner has touched - this is your connection with his energy background.
  2. Place the frying pan over high heat.
  3. Place the pre-charged sheet into the frying pan and set it on fire.
  4. Say the following words over the ashes:

    “My work is spiritual, I am building my own house, and there are guards around it. I will meet a face on the threshold and be grateful to him. Not him, I will be his power. My words are strong and therefore true. Everything I ask for has been decided. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

  5. Bury the ashes under a tree and wait for the day of the transaction with a calm soul.

Your foresight is important for a successful business, so think through the nuances in advance - how and when deals will be concluded and how you can help yourself.

Attraction of new clients

New clients mean new investments and additional income, and therefore if you can attract a couple of extra partners, don’t waste time - use all kinds of resources. The process of preparing for the ritual of attracting new clients takes several days, but in such a case haste is your worst enemy. Please be patient and have faith in a favorable outcome of the entire event. Conspiracies for new clients are different; choose the most suitable rituals for your specific business.

What is needed for the ritual

To carry out a ritual to attract new promising clients, you should stock up on the following simple things:

  • 5 coins made of copper;
  • a homemade bag made of dark, thick fabric;
  • any cereal that is on hand in the kitchen;
  • salt or starch.

Any porridge is used as a cereal: millet, barley and others. Salt, if it is not found, can be easily replaced with starch or soda. A conspiracy to attract new clients is not the most radically powerful witchcraft, and therefore such rituals can easily be modified to suit your abilities.

How to perform a ritual

Before you begin the main steps of the ritual, you need to sew a homemade bag from any fabric that is lying idle. Then:

  1. Place all the “ingredients” in a bag.
  2. Tie the bag and shake it several times (at least 7 times).
  3. Hang the prepared mixture near the front door.
  4. Every day, before going to bed, say the words of prayer, holding the bag in your sight.
  5. Go to bed peacefully with a positive thought about future successes.
  6. After waking up, touch the bag, charging with its power.

A ritual with coins will improve well-being for a long period

The ritual begins to work no earlier than the tenth day after you attach the mixture. Wait for new clients and develop your own business.

Ritual to increase capital

Rituals that help increase incoming income, thereby increasing capital, are performed only in the dark and under strict secrecy. Neither your family nor your partners should know about secret magical manipulations. Luck will always be on your side if you don’t tell the first person you meet about it. Before performing the ritual, experienced magicians recommend visiting church, praying for loved ones, and repenting of all sins. Having calmed your soul, you can safely begin performing rituals.

What is needed for the ritual

Monetary success is always great luck, proven by hard work. A magical ritual to increase capital requires:

  • wood shavings;
  • glasses of ash or ash;
  • glasses of cereal;
  • wax candle.

A paraffin candle is not the most suitable option for such needs, but any cereal will do: millet or corn porridge.

How to perform a ritual

The services of magicians or sorcerers are not cheap, but the result pays off handsomely. But you can not only secure your business, but also improve your own financial situation without the involvement of specialists. To do this, you should:

  1. Place cereals, ash and shavings in a special container.
  2. After adding the candle, mix the contents of the container thoroughly.
  3. Next, the candle must be lit.
  4. When the shavings and ash are completely crushed, say the words of the spell

    “Prosperity promises to my affairs. Success is coming to my doorstep. There will be no measure of money. Let it be so. Amen".

  5. The plot is repeated 8 more times.
  6. Put out the candle and then wash your face with a mixture of ash and shavings.

After 3 days, unprecedented changes will begin in your affairs and career. Luck will accompany all your endeavors, and your business will grow day by day.

Meditations to attract money to business

The beneficial effects of meditation on the entire human body have been proven for a long time. Concentration of thought strengthens the mind and body, and most importantly helps in the fulfillment of all cherished, hidden desires. People who own a business have been convinced more than once that success goes hand in hand with luck. Well, if by the will of fate you can get rich, then why not call money to yourself magically? Money rituals have been extremely popular for hundreds of years, and have justifiably earned the favor of many wealthy businessmen.

What is needed for the ritual

The power and strength of meditation is that you are able to attract whatever you want into your life. Therefore, to receive and increase income, you need:

  • banknotes of different denominations;
  • relaxing music;
  • paper;
  • various soothing incense, relaxing scented candles.

It may immediately seem that such a method is ineffective, but the only resource you use is your own imagination, but it is this, combined with magic, that turns what you want into an incredible reality.

To meditate on attracting money to business, you need banknotes of different denominations

How to perform a ritual

The magic of money for business is subject to not only experienced magicians, but also ordinary people. All you have to do is follow the clear instructions:

  1. Take the largest bill in the house.
  2. Examine it, remember its smallest details.
  3. Close your eyes, turn on relaxing music.
  4. Imagine how new bills appear around you.
  5. Continue meditation as long as your mind holds a single thought.
  6. Open your eyes, look around.
  7. Take a deep breath.
  8. Write down your secret wish on paper and leave it in your wallet.
  9. Thank the universe for its attention and future help.

Random meditation in business will allow you to calm your mind, understand your own goals, decide on priorities and attract new income.

What is business magic and do you need it? First of all, this is help, a positive push, the ability to defend one’s own cause not only physically, but also at more subtle levels of human perception. It is impossible to protect an enterprise from all adversities, but you can do everything in your power to eliminate the most common risks and dangers awaiting you. Conduct conspiracies before concluding major transactions, attract new clients, increase your own income, and then no crises will be scary for you. The services of sorcerers, no matter how frightening it may sound from the outside, are one of the options for a favorable outcome in a difficult situation. Don’t miss the chance to make life a little easier and richer, and business magic will only contribute to this outcome.

Let's consider in detail the conspiracy for good luck in business and reading money - with detailed description all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

Sometimes things in business don't go the way we would like. There was zero profit, the loans were piled high, and the debts were growing by leaps and bounds. It seems that the business plan has been thought out, but so far there is no point. That's all bad luck! Has Lady Luck turned her back on you? But how to attract and conquer obstinate luck? If you’ve tried everything and didn’t help, then reading business conspiracies certainly won’t hurt. Do everything right, and achievement will follow. Sometimes it’s just help Higher Powers not enough business . Maybe it's time to believe and check? After all, it won’t get worse, and you won’t lose anything. The secrets of success depend not only on you, but sometimes you need to enlist support from above.

Here is a fairly simple, but no less effective conspiracy that promotes success and leads to the conclusion of profitable contracts.

This plot is read when solving important matters. Just say it briefly and clearly:

“I take good luck and leave bad luck.”

No wonder there is a joke that we are not poor people, we don’t need change. Because giving up is failure. Although this is not a sign and you still need to take the change, otherwise you can become bankrupt.

How to make a new business successful?

The fear that a new business might burst like a soap bubble scares almost all businessmen. Nobody wants to incur losses. To reduce the risk of ruining your business, you should plot a business. We will need the following items:

Wait until the sun goes down and then light the candle. Throw the coin into a vessel with water and drip wax from the candle onto the coin. Read this simple speech with intonation in your voice:

“As soft wax turns into hard wax, so my wealth is confirmed and increased. Every day, every week, every month and every year, until the end of human centuries, my wealth will grow, my wealth will grow, like molten wax growing. What is said will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen". Next, pour the water onto damp earth. Keep the coin for yourself and put it in your wallet - this is your money talisman. A talisman prepared in this way will attract financial flows to you and guarantee material well-being.

Centuries-old ritual with an anthill

This ritual is best suited for business success. Do you love nature? Then this ritual is perfect for you. After all, if you are an avid mushroom picker or love walking in the forest, then you can perform a simple ritual with an anthill. It won’t be difficult for you to find a large anthill in the forest, which is located far from highways and paths. All this is needed to hide from prying eyes. After all, the sacrament requires proud loneliness, such is the law of magic. Having found an anthill, take several blades of grass and sticks from the very top and put them in your green bag. Just be careful: do not damage the anthill and do not harm the “little workers.” You should also be careful that the ants do not end up in your bag. We don't need them, don't distract the ants from their worries.

From home you took a blank piece of paper with you. Have taken? Then write down your deepest desires for your business on it. You can also indicate the amount of money you want to receive in the near future. Write and write what you want. How many clients do you need or how much profit do you want to make from your own business? Fold the leaf several times and put it in a bag. Mentally say everything you wrote on the piece of paper. Bring the bag to your office and hang it there. Let the working ants will bring you profit and success in your business. Reading business conspiracies has brought large profits to more than one entrepreneur. It will help you too, just believe that the mystery of the conspiracy for business works, but otherwise it may not work.

A simple ritual against financial losses

You will need fresh basil leaves. Grind them well and put them in a small vessel. After that, pour boiling water over them. Don't pour a lot of water, it's not necessary. Wait until the water cools down and you can begin a simple sacrament. Take it and spray your work area with it. To improve the effect, you can also spray cinnamon tincture. It is also good to use special essential oils, which will only add strength to the ritual. Do such a simple ritual and you will save yourself from financial losses.

By using these easy spells, you can achieve success in business and also avoid financial losses. You just need to do them and not tell anyone. You have to be silent like a fish. There is no need to brag to anyone or explain why you are so lucky. These are the laws of magic that cannot be broken. None of the rich people in your life will admit to you, even at gunpoint, that he did something like that. But things are going well for them and their finances are multiplying. Just do it and forget for a while, and then you are guaranteed to get results.

Powerful spells and prayers for good luck in business

People who are accustomed to creating financial flows on their own know that there are many subtleties and pitfalls in business. The implementation of plans does not always depend on the experience and intelligence of the entrepreneur. There is this thing called luck. Without it, there is no way to cope with such complex issues related to many people and circumstances. They talk a lot about her, they wait for her, they even try to attract her to them. There are special rituals for this. For example, spells for good luck in business. Let's talk about them.

Who does such conspiracies help?

Just a few words about the necessary conditions for using such magic. They are simple. Conspiracies must be believed. Without this nothing will work. If you don't believe me, try it yourself. The second condition, which is recommended to be strictly observed, is the “secrecy of the ritual.” Do not discuss your decision with anyone, do not talk about your experience. If the information becomes known to outsiders, then you may simply be jinxed, thereby neutralizing all your efforts. If you decide to talk about the ritual, then wear an anti-evil eye bracelet.

St. John's wort for a successful business

Very interesting ritual we inherited from Slavic merchants. They believed that the matter should be approached thoroughly. Therefore, they took care of and cherished their luck. And an ordinary herb called St. John's wort helped protect it. You need to collect it yourself, on the day when the moon was just born. They picked St. John's wort at dawn, carefully shaking the dew into a bucket.

Then the bouquet was brought home. You should have washed yourself with dew while still in the field, thanking Perun for the gifts. But the grass was dried for three days. After this, you need to take this bouquet to the place where, in fact, the main business takes place, namely to your office. You should go around the room with it, “sweeping” the walls, corners, window frames, and so on. At the same time the following words are pronounced:

There is no need to throw away the magic bouquet. Place it in a vase in your office. You can do it differently: tie it up and hang it near the door. It will ward off troubles, protect you from the evil eye, attract luck and success, so necessary for any proactive person who is accustomed to taking risks and taking responsibility.

Ritual prayer with water and gold

If for some reason it is not possible to carry out the above ritual, then the following is recommended. It should also be practiced at the birth of the month. Store living water, that is, collected from a natural spring. Pour it into a cup. Place the gold jewelry you wear daily there. Just rinse it first in a salty solution, then running water.

Take the cup with both hands. Read these words on the water:

The plot must be read out loud with concentration seven times in a row. Then drink half of the cup. Place the rest at the head of the bed. And in the morning, drink the rest of the water and put on your jewelry. It should not be removed for a week. Then use it as usual. But it is advisable to wear it to important meetings and business negotiations.

Try not to let the enchanted decoration out of sight. Its state will tell you when enemies have activated. Gold is tarnishing these days, and in the event of a strong attack, the item may break or be lost. If such an event occurs, be sure to perform the ritual again.

An ancient spell for good luck and money

Merchants used to pass words from mouth to mouth that should be read while walking in a funeral procession. The ritual was considered very powerful. The spell should be learned by heart. When you see the procession, line up behind it. Speak the words necessary for a successful business, only then be sure to give to the poor. Here are the words of the conspiracy:

And when you start giving alms, you must say:

Of course, you don’t have to wait until someone you know or, God forbid, your relatives dies. You can go to the cemetery, stand at the gate. Within an hour or two, the funeral procession will definitely arrive. Follow her and read the plot. And then look for poor people near the gate and give them a coin or a bill. The ritual is performed only on the waxing moon, like all rituals associated with increasing material wealth! Good luck!

Rituals and rituals to attract good luck into your life

Our life is a strange thing: it presents some people with many benefits, without requiring any special efforts from them, while for others - practically nothing, despite all their diligence in the struggle for happiness. What determines such a distribution if not luck?

Rituals and conspiracies will help attract fortune

Believing in it or not is a personal matter for everyone, but there is hardly a person who has never blasphemed it without receiving what they wanted in return for their efforts. So how to attract good luck? How to enlist the help of Fortune? Special spells and rituals for good luck will help in this difficult task.

Various rituals for good luck

A huge number of rituals dedicated to attracting good luck are primarily aimed at luck in financial matters and in work or business. Whether we want it or not, material goods and luck are closely related in a natural way: if a person wants to conclude an important deal, get a job Good work or sell the property for as much as possible, a good luck ritual would be a completely reasonable step.

But it’s no secret that money can’t buy happiness, so there are universal ways to attract luck to yourself, covering a greater number of aspects of life. Magic, rituals for good luck and spells can always help in performing such a task:

  1. A ritual for good luck through birds.
  2. A conspiracy for better pay.
  3. A ritual for good luck in business.
  4. A ritual for good luck in business through cream.
  5. Spell for money and luck on black bread.
  6. A ritual for good luck and happiness.
  7. Happy water.
  8. Ring of luck.
  9. Chan Chu, or Money Toad.

Rite for good luck through birds

Since ancient times, birds have personified the connection between the earthly stronghold and the vault of heaven, which is why rituals associated with them to attract good luck have special power.

What is needed for the ritual

Birds are not as picky as people, so for a ritual for money and luck, the magician will need:

To perform a ritual for good luck with the help of birds, you need to stock up on millet

  • a handful of millet;
  • bread crumbs.

How to perform a ritual

This ritual for good luck and money is carried out during the day during the waxing moon. The conspirator needs to do the following in order:

  1. Choose a location for the ritual. Preference is given to deserted green areas, especially forested areas.
  2. Having arrived at the chosen site, you need to wait for birdsong.
  3. In response to the chirping, the brought delicacies are thrown to the birds with a conspiracy:

“Every bird sings, every bird brings food to its chicks, one cuckoo is a thin mother to its cuckoos, I will not throw bread to the cuckoo. Little birds, here’s a treat for you, take it to the little kids. Just as I feed and treat you, so would I, God’s servant (name), receive all kinds of prosperity and good things. Amen".

Conspiracy for better pay

This spell for wealth and good luck allows you to attract prosperity without leaving your workplace. All a fortune seeker needs is the right frame of mind.

How to perform a ritual

You can perform this ritual for luck as follows:

  1. Take the most comfortable position so that extraneous thoughts do not distract from the plot, and concentrate on the ritual.
  2. Turn your gaze in the direction where payments are made: usually they look towards the accounting department.
  3. Read the following plot:

“The Apostle Andrew caught fish on the Sea of ​​Galilee with Jesus Christ, our Lord, and said: “Lord Jesus Christ, send me a rich catch, so I can shovel the money.” So may the Lord not forget God’s servant (name), do not bypass him, give him good things, feed him, give him something to drink. Amen, amen, amen."

Rite for good luck in business

A somewhat scrupulous, but powerful and old magical ritual for good luck in business, after which the magician will soon notice how his business has gone uphill.

How to perform a ritual

Before starting a ritual to attract good luck, you need to wait until the end of the working day. Once all employees have left, you can begin the ritual as follows:

  1. The conspirator approaches the safe, the cash register or other place where money is stored, opens it and reads:

“The Jordan River flows from under Mount Siyanskaya. The Mother of God walked over the river and spoke to the river. Mother River, you flow quickly and furiously, you wash away the gold of the banks. Save my goods, my gold and silver. Be my good untouchable, unharmed, come to me, servant of God (name), quickly, irrevocably, irrevocably. Just as a fish does not go against water, so do not go against gold against me, go straight into my hands, at dawn, at evening, every day, at every hour, every day under the sun, at night under the moon, under the frequent stars, clear, under the whole world of God. To my words the key and the lock, in the name of the Lord, the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen".

  • After reading the plot, you need to lock the money vault and go home, without talking or greeting anyone along the way.
  • Upon arrival home, they fill a glass with water and speak it with the words:

    “Along the Seyanskaya mountain, along the Egyptian land Mother of God she walked around, collected droplets of dew, carried them into the house, helped the servant of God (name). The house has become a full cup, not yours, but ours. With God's help, it is to our joy and not to anyone's envy. Multiply, wealth, multiply, multiply. For joy and goodness, so that there is light for everyone. Amen".

  • They wash their face three times with the charmed water, after which they sprinkle the corners of the house, and drink the rest.
  • Charms for good luck in business through cream

    Strong spell rituals for good luck and wealth can be not only effective, but also delicious. Such rituals include a cream spell.

    What is needed for the ritual

    To perform a magic ritual for good luck you will need:

    To perform the ceremony, you need to buy fresh cow's milk at the market.

    • fresh cow's milk bought at the market;
    • Bowl;
    • cup;
    • tablespoon.

    How to perform a ritual

    Few business conspiracies can boast such pleasant accompaniment. To implement this plan it is necessary:

    1. Early in the morning you need to go to the market and buy fresh cow’s milk, and preferably even fresh milk.
    2. Arriving home, pour the milk into a bowl, cover with a towel and place in a cool, dark place. A cellar is good for this kind of thing.
    3. The next day you can see how the cream has formed. They must be carefully removed and placed in a glass.
    4. The resulting cream speaks with the words:

    “I, servant of God (name), will go out from door to door, from gate to gate.

  • I’ll go along the country road, and along the narrow path. May I see Mother Cow - Mother Cow with steep sides. How Mother Cow will give me cream, fresh cream. As soon as I drink some fresh cream, the great strength within me will awaken. With that great strength I will turn a pea. How gold and silver will fall on me from a small bowl. Yes, how will I be all in gold and silver. And now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".
  • The charmed cream is drunk in three sips. If there are more of them than planned, they are shared with comrades in the case.

    Spell for money and luck on black bread

    Conspiracies for good luck and luck are a very good and effective way to find what you want in the future, especially if Vanga herself shared this conspiracy with the world.

    What is needed for the ritual

    For the ritual, the conspirator will only need a small slice of black bread.

    How to perform a ritual

    This ritual should be performed exclusively at night, without prying eyes and on an empty stomach. Having found a secluded place at home after sunset, the magician must:

    1. Place a pre-prepared slice of black bread in front of you.
    2. Read the spell above him in a half-whisper three times:

    “God, as you fed all the hungry and needy during your lifetime, so help all members of my family so that they always feel full. Bring good luck to me and take away grief. May the long road of happiness, satiety and joy come to my home and never end. I solemnly promise to spend every penny wisely and help everyone who needs it. Amen".

    Ritual for good luck and happiness

    This ritual is aimed at attracting good luck in all aspects of life and has considerable power, but requires a little endurance.

    What is needed for the ritual

    A person seeking happiness will need:

    How to perform a ritual

    The ritual should begin exactly at midnight from Saturday to Sunday. The magician's algorithm is as follows:

    1. You need to stand between a pair of mirrors so that your face is reflected in the first, and your back in the second. Mirrors should be parallel.
    2. They light a candle flame and, without taking their eyes off it, read the plot:

    “There is a golden church, with a silver throne, a speaking icon, looking at me. I will enter the church, stand before the throne under the icon, before Mother of God. Mother of God, make me happy from this day forward. I’ll go out with my own feet, I’ll take happiness with my hands.”

  • The conspiracy is repeated non-stop as long as the fire burns.
  • The wax of an extinguished candle is hidden in a secret place.
  • Waking up in the morning, you need to visit three churches and light a candle to the Mother of God in each.
  • Happy water

    In our era, it remains no secret to anyone that water is not just a liquid, but also a keeper of information, emotions and feelings that a person shares with it.

    Water is a keeper of information

    This ritual is for good luck in life and is based on such an unusual feature of the source of life.

    What is needed for the ritual

    For the ritual, the future lucky person will need:

    How to perform a ritual

    This ritual with water is very simple to perform, it can be repeated daily or even more often and it does not require any financial investment or special effort. All a person really needs is his positive emotions. The ritual should be performed in this way:

    1. During the day, water is filled into the vessel. It is advisable that this be at noon, when the Sun shines especially brightly.
    2. A vessel with water is placed on the windowsill or in any other place. In this case, the main condition is that the sun's rays must touch the water.
    3. The conspirator says pleasant words to the water, which should be accompanied by positive emotions. You can talk about love, happiness, joy, luck, respect, etc. – what you want to put into the water, that’s what you share with it.

    They drink “happy” water.

    Ring of luck

    Many lucky and successful people all over the planet there is something that brings them well-being - their lucky talisman. This ritual will help you create your own amulet, which will do its best to ward off possible failures of its wearer.

    What is needed for the ritual

    For the ritual the magician will need:

    • any decoration, preferably a silver ring;
    • salt;
    • water;
    • Bowl.

    Preparing for the ritual

    The ritual is performed exclusively on the waxing Moon. Clouds and clouds should not hide the luminary on the chosen night. The preparation proceeds as follows:

    1. Before you start creating a talisman, you need to choose a piece of jewelry that will be endowed with magical properties. It is recommended to give preference to silver rings.
    2. When the choice is completed, the magician begins to cleanse the future amulet in order to rid it of all kinds of vices. To do this, you will need to take water into a bowl, salt it, and then put the product in the vessel. When cleansing read:

    “Water, water, cleanse the ring of everything bad, of everything unnecessary. Water takes in everything unnecessary. The ring becomes clean before my eyes.”

    After reading the plot, the silver ring should be left in salt water for 10 minutes

    After reading the plot, the decoration is left in salt water for 10 minutes. After the time has passed, the bowl is emptied.

    How to perform a ritual

    When the jewelry to create a magical talisman has already been selected and cleaned, the magician continues the spell like this:

    1. The cleaned ring is put on the right one and they go outside.
    2. They look at the Moon and, extending their hand to it, say:

    “Moonlight, help! Charge the ring with good luck (love, wealth, health, etc.)!”

  • It is important that moonlight falls on the future amulet.
  • After the words of the conspiracy, the decoration is removed and left on the street, going to bed.
  • Early in the morning they return for their talisman and put it on, saying:

    “The ring is on me! Good luck (love, wealth, health, etc.) to me!”

    Chan Chu, or Money Toad

    The tradition associated with the Money Toad came to Europe from distant China. According to legends, Chan Chu was of a terrible temper and harmed the lower Chinese gods. When the Buddha found out about this, he deprived her of one limb and forced her to serve people as atonement. Since then, the Money Toad has been a symbol of the prosperity of a family or enterprise.

    Where to put the Money Toad

    Despite the fact that Chan Chu is very popular, many people do not know where to place the toad for it to be beneficial, which is why they release positive energy flows from the house. That is, the wrong location can be accompanied by family failures. Therefore, according to the old Chinese traditions, Chan Chu should be in the following places:

    • in the living room;
    • in the corner diagonally to the front door;
    • on the windowsill with his back to the street.

    To increase the effect and increase the luck given by the Money Toad, it can be placed in a favorite place - in the water.

    If Chan Chu is located at work, then the ideal place for her would be where money turnover or transactions occur intensively.

    What are Money Toads?

    Exist different types Chan Chu figurines and each of them has its own unique purpose:

    1. Chan Chu sitting on a large pile of coins. She will give her owner financial independence.
    2. Chan Chu with the Bagua symbol - an ancient Chinese trigram symbolizing the eight elements. The Toad will attract cash flows, and Bagua will protect the monastery from destructive energy.
    3. Chan Chu with Hotei, the god of prosperity, whom many people mistakenly identify with Buddha. The ancient god will direct streams of luck towards the career of the owner of the house.
    4. Chan Chu with his mouth open. You need to put a coin in the toad's mouth. There is a belief that if Chan Chu spits out a coin, the owner of the house will experience rapid financial growth.

    What to do with the Money Toad

    Chan Chu's presence in the house alone is not enough to satisfy all the owners' needs for her services. For the Money Toad to be more useful, you need to interact with it regularly. By talking with the figurine and sharing plans for the future, the owners provide themselves with a huge flow of positive energy, bringing money and luck to the house.

    A spell for good luck in business

    Plot for good luck in business

    In the present life, a person feels an acute lack of just one large and significant “little thing” - luck. People often complain that they lack the “lady luck” in their daily routine. A plot for good luck in business helps to attract this capricious lady.

    When your head is crowded with thoughts about the lack of money, depression overwhelms you, your business partners drive you crazy with stupidity or cunning, every working day brings another portion of troubles, you shouldn’t drown in this swamp. After all, there is a wonderful, albeit not entirely logical, remedy. The solution to the problem can be found in magical rites, you need to use a spell for good luck in business. The ritual will help to lure Lady Fortune and make her a permanent inhabitant of your office or cozy house.

    Preparing for the ceremony

    • the ritual is carried out only during the waxing moon;
    • negative thoughts, memories of failures should be forgotten (even if temporarily);
    • faith in the effectiveness of the ritual should reign in the soul.

    Plot for good luck in business: preparation

    You can attract good luck only in a pure aura

    Most of the negativity falls on our heads thanks, so to speak, to destructive energy fields generated by those around us, freely penetrating our lives. This circumstance also affects the magical process. Before performing any ritual, you should cleanse your energy field and prepare it for the changes that will happen if you correctly select and read the plot for good luck in business.

    For example, a regular ritual with salt will do. Even a schoolboy can handle it, and the effect will be stunning. To perform the ritual you will need a little ordinary salt and a glass of holy water. People who, due to their worldview, do not want to deal with church paraphernalia, are advised to take water from a clean natural source (spring, spring, well).

    On any Thursday at dawn, place a glass of holy water in front of you, hold salt in your palms. Look at her and say the following words:

    “Oh, pure and white salt! Cleanse me, God's servant (name), from filth, witchcraft, black magician and eye, illness and sin of infection. Sol, take away all the bad things from me. Amen!"

    Repeat the words of the prayer seven times. Then slowly pour the salt into a glass of water. Accompany it with these words:

    “Everything will go with the salt, everything will come with the salt. Amen!"

    The glass should be left at the head of the bed overnight. In the morning, take it outside and pour it in a remote place. Otherwise, your negativity may spread to a random passerby. After this, you can begin to perform the ritual, read the plot at random in business and affairs.

    Plot for good luck in business: cleaning

    Magic for starting a career or project

    If you are just starting a new business, striving to take a higher position, or climb the career ladder, then to attract positive help from the Universe, it is recommended to use the morning prayer for water. This is how it is done. As soon as you get up, pour some water into a glass and read the special texts. First “Our Father”, then the formula below. This should be done for a month, but some people don’t stop there. Such a spell for good luck in business helps protect against accidental evil eyes and malicious magical attacks. You should not miss even one day, this will negatively affect the result of magical work.

    “Water-water, a powerful element, I speak and pronounce for good luck, for success, for the well-being of God’s servant (name). Whatever I started, everything would go uphill. I threw the grain into dry soil so that it would germinate. Any business brought profit, but the evil spirits did not take away the power. Word into water means action into life! Amen!"

    As soon as you say the magic words, you need to wash your face with this water.

    Plot for good luck in business: start

    Ritual with water and gold

    To attract fortune in business, it is recommended to carry out such a ritual. It is tied to two magical symbols: days of the week - Wednesday, the growing queen of the night. That is, plan the ritual for the first Wednesday of the growing month. At midnight, at clear sky, when the month is clearly visible and does not dive behind the clouds, you can start. For the conspiracy you will need a bowl of holy water, gold coins and a ring. If there are no jewelry in the house, then under no circumstances replace them with fakes. Borrow magical attributes from relatives or elsewhere. You need to put the coins with the ring into the bowl, clasp it with your hands and read the words of the conspiracy:

    “Lord, send me great help and Your heavenly will! There is no place for me in the world without Your tender care and strength. I’ll bring you a bowl of water and ask you to give me good luck on my path. Help in fate and life. I ask you to add lines of light and prosperity to them with Your palm. The month grows, gives life in the night. This is how my business grows in profit and success. I ask for blessings on achievements in my work. Amen!"

    Repeat the spell seven times in a row, taking a sip of water after each one. At the end of the ceremony, drink the remaining water, and you can take the ring with coins with you as a talisman.

    A spell for good luck in dealing with water and gold

    If things go wrong

    Sometimes businessmen are faced with unpredictable factors that destroy what they have built and level out previous victories. A spell for good luck in business helps to normalize the situation very effectively. To lure fortune into business, it is recommended to perform a soap ritual. It is considered one of the most effective in situations where things are not going quite as we would like. Such a ritual can turn the negative energy towards the author, interrupt the dark streak of life, and change it to a bright one.

    You will need a soap, a coin and a red thread. The ritual should be performed in the morning at sunrise on Thursday. It must be kept secret from the curious. Their energy should not disturb you. Only homemade soap is used. Fans of liquid products are advised to buy regular soap and use it for several days. As soon as there is a small piece left, wait for Thursday with it. Tie the soap around with a red thread, accompanying the ritual action with the following words:

    “How quickly does this soap wash off?

    And so my bad luck ends.

    Like gold coins hitting the ground,

    So they turn into a golden stream into my home.

    I show the way to luck with a red thread

    I forever tie her to my destiny.

    As I say, let it be so. Amen!"

    After you read the spell for good luck, take the soap and coins to the yard. Bury under a thick tree (oak works great). Level the ground and draw a cross with the pointing finger of your working hand (right or left, whichever you write). So say:

    Now leave, do not turn around under any circumstances and do not talk to anyone along the way.

    Spell for good luck in business protection

    Two words, but the most important ones

    Special rituals for good luck in all endeavors can be considered effective when you set yourself a clear and precise goal for achieving success. Here it is important to carry out general cleaning in the “turtle”. You'll be surprised how much junk is stored there. Feel free to throw away worries and doubts, and envy, jealousy and hatred must be destroyed quickly and uncompromisingly.

    Magic is a great sacrament. It is intimate and fragile. Nobody should know about this. Luck is a sensitive, subtle matter, so you need to cast a spell for success in business only with the faith that it will happen. Any crazy thought that throws you off this wave is like a broken motor part. The car won't move. If a person himself doubts the effectiveness of his idea, then nothing good will happen. To enlist support from Above, choose the ritual with your soul. Read the description and try to understand whether there is any unpleasant “aftertaste” left from the logic of the actions or the essence of the ritual. The chosen one should be performed in compliance with all recommendations.

  • A business conspiracy will help those people who have decided to open their own business or are going through difficult times when only a miracle can save their favorite business. IN modern world Fierce competition and the financial crisis make it quite difficult to stand on your feet and develop your own business. Ancient spells are absolutely safe and harmless, and their effectiveness has been proven by time.

    How to attract money and luck in business

    Every person has an inherent desire to live in comfort and prosperity. In times of crisis and fierce competition, achieving the desired success is quite difficult. In order for your own business to generate income, you can use special spells for good luck in business or rituals to successfully promote your own business.

    Rules for reading conspiracies

    In order for a business to prosper, develop and generate income, it is not enough to simply read the words of the conspiracy and perform the ritual. In order for conspiracies and rituals for business success to really work and help you achieve your goal, you need to carefully study the rules for reading them.

    • Conspiracies for profit and good luck in business should be read during the waxing moon or on the new moon;
    • before performing the ritual, you need to cleanse yourself - wash, take a shower and concentrate on performing the ritual;
    • It is advisable to perform the ritual on an empty stomach;
    • conspiracy to financial well-being you need to read completely alone - the presence of strangers is not allowed;
    • It is advisable to read the text of the conspiracy from memory, and not from a piece of paper.

    When performing rituals and reading conspiracies for good luck in business, visualization is important. A person must clearly understand final goal, and most importantly, believe that prayer will help you achieve success in your work. It is better to carry out such a ritual on Thursday, on the waxing moon.

    Plot for good luck in business

    In order to attract good luck in business and develop their own business, people often turn to the help of ancient and safe spells. One of the most popular is the candle and change conspiracy. It is very simple to carry out such a ceremony. To do this you will need 3 church candles and coins.

    Early in the morning you should go to church and buy 3 candles there. You need to pay with large bills and ask for change in coins and small bills. The remaining coins from the purchase must be distributed to the poor and vagabonds, while saying the words of the prayer: “As I give to you, God’s servant, with all my heart, so the Lord will thank me and increase my well-being.”

    After giving out alms, you need to go to your workplace and not talk to anyone before coming to work.

    It happens that a favorite activity or business ceases to bring pleasure and profit. To improve the state of affairs, you should use a soap spell. This ritual will help get rid of negative impact and stop the bad streak in life. To carry out an effective conspiracy for good luck in business you will need:

    • a piece of soap that has already been used (remnant);
    • coin;
    • red thread.

    The ritual with soap should be performed at dawn, preferably in the middle of the week (preferably on Thursday). In a deserted place, you need to dig a hole and put all the objects there, reading the words of the hex.

    After reading the prayer, the hole must be dug up and leveled. You should draw a cross on the surface of the earth with your right hand and say: “The word is the law!” You must leave the ceremony site without looking back. You are also not allowed to talk to anyone on the way back.

    A conspiracy to make business prosper

    In order for a business to prosper, develop and regularly make a profit, you can use a simple and effective coin spell.

    • a small emerald candle;
    • copper coin;
    • small container without inscriptions or drawings;
    • spring water.

    The ritual should be done on the waxing moon, at sunset. Place a container of spring water on the table and light a candle. Throw a copper coin into the water, drip candle wax onto the surface of the water, pronouncing the words of the spell.

    After reading the text of the hex, the remaining water must be poured into the ground, in a deserted place. The coin should be saved and kept with you at all times. Such a talisman will always attract good luck and financial flows to its owner.

    One of the simplest but most effective ways is a conspiracy for the new month. To carry out a ritual for the prosperity and development of the business, you need to stock up on consecrated, or, as a last resort, spring water, ordinary salt, a small piece of cloth (you can use an ordinary handkerchief) and three coins.

    At midnight, on the waxing moon, you need to go outside. Stir a pinch of salt in a glass, sprinkle 3 coins with this water and take them in your hand. Next, looking at the sky and the young moon, you need to say the following words: “The moon is young! How many stars are in the sky, how much water is in the sea, so much money will be in my wallet!”

    After pronouncing the magic words, the coins need to be wrapped in a scarf and put in a secluded place. This ritual can be performed every month on the new moon or in the first days of the waxing moon phase.

    Conspiracy for profit in business

    To increase business profits, you can use an effective apple spell. Before reading the text of a simple conspiracy, you need to prepare for the ritual, be patient and allocate a sufficient amount of time. The ceremony is performed on the waxing moon.

    Important! For a ritual with apples, it is best to use fruits collected from trees with your own hands.

    To carry out the ritual you will need 20 ripe apples. If possible, it is better to collect the fruit yourself. If this is not possible, then you need to go to the market and buy apples from your hands. When purchasing, you cannot haggle or take change. Fruits purchased at the market must be washed and placed in a beautiful container, perhaps in a basket.

    On the first day of the waxing moon phase, it is necessary to distribute 14 apples to the poor. On the second day, you need to distribute 3 more apples to those in need. On the third day, the conspirator needs to go to church, place the remaining fruits on the funeral table and pronounce the words of the slander.

    A spell for profit in business using apples is quite effective. If the ritual is carried out correctly, and the text of the conspiracy is read without hesitation, the result will not be long in coming.

    Important! Since ancient times, to attract wealth and prosperity native land used an ancient Siberian spell for St. John's wort.

    You cannot use dried herbs purchased at a pharmacy or store, in this case the plot will not work. As a last resort, St. John's wort can be taken from a loved one whom the conspirator trusts.

    The ritual and reading of the text of the prayer should be carried out on the waxing moon. St. John's wort is dried for 10 days and magic words are read over it.

    The dried herb must be placed in a bag and taken to the workplace. You can hide the amulet in a closet or other furniture. You cannot tell anyone about the ceremony.

    Conspiracy to successfully open a business

    Beginners who are just planning to open their own business carefully weigh the pros and cons. To get rid of doubts and “swear” the support of the Universe, you can read a simple conspiracy to successfully open a business.

    A simple ritual will help you establish business contacts with future partners, protect you from unsuccessful transactions, and also help you avoid competition in any field of activity.

    To perform a simple ritual you will need:

    • deep container of white color, small size, without inscriptions or drawings;
    • spring water;
    • paper bill;
    • Golden ring, maybe an engagement party.

    Immediately before reading the plot, you need to go to the window, pour water into a container and immerse the gold ring in it. Before immersing in water, the gold jewelry used must be cleaned with salt and rinsed in running water. Cover a glass of water and a ring with a bill, pick it up and read the text of the conspiracy.

    The text of the prayer should be read for 10 days without breaks. Each time you drink a small amount of water from a glass. At the end of the ritual, the container with the bill must be covered with a white cloth and stored in a dark place until the next day.

    On the last day, sprinkle a few bills with the remaining water from the cup. The ring and banknote used in the ritual should be kept with you as a talisman and talisman for successful business.


    Any business conspiracy, even the simplest one, is quite effective if you believe in it. Simple rituals for good luck will help both beginners and experienced businessmen open and develop their own business. Magic words spoken out loud allow you to tune a person’s consciousness to success, well-being and help you take confident steps towards achieving your goal, despite the difficulties.

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