Is it possible to replant onions? When to replant perennial onions in the fall. Use and combination with other plants in the outdoor garden

This species began to be cultivated in ancient times, it became the first of all known to mankind onion plants. For the first time they learned to grow it on Far East, and from there the vegetable slowly spread throughout the world. This is an unpretentious and very useful greenery, and in addition, an effective decorative decoration for the garden. Today we will talk about what onion is. Planting before winter is most preferable for Russian latitudes.

General characteristics of the plant

This is a perennial plant of the lily family. It can grow in one place for 7 years or even more, which is very convenient. This may explain how popular the onion is. Planting before winter is another plus, because at this time there is not much work in the garden plot.

This plant does not form a real bulb, but a false one. More and more new shoots and leaves are formed from its bottom until the very end. Its leaves are tubular, hollow, covered with a waxy coating. They have high taste and are also very healthy. In our country, the Russian subspecies of this plant is mainly cultivated; it has dark green, sharp leaves that become coarse very quickly, so if you are late in harvesting, just cut them off at the root, a new crop will soon grow.

Spring planting

If any plant is frost-resistant, it is the spring onion. Planting before winter does not threaten it in any way even in the case of little snow and very cold season. However, if you were unable to get a few bushes of plants that can be divided and planted, but purchased seeds, then wait until spring.

May or the first week of June is best for this. As usual, make a bed, thoroughly remove weeds and insect larvae, level the surface with a rake and apply fertilizer. Do not water so that the resulting hard crust does not interfere with planting. Pre-soak the seeds in warm water, slightly tinted with potassium permanganate.

If you are worried about this, you can plant them more often and then thin them out, but optimally 1 g per 1 m2. The planting depth is relatively small, 1-3 cm. The first shoots are expected in about 10 days. You should not collect greens this summer, otherwise the plant will not overwinter well.

Correct planting pattern

In the case of planting seeds, this does not matter, since in this way we obtain seedlings, which are dug up in the fall and transferred to the main place of residence. But then you need to start planning, since this is a perennial and does not need to be disturbed for many years. To do this, lay out the bed so that there is a square of approximately 25*25 cm left for each bush.

In early September, dig up young plants that you have grown from seeds or bought at the store and transfer them to the prepared bed.

Selection of soil and location

Another important event that must be carried out before it takes place in September, when all the harvest has been harvested and the garden plot has been put in order. It will grow in almost any area, unpretentious to soil composition and lighting. The lighter the soil (sandy), the more attention should be paid to watering. Acidic and heavy, clayey areas, as well as deep shade, are not suitable for growth.

The optimal location is a sunny ridge where tomatoes or cucumbers used to grow. This way you will improve the soil, and then you will be able to return the previous garden crop to it.

Summer care

Today, almost everyone has onions in their garden. Growing and caring for them do not take much time, and there are always juicy feathers in the garden that can be added to salads, crumbled into soup or borscht. Like any other garden plant, it needs to be fertilized, watered, weeded and loosened. And the younger the plant, the more attention it requires. A formed bush that is 2-3 years old will no longer be able to be clogged with weeds, even if you forget about weeding for the whole summer, the main thing is to water it on time, because the grass very greedily absorbs moisture and nutrients from the soil.

Another point that gardeners need to know when planting and caring for them is mandatory feeding if you want to see powerful bushes with large, crispy and juicy feathers. Summer seedlings can be fed with mullein solution or a complex of mineral fertilizers. In this case, add 50 g of ammonium nitrate, 20 g of sodium chloride and 30 g of superphosphate to a bucket of water. This is a universal solution that is suitable for any onion, regardless of the year of life on your site.

In the fall, too, one cannot do without applying fertilizers. This is necessary so that the plant quickly begins to grow as soon as the sun warms the ground. A very good option is forest humus or leaves rotted in a compost heap. It is better to leave more active substances and microelements until spring so that they do not cause rapid growth when the plant needs to prepare for winter.


The plant requires regular watering throughout the growing season. From the very first day, when the first shoots appeared on the surface of the earth, until September, you need to constantly monitor the condition of the soil. Without watering, the leaves quickly become coarser, become bitter and unsuitable for food. All that remains is to cut them off and wait for new ones to grow. If you moisten the soil daily, you can significantly increase the shelf life of onion feathers soft and green. Planting spring onions in the fall is done in a pre-moistened (on the eve of planting) bed, after which there is no need for watering, since the active growing season is over. It's already much cooler outside and it's raining more often.

There is one more point that should be mentioned. In the second or third year, the batun begins to produce fluffy inflorescence heads in which the seeds ripen. They should not be cut, as they are excellent honey plants. After ripening, the seeds can be collected; they remain viable for 2-3 years. If you are planning to freshen up your baton planting in the coming years, these may come in handy. We remind you that seating is possible. Each dug up bush is disassembled into dozens of small plants, any of which will have a root and several leaves.

Autumn, preparation for winter

Summer is coming to an end, and we need to take care of our garden bed so that next year it will again delight us with lush greenery. Carefully inspect the plantings. If the bushes grow too crowded, you may need to remove some of them. The most lush ones can be dug up and divided if you are planning to expand the bed. If you are interested, the answer is clear - in September. During the warm autumn period, it will have time to take root and prepare for winter.

This onion does not have the “turnip” that is familiar to us, so there is no need to harvest the autumn harvest; all it can give you is summer greens. To prevent plants from being exposed various diseases, remove all damaged, dried or rotten leaves from them. The rest will dry out before the end of autumn, and with the onset of spring, the false bulb will begin a new phase of leaf growth.

The second half of October - early November is the time to prepare for winter. Despite the fact that batun is a fairly frost-resistant crop, it is necessary to protect it from sudden temperature changes (thaws and cold snaps), as well as attacks from rodents, which snowy winters become a real disaster for garden plots.

To do this, the bed with onions is mulched with forest humus, covered with sawdust, spruce paws and pressed down with boards. If you want to surprise your friends, then in early spring remove all covering materials, carefully sweep away the sawdust and cover the bed with film. By the time the snow melts for everyone else, you will have green onions. A photo of the garden bed taken at this time will be the most spectacular of the entire summer cottage period.

Pests and diseases

Like all plants, onions have their enemies. In order to protect against rodent attacks, it is best to cover the bushes with old pots or buckets. Another way to combat these pests is with ultrasonic devices that repel mice. The world of insect pests and fungal diseases is much more diverse. There are more than 50 of them, but the most common are bottom rot, downy mildew, and smut. Among insect lovers of spicy culture, it is necessary to highlight the onion secretive proboscis and thrips.

To protect plantings from such a scourge, you need to treat them with special chemicals. In the spring, these are preventive measures using a special drug against late blight. But the most important rule is to change the place where the crop grows at least every 7 years.

How to preserve greens for a long time

As you know, onions cannot be saved for the winter; they are the tender child of sunny summer. But there are still two ways you can use to enjoy greenery in winter. The first is the preparation of green feathers for future use. This can be pickling: chopped leaves are placed in a jar and sprinkled with salt. The jar is stored in the refrigerator. In addition, greens can be frozen or pickled.

Another option is to transplant several bushes into a pot in the fall and place them on the window. All winter they will give you fresh herbs absolutely free and at the same time decorate the interior of the room.

Nutritional value

It’s not for nothing that onions are considered a cure for all diseases. Its unique composition includes many macro- and microelements. These are calcium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium. In addition, it contains an impressive set of vitamins. These are C, E, K, PP, almost the entire group B. And this is with soft taste and the opportunity to decorate the table, which onions give us. You already know how to grow it, and now you can all year round please yourself and your loved ones with green feathers.

Onion: growing from seeds, sowing through seedlings

Batun can be grown not only by direct sowing in the ground, but also by early sowing for seedlings. This method will allow you to get greens for the table already in the first year of growing onions from seeds.

You can grow seedlings at home on a windowsill in a box, or in a greenhouse.

Sowing batun onions in boxes

The sequence of growing onions from seeds in boxes:

In early to mid-March, pre-wetted seeds are sown in furrows with row spacing of 4-5.5 cm; The boxes are placed in a warm place (18-25°C); When seedlings appear, the boxes are moved to a bright place, and the temperature is reduced to 14-16°C. Seedlings can be planted in the garden as early as mid-May.

The period of seedling formation from germination to the appearance of 3-4 leaves lasts about 55-60 days.

Method 3: Growing seedlings in a film or polycarbonate greenhouse

The procedure for growing batun seedlings in a greenhouse:

A special steam bed is being prepared. Dig a small trench and lay manure mixed with straw as a base at the bottom. A layer of earth 8-10 cm thick is laid on top, and a substrate consisting of rotted sawdust, humus, peat and turf soil in a ratio of 4:4:1:4 is poured on top of it. Add one tablespoon of complex fertilizer and half a glass of ash to a bucket of the mixture. The seeds are pre-prepared as described above, and the bed is watered abundantly. The seeds are laid out on the surface according to a 1x5 cm pattern, then a 1 cm layer of humus is poured on top. The surface of the bed is lightly rolled.

From the moment the seeds are sowed, the temperature in the greenhouse is maintained at 18-20°C, then lowered to 10-12°C for a week, then raised again to 15-16°C during the day. During severe frosts, the beds are additionally covered, and on hot days they are ventilated.

Usually the batun is grown without picking, subject to thinning out too frequent shoots. The distance between seedlings after thinning is about 2 cm.

Before planting in the ground, seedlings are well watered.

Caring for young onion plantings

    Plantings need to be watered quite often, since onions are sensitive to dry soil - the leaves become coarser and the taste quality decreases. Weeding is carried out as weeds appear. Onions are a weak competitor for weeds, so the soil around the sprouts must be kept clean. Loosening of the soil is carried out up to 5-6 times during the season. It is advisable to loosen the soil around the seedlings after rains and waterings - this prevents the formation of a soil crust. Onions are fed with mineral fertilizers 2 times per season. The first time - 25-30 days after the emergence of seedlings, apply 10-15 g of complex fertilizer per 1 m2. The second time, a month before the onset of frost, potassium nitrate is given (10-15 g per 1 m2). In summer, you can feed the onion plantation with regular ash.

Caring for onions for the second and subsequent years

The batun onion does not require shelter for the winter; it quietly winters in the open ground in the Moscow region. In the spring, after the snow has melted, the remaining leaves are removed from the beds. It is possible (but not necessary) to cover the sprouts with lutrasil or spunbond to obtain feathers earlier.

In the second and subsequent years of cultivation, plant care measures are the same as in the first year. These include timely weeding and watering (the soil under the onions should not dry out). Feeding is carried out up to three times per season, and the first time is fed with fertilizers with a predominance of nitrogen. These can be organic fertilizers - mullein or bird droppings, as well as ammonium nitrate. Loosening is required.

In one place, batun is cultivated without replanting for no more than 4-5 years. If you want to renew the plantings using the vegetative method, the bushes are disassembled into seedlings, the leaves are cut off and planted in a prepared bed. You can replant the onion at any time - it takes root well.

Batun onion cultivation and care for Russian winter varieties, tenderness, parade

After two years of growth in one place, the onions will need to be fertilized with mineral fertilizers, and the soil in the garden bed should be loose and free of weeds.

You can also grow onion as an annual plant. Sow the seeds in late spring and harvest the leaves and small bulbs in the fall. With this method of cultivation, you can sow more densely - this will complicate care, but will increase the yield.

In the beds where the trampoline grows, you need to select an area where the seeds will ripen. To do this, you need to leave the leaves uncut; seeds will appear on them, which will ripen by August.

Varieties of onion batun

There are many varieties of onion. Early varieties include Aprilsky and Saladny 35, which grow in open ground. These varieties are frost-resistant and are not afraid winter cold, even if there is no snow in winter.

April onion description:

    It branches heavily; has a large, elongated bulb; the green leaf begins to grow in May; the greens are quite large and juicy, bright green in color.

April onions begin to bloom in the second year. Flowering occurs at the end of May, and the seeds ripen in July. April onion is disease resistant.

The May onion variety is considered late. It is also frost-resistant, has a small but long bulb.

    A feature of the May onion is the late sprouting of leaves in spring period. It branches well - 15 in the first year, and in the third - already 30. May onions can be harvested from May to June.

What the Maysky variety looks like, look at the photo:

Appetizing onion batun Maiskiy

Russian winter onion batun is another variety of batun onion. This variety is characterized by high yield and frost resistance. From the moment of germination to the moment when the green leaf can be cut, about a month passes.

Agricultural technology varieties:

    It is advisable to plant seeds in open ground. Planting takes place from late April to early May or can be planted in late autumn. You can grow Russian batun both as an annual species and as a perennial. If you plant it as an annual crop, you need to sow the seeds in the holes to a depth of one and a half centimeters. The width between the rows should be 20-25 cm. If you want to receive greens continuously, then planting seeds should occur once every two weeks. If you plant Russian batun as a perennial plant, it is better to do it in a nest of several seeds.

During the summer period, such green onions can be cut 3-4 times.

Onion batun Tenderness is also a very popular variety. It is frost-resistant and has succulent leaves that remain fresh for a long time and retain vitamins. During the season you can harvest 2-3 crops.

Agricultural technology varieties:

    It is better to sow at the end of April or before winter. You can plant it as an annual plant. This sowing is done in holes 1.5 cm apart, with a distance between holes of 20-25 cm. But if you decide to plant onion trumpet Tenderness as a perennial, then you can do this in the same way as with Russian winter trampoline. During the summer period you can collect 3-4 harvests.

Look how appetizing the greens of the Tenderness variety look in the photo:

Another excellent variety is the batun parade onion. If we mention the characteristics of the variety, we should note its high yield. The growing season of this variety lasts 70 days. Parade leaves are of medium length, and there are practically no bulbs.

And one more variety of batun onion that I wanted to talk about - the Pierrot variety. Pierrot is an early and highly branching onion variety. Sowing in one place gives harvests within four years. Leaves can be cut several times during the season. It needs to be planted thicker. This will promote productivity and taste qualities.

What the Pierrot variety looks like, look at the photo:

Sowing seeds or planting batun bulbs is shown in the video below; it is not such a difficult matter. Further growing and caring for it also does not take much time and effort. Choose desired variety It’s better to first read the description and characteristics, but if this was not possible, then you can look at the pictures on the package of seeds, under which there are recommendations and characteristics. Have a good harvest.

Batun onion cultivation, planting and care

Onion: growing, planting and care

Successful cultivation of batun onions is guaranteed only with sufficient soil moisture, since this onion variety is extremely sensitive to a lack of moisture, and it tolerates its excess well. In dry areas, especially with sandy soil, the batun grows slowly, produces fibrous, coarse and very bitter feathers and quickly sends out round, flowery stems. On moisture-absorbing, moist soils provided with sufficient nutrients, onion leaves will be tender, with a slight bitterness.

Since growing batun is advisable only for the sake of green feathers, plantings should be rejuvenated annually. That is, dig up powerful, two- and three-year-old plants, which over time form 5-7 arrows. Such bushes are used in greenhouses, greenhouses, film shelters of simple design, or even on a windowsill in room conditions for forcing. Since this type of onion is optimally suited for the Russian climate, the temperature during forcing can be only 10-13°C. Even left in the beds, it will calmly endure the highest winter frosts. The germination of new feathers in the spring begins almost as soon as the soil thaws. At the same time, the feathers can withstand short-term, return frosts down to -4-7 °C. Therefore, you can sow the seed as soon as the soil allows. Annual plants are sown in early spring, and perennial plants are sown closer to the beginning of summer or in the fall, then they have time to germinate before frost. Onions sown in the fall immediately begin to grow greenery in the spring when the snow melts and the ground thaws.

Like a regular onion, the trampoline requires clean planting. Regular loosening and removal of weeds will allow you to maintain sufficient soil moisture and obtain a better harvest for 6-7 years, without changing the planting location. When growing onion from seeds, it is necessary to timely apply organic and mineral fertilizers, since during the growing season the plant very intensively consumes nutrients from the soil. Since the soil is richly enriched before planting, fertilizing is applied only in the second year. The first time is fertilized in early spring, mainly with organic matter - mullein, infusion of bird droppings or humus. Subsequent fertilizing is carried out with mineral fertilizers, without introducing nitrogen-containing components.

Video “Onion batun”

The video shows how much the onion has grown since sowing. Germination, weight of one plant, harvest volume.

April onion - growing features

April spring onions: growing features

    Initially, you should plant the onion correctly. To do this, you need to sow the seeds; there should be a distance of about 20 cm between the beds. The grain is placed in the ground to a depth of two centimeters. After the seeds are planted, you need to mulch the soil. Humus is used for this. It is applied to the beds; a layer 1.5 cm high should be obtained. After this, the soil needs to be compacted. After some time, sprouts will appear. In order for the plant to develop normally, weeds should be eliminated and soil moisture should be maintained. But you shouldn’t flood this culture. After this, you need to remove the excess shoots; you need to leave the sprouts, the distance between which is several centimeters. If onions are grown as an annual plant, then thinning is not carried out, since the shoots will harden, causing the quantity and quality of the crop to decrease. But for perennials, thinning is a mandatory procedure. It is repeated after some time. Ultimately, there should be about 5 cm between the bushes. Thinning should be done when about 3 leaves appear. At the same time, the onions are fertilized. Fertilizers are introduced in combination with watering. Onions do not germinate quickly; it will take some time. Sometimes you need to wait a few weeks. If you want to speed up the germination process, you should initially soak the seeds in water for 24 hours. In this case, the water will need to be changed twice during this period. Next, the seeds are dried and then planted in the soil. When winter is over, you need to carefully reconsider the condition of the onions. All dried shoots must be eliminated. The soil during this period needs to be loosened. This will lead to the earth warming up more, which will provoke the rapid development of onions. After winter, you need to introduce mineral fertilizers into the soil. In order for onions to develop well and delight you with the harvest, you need to keep the beds clean and remove weeds on time. The soil needs to be systematically loosened and moistened. To get a harvest as early as possible, seeds can be sown under film. It is removed when the first harvest can be harvested.

It is worth paying careful attention to the condition of the onion, as it can be attacked by pests. This could be black mold, onion fly, or rust. If any signs of pests appear, you should use traditional methods fight them.

Perennial onions are of particular value, but have not yet become widespread. They are unpretentious, frost-resistant, able to grow from under the snow and produce high-vitamin greens very early. In May and the first half of June, onion greens are the most valuable and cheapest source of vitamins.

Using different types, you can have nutritious onion greens all year round (using temporary film shelters and greenhouses). Perennial onion feathers can be obtained from early spring, when there are no vegetables in the open ground, until late autumn, when other garden crops have already been harvested. Perennial onions have a very short dormant period, so in late autumn and winter they can be driven out in protected ground.

It is advisable to use perennial onion plantations for cutting for no more than 4 years, after which a new plot must be established.

Batun is the most famous type of perennial onion, but I would advise growing it in an annual crop: sow it annually in a small area in the spring, and dig it up entirely in the spring of next year. With many years of use, the leaves of the batun quickly become coarser, and diseases (downy mildew) and pests accumulate at the cultivation site.

Photo: perennial onion

Planting perennial onions

For perennial onions, areas that are not flooded with melt water, well fertilized and illuminated are suitable. Ridges that are cleared of snow earlier in the spring and warm up well are suitable for planting.

It is better to sow seeds early in the spring, so that by autumn the plants are stronger and overwinter well. Next year they can be cut or dug up entirely. The seeds are sown across the ridges, the distance between the rows should be 25-30 cm. The seeds are buried 2-3 cm into the soil. Consumption rate: 2.5-3.0 g of seeds per 1 sq. m. m or 1 g per 1 linear meter.

Transplanting perennial onions

When transplanting perennial onions, old shoots can also be used to plant new plantations. To do this, plants are dug up and divided into branches. When transplanting, it is better to cut off the roots, leaving 8-10 cm. The shoots should be transplanted into well-watered grooves at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other.

Caring for perennial onions

Perennial onions do not require any special care. You just need to cut the greens on time and provide them with water and the necessary nutrition. Also, do not forget in the fall, when the leaves wither, clear the area of ​​plant debris and deeply loosen the rows.

Temporary film covers can be used on onion beds - this will speed up the regrowth of plants by 10-15 days. It is better to install the arcs in the fall, and in early April, while there is still snow, stretch the film over them. With such agricultural technology, already on April 20-25, green onions will be ready for consumption.

Feeding perennial onions

In autumn, it is recommended to apply organic fertilizer (manure or compost) to the onion planting sites at the rate of 10-12 kg per 1 square meter. m. Among mineral fertilizers, superphosphate and potassium salt work well in the fall, the consumption rate is 20-30 g per 1 sq. m. m.

In the spring, as soon as the soil dries out, the onion beds are fed with mineral fertilizers: 20-30 g per 1 square meter. m of ammonium nitrate, potassium chloride and superphosphate.

Cutting perennial onions

During the summer, onions can be cut 3-4 times. Last time - no later than August 15-25. After each cutting, the plants need to be watered and fed. If the onion has not been cut and it begins to shoot, then the shoots must be cut off and thrown away, and the soil must be loosened. To speed up the growth of leaves, onions will require additional watering and fertilizing.

Collecting onion seeds

Leaves should not be cut off from plants left for seed. The inflorescences are collected when the top boxes begin to open. They are placed in gauze bags and hung to dry. After collecting the seeds, the arrows and leaves are cut off and removed from the site.

Good day everyone!

Today we’ll talk about how to grow ornamental onions: planting and care. The ornamental onion or Allium has many species and varieties, impressive in size or color. All onions are beautiful honey plants; during flowering, bees and butterflies circle around them. Growing onions is not difficult.

Decorative onion types, planting and care

There are many types of decorative bows, here are a few:

  1. Sicilian onion, or honey garlic - it is tall with straight peduncles, the inflorescences are pale pink or cream. The bees love them! It is perfect for winter dry bouquets.

    Sicilian onion

  2. Onion Karatavsky– it is not tall, up to 30 cm, but it has large inflorescences (10 cm), dense, lilac or white, on large stems and beautiful decorative leaves. Gray-green with red or purple veins, up to 15 cm wide. Blooms in June. The bulb is 5 cm in diameter, light. Very handsome!

    Onion Karatavsky

  3. Blue Onion – It grows from 70 cm to 1 meter, the inflorescences are blue, small balls are 4 cm. It blooms in July and by this time the leaves have already dried up. The bulbs are round up to 2 cm. They are distinguished by a delicate azure color.

    Onion Blue

  4. Gigantic or Giant onion– from the name it is clear that he is tall. Peduncles up to 170 cm, flower balls 15 cm, flowers star-shaped purple. The giant bow must be tied to a support so that the wind does not break it. It blooms in early June, the leaves die off in July. The bulb is white, up to 8 cm in diameter.

    Giant bow

  5. Christophe's Bow or Star of Persia– Very effective! Up to 60 cm in height with huge inflorescences up to 25 cm! Up to 80 lilac flowers can bloom on them at the same time! This beauty can be observed for a month and a half! The bulb is up to 3 cm, the flowers become hard after flowering and are good in winter bouquets.

    Christophe's bow

  6. Moli onion or Golden onion- a low flower with yellow inflorescences. It blooms in June, the bulb is white up to 2.5 cm.
  7. McLane's Bow- a beautiful onion up to a meter high with large inflorescences. There are varieties with bright purple balls-inflorescences.

    McLane's Bow

  8. Yellow onion– Its bell-shaped flowers are collected on inflorescences up to 35 cm. Unusual yellow.

    Yellow onion

  9. Bow Bow or Wild Bow– low up to 50 cm, fan-shaped leaves at the root. Pale pink flowers.

    Bow Bow

  10. Roundhead Bow– late onion – blooms in July-August. Unusual oval-shaped inflorescences of pink or burgundy color, small up to 2 cm. Up to a meter high. Blooms in June. The bulb is oval, yellowish, up to 3.5 cm.

    Roundhead Bow

And now more about

  • Landing
  • Care
  • Reproduction
  • Luke in the flowerbed
  • In a bouquet

Planting onions

Decorative bows love a lot of sun, choose your location accordingly. In the sun they display all the properties of the species, large flowers, rich color of leaves and flowers. Onions like loose, light soils. You can add humus when preparing the soil. Again, do not add fresh manure.. The bulbous ones do not like it and get sick.

They need potassium fertilizers - this means add ash.

Like all bulbous plants, we plant onions in September and October. They are buried in the ground. Leaving a distance above the bulb equal to its size. Decorative bow Plant no closer than 30 cm. Sprinkle humus on top of the planting.


Usually onions grow in one place for up to 5 years, then they are replanted and you will see many young small onions on the bulbs. They can be planted. You need to dig up onions for replanting after the above-ground part has completely dried.

You can plant onions with seeds, but they do not germinate well when sown in spring. Sow onion seeds before winter, let it undergo natural preparation in the ground. After sowing seeds, low-growing onions bloom in the 3rd year, and tall ones in the 5th. Seeds for sowing are selected from the best plants and flowers, well ripened.

Karatavi onion


Watering the onions is important, especially when they gain color. IN natural conditions onions can easily tolerate drought, but their cultivated relatives do not like dry conditions and freeze. Water for beautiful blooms!

Onions are not covered for the winter. In the south and in the middle zone they winter well. But for some species, for example Schubert or Christopher onions, the bulb must be in dry conditions during the dormant period. In their homeland, in Central Asia, it is hot in the summer. And it may rain here. Therefore, these types of onions are dug up after flowering and stored in a dry place until September, as

Perennial onions, which vegetable growers grow to produce greens, are interesting for their characteristics. All varieties and varieties of perennial onions tolerate winter well, grow early, and with proper agricultural technology they delight with their feathers from spring to late autumn.

All types of perennial onion varieties are bred by seeds. Despite the fact that onions reproduce by dividing the bush, it is recommended to regularly renew perennials by sowing nigella into the ground. This allows you to obtain stable yields of green feathers and prevent the development of fungal and bacterial diseases that affect plants, for a long time growing in one place.

What varieties and varieties are known?

Perennial onions are represented by such species as batun, slime, chives and multi-tiered onions. They all grow in wildlife in different corners globe. Breeding work has made it possible to obtain onion varieties that are superior to wild relatives in taste, feather length, yield, and resistance to change temperature regime and lack of moisture.

Important: The description given by the manufacturer on the packaging of onion seeds allows you to find out the characteristics of the crop. When purchasing onion seeds, you need to pay attention to the characteristics.

It could be April 12 – early variety, opening the gardening season. Bushes 2 years old produce the first green feathers after the snow melts from the garden. This variety does not tolerate drought well and quickly goes dormant.

It is being replaced by the Maysky variety, which bears fruit until mid-June. Russian Winter Batun competes with these varieties. It forms powerful bushes and is resistant to bacterial infections.

To ensure that green feathers are always on the table, batun seeds are sown 2 times a year, using Parade, Welsh or Performer hybrids for planting. Growing batun as an annual crop makes it possible to provide the family with greens until the end of the summer season. Nigella batuna, sown in the ground in early spring and then in early June, produces a harvest of young onions from mid-July until the first snow.

Important: Hybrids are not adapted to Russian frosts, and plantings freeze out in winter.

If you want to leave a few bushes in the garden in order to get early onions in the spring, then for sowing use the Russian size variety, which produces a powerful feather up to 35 cm long 1.5 months after sowing the seeds.

The Legionnaire and Green Banner varieties, resistant to fungal infections, are recommended for cultivation on an industrial scale. These types of batun produce branched succulent feathers 45 days after sowing the seeds in the ground.

In addition to trumpet, other types of perennial onions are grown to produce greens. This can be a multi-tiered bow. This variety of perennial crop attracts many farmers due to its in a unique way reproduction using air bulbs. The culture produces a fragrant feather that can be cut several times during the season.

Breeders offer 3 varieties of multi-tiered onions. The Chelyabinsk variety is suitable for cultivation in areas equated to the Far North.

In the southern regions, the Memory onion is planted, forming a huge mass of green feathers.

In the central regions of the Russian Federation, the Likova variety has performed well; it easily tolerates spring frosts, expelling the first feather 21 days after the soil thaws.

Chives and slime are less often planted in plots, despite the fact that these types of perennial onions have juicy, aromatic early greens.

Schnitt produces a thin round feather, which, with proper agricultural practices, can grow back several times during the season. You can plant one of the varieties on the site, and it will grow beautifully in the bed allocated for it.

The slime forms a bush, increasing in size every year, forming a hummock. On sale you can find slime with names such as Leader, Broadleaf, Vavilovsky.

The slime's feather is flat, juicy, and contains a large number of mucus, which is how the culture got its name. Leaves grow continuously until drought occurs. As the temperature rises, the bulbs go dormant for a short time. At the end of August, the bushes begin to produce green feathers with renewed vigor.

If you equip a garden bed with different types of perennial onions, this will allow you to obtain green feather harvests throughout the summer season.

The photo below shows a variety of varieties of perennial onions, which will allow you to choose suitable perennial crops.

How to grow onions from seeds

The appropriate time to plant perennial onions with seeds in open ground is considered to be late autumn or early spring. Sowing done in the frozen soil of a pre-prepared bed is good because it allows the seeds to become saturated with moisture in early spring and germinate at a time suitable for the plant. This makes it possible to get an early harvest of young onions 2 weeks earlier compared to spring sowing.

Spring sowing has its advantages. When planted in early spring, a higher percentage of seeds germinate. Onion beds are less overgrown with weeds. With this type of sowing, the soil is looser and the plants develop better.

When choosing a way to grow perennial onions from seeds, you need to pay attention to the climate. In the southern regions, where spring begins early, the soil quickly loses moisture; sowing seeds in early spring is more suitable.

Where winters are snowy, and snow melting continues until the end of April, frosts continue until mid-June. Batun can be planted in the ground before winter.

Important: Perennial onions should be planted with seeds in well-fertilized soil. A perennial will grow well only if it receives adequate nutrition.

How to care for perennial plantings

Growing and caring for perennial onions requires compliance with the rules of agricultural technology.

Perennial onions grown for greens require abundant watering and repeated foliar feeding, which is done after the grown crop is cut.

To improve nutrition, onion beds are watered with green fertilizer made from an infusion of nettle leaves, midge, burdock and other weeds. Perennial onions grow well in one place for several years if in early spring, when the ground is frozen, the beds are sprinkled with either complex onion fertilizer or nitrogen.

Water perennials as the soil dries out. The root system of the bulbs is long, and the onions do not need abundant watering. Loosening the soil and weeding is carried out after each watering. This allows you to both grow large, succulent feathers and maintain healthy and strong plantings.

Important: If perennials are not taken care of, root system start to hit bacterial diseases, which completely destroy adult bushes.

Bushes of 2 years of life form peduncles, which should be removed in a timely manner so that the bulb does not waste its energy in vain on growing unnecessary seeds. Some of the flower stalks can be left for nigella to ripen if the variety has been planted. Hybrids produce empty seeds.

Multi-tiered onions require special attention, as they can grow a large number of bulbs over a season. They need to be removed from plants without waiting for the small bulbs to touch the ground and begin to take root. This leads to thickened plantings and depletion of the soil in the bed.

The collected seeds of multi-tiered onions are planted on a prepared bed in early August, which allows you to get a harvest of greenery in early September.

For the winter, onion beds are covered in those areas where winters have little snow and night temperatures reach -25C. The plantings are covered with dry grass, corn grass, reeds or covering material. The shelter is removed after the snow melts. They do this carefully, because green leaves of young onions are found under the harvested grass. The vacated beds are carefully loosened with a rake, trying to destroy the top dense layer that prevents the seedlings from breathing.

In areas where there is a lot of snow, perennial onions overwinter under snow cover and thrive.

It’s no secret that ground vegetables are tastier and healthier than greenhouse vegetables, which is why spring gifts from the garden are so desirable. And the first among them are perennial onions. Of course, we paid attention to them before. But it’s unlikely that anyone in their garden has any kind of complete collection. That’s why we decided to talk in detail about perennial onions.

The genus Allium (onion) includes half a million species, but only two hundred of them grow in Russia. Almost all of them have high nutritional, medicinal and decorative properties, but, unfortunately, they mainly grow garlic, onion, leek and shallot. And batun, chives, slime, fragrant, multi-tiered, oblique, and wild garlic are rarely seen among gardeners.

Perennial onions are rich in essential amino acids, vitamins, have a great effect on metabolism and immunity, their essential oils stimulate appetite and improve digestion. And everyone knows about the volatile substances phytoncides with strong bactericidal properties.


Perennial onions also have other advantages: simple agricultural technology, winter and frost resistance (withstand temperatures down to minus 40°), resistance to diseases and pests, and a good harvest for 3-5 years even with repeated cutting.

Unlike onions, perennial onions form a false bulb, which, under favorable conditions, continuously produces leaves. And since the dormant period is short, they are suitable for growing in protected ground or room.

An area outside the main crop rotation is allocated for perennial onions - it will be used for 5-6 years. It’s good if the onion corner is not flooded with water in the fall and spring. The roots of this plant are string-shaped and lie at a depth of 20-30 cm, so the soil must be very fertile, light in texture, neutral or slightly acidic (pH = 6-7), without rhizomatous and root-bearing weeds. If horsetail or horse sorrel, then liming is necessary first.

The soil is prepared in the same way as for onions: in the fall, manure, humus or compost (10 kg per sq. m) and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are added for digging, and nitrogen fertilizers are added under the rake in the spring.

Perennial onions are propagated by divisions or sown. The seeds are small, especially those of chives, and the germination rate is low. It is better to sow fresh ones, but if they have lain down (germination rate is below 80%), then the seeding rate should be increased. Before sowing, they must be disinfected.

Depending on the type of soil, the seeds are placed on a flat surface, ridges or ridges; the last two methods are useful in lowlands and on cold ground. They are sown in open ground in April-May and must be mulched with peat or humus (0.5-1 kg per sq.m.). Seedlings and cuttings are planted in the spring and summer.


In the second and subsequent years, regular fertilizing is necessary (in early spring and after each cutting of leaves - 10 g per square meter of potassium and nitrogen fertilizers and 15 g of phosphorus fertilizers). In the first year, a plant with one to three branches is formed, and the next year the same number of flower arrows with spherical inflorescences appear.

At the end of April - beginning of May, chives, batun and multi-tiered trees grow earlier than others, later - slime and fragrant. Therefore, by planting a set of perennial onions, you can create a green conveyor belt.

To get greenery in winter, 3-4 year old planting material is selected in the fall and dug up. Place in boxes, sprinkle with earth or peat and store at a temperature of 0 - plus 2° until planting.

Chives(reznets, skoroda) are valued for their decorative properties, high content of vitamin C in early spring and good winter hardiness (does not freeze even at Far North). It has fist-shaped, hollow, awl-shaped, green leaves with a waxy coating up to 40 cm long. The plants grow strongly and produce a powerful bush in the fourth year. Flower arrows are straight, thin, slightly longer than the leaves. They bear small spherical inflorescences with flowers of various colors: from white to lilac-violet.

This bow has two varieties: Central Russian(it bushes strongly, leaves quickly grow up to 25 cm, but also quickly become coarse) and Siberian(leaves are larger, up to 40 cm long, grow more slowly and later, but persist for up to two months). In our country Honey plant and Nemal are zoned everywhere, and Bohemia and Crocus grow better in areas with mild winters.

Honey plant is a mid-early variety. Its plants grow dark green, semi-sharp leaves in spring. They can be harvested for a long time, the yield is 1.7-2.5 kg/sq.m.

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