Grozny called the information that Kadyrov’s daughter opened an intimate accessories boutique in Chechnya a dirty lie. Fashion house "Firdaws" Medni Kadyrova Medni Musaevna Kadyrova clothing line

With the most courageous👊🏼, wise and strong man in the world @kadyrov_95 🌎I admire and have deep respect!🙏🏻#GROZNY#chechnya#FEOFILAKTOVAEVGENIYA#RamzanKadyrov

Gave t1ehye berkati joil!) Gave atto Boyle! @dm_firdaws #AishatKadyrova

Only on Chechen land! Yana and Tima dance "Lezginka" together! Video of the Year) 💣💣💣 #secTim, @timatiofficial, surprised so surprised ✌🏻 #terrible2017

Discovering emerging fashion brand @dm_firdaws (and emerging fashion market as well) with Caroline Scheufele @chopardbycaroline and @karinamarchenkova ❤ 📸 @abdullartuev

On the eve of Aishat Kadyrova's debut show for @dm_firdaws, Tatler was the only one to talk with the daughter of the President of Chechnya about fashion, the Koran and sports. Read soon. #comingsoon

Two cups of homemade milk with dates and honey for a sore throat according to the recipe of @kadyrov_95. Thanks for the hospitality!

What a wonderful holiday on the first day of spring! 🌸🌺🌷 Thanks to Aishat Kadyrova @dm_firdaws for the unforgettable days we spent in the city of Grozny ❤ #spring #beautyspasetworld #ayshatkadyrova #grozny

I always tell everyone: believe in your dreams - they come true ✨ Meeting this person is my dream!!! Head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov @kadyrov_95 🙏🏻 #happy Look @hadidja_arapkhanova

Surrounded by strong real men, you feel especially fragile💂🏻‍♀️👸🏻💂🏻‍♀️ @kadyrov_95 @timatiofficial 👊🏻 #grozny#dreamcity#grozny#Chechen fairytale

I took a photo with Chechen beauties😉😎👌🏽 I’m jealous)) in white🤗🙏🏻

Twins🙌🏻 Yin and Yang❤ #sisters #twins #show #groznyi #groznyi #firdaws #aishatkadyrova

Hooray! Everything went great! #showingrozny

Assalamu alaikum, dear friends! Today in Grozny a grand spring show of a new collection of designer clothes from the Firdaws fashion house took place. The head of such a large-scale event was my beloved NIECE, curator of the Fashion House AISHAT RAMZANOVNA KADYROV - the eldest DAUGHTER of my dear BROTHER, Head of the Chechen Republic, Hero of Russia RAMZAN AKHMATOVICH KADYROV. All the outfits presented were designed by her personally. At the ceremonial presentation of the line women's clothing Numerous guests arrived, including famous public figures, pop stars, leading designers and fashion designers of the world. The dresses set the tone for the image of a true Muslim woman and the traditional Islamic style, combining modernity, ethnocultural heritage, and the centuries-old requirement of modesty. Also at the event, AISHAT RAMZANOVNA presented the first perfume composition of the international brand “Firdaws”. I express my sincere words of gratitude and appreciation to the first lady of the Chechen Republic, the founder of the Firdaws Fashion House MEDNI MUSAEVNA KADYROVA and the current leader AISHAT RAMZANOVNA KADYROVA for their great contribution to the development of the Chechen fashion industry, which is of interest not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders. Dear AISHAT! With all my heart I wish you good luck and new successes in professional activity! I am sure that your great GRANDFATHER, First President of the Chechen Republic, Hero of Russia AKHMAT-KHAJI KADYROV (Dala tsunnan g1azot kobal doyla) would be infinitely proud of you! May the Almighty help you in all good endeavors! ALLAHU AKBAR! #Kadyrov #Daudov# #Russia #Chechnya #Firdaws!👍👍👍☝️

Assalamu alaikum, dear friends! Today in Grozny a grand spring show of a new collection of designer clothes from the Firdaws fashion house took place. The head of such a large-scale event was my beloved NIECE, curator of the Fashion House AISHAT RAMZANOVNA KADYROV - the eldest DAUGHTER of my dear BROTHER, Head of the Chechen Republic, Hero of Russia RAMZAN AKHMATOVICH KADYROV. All the outfits presented were designed by her personally. Numerous guests came to the ceremonial presentation of the women's clothing line, including famous public figures, pop stars, leading designers and fashion designers of the world. The dresses set the tone for the image of a true Muslim woman and the traditional Islamic style, combining modernity, ethnocultural heritage, and the centuries-old requirement of modesty. Also at the event, AISHAT RAMZANOVNA presented the first perfume composition of the international brand “Firdaws”. I express my sincere words of gratitude and appreciation to the first lady of the Chechen Republic, the founder of the Firdaws Fashion House MEDNI MUSAEVNA KADYROVA and the current leader AISHAT RAMZANOVNA KADYROVA for their great contribution to the development of the Chechen fashion industry, which is of interest not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders. Dear AISHAT! With all my heart I wish you good luck and new successes in your professional activities! I am sure that your great GRANDFATHER, First President of the Chechen Republic, Hero of Russia AKHMAT-KHAJI KADYROV (Dala tsunnan g1azot kobal doyla) would be infinitely proud of you! May the Almighty help you in all good endeavors! ALLAHU AKBAR! #Kadyrov #Delimkhanov #Russia #Chechnya #Firdaws!👍👍👍☝️

#fashionista #styleblog #stylebook #model #designer #firdaws

The eldest daughter of the head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov is only 18, but Aishat has already established herself as a promising fashion designer. On March 1, with resounding success, the girl presented to the public her first collection for the Firdaws fashion house, which she headed last year. The steering wheel of Aishat was handed over to her mother Medni. The girl showed the result within six months: in Grozny, Aishat presented 30 luxurious dresses created by her fashion house. While working on sketches of ethnic outfits, Aishat also created her own fragrance - Firdaws perfume will hit the shelves very soon. In her first interview exclusively for Life, Aishat Kadyrova spoke about her love for fashion and why her parents inspired her to create perfume.

When did you decide to become a designer?

Mom prepared us for this - me and my sisters - for a very long time. We knew that someday she would hand over the fashion house to one of us. When I created my first mini-collection for my younger sister, I realized that this is mine! I like it. Then my parents decided that they would hand over the fashion house to me.

Didn’t your sisters want to get involved in fashion?

They have completely different interests. They weren't offended.

How did you create your first collection of dresses?

Six months ago I started thinking about my collection, and I wanted to create it in the national style. I really like gabli - that’s what we call an old women’s outfit. Before I started developing my collection, I looked at a lot of old photographs. I was inspired by my ancestors, Chechen girls of that time, and this is how this beauty turned out.

There were also European dresses on the catwalk.

Yes, the collection includes not only national, but also modern, European outfits.

Do you want to show your collection outside of Russia? Surely there will be demand for your dresses in both France and Dubai.

I think we'll get there soon. I think about it and work hard. On March 11, Firdaws will open Fashion Week in Moscow, and then we will go to Paris. In Moscow I will show other outfits from my first collection that were not presented in Grozny.

Which world designers do you admire?

I like the works of Elie Saab and Valentino, but I never had the desire to imitate them. The Firdaws fashion house has its own direction.

You are a very young designer. How do you feel when you see your creations on girls?

First of all, I feel very pleased. When today the models walked on the catwalk in my dresses, I had emotions that cannot be expressed in words: joy, pride, happiness.

What did your parents tell you before the big screening?

They wished me good luck. They always support me. Mom and dad are my main support and main critics.

Why did you decide to create a perfume?

This is very interesting story. Mom gave dad a bottle of perfume created especially for him for his birthday. When I saw this beautiful bottle, I wanted to create my own perfume. When I took over the Firdaws fashion house, I made my dream come true.

Are you directly involved in sewing clothes or do you just create sketches?

I am very lucky with a team that works day and night and tries. Without them it would be very difficult for me. I show them the sketches, and they create this beauty.

Despite her young age, 18-year-old Aishat Kadyrova last year became the director of the Firdaws fashion house, which was founded in 2009 by her mother Medni Kadyrova, the wife of the President of Chechnya.

Numerous people gathered for the first show of Aishat Russian celebrities, including Yana Rudkovskaya, singer Nyusha, Svetlana Bondarchuk, TV presenter Olga Buzova, singer Timati, as well as Italian fashion designer Stefano Ricci and his family and vice-president of Chopard Caroline Gruosi-Scheufele.

The collection presented by the young designer consists of women's dresses in the traditional Chechen style - floor-length, completely covering the arms, legs and neck. As Russian media specify, Aishat used the most luxurious and expensive fabrics to create the collection. The girl also presented her first perfume, named after the Firdaws fashion house. She solemnly presented the first bottle to her mother.

A post shared by Yana Rudkovskaya (@rudkovskayaofficial) on Mar 1, 2017 at 8:19am PST

Only on the first day of spring and only on Chechen land and only Ramzan Akhmatovich @kadyrov_95 can make the impossible possible and reconcile 2 elements - Yana and Tim) 🙈 #1March showfirdaws @dm_firdaws #formidable2017 photo @abdullartuev

The 18-year-old daughter of the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, Aishat Kadyrova, according to the BBC Russian Service, opened a boutique of erotic lingerie and intimate accessories Lady A in the center of Grozny, which, due to the taboo topic of sex in Chechen society, is advertised among a limited circle of people. The Republican government said this was a blatant lie.

The opening of the store took place at the end of November, several popular Chechen bloggers wrote about the reception, in particular in a post by one of the guests in Instagram(currently unavailable) it was reported that Aishat Kadyrova is the owner of the boutique.

Aishat already runs the Firdaws Islamic fashion house and runs a confectionery shop in the shopping center of the same name - a lingerie boutique opened next to this confectionery shop.

"A boudoir of your secrets and lace splendor. Be bold... Just between us..." - this is the description of the store's assortment on its private Instagram account. The multi-brand boutique sells famous European and American brands of lingerie.

In the store you can purchase intimate cosmetics. The boutique’s account advertises a massage cream that allows you to “taste your partner,” a tightening gel for the vagina, whips, masks and other accessories.

Aishat is an exemplary daughter, sister and wife, said the Chechen minister

Let us note that the fact that Kadyrov’s daughter opened an erotic store is officially denied. “This is a vile and dirty lie! I want to warn those who, with such libels, are trying to cast a shadow on our leader Ramzan Kadyrov and his family. You will have to be strictly responsible for every word!” - stated RBC Minister of National Policy, External Relations, Press and Information of Chechnya Dzhambulat Umarov.

He noted that Aishat Kadyrova is a talented and religious girl, “who is a shining example of what a daughter, sister or spouse should be in a society where respect for faith in the Almighty and family values ​​reigns.”

Some residents of Chechnya are dissatisfied not with the fact of the store’s existence, but with the fact that its owner is the daughter of the head of Chechnya, who positions himself as a follower of traditional Islamic values. He publicly opposed sex education in schools and spoke of the need for women to behave in public, and promised hell to depraved women.

“Considering the kind of propaganda of female behavior that is being carried out for ordinary people, this hurts. It’s as if their [Kadyrovs’] attitude towards us is: “For us it’s one thing, for you it’s another,” said an indignant resident of Grozny, who gave the agency a comment on condition of anonymity.

“We are taught what a Chechen woman should be, what she should do, they teach us about life, they teach us how submissive and obedient we should be. If Chechen women should also be sexually preoccupied, a question arises. I would like them to decide ", she said.

The topic of sex is not discussed publicly in the republic; on the street you cannot find advertisements for stores with accessories for intimate life. There are lace lingerie shops in Grozny, but they are not advertised, they do without bright signs, and in shopping centers the windows are covered with transparent tulle.

The daughter of the Chechen leader has never spoken publicly about the Lady A boutique. Firdaws representatives declined to comment. The boutique does not have an official website, it only has a private Instagram account - @Ladya_boutique. You can view the store’s assortment online only if the account administrator allows the user access to it. Now 19.5 thousand people have already subscribed to the account, BBC reports.

The imam of the Moscow Memorial Mosque, Shamil Alyautdinov, called the opening of the store a bold step and praised Aishat Kadyrova for “daring” to help families “find mutual language in the intimate part of the relationship.” “This does not contradict religion if it contributes to the development of harmony in intimate relationships within the family,” the imam said.

Kadyrov brought Dom-2 to Chechnya

Aishat is only 18 years old; a year ago she headed the Firdaws fashion house, which was founded by her mother Medni in 2009. The fashion house makes closed clothing for women using elements of traditional Chechen costumes. In her first interview, she described Muslim fashion as: "Tradition, grace, modesty." In October, Firdaws staged a show in Moscow's Zaryadye Park; Russian show business stars came to demonstrate collections from Aishat Kadyrova.

So, as the website reported, Kadyrova invited former participants of “House-2” Olga Buzova and Evgenia Feofilaktova to participate in the dress show that her fashion house held on March 1. Olga Buzova flew to Grozny on a business jet.

Buzova celebrated her 31st birthday in Grozny: a real buffet was held in honor of the TV presenter, seating her at the same table with Ramzan Kadyrov. The best groups of Chechnya sang and danced for the guests. According to the publication, at a banquet in honor of Buzova, the artists changed the words in the songs, adding the lines: “Congratulations to you, Olga, the best in the world!”, “Olya, you are no more beautiful in the world!”

Upon returning to Moscow, Buzova in her Instagram advised me to listen to the song of my colleagues called “Ramzan Ahead.” Feofilaktova changed many chic dresses in the few days she spent in Grozny, and took pictures in each of them for her Instagram.

Kadyrova's presentation on March 1 was also attended by Italian fashion designer Stefano Ricci and his family, vice-president of Chopard Caroline Gruosi-Scheufele, producer Yana Rudkovskaya, athlete Evgeni Plushenko, singer Nyusha, Svetlana Bondarchuk and others.

In April, Aishat got married, which she spoke about in an interview published in the May issue of Tatler magazine. My husband is 19 years old, he is the son of Kadyrov’s deceased friend and classmate. The young people met two weeks before the wedding, the publication says.

Kadyrov promised women to go to hell for “depravity”

Aishat's father, meanwhile, has repeatedly criticized overly deep necklines and overly short skirts. In a 2011 interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, he claimed that he had never prohibited “any woman” from wearing skirts above the knees or wearing dresses with a neckline, but clarified that he had the right to recommend and promote: “I don’t have the right to do this. I can only "to dictate at home. And on the territory of the republic - to advise, to propagandize that this is bad, this is good."

And then he clarified: “It’s not good for me [if a woman’s legs and shoulders are visible]. I know that they will go to hell because of their dress.”

"Well, not because of the uniform, but if there is depravity. My soul hurts because of this... We have Russian girls who wear jeans, T-shirts, there are a lot of visitors. Chechens, you saw, here such skirts, neckline, colored hair. We have this too. What to do, we are a subject Russian Federation", Kadyrov complained.

At the same time, he clarified that Russian girls will not go to hell for their dress code: “No, they have their own religion, so I don’t even have the right to tell them about the dress code. I know that when they go to church, they wear scarves, "They cover the neckline. God is everywhere."

However, in the same 2011, a British journalist and Moscow correspondent for The Sunday Times, citing Chechen sources, wrote that Kadyrov’s security forces, with his knowledge and approval, keep entire “harems” of sex slaves in secret places, who are brutally raped and beaten every day.

According to the newspaper's sources, slaves are made of Chechen girls who have somehow "disgraced themselves" in the eyes of the harsh Islamic law imposed in the republic - for example, single mothers or victims of violence.

Novaya Gazeta reported in early April about the killings and mass detentions of homosexuals in Chechnya, and later published testimonies of people said to have been held in a secret prison for gays in the Chechen city of Argun. According to the newspaper, they were subjected to torture and other forms of ill-treatment, forcing them to reveal information about other members of the LGBT community known to them. Witnesses of the persecution of gays, which began in the second half of February, claimed that the detentions began after the speaker of the Chechen parliament, Magomed Daudov, learned about gays in the republic.

Aishat Ramzanovna Kadyrova. Born on December 31, 1998 in the village of Tsentoroy (Chech. Khosi-Yurt) of the Kurchaloevsky district of the Chechen Republic. Fashion designer, head of the Firdaws fashion house. The eldest daughter of Ramzan Kadyrov.

Aishat Kadyrova was born on December 31, 1998 in the village of Tsentoroy (Chech. Khosi-Yurt) of the Kurchaloevsky district of the Chechen Republic.

Father - head of the Chechen Republic.

Mother - Medni Kadyrova.

Grandfather - Akhmat Abdulkhamidovich Kadyrov.

Grandmother - Aimani Nesievna Kadyrova.

Great-grandfather - Abdulkhamid Kadyrov.

Aunts - Zargan Akhmatovna Kadyrova, Zulay Akhmatovna Kadyrova.

Uncle - Zelimkhan Akhmatovich Kadyrov.

Aishat has eleven brothers and sisters.

She grew up in Tsentoroy, the family village of the Kadyrov family. There, by the way, her parents met while still children, and later, in 1996, they got married.

She grew up and was brought up in strictness - there is serious discipline in the Kadyrov family. Just like her brothers and sisters, she attended school, the gym, and danced.

Until the sixth grade, Aishat attended regular school. Then for two years I switched to home schooling. She studied the Koran nine hours a day. As a result, she became a hafiz (from Arabic حافظ - “learner by heart”, “guardian”) - a person who knows the Koran by heart. She also studied Arabic.

She recalled: “A teacher came to see me. At first we just studied Arabic. Arabic Quran different, different pronunciation, the book has its own rules and signs. It was a lot of work and cost me a lot of effort. I will never forget the day when I finished the last surah and told my parents about it. The greatest happiness was to see tears of joy in their eyes. It’s not all in vain.”

At the end of eighth grade, she returned to school and began to make up for missed time. After school I passed the Unified State Exam - mathematics, Russian, history.

Aishat Kadyrova with her father Ramzan Kadyrov

In 2016 she entered the Faculty of Economics of the Chechen University state university. But she studies in absentia because she is busy with the Firdaws fashion house - it was founded in 2009 by her mother Medni Kadyrova. Since 2016, Aishat has been the director of Firdaws.

By the way, Firdaws means “Garden of Eden”.

Every day she practices drawing and modeling with a teacher. Creates his own models. In 2016, she released her first independent clothing collection.

Aishat herself prefers dark tones - gray and black. At the same time, her collection includes a lot of pink, blue and white. The dresses are distinctly similar to the national costume. Lace, mesh, and Swarovski rhinestones are actively used. Some models are embroidered by hand for several months.

Aishat visits Parisian ateliers as a client. Her wardrobe includes Elie Saab Haute Couture and Valentino dresses. She is familiar with Lebanese fashion designer Elie Saab.

Aishat described her style as “Tradition, grace and modesty.”

On March 1, 2017, Aishat Kadyrova presented a clothing collection in Grozny, the creation of which used national Chechen motifs. The presentation was attended by Italian fashion designer Stefano Ricci and his family, vice-president of Chopard Caroline Gruosi-Scheufele, and other domestic and foreign celebrities.

By October 20, 2017, Aishat prepared a new collection - “Mountain Pearl” - for display in Moscow’s Zaryadye Park. This collection was nominated for “Best Show at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week” in December 2017.

In addition to her fashion house, she has another project - the Paris confectionery.

Aishat Kadyrova dances with her father Ramzan Kadyrov

Personal life of Aishat Kadyrova:

Married. She got married at the beginning of 2017 (as she told the media in April of the same year). It is known that her husband is a year older than her. He is the son of her father's deceased friend. Before the wedding, they knew each other for two weeks. They live in their house in Grozny, near the residence of Ramzan Kadyrov.

Aishat often travels abroad. She named Mecca, Medina and Paris as her favorite cities.

She loves music, as she said - depending on her mood - foreign and folk.

He plays sports - runs on the track and swims.

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