Riddles, guesses and solutions, or a look through a crystal decanter. Exotic moonshine recipes English bitters

But you need to dilute 2:3 and nothing else

2 parts alcohol and 3 parts water, i.e. 1 liter for 1.5 water - well, this is for clarity
* * *
You need to dilute with 1 liter of alcohol (96%) - 1.4 liters of water (or better yet, SHWEPS - very tasty). And nothing else. It is this ratio that is necessary for salvation. And you will get about 2.2 liters of a good drink. The quantity decreases due to the hydration of alcohol. This is exactly what I was taught at one university, telling me that when you sip alcohol in large quantities from a container, you need to add more water than you drained into alcohol. By the way, perfectly salted vodka, in principle, has no smell - that’s what it is great merit D.I. Mendeleev. Only you can “catch” this moment only in laboratory conditions. Therefore, when you drink vodka with a faint odor and, it seems, weak, then this is precisely the one of high quality.
* * *
Limoncello is a wonderful Italian lemon liqueur, so:
500 ml alcohol
300 g sugar
650 ml water
6 lemons
Using a potato knife, cut the zest thinly from the lemons, put them in a container and fill them with alcohol. You need to let it brew for a week under a tight lid in a cool, warm place. After a week, strain the resulting infusion. Prepare the syrup by mixing sugar with water and bringing to a boil. After cooling the syrup, mix it with alcohol. Don't be alarmed - the liquid will turn milky. We seal it and let it brew for another couple of weeks. Despite the strength of the drink, it is easy and relaxed to drink.
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V Lately When going outdoors, I use a simplified version (when I don’t have time to prepare my own syrup): dilute a good store-bought cherry syrup with alcohol. Proportion depending on the purpose of the drink, the consuming audience and the atmosphere around the audience

For example, for a rainy, cold autumn evening, the proportion 45x55 (alcohol/syrup) works well... And if you let it brew, then your atpad... Smells like alcohol, but tastes like syrup. The only negative is that it gives a better feeling than any cognac/vodka/tequila etc., therefore, those who are unprepared should drink with caution. And most importantly, the thickness of the syrup makes the drink drop dead warm... It slowly descends down the esophagus....
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I know a slightly different recipe, from a bakers’ forum, and it got there from an Italian forum. I calculated it for 1/4 servings.

zest of 12 lemons (medium)
1 liter of alcohol (95%)
2 liters of good quality milk
2 kg sugar
1 vanilla pod

For 1/4 serving:
zest of 3 lemons
250 ml alcohol
500 ml milk
500 g sugar
1/4 vanilla pod

Place lemon zest in a convenient jar with a lid, add alcohol and close the lid. Leave in a dark place for 4 days.

After 4 days, boil the milk with sugar and let it simmer for 2-3 minutes. Add the contents of the vanilla pod. Attention! You need to constantly stir the milk, otherwise the sugar will stick to the bottom of the pan.

Cool well. Filter the milk through cheesecloth. Also filter the alcohol with the zest and discard the zest. Combine the milk mixture with the alcohol mixture. Mix everything well and pour into bottles. Yield: 4 liter bottles from this quantity of products.
Store in the refrigerator and drink cold.
* * *
I really love berry tinctures. It turns out very well on cranberries, for a liter bottle:
- 350-400 alcohol
- 100 grams of berries
- two to three teaspoons of sugar
- the rest with some water and a dark place under the lid and for a couple of weeks.

Absolut and Finland didn’t even come close to such deliciousness
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According to the classics, about 5% glucose should be poured into medical alcohol and diluted with water to taste in 0.5 liters. alcohol, stir 2-3 tablespoons of sugar and squeeze (if you have) about half a lemon. I add 0.5 preferably soft water to the resulting mixture. The drink of the gods is ready
* * *
Orange liqueur

1 liter of pure alcohol
zest of 8 oranges
1/2 liter of good milk
1 kg sugar
1 liter of water


Place the zest of 8 oranges in 1 liter of pure 96% alcohol and leave for 7 days. After a week, pour half a liter of good raw milk into the tincture and leave it for another week. After this, pour the cooled syrup prepared with 1 kg of sugar and 1 liter of water into the tincture. Leave it to stand again for a week, then filter it and pour it into liqueur bottles. During the entire cooking time, shake the mixture daily 1-2 times a day.

Since the basis of alcoholic beverages is drinking alcohol, first of all we will consider recipes for preparing it at home.

Freshly picked jasmine flowers (200 g) pour 4 liters of alcohol and distill over fairly high heat. Sweeten with syrup and let sit.
0 points

Take the ripest and sweetest apricots, chop them, squeeze the juice and pour it with alcohol (350 ml of apricot with 500 ml of alcohol). Place in a sealed container in a cool place. After a month, strain, bottle and seal.
0 points

Place ripe apricots in a glass jar, sprinkle with sugar and pour in alcohol (per 1 kg of apricots: 500 g of sugar and 0.5 l of alcohol). Seal and leave for 3-4 weeks. Then drain the liqueur, filter it, and bottle it. The remaining apricots can be poured with 50% sugar syrup and eaten for dessert.
4.5 points

Ripe aromatic apricots are cut into pieces and placed in a glass jar. Pour alcohol diluted with white wine, per 1 liter of alcohol - 1.5 liters of white wine (if you use vodka, it is diluted with 0.5 liters of white wine). Add a piece of cinnamon. After 6 weeks, the liqueur is filtered and the same amount of alcohol and white wine is added, as well as syrup made from 250 g of sugar and 100 g of water per liter of liqueur. The liquid is filtered until completely transparent. After a month, it is filtered again.
5 points

To prepare it, use rowan, apricot, apple alcoholic juices, fruit drink or juice chokeberry, as well as an infusion of yellow gentian, mountain arnica, wormwood, ginger, valerian, spearmint, calamus, lemon balm, linden flowers, oak bark, black pepper, orange peel, trifoli leaves, nutmeg, St. John's wort, balsam buds. It has a dark red color, sweet and sour taste with a hint of bitterness, and a pleasant aroma. Strength - 22°, sugar content - 16%.
3.5 points

Sweet, semi-sweet and bitter tinctures
Crush or grate overripe quince. Very finely chop a bunch of rye straw. Squeeze the juice out of this mixture. For eight glasses of this juice there is the same amount of vodka. Add 50 g of regular sugar and 50 g of vanilla sugar; pour into a bottle and leave for a week. Filter.
0 points

Vintage vodkas
Cinnamon – 4 hours
Calamus root - 12 hours
Kishnets – 4h
Gentian – 1 hour
Unripe oranges - 6 hours
Sugar - 80 hours
Wine alcohol 70% – 400 h
All ingredients are mixed, infused and filtered.
0 points

Vintage vodkas
Nutmeg - 40 hours
Cloves – 40 hours
Gentian – 15 hours
Lemon peel - 100 hours
- Unripe oranges - 15 hours
Calamus root - 15 hours
Kalgan – 15 hours
Angelica root – 15 hours
Quassium tree – 4h
Wine alcohol 90% – 4000 h
Water - 2000 h
Sugar syrup: sugar - 750 h
water - 2000 h
All ingredients are mixed, infused for 8 days, and filtered. Sugar syrup is added to the filtrate.
0 points

Vintage vodkas
Orange peel – 8h
Centaury – 4h
Gentian – 4h
Mirra – 2 hours
Cloves - 1 hour
Calamus root - 3 hours
Turkish pepper – 5h
Wormwood – 2h
Wine alcohol 75% – 225 h
Everything is mixed and infused for 3 days, filtered.
0 points

Vintage vodkas
Dry orange peel - 6 hours
Fresh orange peel - 4 hours
Fresh lemon peel - 4 hours
Cumin - 3 hours
Kalgan - 3 hours
Gentian – 2h
Calamus root - 1 hour
English pepper - I hour
Wine alcohol 75% – 400 h
Everything is mixed, infused for 8 days and filtered.
0 points

cooking at home.

Flavored spirits and vodkas
0 points

Flavored spirits and vodkas
0 points

Flavored spirits and vodkas
1 points

Flavored spirits and vodkas
Take 400 g of anise seeds, 50 g of cumin, 40 g of orris root and 45 g of dry lemon peel and grind everything together. Pour 7.5 liters of alcohol and distill.
0 points

Flavored spirits and vodkas
Grind 200 g of anise seeds, pour 10 liters of alcohol into them and leave for 4 weeks. Add 5 liters of water and distill. Add 200 crushed anise seeds to the distilled alcohol and leave again for 4 weeks. Filter and dilute 1/3 with soft spring water.
0 points

Flavored spirits and vodkas
Crush 1.2 kg of anise seeds coarsely, pour 6 liters of alcohol into it and leave for 3 days. Add 9 liters of alcohol and distill.
0 points

Flavored spirits and vodkas
Finely crush 200 g of anise, pour 5 liters of alcohol into it and leave for 15 days. Dilute 2.5 liters of water and distill until you get 2.5 liters of alcohol. After this, sweeten with strong syrup to taste and filter.
0 points

Flavored spirits and vodkas
Finely crush 200 g of fresh anise, pour 12 liters of alcohol into it and leave for 4 weeks, then distill over moderate heat to obtain 9-10 liters of alcohol. Prepare syrup from 1.6 kg of sugar and 1.2 liters of water and sweeten the vodka. The mixture will be milky in color. To lighten, put 1 egg white there and mix as best as possible. Shake occasionally for several days.
0 points

Flavored spirits and vodkas
Infuse alcohol with orange peel for seven days (in a ratio of 5:1). Then dilute with water, the amount of which should be half the volume of alcohol used, and distill so as to obtain a volume equal to the original volume of alcohol. Then carefully cut the zest from two or three oranges and pour in distilled vodka. Leave in a warm place for 5-8 days, then filter. You can sweeten it a little.
2 points

Sweet, semi-sweet and bitter tinctures
Boil syrup from refined sugar and a liter of water. Mix with two liters of vodka. Pour into a bottle. Add the peels of 4 or 5 oranges. Place in the shade for 3-4 days. Filter. Pour into bottles.
0 points


Cocktails based on wines and liqueurs
Gin based cocktails
Cognac-based cocktails
Rum-based cocktails
Cocktails with vermouth
Cocktails with coffee and tea
Cocktails with ice cream and mineral table water
Cocktails with beer
Cocktails like cordial
Dry cocktails
Stacked juices
Layered cocktails

Special spirits

Wine drinks
Drinks based on birch sap
Drinks based on beer, wine and alcohol

Wine making recipes

Vegetable wines
Grape wines
Sparkling wines and sparkling drinks
Blended wines
Honey wines
Fruit and berry wines
Champagne wines

Recipes for making drinking alcohol and drinks based on it

Flavored spirits and vodkas
Sweet, semi-sweet and bitter tinctures
Drinking alcohol
Sweet vodkas
Vintage vodkas

Mixed spirits

Mulled wines

Healing tinctures with alcohol

Painkiller tinctures
Anti-alcohol tincture
Antimalarial tincture
Tincture for the treatment of thrombophlebitis
Tinctures to stimulate appetite
Tinctures for disinfection of wounds and cuts
Tinctures for the treatment of throat and colds
Tinctures for the treatment of female diseases
Tinctures for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
Tinctures for the treatment of the liver, kidneys and urinary tract
Tinctures for the treatment of joints
Tinctures to support the cardiovascular system
Tinctures for the prevention of atherosclerosis and improvement of blood composition
Tinctures affecting blood clotting
General strengthening (tonic) tinctures
Calming tinctures

Recipes for making drinking alcohol and drinks based on it

Alcoholic drinks are prepared on the basis of drinking alcohol, which is infused with various plant materials (fruits, berries, herbs, flowers, roots, etc.).
They are a mixture of drinking alcohol and water, as well as various juices, fruit drinks, infusions, aromatic alcohols, essential oils, citric acid, organic dyes, sugar or honey, other substances.

Depending on the alcohol content, drinks are divided into strong and low-proof, and depending on the sugar content - into bitter, semi-sweet and sweet. Strong drinks contain 28-57° alcohol, and low-proof drinks contain no more than 28°. alcohol The approximate composition and types of main alcoholic drinks common in our country can be summarized in the following table.
Since the basis of alcoholic beverages is drinking alcohol, first of all we will consider recipes for preparing it at home.

Flavored spirits and vodkas
Take 1.2 kg of large crushed anise, 2.5 g of orris root, 60 g of salt, pour in 12.5 liters of alcohol and leave for two days, then distill.
0 points

Flavored spirits and vodkas
Take 400 g of anise, 12.5 liters of alcohol, distill over low heat, placing 50 g of crushed anise in a canvas under the outlet of the coil so that the alcohol flows through it. To make the alcohol green, crush 50 g of dried birch leaves and put them in a canvas under the outlet of the coil.
0 points

Flavored spirits and vodkas
Take 400 g of fresh anise seeds, 200 g of star anise, 200 g of coriander, 50 g of fennel, pour in 12 liters of alcohol and leave for 4 weeks, and then distill. To the 10 liters of alcohol obtained by distillation, add 3.3 kg of sugar diluted in 1.6 liters of water and strain.
1 points

When researching the vodka market, it was found that it is imported from Germany, the USA, Sweden, Poland, France, Belgium, Israel and other countries.

The principle of distillation, which forms the basis for the production of traditional Russian vodka, is widespread throughout the world. However, in foreign countries different raw materials are used, a different production technology is used, natural and synthetic additives are used that determine the organoleptic and physicochemical characteristics of the drink.

According to the Russian classification, most of them are classified as alcoholic beverages. In addition, vodka is the name given to a number of strong alcoholic drinks obtained according to traditional national recipes by distillation: whiskey, brandy, gin, rum, plum brandy, arrack. The range of domestic and imported vodkas sold on the Russian market reaches up to 400 items.

It is practically impossible to establish the distinctive features of vodkas of new names, since the labeling most often does not contain any information about the features of the recipe, technology, or type of alcohol. All this is a trade secret.

At the same time, the lack of reliable information about the characteristics of vodkas of different names deprives merchants and consumers of the opportunity to make an informed choice and forces them to assume that the differences between

many vodkas consist only in the name and external design.

The Russian market is literally flooded with imported products, sometimes intended for Russians, as evidenced by the names of vodkas. This is largely due to the fact that domestic manufacturers are supplied in unfavourable conditions due to high excise taxes.

Below are the most famous brands of foreign vodkas and their analogues.


Vodkas of Ukraine:

♦ “Viru-valge”. Prepared from highly purified alcohol and softened water with added sugar. ABV 45%.

♦ “Crystal Jidrais.” Produced on the basis of highly purified alcohol with the addition of caraway and bitter almond oils, glycerin, and sugar. ABV 40%.

♦ “Leaf Skydrion.” The composition includes high-purity alcohol and softened water. ABV 40%.

♦ “New”. It is obtained from highly purified alcohol and treated water with the addition of aromatic alcohol, cumin and sugar. ABV 40%.

♦ “Ukrainian vodka”. Prepared on the basis of highly purified alcohol with the addition of honey. ABV 45%.


Poland is a leader in the volume and range of vodkas produced.

In Poland, vodkas are traditionally classified into pure and high-grade. Pure vodkas are closer in composition to Russian ones; they do not have a pronounced aroma or taste; high-grade vodkas are flavored drinks of various types: from liqueurs to liqueurs. Vodkas of Poland:

♦ “Vyborova” (Wyborowa). One of the most popular in the domestic and foreign markets, its share makes up a quarter of the vodka consumed in the country. It is produced from the highest quality rye alcohol (“Selected”) and mineralized water, which makes it soft, with a slightly sweet taste.

♦ “21-Excellent vodka”. In production, rye alcohol “Lux” and well water are used. The high degree of purity of the starting components ensures taste benefits. Strength - 40%.

♦ "Baltic" (Baltic). Vodka with alcohol obtained from potatoes, strength - 40%. An option is “Special Baltic” with the addition of rye alcohol and two years of aging in oak barrels.

♦ “Victory”. It is produced on the basis of selected rye alcohol and mineralized water, which, along with special technology, provides a pleasant, delicate aroma and taste. Strength - 39%.

♦ Vodka Mono-polowa J. A. Baczewski. Like Polonaise, it belongs to the category of mass-produced vodkas, produced according to original recipe family Baczewski (1782) with the addition of natural flavoring additives. Strength - 40%.

♦ “Wyborna zytnia” (Wyborna zytnia). It is made from a mixture of grain and potato alcohol, which gives vodka a unique flavor. Strength - 40%.

♦ “Ideal”. Produced on the basis of Lux rye alcohol, with a strength of 38, 40 and 45%.

♦ “Carpathia” (Karpatia). A special feature of the technology and recipe is the addition of aged fruit alcohol. Available in two versions: 38 and 42% strength.

♦ “Copernicus” (Copernicus). Rye vodka based on Lux alcohol. There are two options: “Luxury” with a strength of 40% and “Light” with a strength of 39%.

♦ “Krakus”. Tayuke belongs to the group of rye vodkas and has a soft, slightly sweet taste and a typical grain aroma. Strength - 40%.

♦ “Lublinka” (Lublinka). The composition includes selected rye alcohol "Lux" and specially treated water, which distinguishes this drink with a delicate aroma and taste of pure grain vodka. Strength - 40%. As an option, Lublinka zytnia is produced - 39 and 40% strength.

♦ “Luksusova”. Vodka produced using a special technology using high-quality alcohol “Lux” (“Lyuksusova”) and mineralized water. It has the aroma and taste typical for this class of vodka. Strength - 40%.

♦ “Mazowiecka zytnia”. Produced from rye alcohol with the addition of fruit. Strength - 40%.

♦ “Our vodka is pure” (Nasza wodka czysta). Mass grade rye vodka. Strength - 40%.

♦ “Polonez”. Produced from rye alcohol in two versions: 40% strength (white label) and 50% (blue label).

♦ “Tania” (Tania). High-quality vodka made from rye alcohol and mineral water. Strength - 40%.

♦ “Harnash” (Hamas). It is produced using various natural additives that provide a unique taste and aroma. It has a strength of 40 and 45%.

♦ “Chopin”. To make this vodka, the highest grades of rye and specially purified water are used. Available in 40 and 45% strength. A special feature is the frosted glass bottles.

♦ “Extra Zytnia”. A special feature of the recipe is the use of a small amount of apple alcohol and aromatic fruit additives along with rye, which imparts softness and the aroma of fruit and grain. Strength - 40%. As an option, “Specjalna Zytnia” is produced with a higher degree of purification. Available in several varieties: 40% strength (blue label), 45% strength (red label), flavored - lemon, orange, pepper, coconut and peach (38%).

In addition to the vodkas discussed above, potato vodkas “Vistula” and “Alpine” (Alpejska), as well as kosher vodkas made in accordance with the requirements of religious Jewish regulations, have become very popular. According to traditional Jewish recipes, about twenty items are produced, of which Kosher, Trojka-Luxury, Szaba-sowka, Purim, and Happy are in high demand. "(Happy).

Among the mass-produced vodkas, one can note such as “Cymes” (translated from Hebrew as “taste of tastes”), “Korsarska”, “Bosmanska”, “Kapitanska”, “Admiral” "(Admiral), "Mariner", "Nord", "Galileo", "Belveder", etc.

Poland, like other countries of the world, is increasingly moving towards creating joint ventures for the production of vodka with leading manufacturers and companies. Together with the English company Euro Class, they produce Rose Petal vodka with the addition of flavored rose oil, high-grade vodka liqueurs: plum, orange, lemon, cherry. The American corporation IDV produces Smirnoff Red vodka in Poland.


The most famous is Absolut vodka (Absolut Rent Branvin, i.e. absolutely pure alcoholic drink). The recipe and technology of vodka was developed in 1879 by Lars Olsson

Smith. A medallion with the image of the inventor of vodka is placed on the bottle into which the vodka is bottled.

Vodka production is concentrated in the south of Sweden at the plant in Ahus, where they produce classic varieties (40 and 45% strength), flavored versions with 40% strength - “Absolut Citron”, “Absolut Pepe”, “Absolut Kurant”.


Since 1952, the national brand “Koskenkorva” has been produced with a strength of 40; 50 and 60%, with a low alcohol content of 25 to 21% and the addition of various flavors.

Since 1970, a new brand has been produced - “Finlandia” with a strength of 40 and 50%, as well as its variants with the addition of cranberry and pineapple flavors.


Grain vodka "Danzka" is produced with a strength of 40% (red label) and 50% (blue label), flavored versions: lemon and blackcurrant with a strength of 40%. Poured into aluminum containers.


The leader in the production of high-quality vodkas is the SPS company, which produces Romanov, Imperial, Troika, Kutuzov, Faberge vodkas, which enjoy a well-deserved reputation in the domestic market. It was from this company that the Russian Government ordered Salyut Pobedy vodka for the 50th anniversary of the Victory.

Since 1921 Vodka of the factory brand "Gorbachev" is produced at the factory founded in Berlin by the Russian emigrant Gorbachev. This vodka accounts for about 40% of the German market. Produced at 37.5 strength; 40; 50 and 60%.

In 1938, the Detlefsen company was founded, which produces the famous brand of vodka “Rasputin” - “classic” and flavored varieties, as well as “Magic” with a strength of 37.5%; "Prestige" (40 and 70% strength).

In total, about 60 brands of vodka are produced in Germany, including Moskvich, Nikolai, President, Alexander, Prince Igor, Petrov, Stolypin, Vodka for Health, Tolstoy. , “Father”, “Germany”, “Russia”, “Pushkin”, etc.

The national German vodka is schnapps (Bran-Twain), a low-strength alcohol for which is prepared from potatoes and beets.


The most famous is Smirnoff vodka (its strength is 50%). The history of this brand is connected with the name of Peter Smirnov, whose family invented a special recipe for making vodka more than a hundred years ago. In 1933, Russian emigrant Rudolf Kunet bought the production of this vodka from Smirnov’s son, Vladimir. Since 1939, Smirnoff vodka has been produced by Hublein. In terms of popularity, it ranks first in the world among vodkas and second among strong alcoholic drinks (after Bakar-di rum). About 15 million cases of Smirnoff vodka are sold annually, while Absolut vodka (the second most popular) sells 4.5 million cases.

The brands “Bight Eagle” (40% strength), “Black Eagle” (40% strength), as well as “Wolfschmidt” (40% strength), produced by one of the largest companies “Jame Beam”, are widely known in America.


Since 1888, the Highhoud company has been producing wheat vodka Royalty. The identifying feature of this vodka is the blue bottle and the presence of the mark of the royal court on it.

The De Hurn company produces Ursus vodka, its recipe was developed at the beginning of the 20th century. Icelandic bootlegger." Flavored versions are currently being produced: lemon and blackcurrant.

“Genever” (shidam) is juniper vodka, the alcohol for which is obtained from barley malt and wheat grain; flavored with juniper berries.


The most famous brands are Keglevich, produced by Stoke in lemon, peach and melon flavored versions (38% strength), and Eristow Vodka with 40% strength.


English vodkas are sold only on the domestic market and are practically unknown outside the country.

The most popular are: “Cossack” (37.5% strength), “Select” (40% strength),

“Vegin” (abv. 37.5, 40 and 50%), “Borzoi” (abv. 37.5%).


A popular brand is “Aslanov”. The recipe for this vodka was developed by Russian emigrants Mikhail and Nina Aslanyan, who have been producing this vodka in Brussels since 1917. In the 70s. trademark and the right to produce Aslanov vodka were acquired by the Belgian company Bruggeman.


Vodkas of Mexico:

♦ Mezcal. To obtain this drink, alcohol is used from fermented agave juice, but it is distilled only once.

♦ Pulque. Cactus vodka with a strength of 32...34%. It does not have stable quality indicators, since its production allows the use of non-standard raw materials and alcohol of varying degrees of purification.

♦ Tequila. The alcohol for it is obtained from fermented agave juice, then it is subjected to repeated distillation and aged for several years in oak barrels. Strength - 45%. The technological principle and vodka itself have been known since the times of the Aztecs. The largest producer of Jose Cuervo tequila is the Jose Cuervo company, which has been producing this brand for 200 years.


Chinese vodkas:

♦ Maotai. Maotai is the most popular rice vodka. There are several options for its manufacture.

In artisanal conditions, primitively distilled rice alcohol is obtained, various medicinal herbs are infused on its basis, diluted with water to obtain a strength of 60%, sealed and kept for some time before sale. In closer industrial conditions, another type of Maotai vodka is produced - 60-proof. Distinctive feature hers are yellow and the characteristic smell of rice vodka.

♦ Hanshina. Although this is wheat vodka, millet is also used as a raw material for alcohol, which, together with simple technology, gives a cloudy color and a specific smell.


Below is a description of other famous national vodkas, which are based on the principle of distillation:

♦ Araki. Turkish date vodka. Prepared with alcohol obtained from dates.

♦ Arza (Horza). A special type of strong kumys vodka. It is made from arka by diluting it with water. Consumed hot.

♦ Arka. Kumys vodka of Kalmykia and Buryatia. The raw material for producing alcohol is kumys or sour milk. They drink it hot with the addition of kumiss, as an unpleasant odor appears when it cools.

♦ Bambooza. Indonesian bamboo vodka. Alcohol from bamboo grains is used as a raw material. The technology used does not provide for the purification of vodka from harmful impurities. Used mainly for ritual and religious ceremonies.

♦ Calvados. French apple vodka. The raw material used is alcohol obtained from well-preserved unripe apples. After distillation of apple juice

brewing and bringing the strength to 38...50%, the vodka is kept in barrels. Calvados usually has an additional name depending on where it is made. This explains the wide range of its strength.

♦ Cajasa. Brazilian vodka, the alcohol for which is obtained from sugar cane, however, in the technological process, it is not cane juice or molasses that is fermented, but fresh sugar cane, which distinguishes the production of vodka from rum. Strength - 41%.

♦ Passover. Jewish raisin vodka. The alcohol is obtained from raisins, during technological process it is diluted with two or three times the volume of water.

♦ Sake. Widely known Japanese rice vodka. A special feature of the alcohol technology is the processing of rice with steam and saccharification with special cultures of microorganisms. The finished drink is colorless and transparent, has a strength of 16...18%, and is consumed hot.

♦ Chacha. Georgian grape vodka. For the production of alcohol, unripe, unvarietal grapes with ridges are used. Strength - about 45%. There are many varieties of vodkas that are traditional for many countries and peoples.

♦ Arrack. It is widespread in Asian countries, where various local raw materials are used for its production: on the island of Java, alcohol is obtained by distilling fermented wort.

♦ Kizlyarka. The alcohol for the production of this vodka is obtained from apples, pears, plums, apricots and other fruits. Kizlyarka is a traditional drink in many areas North Caucasus, Stavropol, Kuban.

♦ Slivovitz. Plum vodka is widespread in Hungary, Slovakia, and Romania; prunes are used to produce alcohol. The technology involves a dilution process with water.

♦ Tutovka. Produced in Azerbaijan and Armenia. The alcohol is made by distilling mash from white and black mulberries, which gives the vodka a yellowish-greenish tint and a characteristic aroma.

♦ Anise vodka (anise). This family of vodkas includes a large number of national drinks of various recipes and strengths. The anise-flavored drink was known as early as 1500 BC. e., in Ancient Egypt it was considered healing.

Below are some examples of existing varieties of aniseed vodka.

Anise del mono. A drink considered the national pride of Spain. The identifying feature is the original shaped bottle, the label of which depicts a chimpanzee with a human face holding a bottle in one hand and a scroll in the other with the words: “This is the best anise, as proven by science.” There are mainly two varieties of this vodka: “Gorilla Anise” and “Tiger Anise”.

Greek booze. It has a sweet taste. Strength - 40...50%.

Turkish rakti. Herbs and roots are also used in its production. Strength - 40...50%.


Like anise, they include a wide variety of drinks similar in technology. Bitter vodkas are made from extracts of herbs, roots, stems, leaves of tropical and subtropical plants with the addition of various spices. Considering the raw materials used, they usually have dark color, provide positive influence on gastrointestinal tract.

Typical examples of bitter vodkas are Angos Tura and Bunekamp. Bitter vodkas are used mainly for flavoring other drinks (less often in pure form) due to the high concentration of aromatic and biologically active substances. Bitter vodkas:

♦ "Angostura". Along with alcohol, extracts from orange peel, gentian roots, angelica, cinchona bark, cloves, nutmeg flowers, cardamom, cinnamon and other components are used in its production.

♦ "Bunekamp". The vodka recipe includes anise, fennel, licorice, trifol (trefoil), semolina, valerian, wormwood, poplar buds, and other exotic additives. Available with a strength of at least 41%.

English vodka

Place the spices taken in equal parts into a cube, pour in vodka, and distill. Pour some orange peel with clean vodka and leave for two weeks in a warm place. Then combine with the resulting vodka and distill again.

Ingredients: sage, wild rowan, tansy, mint, rosemary, St. John's wort, celery seeds - 20 g each, vodka - 6 l.

This text is an introductory fragment. From the book Classic First Courses author Ivleva Lyudmila Andreevna

English cuisine Cream soup from oatmeal Ingredients: Oat flakes – 200 g, broth – 1.5 l, milk – 300 g, cream – 100 g, egg (yolk) – 3 pcs., butter – 50 g, bread – 150 g. Preparation: Pour oat flakes hot milk and broth and cook for 15–20 minutes,

From the book of 500 recipes from around the world author Perederey Natalya

English cuisine English cuisine, although not distinguished by a wide variety of dishes, contains many interesting recipes, characteristic only for this country. For example, one of the national English dishes is turkey stuffed with vegetables. From drinks

From the book Your Pizzeria author Maslyakova Elena Vladimirovna

English Required: 20 g yeast, 700 g flour, 250 g milk or water, 10 g sugar, 50 g butter, salt. For filling: 100 g lamb, 50 g potatoes, 3 onions, 150 g fresh mushrooms, 40 g kidneys, 20 g butter, greens. Method of preparation. Dissolve the crushed yeast in heated water,

From the book Diet Exclusive by Chomsky Oksana

English diet The English diet has one undeniable advantage. If most fashionable diets bring only temporary relief from extra pounds, then it guarantees long-term, “sustainable” slimness. Isn't this what you dream about? Everyone knows what

From the book Dishes made from milk and dairy products. Varied menus for everyday life and holidays author Alkaev Eduard Nikolaevich

Milk soup (English cuisine) Add oatmeal to lightly salted boiling water and cook until tender. Before serving, whiten with milk or cream and sweeten to taste. Ingredients: 1 liter of water; 2 cups of oatmeal (180 g); 2 cups of cream 10% fat; 1 cup

From the book Kefir and fermented milk diets. Weight loss, rejuvenation, healthy eating author Zhalpanova Liniza Zhuvanovna

English diet Duration of the diet - 1 week. The result is a weight loss of 2–3 kg. The basic principle of the English diet: minimum calories in the morning, maximum for dinner (before 19.00). Menu Breakfast Option 1: 1 boiled egg or scrambled eggs from it, 1 slice of toasted flour bread

From the book Canning, smoking, winemaking author Nesterova Alla Viktorovna

English corned beef Ingredients: 1 kg of meat, 40 g of sugar, 1 g of saltpeter, 80 g of salt. Rinse the meat in running water, dry slightly and cut into thin pieces. Grind salt, sugar and saltpeter into powder. Rub each piece of meat with the prepared mixture and place it in the curing room.

From the book Home Canning. Salting. Smoking. Complete encyclopedia author Babkova Olga Viktorovna

English corned beef Ingredients: 1 kg of meat, 40 g of sugar, 1 g of saltpeter, 80 g of salt. Rinse the meat in running water, dry slightly and cut into thin pieces. Grind salt, sugar and saltpeter into powder. Rub each piece of meat with the prepared mixture and place it in the curing room.

From the book Smoking, drying, salting, baking author Babkova Olga Viktorovna

English corned beef Ingredients: 1 kg of meat, 40 g of sugar, 1 g of saltpeter, 80 g of salt. Rinse the meat in running water, dry slightly and cut into thin pieces. Grind salt, sugar and saltpeter into powder. Rub each piece of meat with the prepared mixture and place it in the curing room.

From the book How to make sausages at home author Kalinina Alina

English sausage 680 g pork shoulder meat, 450 g pork belly fat, 15 g salt, 1 teaspoon almonds, ? teaspoons white pepper (finely ground), ? teaspoons of nutmeg, ? teaspoons fresh sage leaves (finely chopped), ? teaspoons fresh thyme(finely

From the book 1000 recipes for weight loss using celery soup author Kashin Sergey Pavlovich

English sausage 680 g pork shoulder meat, 450 g pork belly fat, 15 g salt, 1 teaspoon almonds, ? teaspoons white pepper (finely ground), ? teaspoons of nutmeg, ? teaspoons fresh sage leaves (finely chopped), ? teaspoons fresh thyme (finely

English tincture Pour all ingredients into a bottle, add vodka and leave for 4-5 weeks. Ingredients: galangal - 40 g, gentian - 100 g, orange zest - 400 g, vodka -

From the author's book

English ratafia Extract the juice from the oranges. Grind the zest. Stir sugar in orange juice until completely dissolved, add zest, a small amount of nutmeg flowers and rum. Infuse in a warm place for 2 weeks, shaking daily every 5-6 hours, then

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