Treadmill calories or kilocalories. How to start working out on a treadmill correctly. How many calories are burned? Effective exercises for burning fat. Advantages of a treadmill

The experiment was carried out on a treadmill based on instrument readings:

The rate of calorie consumption depends very little on the speed of movement in the range from 6 (moderate walking) to 12 (medium running) km/h.
A very strong dependence of calorie consumption is observed when the angle of inclination of the surface on which you move changes.
Walking at a speed of 6.5 km/h on a flat surface burns 100 kcal for every km.
If you run 11 km/h, you burn 110 kcal, if you walk 6.5 km/h, and the incline is 12 degrees (if you walk uphill), then you burn as much as 135 kcal.

What happens if you believe this? In an hour of walking, 100 kcal are lost, and in an hour of running - 110 kcal, only 10 calories more, BUT - have you tried running with excess weight for an hour without slowing down?!!
And walking is so simple and yet pleasant!

You take a walk, admire nature, you can take your dog with you, or a camera, or walk to some distant store, or go somewhere with friends, or on a romantic date, or with children...
Yes, many options! But you still lose calories. Isn't it great?!

Walking is a sport that most of us, regardless of age and physical fitness, can do throughout our lives. Unlike running (which, for all its benefits and effectiveness, has its limitations and contraindications), walking has virtually no negative side effects.

It increases the overall endurance of the body, strengthens muscles and maintains them in good condition, improves heart function, helps increase bone tissue density, since with moderate physical activity the body’s ability to absorb calcium increases, improves skin condition, stimulates blood circulation and prevents the development of vascular diseases, prolongs youth, alleviates stressful conditions. These are just a few positive sides this seemingly mundane activity.

A healthy person should take at least 10-15 thousand steps a day, which corresponds to a distance of 5-7 km. The load should not cause any discomfort (except for the slightest shortness of breath). At the same time, this session should give the person a feeling of a certain physical tension. The most reliable and in a simple way Monitor the state of the cardiovascular system by counting your pulse at the moment of maximum load. For people 50-59 years old, the pulse should not exceed 120 beats per minute, and for older people - 100. In general, if you feel a slight pleasant fatigue while performing certain exercises, then everything is going fine. On the contrary, if unmotivated weakness appears, shortness of breath, dizziness, interruptions in heart function, immediate cessation of exercise is necessary.

For walking, it is better to choose straight sections of the road, and while walking it is better to remain silent so as not to lose your breath. Walking is a great way to relax and take your mind off unpleasant thoughts. While walking, as a rule, a clear heart rhythm is established, and this alone can harmonize our internal state. In addition, the load when walking is large enough to “distract” part of the attention, but at the same time it is not excessive and does not “irritate”, as is the case with intense training. When walking, attention is constantly distracted by the changing views and pictures before the eyes, and the awareness that at this moment something useful and important is happening for the body gradually increases self-confidence.

When performing physical activity, you must follow the following recommendations.

Set your own pace of workload. Regular exercise should not tire you.
Start your loads with a warm-up.
Do not exercise immediately after eating.
Do not exercise in conditions of very high or very low ambient temperature, high humidity, or strong wind.
Stop exercising immediately if you experience pain in the heart area, severe shortness of breath, or if you feel unwell for any other reason.
6. The final part of the load should consist of its gradual reduction and bringing the body to a state close to the original one.
The undeniable advantages of walking:

it can be done anywhere;
walking costs practically nothing: you only have to spend money on a pair of comfortable shoes and drinking water;
walking has virtually no contraindications, and its effectiveness can hardly be overestimated;
this is one of the few types physical exercise, easily compatible with performing mandatory tasks at work and at home.

Remember that if you have not engaged in physical training for a long time or you have any restrictions on physical education medical indications, then it is not advisable to immediately establish strict disciplinary rules. Start making changes in your life little by little, gradually changing your lifestyle.

And while walking, you can turn on your favorite music or listen to audiobooks, which can now be easily found and downloaded on the Internet, and for free.

What many people don't know is that treadmills actually tend to overestimate calories burned. Almost every computer on the machine will indicate that you are spending a slightly higher amount.

On the one hand, this fact is even positive, as it motivates for further training.

However, if you have chosen a training program, you need to know the results more accurately. Therefore, it makes sense to take a more precise look at the number of calories you burn on the treadmill.

What are calories?

In fact, calorie is a well-known term, but if you ask many people, they are unlikely to tell you exactly what it is. Moreover, even scientists offer different interpretations. There are now three types of most common calories.

Speaking of calories we're talking about about the amount of heat required to increase the temperature of water by one degree. If you don’t go into details (and within the framework of this material, going into details regarding calories is not particularly relevant), then we are simply talking about energy and heat production.

The body requires energy for various processes (including maintaining heat), and a calorie represents the most convenient option for measuring this energy.

Important! Don't get hung up on the term calories itself, just take the knowledge you need from this system.

One gram of carbohydrates and protein provides the body with about 4 calories, and one gram of fat provides the body with about 9 calories. Accordingly, if you know how many components are in a dish, you can count the calories.

Very ancient Soviet reference books gave approximately the following information.

Based on this calculation, the menu and much more were drawn up: for example, students and staff of institutes were given fewer calories, since they move less, and more abundant rations were provided for workers. Of course, in some ways such a system is short-sighted, but there is a grain of truth here.

Generally speaking, for an active person optimal daily amount is 1500-2500 calories, but here you need to take into account individual characteristics. In addition, the foods you eat matter.

Interesting! Olympic champion Michael Phelps, who is currently the best swimmer in the world and recently even competed with a shark, according to his own statement, was preparing a menu of about 10,000 calories. Of course, Phelps trained vigorously every day.

You can look at photographs of this athlete, he does not seem like a glutton at all.

It's really about the number of calories you burn. By the way, mental activity and physical work can also be costly, since the brain spends the most basic resources first.

How much should you spend to lose weight?

To lose weight, you need to burn calories more than you consume. Therefore, it is difficult to name a specific figure that you need. You need to independently calculate the number of calories you use daily and make a calculation based on that.

Previously, calorie costs for various activities were given. They were calculated based on daily expenses, that is, a mental worker moved daily (to work, from work, etc.) and performed mental work to spend 1500-2000 calories. You can use this table to understand the number of calories expended in daily activities.

Now you will need to create a calorie overexpenditure, that is, add training. At the same time, you need to maintain the optimal amount of calories consumed.

It is best to take the norm at 2000 calories. If you regularly move a lot and work on weekdays, then this amount will be enough for training.

As a result, you will need to burn a little more than you burn in a day. Anyone can help with this.

Carefully! To lose weight, you should burn more calories than you consume, but not by much, otherwise your body will begin to lose weight. nutritional elements and more actively store adipose tissue.

Therefore, it is much more convenient to consider the average number of calories expended per hour, based on the type of load used. In particular.

Of course, these numbers are also arbitrary; a lot depends on your heart rate during the workout. .

This effect is achieved if you maintain your heart rate in the range of 120-140 beats/min throughout the entire active phase (without warm-up or cool-down). It is in this range that optimal fat burning and weight loss are achieved.

However, if we are talking about interval training, then the heart rate may vary depending on the interval.

Regardless of the type of activity you choose, you must know and be sure to follow.

How to speed up calorie loss when running on a cardio machine?

The following tips should be used:

  • food for fat burning– use ginger, lemon water, pineapples and many other products available to you that activate your metabolism, drink enough water;
  • – if possible (if there are no restrictions - for example or), use interval training; they have an excellent effect on metabolism and force the body to process subcutaneous fat and lose excess weight;
  • increased loads– periodically you can add periods of maximum load to your jogging: that is, do an acceleration sprint for 1-2 minutes - such loads include anaerobic mode and allow you to burn fat more actively;
  • – you can easily run for an hour or more, but do not start the fat burning mode, you need to maintain an optimal load and reach 60-70% of your maximum heart rate throughout the entire session;
  • – if there are no restrictions, then the duration of the run (with a cool-down and warm-up) should be at least 40 minutes: it is after this period that active fat burning processes begin to work.

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As you can see, you only need to slightly regulate the amount of calories you consume and run at least 20 or 40 minutes a day at a normal pace in order to effectively normalize body weight.

The benefits of training on them are to strengthen the cardiovascular system and significantly expend energy.

However, these are all general words. Of course, anyone interested in burning calories has a more specific question...

How many calories does it burn when running on a treadmill?

We will try to give the correct answer.

The following should be noted: the calorie counters (special programs) built into the simulator computer do not provide a 100% reliable picture. Consequently, the problem of controlling energy costs is not limited to purchasing a track of a more “advanced” model (not the cheapest, but or).

Yes, yes, a smart computer will not give you accurate information.

How does the trainer calculate the calories you burn? It determines the speed and duration of your movements, and then operates on average data that has a very distant relationship to a specific person.

Most often, standard programs tend to overestimate the student’s achievements - they say, you’re smart, master, and you’re losing a lot of calories.

However, this data is useful in some way. Having them at your disposal, you can compare training in terms of effectiveness: even if the methodology is not accurate, it is constant - the computer calculates strictly according to a given standard.

The already mentioned fact should be well understood: at different people The treadmill uses different amounts of energy. This indicator depends on a whole range of initial conditions, including the person’s body weight, the degree of his fitness, etc.

Obviously, people running at different speeds and with different inclines will burn calories differently.

Treadmill: calorie calculation

Despite all of the above, it is worth giving approximate figures.

  • With simple walking (just fast, not running), you can actually burn 200 - 300 kcal. at one o'clock. Spending energy in such a gentle mode is recommended for people who are poorly prepared for exercise.
  • With easy running, with stops, energy consumption is approximately 400 - 500 kcal/hour. This level already allows you to lose extra pounds.
  • If you work out with full dedication and maintain a high running pace, you can achieve 600 - 800 kcal.

Using the indicated numbers, you will make basic calculations yourself.

Well, or look for a special calculator, there are a lot of them on the Internet.

In general, it doesn’t really matter how many calories you burn during a workout. Burning energy is only part of the story. The effectiveness of weight loss is influenced by many other factors - nutrition, time of exercise, and the like.

Therefore, when moving on to practice, follow the general recommendations for exercising on the treadmill, and to achieve the best results (including in terms of weight loss), adhere to the following rules:

  • Avoid overloading;
  • Exercise in the effective heart rate zone;
  • Exercise regularly.

Keep in mind that the kilocalories that (according to the counter!) are lost in the first few minutes of training are an insignificant indicator. During the initial 10 minutes, or even longer, the body does not use fat, but makes do with glucose and glycogen.

If you want to lose weight, exercise not only regularly, but also for a relatively long time.

Let us emphasize the most important idea: Don't get caught up in the fact that you need to burn calories on the treadmill. Try first of all to improve your health, and a good figure will follow on its own.

Morning jogging, according to experts, is one of the most effective ways losing weight. But not everyone has the opportunity to exercise outside. Some people don’t have a suitable area for running, others don’t like the weather outside, or maybe they’re just experiencing discomfort. Therefore, the same experts suggested replacing jogging outside with exercise at home on a treadmill. How to use this simulator correctly and is it possible to overcome excess weight solely by training on it?

How effective is a treadmill in losing weight?

The main question that worries everyone who wants to lose weight using a treadmill is how many calories can you burn and how quickly does it happen. It is important to understand here that the amount of energy consumed is different for each person. This depends on weight, physical fitness, regularity and duration of training, diet and many other indicators. It should also be noted that the calorie counter located on the simulator does not give a 100% correct result, it “averages” it. This is especially true in the first 10 minutes of training, when the body makes do with glucose and glycogen without using fat.

Calculation of calories burned during exercise

Calorie consumption when exercising on a treadmill depends on the pace and mode of training. The average kilocalorie burn is:

  • when walking fast - 200–300 kcal per hour;
  • with light running, about 400–500 kcal are burned per hour, which already allows you to lose excess weight;
  • at a high running pace, 600 to 800 kcal are lost per hour.

When starting to exercise on a treadmill (magnetic, electric or mechanical), you should not focus on calories. The main thing you should strive for is to improve your health. Remember to get adequate sleep. And in order to lose weight correctly and without harming your health, exercise regularly and for as long as possible, but do not overload and monitor your heart rate. The recommended zone for this indicator for those who want to lose weight is 119–139 beats per minute. Running speed, lost calories, time, modes, heart rate and other indicators are visible on the computer screen built into the treadmill.


Treadmill workouts are high-intensity workouts. In this regard, it is contraindicated for the following diseases:

  • cardiopulmonary failure;
  • problems with the bronchi;
  • angina pectoris;
  • hypertension;
  • mitral stenosis;
  • heart disease, etc.

To ensure that your treadmill workouts are effective and safe for your health, follow these recommendations:

  1. Choose comfortable shoes that will ensure proper foot placement, cushioning and ventilation. It is best to consult with a podiatrist who will give professional advice on choosing shoes specifically for your feet.
  2. Start your workout with light walking - 7-10 minutes. Then get off the machine and do a few squats, bends, swings, and toe raises. The muscles should be warmed up.
  3. When running, keep your arms at an angle of approximately 90 degrees and let them move freely. Do not hold onto the handrails to prevent your center of gravity from shifting.
  4. Don't slouch. If you have incorrect posture (both when running on a treadmill and in everyday life), you will begin to have problems with your spine.
  5. While running, look at the finish line. You should not bend over and look at your feet, as you may lose your balance or strain your back or neck.
  6. Land correctly to avoid knee or ankle injury. If your running speed is about 8 km/h, it is best to land on your toes, further distributing the load over the entire foot.
  7. Do not jump off the track at full speed to avoid injury. Instead, take a few seconds, reduce your speed, and get off the path safely.
  8. Do not take very large steps, choose the optimal width. Ideally this is 3 steps per second.
  9. Skip your workout if you don't feel well. Cold, high blood pressure or heart palpitations give you a reason to take a day off today.
  10. Changing your running modes will help you burn more calories and stay focused. You shouldn't work at the same pace all the time. It is better to switch either to a lighter mode or to a more intense one.
  11. If you run in the morning, do not do it on an empty stomach. A few spoons of oatmeal, an apple and a glass of water before training are what you need. And immediately after training it is better to refrain from eating.
  12. Don't take the tempo too fast right away. The load must be increased gradually.

2 ways to lose weight on a treadmill

In three months you can lose from 4 to 8 kg of weight if you use the following exercises:

  1. Long, but effective. Every day or even twice a day, exercise for an hour, light jogging or walking. This especially applies to fat people. Don't forget about correct mode nutrition and good sleep. Carbohydrates and proteins are what should be in your diet in sufficient quantities. It is better to exclude fatty and fried foods. It is also important to eat according to a schedule, 5 times a day, in small portions.
  2. Not slowly, but surely. Interval training allows you to lose weight quickly. After warming up - moderate jogging for three minutes, then a minute of accelerated running. Slowly increase the difficulty of the workout by increasing the intervals towards speed. You'll end up with a 1:1 ratio and finish the workout at 2:1 intervals (where 1 is recovery time). Be careful not to overwork yourself. The lesson lasts 20–25 minutes. This method of losing weight should be used 3-4 times a week for three weeks. Then you should switch to an easier course (also for 3–4 weeks).

By training on a treadmill, you can lose weight from 4 to 8 kg

Watch your breathing. Breathe deeply through your nose. Each inhalation and exhalation should be equal in time to two steps. If this breathing becomes difficult, inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. The occurrence of shortness of breath indicates that you have chosen too high a running pace.

Walking at a fast pace is great for burning excess fat. This workout makes it possible not only to lose weight, but also to achieve elasticity in the muscles of the whole body. Start by walking briskly for 30 minutes a day, increasing the time each day until you reach 60 minutes or more. Listen to your body - it will tell you when it’s time to stop walking.

Changing the speed will help you get a boost from your workout. Monotony makes time drag on long and boring. By changing the pace, you will not only lose weight faster, but you will also be able to truly enjoy working out on the machine.

It doesn't matter whether you walk or run. Increase the incline angle and thereby you will increase the load, which means you can burn more calories. Set the angle of the path so that you feel comfortable.

Training in maximum acceleration mode is most effective for losing weight, but you have to work at the limit, because sprinting is a super-fast running mode. However, calories are burned at full capacity. To begin with, we do a sprint for 30 seconds, then a calm walk for 2–3 minutes. We repeat this 4 times. Over time, we gradually increase the sprint to 10 passes.

Treadmill training programs

For beginners, training with different speed modes is most suitable: from low to high. It is also called “fartlek” (Swedish).

  1. Easy jogging - speed 4, time - 1 minute.
  2. Moderate running - speed 5, time - 1 minute.
  3. Fast run - speed 7, time 1 minute.

The cycle must be repeated without stopping 7–10 times (about 30 minutes in time). By switching to easy running, you rest. If you want to increase the load, change the treadmill's incline or add speed. It is recommended for beginners to do such jogging 3 times a week for a month.

When exercising on a treadmill, it is important to choose the right training mode

Having passed the initial level, you move on to the intermediate level, where the running methods are more dynamic and there is a more complex interval load.

  • Fast run - speed 8.0, time - 90 seconds.
  • Fast run - speed 8.2, time - 80 seconds.
  • Fast run - speed 8.4, time - 70 seconds.
  • Fast run - speed 8.6, time - 60 seconds.
  • Fast run - speed 8.8, time - 50 seconds.
  • Fast run - speed 9.0, time - 40 seconds.

After each “step” you need to rest - 1 minute of brisk walking. Having gone through this entire “stairs”, go back in the reverse order (from the list from bottom to top), just don’t change the speed, stay at the maximum all the time - 9.0. If you feel that you can take on an even greater load, add an acceptable angle of inclination of the track surface.

Experienced runners always use interval running, raising their level of training even higher. Take a look at one of the most challenging treadmill programs:

  • 1 minute fast (10) +1 minute rest (7).
  • 1 minute fast (9.8) + 1 minute rest (7.3).
  • 1 minute fast (9.6) + 1 minute rest (7.6).
  • 1 minute fast (9.4) + 1 minute rest (7.9).
  • 1 minute fast (9.2) + 1 minute rest (8.2).
  • 1 minute fast (9.0) + 1 minute rest (8.5).
  • 1 minute (8.8) +1 minute (8.8).
  • 1 minute (8.6) +1 minute (9.1).

Using this 8-cycle workout regimen, you'll lose calories as quickly as possible. This technique is used if you want to lose weight in a month. However, do not forget that before moving on to the third level, you must complete the previous two.

Video: running for weight loss

Mistakes when exercising on a treadmill

Mistakes during training are made not only by beginners, but also by experienced people who at one time were inattentive to the rules of training on a treadmill. But by making mistakes, you may not only fail to achieve the desired results, but also cause harm to your health. Let's list the most common ones:

  1. You lean on the handrails, thereby shifting the center of gravity and transferring the load intended for your legs to your arms. The skeletal system and hand joints suffer from this error.
  2. You don't increase the load from workout to workout. All systems of the body should feel an increase in the intensity and pace of running - then they tune in to active, correct work.
  3. Incorrect breathing. You need to breathe through your nose, calmly and evenly.
  4. You are new to the treadmill, but you are already taking the maximum start. Loads should increase slowly and gradually, day after day.
  5. You don't feel well, but you still exercise. Your willpower is, of course, a plus. But experts strongly recommend resting while you feel at least some kind of unwell.
  6. Incorrect landing. At high speeds, to avoid injury, you should lower your foot onto your toes.

This is just a small list of mistakes that can be made while exercising on a treadmill. To avoid these and other mistakes, it is best to do a few runs with a professional trainer, or at least consult with one.

Hello my dear readers! Many people don't have enough time for sports. And not everyone is physically capable of jogging on the street or lifting weights in the gym. But if you lead a sedentary lifestyle, the extra pounds will not leave you alone. Just don't despair. Better take up walking! How many calories are lost when walking? Let me tell you.

It turns out that walking is a wonderful sport. Yes, yes, walking is a sport. The benefits from it are special. After all, it trains all the same muscles as running. At the same time it does not provide negative influence on knee joints. Plus it improves heart function and saturates our cells with oxygen. Everyone can walk: fat and thin, old and young.

Many people care about the topic of weight loss. It is very difficult to fight the hated kilograms while sitting. Forcing yourself to play sports is even more difficult. But going for a walk in the evening after work is as easy as shelling pears!

Of course, to lose weight it’s not enough to go shopping. How many calories are burned per hour of walking depends on:

  • presence/absence of additional equipment (walking poles, weights);
  • your weight;
  • your age;
  • level of physical fitness;
  • pace;
  • duration;
  • roads (it’s harder to walk uphill);
  • intensity of hand movement.

It is clear that if you walk quickly, you will burn more calories than if you walk at a slow pace. Plus, it is better to conduct classes in a park or forest. The load will immediately increase due to unevenness on the road.

In 1 hour of walking you can burn 200 kilocalories or more. You can independently calculate how many calories your body will burn.

For one kilogram of weight, each person spends an hour walking:

  • at an average pace (4 km/h) 3.2 kcal;
  • at a fast pace (6 km/h) 4.5 kcal;
  • almost running (8 km/h) 10 kcal;

There is also a convenient sign where you can see how much you will spend depending on your body weight and walking speed.

Speed ​​/
Body mass
50 kg55 kg60 kg65 kg70 kg75 kg80 kg85 kg90 kg
3 km/h 126 138 150 163 175 187 201 213 226
4 km/h 160 177 192 209 224 240 257 272 288
5 km/h 184 202 221 239 258 276 295 312 331
6 km/h 217 238 262 283 304 326 349 369 392
7 km/h 291 321 351 379 409 439 467 496 526
8 km/h 374 410 449 487 523 562 598 636 673
9 km/h 480 530 577 625 674 722 769 818 866

That is, if you weigh 55 kg and walk at an average speed, you will lose 202 kcal in an hour.

Considering all this is completely inconvenient. After all, you still need to correctly estimate the speed. If you know exactly the distance traveled, calculating the speed is easy. And if not? Count steps per minute? This will make you more tired than walking itself!

I recommend using a fitness bracelet. You put it on your hand, and he counts how much time has passed. For me, this is a convenient and simple electronic pedometer.

Although there are, of course, many applications on a smartphone - download it for free, install it and use it. They write that it counts the distance traveled, speed and number of calories lost. But is it really that convenient? No matter how many programs I tried, they produced a huge error. I walk 10 steps, and he counts 7 or doesn’t even understand that I’m walking. So what do you have to choose - to toil with free program, or purchase a specialized device.

How to walk correctly

You don’t need to immediately start walking quickly for 3 hours a day. Especially if you are no longer 20 years old and do not weigh 50 kg. Start with hour-long walks at a slow pace. Then increase the pace for 5 minutes, then for 10 minutes and so on. Gradually you will begin to walk for 1 hour at an average pace. Want to spend more energy? Then increase the pace again and add time.

The main rule is to walk for at least an hour. When walking, fat begins to be burned no earlier than forty minutes later. Our body is extremely thrifty and first spends available carbohydrates.

Also remember not to exercise immediately after eating. The optimal time for training is an hour after eating. And when you finish your classes, don't rush to eat. Drink a glass of water. You can afford an apple or.

While walking, remember to breathe. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. It is also important to quit smoking. It negatively affects breathing and the cardiovascular system. Shortness of breath and even dizziness will appear.

Give yourself a nice gift. Buy nice sportswear and comfortable sneakers. Better yet, buy special clothes that help burn fat. For example, . They create a sauna effect and help you lose weight much faster.

How to increase your calorie expenditure

There are several ways to increase the load. Race walking will make you sweat. But this is a super-effective way to get rid of extra centimeters. The tummy will be flat, and the buttocks will be a sight to behold.

Swing your arms

To work your upper body, swing your arms. This will increase the load and walking speed.

Bend your elbows at an angle of 90° and make amplitude swings of your arms back and forth.

Add weight

Is it easy for you to walk and don’t you get tired? Try adding weight. This will increase the intensity and challenge your muscles. Avoid wearing weights on your wrists and feet. They can change your gait and posture and increase your risk of injury.

Instead, grab a backpack or weighted vest. If you decide to wear a backpack, fill it with water, sand, or simple cat litter. This will distribute the weight evenly.

If the weather does not allow you to go outside, take the stairs or stay indoors. Do a short warm-up first. How many calories are spent during these types of training, read the article “training options for losing weight.”

Walking with poles

Is one of the best ways increase the number of calories burned. It is suitable for all ages and skill levels. The result is incredible. Nordic walking uses 90% of the muscles in our body and increases calorie consumption by up to 46% compared to normal walking. Poles help reduce stress on the ankle, knee and hip joints.

I recently purchased some poles myself. I noticed that the load on my legs doubled and the muscles of my arms and upper back became involved.

We walk on a treadmill

If it is not possible to walk on the street, then... On average, a person walks at a speed of 4-5 km per hour. To lose weight and get good physical fitness you need to increase the pace and walk from 5.5 to 6.5 km per hour. By increasing the pace, you burn about a third more calories. It’s just not worth increasing it any further, because... It will no longer be walking but running. And this is another story, which I wrote about in the article how many calories are lost when running

And with fins, even more effective training :)

You can also walk up the stairs or just uphill. You can walk backwards. Or change the pace. Maybe you know some other ways? Be sure to write comments. And subscribe to my blog. Bye bye!

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