Vaillant gas boiler error codes, icon designation and troubleshooting. Malfunctions of Vaillant boilers and their elimination Vaillant boiler errors with green handles

Self-diagnosis systems in modern heating boilers make it possible to quickly detect malfunctions, notifying users about this. They are present in equipment from almost all brands, including those from Vailant. In this review we will look at typical mistakes Vaillant boilers and their numerical designations, we will give instructions for further actions.

Typical errors

Knowing the error codes of the Vailant boiler, you can diagnose almost any malfunction. And having experience in repairing heating equipment, nothing prevents you from dealing with the breakdown yourself. The codes are displayed on digital indicators, representing two-digit numbers with the letter F. Let's look at them in more detail.

Error F28

A fairly common error that occurs when the ignition unit cannot be started. As a result, the equipment cannot start working. Error F28 in Vailant boilers can indicate either a breakdown of the system board or a malfunction of other components - the high-voltage ignition transformer, gas magnet, gas valve, ignition sensor and much more. It appears when the conductors break or there is insufficient pressure in the line. Its appearance is often caused by a simply closed gas valve.

To fix error F28, follow these steps:

  • Check all electrical connections.
  • Test gas equipment.
  • Make sure there is a gas supply to the Vaillant boiler.
  • Remove dirt from the ignition sensor.

If all nodes are intact, there is a high probability of an error directly on the system board. In this case, you need to contact Vailant service for its repair or complete replacement.

Error F75 may also indicate problems with the on-board water pressure sensor - it cannot recognize an increase in pressure after the pump starts.

Another common sign of breakdown. Error F75 in Vailant boilers indicates problems with pressure in the heating system. It occurs after starting the circulation pump . Usually in this case the pressure rises by about 0.2-0.4 atmospheres. If this does not happen, the problem may lie in improper installation of the system. First, you need to check the functionality and correct connection of the expansion tank (expansomat), and then de-air the circuit.

After this, we check the functionality of the pump - it should drive the coolant along the circuit. A faulty pump must be replaced; they are usually not repaired.

Errors F0, F1, F2, F3 and F4

The first two occur in Vailant heating boilers if the coolant temperature sensor (NTC sensor) fails. It must be replaced with a sensor of a similar model. Despite the absence of vibrations, the connecting conductors may also fail - check their integrity with a multimeter. You should also evaluate the quality of the connections, inspect the connecting plugs - codes often appear due to oxidation of the contacts. Codes F2, F3 and F4 are caused by the accumulator sensor.

Errors F5 and F6 (and F15 and F16)

This code is typical for Vailant Atmo series boilers with atmospheric burners. It indicates a breakdown of the traction sensor or a break in the connecting wires. We recommend checking the integrity of the conductors and testing the sensor itself. If a breakdown occurs after disassembling and reassembling the equipment, we check that all connections are correct. In turbocharged units, codes F15 and F16 occur.

Codes F10 and F11

Their appearance means a short circuit in the supply and return temperature sensor circuits. Not only the wires need to be checked, but also the temperature sensors themselves. We test detachable connections in the same way.

Errors F13 and F14

If one of these codes appears on the digital indicator, it means that the coolant has overheated - it has heated up to a temperature of +130 degrees. For Vailant boilers, this value is critical, so the equipment is immediately turned off. If the water in the circuit is clearly cooler, there is a short circuit in the sensor itself or in the connecting wires.

Code F20

Indicates problems with the supply temperature sensor. It needs to be checked, all connections are checked in the same way. In some cases, the code indicates overheating of the coolant.

If error F22 occurs, you need to test all circuits responsible for the operation of the circulation pump and the coolant pressure sensor in the circuit.

Codes F22, F23 and F24

Error F22 is common, indicating a variety of malfunctions. It appears when there is no water in the heating circuit. Water can leak out through the smallest cracks and cracks, and problems with the pressure switch and circulation pump are also possible. In rare cases, the motherboard is to blame.

F23 at the first start indicates a problem with the coolant - there is not enough of it or the installer managed to confuse the supply and return pipes. In other cases, the culprit is circulation pump, requiring inspection and replacement. Code F24 indicates that the coolant temperature in the supply pipe is too high - we check the pump, temperature sensors and circuits. Last of all, we sin on the payment.

Error F25

In Vailant boilers, it indicates that the temperature of the combustion products in the chimney is too high. When overheating is detected, the equipment turns off. If the gas equipment and heat exchanger are working properly, we test the sensors and electrical connections.

Code F27

Some errors in Vaillant boilers indicate several possible malfunctions at once:

  • The flame presence sensor has failed - despite the absence of fire, the boiler “sees” it.
  • The gas supply solenoid valve is broken.
  • A serious malfunction has occurred in the system board.

In the latter case, turn off the equipment, wait a few minutes, and restart.

Error F29 may appear if the ignition system is malfunctioning - check all its components.

It is widespread and appears when there is a simple drop in pressure in the gas line and when the gas supply is completely stopped. As a result, the flame disappears, the equipment turns off, and the above code appears on the display.

Error F32

Characteristic exclusively for Vailant condensing boilers. Diagnoses a malfunction of the fan responsible for removing combustion products. In this case, check the fan and connecting wires. Sometimes the culprit is the electronic board that controls the equipment.

Errors F35 and F36

When these codes appear, open the windows and ventilate the room, check for any foreign odors. It is quite possible that combustion products go directly into the room instead of the chimney. Codes are also displayed on the display if the flow of fresh air is disrupted. The situation is typical exclusively for Vailant atmospheric boilers.

Code F39 is not found in Vailant heating boilers - it is typical for Ferroli boilers, indicating problems with the outside temperature sensor.

Code F61

Serious error related to the operation of the gas valves. Indicates their malfunction and the breakdown of the electronic board. In rare cases, the code is displayed when the connecting wires are broken.

Code F62

The boiler “sees” the flame for longer than four seconds after closing the gas valve. Possible reasons:

  • The valve is broken - it needs to be repaired, or better yet completely replaced (it can lead to leakage).
  • The burner needs to be cleaned.
  • There is a malfunction in the system board - we reboot or test it at the nearest Vailant service.

Please pay special attention to this error.

Codes F74 and F74

Malfunction of the water pressure sensor in the heating circuit. In this case, the module must be replaced, as it provides incorrect data.

The diagnostic function of heating installations in automatic mode allows the user to solve almost all problems without contacting service. For Vaillant gas boilers, error f20 is a rare occurrence. Understanding the reasons why it is caused, it is easy to identify the problem and fix it on your own.

Decoding the code

Recommendations for eliminating the f20 Vaillant error found on forums and thematic sites are different. It appears when the boiler overheats, and there are several reasons for this. The nuance is that the instructions indicate different codes for them: f0 (high supply temperature), f22 (sharp drop in coolant pressure) and a number of others.

Not everyone understands the difference between Vaillant boiler sensors. Devices installed on the forward and return lines monitor the current temperature. The overheating thermostat is activated at a value of t˃ 95 0 C at the output of the heat exchanger and turns off the heating installation upon an alarm signal with error f20. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with it.


Step 1

Perform a reset by pressing the button on the Vaillant control panel. Imported boilers are sensitive to the supply voltage, and if the network is unstable, they malfunction with an indication of some error. If it is false, it is easily reset.

Button 8 “Troubleshooting” to reset specific faults

Step 2

Bring the thermostat into working position. In Vaillant boilers, it is “cocked” manually by pressing the rod (painted red). If error f20 is caused by a pump malfunction or other reason, it will disappear. To access the overheating thermostat, you need to fold back the front panel - in most Vaillant models, a protective device (fuse) is installed at the heat exchanger outlet, under the NTC sensor.

Location of the NTC sensor of the Vailant boiler

Step 3 – diagnostics of signal circuits. Defects are determined visually: line break, insulation melting, short circuit - the causes of error f20 and emergency stop of the Vaillant boiler. The reliability of the contacts and the absence of oxides are checked.

Step 4 – testing the overheating sensor. It is easy to determine serviceability with a multimeter by measuring the resistance. In the initial state, the contacts of the working device are closed, R = 0. The protective thermostat cannot be repaired - it is replaced.

The last reason causing error f20 – electronic board of the Vaillant boiler. It generates a fault code based on a signal from the overheating sensor. It will not be possible to identify a defect on your own without diagrams, experience, or appropriate equipment. If the measures taken to eliminate error f20 are unsuccessful, you need to contact a service center. After replacing the board, the boiler's functionality will be restored.

Gas heating equipment today is most popular in both private homes and apartment buildings. Manufacturers producing quality gas boilers, quite a lot, among them the German company Vaillant.

Main characteristics of Vailant products

The Vaillant company produces condensing equipment, gas heaters and gas boilers, both floor-mounted and wall-mounted. The range of boilers is quite large; they are manufactured with one and two circuits. Double-circuit ones are the most common due to their function not only to heat the room, but also to provide hot water supply.

Any double-circuit gas boiler produced by Vailant has the following advantages:

  1. It is light in weight and quite compact;
  2. Easy to use and safe;
  3. Has a large power range;
  4. High quality, reliable and durable;
  5. Its installation will not take much effort;
  6. Has a modern design and control system;
  7. It heats the room perfectly and is quite economical.

In addition, each boiler has built-in safety sensors, mostly 3, but in some models there may be more. The first sensor shuts off the gas if the flame suddenly goes out, the second ensures the safe removal of combustion products, and the third controls temperature regime inside the unit. Each device is also equipped with three lights with different colors on the control panel. The green light is on when the unit is heating water, the yellow light indicates the operation of the gas in the boiler, and the red light indicates any problems.

Despite the high quality and a lot of advantages, there are also disadvantages, among which stand out:

  1. We are dependent on electricity;
  2. There is no expansion tank;
  3. The high price of both the device itself and its components;
  4. There is no way to close the control panel, which is not safe if there are children in the house.

The most common malfunctions and their causes

Despite true German quality, like any other equipment, Vailant boilers are subject to various types of failures. If this or that problem does arise, the device informs the owner about it by displaying an alphanumeric code on the LCD display, including a red light, as mentioned above. Each error has its own code.

If you study thematic forums where boiler owners discuss their malfunctions, the most popular queries are:

  • error with code F22, indicating the absence of water in the device or its shortage. It is worth checking whether the pump is jammed, whether the pump cables are securely connected to the water pressure sensor, look at the sensor itself or at the power of the pump. Possible still weak water circulation;
  • error with code F28, in which the unit does not start at all. The reasons may be different: zero and phase are incorrectly connected, gas oversaturation with air, too low level gas pressure, the control board is broken, the boiler is not grounded correctly, the cable is broken or there is an error in connecting to the gas pipeline. Some problems can be solved by yourself by looking at the instruction manual. For example, check whether the gas tap is open or change the gas pressure in the boiler settings to 5 mbar;

  • error with code F29, in which the burner flame constantly goes out, and new attempts to ignite are unsuccessful. The reasons may be: the gas boiler is not grounded correctly, gas supply failures in the gas system itself, problems with the ignition transformer or gas valve. To eliminate this problem, it is worth checking the gas pressure; it may drop too low or see if there is enough air for normal combustion of the fuel;
  • error with code F36 (Vailant Atmo), in which combustion products come out. This problem may occur due to poor ventilation in the room or poor draft in the chimney, or the temperature in the room is too high. You should also check whether there is sufficient space between the boiler and the wall;
  • error with code F75, in which the boiler pump works, but the pressure does not rise. There may also be several reasons: breakdown of the pump or water pressure sensor, air getting into the heating system, incorrect connection of the expansion tank or insufficient water pressure. To fix the problem, you can try cleaning the water pressure sensor or you will have to purchase more powerful components.

Possible malfunctions that do not happen so often

If the required error code is not in this list, this means that only a specialist can handle it.

  • F0, F A breakdown occurred in the NTC sensor that controls the temperature on the flow line (F0) or return line (F1). It is necessary to check not only the sensor, but also its cable;
  • F2, F3, F The NTC sensor has malfunctioned. Perhaps the plug is inserted poorly or the sensor or cable itself is broken;

  • F5, F6 (Vailant Atmo). There is a problem with the operation of the sensor, which ensures the safe removal of combustion products. You need to check whether it is connected correctly, or whether the failure occurred due to a broken cable or the sensor itself;
  • F10, F There is a short circuit in the flow (F10) or return (F11) temperature sensor. Check everything described above;
  • F13, F The temperature in the unit has exceeded 130 degrees, and a short circuit has occurred in the hot start sensor. Check everything described above;
  • F15, F16 (Vailant Atmo). A short circuit has occurred in the sensor responsible for removing combustion products. Check everything described above;
  • F The boiler has overheated;
  • F There is not enough water in the device, and the temperature between the flow and return lines is very different. It is worth checking the connection of sensors on both lines, the functionality of the pump and cable or board;
  • F The problem is similar to the previous one - not enough coolant. Check everything the same as in step 8;
  • F The device switched off unexpectedly due to excessive high temperature exhaust gases. The NTC sensor, cables and plugs must be checked;
  • F The boiler reports the presence of a flame, although the valve is closed. The reason may be a problem with the flame sensor or magnetic valves;
  • F32 (condensing boilers). Fan speed problems. Most likely, the problem is in itself, but you also need to check the board, cable and sensor;
  • F33 (Vaillant turboTEC). The pressure switch does not close the contact half an hour after the request for heat supply;

  • F The eBus voltage has dropped. Perhaps there is a short circuit in it or it is heavily overloaded;
  • F No control signal is sent to the valves. You need to check the valves, cable and board;
  • F Valve shutdown delay fault. Check if it is leaking gas and if the injectors are clogged;
  • F The electronics unit has overheated. The reason is either external or due to a faulty unit;
  • F Low water pressure. Either the problem is in the sensor itself, or there is a short circuit in it;
  • F High pressure water. The reason is stated above.

How to avoid problems with the Vailant boiler

First of all, before each heating season, you should call specialists for routine maintenance.

You can learn how to diagnose a Vaillant boiler using the example of the following video.

You must strictly follow the operating instructions for the device. For example, you need to follow the arrow indicating the pressure in the device - it should be in the middle of the gray strip and under no circumstances go into the red one. Also, the boiler should not operate at its full capacity, as this will cause it to fail faster. Its service life also depends on the quality of the coolant - filters may become clogged. Of course, nothing can be done about the quality of the water, but sometimes you need to check the filters.

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that in no case should you set up or check equipment if you do not have the necessary knowledge and skills, as there is a high risk of damaging the gas boiler or even causing harm to yourself and others. In addition, if the device is under warranty, then if self-diagnosis is unsuccessful, you may lose the opportunity to use the warranty.

Therefore, you should always contact qualified specialists.

In contact with

It’s good when gas equipment is capable of self-diagnosis. Boiler errors "" indicate where to look for a breakdown. If you want to figure out the causes of the malfunction yourself, then study the meaning of the symbols on the display. And we will tell you how to fix the situation without calling a specialist.

Diagnostic features

Vaillant gas boiler error codes can appear not only during a breakdown. Some icons are displayed during operation of the equipment, when switching modes. The following symbols will help you understand the frequency of occurrence. For example, if the code begins with the letter “F”, this means an error (malfunction). If it starts with the letter “S”, this is the state of the device.

If this is the first time you have seen symbols on the display, reboot the boiler. Perhaps this is a system glitch. If the code appears again, you need to understand the problem and fix the problem.

Error codes

Fault designation What does it mean DIY elimination
F0/ F71 The coolant supply temperature sensor circuit has broken. Check:
  • sensor performance;
  • wiring condition;
  • plug connection.
F1 Breakage of the temperature sensor on the return line.
F2 The fill temperature sensor is open. Insert the plug more firmly. Make sure the wiring is not damaged.
F3 The storage temperature sensor circuit is open.
F5 (only for wall-mounted “Vailant Atmo”) The connection with the external smoke exhaust sensor has been lost. What to do:
  • Tighten up your contacts.
  • Replace faulty wiring.
  • Install the correct element.
F6 The wires of the internal tap sensor are broken.
F10 Short circuit (short circuit) of the thermistor during supply. Check:
  • Plug. Tighten contacts, replace broken parts.
  • Cable.
  • Thermistor.
F11 Return thermistor short circuit.
F13 Short circuit of the hot start sensor.
  • The cable is shorted. Install new wiring.
  • Defects in the temperature control element. Replace elements.
  • The plug has come loose or shorted. Check the detail.
F15, 16 Short circuit of the external combustion products exhaust sensor.
F20 Blocking operation with overheating protection. The thermistor is faulty, so the system does not respond to overheating. Place the work item.
F22 The operation of the equipment was stopped due to lack of water. Check:
  • Pressure meter.
  • The circulation pump is jammed.
  • Wiring from parts to the control module.
  • Main board.

The faulty part should be replaced. The system may not match the pump capacity.

F23 There is not enough water in the boiler. Make sure the flow and return sensors are connected correctly. Clean the pump; it may be blocked by a foreign object. Or its performance is not enough to maintain the system.
F24 Low coolant level. At the same time, the temperature rises sharply. The pressure drops. Remove excess air. See solutions for F23.
F26 Problems with the operation of gas fittings. Servomotor connection is incorrect. Tighten the plug, replace damaged wires.
F27 Flame detection when fuel valve is closed. Carry out diagnostics of the protection system and magnetic valve.
F28 The dual-circuit device does not turn on. The burner does not start. Carry out diagnostics and repairs:
  • pressure switch;
  • gas meter;
  • gas fittings;
  • main module.

Release excess air. Adjust fuel settings.

F29 The flame goes out.

Gas supply interruptions. Wait until the supply is restored, or contact your gas service.

Check the device's grounding.

F32/F37 (for condensing turbo models) The fan speed is not normal. Tighten the loose connectors and install a working fan.
F33 (for turboTEC) The pressure measurement relay does not turn on. Problems with pressure switch contacts. Make contact calls and repairs.
F36 The protection worked, weak traction. Combustion products enter the room.
  • Turn off the gas supply and turn off the boiler.
  • Open the ventilation and clear the chimney shaft of any blockage.
F38 Fan malfunction. Make repairs or replacements.
F42 Broken coding resistor. Measure the resistance of the resistor. Check the cable for shorts.
F49 eBUS voltage low. The bus is shorted or the channel is overloaded.
F53 Incorrect combustion adjustment. Adjust dynamic pressure. Carry out diagnostics of the Venturi nozzle and gas fittings.
F54 Fuel supply problems. How to fix the situation:
  • Open the gas valve.
  • Increase the system pressure.
  • Inspect shut-off valves and check its serviceability.
F56 There is a component problem in the combustion unit. Contact with fuel fittings is broken, connect the plug. If the symbols reappear, check the fittings.
F57 “Comfort” mode is on, incorrect adjustment. Ignition electrode corrosion. Clean the parts or install a new element.
F61 An error has occurred in the control of the gas valves.
  • Cable short circuit, circuit break.
  • Fuel valve failure.

Carry out repairs. Replace components.

F62 The valve switches off with a delay. The control electrode does not work.
F63 EEPROM failure. Electronics problems. It's better to contact a service center.
F64/F67 Problems with electronics, sensors. Perform diagnostics of wiring, contacts, sensors.
F65 Hot electronics compartment. Part malfunctions, external heating of the unit.
F70 Invalid boiler number. After installing the new display and electronics, you did not enter the boiler code.
F72 The supply or return line temperature sensors have failed.
  • It broke and shorted the wiring.
  • Install the correct element.
F73 The pressure sensor gives a low signal.
F74 The pressure sensor gives a high signal. The wire is shorted to 5-24 V. Change the connection.
F75 When the pump is turned on, the pressure does not rise. Bleed the air from the system, adjust the bypass and expansion tank settings.
F76 Blocking the primary radiator from overheating. The heat exchanger is not functioning, there is a problem with the fuse cable.
F77 Malfunction of the diverter valve, condensation pump. Diagnose the parts.
F80 combined with F91 Short circuit of the secondary radiator sensor. Tighten contacts and repair faults.
F81 combined with F91 Problems with the loading pump. Bleed the pump. Inspect the sensor, cable, impeller. Make sure the heat exchanger is not clogged and clean it.
F83 Incorrect thermistor measurement on the supply and return lines.
  • Add coolant.
  • Correct the location of the thermistor.
F84/F85 Invalid thermistor data. Swap the parts. Incorrect installation
F92 Coding resistor error. Measure resistance, set gas group.
F93 The combustion quality is not up to standard.
  • Replace the injector with a suitable one.
  • Clean the Venturi nozzle.
Con There is no connection with the control unit. Contact the service center.
Fxx Software problem.
5ER Time for maintenance.

Intermediate codes may appear on the screen of the Vaillant boiler. Thus, the heating mode is turned on by symbols S0 to S8. Cooking in progress hot water- from S10 to S17. Hot start - S20–S28.

Some designations are best considered separately:

  • S30 - outdoor thermostat blocks heating.
  • S31 - heating blocking. Summer mode is on.
  • S33 - the “Anti-freeze” function is enabled. Lock for 20 minutes.
  • S36 - the regulator is set to 20 degrees. Heating mode does not work.
  • S41 - nominal pressure exceeded (2.8–4.5 Bar).
  • S42 - the burner does not turn on. Reasons: the drain valve worked, the condensation pump broke.
  • S51 - combustion products entered the room.
  • S53 - wait 2.5 minutes. Not enough water.
  • S54 - wait 20 minutes.
  • S96, 97, 98 - test mode.

By studying the meaning of the codes, you can correct the errors. Conduct Maintenance boiler once a year, then there will be no problems with operation.

Smart thermostat ZONT (ZONT models H-1, H-1V and H-2) designed to meet user needs country houses. The peculiarity of the situation is when there is no one in the house, but you need to be sure that the heating system is working. Moreover, the inertia of the heating system requires changing the boiler mode long before the owners arrive. All this can be solved with the help of our devices and Internet service. ZONT.

Features and principle of operation

Thermostat Feature ZONT-H is that it is focused on the use of the Internet. Now the main trend in this area is cloud service and this is exactly how the thermostat works. Unlike most competitors, it does not have a home control panel. All monitoring and control operations are performed using either a personal computer or mobile devices - a smartphone or tablet. This significantly reduces the cost of equipment, while at the same time allowing the user to control the situation wherever he is.

Thermostat ZONT - H It also works when the connection is lost, executing a predetermined program, for example, a weekly schedule. Additionally, it is possible to use control commands in the form of SMS text and even using the voice menu.

The user has the opportunity to use a very functional and powerful graphical interface through a web browser or mobile application. Convenient and visual graphics, information messages and settings are available. Data from the product is stored on the server and the user can view the entire history of events and parameters. The user interface is carefully designed and highly appreciated by numerous customers.

To meet the needs of different user groups, various models are produced, differing in the type of connection - GSM or WiFi. Structurally, some models are made in a small-sized case of their own design, others - in a standard case on a DIN rail for installation in an electrical cabinet.

The thermostat has 2 inputs for connecting various additional devices.
On Input 1 can be connected: or ; or with "Boiler failure" signal; or External room thermostat.

On Entrance 2 can be connected: or Security sensors and detectors; or with "Boiler failure" signal; or External room thermostat; or Interface OpenTherm And Radio module ML-489.

- Security sensors and detectors , connected to one input must be of the same type in connection method. Number of sensors in the loop - ICD, MKD, etc. no more than 10 pieces; water leak and gas leak detectors no more than 5 pcs. The maximum distance of the latter in the train is 100 m.

- WITH “Boiler failure” signal. For control technical condition boiler and generating an alert about its emergency condition, the thermostat can be connected to the emergency output of the boiler.

- Room thermostat . By connecting an external room thermostat, it becomes possible to control the boiler either through ZONT-H 1 and through an external room thermostat, the choice of how control is carried out is made remotely via the Internet service or SMS command "Manual mode".

When operating from an external thermostat, remote monitoring of the room temperature and all alert modes (accidents, power loss/restoration, alarm events, etc.) will be maintained.

- Radio module ML-489. Thermostat interface module ZONT with radio devices It provides reception and relaying of information from radio devices to the ZONT server

For boilers that have a computerized OpenTherm interface There is an adapter that allows you to expand control and monitoring functions and ensure fuel savings through advanced system operation algorithms.

How to choose and operate thermostats correctly ZONT?

Models ZONT H-1 and ZONT H-1V have a GSM communication channel and are designed for very little Internet traffic. Therefore, the price of the subscription fee to the mobile operator is minimal

The ZONT H-2 model has a WiFi communication channel and is used where a wireless local network already exists.

1. Internet traffic is about 60 MB per month*

*indicated taking into account rounding to 100kb per hour

It is important to take into account that the actual consumption of Internet traffic highly depends on the nature of the device’s use and the quality of the connection. Accordingly, the worse the connection conditions, the more often the device reconnects to the server, and the more traffic is consumed.

To make the subscription fee easily predictable, we recommend choosing tariffs with unlimited traffic.

Many operators offer tariffs in which the Internet speed drops when a certain limit is reached. Such tariffs are also good because ZONT devices do not have special requirements for connection speed.

If you choose a tariff with per-megabyte payment for traffic, then pay attention to the amount of traffic rounding. At great importance rounding (for example, more than 100 KB), the operator may count many times more traffic than the device actually consumes. The smaller the rounding size, the better.

2. Calls and SMS

ZONT devices use voice calls and SMS messages only for alarm notification, therefore, choose a tariff based on the expected number of alerts.

Attention! There are tariffs that are incompatible with work ZONTA

  • From November 2015 on MTS Smart tariffsInternet operation is blocked in 3G modems . Along with modems, the operator also blocks our devices.
  • Option "Tablet XS" from MegaFonDesigned for use on tablets only , and in ZONT devices it either does not work at all or leads to constant loss of communication.


Flashing is an extremely desirable step when you first turn it on. The fact is that in production the product receives the current firmware, and the user prefers to have the latest one. So we recommend that you reflash the thermostat before using it.

Flashing should be carried out under user control. Since the communication channel is usually unreliable, you need to make sure that the flashing procedure is successful and the product is connected again.

Video about ZONT H1V:

YouTube Video

How to set up a power outage alert

Settings - thermostat settings - input No. 2 - "panic button"
- - emergency input polarity - "ground fault"
- -alerts-alarming events-"your phone"-"envelope"

Instead of "input 2" you can also use "input 1". For ZONT-H1V it’s basically the same, just different contacts.

The difference between ZONT H-1V and ZONT H-1 is as follows:

  • the relay in H-1V holds 220V. The relay in H-1 is rated for 120V;
  • ZONT H-1V has a 220V->5V adapter for converting a high-voltage boiler alarm signal (available in Vaillant) into a low-voltage one for the ZONT input;
  • relays have opposite logic - the information is outdated, it corresponds to products produced before xxx 2015 (see the section “connection to the boiler”):
    • ZONT H-1 - the boiler heats up when the relay is energized. If the power is lost, the relay turns off. The internal battery does not power the relay, so it does not help turn the relay on. Therefore, when planning the system layout, you need to take this into account, for example, power the Umbrella and the boiler from the same UPS;
    • ZONT H-1V - the boiler heats up when the relay is de-energized. Therefore, if the power goes out, the relay turns off, but the boiler turns on with the relay contacts. The umbrella can be hung without a UPS, it will know about a power failure and send an SMS about it;
  • The battery in the H-1V is built-in, while in the H-1 it is not even included in the basic kit. It can be purchased in addition;
  • and most importantly, the firmware of both options is the same. Schemes, almost the same. Different cases;

Connection to the WAMOS QX boiler (EVAN)

(This scheme is not suitable for other Evan boilers)

The umbrella, wanting to turn on the boiler, closes 1-3, opens 1-2.

The boiler has an IN input. Although it is called the air temperature sensor input, we use it as the thermostat input. You can use another, alternative input - a heated floor sensor. They are essentially the same.

The ZONT H1 relay is connected as follows. The central contact of the relay (1) is connected to the IN input. The normally closed relay contact (2) is connected to the “-” input. The normally open relay contact (3) is connected to the “+” input.

To make it clear, the “+” and “-” contacts of the boiler are connected to the 5V power circuit. As a result, the ZONT H1 relay switches them to the IN input.

Test of the first start-up of the boiler, using the example of EVAN WARMOS QX

  1. Set the set temperature lower than in the room. Make sure that the boiler inlet is ZERO. The boiler should not heat;
  2. Set the set temperature higher than in the room. Make sure that the boiler input is +5V. Actually, the boiler must heat the water, and without a multimeter it will be clear that the pipe is getting hotter and hotter.

Thermal sensor

All sensors are connected in parallel. The web interface has a procedure for assigning a “own name” to each sensor.

Please note that there are many modifications of these sensors on the market and they differ in discreteness. The product comes with a DS18S20 sensor with a resolution of 0.1 degrees. Sometimes users buy sensors externally. Therefore, we present Additional information By different types sensors:

  • DS1820 is an old, discontinued model. It differs from all new models in its elongated body. It has a capacity of 9 bits, which leads to a discreteness of 0.5 degrees;
  • DS18 S 20 - Has a capacity of 12 bits, recommended for use. Note that manufacturers label the microcircuit as DS1820, so it can only be distinguished by the size of the case, it is shorter;
  • DS18 B 20 - Has a different operating protocol. The ZONT H1 program supports 12 bits for it, that is, a discreteness of 0.1 degrees;

If you already have a room thermostat and want to include ZONT - H in the gap between the boiler and the room thermostat?

Yes, now it is possible. To do this, you need to connect the room thermostat to one of the thermostat inputsZONT.

This connection allows you to control the boiler remotely (via ZONT ) and manually, according to commands from this room thermostat. The choice of control method is carried out via the Internet service or SMS command "Manual mode".

When operating from a room thermostat, remote temperature monitoring and all alert modes are maintained (about an accident, power loss/restoration, alarm events, etc.).

Many people are interested in how the discrete inputs of ZONT H are made?

  • Input 2 - may have options:
  • Input 1 - may have options:

Relay contacts

Relay diagram:

It can be seen that when the power is turned off, contacts 1 and 2 are closed. This must be taken into account, keeping in mind the situation with power failure. The boiler usually turns off when the control contacts open and turns on when they close. But there are also opposite options!! Then an external relay is required, which inverts the operating logic. This relay is switched on by the ZONT H contacts.

Often ZONT H is turned on together with the boiler via an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS).

First steps to turn on the GSM thermostat ZONT H

  1. Preparation and setup
    1. Buy a SIM card (standard size, no micro- or nano-SIM) and top up its balance. Minimum requirement - 5-10 MB and 10 SMS (while you play with the settings, you’ll just spend it);
    2. Before using it in the product, it is better if you already have a personal account set up on the telecom operator’s website. It will help you see the dynamics of money and traffic consumption and solve emerging problems.
    3. Have a suitable place where you record and save accounts and passwords. You will need to do this for your SIM card personal account, for the ZONT web interface, and for the access password from your phone. It's amazing how often we forget passwords :-)
    4. Before connecting the device to the boiler, set it up “on the table”:
      1. Register yourself on the site
      2. Register the device on the same website - there is a “add device” sign there.
      3. Install the SIM card (open the receiving clip, fold it up, insert the SIM card into the slots with the cut corner up, soldering the SIM card to the contacts)
      4. Connect the included antenna (there is no internal antenna, so this is required). Please note that if the room is in the basement or in an area of ​​poor reception, then the antenna should be placed as high as possible
      5. Connect the temperature sensor and power supply (AC adapter).
      6. < > Dial an SMS in your phone about resetting to factory settings. There are a lot of letters, and the time for sending will be limited, so we advise you to type the text in advance. Don't send SMS yet.
      7. < This item is optional. Needed if there is no web interface> Enter the SMS text into your phone about the registration of your phone. There are a lot of letters, and the time for sending will be limited, so we advise you to type the text in advance. WITHwrite serial number small letters and what needs to be done after the serial number space and be sure to write the word " Telephone ", and write the number without any hyphens between the numbers. Do not send an SMS yet.
      8. Connect the connectors and apply power
      9. Wait for one of two options for a green signal on the device:
        1. so that it lights up constantly and sometimes goes out for a split second several times in a row (indicates that there is a network and the signal level is normal). This is an option when there is both a GSM connection and a connection to the server;
        2. so that it flashes in a series of flashes, at least two flashes, with a pause between flashes.This is an option when the GSM connection is established, but there is no connection to the server. In this case, SMS can be used.
      10. EIf the green indicator flashes only once for a short time, it means there is no GSM connection and there is no point in sending SMS.
      11. < This item is optional. Required if the SIM card is NOT a MEGAFON or the device was released before September 2015> Send an SMS with the APN access point setting. How to do this is written in the instructions.
      12. Log in to the web interface and wait for the device to appear connected. After this, you can add a phone number for voice and SMS notifications in the web interface settings. If this is done, then there is no need to send an SMS with the same number. That is, paragraph 14 is not required.
      13. <This item is optional. Most likely, it will be required if the procedure is repeated. If for some reason the first pass didn’t work out>Send SMS about factory reset.After resetting to factory settings, you will need to remove the device from the list and add it again.
      14. <This item is optional. Needed if there is no web interface>Send SMS about the registration of your phone. Wait for the response message “phone number has been established.”
  2. Before connecting to the boiler
    1. Try to find out the type of connection (normally closed or normally open), it depends on which contacts on the block the wire from the boiler is connected to. To do this, you need to study the documentation for the boiler. You can simulate it by connecting a jumper and make sure that the boiler reacts correctly
    2. Install the device and sensors permanently
  3. Connection
    1. Connect the wires from the boiler
    2. Change modes and monitor the boiler’s reaction
    3. As soon as the boiler begins to respond adequately to the control input, you can begin setting up modes

Battery backup and UPS

The backup battery in the ZONT thermostat is intended only to notify the server and owner via SMS about the loss of the main 220V power supply. Usually the boiler cannot operate without main power, so there is no point in controlling the boiler in this situation.

Sometimes the user installs a UPS - an uninterruptible power supply. It connects to the boiler and it is logical to power ZONT from it. But a problem arises: ZONT does not recognize the loss of the main 220V power supply. In this case, you can select “Boiler emergency” for notification. You can buy any cheap power supply or charger with an output voltage of 5V and connect it to this input. The circuit, unfortunately, requires a couple more parts - a resistor (any) and a diode (any):

Configure Input 2 in the web interface to the "ground fault" mode.

Some UPSs have a main power failure output. Then you just need to connect it to Input 2 and select one of the “Input Polarity” options - “open” or “short”.

It is important to add that SMS and web notifications will be sent not only when an accident occurs, but also when it disappears.

Color of the temperature sensor wires included in the delivery kit

The two-strand wire used is misleading to some. It’s worth taking a closer look; let’s call the one that’s “more red” “red.” The one that is “blacker” will be called “black”. If it's completely unclear, don't be afraid. Turn it on at random and if the sensor works, you will see the readings in the web interface. You can heat one in order to distinguish between several connected in parallel.

How often is data sent to the server?

Sensor readings are sent to the server once a minute. Emerging events (exceeding permissible limits, etc.) - immediately upon occurrence.

Some unimportant parameters (information about balance, GSM signal level, etc.) are sent upon request from the server. The server sends requests for this data once every minute or two, but only if the user is online in the ver-interface or mobile application.

If the web interface does not sense user activity for 10 minutes, it goes into “sleep mode”. In this mode, the web interface stops updating data from the server as you move the mouse. Temperature and event data continues to be sent to the server in real time.

Explanations for setting Input 1

General comment. On the "Status" tab, the "Security" button appears for the options "motion sensor", "motion sensor with delay", "short-to-minus sensor", "minus-opening sensor". This button can be turned on or off, that is, you can make the input active or disabled.

For other options, the "Security" button is absent, that is, the input is considered to be constantly active.

  • "not used" - should be selected if it is not connected. Otherwise, you may get an alarm
  • "delayed motion sensor" - triggered when the circuit opens. There is a delay of 30 seconds. The web interface displays the message "motion detected"
  • "motion sensor without delay" - triggered when the circuit opens. The web interface displays the message "motion detected"
  • "water leakage sensor" - an analog input is used, triggered at a voltage less than 2.4V. The web interface displays the message "water leakage detected"
  • "gas leak sensor" - triggered when the circuit opens to ground. The web interface displays the message "gas leak".
  • "alarm button
  • "short circuit to negative sensor" - triggered when there is a ground fault
  • The ZONT H-1V thermostat model has a 220VAC relay, but also limited current.

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