Predictions for the Virgo sign for the year. Family horoscope for Virgo. Virgo - Horse

The past two years have brought serious changes to Virgo’s life, sometimes even tests of strength. 2016 Year of the Fire Monkey ends this fateful period. You are like a rocket that, after a long journey, has finally reached the stars, but does not know what to do with the freedom it has acquired. The monkey tells you: you have a unique period ahead of you when you can do anything.

January 2016 for Virgo will be marked by a return to something seemingly irretrievably gone, but significant: perhaps you will be offered to return to a certain project that you left long ago; either a forgotten value will be returned or a person with whom you had strong feelings will re-enter your life... If you decide to return, keep in mind: there are chances of success, but only if you are ready to seriously work on yourself. Do you agree to change? Then go for it.

The 2016 horoscope for Virgo promises that in February and March, personal life will come to the fore and overshadow both work and plans. Moreover, a surge of romance can be completely sudden: for example, an old friendship or work relationship develops into love. The Monkey allows you to enjoy the joys of the heart without unnecessary problems until the beginning of April, but then advises you to decisively push aside romance and get down to business seriously, otherwise you may end up without a job and on the ropes.

May will demand: “Be a diplomat in yourself!” The sunny month will be rich in relaxation, barbecues, pleasant shopping and other joys of life, but at the same time it will aggravate contradictions in your closest circle. Try to be as tactful as possible with your opponents: May quarrels and conflicts can drag on for years.

In June, Virgos will be faced with the task of paying off old debts, fulfilling promises, and finishing unfinished projects. It is extremely important to get rid of the “tails” - they are the ones that hold back your movement forward. By the way, take business proposals received in June calmly: their chance of coming to fruition is extremely low.

July 2016 will bring Virgos a renewal of feelings: old partners will look at each other from a new, fresh side and will be delighted as if for the first time. And Virgos, who are actively searching and have almost stopped believing in love luck, will finally meet an excellent candidate for a spouse.

Against the backdrop of an emotional July, August 2016 will seem calm and measured to Virgos. Things will go on a well-established track, as if by themselves, and therefore God himself ordered the Virgos to go on vacation - away from cities and closer to nature, forest lakes, mountain rivers. This is exactly the kind of environment you need to “recharge” with energy and harmony for several months ahead. If vacation doesn’t work out, get into the habit of walking in parks and listening to the murmur of water in fountains at least once every couple of days.

You will need the stored energy in September-October: serious changes are coming at work, which you can turn to your advantage only if you find the strength to work for four people, the courage to take risks and the courage to defend your decisions before your superiors. In mid-October, pay especially close attention to what is happening around you: Fate will give you signs on where to move next.

In November, you will unconsciously begin to look for support before a future jump. Monkey's advice: look for her not in useful acquaintances, but within the family. The more warmth and care you give to your loved ones, the more support they will give you in return. This support will come in handy in December, when enormous opportunities and prospects will open up before you. Take action! And the Fire Monkey and Fortune have already agreed on personal luck for you.

Love horoscope for 2016 Virgo

Virgos in a couple should listen to the wishes of their partner, and single representatives of the sign will have a fateful meeting.

Virgos born from 24.08-3.09. In relationships with the opposite sex, Virgos in the first decade will experience calm and stability this year. The chances of getting a marriage proposal will increase. This year you can completely trust your partner. Lonely Virgos can expect new acquaintances and romantic experiences, and it will all end in the creation of a serious relationship. The best period for romantic meetings and dates is from April to June. In addition, now is the time to leave long-standing unrequited love in the past - soon you will meet a like-minded person.

Virgos born from 4.09-13.09. An important turn is coming in your life. This year, contradictions in the couple may worsen. A partner can lead by creating conditions favorable for conflict situations, so try not to succumb to provocations and resolve conflicts peacefully. Lonely Virgos will experience a period of vivid impressions from new romantic acquaintances. The main thing is not to get involved in love affairs.

Virgos born from 14.09-23.09. Virgos born in the third decade will expect active attention from long-time fans and former partners this year. Therefore, reconsider your attitude towards people for whom feelings have not yet faded away. But be careful not to get caught in relationships that have not satisfied you in the past. This year, lonely Virgos of the third decade will benefit from showing courage and creativity in dating and romantic encounters.

Business horoscope for Virgo for 2016

Trust your intuition, show diligence, and then you will get a chance to realize your plans.

Virgos born from 24.08-3.09. This year, the business and work of Virgos of the first decade will advance only if they make every effort and are hardworking. Then, for solving problems that others cannot do, you can expect a bonus or promotion. Laziness and lack of initiative will pose a particular danger. If you “go with the flow”, don’t expect much career success. Influential connections and the help of friends will help you achieve success this year.

Virgos born from 4.09-13.09. Despite the fact that Virgos are more rational and thoughtful in their actions than other signs, this year they will show extravagance and a craving for unpromising investments and large-scale purchases. To avoid this, hand over control of your finances to your partner or draw up a literally weekly spending plan, since no increase in income is expected this year. This way you can save for next year.

Virgos born from 14.09-23.09. Virgos of the third decade should pay attention to relationships with colleagues and superiors this year. The stars promise them possible career growth, which envious people may oppose. Therefore, improve your relationships with others at work as much as possible: do not get involved in conflicts, do not manage your colleagues and do not elevate yourself above them - such behavior will have unpleasant consequences.

Family horoscope for Virgo for 2016

Pay attention to your family - spend more time together.

Virgos born from 24.08-3.09. For Virgos of the first ten days, it is best to spend the year in a state of family peace and peace of mind. Do not start rearrangements, repairs or construction. Try to improve family relationships. Be sure to hold small family dinners, but not noisy feasts, but family gatherings. Chat and share plans with your spouse and children.

Virgos born from 4.09-13.09. Virgos of the second decade in the spring and autumn may experience an aggravation of possessiveness in relation to their spouse or partner: attacks of jealousy, suspicions of treason. But all this in general will be caused by fatigue and stress at work. To avoid conflicts, remember: working relationships remain at home. Your family loves you and will not hurt you.

Virgos born from 14.09-23.09. This year, Virgos of the third decade will experience calm and stability in family relationships. Be prepared for the fact that at the beginning of spring, diseases in children may worsen, so take preventive measures in advance. Pay attention to their progress (if your children are schoolchildren) - monitor grades and homework completion.

Health horoscope for 2016 Virgo

This year Virgos will have to take care of the treatment of chronic diseases.

Virgos born from 24.08-3.09. Virgos of the first ten days this year should pay attention to the condition of the thyroid gland and respiratory system organs and carry out preventive measures colds. Inhalation will have a beneficial effect on the body's condition. There is a danger of injury to the lower spine, so take care of your back.

Virgos born from 4.09-13.09. This year, Virgos of the second decade will have to work hard so as not to get sick. Depression, despondency and pessimism will have a particularly bad effect on your health; they will entail not only physical, but also psychological problems. To avoid this, arrange relaxation days and good rest, visit a psychologist regularly.

Virgos born from 14.09-23.09. At the beginning of the year, there is a risk of injury due to an absurd accident; be especially careful in transport. To neutralize negative energy that will lead to injury, pay enough attention to yourself and the state of your body. Get plenty of rest and stay strong proper nutrition, take vitamins, drink herbal teas regularly.

Horoscope for Virgo for 2016 by year of birth

Horoscope for 2016 Virgo - Rat

Exploring the world, traveling, self-improvement - this is what the Monkey calls you to. Don't try to live up to someone's expectations and please everyone. Spend more time on yourself and your needs. You will be surprised how healthy selfishness will change your life for the better. And those around you will only benefit from your happiness. Get out into nature more often: this will help you free yourself from negativity and gain strength.

Horoscope for 2016 Virgo - Tiger

You are lucky in everything related to career and finance. Promotion likely. And those who are determined to change jobs will receive a lucrative offer. In the spring you need to take care of your health: listen to your body, allow yourself a little rest, refrain from harmful products, avoid stressful situations. And when the year opens up new opportunities for you, you will be as good as new.

Horoscope for 2016 Virgo - Dragon

2016 will provide new options for earning money. The Monkey advises to give up easy, easy money in favor of something less impressive, but stable income. Risk in any area is contraindicated for you. Increase what you have without getting involved in dubious adventures and “leftist” novels. In the second half of the year, strong connections with influential people will become a serious help.

Horoscope for 2016 Virgo - Horse

This is the perfect time to put your business aside and focus on your family. Spend as much time as possible with your significant other and children. Many of you will think about procreation. A child conceived in the year of the Fire Monkey will strengthen relationships and bring harmony. Don't expect super achievements in your career. But you will be able to lay the foundation for further career growth.

Horoscope for 2016 Virgo - Monkey

The Year of the Monkey has prepared pleasant surprises for Virgos in work matters: someone will successfully find a job, someone will change a boring routine task to a more exciting activity, someone will go on a well-paid and promising business trip abroad. Old and new friends will flock to your success: you will even be surprised how many of them you have! But not everyone needs to be trusted. Choose only the most reliable ones, and better rely on yourself.

Horoscope for 2016 Virgo - Dog

You, like a magnet, attract people to you, conquer them and captivate them with your ideas. It is this gift that will help you ensure financial stability in 2016. However, try not to focus on your career: your personal life also requires your attention. Dedicate free time to your loved one. And if you are alone, get busy active search“halves”: the stars will help you!

Horoscope for 2016 Virgo - Ox

The stars recommend sketching out a rough action plan for the next 12 months at the start of the year and trying to follow it. This will help you achieve maximum results with minimum effort. In the sphere of feelings, a creative approach is encouraged: surprise your “half” more often. The stars advise lonely Virgo-Oxen not to waste time on unrequited love: it is better to focus on finding reciprocity.

Horoscope for 2016 Virgo - Rabbit (Cat)

The main bonus of the year: you will be able to restore lost relationships with once dear and close people. Moreover, this will be beneficial for both parties. The Monkey also promises new useful and pleasant acquaintances. In the service, you will strengthen your position by achieving the respect of your superiors and employees. Significant positive changes are possible in your personal life: engagement, wedding or addition to the family.

Horoscope for 2016 Virgo - Snake

At the beginning of spring, the Fire Monkey gives you a chance to fall in love and forget yourself. It doesn’t matter whether you are a family person or a single person. It is likely that the feeling will remain unrequited. In any case, bright emotions will be useful: they will force you to get rid of unnecessary things and open new doors for you. Also in 2016, you will reconsider your views on lifestyle, habits and nutrition, which will benefit your body and allow you to regain strength.

Horoscope for 2016 Virgo - Goat (Sheep)

Major changes await you, all of them for the better. In your work, the stars recommend overcoming your signature trait - intransigence. By becoming more accommodating, you will only increase your authority in the eyes of your employees. Some representatives of the sign will be drawn to feats, including sports. The main thing here is not to overdo it: learn to save and restore strength - and then victory will be yours.

Horoscope for 2016 Virgo - Rooster

Creativity is your guide throughout 2016. You will be able to realize your hidden abilities, and so convincingly that it will help you move up the career ladder. In the first half of the year, some representatives of the sign will experience unexpected, although well-deserved, popularity. And by December, your talents will be converted into a quite tangible financial bonus.

Horoscope for 2016 Virgo - Pig

Success will be achieved by those who do not scatter themselves, but direct all their efforts towards one goal. The Red Monkey also strongly pushes you towards the treadmill or fitness center. Sports will give you extra energy and also save you from going to the doctor. There is a temporary lull in your senses. Take advantage of the respite to do more mundane things like your career or renovations.


From the very beginning of 2016, everything will work out for representatives of the zodiac sign Virgo, and in at its best. The world will suddenly seem like a flowering field to them, but they must remember that even the most beautiful rose has thorns. The point is that the year of the Monkey will give you many opportunities, but will not provide you with a reason to relax. Now you should be sensitive to the world, perceive the experience of everyone who is somehow connected with you. The combination of all these nuances, many of which previously seemed insignificant to you, is where potential success lies. It will be good year, but it will be especially good for those who decide not to “lie on the stove”, but to work, “to work hard like Papa Carlo.” And the more effort and time you invest now, the greater the result you will get. There is no need to think about what you did not manage to do; what is much more important is what you managed to achieve and what opportunities you have. Stop thinking about what you missed, focus on the potential, and the Monkey will tell you how best to use it.

Love horoscope for 2016 Virgo

It is curious that the Monkey itself will not bring you significant changes in this direction; now you will literally forge your own destiny. Actually, ideally the situation should turn out this way, but often circumstances are stronger, and other people have a significant influence on our lives. Now you will have a unique chance to free yourself from all these conventions. If you meet a person you like, communicate with him, despite the opinions of others. Don’t doubt your own feelings; in 2016 you can make this phrase your motto. You are stronger than you think and you have more possibilities than others believe. Now you only need a little attention and then the simplest, “standard” situations will take on fundamentally different colors for you. In the middle of the year, you will feel sincere concern for yourself, and this will become an impetus for you; you will probably evolve in a spiritual-sensual sense. It is not difficult to guess that this is a very important point, which is highly undesirable to miss.

Horoscope for 2016 Virgo (family)

Family Virgos will also experience changes in 2016, and quite bright ones at that. But, again, there will be no incentive; you will lay the necessary foundation yourself, motivate yourself, work on yourself, and as a result you will definitely achieve what you want. But it would be nice to build a clear plan in the first months of the year according to which you will move. You won’t face any significant conflicts within your family, so you can safely think about large-scale projects, such as renovations or buying a new home. Although it must be said that the Monkey strongly discourages you from moving, it is better to think about bringing your current home into proper shape. In addition, the stars say that now you need to be as open as possible. Don’t be shy about romance, it will be especially useful at this stage. Remember that there is no happiness that is true only for one person, otherwise it is not happiness at all. Learn to share your feelings and experiences, not necessarily with those closest to you, because there are actually a lot of people around who are ready to sincerely listen to you.

Horoscope for 2016 Virgo (business)

Literally from the very first days of 2016 of the Monkey, you will feel a powerful influx of energy. You will probably work fanatically, and there will be nothing wrong with that. 2016 will be rich in all sorts of opportunities that can significantly advance you up the career ladder. Virgos who have their own business will be left to their own devices, that is, from an astrological point of view, they should not “bother” about any planetary aspects or stellar trends. These people will move along a given vector, systematically completing assigned tasks. But those who do not work for themselves will feel, as has already been said, powerful support from forces that they probably never thought about. But be careful, don’t try to grab everything. Your strength is still not enough to control all directions, so in any case you will have to focus on something. What exactly is up to you to decide; now you are unlikely to get any sane answer to this question from anyone.

Horoscope for 2016 Virgo (finance)

In the first three to four months of 2016, representatives of the Virgo zodiac sign may experience significant problems with money. It is likely that your savings will not be enough to achieve all the necessary goals. But... if you encounter such a situation, think about whether you really need all this? Perhaps these are not your desires at all? The answers to these questions, which will be preceded by a consistent in-depth analysis, will reveal a lot to you, and rest assured that the results will be stunning. But in the end you will be able to significantly improve your financial position, without even taking into account any external, in this case, career changes. Towards the middle of the year, the situation will stabilize on its own, although the horoscope recommends that you seriously address this issue as early as possible. The fact is that in the fall you will need money. It’s difficult to say for what exactly, but have no doubt that we are talking about something large-scale and positive. Perhaps you will open your own business, maybe invest in some project. In any case, your financial prospects are “growing.”

Horoscope for 2016 Virgo (health)

Before the summer period, Virgos are unlikely to have any problems in terms of health. In this sense, the monkey will be quite loyal to you, so there is no point in doing something out of the ordinary; follow the pre-planned plan. But in the summer you should especially take care of your throat and upper respiratory tract. There is a possibility of catching a serious cold infection. In general, the recommendations for this period are quite standard: do not try too hard to “test the strength” of your body. Hardening is recommended, but is not the key measure. The main thing now is to move. And even if you spend the entire working day on your feet, even if you are constantly traveling, this does not mean that your actions during the day are beneficial to you. We are talking here about a leisurely evening jog in the nearest park, it’s worth starting with at least that.

Attention, the above horoscope for 2016 of the red Monkey describes only general trends inherent in the owners of the Virgo zodiac sign in the new year 2016. Due to your uniqueness, general horoscope for 2016 for the sign of Virgo may not reflect real events. An accurate astrological prediction can only be obtained by drawing up a personal horoscope for the upcoming 2016. You can get an accurate personal horoscope by clicking on the link below.

Accurate personal horoscope for 2016 for the year of the Monkey for the Virgo sign:

In 2016, Virgos will experience a further reorganization of their life platform, a “tectonic shift” in the family, marriage, and profession. You can continue repairs, construction, change your place of residence, or obtain dual citizenship. For the sake of personal growth, it’s time to clarify personal boundaries, worldview, educational background, and practice the ability to endure certain hardships in order to achieve a “high” goal. Legal support and loyalty of partners and assistants are important, otherwise there is a high risk of dubious situations, repeated redoing of poorly performed work, sanctions and losses due to violation of certain rules. It is worth knowing your rights and responsibilities, and being able to bear material, administrative, and moral responsibility.

The area of ​​interest may include an educational, research, innovation, or charitable project. The house can turn into an office. It is worth considering a job that is not tied to your place of residence. There may be misunderstandings, quarrels, or unexpected temporary separation with loved ones. A lot of trouble awaits Virgo parents, especially new ones. You will need the lion's share of your strength from March to September. Achievements will come through work, endurance, and patience.

In the first and second decades of March, it is important to protect partnerships and marriage. The union can crack due to a mass of claims and disagreements - from everyday to spiritual. The third ten days of March will open new horizons for you. But trouble will not be avoided if there is no clear strategy, inflexible tactics, and a shaky foundation. A number of decisions will be forced against the backdrop of family, territorial, legal conflict, and social unrest. It will require control of a home or office, a warning system, security. Emergency situations, leaks, destruction are possible; in dilapidated buildings - major repairs, resettlement. Errors in schemes and calculations, incompetence and carelessness will be revealed. You may encounter deception, lack of guarantees, and temporary social isolation. There may be moral and emotional exhaustion, exacerbation of chronic diseases, difficult acclimatization, and there is a risk of injury.

Financial stabilization will be helped by April, May, early June, possibly due to old skills or sources. The second half of June is a hectic and unstable period; do not rush to add new ones to your existing worries.

The milestone period is August-September. The area of ​​the personal new year will be a time of self-critical reflection and decisive steps.

In September-October, your financial situation will improve. You can receive a gift, a generous advance, a good salary, a loan on favorable terms, or plan significant purchases. There will be money for home renovations and investments, but you may prefer to earn and save, in Spartan conditions and in austerity mode. Interesting joint ideas will arise, but justified optimism should not turn into carelessness and projectism.

In the 2-3 decades of November it is worth inspecting the condition of the property and the home situation. In December, it is advisable to pause processes, return to an old hobby, and take stock of the year. Your loved ones may miss your company.

Love horoscope for 2016 for Virgo

Throughout the year, Virgos are protected by Jupiter, the planet of good fortune and luck. He will “stay” in your astrological house for a long time. Optimism and self-confidence, which come with the influence of Jupiter, will help you weather the “storm” in January. Many representatives of this sign will have to make every effort to maintain their union. If you cope with the tests, you will receive a pleasant bonus from the stars in February. Couples with experience will be able to reach a new level of relationships and fall in love with each other again. Lonely Virgos at this time will find themselves in a stormy whirlpool of a dizzying romance.

In March, you should be careful in your statements. It is possible that you and your loved one understand the same words differently. In April, planetary influences also do not contribute to clarity and can confuse. Some will even doubt their tender feelings for their significant other, and for other couples a quarrel will break out due to misunderstandings. The astrological picture for May is more favorable. The strong sexual attraction between you at this time will become a support for the further development of the relationship.

In the first half of June, events will take an interesting turn. will appear new person, who will play an important role in the lives of free Virgos. July will be cheerful and will fill you with a feeling of happiness. Now you are surrounded by fans who are ready to do the impossible for you. Virgos, don't sit at home! In vacation spots you can meet your love. August - best time for self-care. To renew your feelings, shake yourself up, you need to take care of your appearance. Rest assured, your significant other will appreciate your efforts. In September, you are ready to waste money for the pleasure of your loved one. However, you should still use common sense, otherwise your wallet risks being empty.

Autumn is a calm time; too violent passions are not expected. Virgos will experience a slight lull on the love front. Now is the time to tell your loved one how you feel. Someone will be seriously interested in lonely Virgos. You may not want to burden yourself with long-term commitments, but still don’t rush to conclusions! In December, some fans will be able to awaken your feelings. By the end of the month, an interesting trip will be planned, which you will remember with rich and vivid impressions.

Career and financial horoscope for 2016 for Virgo

In 2016, new prospects open up for many Virgos. Your success will largely depend on yourself, on your personal initiative. professional activity. The time has come for you to determine events yourself and realize your potential. First of all, you need to increase your own self-esteem. The more ambition, assertiveness and self-confidence you show, the higher your results will be at the end of the year.

Now is the time for you to set the tone for the current situation and lead other people. That is why, first of all, those Virgos who have certain leadership qualities or are prone to independent behavior can count on success.

January-February is a period of awareness of one’s importance and the beginning of the active development of one’s ideas and plans in order to achieve their translation into reality. The most important thing here is the awareness of oneself as a creator, capable of bringing something new, one’s own, unique into this world.

From March to June inclusive, previously started projects may be abandoned for the sake of a new, more promising business. It will be most difficult for those who are burdened with family obligations and who need to maintain a stable financial situation for their family. Your initiative may not be understood or supported by people close to you. Things will go well for those who are free from obligations to anyone and can become like a free artist, the so-called creator of their own destiny. It is during this period that you can get excited and get carried away by a new promising direction, spending all your free time on it. Immersion in a new business headlong, strong passion and dedication are the criteria that you have taken the right path of development. When your work becomes creative, you are capable of miracles of productivity.

From July to September is an unfavorable period for partnership cooperation. It is possible that you will encounter deception and non-fulfillment contractual relations. The negotiation process will not bring clarity to matters. It is not recommended to sign important agreements and contracts, since you risk agreeing to conditions that are obviously unfavorable for yourself.

October and November may be associated with sudden growth in income. You may find a “gold mine” in your professional search. However, along with this, there is a high risk of spending the money earned on risky financial adventures.

In December, income will stabilize at a new level, higher than before. This is a good time to complete previously started projects.

Communication with new people will be productive if you can unobtrusively demonstrate a high intellectual level.

Throughout the year of the Fire Monkey, you will be lucky in small things. Enjoy what is happening, but don't try to tempt fate. Risky actions will entail a series of not the most pleasant events. And try not to start new big things, the woman recommends the horoscope for Virgo for 2016. Better solve everyday issues and make plans for the future. You should not show excessive curiosity and find out secrets from those around them. What you want to know so badly will soon reveal itself. In the love sphere, pleasant surprises await you. However, it is still not recommended to embark on adventures.

Career horoscope for Virgo woman 2016

The most best strategy Behavior for Virgos for 2016 is to be quieter than water and lower than the grass. Work calmly and methodically, do not interfere in the affairs of your colleagues and do not give advice to your superiors. Remember: now is not the best time to try to realize your ambitions. Any words of condemnation you utter will be directed against you. As a result, you will remain guilty, and the enemy will only laugh behind your back. It would be wise to take on a part-time job in the last ten days of the year. It is during this period that you will have the strength to work overtime. Do not put off completing the task until the last minute, otherwise you will not meet the deadline and lose the customer.

Love horoscope for Virgo for 2016 woman

You will not be deprived of the attention of the opposite sex this year. Many will begin to be interested in your personal life, so get ready for sudden indiscreet questions. You can answer them according to your mood - sincerely or veiledly, with a smile or frowning. If you haven't found a permanent partner yet, flirt to your heart's content, says love horoscope Virgo woman for 2016. Just try not to get carried away by adventurers, otherwise you will have to endure many unpleasant moments later. Give preference to a person with serious intentions and a great sense of humor.

Health horoscope for 2016 Virgo woman

Your body will need moderate physical activity in the Year of the Fire Monkey. So don't forget to exercise daily, swim, walk and bike a lot. Exercises in gym. With due diligence, you will strengthen your back and abdominal muscles, which will make you feel fit and attractive.

In the last ten days of the year, the throat will be vulnerable. Try not to stress him in any way. Speak quietly and calmly. Whatever happens, do not allow yourself to suddenly raise your voice, much less shout. IN hot weather Don't drink drinks that are too cold or you'll get sick.

The world

Household chores, which usually do not cause you much dislike, will become melancholy this year. The only right decision in this situation is to give out instructions to relatives and take a good break from boring everyday life. Don’t be afraid to encounter resistance: now your household members will be very willing to take on new responsibilities. Just remember to control what is happening, otherwise at the end of 2016 you will find too many changes that you are unlikely to like.

Summer of the Year of the Fire Monkey is good for buying clothes. You will be able to purchase quality items at a fairly reasonable price. Dressed in new outfits, you can easily attract the attention of someone dear to you.

Talisman for 2016 Virgo woman

The Sun, passing through the sign of Cancer, will give Virgos the support of friends and success in new endeavors. However, significant planets from the sign of Gemini can cause confusion in matters related to information, travel, career, and add fuss to the life of already restless Virgos. As a result, interesting opportunities may be missed, the woman predicts the horoscope for Virgo for 2016. To prevent this from happening, wear at least one piece of clothing throughout the year. of blue color. Blue is the color of Jupiter, the qualities of which are so lacking for representatives of the Virgo sign. This planet is associated with truth, success and a panoramic view of things. It will help you not to drown in the flow of information and to separate the important from the unimportant.

For a Virgo woman, the horoscope for 2016 promises a positive mood for the whole year. Success is guaranteed, provided you put in at least a little effort.

For a representative of this sign, there will be an opportunity to change both professional and personal life in better side. If you really want to, you can successfully change jobs, quickly climb the career ladder and find your soulmate who fits all the criteria. There will be problems, but you shouldn’t dwell on them. Your friends and family will help you cope. In 2016, you will need them more than ever.

Take time for your spiritual development. This year, unexpectedly for yourself, you will reconsider your own values. The year is full of events; what nature they will take depends only on you. Great time to manifest.

Love horoscope

A married Virgo woman will experience a calm, measured life in the first half of 2016. Family harmony- this is exactly what she needs during this period. In the middle of the year, the idyll in the family may crack. The Virgo woman will feel that she lacks variety and life is gray and boring. The likelihood of cheating on the part of the husband.

Take matters into your own hands. Think about the consequences. But don’t just jump in and decide everything with a cool head. Perhaps your partner is missing something. Start your search with yourself. Otherwise, the family may fall apart with dire consequences.

As for unmarried ladies of the Virgo sign, the year will be full of romantic adventures, but will not bring stable long-term relationships. Unfortunately, you will not be able to meet your soulmate. The year promises a lot of acquaintances, travel, romance, intrigue and flirting, but nothing more.

Dont be upset. Treat this as gaining experience in relationships - this is also very important. Unmarried Virgos will be drawn to vacation and travel in the second half of the year. Don't resist it. Trips, even if short, will bring you many pleasant acquaintances.

Family horoscope

Family is a reliable support for you. This year, pay more attention to it. There is no need to plan a major renovation. Improve your relationships within the family nest. Spend more time together: walk, travel, create something new together. In the second half of the year you will be stifled by jealousy, but do not paint yourself into a corner. Listen and listen to your partner. Stress will lead to poor health. Spend more time with your children, take an interest in their desires, interests and, in general, their lives.

Financial horoscope

The first half of the year will be troublesome and fussy. The Virgo woman will constantly try to improve her financial situation, but to no avail.

By summer the situation will change, but the habit of saving on everything will remain. Try to relax, money will flow in the second half of the year. Don’t be afraid to invest money in new projects, but everything needs to be carefully calculated and weighed. Try not just to put money in a “little box”, but to open deposits and lend money. The only thing the stars do not advise is borrowing money.


A very favorable year for career development. The first half of the year will be stable, without much change. And from the beginning of summer, your life will change dramatically. You will finally find the job you want or climb the career ladder.

The Virgo woman’s dedication and hard work will bear fruit. You will discover new qualities in yourself that will have a positive impact on your future life. labor activity. And the management will not let these changes pass by. By the end of the year, a bonus or award awaits you.

With such success in your career, there will be practically no envious people, which will allow you to work with a light heart. Everyone will support you: parents, husband, children, colleagues and even bosses. But you shouldn’t get cocky and arrogant. The end of the year is a great time to make important decisions, don’t be afraid of anything and everything will work out.


Regarding health, the 2016 horoscope for the Virgo woman promises some calm. Exacerbations of chronic diseases are possible, but only in cases where you yourself miss a visit to the doctor. The Virgo woman needs to understand that the disease will not go away on its own. To maintain your health you need to make every effort. The year will be stable and calm in the family and at work; stress during this period will bypass you.

But the stars advise paying attention to your diet. It is worth diversifying your diet with fruit and vegetable dishes and not giving up meat. If you don't listen to these tips, you may have problems with gastrointestinal tract. Don't overuse medications, pay attention to herbs.

In general, the year is very good for the Virgo woman. It will bring long-awaited recognition at work, financial stability and peace in the family. Try to relax more, spend time with your parents, children and husband. In 2016, you will finally have what you have long dreamed of coming true. Continued hard work will bear fruit.

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