Traffic jam on the roundabout today. Fighting traffic jams in cities

We compiled a rating of Moscow traffic jams that occurred in 2008. He's amazing. Looking at the numbers (see table), I want to run away from this city! But don't rush. Traffic jams, as it turned out, are not a spontaneous phenomenon. You can predict them and try not to fall into an ambush. This means there is an opportunity to save time, gas and nerves.


Traffic jams from the Moscow Ring Road to the third ring towards the center form on radial routes at approximately 7.30 am. And they last until 10, sometimes until 11 am. The busiest highways are federal: Leningradka, Yaroslavka, Dmitrovka, Kashirka, Varshavka and Entuziastov Highway. On Ostashkovskoye and Altufevskoye highways there are, as a rule, a little less cars.

The same roads go towards the region at 17.30 - 18 hours. Traffic jams last up to 21, less often up to 22 hours.


The third transport ring, according to data, most often turns into a parking lot from 8 to 10 and from 16 to 19 hours.

The Garden Ring is unpredictable, especially on weekdays after 1 pm. You can get into a jam here at any time.

Traffic jams on the Moscow Ring Road most often occur on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from eight in the morning to eight in the evening. Sometimes it happens that the rings close together, i.e. the cork is all around the circumference! So, for example, on April 29 last year, for 12 hours, from seven in the morning to seven in the evening, the entire outer side of the third transport ring was stopped. And all because in the Lefortovo tunnel only one lane was open to traffic. The media warned in advance that there would be a closure, but many drivers, apparently, did not heed this.


Monday in Moscow is the freest weekday. According to the capital's traffic cops (and experts agree with their opinion), many drivers simply do not want to get behind the wheel “after yesterday.”

Tuesday is one of the busiest days. Firstly, all those who did not dare yesterday are leaving. Secondly, trucks with goods are arriving in the capital, leaving for us on Monday. And each truck takes up space on the road like five cars!

Wednesday - a little less cars than on Tuesday, but more than on Monday.

Thursday - a lot of cars! Work week in full swing, and the trucks are just leaving for their hometowns - the drivers are in a hurry to get home in time for the weekend. It was on Thursday, according to Yandex. Traffic jams,” and the worst traffic jams in terms of length and duration occur.

Friday - there are a lot of cars, and there are less traffic jams than on Thursday.

It’s just that on Thursday, people finish their work day at about the same time and leave all at once,” explains Vladislav Borodin, head of the collection and processing service of the Analytical Center. - And on Friday, people start leaving work after lunch - for example, to the dacha. Someone works, as usual, until six, someone stays late for the party - after all, they usually do it on Fridays. So it turns out that the flow of cars is, as it were, “smeared over”. Although in the summer, when millions of people go to their dachas at once, many highways simply stop.

Saturday - traffic jams leaving the city usually start at 11 am. People go shopping to shopping centers on the Moscow Ring Road and in the region. During the summer season there are traffic jams from 7-8 o'clock: those who didn't make it on Friday evening rush out of town. After 14:00 it is relatively free.

Sunday - short traffic jams only shopping centers. So it’s better to go shopping on this day.


If there is snowfall or, worse, a blizzard outside, it is better not to use the car, advises Vladislav Borodin. - It is on these days that the maximum traffic accidents occur in Moscow and the total length of traffic jams exceeds 500 kilometers. You might just lose a day, or even hit your car. If it’s foggy, raining, or the city is covered in peat smoke, you’ll spend on average twice as much time traveling from point A to point B as usual.


Igor MORZHARETTO, expert of the magazine “Behind the Wheel”:

Never, even on weekends, go to the third ring between Kutuzovsky Prospekt and Sushchevsky Val and near the intersection with Volgogradka. There's always a traffic jam!

Try not to go to the Moscow Ring Road during the day on weekdays - it is clogged with transit transport. And at the intersection of the Circle and New Riga, a traffic jam is generally guaranteed. The Moscow Ring Road is only suitable for night trips.

Ernest TSYGANKOV, director of the Center for Advanced Driving Excellence:

Buy a navigator that reports traffic jams. Or listen to Avtoradio, they also warn about congestion and closures.

Don’t be lazy and on the weekend work out options for routes around those areas where you usually get stuck in traffic jams.

Don’t forget about the old, but very effective methods:

Try not to drive on the road in heavy snow, pouring rain or fog - you will probably get into a traffic jam.

If possible, leave for work early to avoid the traffic jam at least in the morning.

*total length of traffic jams per day.


The number of cars on Moscow roads this year, according to the portal, has decreased by 10 - 20%.

Useful phone

* Any quoting of material is only with written consent.

Without exaggeration, traffic jams can be called “the scourge of our time.” This is especially true for Moscow and other megacities. Although they are being fought everywhere, today the result leaves much to be desired. In order not to waste precious hours standing idle in traffic jams, it is advisable to use online card Yandex. Traffic jams in Moscow can now be tracked on the Moscow Ring Road, on the Volokolamsk and Riga highways and other directions.

The service demonstrates:

  • Occupancy of road directions in points (per this moment time and average) in different colors.
  • Flow speed in km/h.
  • Incident points.
  • Dislocation of repair activities.
  • Video from Moscow cameras.

Viewing reminder

The congestion indicator of a road segment is demonstrated using different colors:

You can find out the speed by pointing the pointer at the desired section of the route.

Note! In the absence of verified information, the road section is not highlighted using color.

The unit for measuring the presence of congestion is the “score”. Points are reflected in accordance with the intensity of the track.

Workload is measured using a 10-point scale. It looks something like this:

The road congestion forecast is given for 1 hour. It is viewed by dragging the slider onto the Now / In an hour scale to the required indicator.

Note! The Today / Statistics toggle switch needs to be set to the Today indicator.

Events in the direction of interest are also viewed. There is a Traffic Events function for this. When you press this button, signs appear informing you about the situation:

To view the details, check the “Traffic Events” checkbox:

Traffic jam statistics are determined for different days of the week and time of day. To get acquainted with it:

  • The switch is set to the Statistics indicator.
  • The day of interest is pressed.
  • The engine is moved to the required position.

Using the Yandex Traffic jams service, the driver has the opportunity to determine how much time he will lose due to traffic jams. For example, when the average score is 7, this means that the travel time will increase by about 2 times. It should be taken into account that the scale has different settings for different cities. Thus, 6 points in St. Petersburg corresponds to a 5-point situation in Moscow.

Traffic jams in Moscow online

Moscow traffic jams 2019
You can move the cursor to any street on the map and see detailed information about the road section in a pop-up window.

Traffic jams in Moscow will show you the traffic congestion in all areas of the city. By monitoring the situation right now before leaving, you will not only save time for yourself, but also unload sections of the road, allowing others to get there faster.
Traffic map service from the creators of Yandex.
The most convenient way to monitor traffic jams in Moscow online to view the situation on the street right now, at the moment. The traffic jam situation changes every minute, so you can find out about collapses in almost real time, without leaving your computer. You can view traffic incidents and video cameras on the Yandex website. Keeping track of traffic jams in the capital has become much easier! Use proven online services right now every day to control the situation at the moment, save your time.
More and more often we will resort to the services of such a map because the problem of traffic jams in the capital is almost the most important and it takes a lot of time, more than one year, to solve it. Solutions are already being sought: the construction of multi-level underground parking lots, interchanges - backup routes, tunnels, overpasses, etc., paid entry for cars into the city center, properly configured traffic lights, reversible lanes, an increase in the number of taxis and at the same time cheaper travel in them . Of course, this map of traffic jams in Moscow also provides important assistance, which you can open and view online at any time before leaving. This allows many drivers to wait or avoid a difficult section of the road and thereby not complicate an already difficult situation on the road.

Traffic jams in Moscow - online at the moment

The most difficult and dangerous sections of roads in Moscow are the Moscow Ring Road (in first place), the Third Transport Ring and the Garden Ring. Mainly for the reason that high speeds are allowed in these areas and therefore are most often created emergency situations.
Don’t forget to use our useful online service before traveling around the city, this will save your time and the nerves of other drivers who, unlike you, did not use help in time and got stuck in a ten-point traffic jam.

To avoid being left without a card in the middle of the journey, deposit a sufficient amount into your account in advance. Helpful advice Have toiletries in your car. No matter how sad it may sound, if you are stuck on an overpass, there will be no toilet nearby. Sources:

  • Yandex maps
  • Navigation application from Yandex

Is the advice useful? How to avoid traffic jams in Moscow Similar tips

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Traffic jams in Moscow

Both in the morning to the center and in the evening from the center the best way to travel is the Barrikadnaya highway - Zvenigorodskoe highway - Marshal Zhukov Avenue.

  • On the Third Transport Ring Road and the Moscow Ring Road, both sides are loaded approximately equally, but on the Garden Ring the outer side travels much worse than the inner one.
  • Over the year since the fall of 2013, the traffic situation in Moscow has improved slightly: travel time on the capital's streets during rush hours has decreased by an average of 5%. This is the first time since at least 2010 that we have seen positive changes on Moscow roads.
    Previously, the workload was only growing.
  • Inside the Garden Ring, congestion decreased by approximately 4% during morning rush hour and by 5% during evening rush hour, thanks to the introduction of paid parking. In the Third Transport Ring zone the situation has hardly changed.

PHOTO: / Nikolay Kostyushin The Yandex company assessed the traffic situation in Moscow and analyzed the changes that have occurred on the capital's streets over the past five years. The situation in the city as a whole was considered, as well as separately in the zones inside the Garden Ring, between the Garden Ring and the Third Ring Road, and between the Third Transport Ring and the Moscow Ring Road.
Analysts relied on data from Yandex.Traffic. It turned out that, although the situation in Moscow as a whole remained approximately the same as a year ago, congestion in the center has increased significantly - it was recognized as the highest in five years. There are also more traffic jams between the Third Transport Ring and the Moscow Ring Road than last year, and in the mornings and early afternoon the roads are worse than in 2013.
The average traffic speed in the fall of 2017 during the morning rush hour was approximately 4% higher than last year, during the day it was 3-4% lower, and during the evening rush hour it did not change.

Moscow traffic jams now and with forecast


The territorial component is not important to us, the main thing is maximum coverage. The average speed along the Mozhaiskoye Highway in the direction of the Region in July 2015 was 63 km/h, and the Shchelkovskoye Highway in the direction of the Region was 34 km/h.
From this information we draw an obvious conclusion - Shchelkovskoye Highway is much more congested, traffic jams there are much higher, which means that drivers stuck in traffic jams have much more time to study the surrounding space, incl. your outdoor advertising.

Online map of traffic jams in Moscow now in real time

What changes have occurred on the streets of Moscow? Infill development has disappeared. The Urban Planning and Land Commission of Moscow has canceled investment projects compaction and irrational development with a total area of ​​21.2 million square meters. m. Summer verandas increased by 60% The total number of summer verandas since 2011 has increased by 69.9% and amounted to 2,055 pieces (in 2011, the number of seasonal cafes was 1,277 pieces).


On the initiative of Sergei Sobyanin, the procedure for opening summer cafes and verandas at restaurants in Moscow was radically simplified. Permission to open a summer cafe is now issued indefinitely for up to 30 days (previously it had to be renewed every year, the procedure took up to 5 months).


Another 150 comprehensively improved streets Improvement work within the framework of the “My Street” program will cover another 150 streets. They will be carried out according to a new standard, tested on many central streets of the city.

Traffic jams in Moscow

Click an icon to view a detailed event message: Icons:

  • - traffic accident;
  • - blocking traffic;
  • - other;
  • - speed measurement;
  • - Men at work;
  • - bridge lift;
  • - an event will occur in the future (for example, a bridge will be opened).

To find out about traffic statistics on different days of the week and time of day, set the Today / Statistics switch to the Statistics position, click on the desired day of the week and drag the slider on the time of day scale to the desired position. For example, Wed (Wednesday), 14:00: On this page you can see what traffic jams are currently in Moscow. The map displays information about those places where you will now have to stand.
Yandex traffic jams now reflect the situation that has developed on Moscow roads.

Traffic jams in Moscow now

Inside the Garden Ring, the average speed increased by approximately 4% during the morning rush hour and by 5% during the evening rush hour - apparently due to the introduction of paid parking1. In the Third Transport Ring zone the situation has hardly changed. The strongest improvements - almost 9% in the morning and 3% in the evening - occurred in the area between the Third Transport Ring and the Moscow Ring Road, which may be due to active road construction.

For example, an interchange was built at the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road with Volgogradsky Prospekt, overpasses on Profsoyuznaya Street, Mozhaiskoye and Varshavskoye Highways - as a result, travel time on the corresponding sections of roads was noticeably reduced. Serious deterioration is also often associated with road works.

For example, the speed of traffic dropped sharply on the Third Transport Ring between Kutuzovsky and Leninsky Prospekts - where the road was narrowed due to repairs.

Yandex has compiled a schedule of Moscow traffic jams

See right now on the traffic jam map how many points the traffic speed is estimated at and what the traffic situation is along the route of your route. By looking at the map, you can find out what is happening on the roads in the city center, why there is a traffic jam on the road, and find out what is going on at the exit and entrance to Moscow.

The map will show the speed of traffic flow in kilometers per hour in real mode and with a forecast. It will help you recognize and show obstacles and their causes that may occur right along the way. It will show the state of traffic and the degree of road congestion in points and color, the location of accidents, and the location of repair work.

How to avoid getting stuck in traffic jams in Moscow

Choose the time of day to travel to Moscow At any time of the year, you are guaranteed to get stuck in a traffic jam at the entrance to Moscow from 7:00 to 9:00. If it is not a holiday or weekend, best time for entry - from 11 am.

The reverse outflow of traffic begins around 18:00 and dissipates from 21:00. In summer, do not risk visiting Moscow on a Sunday evening.

Starting from lunchtime, the roads are filled with summer residents who return home and sit in traffic jams until late at night. The same situation when leaving Moscow occurs every Friday and Saturday, only in the morning.

The roads are passable on Monday and Thursday. In Krasnoyarsk, Monday and Friday are considered difficult days of the week. On the first day of work, the morning rush hour is more difficult than on any other day.

On weekends, mornings and evenings are completely uncrowded. In Ufa, weekday traffic jams begin at 7 a.m., with the worst traffic jams occurring between 8:30 and 9:20.

In the evening, car traffic is more difficult. Yandex map traffic statistics show that at 17.00 traffic congestion begins to increase sharply. Reaching a maximum of 18:10–19:10. What are the traffic jam statistics in St. Petersburg? Peak hours start at 8:00–10:00, evening hours start at 17:30–19:30.
On Saturday the roads are cleared 2 times, and on Sunday 4 times.
The Yandex Traffic Traffic mobile application provides reasonable prerequisites for analyzing Moscow road congestion. The formation of constant traffic jams on the capital's roads is associated with both seasonal factors and imperfect organization of road traffic.

For an example of assessing the congestion of Moscow roads using Yandex. We will focus on traffic jams in the autumn period of 2013-2014.

We focus on months that are characterized by average workload road routes, September and October. For analysis, we will take application data for the Moscow Ring Road, Third Transport Ring and Garden Ring. Indicators of traffic congestion in Moscow for the current year Current time of congestion We have identified a good period for analysis - most of the participants traffic I returned from vacation, and favorable weather conditions allow me to often use personal transport.

Road congestion in Moscow, the Moscow region and other Russian cities online.
Traffic jams in Moscow now on the Yandex map, places of accidents and places of road work.

Traffic jams in real time on the Yandex map in cities

Convenient viewing of city routes using Yandex traffic maps, monitoring highway congestion in Moscow, the Moscow region and any other city in Russia.
A clear understanding of the situation on city roads gives the driver the opportunity to bypass traffic jams and get to his destination in the most convenient time. short term. Yandex provides a unique opportunity to monitor traffic congestion online in any locality. Using a map on your computer or phone monitor, you can find out about the traffic situation in your city at any time and determine a convenient route.

The maximum saving of travel time is the quality of the Yandex traffic jam service.

Traffic jams often steal precious minutes of time from car owners. Residents of megacities can manage to get into them several times a day, because the number of cars on the roads is large and every motorist, after purchasing a car, is unlikely to use another type of transport. With the Yandex traffic jam service on the map, a lot of time is saved, and the trip turns into an interesting journey without interference.

The virtual map helps to see in time all the obstacles on the way, the intensity of congestion on the roads of Moscow and suburban areas. The uniqueness of the service is that it works around the clock, providing its users with the necessary information at any time. There are constant updates of information about the congestion of any highway, so the risk of being stuck in a traffic jam due to outdated news is completely eliminated.

A convenient navigation map service provides drivers with Vehicle a necessary tool that serves auxiliary in the fight against congestion. The quality of Yandex service has been tested by many grateful motorists. A simple way to check your route makes the road safer and makes it possible to get to your final destination much faster.

Reducing gasoline consumption, time and nerves on the road using the Yandex traffic jam network service is most important in winter, when the passage of vehicles can be difficult due to snow.

Megacities such as Moscow are characterized by a high pace of life and movement. Road routes can become congested with heavy traffic, especially during rush hours when people are traveling to work or returning home. Just look at the traffic jams in Moscow now on the Yandex map to keep abreast of all the latest events on the streets of this city. In addition to Moscow, all other cities are displayed on the map settlements and their areas.

Online road navigation simplifies the route and makes it easier for the taxi driver to deliver his passenger to the place quickly and comfortably. It is easy to use, anyone can open a browser, find a site with a Yandex map, view all road surfaces, and mark convenient routes. Among the advantages of this method of bypassing interference, it is worth noting the reduction in gasoline consumption, which is noticeably and uselessly spent when caught in a traffic jam.

Online road maps are a useful tool for motorists. They provide invaluable assistance to every car owner in moving along city central roads. It is the central parts of the city that are most often subject to a large influx of traffic during the day and evening hours. An easy search for a free path online helps save time and implement larger number tasks assigned that day.

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