Angelina Jolie in her youth: Candid photos of the actress. Facts about Angelina Jolie's turbulent youth (15 photos) Little Jolie

Angelina Jolie - everyone knows this name without exception. A famous Hollywood actress who won the hearts of viewers around the world with her beauty and unique talent. She is considered the standard of beauty, kindness and wisdom. Numerous awards and prizes, roles in the most popular films of our time, as well as participation in many charitable foundations - all this is truly admirable. But few people know what Angelina Jolie was like as a child and what she had to go through before she gained worldwide fame.

The early years of the star

The famous Hollywood actress was born on June 4, 1975 in Los Angeles into an acting family. His father, Jon Voight, was a fairly popular actor at that time, and his mother, Marcheline Bertrand, could not boast of the same popularity, but was a wonderful actress. Angelina Jolie never knew her father's love as a child. Her parents separated when the baby was not even a year old. Voight simply abandoned Marcheline with the baby in his arms due to his strong passion for women on the side. Having taken Angelina and her older brother James, the mother decides to take them to New York and takes full care of the children, abandoning her dream of becoming a famous actress.

Despite all the grievances, the father invites his six-year-old daughter to star in his film “Looking for a Way Out.” Apparently, the need for money leaves the family no choice, and they willingly accepted such a tempting offer. After all, Jolie starred in the film with Marcheline.

Instilling an interest in cinema in her children, Marcheline often took her children to the cinema, and this, according to Angelina, pushed her to choose a profession. Angelina Jolie, who had many negative moments in her childhood, looked with pleasure at the actors’ performances and dreamed of being in their place.

Difficult school years

When Angelina was eleven, the family returned to their native Los Angeles. Thanks to her eccentric character, Jolie never ceases to surprise her mother with unexpected actions. She decides that a funeral home might be a great business idea. But no one supported her ideas, considering it childish tomfoolery.

After such ideas, Angie goes for treatment to a psychotherapist and school psychologists. Her teachers considered her a real sociopath because of her problems with her peers. But this does not interfere with the future Hollywood star enroll in high school Beverly Hills. But soon the big acting ambitions come to naught. Angelina plunges into real depression because of her unconventional appearance and bullying from classmates.

Angelina Jolie as a child (photo is in the article) looked different from the other girls at school. She was very unconventional for the Los Angeles school environment. Excessive thinness, unusual habits and second-hand clothes greatly undermined the self-esteem of the future star. Angelina Jolie was constantly depressed during her childhood and adolescence. An even bigger blow was the useless trips to modeling agencies, where Jolie was simply not taken seriously. Few people know, but Angelina Jolie was already anorexic as a child. To maintain her figure and from constant stress, the girl ate practically nothing and was constantly hungry. Fortunately, she was diagnosed in time with the first stage of anorexia and treated, after which she changed her eating habits.

First love

According to the actress herself, she began living in a civil marriage at the age of 14. According to Angelina, her mother came to this decision and allowed her and her boyfriend to take a room in their house. This cohabitation lasted two years until the lovers separated. Remembering this, Angelina fully supported her mother’s decision, calling it reasonable. But the star herself understands that 14 years is too young to live together, and she would never allow her own daughter to bring a guy into the house.

The reasons for the separation were numerous cuts on Angelina’s body. Since childhood, Jolie had a very strange hobby - collecting knives, which she later used to cut herself all over her body. Due to constant depression and bullying from her peers, Jolie “masked out the pain” by inflicting a huge number of cuts on herself. According to the celebrity herself, this allowed her to feel like a living person and relieve stress. The young man simply could not stand such actions on the part of his beloved and left her.

First career advancements

At the age of 14, real changes begin in the life of a star. Even by comparing photos of Angelina Jolie in childhood and adolescence, you can see how much her body changes, she turns into a real beauty.

Then luck begins to smile on her, and many people hire her modeling agencies not only America, but also England. She starred in many music videos and gained first fame among fashion designers and photographers. Then Jolie auditions for a role in her first film, which is dedicated to the famous model of the 70s, where she successfully debuts and receives a Golden Globe award. This was the beginning of her long journey to the podium of world celebrity.

Stormy youth

According to the actress herself, all the depressive states in her life were directly related to the enormous resentment towards her father, which the star suffered from childhood to adolescence. She tried to commit suicide and led a rather wild lifestyle. She tried almost every possible drug and came to shows and public appearances in an inadequate state.

Angelina Jolie as a child, whose photos are simply touching, actually really loved to tempt fate and loved to walk on the edge of a knife from the very beginning of her life. So, already in her youth, drugs became a part of her life and almost took her away. According to the actress, she was very lucky that she managed to stop in time. During stormy youth Jolie did a lot of terrible things, but now it's over. One day, her regular drug dealer made a statement in the press, thereby telling everything about the star. To which Angelina, having admitted her mistakes, told the world about her past problems. And she told how much she regrets her rash actions.

Some facts about Angelina

Jolie has poor eyesight and wears contact lenses.

Once in her youth, Jolie hired a hitman to take her life.

Angelina Jolie was accused of having an intimate relationship with her own brother; the actress first confirmed this information, then admitted that it was a PR stunt.

In her youth, Angelina was in romantic relationships with several female models, thereby confirming rumors about her bisexuality.


The world-famous Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie in childhood and now is like two different girls. Over the years, Jolie has become much wiser, and there is no longer resentment, hatred and anger in her life.

On this moment she is a happy mother of many children and She found the strength to forgive her father and take the true path, no matter what.

She is one of the highest paid Hollywood actresses, a mother of many children, a UN Goodwill Ambassador and simply a very impressive woman who looks great at the age of forty. However, life did not always spoil Angelina Jolie. Biographers and fans of Mrs. Pitt, who received this official status in 2014, have unearthed many intimate secrets of the actress, which she kept under seven locks. What was life like for Angelina Jolie in her youth? What memories would she like to get rid of forever?

Difficult childhood

Yes, in childhood and adolescence Angelina Jolie could not call herself lucky. Both Angie's mother and father were constantly busy filming, as they worked as actors. When the girl was one year old, the father left the family, leaving his ex-wife with two young children. Angie's mother, Marcheline Bertrand, gave up her dreams of an acting career, focusing on her daughter and son. There was always a shortage of money in the family, as the mother did odd jobs. Looking at Angelina Jolie now, it’s hard to imagine that in childhood and adolescence she dressed exclusively in second-hand stores.

Having acquired complexes due to her own thinness (malnutrition was common in the family), she tried to protest by dressing in black clothes. Angie complemented her gothic style with bright red hair. Already at the age of fourteen she dated guys. One of them even became her common-law husband. At the same time, the mother believed that it was better for the children to live with her under the same roof, and not wander through the parks in search of a place for privacy. Angelina Jolie herself still claims that in her youth she did the right thing, and her mother supported her in this. At the age of sixteen, the girl decided that family was not for her. Work became the main meaning of life. Angie started out as a model, showing clothes on the London, Los Angeles and New York catwalks. She was noticed and invited to appear in video clips. Angie considers her most outstanding works to be collaborations with Lenny Kravitz, the Rolling Stones and Meat Loaf. But the theater interested her more, so she returned there.

The turbulent youth of the film star

While Angie was trying her hand at modeling, her eldest managed to graduate from film school. The first films in which Angelina Jolie starred in her youth were his experimental tests. The actress does not like to talk about them. His official debut was the role of the robot Casella in the action film Cyborg 2: The Glass Shadow. At that time there was no talk of fame yet, but the directors beautiful girl noticed. Her first successful role was filming in “Hackers,” which, among other things, gave Jolie her first official husband, Jonny Lee Miller. They dated for three years, and after the wedding they lived for several months and separated.

During this time, Angie tried all known drugs and learned to relieve stress with alcohol. In her biography there was a place both for attempts and for cutting herself with knives. The latter, according to the actress, helped her transform emotional pain into physical pain, which is easier to deal with.

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However, new offers, which literally rained down on Angelina very generously, saved her from stepping into the abyss. Worldwide fame, life under the spotlight and close attention from the paparazzi forced her to control herself. In 2005, co-starring with Brad Pitt in the film Mr. and Mrs. Smith marked the beginning of their romantic relationship, which grew into a strong creative union. The actors decided to legalize their relationship only seven years later. Today Angelina loves, is loved and is happy!

Angelina Jolie is a famous Hollywood actress, director, model, UN Goodwill Ambassador, a recognized Hollywood sex symbol and one of the most famous and highest-paid actresses. Angelina Jolie's father is actor Jon Voight, mother is actress Marcheline Bertrand. Due to her father's constant infidelities, Jolie's parents separated almost immediately after her birth; this sad fact of her biography left a serious imprint on her entire subsequent life.

Angelina Jolie's father - photo

After her parents' divorce, little Angelina and her brother remained to live with her mother, who had to give up her career as an actress and devote herself to her children. The family moved to New York. At the age of 6, Angelina starred in her father's film. Angelina Jolie's father and mother, despite the divorce, always tried to maintain friendly relations.
Jon Voight played a significant role in the life of his daughter and her further development as an actress. A photo of Angelina Jolie's father and mother in their youth is presented below.

At the age of 11, Jolie began living with her father. This allowed her to study at film school. From the age of 14, Angelina worked as a model, however, at first her modeling career did not work out, which is why future star I was very worried.

The girl's childhood and adolescence were not easy - Angelina did not find it easy mutual language with her peers, her strange hobbies sometimes shocked those around her. For example, a passion for knives - she harmed herself, even ended up in the hospital due to serious injury to the carotid artery. Angelina subsequently admits that she hurt herself to feel alive.

At that time, the future actress tried all the drugs available to her and led a promiscuous sex life, not only with men, but also with women. All this happened against the backdrop of a difficult relationship with her father - Angelina Jolie had hostility towards him because he abandoned their family when she was just a baby.

Despite the fact that she was doing a job that she liked and brought success and universal recognition, Angelina often felt unhappy, lonely and depressed. Jolie continued to visit a psychoanalyst, who saw the cause of deep inner experiences in childhood trauma from her father leaving the family and in her parents' divorce. Later, the actress admitted in an interview that she hated all parents - fathers or mothers who abandoned their children, and that from childhood she stopped believing in love.

Angelina Jolie with her father for a long time(almost 10 years) we didn’t communicate at all. This was due to their conflict in Cambodia. Angelina then made the difficult decision to adopt her first child, a boy named Maddox. Angelina Jolie's dad reacted sharply negatively to this and even publicly stated that he was worried about his daughter's mental health. This seriously offended the actress, she even officially changed her last name to “Jolie”, removing “Voight” from it.

Now Angelina Jolie and her father have finally begun to communicate. Fans can now see numerous photos of them together, as well as the words of the actress herself that the birth of her own children is a good reason to make an effort on herself and forgive her father.

Angelina Jolie, the famous American actress, today, June 4, celebrates her anniversary - she turns 40 years old. Now, in addition to films, Angelina Jolie is associated with the adoption of children, faithful marriage to Brad Pitt and charity. However, to achieve this, the actress had to go through a difficult journey and make many mistakes in her youth, which made her what she is now.

Let's remember together what Angelina Jolie was and what she became.

1. Then: Even at school, Angelina felt like a black sheep because of her appearance. Children constantly made fun of her plump lips, she was also very thin and dressed in second-hand clothes.

2. Now: Now Angelina Jolie is recognized as one of the most beautiful women. Millions of women around the world are guided by her style and appearance. However, she inherited about 20 tattoos from her youth.

Civil marriage at 14 years old

3. Then: At the age of 14, Angelina began living in a civil marriage. Moreover, the initiative to settle her daughter’s chosen one in her house came from the mother of the future actress.

“One of my boyfriends lived with me at my mother’s house when I was just 14. It was the smartest thing my mother could have done because it meant we didn’t hang out in the park together,” Angelina said years later. Jolie.

According to her, it was real civil marriage- she and her young partner had stable, almost marital relations for many months.

4. Now: In 2014, Angelina Jolie and the equally stellar Brad Pitt got married. At the same time, the couple entered into a strict marriage contract. If Pitt cheats on his wife, he will lose joint custody of their children.

Relationship with father

5. Then: Angelina's father is the famous American actor Jon Voight, who left the mother of the future star when Jolie was one year old. She always blamed her father for her mother’s betrayal and leaving the family, and she attributed many of her youth mistakes to him.

6. Now: Jolie tried several times to establish contact, but their relationship still remains tense and she basically refuses to mention him as a father. However, thanks largely to Brad Pitt, Jon Voight got the opportunity to see his grandchildren.


7. Then: In 1998, the actress spoke openly about her addiction. She tried everything: cocaine, heroin, LSD, weed, ecstasy. However, she quickly grew tired of marijuana. The star didn't like feeling stupid and laughing all the time.

"I remember taking LSD before going to Disneyland. I started thinking of Mickey Mouse as a middle-aged man who hated life."

8. Now: Nowadays Angelina Jolie has a negative attitude towards drugs. “Drugs are dangerous, I quit it a long time ago,” says Jolie.


9. Then: Angelina tried to commit suicide. The actress even hired special person, which would help her give up her life. In addition, she often specially delivered to herself physical pain.

“She wounded her neck, chest and thighs. For most of us, this is savagery, but it helped free her,” said “star” biographer Andrew Morton.

10. Now: Thanks to her children and loving husband, Angelina Jolie claims, she was able to truly accept and love herself.

Affair with mother's boyfriend

11. Then: When Angelina was only 16, she had a short but very stormy affair with her own mother's boyfriend. When Marcheline found out about this, she was terribly angry with Angie.

This disagreement greatly cooled the relationship between mother and daughter and dragged on for many years. For many years, Jolie and her mother had virtually no contact.

12. Now: Only over time, having settled down and had children, was Angelina able to truly understand her mother and become very close to her.

The actress's mother died of cancer in 2007 at the age of 56. According to Angelina, she is still experiencing this loss incredibly hard.


13. Then: Jolie herself did not hide her bisexuality. Even before her affair with Brad Pitt in 2005, in an interview with Vanity Fair magazine, she admitted that she did not like to share a bed with slender women: “Ever since I started dating women, I know what it’s like to hug a stick,” - Jolie said.

14. Now: In 2008, Angelina Jolie's former lover, 38-year-old Asian top model Jenny Shimizu, gave an interview in which she stated that the actress can still date girls.

"Angelina is a wonderful lesbian lover. Even though she's expecting Brad's baby, I doubt she stopped having affairs with women after me."

Sexual promiscuity

Then: The future star lost her virginity at the age of 14 with a school friend. In her early youth, Angelina had many fleeting connections and many lovers. She was married three times. In addition, she has been the cause of divorce more than once.

In addition to her future husband Brad Pitt and his departure from Jennifer Aniston, Jolie also “ruined” the marriage of Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman. In 2009, the star said that she was not against diversity in relationships if both partners did not object to it.

15. Now: Thanks to her marriage to Pitt, Jolie has settled down. She has six children, and after the wedding, Angelina and her husband entered into a contract, according to which if Pitt cheats, he will lose the right to joint custody of their children.


16. Then: In 2012, Angelina Jolie, along with Christina Aguilera, was recognized as the worst celebrity mothers in the world. The American weekly Star in its new issue published a ranking of the worst and best parents.

Angelina received the shameful title of the worst mother due to the poor nutrition of her children and their bad manners. Thus, the Jolie-Pitt family has repeatedly said that their children love to eat at McDonald's and prefer Coca-Cola for breakfast.

17. Now: Be that as it may, Jolie loves children, and they can hardly be called unhappy. In December 2014, it became known that one of the daughters considers himself a transgender boy named John, and his parents accepted his gender identity.

Rumors of incest

18. Then: Angelina has always been very close to her brother James Haven. He often accompanies her to various ceremonies. However, after the Oscars in 2001, Jolie and Haven kissed. The media immediately attributed incest to them.

19. Now: Angelina denies rumors of incest, but confirms that her brother means a lot to her.

Angelina Jolie Voight was born on June 4, 1975 in Los Angeles into a family of actors. According to the horoscope, Gemini. Height 173 centimeters, weight 50 kilograms. The girl's family has cracked due to her father's repeated infidelities. Her parents divorced when she was 1 year old. The mother took her daughter and eldest son to New York; she abandoned her career, devoting everything free time children.

Angelina had a craving for cinema since childhood. Jolie received her debut film role at the age of 6 in the film “Looking for a Way Out.” Having determined her future, 5 years after her film debut, the girl moved in with her father. In Los Angeles, she graduated from the Lee Strasberg Film School and Beverly Hills High School.

At the age of 14, Jolie began to develop modeling career and starred in a number of music videos, and in 1993 a film career was launched. The viewer remembers her for her roles in the films “Cyborg-2: Glass Shadow”, “Hackers”, “Playing God”, “Gia”. In 1999, the actress received an Oscar, a Screen Actors Guild Award and a Golden Globe for her participation in the film Girl, Interrupted.

But Jolie's deafening fame came after starring in the films "Lara Croft - Tomb Raider" and "Mr. and Mrs. Smith." Then came a series of offers of new roles. Jolie starred in the films Salt, Wanted, The Tourist, and The Changeling.

Since 2013, according to Forbes, Jolie has regularly been at the top of the list of the highest paid actresses in Hollywood. In addition to acting, Angelina is involved in charity work and is a UN Goodwill Ambassador. She made dozens of humanitarian trips, adopted three children and gave birth to three more.

The actress’s personal life has not yet worked out. She married three times, but all three marriages ended sadly. Jolie has a striking appearance, but due to constant stress and a number of operations performed even before breaking up with Pitt, Jolie noticeably lost weight and became haggard.

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