How is Windows 10 better than Windows 7. Which Windows to choose for installation on a weak laptop. Which Windows is better for a laptop?

Since the release of the tenth Windows versions There is still debate among users and experts about which is better, Windows 7 or 10? Some consider the “seven” to be the most reliable of all released versions, others note the multitasking of the “ten” and its many non-standard capabilities, which are not present in the seventh version. Let's try to consider all the main aspects associated with this, but this comparison will be purely conditional, since each user has his own opinion.

Which is better Windows: 7 or 10? First look at the interface

First, let's look at the graphical shell. In the seventh version, although there is a semi-transparent Aero theme, which is installed by default, we still have a standard interface that was used in all previously created systems. And many people are already quite tired of him.

“Ten” in some ways repeats the eighth modification with its tiles in the spirit of Metro, but the appearance of the “Start” button with expanded options for quick access to some important elements of the system surpasses both Windows 7 and Windows 8. Particular attention should be paid to the function of creating multiple workers tables. Some users consider this a waste of time, but fans of multitasking will only welcome this approach.

The interface itself, with its flat elements, looks quite controversial, although such a simplification, firstly, does not affect the consumption of system resources too much, and secondly, it does not have such a strong impact on the eyes. The fatigue from constantly looking at the screen is much less than in the “seven”, where the gaze is focused on three-dimensional elements. A definite plus.

System Test Kit

If you look at the system requirements of both systems, it is obvious that they are not very different. Let's try to compare Windows 7 and 10 64 bits on a configuration with a 2-core Intel Core processor with a clock frequency of 2.33 Hz and 3 GB of RAM. This configuration is acceptable for both the “seven” and the “ten” at a level above the minimum.

Download speed

So, the first thing you should pay attention to is the loading speed before the main screen with the “Desktop” appears. On the above configuration for Windows 7 the time was 95.7 seconds, for Windows 10 - 93.6 seconds. But these indicators are very conditional. Although it seems that the “ten” loads faster, in fact, even when the “Desktop” appears, some system processes continue in it (this is evidenced by a constantly blinking light indicator on the system unit or laptop, which indicates access to the hard drive ). At the same time, the “seven” seems to stop.

What to prefer in this case: Windows 10 or 7? Reviews from users of both systems indicate that people did not notice much of a difference in the start time. According to many, even a minute difference does not affect their preferences. But the use of computer or laptop resources in the tenth version, as it turns out, is slightly higher, so Windows 7 runs faster on the same minimal configuration.

Access to settings, options and the Control Panel

Now a few words about the settings of the main parameters. Both systems have a standard “Control Panel”, however, access to it in the standard version varies quite a lot.

The “seven” uses the main “Start” menu, the “ten” uses the right click on the start button. But in both cases, you can still use the standard control command entered in the Run menu.

But here's the most interesting point. There is not one, but two “Control Panels”. In addition to the standard one, there is also a special section called “Options”, in which you can access not only the main settings, but also some elements that are not present in the standard panel. So here, in the question of which is better Windows (7 or 10), the scales clearly tip in favor of the tenth modification.

And if you look at Windows 10 more closely, you will notice that it has more perfect system searching for the desired component or setting, in contrast to the standard Windows 7 tool. As already mentioned, the right-click menu on the Start button helps a lot. But that is not all. For example, in a search query, you can use three standard categories, highlighted in the vertical column on the left. But with all this, you just need to start typing in the desired name of the control element, file or program, and the system will immediately offer several options for the result. Here the seventh version is not worth competing with the “ten”.

Windows 10 and 7

But with safe mode the situation is much worse.

If in Windows 7 you only need to press the F8 key when loading, in the “ten” access to it is so veiled that the average user is unlikely to figure out how to call it.

No, of course, you can configure the “ten” so that the Windows 10 safe mode is activated by the F8 key, as in the “seven”, but this is impossible to do without special knowledge and a hierarchical arrangement of controls or setting the appropriate parameters. Here the “ten” clearly loses.

Antivirus programs

If you look at the security features, any antivirus for Windows 7 installs without problems. At the stage when the tenth modification appeared only in the Technical Preview version, many conflicts could be observed, and most programs simply did not want to be installed.

Again, this situation was observed only at the testing stage of the first release, and only because antivirus software developers did not have time to release the corresponding packages for Windows 10. But for the most part this concerned free applications. A little later, programs designed to work in the Windows 10 environment did appear, and now antivirus for Windows 7 and similar software for installation and operation do not work.

Working on the Internet

Another aspect of comparing systems is related to testing built-in tools for working on the Internet. In Windows 7, by default, the same Internet Explorer is used, which at that time, although it was slightly updated, still caused (and still causes) complaints from users due to the inconvenience of operation and many bugs.

In Windows 10 the situation is different. It also has a standard Explorer, but a completely new concept browser called Microsoft Edge was proposed as the main means of accessing the Internet. But it now occupies the top lines of comparative browser ratings, demonstrating the highest performance indicators in terms of ease of use, speed, and reliability. Alas, it is not possible to install it in the “seven”, so you will have to use annoying IE or install a third-party browser.

Comparison of systems

Of course, these are not all the parameters by which both systems can be tested, and therefore it is possible to unequivocally answer the question of which is better, Windows 7 or 10, very conditionally. If we talk about performance, they are practically the same. If you look at the controls and options for accessing them, there are more in Windows 10, but they can be hard to find. But if you gain access to them, you can fine-tune the system.

Safe Mode settings favor Windows 7 by using the standard activation method.

In terms of the functioning of the search engine, the “ten” has a clear advantage, as well as in the field of Internet access.

Well, as for the interface, it’s impossible to say for sure which is better. Some people like the standard shell, others like the new one with expanded capabilities. But the fact that in terms of multitasking the “ten” is a cut above is not even discussed.

What to choose?

Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages to Windows 10. What system has no flaws? In the “seven”, although it remains almost the most popular system, all this is also available. And all those who claim that the “ten” is unfinished are absolutely wrong. Only the first modification was crude, and modified versions like Home, Professional and even a special assembly for educational institutions Education, according to most experts, simply puts the “seven” in its belt with its functionality, although, unlike it, it consumes more computer resources.

In general, it is better to give preference to Windows 10. It is not yet known how long updates or programs for the “seven” will be released. In the end, the time will come, and they will refuse it anyway. But the tenth version will develop at the fastest pace; it may even become a platform for the next modification. And if you take into account the fact that the “ten” is installed on mobile platforms, there is nothing to say.

Windows 8 was such a sharp transition from the “seven”, with so many radical changes and innovative solutions, that many users could not come to terms with it and remained on the more familiar interface of Windows 7. However, Windows 10 significantly improved this system, which made it, perhaps the best OS in its market segment. Therefore, this article will provide information on why you need to switch to this operating system.

Windows 8 had radical differences compared to Windows 7, including in terms of design. Microsoft brought back the old one in Windows 10 appearance Windows 7, however, this improved performance and added new features. Here's our comparison of Windows 7 and Windows 10, based on which you can decide for yourself whether you need to upgrade.

For many users, Windows Seven, launched in 2009, has become the benchmark by which all other versions are judged. Considering how complicated and poorly thought out the Windows 8 interface was, it is not surprising that many are skeptical about upgrading to Windows 10 - the impressions of the “eight” remained too vivid.

It is noted that the global market share of Windows 7 (for computers running Windows) is now below 42%, while Windows 10 is constantly gaining momentum: it is now used by more than 40% worldwide, and this figure is constantly growing.

Start Menu

Search the Internet from your desktop

The most obvious changes between operating systems, of course, concern the search bar. In Windows 10, the Search Bar not only searches for the folders, apps, and files you need on your PC, but it also links to Windows storage and your browser so it can browse the web right from your desktop. You don't have to go to a particular tab if you need to check something, just press the Windows key, start typing, and your search results will be displayed in the browser window.


Windows 10 is distinguished by the presence of this aspect modern life, like a personal voice assistant. Today, computer voice assistants are an integral part of all modern operating systems: both mobile and desktop versions. Clicking on the search menu on the taskbar opens the Cortana interface and allows you to ask her certain questions:

  • like search queries;
  • questions about upcoming meetings;
  • weather queries;
  • routes to the nearest cafes, as well as much more.

It can also schedule meetings, record dictated notes, save tasks and reminders, and of course play music on your PC.

The note! Since the Anniversary Update in Windows 10, Cortana has evolved even more and puts even more emphasis on the operating system. You can now use voice activation to set reminders directly from your lock screen.

Virtual desktops

Although it is technically possible to create virtual desktops in Windows 7, this requires special software Desktops v2.0, available on the Windows Sysinternals website.

Windows 10, on the other hand, has a feature integrated directly into the operating system itself.

Universal Applications

When Windows 7 first hit the market back in 2009, the smartphone phenomenon was still in its infancy, the iPad was still just a rumor among geeks, and the competition with Windows was just a transparent myth. The very idea that the same software could run on different operating systems did not make any sense at that time.

Nowadays, in our smartphone-centric world, this has become a much more serious problem. With Windows 10, Microsoft announced universal apps (or Windows Apps, as they are actually called), the essence of which is that they can be freely adapted to mobile devices and other operating systems.

Windows store

Thus, when purchasing applications for Windows 10 in the Windows store, you can be sure that it will automatically be ported to your other devices - for your Android device, for your iOS smartphone, and of course, if you use Windows Phone, then here God himself already ordered it. This system is also a good advertisement for the Windows Store online application store, which was created precisely as a store that supports all devices that can run Windows 10.

Edge Browser and Internet Explorer

The infamous Internet Explorer browser has been a staple and living classic in Windows for many, many years. In Windows 7, it was the default browser for the Internet, and it was IE that was provided with the installed OS. Of course, there's nothing to stop you from downloading an alternative browser - say Firefox, Chrome or Opera - but statistics show that many users don't bother with it and stick with the standard built-in browser because it's stable and easy to use. However, the Internet Explorer browser, despite large-scale updates since the days of XP, when it was literally impossible to work on it, even on Windows 7 remained rather slow, not very functional and often crashed. Therefore, the Windows 10 developers took an unprecedented step.

Microsoft has announced that Windows 10 will come with a completely new browser - Windows Edge, which is much better suited to modern market conditions. And after years, we can say that these turned out to be not empty words: the browser turned out to be fast, well designed and has many additional features, including the ability to comment on web pages, and then send images to other users, there is the possibility of integration with Cortana, new, a simplified reading mode and a number of other functional additions that radically distinguish the new browser from Internet Explorer.

The note! With the Windows 10 Anniversary Update, Microsoft added extensions, web notifications, and the ability to clear your browsing history on exit, making it a truly modern and competitive web browser, in no way inferior to giants like Mozilla or Chrome.


Of course, what the Windows architecture is really famous for, and one of its most popular uses is video games.

In this regard, there is a large gap between the two systems, mainly due to the gap in technical progress that has passed in the years between the release of these two versions of the OS.

  • Windows 7, no matter how you look at it, is a proven and reliable gaming platform that does its job well, providing excellent performance, stability and compatibility;
  • Windows 10 builds on this solid foundation, but with a few additional major improvements that may make you seriously consider upgrading to new version. The most obvious is the inclusion of DirectX12, providing a completely new stage in the development of the video game industry. Owners of AMD-based graphics cards should pay attention to this in particular, as many reports and testing results show that DirectX 12 is making tremendous strides in improving the gaming performance of AMD graphics cards.

This video provides information on how to enable game mode in Windows 10.

Video - How Game Mode works in Windows 10

What will be better on an old device: Windows 7 or Windows 10?

It should be noted that the confrontation between Windows 7 and Windows 10 concerns only relatively new computers. Windows 10 seriously eats up resources, so if you own older systems, it is recommended to stay on “Seven”. In the case of Windows 10, even if you install fast SSD drives, nothing will change.

Sometimes streaming videos, movies, and music are played faster on the “ten”. But at the same time, the more you load your computer with heavyweight programs that work autonomously, like antivirus programs, browsers, etc. - the worse and slower the system becomes. Therefore, it is recommended to install Windows 7 on older devices, and depending on the hardware capabilities, even older versions, because there are very old computers.

This video demonstrates the minimum recommended system requirements for using Windows 10, please study them carefully before installing it on your device.

Video - Windows 10 system requirements

Where do work apps work best?

The hardware power of the device is a very important characteristic when choosing an operating system. In this case, when the question arises of which version will run better on certain applications, the situation can be compared to video games. For example, when some heavyweight programs are launched, like Word, Sony Vegas Pro, Skype, Avast and a number of other large programs, no matter what equipment you have, there will always be the same screen saver for a few seconds before launching, which impossible to skip or speed up.

However, the performance of the programs themselves can change significantly - for example, Adobe Photoshop even without the initial splash screen it takes a very long time to load: a huge number of plugins, modules, templates and others additional files Don't let this program just fly by. Therefore, in the case of Windows 7, the performance of this program greatly saddened many.

Read a detailed comparison of operating systems in the article -

What has changed in Windows 10? Frankly speaking, nothing much has changed:

On a note! It should be noted that if you use the system not as a toy, but as a tool for work, then all of the above characteristics should be key for you when choosing an operating system - after all, even a small loss of time while loading a browser or office program, may cost you money or reputational damage.

Computer system requirements for Windows 7 and Windows 10

Computer SpecificationsWindows 7 and Windows 10 x32Windows 7 and Windows 10 x64
Minimum amount of RAM (RAM)1 Gigabyte2 Gigabytes
Graphics engineDirectX 9.1 and later
Minimum monitor resolution800x600800x600
Minimum amount of free space on drive C16 Gigabytes20 Gigabytes
Minimum processor clock speed1 GHz2 GHz

The material presented in this publication will help users of computers with the Windows operating system answer the question: “Which PC OS is better to use: Windows 7 or Windows 10?” Despite the simplicity of the formulation, the issue is quite complex and requires complex consideration.

Microsoft employees claim that there is no better “Ten” OS today, but many qualified specialists in the field of IT technology will only laugh in response, and experienced PC owners are still choosing reliable Windows 7 for work instead of the innovative operating system with index 10. So, What can the new “Tenth Axis” actually do against the proven operation of the “Seven” over the years?

External differences

Comparison of external differences between the interface and comfort when using Windows is a purely individual event. A significant number of computer owners, accustomed to the simplicity and conciseness of Windows 7, will find it quite difficult to switch to the flat interface with squares, which is present in the 10th version.

Applied in Windows 7 a win-win an intuitive classic style rooted in the 90s, when even people very far from computer technology were able to quickly and practically without outside help master working with a PC. The developed shell for controlling the functions of computers, the first versions with index 95 and NT, was so successful and understandable to everyone.

The same cannot be said about the square-flat version in the “Eight”, which moved into the “Ten”. Even experienced users who have been working on a PC for years have encountered interface difficulties, and a significant number of them were forced to return to the reliable “Seven”. The very first major update for Windows 10 immediately affected to a large extent interface improvements and adjustments.

It should be noted that none of the earlier versions of the OS had to be “finished” in this way on an emergency basis, which clearly indicates that the new shell is damp.

The positive thing that can be said about the new OS is that, unlike the G8, it has already been more adapted to work in desktop computers using a keyboard and mouse, as well as “Start” in “Ten”, despite the tiled menu, it still borrowed more functionality from the Seventh ( according to reviews from a significant number of users, this is the main advantage of Windows 10). It remains a mystery why the developers decided to sort programs in alphabetical order, because in the tested “Seven” this was implemented much better and more convenient for users and the list of applications was sorted into categories.

Another 10 is good for the presence of “Cortana”. Now, thanks to this assistant, you can, for example, quickly search for files the user needs, stored in the computer’s memory or information on the Internet. The only discouraging fact is the lack of ability for the voice assistant to work with the Russian language. But people who are good at foreign language, have the opportunity to take advantage of this convenient new feature in Windows 10.

In general, the appearance of the Windows 10 interface for people tired of the business practicality of Windows 7 has become better. On the screen, the new system looks much more colorful and has a brighter appearance. Although all people have different tastes and such a riot of colors may not be to their liking.

Fast system startup

By default, the compared systems provide the ability to record the duration of OS loading. All other things being equal, the temporary launch speed of Windows 7 is significantly better and superior to Windows 10. Therefore, the clear conclusion is that if the user owns an old PC, then it is better for him to stay on the faster “Seven”.

Application functionality

You can argue endlessly about the functioning of programs in the Windows under consideration. The main difference between the systems is the presence of “virtual desktops” in the new OS. The advantage of the innovation is the convenience of distributing the user’s interests, for example, you can assign one desktop specifically for educational purposes, and the second only for entertainment, and create another one dedicated to work documents and programs.

Although some experts say that this is an absolutely useless development and perhaps they will be right, because the main priority in the work of Windows 7 has always been the developers have relied on multitasking. Only the user can decide which priority is best for him to choose.

Working on the global network

Working on the Internet is good with every Windows, but only if the “Seven” uses browsers from third-party developers (Opera, Chrome, Firefox, etc.). After all, the standard Microsoft “Internet Explorer”, known to everyone for its slowness and instability, definitely cannot be compared with the best “Edge” in all respects. And this is another one.

From the point of view of a computer “Gamer”

At the moment, there is an opinion that in the “Ten” games do not always start and there are frequent crashes, but in the “Seven” problems never arise. This is partly a true statement, but only in part of Windows 7, it’s just that the vast majority of applications are designed specifically for Windows 7 and it is obvious that they work better in it.

And in version 10, problems mainly arise when installing new games after updating, due to the strict screening of all unlicensed applications by Windows 10 Defender, and sometimes it blacklists officially purchased games.

From the point of view of system security, some users may like this “zeal” shown by the Tens firewall (by the way, disabling the firewall in Windows 10 is very difficult and it is almost impossible for the average user to do this). Therefore, fans of “pirated” versions of games are better off staying on “Seven”.

Windows 8, like one of its predecessors, makes it easier for Windows 7 users to switch to Windows 10. It, like Vista, is one of the most unsuccessful projects from Microsoft. Despite this, users who were lucky enough to work in the “Eight” quickly adapt to the new tiled interface of the “Ten”. It was thanks to the unsuccessful Windows 8 that developers were able to smoothly transfer the user audience from the classic desktop interface for two decades, where a mouse and keyboard are used as input and control devices, to its mobile version– tiled, where the computer is controlled via a touch panel or display.

Today we’ll look at how the G8 is inferior to Windows 10, and we’ll study the main differences between operating systems so that every beginner can choose the optimal OS for themselves.

Negative user reviews

In this indicator, the G8 is inferior only to Vista:

  • lack of a Start menu;
  • a qualitatively new interface concept, extremely inconvenient for desktop devices;
  • lack of drivers for many devices compatible with Windows 8;
  • inability to disable Metro or change it to Aero;
  • incompatibility with a huge number of programs, especially outdated ones, the development and support of which has been discontinued;
  • there is no way to fine-tune the interface;
  • on older devices with weak graphics systems, if it works, it’s very bad;
  • a completely different interface concept, which is why users had to spend a lot of time relearning and changing habits.

The list of flaws in Windows 8 is far from complete, and there is no point in continuing it: users rated the new interface negatively (especially due to the lack of Start), which, to a large extent, also applies to Windows 10.

New browser

Unlike all other Microsoft operating systems, Windows 10 is distinguished by the presence of an integrated Edge browser, which replaced the slow IE. Edge is a new word in surfing the global network. It combines a minimalistic interface and functionality necessary for quickly opening pages and supporting a huge range of Internet technologies (Flash, JavaScript). The G8 is equipped with another version of the impractical Internet Explorer, which only the lazy use.

Notification Center

The Action Center in Windows 10 has made its way to computers, and here it performs almost all the same functions as on mobile devices. Thanks to the new function, users have access to a list of so-called “hot actions” (activating and disabling WiFi/Bluetooth), switching the interface to tablet mode, quick creation notes in OneNote. Notifications about important events (incoming mail, availability of updates, virus detection, device connection) also pop up here and shortcut keys for connecting to new devices are displayed.

In the settings, you can specify which applications are allowed to display pop-up information windows, and which ones are blocked. Here you can also set the types of system alerts that Windows 10 is allowed to display.

Phone Manager program

Thanks to a new tool that's finally arrived in Windows 10, users can connect their mobile devices to their computer, share data between devices, and sync them. In addition to being tailored to work with Windows Phone devices, the utility supports many third-party portable devices. Even a smartphone running Android and iOS can be configured in a few clicks. Before synchronization, you can select the types of data that should be excluded from the process.

Tablet mode

The developers of Windows 10 have added to the new OS the function of adapting interface elements to the size and type of display used. This way, additional options for touch control of the device are enabled on the tablet, and in most applications designed for a tiled interface, the font size and the width of the ribbon panel with tools are increased.

It is turned on in the system parameters and contains several additional options.


When working with a considerable number of applications, especially on large displays, the user faces the question of conveniently placing several windows on one screen. Unlike Windows 7, where you can only place two windows side by side, the “ten” supports expanding any application to ½ or ¼ of the display size.

In Windows 8, using the Modern UI mode was quite difficult due to problems with closing windows that opened in full screen mode.

Moreover, interface elements are placed in one of the corners, without overlapping other maximized windows. Using a combination of the “Win” key and the keyboard cursor block, windows can be minimized, expanded, and moved.

Virtual tables

Microsoft has finally intercepted the experience of the creators of MacOS and Linux and introduced support for multiple virtual desktops only in Windows 10. There is no answer to the question: “why wasn’t this in Windows 8?”

The “Task View” button located on the taskbar will display an interface where you can manage virtual tables: change, delete them, or add them. When one of the tables is closed, all its active applications are moved to the neighboring one.

Unfortunately, there is no function for dragging desktops to change their order. But to switch between them, to create and close tables, there are hotkey combinations.

Now you can create your own interfaces for work, games, entertainment and navigation on the Internet.

The most joyful event for Windows users with the release of the “ten” was the return of the full-fledged “Start” menu, which was removed from Windows 8. But now the new menu will combine classic shortcuts, both in the “seven”, and some elements new Windows 8 interface.

“Start” is divided into two functional areas, where on the left are links to pinned or frequently used applications, settings and shutdown buttons, and on the right are tiles of active programs and shortcuts for calling programs integrated into the “top ten”.

The search built into the menu works on your local computer and on the Internet.

Powerful command line

Unlike Windows 8, the computer OS has added functionality, which cannot but please system administrators and experienced users.

Improvements to the highlight function are one of the important changes to the command line. Now you can select its contents in fragments (as in a regular notepad), rather than copying all the contents or tedious lines one by one.

The text in the window wraps when you resize it, which was not the case in Windows 8. The need to scroll to view content command line disappeared.

Additionally, it is worth noting the presence of new key combinations for working with CMD and the appearance of a function for adjusting its transparency in the range from 30 to 100%.

Other Features

Subtle, but still differences in operating systems that should be taken into account if you want to switch to Windows 8 or “top ten”:

  • availability of a disk analyzer and support for Xbox One in Windows 10;
  • Windows Hello in the “ten” provides the opportunity to protect your device using biosensors (for example, a fingerprint scanner);
  • The Recycle Bin is now displayed in Start without cluttering up your desktop space;
  • Windows 8, unlike its brother, did not collect almost all possible information about the user (passwords for websites and WiFi, chat history in instant messengers, email messages) for sending it to Microsoft servers;
  • Windows 10 practically does not give the user the opportunity to refuse updates or select updates to install, installing all available updates.

In conclusion, we can say that Windows 8 was only an intermediate link between the classic represented by the “seven” and the innovation in the world of window OS users, therefore, if you are not afraid of forced installations and unknown updates, feel free to choose the “ten”.

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With each release of a new Windows operating system, users are faced with a difficult choice: continue with the old version or upgrade to the new one. The answer, of course, is different for everyone, but nevertheless, some things in different operating systems can be compared objectively. And such a comparison helps some users make their final decision. So let’s compare the previous operating system Windows 7, which is popularly considered “successful”, and the latest product from Microsoft - Windows 10..

Comparison of Windows 7 and Windows 10

Let's compare the operating systems Windows 7 and Windows 10 from Microsoft according to various characteristics.


Every release new system fraught with new technical difficulties. Usually they can be observed already at the start of the system, because it is impossible to fix everything at once. However, Windows 10 has been running smoothly since release, matching and even surpassing the speed of Windows 7 in some aspects.

Since Windows 10 went on sale, many system updates have been released. Fixing old bugs that slowed down the OS only increased its speed.

Thus, Windows 10 compared to Windows 7:

  • Reboots the system faster;
  • boots the system faster;
  • exits hibernation (sleep) mode faster;
  • works better with memory, frees it faster.
  • It is worth understanding that a number of Windows 10 performance problems are associated with the services that it imposes. For example, Windows Defender monitoring system functions or automatic updates can significantly slow down the speed of the OS. But if you make an effort and disable all unnecessary features, then in terms of performance, the result of Windows 10 will be guaranteed to be better than the result of Windows 7.


    These comparative tests of the two systems were carried out after Windows 10 went on sale, but even then it was superior to Windows 7 in a number of parameters:

  • the data from this test shows how quickly the computer transitions from sleep mode to full readiness to work. Therefore, the lower the value, the better for users; Windows 10 is faster than Windows 7 wakes up from Sleep mode
  • The data from this test shows the effectiveness of using multi-threaded processing. Here, on the contrary, the higher the value, the better;
    Windows 10 shows good results in testing the efficiency of using multi-threaded processing processes
  • this data shows the result of PCMark Suite performance testing. In this case also highest value means the best test result.
    The result of testing Windows 10 in PCMark Suite is higher than the result of Windows 7
  • As we can see, in all tests, Windows 10 shows better results than Windows 7.

    PCMark is a set of computer programs designed to test the central processor, motherboard, RAM and hard drive. To evaluate the performance of these components of a personal computer, synthetic (load certain PC blocks) and applied (data archiving, video and audio encoding and decoding, and others) tests are used.

    Of course, the test values ​​may vary depending on the selected hardware, but current tests conducted on one computer configuration clearly show the superiority of the new operating system in terms of speed and performance.

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