Weapons license quickly. List of documents for weapons. Permission to obtain a hunting weapon - license and documents

How to obtain a permit for a hunting weapon? This is not so difficult to do if you do not have any serious mental or physical illnesses, you are clean before the law and have time to complete the document. The permit is issued in the linear permitting department, to which you will need to contact with the list of documents described in this article. Also, all the intricacies of the process of obtaining a license and the factors due to which your request may be denied are described below.

Important! Please keep in mind that:

  • Each case is unique and individual.
  • A thorough study of the issue does not always guarantee a positive outcome. It depends on many factors.

To get the most detailed advice on your issue, you just need to follow any of the suggested options:

The step-by-step procedure for purchasing a hunting weapon consists of the following stages.

  1. You need to decide in advance what type of weapon you want to purchase and for what purpose. In this case, a hunting rifle (smoothbore or rifled).
  2. Contact a special store licensed to sell weapons and ask what type of license (permit) is required to purchase the selected gun.
  3. Buy a suitable size safe that is required in mandatory for storage.
  4. Collect the necessary documents and visit the linear permitting department, writing an application there.
  5. Pay the state fee.
  6. Then, when your application has been reviewed, present a receipt for payment of the state fee, and only after that you will be able to pick up your permit to purchase a weapon.

Important: before you go to apply for permission to purchase a gun, you must purchase a safe to store it in advance.

It is for this reason that you need to know in advance the dimensions of the desired weapon, because without them you will not be able to choose the appropriate size safe and, therefore, install it. The safe should be slightly larger than the selected weapon, that is, the gun should be easily inserted and removed to eliminate the possibility of emergencies during its storage. This is done in advance because during the consideration of your request with a petition, the district police officer is obliged to come to you in order to make sure that the storage conditions meet the requirements. After inspecting the safe, a report is drawn up, and if the safe is the wrong size or type for the gun, you may be denied a license.

The application for a license must be filled out while in the licensing department, where you will be given a standard form. A sample application can be downloaded here.

LRO employees are given 10 days to consider the application, after which they will either issue you a permit or notify you of the refusal of the application.

Obtaining permission to store and carry a gun

Obtaining permission to store and carry a hunting rifle is an initial and mandatory step, without which the purchase of a weapon will be impossible.

The package of necessary documents for obtaining a license includes:

  • application of the established form;
  • a copy of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • photo format 35x45 in the amount of 2 pieces;
  • a certificate confirming that you have undergone a medical examination with a note that you do not have any contraindications for using weapons (a report from a psychological and drug treatment clinic, a clinic at your place of residence, or a police station);
  • a copy of the hunting license;
  • a report on compliance with the storage conditions of the gun, drawn up by the district police officer who conducted the inspection;
  • receipt for payment of state duty.

When you first obtain a license, you will be required to pass a standard test on your knowledge of the rules of operation of weapons and their use in emergency situations.

To obtain a license for a hunting shotgun, you must present documents proving that you have the right to hunt. Such paper can be requested from the hunting association in which hunters usually belong.

If you collect guns and do not intend to use them for their intended purpose in the future, then you do not need to issue a hunting license. Military personnel and police officers receive a license for a hunting rifle in the usual manner, since it does not belong to the category of service weapons, but is intended for personal purposes.

When submitting a package of documents to the LRO, it is advisable to have with you the originals of all papers that you provide as a copy.

Factors for refusal to issue a permit to store and carry a gun may include:

  • incorrectly specified or omitted personal data;
  • lack of a medical certificate about absent diseases, such as, for example, epilepsy, depression, somatic disorders, brain tumor;
  • undergoing observation in a psychiatric or neurological clinic;
  • conviction and serving a sentence for committing intentional crimes or crimes using firearms;
  • systematic non-compliance with administrative regulations (violation more than 2 times during the year);
  • lack of own real estate or permanent residence;
  • lack of a document indicating completion of training courses on the use and maintenance of weapons (before, after and during operation);
  • lack of suitable storage conditions.

How to obtain a license for a rifle?

You can obtain a license for a rifled weapon, in our case a hunting rifle, only after 5 years of proper operation smoothbore weapons. In addition, in order to obtain a second permit, it is necessary to have original documents consisting of a valid permit to carry a shotgun and a hunting license.

The procedure for obtaining a license for a rifled hunting rifle is similar to the procedure for obtaining a permit for storing smooth-bore weapons.

A permit for a gun of this category may be refused for the following reasons:

  1. If a person who has not reached the age of majority wants to obtain a license.
  2. If a person who has any diseases or disabilities wants to get a weapons permit.
  3. The collected documents are not authentic or valid.
  4. There was no personal visit to obtain a license within two weeks of receiving the notice.
  5. As well as all the general reasons for refusing to consider a petition (described in the previous section).

Applying for a permit through Gosuslugi for a hunting rifle

Applying for a permit through the State Services website for a hunting rifle in 2018 is quite feasible and very convenient. To do this, it is advisable for you to immediately acquire scanned copies of documents, namely a passport, a license to purchase or store a weapon (if you are applying for an extension), a technical passport for a hunting rifle, and digital photographs.

Step-by-step instructions for obtaining a license consist of the following steps.

  1. You must log in; to do this, you must register on the site. If you already have Account, go into it and select “Service Catalog”. In the list provided, find “Security and Law and Order.” In the list, select the desired section related to permission to store and carry weapons.
  2. A window with possible operations in this section has appeared before your eyes; select the one related to obtaining permission.
  3. At this stage, you need to select the type of service “Electronic” and familiarize yourself with the information that the processing time for the application is two weeks and for using the Internet resource you must pay a state fee of 10 rubles. Now click on “Get service”.
  4. The application itself begins to be filled out. The first step is to enter personal data, filling out even those fields that are marked “optional”.
  5. Now you need to enter contact information so that they can contact you. And also indicate the address of registration and actual (real) place of residence.
  6. In this section you need to describe in detail the information from the weapon’s technical passport.
  7. Now you need to specify the purpose of obtaining a license to store and operate weapons. In this case, since we are considering a hunting rifle, you need to write that you want to use it for hunting. You also need to provide information about the weapons seller.
  8. At the final stage, you need to register the address where the gun and ammunition for it will be stored. Then attach scanned copies of the documents and post a good quality digital photograph.

Note: Operating permission civilian weapons not necessary only for a gas canister, pneumatic weapon (with a caliber of up to 4.5 mm and a shot power of no more than 7.5 J), a stun gun, a folding knife, etc.

Permit for smooth-bore weapons- this is a document without which it is prohibited to store and use for self-defense and hunting such types of smooth-bore weapons as double-barreled and single-barreled shotguns, pump-action shotguns, pistols, revolvers, sports weapons, etc. In accordance with Federal Law No. 150 “On Weapons”, Any type of smooth-bore weapon is subject to mandatory licensing and registration.

How to get a license for a shotgun?

A license for a smooth-bore weapon is a document without which the acquisition of a weapon is impossible and is considered illegal. To obtain a license for such a weapon, you first need to decide what kind of weapon to buy (brand, etc.).

The process of obtaining a license for a smooth-bore weapon is as follows:

1. You need to decide in advance on the brand of weapon and write an application, which is then submitted to the Licensing and Permitting Department (LRO) at the location of your police department. The application has a column to fill out called “weapon brand” - it is not necessary to fill it out; usually it is enough to indicate that you plan to purchase civilian smooth-bore weapons.

If you have changed your place of registration, you must renew your license or permit within 2 weeks.

In general, it may take about 1-1.5 months to obtain a license, then purchase a weapon and obtain a permit.

  • The one-time fee for each weapon is 100 rubles, and can be paid at any bank branch. In addition, in most branches of the licensing and permitting service, special terminals are installed for this purpose.




Permit for hunting weapons in 2020 - procedure and registration of a license in Russia

Hunting game is a real man's activity. However, not everyone can obtain permission to purchase a hunting rifle. In this article we will look at how to obtain a license for a weapon for hunting and how a permit for a hunting rifle is issued

Primary requirements

Obtaining a permit for a hunting weapon in 2020 is possible only if the applicant fully meets the following requirements:

  • Reaching the age of majority (18 years old).
  • Availability of permanent registration.
  • Availability of certificates from a narcologist and psychiatrist.
  • No criminal record.
  • Any administrative offense committed for Last year gives the LRR the right to refuse to obtain a permit to the applicant.

Procedure for obtaining permission

The procedure for issuing a permit for a hunting weapon lasts in several stages.

1. First you need to decide on the type of weapon, since for smooth-bore and rifled weapons there are certain differences.

2. It is necessary to have a safe for . The absence of a safe may be grounds for the local police inspector to issue a certificate. Therefore, it is better to purchase a safe right away.

3. Training for a permit for hunting weapons. The training is a one-day course, including a theoretical part and practical shooting. After completion, a certificate is issued, which is submitted to the LRR with. Courses for obtaining a license for hunting weapons are conducted by specially accredited training centers.

4. Now you can contact the police at your place of registration in the OLRR. As a rule, the reception of citizens at the licensing and permitting service is carried out according to a certain schedule; you can check it with the operational duty officer by calling the DC.

5. The next step is to get a hunting license. There is no legal requirement to have a hunting license when obtaining a weapons permit. However, it is better to have it. This document will confirm the legality of your actions, for example, when transporting weapons. Without a hunting license, transported smooth-bore weapons can be confiscated by traffic police officers. Therefore, it is advisable to have a hunting license even when a smooth-bore weapon is purchased for self-defense.

6. Now we submit to the LRR inspector a list of necessary documents (we will list them below).

7. Registration of a license takes a month.

8. Now we purchase the previously considered weapon and go with it to the authority that issued the permit. The license is submitted to the LRR, and on its basis a permit card is prepared, which allows you to legally store hunting weapons. The permit card is issued in about 10 days,

For certain categories of citizens (employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB, Ministry of Defense), it is additionally necessary to submit a certificate of registration of a service weapon. For employees of private organizations with special statutory tasks (PSAs), you need to provide an RSLA card.

Required documents

The applicant provides the following documents to the LRR:

  • Photos (size 3x4) – 3 pieces.
  • An application completed by the applicant in his own hand. (Download sample).
  • Receipt of payment.

Procedure for renewing a permit

Re-registration () of the permit is carried out every 5 years. The procedure for renewing a permit for a hunting weapon requires the provision of the following documents:

  • Certificate from a narcologist and psychiatrist. Issued at your place of residence.
  • Statement.
  • Two 3x4 photos (black and white).
  • Previously issued license.
  • Report from the local police commissioner from the place of residence on the proper conditions for keeping weapons.

In addition, you will need to present the weapon itself.

Permit for rifled hunting weapons

Let's look at what it involves to obtain a permit for rifled weapons 2020. In order to obtain a license and permit for rifled weapons, the applicant must have been the owner of a smooth-bore weapon for at least 5 years. The procedure for obtaining a license for rifled weapons in 2020 involves first renewing the license for smooth-bore weapons and only then applying for rifled weapons. Documents provided:

1. Passport.

2. Statement indicating information about weapons already available.

3. Medical certificate (046) + from a psychiatrist and narcologist.

4. Photo 3x4 – 3.

5. Hunting license.

6. Passport for smooth-bore weapons.

A license to purchase rifled hunting weapons will be issued within a month.
Pneumatic weapons for hunting.

A license for a pneumatic hunting weapon is not a mandatory permit in all cases. According to the Law on Weapons, pneumatic weapons for hunting without a license can be used if its muzzle energy is less than 7.5 J. In all other cases, pneumatic weapons are registered in the same way as smooth-bore weapons.


First, you need to decide what you need the weapon for. The fact is that the set of documents you will need to purchase a weapon will depend on your choice.

If you want to purchase a weapon for shooting sports, then you will need to confirm your status as an athlete with two documents:

  • sports passport or order of a sports organization or educational institution, confirming participation in sports using firearms;
  • at the request of an all-Russian sports federation accredited in accordance with the law Russian Federation, on the issuance of the appropriate license indicating the type of sport associated with the use of sports weapons.

To purchase weapons for self-defense, you will not need any special documents, but there is a nuance - if you purchase weapons for self-defense, you will only receive permission to store, but not to carry, weapons. This means that you will not be able to practice shooting, because the weapon will have to be stored in your home.

In addition, you will not be able to obtain the right to purchase rifled weapons in the future, whereas a hunting or sports license will allow you to do this under certain conditions.

The easiest way in this situation for a beginner is to obtain a hunting license and then obtain a license to purchase hunting weapons. After all, in this case, you will be able to use your existing weapons for self-defense at home, and go hunting, and engage in shooting sports. Moreover, the procedure for obtaining a hunting license is as simple as possible and quite efficient.

2. Where to start the process of purchasing a smoothbore or pneumatic weapon?

In addition, you will need to complete training To purchase a long-barreled hunting firearm, you must undergo training in how to safely independently load cartridges for a weapon while studying and testing your knowledge of the rules for safe handling of weapons and the availability of safe handling skills for weapons. Training is not required if you are serving in a state paramilitary organization and have a military or special rank or a class rank of justice.

"> safe self-loading of cartridges, safety rules and handling of weapons, except for cases when you are serving in a state paramilitary organization and have a military or special rank or a special rank or class rank of justice. Training is carried out by licensed organizations, and their list changes periodically .You can familiarize yourself with the list government organizations, providing training, but there are a lot of private companies providing such services. The most current list of places where weapons training is provided can be found at your local licensing department.

Please note that you can undergo a medical examination, receive a hunting license (if you plan to apply for a hunting license) and learn the rules of handling weapons at the same time.

After receiving medical documents and completing the training, you will need to contact the district department for licensing and permitting (OLRR) at your place of residence and provide a package of documents. You can find the district OLRR by following the link.

If you want to purchase a smoothbore for self-defense, you can already contact OLRR. If you want to get a hunting license, then to obtain a license you will need a hunting license, and if a sports license, a sports passport (or an order from a sports organization) and a petition from an all-Russian sports organization.

3. What documents will be needed to obtain a license to purchase smooth-bore or pneumatic weapons?

To apply for a purchase license To apply for a license to purchase pneumatic weapons, you will additionally need:

  • a document confirming the completion of appropriate training and periodic testing of knowledge of the rules for safe handling of weapons and the availability of skills in safe handling of weapons (not provided if you are serving in a state paramilitary organization and have a military or special rank or class rank of justice);
  • a document confirming the availability of the appropriate status for applicants who have not undergone appropriate training and testing of knowledge of the rules of safe handling of weapons and the presence of skills in safe handling of weapons (provided if you are serving in a state paramilitary organization and have a military or special rank or class rank of justice).
">pneumatic or To apply for a license to purchase smooth-bore weapons, you will additionally need:
  • a document confirming completion of training in the safe independent loading of cartridges for civilian long-barreled firearms when studying and periodically testing knowledge of the rules of safe handling of weapons and the presence of skills in safe handling of weapons (not provided if you are serving in a state paramilitary organization and have a military or special title or class rank of justice);
  • a document confirming the availability of the appropriate status for applicants who do not undergo appropriate training in the safe independent loading of cartridges for civilian long-barreled firearms when studying and testing knowledge of the rules of safe handling of weapons and the presence of skills in safe handling of weapons (provided if you are serving in state paramilitary organization and have a military or special rank or class rank of justice).
weapons you will need the following documents:
  • application for a permit to purchase weapons;
  • passport of a Russian citizen;
  • hunting license (if you receive a hunting license);
  • a copy of a sports passport or an order from a sports organization or educational institution confirming participation in sports using firearms (if you receive a sports license);
  • a copy of the application of the all-Russian sports federation, accredited in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, for the issuance of the appropriate license indicating the type of sport associated with the use of sports weapons (if you receive a sports license);
  • medical certificate in form No. 002-О/у;
  • medical report in form No. 003-O/u on the absence of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their metabolites in the human body.

In addition, you will need to pay a state fee for issuing a license. If you plan to purchase several weapons at once, you will need to pay state duty for each of them.

The application can be submitted to your district department for licensing and permitting work (OLRR) in person or use the government services portal - for smooth-bore and pneumatic weapons.

Your application will be considered within a month. During this time, your district police officer must check the presence of a gun safe at your place of residence. That is, by the time of inspection, you should already have a gun safe installed that matches the size and type of weapon you are purchasing. The district inspector must check storage conditions at least once a year. You can find the contacts of your local police officer using the service on the website of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

4. What to do after receiving a license?

A month after submitting the documents, your district department for licensing and permitting (OLRR) will issue you one or more licenses to purchase smooth-bore weapons (depending on the number you indicated in the application). The license is valid for six months. During this time you will need to purchase a weapon. If during this time you do not use the license, then it will need to be returned to OLRR.

The physically issued document consists of three identical parts (one of them is called a license, the other two are duplicates), one of the parts will remain with the seller after the purchase, the second is transferred to the OLRR, and the third remains in your hands.

To purchase a weapon in a store, you must go there with a passport and a purchase license. After the purchase, instead of a license, you will have in your hands the weapon itself, a technical passport and a duplicate of the license.

If you buy a weapon secondhand, you can re-register it at the nearest gun store or in the licensing and permitting department at the place of residence of the weapons seller. In any case, you will have everything the same in your hands - the weapon itself, a technical passport and a duplicate license.

Now you can move on to the last stage - obtaining permission to store (in the case of weapons for self-defense) or to store and carry weapons. You must submit documents for obtaining a permit within two weeks after purchasing the weapon.

5. How to obtain permission to store and carry weapons?

A permit to store and carry weapons is obtained for each weapon. It must be obtained when purchasing a weapon and re-registered every five years or when changing place of residence.

To initially obtain a weapons permit, you need to contact the district department for licensing and permitting (OLRR) with the weapon for which the permit is being issued and the following list of documents:

  • an application for a permit to store and carry weapons and ammunition for them (in case of obtaining a permit with the right to carry for hunting or sports);
  • an application for a permit to store without the right to carry (in the case of obtaining a permit to store weapons for self-defense);
  • passport of a Russian citizen;
  • two photographs 3x4 cm;
  • a duplicate of the license to purchase weapons with a mark legal entity- the supplier about its sale or with a mark from the Department of Licensing and Permitting (ULRR) - in case of receiving the weapon directly from the previous owner;
  • a copy of the technical passport for the purchased weapon (only the pages that indicate the type, brand, serial number, date of manufacture and certification mark).

6. How is a license renewed?

A permit to store and carry weapons is obtained for each weapon. It must be renewed every five years.

To renew your weapons license, you need to contact the district department for licensing and permitting (OLRR) with the weapon for which the license is being issued and the following list of documents:

  • an application for renewal of a permit to store and carry weapons and ammunition;
  • passport of a Russian citizen;
  • two photographs 3x4 cm;
  • resolution;
  • medical certificate in form No. 002-О/у (if the certificate provided earlier has expired);
  • medical report in form No. 003-O/u on the absence of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their metabolites in the human body (if the validity period of the previously provided report has expired);
  • a hunting license (if you have received a hunting license and own a long-barreled hunting firearm, a sporting smooth-bore long-barreled weapon or a hunting pneumatic weapon);
  • documents confirming that you are engaged professional activity related to hunting (if you own a rifled hunting firearm, but have a smooth-bore long-barreled hunting firearm or have owned such a weapon for less than 5 years);
  • a copy of a sports passport or an order from a sports organization or educational institution confirming participation in sports using firearms (if you have received a sports license);
  • documents confirming that you have passed a test of your knowledge of the rules for safe handling of weapons and the availability of skills in safe handling of weapons (if you have received a license for self-defense).

In addition, you will need to pay a state fee for renewing your permit to store and carry weapons. If you are applying for permits for several weapons, you will need to pay a state fee for each of them.

The period for renewal of a license is 30 days from the date of application.


Before contacting the internal affairs bodies, you must collect a package of documents required to obtain a weapon. Firstly, you will have to contact and pay about 1,500 rubles for a certificate of form 046-1, in which doctors will note the absence of contraindications. She will confirm good vision, mental health, immunity bad habits. After passing through specialized doctors, you should obtain a therapist’s opinion. Certificate for citizens of the Russian Federation who have a passport and military service. The latter can replace the attributed one.

A person applying for a weapon permit must perfectly know the rules for storing it, as well as be able to use it. Article 13 of the Federal Law “On Weapons” assigns citizens the obligation to undergo testing for such skills. To master them, you need to complete specialized courses. If there are no obstacles from medicine and inspection authorities, you can start purchasing a safe or a metal box that can be locked with a key, which will be needed to store equipment. If your plans include carrying long-barreled weapons, you must obtain a hunting license. It is issued free of charge and does not require the submission of additional documentation.

For future resolution, you need to take two matte photographs in 3*4 format. If not one but several trunks are to be licensed, then for each subsequent one another photograph is provided. The passport that you will need to take with you will be photocopied in advance. When writing an application, you should know exactly the type of weapon you are purchasing and, very preferably, the model and name. The store will ask about this information in advance. All of the above documents will be needed to go to the department that issues licenses.

In a couple of weeks, a local police officer should come to the house, who will inspect the place of future storage of weapons, and also note the presence of other protective elements: alarms, bars on windows, iron doors. He will indicate all this in a report, which he must also submit to the police department within two weeks. The latter will decide whether he should deal with it independently by phone or in person. If the result is positive, then you should take a receipt, pay the state fee, and then go for a ready-made license, after which you can visit the store and buy a weapon of the type that corresponds to the permit.

To obtain a weapons permit, you must come to the licensing department at the police department located at your place of residence. So, residents of the Central Administrative District should contact the address: st. Usacheva, 62, Northern Autonomous Okrug - Admiral Makarova St., 23, building 1. The location of the rest can be found on information sites. The main department of LRR in Moscow is located on Shchepkina street, no. 20, building 1.

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