Ukrainian politician Irina Berezhnaya what happened. Honored lawyer and critic of the Kyiv authorities: former Verkhovna Rada deputy Irina Berezhnaya died in an accident

A car crashed into a pole at high speed late at night. The blow was so strong that rescuers spent several hours removing the bodies of Berezhnaya and her driver from the mangled interior. The daughter of the deceased politician was in a child seat and escaped with minor injuries.

According to initial reports, the car in which the ex-deputy was in with his 8-year-old daughter Daniella fell off a serpentine road on a mountain road. However, later local media reported that a Mercedes moving along the main highway of Croatia A1 unexpectedly left the road between the cities of Maslenica and Posedarje, rammed a fence and crashed into a pole. At the same time, the speed of the car, which had Bulgarian license plates, judging by the damage, was very high.

As a result, in addition to Berezhnaya herself, the driver, a 38-year-old Bulgarian citizen, also died in the collision.

According to an eyewitness, it took rescuers two hours to remove their bodies from the body of the Mercedes.

Berezhnaya's daughter, who was strapped into a child seat, escaped with minor injuries and was hospitalized.

The accident occurred around 01.30 on August 5. According to one of the main versions, the Mercedes driver fell asleep at the wheel - it is quite difficult to explain in any other way the exit from an empty highway, which had no sharp turns, and a collision with a pole. Now Berezhnaya’s body is still in Croatia - it will be handed over to relatives after law enforcement officers deal with all the circumstances of the tragedy.

According to the Ukrainian TV channel TSN, her father arrived in the city of Zadar, where the injured girl is located.

Berezhnaya was never officially married and carefully hid the name of the child’s father from journalists. According to journalists, a famous German businessman and media tycoon came to pick up the child. Ukrainian origin Boris Fuksman.

Even during the life of the ex-deputy, the Ukrainian media noted the close relationship between Fuchsman and Berezhnaya and suggested that he could be the father of her daughter.

IN last days before unexpected death Berezhnaya visited Baku as a guest at the Zhara festival, and then, literally the day before her death, she published a photo on Instagram from Monte Carlo, in which she posed with Russian singer Glucose.

The death of the ex-deputy, who was a prominent figure in Ukrainian socio-political life, caused a strong resonance in the Ukrainian media and social networks.

A number of commentators did not hide their gloating, accusing the deceased of allegedly anti-patriotic statements and actions - it is known that former MP The Party of Regions did not support the current authorities and expressed skepticism about the introduction of a visa-free regime between Ukraine and the EU. She also repeatedly appeared on Russian political talk shows dedicated to events in Ukraine. Berezhnaya last appeared on the Rossiya TV channel in mid-July.

“Of course, dancing on bones is disgusting and, today, I was once again convinced of the truism that I myself have repeatedly spoken about. Facebook has become a territory of hatred. But the death of Irina Berezhnaya, in my opinion, revealed a much deeper problem. Namely, the correspondence of a politician’s lifestyle with his beliefs and his public position. Irina died in the EU, on whose criticism she built her political career. Moreover, I know for sure that just a few days ago Irina was in Monaco at the show of the Russian designer Ulyana Sergienko,” said the mayor of the city of Dnepr Boris Filatov.

However, the majority reacted to Berezhnaya’s death with sympathy. Berezhnaya’s close friend, singer Ani Lorak, shared a photo with the deceased, accompanying it with the caption: “I can’t and don’t want to believe it... My dear and beloved friend... You are with me... Irochka...”.

Singer Nikolai Baskov, also posting a joint photo with Berezhnaya, wrote: “Lord, dear Irochka, I can’t believe it.”

Irina Berezhnaya's career was stormy and rapid. Born in 1980 in Lugansk, at the age of 19 she opened her own travel agency, which quickly became a profitable business. Graduated in 2002 Faculty of Law Kievsky national university them. T. Shevchenko with a degree in jurisprudence, and in 2009 - the National Academy of Management under the President of Ukraine with a degree in public administration.

From February to March 2004, Berezhnaya was deputy director for legal issues at the Astraya-Service law firm. In January of the same year, she received a certificate of the right to engage in notarial activities, and in March she registered as a private entrepreneur. In three years, Berezhnaya’s notary office has become one of the most famous and successful in Kyiv. Until November 2007, she was a private notary of the Kyiv City Notary District.

Berezhnaya then went into politics and in 2007, at the age of 27, was elected to the Verkhovna Rada from the Party of Regions, where she was a member of the justice committee.

In 2011, she again entered parliament, being elected in one of the constituencies of the Kharkov region. Berezhnaya served as first deputy head of the committee on issues European integration. After Euromaidan, Berezhnaya went into opposition, sharply criticizing the government and speaking out against the military conflict in Donbass and the glorification of Ukrainian nationalists during the Second World War.

The tragic death of a talented lawyer and Ukrainian politician Irina Berezhnaya caused indignation and outrage online. Many simply cannot believe what happened to Irina Berezhnaya. The real cause of death of the ex-deputy shocked and made me numb with horror. Eyewitnesses told what really happened, and photos from the scene of the terrible tragedy appeared online.

The cause of death of Irina Berezhnaya, who until the last fought against the “Bendery” regime and tried to defend real story Ukraine, no one can believe it. Irina’s relatives and friends, who also do not believe in the accident, express their condolences to Irina Berezhnaya’s family. Irina herself was a friend during her lifetime famous singer Ani Lorak was familiar with many Russian celebrities. Irina’s friend Olga Freimut also expressed her condolences. Both Soloviev and Filatov spoke about her death.

Irina Berezhnaya Ukraine: cause of death, photos from the scene of the tragedy, new details

But netizens who also expressed condolences to the family and loved ones cannot believe that the accident happened by accident. Many people assume that it could have simply been a set-up.

Irina Berezhnaya Ukraine: new details

Let us remind you that the ex-Party of Regions deputy died in a car accident on the coast between Croatia and Italy. The official cause of the accident is considered to be that the driver, who also died with Irina, lost control and the car flew off the road. Irina Berezhnaya’s 8-year-old daughter was also in the car, but fortunately she was not seriously injured.

“Elena Berezhnaya really has reason to believe that in fact it was a staged accident, a premeditated murder and political reprisal. Which, by the way, is very much in the tradition of Ukrainian politics, when very strange accidents happened to people disliked by the state and authorities just when events took place in which they were involved,” says Vladimir Sinelnikov, the Vesti FM radio station’s own correspondent in Ukraine.


Literally on the eve of her death, Irina Berezhnaya turned to law enforcement agencies with a statement regarding the illegal activities of the scandalous website "Peacemaker", where Ukrainian radicals publish personal data of those disliked by the Ukrainian regime. If we compare this fact with the constant threats towards Irina Berezhnaya from Ukrainian nationalists, the version of the staged accident ceases to seem absurd.

“This odious site is well known; in fact, it leaks information received from Ukrainian special services, and also collects and distributes confidential information about citizens of Ukraine, which is directly prohibited by the Constitution of Ukraine. That is, the actions of this site are illegal,” Sinelnikov emphasized.

One of the “Peacemaker” activists, a certain Miroslav Oleshko, on his Facebook suggested that like-minded people choose the “final stop” option for Irina’s mother, Elena Berezhnaya. Among the proposed options are “like Buzina”, “like Kalashnikov”, “like Chechetova”, “like Motorola and Givi” or “like Zilina”. Let us remind you that all of the listed opponents of the current Ukrainian regime were killed at different times by Ukrainian radicals.

“It was reported that Elena Berezhnaya is next on her arrival in Kyiv,” Miroslav Oleshko previously wrote on his Facebook page. Network users from among his like-minded people rushed to leave cynical comments in which they threatened Elena Berezhnaya and rejoiced at the death of her daughter. In addition, Ukrainians who sympathize with “Peacemaker” openly support the version that the accident in which Irina died was allegedly staged by some “pro-Ukrainian” forces.

Let us remind you that on August 5, ex-Verkhovna Rada deputy Irina Berezhnaya was involved in a fatal accident on the Adriatic coast. According to preliminary data, the driver lost control and the car flew off the serpentine road. As a result, Berezhnaya died. Her daughter was inside the car at the time of the accident and received minor injuries.

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Information about the death of a famous political figure and former deputy from the Party of Regions, Irina Grigorievna Berezhnaya, is simply beyond the comprehension of many; netizens and Irina’s relatives simply do not believe in such circumstances of the tragedy.

The official version of the cause of death of Irina Berezhnaya is that the driver of her car lost control. This happened on August 5, 2017 at 1:30 a.m. on the Adriatic Sea coast (Croatia).

The car, together with Irina, her driver and her 8-year-old daughter, was driving towards Italy. On the serpentine road the driver lost control and flew off the road. The car crashed into a pole. The ex-deputy herself, as well as her driver, died immediately. But her daughter escaped with shock and a couple of bruises. She is now in the hospital.

Almost no one believes in such a death of Irina Berezhnaya. Real scandals broke out on social networks. Those who were “on the same wavelength” with the deputy are sure that the car accident was staged. It’s no secret that Irina spoke harshly about the Poroshenko regime in Ukraine. The politician often did not allow them to live in peace, not wanting to become “Bandera” and forget about their real past, about the history of Ukraine.

“Words cannot express all the pain and sadness of this terrible loss. Irina is no more. Incomprehensible tragic death. Behind the dry words “politician” and “ public figure“There was a bright woman who was not indifferent to people’s problems, a very honest woman who sincerely loved Ukraine, who was worried about its fate. A brilliant lawyer, she directed all her strength and knowledge for the benefit of people and society. For many, she was an example and support in difficult life situations,” says a message published on the party’s website.

Let us note that Irina Berezhnaya was among the deputies who voted for the “dictatorial laws” on January 16, 2014, which significantly limited the rights of citizens and freedom of speech.

In 2002 she graduated from the Faculty of Law of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv with a degree in Jurisprudence. During my studies I completed an internship at State Commission securities and stock market, worked in the Division of Investigation of Offenses in the Securities Market of the Comptroller's Office, and also served as an assistant consultant to the Head of the Subcommittee on Legislative Affairs.

After university, she completed a further internship at the First Notary Office in Kyiv. In 2004, she worked as deputy director for civil law issues at the Astraya-Service company, and later registered as a private entrepreneur (notary office).

In 2007, after defending her dissertation, she received a Doctor of Philosophy degree in law. In the same year she was elected people's deputy of the VI convocation from the Party of Regions. She was a member of the committee on justice, headed the subcommittee on the protection of rights, freedoms, interests of citizens and systematization, adaptation of Ukrainian legislation to international legal standards in the field of justice and the status of judges of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine committee in justice matters.
In 2009 received the second higher education specialty " Public administration"at the National Academy of Management under the President of Ukraine.

In 2012 she was re-elected to Verkhovna Rada Ukraine. After Euromaidan, Berezhnaya remained a member of the Party of Regions.

Berezhnaya has a daughter, Daniella, whom she gave birth to in July 2009. The father's name is kept secret.

The traffic accident in which 36-year-old ex-MP from the Party of Regions Irina Berezhnaya died could have occurred as a result of an accident.

“According to the preliminary version, the driver who was driving Berezhnaya fell asleep, the car flew off the road and crashed into a pole,” a source in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine told RT.

A day before the car accident, Berezhnaya and her daughter were in Monaco. The tragedy happened on Sunday night, around 01:30, on the highway between the cities of Maslenica and Posedarje in Croatia. The speed of the Mercedes was probably in excess of 100 km/h. The driver of the car and Irina Berezhnaya died. Berezhnaya's eight-year-old daughter Daniella was in a child seat, was buckled up and was not seriously injured.

Accidents on this section of the road are rare. Local residents have already called the accident the most serious in the last ten years. Good road surface, no sharp turns, lots of reflective signs and electronic signs recommending drivers to slow down on more difficult sections make driving as safe as possible. The driver, a 38-year-old Bulgarian citizen, most likely drove the car in a state of fatigue. The collision was so strong that rescuers who arrived at the scene of the tragedy were forced to restrict traffic for two hours, and the dead had to be removed from the car using special equipment. They, as well as Irina’s surviving daughter Daniella, were taken to a hospital in the Croatian city of Zadar.

Inappropriate reaction

The news about the death of a former people's deputy became the most discussed in in social networks. There were many in Ukraine who were happy. Irina Berezhnaya was accused of sympathizing with Russia, which supporters of the Kyiv authorities call an aggressor state.

“I look at the crazy crowds of “patriots” dreaming of quickly leaving their beloved country of victorious democracy, and this is what I’m thinking - how will they survive that in the post-Maidan European paradise there will now be only quilted jackets left?” — Berezhnaya wrote on her Facebook page.

Berezhnaya’s active position also caused a sharp reaction among supporters of the Ukrainian regime. The ex-deputy, for example, got the Ministry of Social Protection to pay pensions to residents of Donbass. In addition, through the court she appealed the decision of the Kyiv City Council of June 1 to rename General Vatutin Avenue to Shukhevych Avenue. She also protested the change of the name of Moskovsky Avenue to Bandera Avenue.

Irina Berezhnaya did not refuse to comment on the situation in Ukraine in the Russian media, which caused criticism among nationalists.

“I can’t even theoretically imagine that I could rejoice at the death of any of my political opponents, enemies or people with whom I fight and whose actions I criticize or do not share. I see a huge number of normal and educated people who think the same way as me. But at the same time I can’t help but point out a fairly large audience of seemingly educated, but absolutely cynical, vile and stupid people, rejoicing in the misfortune of others, taking pleasure in it and being in the shadow of their erroneous ideas about acceptable words and statements, honor and morality,” famous lawyer, former deputy head of the presidential administration Andrei Portnov wrote on the social network Facebook.

Will remain indifferent

Ukrainian law enforcement officers will not take part in the investigation of the car accident, a source in the Foreign Ministry told RT. “There have been no requests for help from colleagues from Croatia,” he clarified. Ukrainian investigators generally rarely travel to tragedy sites in other countries of the world and often need help themselves.

  • RIA News
  • Vitaly Zalessky

For example, Ukrainian law enforcement officers turned to specialists from the EU and FBI employees after a murder in July 2016 in the center of Kyiv famous journalist Pavel Sheremet. Investigators could have made a lot of mistakes and have still not identified either the customers or the perpetrators of the crime. All suspects in the murder of ex-deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Denis Voronenkov, who was shot at the end of March this year in the very center of the Ukrainian capital, were not detained either.

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