Arkan moon value. In the sphere of career. Incorrect card orientation

Tarot - 16 - Tower

Tarot - 18 - Moon

In Hush Arkan Taro Moon drops overwhelmed dew drops (the tendency to receive, not giving out in return) on yellow and dry ground (symbol of materiality) between the two towers (a warning against inappropriate behavior that has been dangering mental equilibrium and physical health) over the reservoir in which there is Cancer (symbolizing the past, displacement, complexes, conservatism, but also rebirth). Here are two dogs (attributes of Diana, the lunar hunters, and hecats, the goddesses of the underworld), which are waiting (despondency) to the moon.

This Arcan refers to the number of illusory, is the embodiment of Hindu Maya, whose extrapolations lead people to the loss of illusions. He encourages us to live with a clear consciousness and not surrender to the power of fantasy and gender.

Interpretation at despondency: extravagant fantasies, quirks, stupidity, tactless curiosity, mental passivity, goats, flattery.

chimeras in the XVIII Arkan Taro Moon drops overwhelmed dew drops (the tendency to receive, not giving anything in return) on yellow and dry ground (symbol of materiality) between the two towers (a warning against inappropriate behavior, which is subjected to mental balance and physical health) over a reservoir in which There is cancer (symbolizing the past, displacement, complexes, conservatism, but also rebirth). The same two dogs (Diana attributes, lunar hunters, and hecates, goddess are underworld). Which will be treated (despondency) to the moon. This Arcan refers to the number of illusory, is the embodiment of Hindu Maya, whose extrapolations lead people to the loss of illusions. He encourages us to live with a clear consciousness and not surrender to the power of fantasy and gender. Interpretation at despondency: extravagant fantasies, quirks, stupidity, tactless curiosity, mental passivity, goats, flattery.

Moon 18 - elements, reflected light, visible world, material forms, symbolism The map shows three elements: air, earth, water. The moon-hekate is depicted in three phases as a silver disc with women's outlines. It dim lights the weak light objects. Under the moon - a giant crab in a puddle - personifies the cosmic mind in the early stages of its disclosure. Watchtop - tamed nature and wolf wildlife; One of them is barking, the other is how much on the moon. For them there are two locks in the form of rectangular (sometimes round) bodily color towers, gold-protected - a sign of human protection in the sub-world world. Long yellow rays are flowing from the moon disk, mixing with short red rays. Drops of dew fall, as if attractable moon. This is a picture of involution, entering the world of ghosts and imagination. The transimary vision of things is carried out in the moonlight. Crab, like the Egyptian scarab, absorbs the fact that alchemists are defined as a temporary and volatile element and contributes to new endeavors. The beasts, going to the moon, talk about the danger of entering the sphere of the Moon, about the mysterious links of the animal kingdom with the regions of the Moon. Towers - protection sign and asylum - warn that excessive approximation to the lunar region is fraught with hazards for the soul. Two towers introduce the situation of choice. Behind the towers there is plain, behind her forest, full of ghosts. Behind him "double-headed" mountain and abyss, bordered by the flow of water. The moon is watching the birth of the Spirit in the material world. Number 18, giving in sum 9 gives the image of the hermit, which has passed the first initiation. Another Tarot Map gives an image of the arches, singing a young girl, dissolving his hair in the moonlight. This image correlates with the deaths of the moon. The Arfist is a common symbol of death (and thrust to death), and the girl is a symbol of the soul. This card gives an instruction on the "lunar" path (using intuition, imagination, magic) as other than sunny (reason, reflection, objectivity). In a negative meaning, she talks about the delusion associated with an arbitrary fantasy, a false impression.

Image Description

"The face in a loupe is Diana, the goddess of nomads," says Gypsy. - This is, above all, a card card, indulging in illusions, a young man, reflecting on the meaning of life. This is a map of romance, artist, thinker and student ... "(in the Middle Ages, probably would say: the map of the wandering knight and Scholyar).

In the foreground, the picture is water falling down - the symbol of the unconscious. In the water - cancer, which is fivefolded, is a symbol of creation that is afraid to move forward and runs back into the dark deep depths.

On many new cards of Tyrot, especially popular today at young people (all of them clearly rise to the tradition of Tarez Provence, "Tare from Marseille"), by the "Cancer Sea" the road leads from the bottom up. Often compare the options that arose based on the study of the legends of modern nomads and the predictions of the occultists, the rows of Tarota Virta and Veggmuller arise. It is believed that there may be unpleasant perfumes or ghosts on the bottom upwards, as well as rushing buildings (fortresses, towers in which prisoners, border booths are sharpened).

Gypsies, for example, say: "In this picture you see a black dog - a fragment of the devil - which barks on a magnifying glass, and a rolled and a bloodsinking vampire, which looks like her victims at night. And on the same map you see two towers - these are Hercules pillars, about which in antiquity it was believed that they indicate the direction at twilight, on the other side of this world "(shtharki).

But the person who ns is afraid of any superstitions, will pass between both thoughts threatening to him either, as the fortunelocks say, "perhaps and watch that protect these fortresses, such cowardly and superstitious, that at night they do not sue the nose." Then wandering school

lary will see that in the kingdom of the lunar goddess can be light as day by the shining moon, that there are not only night fears, but they can shine fireballs, sparks, drops of dew, they fertilize the earth and claim the victory of life.

Interpretation at gadania

Extravagant fantasies, quirks, stupidity, tactless curiosity, mental passivity, goats, flattery. (NJCS)

Marseille from the site

Gold towers of the eternal city, Heavenly Jerusalem; water blocking; Drops, stere-recesses swell. Dogs like guards of the underground kingdom (secrets of secrets): In all myths, they cannot be killed, you can only overcome (Hercules and Cerber). Domesticated dogs are the best friends of a person (Odyssey and Argo), a symbol of instinctive wisdom. Cancer - Hazard Symbol (Hercules, fighting with hydro) or "bridge". The moon hides his dark side from us.

XVIII (18) Moon: disappointment D. Anxiety. Obsession. D. Fragile health. Together with V: reducing the probability of the disease. Healing from the resulting injections. X; Overcoming bad luck. XV: impotence. Frigidity. Operation in genitals. Xx; Physical or spiritual liberation. XXI; Difficulties will be short-lived. 0: Pain. Wheel.

Hidden enemies, danger, slander, darkness, horror, deception, error. Inverted: instability, impermanence, silence, error and deception to a lesser extent.

Kof. Witch: Yoni, frozen waiting. Illusion is the initiation of chaos.

Kof is a simple letter corresponding to the fish. Hieroglyph "Ushko" (needles), root "spin, turn around (back)."

On the tree of life - the connection between Nezakh and Malkut. Corporate mind.

Traditional deities: Poseidon, Hermes, Psychopompoms (a walking shower). This map is the lowest hint of the Moon (unlike the priestess, representing the highest items), the moon decreasing, dark, as Indians say. All superstitions, prejudices, who taught traditions and boring habits are connected with it. It may also be severe intoxication, fears, the perishes of the mind (from drugs and others. "Heavy" means of influence). Higher feelings do not work, only sense of smell and touch remain. How many courage needs not to fall, do not die in darkness! But after the night there comes dawn. Illusions go, nightmares retreat, a man again acquires himself.

Symbols of Figure: At the top of the map - the moon and huge shadows, seemingly deities (it is Anubis1 and its reflection); But the bottom is already rising scarab, Katya, Katya, the ball of the Sun: the dawn comes, and the ancient landscape reappears before us in all purity. 1 - God of Twilight, but also the god of the threshold, i.e. Transition to a new level, like the Greek Janus.

Possible interpretations: in a favorable position: the foresology of important changes, possibly the crisis, but cleansing ("catharsis"). In unfavorable position: deception or self-deception, hypocrisy, hysteria; Perhaps psychosis. Creating or calling illusions (including narcotic dependence).

The moon is a map of imagination and dreams, a Map of Twilight between Sleep and Jaw. Imagination is a wonderful and amazing thing, but it also needs discipline not to become too violent. The connection between the words "Moon" and "Lunatic" is obvious and not accidental. On the map we see cancer crazy. The ocean is the place where every life originates from our land. The wolf and the dog are on the moon, reminding us of a wild, uncivilized part of our nature. The gate is drawn in the distance. The gate is a symbol of penetration into another world, in this case - to the world of higher consciousness, or spirit. The moon is full of ambiguity. All at dusk, in halftones. You are not able to completely see what is happening. Your way of perception of the world is based on the images created by you, on the lenses system through which you look at reality. Remember that you are able to change these lenses and change your vision of the world.

Questions who need to ask yourself, pulling the moon
  • Are you cheating yourself?
  • Are you confused?
  • Do you feel that you are going to the unknown?
  • Are you all deeper in someone else or something go away from reality?
  • Is there a time to forgive yourself or someone else?
  • Is everything what it looks like?
Key ideas
You are the one of the only person who is able to change your way of perceiving itself and the world. Replace confusion and uncertainty by concentration and clear direction.
Direct card: You are a susceptible and sensitive friend. People feel you can trust and rely on you.

Inverted Map: Your interest in the spiritual takes you away from the real one. Remember the golden rule: everything is good in moderation.

Direct Map: At the moment, the most important thing is the most important friendship with classmates. They have a positive effect on you and encourage the ability to show. The result is very good.

Inverted Map: You sleep too little, it affects study. Review your priorities. Without proper education, you will not achieve the completeness of life that is worthy.

Direct Map: You enter the uncharted territory and dream of returning from there together with the owner of this territory - a person who is very different from your previous hobbies. Rejoice in this experience, he promises to be incredibly exciting.

Inverted Map: You mislead yourself about what actually happens in your relationship.

A family
Direct card: Your family together creates a warmth and love atmosphere in the house. Your contribution is the key component of family happiness.

Inverted Map: Pain of the past still torments your family. Now time move forward, without looking back.

Direct Card: Something confused you. Before you decide on anything, ask for advice, collect information, weigh all "for" and "against".
Health / appearance
Direct Card: Your Personal Style is a work of art; Imagination never cheated. People often pick up the fashion trends that you specify.

Inverted Map: Apparently, it is time to revise the most bizarre and wild details of your clothing. Do you really need them? Do not sit down on complex diets - this is not a way to become healthy and slim. Eat more healthy food, and harmful - less, and increase the physical exertion.

Direct Map: Now the financial situation looks uncertain, but if you save a clear mind, you can fix the situation.

Inverted Map: Avoid all "cash" projects that look too good to be true. The way it is.

Fortune telling for half a minute
Jonathan often drunk in the evenings with friends, and he already noticed the local policeman. The map of the Moon, who fell out for Jonathan, hinted that he was confused in himself and lost his sense of direction. If he continues to drink, the distortion of the feeling of reality will lead in the future to serious problems.

Annie Lyonnet. "Tarot. Practical guide. "

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Crab belongs to the earth and sea and reflects the interaction of conscious and unconscious, mind and feelings.

Two buildings symbolize the conflict of opposites: day and night, light and darkness.

Uncertainty. Oscillations. Intuition. Illusions.

In various decks, the moon is depicted in different ways, but the central theme is inevitably the full moon is. The moon is associated with natural fluctuations in the rhythm of life, take-offs and drops, tides and lowers, as well as with the female cycle. She is also a queen of the night and the symbol of the unconscious. Our soul tait the unknown properties of our inner essence, which are hidden from us cover darkness. Our internal development requires us to detect our dark sides and extract them to light so that we can gain new forces and greater self-confidence.

The moon is a symbol of our inner world, with whom we communicate in the language of images and dreams. From the depths of our soul, something constantly tries to break out on the surface and show yourself. The moon calls us to comprehend the hidden parts of our nature, our unconscious impulses and instincts. We can not always understand their mind, usually they are manifested in our dreams, creative gusts and creatures of art. When this card appears, we are often experiencing confusion of feelings; We can even experience a feeling of longing or hopelessness. Sometimes we are in the mercy of illusion and deception and are not able to see things in their true light. We feel wandering in the darkness, and the future is hidden from us. At this time, we are powerless to solve our problems with the help of logic and analysis. Instead, we expect to get a sign in our dreams and rely on our intuition, which should prompt us the way to penetrate into the hidden depths of our consciousness. As soon as we manage to penetrate into the dark corners of our soul, we will be able to combine them with a reasonable part of our "I" and turn into a more solid and confident personality.
The appearance of the moon in the scenario means that you are experiencing a period of doubts and oscillations. You can experience confusion and feeling of loneliness, and your life prospects seem uncertain. All items lose their clear outlines, and you feel your vulnerability among your engagement and foggy uncertainty. Your former doubts and fears, molding in the depths of your soul, can suddenly break into the surface. For example, only you think that you got rid of your past experience or solved a certain psychological problem, as you feel again in their power. This should not be a negative factor in your life. If you learn how to perceive messages from your subconscious on time, you can combine the structural and destructive energy of your soul and send it to the direction you need. The positive value of this card is that you can openly oppose your fears and learn to keep them under control.

Stewart R. Kaplan. "Classic Tarot. Origin, history, fortune telling. "

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Two dogs nailed to the moon, and drops drop from it, symbolizing her influence. From the moon, alternating, gold and black rays meaning the conflict of good and evil influences are departed. In the background, on both sides of the dogs, two towers are visible in which a person lives under the influence of heaven. In the foreground is depicted with a reservoir in which the cancer is hiding, leaving the moment to attack his victim. This map implies existence in everyday life envy, deception, jealousy, prejudice; This is a card that means caution and danger. Moonlight is deceptive. The moon demonstrates his power over the water, and the cancer hid, with the intention to deceive those who do not pay attention to the warning. This card reveals the power of the external influence of a person living in his towers is exposed to many influences. The moon is influenced by him, he is distracted by the bark of dogs and, finally, the risks to catch on the tricks of insidious cancer. Dogs adapted to life with a person, but continue to pose a threat due to their sensitivity to the influence of the moon. This is a warning card. It indicates that events currently taking place may have obscure consequences as a result of unexpected influence.
Value for gadania
Cheating. Dusk. Ambiguity. False. Dishonesty. Disappointment. Danger. Error. Caution. Warning. Dear influence. Hidden motifs. Insincerity. False friends. Egoism. Double game. Craftiness. False excuses. A shame. Slander. Vulnerability. Use someone in other people's interests. Insureless relationship. Superficiality. Unknown enemies. Exposure to many different influences. Trap hit. Misleading. Inability to avoid dangers that surround. The probability of making an error is very high. Numerous different influences from the outside are alive in new forces that have pressure and bringing new impressions.
Value in an inverted position
A small deception is disclosed before damage is made. Easy errors. Overcoming bad temptations. Win without paying prices. Use anyone in your own interests.

P. Scott Hollander. "Tarot for beginners."

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The moon says you want to learn how to form events, and not to be formed under their influence.

The Moon (The Moon) corresponds to the number of eighteen and the Hebrew letter Tsade.

Mystery, intuition, physical abilities, deception and danger.
The image is usually divided into two parts. In the center from above is the moon. Depicts a full circle, but in fact it is a sickle, growing moon (right from the viewer side); Actually shows the crescent, and the full moon. In the lunar circle on the inside of the sickle, the face seeing down. In some deck on the map rays come from the moon. Typical raindrops falling from the moon from the moon, symbolizing the descent of the spirit into matter. Note that the sickle and disk are very ancient symbols of holiness of the moon. On the ancient steles (monuments with inscriptions) in the Middle East created by the Arames and Phoenicians, this image is often repeated (with a sickle inside the disk); In North Africa, especially in the region, the former Punic Culture Center, the disk is depicted inside (or below). In any case, there are direct archaeological evidence that the symbolism of senior arcanes is at least partially much older that it has not arisen in the European culture of the XIV or XV centuries.

In addition, two towers are located at the top of the picture below the moon (once again reproducing the topic of the portal). Two beasts, usually a dog and a wolf, sit between the towers and are crowned on the moon. They personify our animal nature, delighted and frightened by the spectacle of the Moon, subordinate to its influence, and not controlling it.

At the bottom of the picture, the picture is depicted or lake, from which crab or cancer crashes. (Probably cancer as a symbol of cancer constellation.) Symbolism here, as in drops falling from the moon, is water, unconditionally affected by the lunar cycle.

All image shows that, although the energy comes from the moon, stronger its power and influence on Earth and ourselves. In addition, water is a symbol of vitality, but in this case its fluidity is emphasized, its ability to take the form of a filled capacity.

This is the danger that you must avoid: you want to learn how to form events, and not to be formed under their influence.

Internal meaning
You can buy great strength, but there is a danger that the seeker should always be aware. The moon personifies the temptation of the hidden, secret knowledge, darkened truth. The lack of complete information causes mutual misunderstanding and conflicts, makes it difficult if not impossible, accepting the right conclusions. Make sure you clearly understand what you want to do before the next step. Do not forget that the word "Lunatism", meaning not only this disease, but also madness, an insanity, comes from the word "moon" that there is a danger of madness, despair, even suicide. All this may interfere with your search for hidden knowledge and power.

The moon has some magnetism that attracts and dominates. She appears to our animal nature, acts on the subconscious, on the will, not subject to reasonable thoughts. The only way to avoid this danger is intentionally to manage yourself: you must resist its influence and maintain power over yourself. In a nutshell: to avoid the danger, concluded in this map, you must learn to constantly use your mind, your consciousness. You will not give way to your instincts, do not agree to emotions. You learn by following the path of Taro, rely on your consciousness and develop your mental abilities. But the time came to put these abilities under conscious control. It is the mind that distinguishes people from animals (which, without giving themselves the report, are subject to the influence of the moon) and from inanimate elements (for example, from the sea subject to the influence of the moon). From now on, we are forever, use your mind or leave your quest. You can no longer act according to your instincts.

Meaning in Slade
Direct, or positive: fears, hidden danger, secret enemies. Scandal, error, loss of illusions, deception, discord. In addition, intuition, latent mental abilities owned by the questioning, occult forces in action around you.

Inverted, or negative: deception and danger, although less importance. Unstable, insignificant errors, silence.

Hidden forces with tremendous energy act around you. Perhaps you do not have enough strength to manage them, but you can avoid their power over you. Follow every step.

If this card personifies the questioning, then you are aware of this or not, have tremendous mental abilities, mostly latent, hidden. Until now, obviously, you have used these opportunities very little. Now it has come the best time to develop and learn to control them, in the future they will need. But act wisely. And the incorrect use of these abilities, and the refusal to use them can make you in a dangerous deadlock.

Mary Mirr. "Full book of inverted tarot cards."

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This card is associated with synchronistic, intuition, dreams with secrets and symbolism (Karl Gustav Jung described this Komi leek concepts as "something unscakeful or hidden from us") The moon shines with reflected light, and therefore represents the substitution of the other . Eli-Fas Levi wrote: "There are no secrets in which there was no place for symbols", and vice versa. A reality acquaintance is created in the invisible world of dreams and visions - on the astral plan. Inside you live ideas and thinking that have not yet taken the final form. This card describes fears and illusions that wait for you on the path of self-development, for the latest outpositions of consciousness, in an unknown and mysterious country of shadows. Conference, deeply rooted fears or even primitive horror can appeal to the survival instinct, forcing you to act irrationally or, on the contrary, according to well-established behavioral models. You feel confused and put in a dead end, frightened and lost. On the edge of consciousness, something eludes something eluding that you can not grasp. You are drowning in emotions and floundering in a bog of misunderstandings, distorted perception, hidden motifs, secrets and submarines - no matter your own or other people's. On the other hand, you can feel that the fate, the current or inexplicable desire leads or entails you to some kind of unclear target. Perhaps you, like a river cancer, clean the water of its unconscious, sieving and digesting the trash of the past or bravely towing between wild, instinctive and domesticated parts of themselves, violently presenting their rights to the principle.

If you feel at home in the reality of sleep or in the astral plan, in the spheres of the subconscious or collective unconscious, you can be a medium, to experience outstanding experience, writing poems, fiction, engage in different kind of therapy and even accompany others through the threshold of death. If you do not confer the subjective experience and hidden values, you will be afraid of what is happening with you and consider it a dangerous illusion. Modern artist Taro Brian William says that the French call the deceptive shadows of Twilight to the "Entre Chien et Loup" - "between the dog and the wolf". This means that the apparent dangerous creation can suddenly be friendly and kind, and vice versa.

Traditional meanings: Secret enemies. Secrets, occult forces. Cheating, illusions, delusion. Twilight, Darkness. Unknown, unknown. Danger, caution. Instinctive fears. Horror. Conspiracies. Scandals, slander, gossip. False friends. Nostalgia. Dreams, dreams. Madness. Navigation.

Inverted Moon
On an inverted moon, you can deny the very existence of an invisible world, stubbornly holding the rationality, mind, literality and practicality, especially in the face of the confusion and irrationality of what is happening. You can block information coming by thin channels or resist what your intuition says. You are trying to keep your inner "wild creature" in a cage or scare it, which leads only x physical exhaustion and weakness. You want to hide in the fortress of the usual conditionality and traditional way or go into silence, immobility and apathy. You feel unable to cope with the type of change that represents the moon (they include atmospheric), especially if they cannot be explained by common sense. In some cases, this card indicates completely fantastic circumstances: the appearance of UFOs, meetings with aliens from space, parallel life, memories of past reincarnations, as well as on the manifestation of extreme romanticism and other reality in which they believe only very few. Archetypical images can be raised from the collective unconscious, sometimes hidden under the mask of urban myths or ordinary everyday problems. An inverted moon can increase the irrationality of behavior, especially at the expense of fear of conspiracies and crimes, attacks of robbers or obsession. Illusions and deceptions are possible, but optional.

On the other hand, this card may indicate a person's ability to calmly take misfortunes, especially when it comes to personal or cultural transformation or spiritual development. If the moon is inverted, deception and instability are not so strong and threatening, as in the literal version. Something hidden can come out. Secret dependencies, injuries or mental disorders that require cure may open.

With the projection of this card on other people, they seem to you with dreamers in the mercy of illusions and self-deception, or excessively emotional and unable to bear responsibility for their actions. Or may you think that they intend to hurt you through a mental or occult attack.

In the inner plan, it can be self-deception, or, on the contrary, the insight of the depths of the psyche, when, according to the Mystic XIX century, Anna Kingsford, "the soul acquires inner enlightenment, and the darkness runs its chambers, ill-found sacred." Adoption will help you recycle and clean experienced experience.

In terms of health, this card is primarily connected with all the forms of madness and spiritual ailments. In addition, incontinence may be observed or, on the contrary, the retention of liquids, sleep disorders, neurasthenia, problems associated with the smell, as well as with a limbic system, and with survival instinct. This is also the abuse of alcohol and drugs, the coma and the process of dying.

The Moon's magic and shamanism system is a very important card associated with astral travel, descending to the lower world, the interpretation of dreams, memories of past lives, finding lost things, setting up on the lunar cycles and all the forms of lunar magic, animal contacts, obsession with spirits, Astral attacks, protect against them and the return of the soul.

Traditional inverted values: instability, variability, oscillations, instability. Fluidity, dew, fog, rain. Silence. Inconstancy. Irrational changes. Fantastic or visionary performances. Small deceptions, minor errors. Overwheat, deceive anyone. Ambush, blackmail, scam. Overcoming temptation or temptation.

Larisa Moon. "All Tarot Secrets."

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"What is happening there in this incomplete darkness? There they reign blind and dumb, merciless laws of material nature. There is impossible conscious struggle, the victory of persistent and its consequences are insignificant. There is a terrible and mysterious rock collects his ripening harvest ..."

Vsevolod Solovyov

Description of the map and its inner meaning
Night. The moon, then the point is immersed in the clouds, illuminates the naked steppe. A narrow track stretches, in places covered with sand. She seems to dissect this steppe to sleep, starting at the lake and lost in the unknown, they gave the horizon. There, in this unknown, you can see the sea. On the sides of the road are the towers - massive and clumsy arranged by unknown by anyone. And right in the middle of the tracks are a wolf and a dog. They look at the moon with horror and witheredly, taking the head back. From the lake slowly crashes cancer, interested in such a picture. Around - neither soul. It seems that this dead step, illuminated by the lunar light, stretches for many kilometers.

A person is known to have a dual consciousness. On the one hand, like God, he feels his strength, able to work wonders, on the other, as the fallen spirit, beats in a completely hopeless impotence. So it was and so it will be. Throughout our lives, we constantly fluctuate between despair and faith in yourself. This duality does not give a person to calmly tolerate failures, prevents entirely to rely on the highest unknown will. All this is the doctrine of the eighteenth Arkana.

The map of the Moon in spiritual life personifies the temptations of darkened, hidden truth. She describes the situation when a person comes to the very edge of the abyss of the infinite and gets the opportunity to touch one of the secret sides of this truth. After all, it is here that the limitless power, which attracts our souls. The moon has magnetism acting on our animals, natural instincts. To avoid its destructive influence, you should take the management of important life processes on yourself. You need to learn how to maintain power over yourself, constantly using sober mind and control over emotions.

In a worldly life, the moon map symbolizes fears, delusions, disappointments and hidden adverse effects.

Card connection with other occult sciences
(Tsade) - On our towers, he puts the watch - the moon,
Letter - C, number - 18,
Controlled by the zodiacal sign - cancer,
Compliance by the book of change - 63 hexagram ("after completion"),
Matching on the runes - Rune Algiz (Algiz),
Time of day - night,
Weather conditions - overcast,
Appropriate color - black,
The corresponding chakra is Ajna Tapo (third-eye chakra "),
According to Kabbalah - connects Sephira Nezakh with Sephira Malkut.
Map value
Direct position
The eighteenth Arcan in a direct position describes a person living in its own world of illusions. The danger to the questioning may be that he himself can affect the influence of these illusions.

If we are talking about the situation, then the questioning should be prepared for the fact that deception, fear, despair, illusions, mistakes, secret enemies, intrigue and gossip will be included in its life. In addition, the map of the Luna warns that a person can get into full dependence on unknown hidden forces.

Inverted position
In this case, the Eighteenth Arcan will talk that a person intentionally leading him from the true understanding of things will appear in the life of an inappropriate.

When describing the situation, this card has the following interpretation: self-deception, instability, minor trouble.

"You have great mental abilities, but sometimes they can interfere with you in everyday life. Call to the aid of all our minds to properly use this gift."

Daniel Chris. "Magic book Tarot. Prediction of fate. "

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Thoughform: Illusions.
Number: eighteen.
Hebrew letter: Tsade.
Color: blue.
Stone: Crystal.
Astrological analogy: Aquarius, Moon in cancer.
Other name: "Twilight".
The Arkan "Moon" is a natural continuation of the Arkana "Star" and in anticipation of the Arkana "Sun". Considering the eighteenth Arcan, we plunge into the dark and mysterious world of our subconscious, in the deep and unknown world of the human psyche. The moon has some magnetism that attracts and dominates. She appears to our animal nature, acts on the subconscious, on the will, not subject to reasonable thoughts. The monsters generated by fear and fantasy crawling and mixed with reality. There is no objective world here, the world becomes such as we see it.

Bright moon illuminates the blue-purple sky, water and four card characters. Two beasts - a dog and a wolf sit and spend on the moon. They personify our animal nature, delighted and frightened by the spectacle of the full moon, subordinate to its influence. In addition, they are the sacred animals of Anubis and Upata (path operators) and their skills attract the souls of the dead, being powerful conductor of impulses from invisible worlds. The horror of Nile rises from the water - God crocodile Sebec.

Mythological dossier
Sebek in the Egyptian mythology is the God of Water and Spill Nile. His sacred animal is a crocodile. It was believed that sebek gives abundance and fertility. In some texts, it is described as a defender of gods and people, but often he acts as God, hostile and Osiris.

Weat, God in the image of the wolf, was revered as a god-conductor, scout. His epithet is "counselor", "presenter." Waste - a militant deity, his attributes - Bulaw and onions. He also had the functions of the patron of the dead, he was called the "First Fighter Osiris". Often I was identified with the jackal or dog anubis.

In the brief of the light of the Moon materializes all our fears that are hiding at the light of the sun, the most incredible begins to seem possible to us. The moon personifies the temptation of hidden knowledge, darkened truth. The lack of complete information causes mutual misunderstanding and conflicts, makes it difficult to accept the right conclusions. Lunatism originating from the word of the moon means not only this disease, but also insanity, an insanity. There is a danger of the occurrence of various phobias and mental disorders. The only way to avoid this danger is to deliberately take on the management of your feelings, fears and consciousness.

This is the first lesson of Arkana "Moon". Control your feelings and emotions. In the light of the day, carefully analyze the true causes of fears causing panic attacks at night. Learn, following the path of Tarot, manage your consciousness and develop mental abilities.

The moon is changeable by definition, each of the twenty-nine days of his cycle, she changes the appearance, and together with it the entire fideline world changes. The power of tides and sings is changing, together with the growth of the moon, the excitability of animals and people is growing. It has been established that in the days of the new moon, the largest number of accidents caused by fatigue and inattention occurs, and the number of crimes caused by increasing aggressiveness, such as rape and fighting, is growing into full moon. Women's cycles are associated with the impact of the moon, and therefore the full moon has always been considered the time of the greatest manifestation of female strength. At this time, rites of initiation, mysteries dedicated to the feminine deities were always held. No wonder in Christian times it was believed that the Shabashi Witch always pass into the full moon.

It is not by chance on the edge of the water, a young nude virgin is sitting. The middle, the blue part of the picture is water, which is clearly subject to the influence of the moon. Water is a symbol of vitality, but in this case its fluidity is emphasized, its ability to take the form of a filled capacity. Moreover. Water symbolizes cleansing, susceptibility and feminine. The girl is naked, which speaks of her purity and youth. She is completely defenseless, she has nowhere to hide and not protect against danger. However, it does not feel horror in front of the surrounding darkness and hidden in it by the monsters. Its blue hair symbolize dreaminess and susceptibility. However, she sits on Earth, which indicates its durable relationship with reality. The girl does not allow fears to break out and take possession of themselves. She is not amenable to panic. The behavior of the girl is not at all reckless, but perhaps most organically in this situation. It is not constructed on mind, but on intuitive perception. She managed to feel merging with this world not mind, but by a chute. She takes the world with all his fears, horror and illogy, misses him through himself and feels his harmony. Calm and the complete indifference of Sebeka serves that confirmation, because his red hair speaks about readiness for action.

Arkan "Moon" teaches us not to renounced and do not hide from the gloomy side of the world, but it is not for all this natural part of life and there is no harmony without it. In the end, Owl is a symbol of wisdom - flies only at dusk.

The girl carefully touches the night lotus flowers born of water and flourishing under the light of the moon. Unlike daily colors drawn behind the sun, night flowers are afraid of sunlight. In the same way as fragile and unsubstantial intuitive, subconscious buildings do not withstand light of solar logic. Robust tips of our subconscious - Premonition and Association - have not yet gained a tough form of thoughts and feelings, so they need very careful attention.

This is the next Lesson of Arkana "Moon": Learn to listen to your subconscious tips, develop your mental abilities that most of them are in a hidden, latent state. Now it's time to develop and learn to control them, in the future they will need.

Meaning in Slade
In a direct position
Arkan "Moon" is primarily connected with the psyche - the secret forces of our subconscious, as well as with artistic, artistic creativity. Indicates increased emotionality, an unstable character. The card may mean a romantic attitude to life, developed intuition and the possibility of superweight sensations, knowledge of the secrets of other people who are willingly trusted. Sometimes points to distant travel. It may mean a secret danger or hidden enemies, can also symbolize dishonest behavior. Around darkness, secret enemies.

Council. Under the influence of this Arkana is very useful to work with unconscious. Getting rid of complexes and phobias are provided, especially with the help of psychoanalyst.

In an inverted position
The map is a symbol of inequalities to distinguish the truth from lies, an incorrect understanding of the situation, meaningless actions that do not lead to the achievement of the goal. Ensure comes an end. Means imperidity, hypochondria, scoreless fears and desires. Sometimes it can symbolize negative external influences on the subconscious (hypnosis, manipulation, witchcraft). May mean minor errors or small deception.

Council. During the period of this Arkana, you should not believe the promises and promises, to build plans and to make anything - still will not come true.

Moon in Scorpio as "Dark Knowledge"
(the abyss of the soul), or the sun in the 7th house as a symbol of descent to the underground kingdom.
The map of the Moon introduces us to the mysterious kingdom of darkness and nights, into the soul-shaped world, into the world of our dreams, dreams and revelations. The light side of the moon is romantic dreams, live imagination and artistic fantasy. However, this card has a dark side that opens the way in the most abyss of the soul; This fear, uncertainty, nightmares, gloomy omen, generally prejudice to all unknown, invisible. We feel like fear, wandering at night on the dark forest, which day seemed to us so safe. Darkness, causing the way, taught us to be afraid. It may also be a fear of the terrible demons of antiquity, which included in our time a new name: bacteria, viruses, millimea, beckeriel, gaspace, acid rain.

Tarot Ridera White.Toria and practice. Series "Secrets of Predictions". Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

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Astrological meaning: Fish
The eighteenth map of the senior arcanes is called the moon. It depicts rising between two towers (light and dark) moon, a dog and a wolf, sitting on different sides of the road and spending on the moon, and a cancer chosen from the water. The road passes between the towers, through the dead buildings of the city and disappears by the horizon. According to the legend, the filling of the Nile water occurs due to the tears of the lunar goddess, which, falling into the river, fill it. Two posts (towers, pyramids) symbolize Hercules columns, for which, according to Egyptians, the light never goes. The Egyptians also represented the tropics as dogs, which, as faithful guard, prevent close passage of the moon and the sun from the poles. Crab or cancer on the symbols of ancient - mean the return movement of the moon. This card symbolizes the Wisdom Road. A person in finding reality arises from the pond of illusions. After the victory over the guardian of the wisdom gate, he passes through the strengthening of science and theology and follows the winding road leading to spiritual liberation. This card corresponds to the altruistic sign of the Aquarius, flowing to the Earth two jets of water: dead water of consciousness and living water spirit.
In the figure, Tarot depicts a woman, watering the water of the desert, of which the "blooming nature" grows out of the moistened soil. The eighteenth arch is called the moon and is interpreted as "stay" or simply finding in a life process at that time when the waking consciousness of all the lively is turned off, giving the opportunity to penetrate into all spheres of life, but without comprehending them, but only feeling. The magician of the moon shines only by the reflected light of the sun, without bringing the joy of the day, but those who understand her, "she can give a truly holy peace. In the foreground of the eighteenth Arkana Tarot depicted the sea, powered by life, and this card corresponds to the zodiacal sign of fish - the symbol of which two fish, one of which slowly pops up, starting to evolve, and the other, embodying our subconscious, always remains in a dream, at the bottom Sea not to lose touch with the original source, and performs the role of support to the new Being.
Cancer, craving from water to the ground, the symbol of motherhood, which is patronized by the moon (sometimes water is painted with blood, reflecting the flour of birth). Further, on the shore, on different directions, the dog and wolf go through the unknown road on the moon.
Symbolically, this Arcan is a process of childbirth: from a warm, safe maternal flue to be among the narrow gates to break out to meet the dazzling light of the cold world. "Moon" is waiting in these gates. There are danger, fears, pain, behind them is lurking unidentified. There is an Anubis, twilight God (no night, no day), standing on the threshold with life and non-life (before and after-life) in his dual man-jackal man. In fact, the journey to hell is a trip to the hidden labyrinths of your soul. From here - such attributes of the moon, like illusions, hysteria, mania of persecution, hallucinations, drugs, escape from reality. But the eighteenth Arcan is the bridge between consciousness and unconscious, since, examined the card drawing, carefully removes that the Languages \u200b\u200bof the Divine Flame fall into the sleep, penetrating into our souls at the moment when no one can see it. Therefore, each person has the opportunity to return from this trip - to return with the peeled and updated soul, which will no longer suffer thoughts about the future. A person on a session of psychoanalyst works on the "Moon", his task is to overcome the fear of fear.
In the literal position, the map of the moon means the ability to see hidden, deep. The card indicates an increased emotionality, an unstable character, a romantic attitude to life and quite developed intuition. In addition, other people easily trusted to such a person. In general, the moon carries the imprint of Twilight: guesses, semi-conviction, ambiguity, hidden motifs. Perhaps falsely understood words, incorrect friends, dual behavior, false claims, insincerity, unknown enemies ... Sometimes the card predicts and distant travel.
In the inverted position, Arkan Moon says that someone hides behind the mask. The card may be connected and with refusal to accept anyone in integrity, unity. In specific cases, the moon talks about heredity, genes, which led to certain events in life (parents who were at one time radioactive radiation were caused by the tragedy in life
Another value of the map is a small deception (exposed before he delivered the damage), the goal achieved by the gift, "on the freebie". You did not have to pay for her a true price (is it good?). Easy errors.
"You have already approached the knowledge of the truth - and only fear prevents you from crossing her threshold. But you have already been too much to turn back, you just need to go even further and penetrate the essence."

The moon is a card having a different meaning. It indicates intuition, dreams and unconscious, mental abilities and dreams. The moon provides light as a reflection of the Sun, but this light is dim, indefinite and only vaguely illuminates the human path, towards higher consciousness.

The pond at the base of the card is a subconscious, and cancers that get out of it represent often alarming images that appear from our internal depths. A road follows from the pond, which leads between two towers in the mountains for the long distance, showing the way to the unconscious mind.

On both sides of the road are a wolf and a dog representing our animal nature - civilized and uncontrollable aspects of our consciousness. The towers at opposite ends are the strength of good and evil, and their similarity in appearance can cause difficulties with which we are trying to distinguish them.

Everything in this card seems to other things, as if hinting into two possibilities. When we go along the path, we walk a thin face between conscious and unconscious, between civilization, from the side of the tamed dog and the forces of nature presented by the Wolf. Astrological sign related to this card, - Fish - mental, susceptible and mysterious.

The main value of the map in direct position


  • illusion;
  • fear;
  • anxiety;
  • uncertainty;
  • secret;
  • dream;
  • duality;
  • intuition;
  • emotions;
  • psychic;
  • alchemical processes;
  • poet, musician;
  • subconscious.

The moon is a map of illusion and deception, and therefore often indicates a time when something is wrong, as it seems. Vigilance and clear perception will be particularly necessary to find what is hidden until it has become too late. If other cards in reading are negative, then the moon shows that not everything is so wonderful as you think, and in the game there are still hidden forces that can prevent your success.

If other cards are generally positive, then the moon suggests that you allow your imagination to carry you into distant gave from reality. In both cases, you must open your eyes and see what is really happening. It's time to get rid of illusions, because they carry erroneous judgments and assumptions.

It is believed that the moon is a negative map. It indicates the manifestation of unpleasant emotions: envy, deception, flattery, hypocrisy, jealousy, conspiracy. The consequence of this may be theft, dismissal from work, gloomy events in life, betrayal. All this is a hidden danger.

You are engaged in self-deception, or someone misleads you, prevents to think rationally and wise, knocks down from the way. The line between logical thinking and flying of gloomy fantasies is almost blurred. The moon promises complexity, problems and obstacles. And hidden, and it is not clear where and how they manifest themselves. There is a danger to make mistakes, do not calculate, lose.

The moon primarily warns against the fact that you should not feel fate and heroge. Bold adventures are not for you.

The map emphasizes that the events in your life are not controlled by you. The effect of external factors can lead to an unpredictable outcome. Owning incomplete information, your conclusions may be erroneous. Although the reason for incomplete information is neither someone who would hide it from you, and you yourself do not want to take a reality as it is, afraid to watch the truth.

The moon is a psychological map of fear of real and future, based on the past experience. Fantasies, images, thoughts and feelings, which are periodically suppressed by man, cause inner riots. As a result, a person is experiencing negative blocks in his personality, feeling fear and anxiety. To fix it, you need to pass the cleaning process at which deep memories will be released.

This is the time when you need to deeply immerse yourself in your soul and eliminate all the alarms, fears, psychological limitations and violations of the individual. Many invisible things are published on the surface, including secret motifs, secret information and ancient hidden truths.

These newly open resources can be stunned and confused, but as soon as you pay attention to them (premonition, revelation, dreams), they will no longer pursue you. One of the main points on the map is the path, you will have a trip, which may be like astral (in the world outside the mind) and a simple warming.

Often the moon appears in reading when you are not confident in your destination or even the paths you go, nevertheless continue to go. You may have lost your way, and now you can walk in the dark, guided only by your inner light and intuition. You need to go without a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhere you are, where you go or where you were.

The moon is a map of intuition and mental strength, so let your conscious mental blocks and allow your intuition to lead you. Your dreams and inner motivations will lead you to higher levels of understanding, if you start listening to yourself, you can interpret the veiled messages of the unconscious.

Inverted position


  • exemption from fear;
  • misfortune;
  • confusion;
  • self-deception;
  • true;
  • abuse;
  • whims;
  • witchcraft;
  • deception;
  • enemy;
  • shadow;
  • restoration of self-control.

Because the fish are the ruling sign of the moon, the map in the turned edge is visions, illusions, madness, genius and poetry. In the negative context, this may be a very scary card warning about hidden enemies, mental illness, alcohol dependence or an unsuccessful ride associated with drugs.

The map shows the presence of primitive forces and the dark side of the soul. Intuition and creativity are blocked, a gender unit is possible. Full chaos is held by medicines, prisons, castles. Crime is prevented, but does not stop. The moon is often manifested in the opposite position when there is madness and riots, turmoil and drug addiction. At best, the moon is a brilliant card, mental breakthroughs, amazing creativity, powerful magic and intuition.

The map warns that the time of emotional and mental test comes when you will do what it seems reasonable. But after a while you will be surprised "Why did I do it? This makes no sense!". Your brain will repelly play a joke with you, and therefore now there is no appropriate time to make decisions requiring rational thinking and a clear head.

The moon in the back position shows that you recently survived the time of self-deception, illusions, fears and anxiety, but these negative energies begin to weaken. You may also deal with some deeper emotional problems that were under the surface for a long time.

These problems prevent you from moving forward. To overcome it, it is necessary to confront inner fears and assumptions to gain a sense of management and self-confidence. You need to believe in yourself and know that you can create an equilibrium in your life. You can also find that your dreams and illusions send you important prompts as to which direction to move. Pay attention to thin, subconscious messages that come to you in this way.

The moon in the reverse position emphasizes that you are in a more extrasensory and intuitive phase than usual, however, the feelings that you experience can be confusing and easily erroneous. Nevertheless, do not ignore them, pay attention to them, or return to them later, when you have a clearer mind.

Love and personal relationship

Direct position

In the context of love of the moon - Arkan treason, impermanence, indifference. Relationships live in lies, secrets, secrets and villains.

The moon warns about the insincerity of the partner, perhaps it is not free, or originally led a double game, and now not knowing how to get up using false excuses. The card indicates the lack of stability in the relationship, emotional and sexy ups and downs, inexpensive, riddles and phrases with a double meaning.

The moon is a silence card that complicates relationships, because problems arise due to the secret and hidden. Partners are "boiled" in delusions, in misunderstanding, in secret motifs and thoughts.

The moon is also connected with deeper needs and natural instincts. Here are those strings of the souls that a person or does not want to notice, or hides. Relationships may have homosexual nature. A person is experiencing new erotic sensations not to the end to understand what happens to him, but hidden powerful forces lead him, and he is no longer able to get away from this road.

Moon - Arkan strong sexual desire, animal passion, temptations and powerful attraction. Partners often experience fear of unfamiliar inner truth, not fully realizing their carnal desires. The map speaks of obsession, or magical thrust to a person accompanied with pain and suffering.

Inverted position

In the back position, the map implies a lie and dishonest relationship. The deception begins to open, turning the true essence of the relationship inside out. You can do self-deception yourself, closing your eyes on obvious facts about your connection and partner. You are preferable to stay blinded than to take an unpleasant truth. Such a situation leads to groundless jealousy, distrust and insecurity. You are constantly waiting for a partner's trick. You are holding fear for a joint future, fear of untreated secrets and secrets.

For lonely people, the Arcan is an indicator of determination and self-confidence. You had a period of uncertainty, and now it's time to return composure and be ready for a new love wave.

The moon also assumes that you deliberately ignore signs, inner voice, intuition tips that the partner is actually not suitable for you. Listen to yourself, do not go on the fear of staying alone.


Direct position

The map in the context of work foreshadows misunderstanding between colleagues and bosses, which can cause problems or misunderstanding. Perhaps the full information is hidden from you, or you have unreliable facts for making important decisions. You could not consider any aspects in the work related, for example, with the launch of the company, and this may damage your bank account and business.

The moon is not a benevolent map on a professional field. Beware of business partners-competitors, do not share with any of your business plans. There may be fraud, intrigue, confusion in relations with colleagues, tension, waiting for a trick. As well as hidden thoughts, betrayal, lies, fear to lose.

The moon includes creative people: artists, poets, sculptors, fashion designers. Often psychotherapists, mediums, people associated with Astral, Occultism, magic.

Inverted position

In the inverted form, the moon points to the block and restrictions in your any endeavors. Better and do not try, you will fail. If the early at work there were problems, misunderstanding, now, any uncertainty or instability, will begin to balance.

Faith will appear, rationality and logic in making decisions, you will feel more confident in your direction. Cheating, if it is, will reveal. Missing facts and information will complement the overall picture. Beware of ill-wishers, you go around the edge, listen to intuition. The card is especially advised not to take loans.


Direct position

In the context of health, the moon can mean mental problems, alarming disorders, fears and depression, when qualified assistance is needed. Possible insomnia, nightmares, walking in a dream, lethargic sleep. There is a connection with alcohol and drugs. For women, the moon indicates the problem associated with the menstrual cycle, or on a hormonal imbalance. The card also indicates a possible pregnancy, where the mother genes will affect the health of the future child.

Inverted position

The inverted card for the most part is a positive card with respect to health, since it may indicate the elimination of mental health problems, such as depression or anxiety. Nevertheless, it shows the inability to separate the reality from fantasy, and if negative cards are surrounded, then articular disease or paranoia is possible here, which progress.

Problems with urinary system, incontinence, swelling. Problems with speech, stuttering, silence, the state of apathy, autoimmune diseases are allowed. Sensitive reaction to the moon phases, atmospheric pressure, especially expressed in hypertensive.

In general, the moon indicates stability, accuracy and correctness of diagnoses and subsequent treatment.

The moon refers to the deep state of sensitivity and imaginary impressionability. Here people dream and come into trance, have vision and get prophecies, support communication with psychics and experience deep mystical and terrifying reality outside ordinary feelings.

In a conscious state, a person cannot always control everything that happens to him. The mard of the moon is the final test of the integrity of the soul, where the membrane is removed between the person and the unknown, and the path of individuality returns to the ocean of being. What happens next occurs between the soul and its creator.

In this regard, the map advises to listen to his body, trust instincts and intuition. Rely on your internal resources as the best source of support and security. Your inner voice unmistakably supports you if you do not interfere or try to control what you perceive.

Burn with fears and anxiety, because they can be the fruit of your imagination. Do not be afraid of interventions and influence on the occult forces. It would be best to meditate. Try to just be a witness. Do not do anything: let the nature itself decides and acts. This will be your best option in many situations.

  • Someone deceives you.
  • Manipulator.
  • You do not control the situation.
  • Black magic.
  • The answer is unknown at this time.
  • Things are hidden from you.
  • You are out of reach.
  • Be off one league.
  • You must relax.
  • Nightmares

With the king of cups:

  • Emotional injury.
  • Massive headache or migraine.
  • Too much water.

The main value of the map

Direct position

This Arcan speaks about the hidden, unconscious. He interprets about the mysteries of the soul, her dark roughcots. His brightest aspect is our fantasies, the fruits of imagination, dreams, dreams. The moon displays what changes the emotional coloring together with the change of day and night - dreams that worry us at night and dissipate with the sunrise; Strange sounds and whispers arising in the dark and completely forgotten by us in the light of bright light. The moon is particularly well interpreted with neighboring cards, for it is in combination with other arcans it gives more specific interpretations. For example, with a magician of the moon indicates that man (with his uncertainty, dreamence, etc.) manipulates; with the wheel of Fortune - about the unknown in front; With moderate - about changeability.

Inverted position

The moon is not easy arcan, not carrying a direct threat, but indicating the negative, danger. In general, an inverted moon is our fears, concerns, premonitions. She can talk about heavy or even nightmarish dreams and warn about the feeling of insecurity in front of someone or something. If the inverted moon in the scenario drops next to the jester, then this means that the person himself is confused in his own fears. In addition, the moon with priestess means that a person is blackwaling by any occult action; With justice is a sign of deception, focusing.

Love and relations

Direct position

For the personal sphere, the moon symbolizes insecurity in their partner and in the long-term and prospects of relations. If this Arkan fell in the situation, it may indicate some unexplained circumstances, which, even if not directly, but still affect the development of relationships. When sampling, the Moon indicates that the person is inclined to build "air" castles, encourages borneless dreams. And, of course, that a person very thinly perceives all the nuances of feelings and emotions. Our ability to experience insight demonstrates the combination of the moon and the sun, the combination of the Moon and the court speaks of a developed intuition.

Inverted position

The moon in an inverted position is unreasonable jealousy, fear for the future with his partner, deception on his part, the inability to get any reliable information. In the scenario, this arcan in an inverted form can symbolize instability - in his feelings, in promises, intentions.

If the inverted moon fell out of love, then the current relationship was originally built on deception, with the devil - you need to be afraid of great deception, even adherence from the partner.


Direct position

The moon for a career is an irrational aspects regarding this side of a person's life. The moon falls out if someone is experiencing fears about their incompetence, lack of experience, abilities. By itself, the Arkan is not always able to suggest how great the grounds for fears and experiences; Maybe they are not at all. Therefore, it makes sense to pay attention to cards that fell nearby. For example, the moon, together with the emperor, can mean an incompetent colleague, on the opinion or knowledge of which a person is unnecessarily relying, the moon with a star - forgetfulness, etc.

Inverted position

If the moon fell out in the side of his career, the moon fell in an inverted position, which means he feels that he does not avoid trouble. It can not always formulate their reasons, but intuitively feeling that they are. Very often an inverted moon indicates that sources of problems are in the man itself, who himself creates reasons for doubt and excitement. Together with the tower, an inverted Moon says that in his path of concerns and self-named, a person has happened hardly to madness; Together with the world - that it is not possible to place all uncertainties and ambiguity in their place.

Fears in themselves should try to overcome in every way. Because, only overcoming, correcting, improving something, we can move forward. And besides, can the shadows and ghostly difficulties become on their way? You need to fight even with real problems, what to talk about doubts and difficulties that exist only in our imagination!

At Arkana Taro Moon Night. Night - Dark and mysterious time - the time of cold, darkness, fear and hiding truth. Cold Light Moon lights winding roadrunning between two towers. It is difficult to go on such a road, she symbolizes the life path of a person, with obstacles and difficulties. The road goes beyond the horizon, In the unknown, the end of the way can not be predicted, as it is impossible to predict your death. Two towers at the road They personify human consciousness and subconscious, intuition and logic. Sitted on the road dog and wolf, Symbolizing our animal nature, frightened and admired the spectacle of the full moon, subordinate to its influence.

Dog At Arkan, the star indicates the useful power of instincts, to the conscious level and the system of values, to which everyone is involved from birth. Wolf on Arkan Star- It is a dangerous, but equal to the necessary power of instinct - all our reflexes, desires, intuitive perception of the world - all this personifies our subconscious. It's a "wild" levelwhich person cannot control, but a person can suppress him consciousness, drowning his voice. Dog and Wolf - Enemies. If the desires are suppressed by reality, then a person ceases to conscious of his true aspirations.

And if the subconscious takes over the mind, a person can turn into a dangerous and aggressive beast. The road has a small muddy lake. Muddy water - This is a lie hiding the truth. Cancer stew back, showing that both a person needs to return to its origins, listen to the voice of his intuition, to its instincts. The bright moon illuminates the entire space of Arkana with its cold, lifeless light. And in this light our fears, illusions, incredible seems to us possible. The moon has strong magnetism that attracts and dominates. She appears to our animal nature, acts on the subconscious, on the will, not subject to reason. Moon Changeable by definition, every day of his cycle she changes the appearance, and with her the entire dutiful world is changing. The power of tides and sings is changing, together with the growth of the moon, the excitability of people and animals is growing. For example, the number of crimes caused by an increase in aggressiveness, such as fights and rape increasing. Women's cycles are associated with the impact of the moon. Arkan Moon teaches us not to renounced and do not hide from the gloomy side of life, but clarify for yourself that this is an integral part, without which there is no harmony in the world.

The value of 18 Arkan Taro Moon in the literal position:

Key values \u200b\u200bof Arcana Taro Moon in the literal position: Fear of unknown, path in the dark. Cheating, self-deception. Journey through the hidden maze of your soul. Insecurity, misconceptions, confusion. Illusions, fantasies. Creative skills. Flight from reality.

Arkan Taro Moon on the relationship in the literal position: Lie, betrayal of a partner, treason. Jealousy, offense, fear of loneliness.

Arkan Taro Moon to work in the literal position:fears, uncertainty in tomorrow, in their abilities. Secret enemies. With creative professions, the development of imagination and artistic fantasy.

Arkan Taro Moon on health in the literal position: Nightmalls, nervous disorders, psychological diseases are possible, female diseases.

Council Arkana Moon in the literal position: You have to overcome obstacles at the level of your subconscious, to get the opportunity to move on. Listen to your forebodings, sleep, contact your subconscious, try to realize the real cause of your fear. You can find a worthy use of your talents in creativity, psychology or psychotherapy.

The value of 18 Arkan Taro Moon in a turned position:

Key Taro Moon Arcana Values \u200b\u200bin an outrestimated position: Imractiveness, empty fears, unreasonable suspicions. Quarrels on trifles, too serious attitude towards trifles.

Arkan Taro Moon on the relationship in an outrestimate position: suspicion, quarrel. A small deception that will reveal. With its doubts about the partner, you yourself repel it from yourself.

Arkan Taro Moon to work in a turned position: You see the problem where it is not. It seems to you that everything is configured against you. You yourself, with your fears and fears, prevent your productive activities.

Arkan Taro Moon on health in a turned out: Mintiness, obsessive thoughts.

Council Arkana Moon in a turned out: You need to sort out yourself, to clean up in your thoughts, get rid of shortiness and empty fears. Do not take speaking solutions if all the details of the situation are not clear.

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