Stories about romances between a teacher and a student. Is love possible between a teacher and a student?

I left the director’s office in slight excitement: now the bell would ring, signaling the start of the fourth period. The fourth for all students and teachers, but the first for me personally, the first in this city, the first in this school, but not the first in my life. I think it's worth introducing yourself first. My name is Stas, or rather now Stanislav Alexandrovich, and I am now (fanfare) a high school literature teacher. Why did I become a teacher, although I could easily have entered the law school, where my dad was the dean, and become a successful lawyer in the future? I don’t know, I never had enough patience for such boring and painstaking work, especially since I never had any problems with the Russian language and literature. I enjoyed writing essays not only for myself, but also for my classmates (for which I gained quite a good reputation among my peers, which, by the way, helped me out a lot). The parents, of course, were hysterical when they found out that their The only son I decided to “ruin my future at the root,” as they put it then, but, realizing that it was useless to argue with me (I always knew how to insist on my own) and, sincerely wishing me happiness, they calmed down and even promised to help me in any difficulties. So I entered ped, and there... And there I found my Nastenka and got married, you idiot. No, no, I’m happily married and I love my wife, but there are times when she just infuriates me. I’m wrong, of course, for admitting such thoughts, but the atmosphere sometimes becomes so tense that I simply can’t stand it. Then I leave the house for an hour or two, “meditate” and return as a Teddy bear. True, every year such moments happen more and more often, and more and more time is spent on “meditation”, which is why, at thirty-five years old, I have not yet had children, they definitely need a calm atmosphere in the family, and even I I can’t figure it out for myself... But I won’t bore you and will move on to real-time events.

I’m walking down the corridor, all so worried, and then BAM! A moment - and I’m on the floor, and in front of me (also on the floor) a girl is rubbing her bruised forehead.

Sorry,” she muttered and stood up, I also immediately stood up.

Mmmm... I looked at her: a beautiful figure, shiny blue-black hair, regular facial features, plump lips... her huge greenish-ocher eyes, framed by fluffy pitch-black eyelashes, looked at me so intently , which seemed like they could burn right through me, goosebumps ran down my spine - what the hell?! Still not taking her eyes off me, she disappeared behind the door of office No. 32. Damn, I should go there too. What was I afraid of, exactly? I pushed the door open and entered the classroom, just as the bell rang and the students lined up at their seats.

“Hello, sit down,” I greeted the class, “My name is Stanislav Aleksandrovich and I am your new literature teacher. I hope we'll become friends.

An interested whisper passed through the class. The girls giggled, looking at me, some even tried to shoot with their eyes. And the boys looked from under their brows and with obvious hostility. Yeah, kids... Well, I'm already used to it. A male teacher in our country is a rare thing, in short supply, one might say, so everyone hangs on me (I tell you this, in confidence, just don’t tell my wife), but in such cases I include a strict uncle-teacher ( and it's true!) and sooner or later the girls get tired of this game. Well, so far this 9"B" has not become an exception.

I think a girl at least once in her life fell in love with a man much older than her. So I fell in love with the Terminator (even in the first part where he is bad =)), Robot Cop, Tuxedo Mask (from Sailor Moon), Lesha - a deaf-mute boy from the yard (he was 17, and I was 6, I liked him very much). Such loves are of course not serious. But it also happens: a school teacher (or someone else, but I think the age difference is clear), and a girl is in love with him - just literally - a girl! I myself have observed such a picture more than once. Sometimes the age difference can be 20 years or more, but this can still be tolerated if it is a matter of two adults. But if we're talking about about the child, that’s a different matter.

Let me give you an example (with the consent of the participant in these events) of one story. For example and reflection.

Love story

“I once studied at school (when I remember school, tears come to my eyes - I hate it... =)) Well, I had a classmate, and the class was seventh (7 “B” as a group). And then one day a teacher came to our practice, by general standards - a goldfinch - 23 years old. He’s all good and kind (fresh, school hadn’t broken his brain yet). Many girls immediately fell in love with him (it didn’t affect me - not my type). My friend with whom I was in a confidential relationship also fell in love with him; at that time she was 14. Romance... a young woman gone crazy. I went with him, they were on the same path. I talked, communicated, and began to study better. I especially prepared for his lessons. The love of youth is the most sincere and kind. There was no question of intimacy, she loved him too much and the age difference did not bother her, she hoped that after finishing school she would marry him and took care of herself for him. There were no retaliatory actions on his part, I mean retreat and explain to her that he is a teacher - she is a student and there can be no relationship. Of course he guessed about her feelings. Once she even kissed him on the cheek - here, of course, everything is clear, even such a fool as he will understand.


A similar picture did not go unnoticed, I think the girls who were in love with him realized that my friend also liked him - jealousy. And somehow on parent meeting, once when I was sick (I would have put everyone there in their place!), the mother of one of the girls raised this topic about my friend’s relationship with the teachers, with the confidence that they were far from platonic (I think everyone thinks to the extent of their depravity) . This teacher did not refute these guesses in any way and did not come to her defense, he simply pretended angrily that he had been offended for no reason and left. There was a lot of noise (as she later told me). There were quarrels in the family. Afterwards he avoided her, and gossip spread. People from parallel classes shouted all sorts of nasty things at her. Until the last call (which I again missed due to health reasons), she never explained the situation to him. Of course, he wasn’t fired, and for no reason at all. But the girl's heart is broken. After finishing school, she found him on the Internet and explained to me that she just wanted to get to know him and didn’t feel anything for him anymore (yeah, but I’m a fool and don’t understand that she still loves him). In general, she talked to him, it turned out that he was generally a pervert - he offered her sex. It seems that she recognized his true nature, but still did not remove him from her world. I think she still has something there - hope. She really loved him sincerely."

This is the picture I observed and continue to see to this day.

Moral standards

The story I described still ended well. In many such cases, the relationship does not stop at platonics. And many more “not childish” problems arise for both the student and the teacher. But I won’t be so categorical, if this is love and love not for “fresh meat”, then the age difference and “teacher-student” status should not affect the relationship (at least he will wait for her to come of age and get married before “before”) . But by and large, a man is looking for a young girl, he is pleased by her love and dependence. Such relationships do not bring anything good to young girls. Everyone has their own moral standards, but we also need to remember the existence Criminal Code and liability for those whom we have tamed (this is me for those “uncles” who are very attracted to young girls)

Bottom line

So, my dear, love is a wonderful feeling, but an even more wonderful feeling is when you know that they love you, and not your naivety and youth! And oh, so many of them! Be young and naive, but know your worth - you are priceless! And there will be a “prince” for you and will love you before and after old age =)

I typed the beginning of my story several times, but sooner or later I pressed the "Backspace" key. This is because it’s really difficult to start - either you need to talk about your childhood, about meeting someone him, or about our problems now... If it turns out clumsy, don’t be angry, this is my first experience of writing a life story :)

And this was two years ago, when I was just getting used to the role of a ninth-grader. In our lyceum we take rigorous exams after each school year, and not only in the 9th and 11th grades, that time I took the August retake, for which I prepared day and night, so when everything was over, I wanted to breathe out calmly, despite the beginning of the school year. It was not to be: at the very beginning of September I was sent to some kind of Olympiad competition in history. I had to go there accompanied by a teacher, but when I stood at the school at the appointed time, a very nice woman, our head teacher, met me. She said that my teacher was sick, so her son, Ilya, would take me. “Well, okay, Ilya, so Ilya, if only he arrived faster, because we are terribly late.” - I thought then.

We met him along the way. They couldn’t help but start talking - both are talkative, and it’s somehow difficult to remain silent while in the same car. It turned out that he was a 3rd year student at our local university, but did not study at our lyceum, so we had not crossed paths before. He told me about his hobbies and asked what I planned to do. In the end, he encouraged me, told me not to come back without first place, and very unexpectedly hugged me. Just a tight, friendly hug for good luck. I was confused, and then I realized that he was a great hugger:) People who give great hugs are generally cool.

Then some amazing things happened: on the same day he found me on VKontakte and added me as a friend, wrote me, found out how the Olympics went. He asked me very much to report the results as soon as they are known. I complied with his request - about two weeks later we celebrated my first place in a cafe, watched a movie on the tablet and ate ice cream. It was so easy with him, so cool and interesting that, according to the laws of the genre, I didn’t watch the clock - I returned home after 12 o’clock, for which I heard a couple of strong words from my mother.

Afterwards, we often wrote to each other, called each other, but did not meet again - study absorbed both him and me. True, we spent the New Year together, and with us were his brother (my classmate), friends and girlfriends. Then everyone had fun, we spent the whole night walking, skating and driving around the city.

From that moment there was silence until May of next year. I didn’t miss him, didn’t remember or think about him, so it’s unlikely that there were any feelings then. Just a guy with whom we just had fun once - without kisses or anything more, in a friendly way. He probably thought the same.

I had almost forgotten about the existence of Ilya, when suddenly life threw us an unexpected meeting. In May, my classmates and I went to Roma’s (Ilya’s brother) dacha for barbecue. There were a lot of people (two parallels), but in the midst of the fun Ilya joined us. In general, no one invited him, but he wanted to take a break from preparing for the session and, after seeing tempting photographs of fried meat in IG, he went to the dacha.

We then had a very atmospheric evening and the same night. It was cool outside, but we had a fire, the guys played guitars, we sang along with them and just enjoyed the moment. Ilya sat down next to me and started whispering very funny things in my ear, spoiling all the romance of the moment: D And then someone came up with the brilliant idea to go swimming, despite the cold water, the second hour of the night and the lack of swimsuits for everyone. As a result, I, in shorts and a T-shirt, “rolled” through the water on Ilya’s back. We rode home with him together.

There were no proposals to meet, no touching words or confessions - we just, from that night at the fire, automatically began to consider each other as one, or something. A week later, when our parallel, teachers and several other girls from primary school went to St. Petersburg, all the painful hours on the bus I dozed on his shoulder and ate his strategic supply of food, and at night we waited for the “guards” to go to bed sleep and moved to each other’s rooms, where they watched movies and just had fun.

We spent the whole summer together. He graduated from university and at graduation introduced me to his friends as his girlfriend. When I was somewhere in the area of ​​Greece, and he was eating pizza in Italy, we almost never left Skype and “walked” through the streets of our cities. We brought each other a sea of ​​gifts and literally didn’t get out of bed the whole day (in the absolutely decent sense of the word), slept together and were glad that now we would be parting for a very, very long time. He told me that he was looking for a job, then he said that he had found it, but did not tell me what kind. He asked me not to rush things, explained that I would soon find out everything myself. Well, I didn’t interrogate, I wasn’t interested in it at all.

And now, the first of September. At the festive assembly he stood next to the teachers, but I didn’t attach any importance to this, because... Ilya was holding a camera in his hands, therefore, he was photographing what was happening and it was simply better visible from the teacher’s seat. After the director's speech and the performance of the lyceum students, we went to the classes, where we received sheets with the schedule. Opposite the name of the subject was the room number and the name of the teacher. On September 2, our first class was computer science, and it was to be taught by... Ilya. His last name, his first name, his patronymic, everything is clearly printed without a single mistake. It's like I was doused cold water, I didn’t know how to react to this turn of events.

Well, I still don’t know. I didn’t go to class yesterday, and I didn’t pick up the phone all day, and today he had a day off, we haven’t seen each other yet. Am I acting like a fool, because on the one hand, nothing catastrophic happened, but on the other hand, the relationship between the teacher and the student? All my classmates knew about what happened, some teachers were also aware, and now everyone considers it their duty to make fun of how I will earn grades.

I don’t know what position to choose, what to answer and whether it’s worth continuing this relationship, if so, then how to save it in this case? How to protect yourself from public attacks, how to protect yourself and Ilya from teachers and children? If not, then how can I explain to Ilya why we are breaking up? On August 31st everything was great, we were driving around the city with him looking for a gift for my grandmother’s birthday, and the very next day this sticky feeling of fear appeared. Ilya is the first guy with whom I wanted more than friendship, I feel happy with him, I get unearthly pleasure from our meeting, and it’s just terribly hard for me to even imagine that a new circumstance will destroy all relationships. But what to do? How?

It was such a good start to the year.

Hello, I want to tell you a story that happened to me. It started a week before Valentine's Day.

I was in 9th grade then. An intern came to us, a young, handsome guy.

Since I am very amorous, I immediately liked him, but I didn’t realize it until the end.

(His name is Oleg, he is now 22 years old.) At the first meeting, I did not understand that this was our future teacher. She made eyes at him, smiled... flirted with one word.

Later, when HE came to class and said that he would teach our history, my hair almost stood on end!!!

The first month I still looked at him and smiled. (If I fall in love, then it’s a total bummer! I won’t leave this guy alone) :)

And so, I made the biggest mistake... even two;

first: I wrote a note like a little girl and when he was left alone in the office, I walked past his desk and quietly left this note on that very table;

and second: I was advised to write a better letter than these notes. Well, I ran to scribble confessions all in love...

do you know what is important? I was told not to write my address, but I wrote :) Like a naive fool, I thought that he would answer me. giggle 🙂 oh yes!

How did I find out his address? This was done in a brazen way :) I stole this teacher’s number from a classmate, poked around a little in the director’s office (find out as much information as possible) and turned to a friend so that she could run his address in the database :)

To my then great happiness, I found out everything, and soon decided to visit him (well, like, explain the subject) 😉

Oh, no, I wanted to lather up to him, but I didn’t dare. On New Year I gave it to him (although not myself, but my brother ran to him.. it was very funny, believe me) :)) He was a little “stunned”, but continued to hide his feelings. After all, if a student and a teacher have an affair, both of them will first be kicked out of school, and then perhaps the teacher will be tried for seduction.

So, every day I flirted with him more and more, and he became more and more nervous :) We studied then in the second shift, that is, somewhere until 19 o’clock. Oleg liked to stay longer at school, I later found out and decided to stay for the company 😉

I barely plucked up the courage and crossed the threshold of his office... what do I see? I see the office. without him. 🙁 I thought: well, damn, I just dared and he wasn’t there.. I’m standing in the office, I’m standing.. there’s only a security guard at school, me, Oleg and the cleaning ladies.. I feel someone standing behind me.. I got nervous.. I turned around.. (to be honest, my eyes almost fell out of their sockets then..) 🙂 I turned around.. and saw him.. wow, when I remember, I get goosebumps..rrrrrr :)

He stood so close to me that I could smell his eau de toilette.. I took a step back, he approached me and asked if I was looking for him.. from his voice, while explaining to him, I stumbled.. Then he took me by the hand. shoulders, led me forward and sat me on the first desk... I thought I would faint from happiness...

He took my hands and said that he understood everything a long time ago, but nothing could happen between us... and then... my face changed color 10 times... I was speechless... I... I... I... I just didn’t expect it , that he will tell me “this”... in the sense not that we can’t have anything, but that he will talk to me about this topic... by the way, I forgot to say, I was very shy of him.. very very!!! And when he took me first by the shoulders and then by the hands, everything in my mouth went dry... I was in deep shock...... I dreamed about him all day... and night :)

Well, in general, I was in shock.. without saying anything, I left the office, leaving some abstracts.. I went home and just became hysterical.. I was so offended.. Then the director found out that we were late together in the office and said that One more incident like this and he will be fired. This is school love.

Co next day He stopped paying attention to me AT ALL!!! At first I didn’t understand anything, and then I thought that he simply had a girlfriend and also stopped paying him attention..... out of spite for him, and for our boys (after all, it’s Valentine’s Day) :)

So, I came in a short skirt…..put on stockings..(well, it doesn’t matter in general 😉)….and here’s a history lesson…at the beginning of the lesson I took out valentines…and started handing them out to the guys, sometimes accidentally injuring what , I had to pick it up from the floor - then 😉 so I bent over: D.. (further not interesting.. ordinary lessons with a worried, blushing teacher 😉)

And now, the last lesson...."Svetlana, please come see me after the last lesson." As if nothing had happened, I walked in... he, pretending that he didn’t know who came in, said, “Close the door.” I, pretending that I didn’t understand anything, went and closed it;)) Standing in front of his desk, I asked: “Did you ask me to come in?”

He stood up silently, walked towards the door (that is, to the other end of the office), I stood there without turning around... he again came up from behind and hugged me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath...Then Oleg pressed himself even closer to me.....I turned around......we wanted to kiss..and then his phone he was standing next to me, I heard “Olezha, where are you?” (or something like).

I immediately took his hands away, but didn’t want to leave.. I just stood there and looked into his eyes.. he hung up the phone and came up to me.. wanted to hug me……….. looking at me (I still remember his big blue eyes with long black eyelashes).. and then a tear rolled down... Oleg, in bewilderment, thought that it was because of the call and began to make excuses that it was his sister.. I stood silently, listened and looked at him...

he asked: “Baby, what are you doing?” I stood silently... he asked: “Can I kiss you?” I stood silently... for two minutes we stood silently, looking at each other...... then I stood on my tiptoes, lightly took his head, my lips barely touched his lips... he longed to kiss me... then he suddenly pulled me to him and began to kiss. .

Spring Mayhem. Igor stood at the window for a long time and watched from the height of the second floor as people walked past the house. The sun melted the remaining snow from the sidewalks and roofs. There was water everywhere. It poured from above, flowed down gutters, and flowed along the asphalt. Passers-by were going about their different business. Those who did not pay attention to their surroundings and went to their own store, social security, or savings bank. All this was on the first floor of the opposite house...
Behind Igor, the chimes of an ancient home clock struck. The young man shuddered and turned around at half past twelve. I have to get ready for school soon. For some reason he thought about Galina Alexandrovna. He wanted to see her, catch the gaze of her gray eyes, hear his last name and the question: “What do you think Privalov?” And he is ready to respond with a whole tirade about Gogol’s work, about why many of his works contain fantastic images.
On his desk lies a three-volume work by Nikolai Vasilyevich with many bookmarks.
This is the first lesson with her. And the second one is German. Then physics, mathematics, chemistry... But again his thoughts returned to Galina Alexandrovna. He wanted to see her. Beautiful face, graceful figure, proud gait of a ballerina.
Yes, there is an internal connection between them. It’s as if they read each other’s thoughts, as if they were the same age and Galina Alexandrovna, a student sitting next to him at the same desk, was suddenly asked to teach one lesson first. Then again and again. But every time in the teacher’s gaze, Igor read the promise to return to him.
The first lesson with her began in the ninth grade. In September, when Galina Aleksandrovna first entered their class and, calling out names from the magazine, brought the students up to meet them.
Privalov was seventh from the end. In front of him is Pleshakova, behind him is Rybakov, Stenina. Ugryumov...
- Voronin?
The girl sitting next to Igor reluctantly stood up.
- I.
- Favorite piece?
Lenka looked at Igor in confusion. She didn't have a favorite piece.
Zhenya Golunov, sitting behind him, whispered “Mother” to Gorky.
- Gorky's mother.
Everyone laughed. This work was not tested.
- Fine. Golunov?
Zhenya stood up.
What Igor was thinking about during this meeting, he could not say. His name sounded unexpectedly, and before it dawned on him, the teacher asked again:
- Privalov?
He stood up. Voronina giggled from the side.
- Favorite hero?
- What if the heroine? – Igor asked.
- Who?
- Tatyana Larina.
- Did you pass?
- My sister passed by.
- Okay, sit down.
Not “sit down”, but “sit down”. As an equal. Igor liked this.
Six months later, no, it was a year ago, in April, Voronina fell ill then, and some respectable inspectors led by headmistress Mamonova came to the lesson, Galina Aleksandrovna sat down next to Igor. The headmistress remained standing, the two guests were given chairs, and the high official began teaching a literature lesson. Somehow, wisely, he asked the students questions about life, about who they will become after school and whether they are good at studying?
Galina Aleksandrovna did not betray her feelings in any way. She was just taking some notes.
She was very close, and Igor glanced sideways at her perfectly styled hair, clean line of her face, slightly stubborn chin, thin neck. Unexpectedly for himself, Igor drew attention to the high breasts, which were large and the blouse parted, revealing a beautiful bra and part of the white tense flesh.
It was then that something woke up in him. He lowered his eyes and blushed, as if he had been caught doing something illegal.
Conversations in the locker room during physical education flashed through my head, when the boys talked about how the girls were undressing now. And it would be good to look at them.
“But also to fuck,” said Shustov. He had been shaving for a long time and they said that he lived with a neighbor on the landing and the couple’s parents had nothing against it.
Someone responded and there was talk about victories over girls. Trofimov, laughing, talked about how he once very successfully escorted Valyusha from a parallel class from the disco. “Well, she has boobs! - he exclaimed. “I’ve already crushed them...”
-Didn’t you look in the pussy? – Shustov asked, cackling.
“It was,” said Trofimov. But somehow unsure.
Everyone realized that nothing happened...
Then, at her desk, Galina Aleksandrovna did not seem to see any glances or the student’s condition.
A month later she left him after class. It was the last lesson, and Igor volunteered to write the script for a small production at a school party.
The first days of May were hot and the windows in the classroom were open.
“Sit at this desk,” the teacher suggested and pointed to the one that was in contact with her table.
She smelled of cream, deodorant and something else that could not be defined. Perhaps, if you remember how my sister smelled when she often ran to the bathroom, locked it, and then, coming out, carefully examined herself in the mirror. At the level of the legs and butt.
“Go, everything is fine,” the mother said and at the same time looked at her son with an unseeing gaze.
But no, it was different. Something sweet and... forbidden.
- The idea of ​​the performance? – asked Galina Alexandrovna. She opened the journal and began making notes in it. This time she was wearing a thin pullover with a small cutout, but her breasts seemed very large. It rose rhythmically with each breath and fell with each exhalation.
- Idea? – Igor asked again and thought about the teacher’s lips. They were bright and clearly outlined in an elegant bow on her rosy cheeks. – The idea, I think, is to go on stage, no, go out in order, in costumes literary heroes, found in our time. And their remarks about what they saw with us...
He talked and talked, but did not take his eyes off the young woman’s lips. He didn't see her put down the magazine and start looking at him.
And again his gaze fell on his chest. And he was again embarrassed at the thought of seeing her without clothes.
He quickly chattered and the teacher looked at her watch.
“Okay,” she said. - Make notes. Is a week enough?
Igor just nodded his head.
At night he slept in fits and starts, he dreamed of a teacher who was bathing him in the bathroom, but it turned out badly because there were dirty places on his body, and then the teacher entered the bathroom. How she ended up naked, Igor did not understand. He felt only great desire and their bodies were intertwined.
Only in the morning he fell asleep and was awakened by a piercing phone call from his mother, who decided to take him to school.
The performance turned out well, and it was noted with a special order from the school. After the exams, Igor went to the sea, to his aunt. And he stayed there until half of August. He almost forgot about Galina Alexandrovna, because for the first time he had a girl who allowed him everything. Her name was Oksana, and they swore love.
Autumn and winter somehow passed unnoticed. Igor became interested in basketball, and he spent a lot of time visiting the military registration and enlistment office and passing the commission. He and Zhenya Golunov decided to enroll in military school, definitely in flight. But there were many doctors, and an occulist could put an end to it.
And here is yesterday. Nothing seemed to happen.
As usual, the second shift waited outside for the first shift to end. At one o'clock in the afternoon the little ones came out, and then the teacher on duty at the school gave the go-ahead. Within a few minutes, such a whirlwind and hubbub began in the foyer that usually the more experienced students let everyone through and managed to calmly go to their classes. Yesterday Igor found himself in a whirlpool, and the crowd carried him to the wall, where he collided with Galina Alekseevna. For a moment they were pressed against each other, Igor felt dizzy from the fact that he felt the woman’s elastic body and her unusual smells.
Galina Aleksandrovna, unexpectedly for everyone, shouted very loudly and all the students, hearing her for the first time in anger, fell silent. They quickly dissolved, and Igor bent down to pick up the folder, which was knocked out of Galina Alexandrovna’s hands in the whirlpool.
She thanked him and lightly touched his arm.
What was it? An act of gratitude, just an accident or a deliberate movement?
Igor peered at the passers-by and suddenly saw on the opposite side, at the bus stop, a teacher getting off the bus. It was she, Galina Aleksandrovna. She took some piece of paper out of her pocket, then looked at the house numbers and confidently headed towards Igor’s house under the green light at the intersection.
Having crossed the road, she was already walking towards the entrance. And suddenly, raising her head, she looked at the window, behind the glass of which stood Igor. He stepped back, although behind the tulle curtain he was hardly visible from the outside.
Soon the bell rang and Igor, standing at the door, saw through the “peephole” the woman’s slightly distorted face.
He opened.
- Privalov? Can I come in?
- Yes Yes.
Galina Alexandrovna handed over her cloak and elegant hat. She found herself in a dark blue suit that hugged her figure tightly. She did not take off her light gauze scarf, and it diluted the unusual smell of expensive perfume.
- I wanted to meet your family.
- No one at home. Mom hasn't come home from work yet, although she usually finishes...
Igor stopped. He didn’t want to give away his mother’s profession, but decided not to prevaricate:
- by 12. Should come.
- Okay, we have about an hour left. We'll wait a little and go to school. I know what your mom does. What about your sister?
- She's at the university almost all day. Let's go to the hall. You can sit there.
- Do you have three rooms?
- Yes.
- And how did you separate them?
- My sister and I share a room. Mom is sleeping in the living room on the sofa.
“Well, yes,” answered Galina Aleksandrovna, “sofa, kitchen, work...
Igor understood the guest’s slightly mocking tone. He began to explain:
- They used to sleep in the same room. Then mom left...
- Show me your room.
They haven't entered the hall yet.
- I have there...
“Well, okay,” the teacher smiled, “I was a student not so long ago.” We probably won't wait. Go, get ready and let's go.
Igor turned in the direction of his room, but suddenly stopped:
- This is only your second year working? Right after school?
- Yes.
- And we are seven years apart?
“Exact mathematical calculation,” the teacher grinned. - You go, get ready.
- Are you married?
- I? – Galina Aleksandrovna laughed. – Why do you need this, Privalov?
“There is a difference,” he said. - I love you.
- How do you like it?
- Like a woman.
- Where are the flowers, the appropriate setting? And there shouldn’t be anything between us!
It was clear that Galina Aleksandrovna was trying to keep the situation under control with a joking tone and words.
- But it exists!
- I don’t know what’s on your part, but I don’t think it’s love. I like you as a student.
- That's all?
- Yes, probably.
- Can I check this?
- How?
Igor quickly stepped towards the girl, hugged her, pulled her face towards him and pressed his lips to hers.
At first there was inaction. Igor felt a slight chill. But suddenly Galina Alexandrovna’s lips trembled, and she opened them slightly. Igor and the teacher joined in a deep kiss.
When it ended, both pulled away from each other in amazement and Galina Aleksandrovna turned away.
- All this is wrong, you should not have provoked me into this.
She turned to Igor, looked at him intently and silently walked into the hallway.
Igor spread his arms, blocking her path:
- Galina, wait.
He hugged her again and the girl could not stand it and gave in to this kiss.
They didn’t immediately realize how they ended up in Igor’s room and began to frantically undress.
After a while, Galina Alexandrovna lay on Igor’s shoulder:
- I fell in love with you at first sight. But I struggled and, it seems, you pulled away from me...
- Yes, I tried to overcome my feelings and left for the summer. There I had my first girlfriend. But I feel absolutely nothing for her...
“Oh, you scoundrel,” Galina Aleksandrovna raised her head. – Although, maybe this is correct. I once also tested myself with one student. But you're just a boy! Oh, what time is it?
- Half!
They jumped off and began to quickly get dressed.
“You smell amazing, my love,” Igor shouted, pulling on his clothes.
- And you are innocent and pure! I love you!
- Don’t give me A’s, I’ll study everything, but don’t single me out!
- I will give you A's because you are the best in the class.
- I don’t want to let you down, I won’t look at you!
- Look at me, I can’t live without this...
At this time, the sound of a key being inserted into the door lock was heard. But the young people were ready, and Galina Alexandrovna had already covered herself with her cloak...
Igor’s mother came in.
- Who are you? – she asked Galina Alexandrovna.
- Teacher... I’ll wait for a minute, I wanted to wait for you, but I have to hurry.
“You should have called me,” my mother answered, “I went into the store.” Here, Igor, put it in the kitchen.
The son grabbed his mother's bag.
- What happened? – Mom quietly asked the teacher.
- Nothing special. He is a good student of yours. I wanted to thank you... Your son is helping me well.
- I’m glad, it’s a pity my father didn’t live long... They killed him, he stood up for a woman in a dark passage.
- Tell me later. I'll definitely come by. But we have to run.

In July, Igor and Galina got married.
Galina went to another school, Igor entered the pedagogical university, the same occulist ruined his career as an officer. A year later, Igor was drafted into the army. That same year he had twins and a few months later he was legally released into civilian life. He continued to study and was already taking lessons at school with his wife.

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