How to make a health certificate for work. How to get a personal medical record and how much will it cost? Sanitary record and what is it for?

According to current legislation, workers in a number of specialties are required to have a medical record. Its absence creates many problems both for the employee and for the organization in which he works. It is much wiser to know how to quickly obtain a medical record at a clinic, paying a minimum of money, and regularly update the necessary records.

The only documentary evidence of health status is a medical record. Its presence is required for employees who constantly work in close contact with people, food and chemicals. This document is also required for specialists with special complex skills. For each case, there is a list of doctors to examine and tests that need to be taken. You can find out exactly in Appendix No. 2 of the Order of the Ministry of Social Development of Russia.

Before you make a medical record, you need to decide where to receive it. In addition to local clinics, private clinics provide such services. Their services are more expensive, but you can receive the document in 2 days instead of the usual week.

Everything you need to apply for a medical record:

  1. Availability of a blank book with a hologram and 2 personal photos measuring 3x4. If the documents have already been issued previously and you only need to renew their validity, it is enough to take with you the previously received forms;
  2. Passport, medical pole, and if we're talking about about the local clinic, then an outpatient card;
  3. At the selected clinic, write an application (in block letters) about undergoing a medical examination, receive a bypass sheet from the reception desk, find out the work schedule of the necessary specialists, see the appropriate doctors and take tests;
  4. For some specialties, it is necessary to attend lectures and undergo hygienic certification and pass a test;
  5. Certify it with all signatures and seals confirming it.

You must be careful and not delay the medical examination if it has already begun. The fact is that some tests are valid for only two weeks, and after that they will have to be redone, wasting both time and additional funds. In addition, the employer will not pay for repeated tests in any case.

How to make a medical book for free?

It is impossible to make a medical book for free. However, depending on where you receive it, the price will vary significantly.

Registration at the clinic costs less than 2,000 rubles. The exact price depends on the list of tests and doctors you need to visit. In addition, about 700 rubles are needed to pay for a training course on hygienic certification. It can be taken at the local branch of Rospotrebnadzor or at a special training center that has the required level of accreditation.

Documents in a private clinic are processed much faster, but the cost of obtaining them is higher. Depending on the region of the country, this can cost 3,000 – 10,000 rubles, not counting lectures on hygiene. But if you need to do it very quickly, then this option is preferable, since a medical record at the clinic at your place of residence is provided approximately a week after submitting the application.

According to current legislation, the employer must bear the costs of obtaining a medical book, but in reality the situation is completely different. When informing about the need to obtain documents for work, the employee is asked to obtain them at his own expense, or funds are allocated in order to subsequently deduct them from wages. Of course, this is illegal, and such a decision of employers can be challenged in the labor inspectorate and even in court. Whether to do this, everyone decides for themselves.

If the medical book is missing

Employers must control the availability of documents for employees. In turn, employers are controlled by Rospotrebnadzor, guided by the Labor Code Russian Federation. In the absence of a medical record, following Art. 6.3. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, a fine is imposed:

  • For individuals those who do not have a book - 100-500 rubles;
  • Officials are required to pay - 500-1,000 rubles;
  • Individual entrepreneurs may be subject to a fine of 500-1,000 rubles, or they will have to suspend their activities for 3 months;
  • Legal entities will have to pay 10,000-25,000 rubles, or stop their activities for the same period.

In addition, it is possible to incur not only disciplinary liability, but also, in accordance with Art. 236 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, criminal.

Medical book(abbreviated medical book or medical book) - an employee document subject to strict reporting.

It is issued on special forms, protected from counterfeiting, and sealed with the seal and hologram of the organization that issued it, authorized by the Rospotrebnadzor authorities (in accordance with by order of Rospotrebnadzor No. 402 of May 20, 2005).

All issued ordination books are registered in Rospotrebnadzor Register.

Medical examinations are carried out in medical organizations, licensed for carrying out preventive examinations.

Pasted onto the second page photo owner, which is certified by a round .

It should be here signature worker, and round seal the authority that issued the medical book.

Enter on the third page owner information, his full name, year of birth, home address and job title.

A unique number is placed on the left side of the sheet. 7 digit code medical book.

The results of tests and medical examinations must be confirmed doctors' seals.

What additional documents are needed?

There aren't many of them. You need photographs of appropriate size and a passport. If you have vaccination certificates, they can also be included in this list.

Read more about the requirements for the document and the features of the new sample.

Form from the Internet

The sanitary book is a state-issued document, which is subject to mandatory registration, and is issued only by specialized organizations and only they can issue a document in an official form.

A form from the Internet, downloaded and completed independently, is void, is regarded as forgery of documents and entails criminal liability.

Who pays and the price of the issue

For employees of organizations included in the list of professions subject to mandatory preventive medical examination, registration of personal medical records is free of charge.

All registration costs must be borne by .

However, in reality, many employers hire people who already have available decorated san. book.

Either the employee, when registering with the organization, assumes all expenses, and the employer reimburses him for the cost of the medical document within the first month.

Collection of analyzes

Fast way to receive

How to get a medical book without spending too much time on it?

Passing a medical examination in private clinics can reduce its time for a few days.

In addition, a medical examination in paid institutions is the most comfortable, since there is no need to stand in long lines.

Apply for a medical certificate and undergo a medical examination within one day possible in specialized centers, interacting with SES.

Registration of a medical record, training, medical examination and certification - all these stages can be completed in one place in one day.

A completed medical record is issued in a week, after receiving test results.

The total cost of obtaining a rank book is: approximately 3500 rubles- the same as with the standard procedure, but the time frame for obtaining a medical book is reduced twice.

Thus, the procedure for obtaining a medical record takes from one to several weeks.

You can order and process through the epidemiology center or specialized centers, which reduces the time frame by almost twice.

All expenses are paid employer.

How much does a medical examination cost for a medical book?

Medical book, with a note about undergoing training(minimum dignity), will cost approximately 800 rubles.

The price for a medical examination is set medical organization, therefore prices for it in private and city clinics differ, on average from 1800 to 2500 rubles.

The cost is affected field of activity employee.

For employees of healthcare systems and the food industry it is implied more wide range clinical tests, and preventive examinations are more expensive for them than for workers in other professional fields.

Preventative examination includes:

  • examination by medical specialists: therapist, ENT specialist, dermatologist, infectious disease specialist, obstetrician-gynecologist, occupational pathologist, dentist, psychiatrist, narcologist;
  • diagnostic studies: fluorography and electrocardiogram;
  • laboratory tests (mandatory for all categories of citizens): biochemical and clinical blood tests, UMSS, smears for cytology and STDs;
  • additional tests: scraping for helminth eggs, stool according to KATO, tests for typhoid fever, dysentery, salmonellosis, staphylococcus.

Additional expenses

In addition to examination at the clinic, it is necessary to undergo doctors narcologist And psychiatrist in specialized dispensaries.

Their consultation costs approximately 150 rubles.

If the clinic does not provide an appointment with a dentist, then it must be done in a dental clinic for a fee (approximately 200 rubles).

Additionally you need to provide 3x4 photos And vaccination certificate.

Registration through the clinic

Passing a medical examination at a public clinic is a rather lengthy process that takes about two weeks.

First you need to purchase a medical book, then pay for the service through the clinic’s cash desk, this approximately 1800 – 2100 rubles and then proceed to the procedure itself.

It is almost impossible to get tested and see specialists within one day, due to long queues and limited appointment time.

Test results are being prepared from 3 to 5 working days.

After receiving the results, you must visit general practitioner for the final conclusion. He also needs to submit certificates from neuropsychiatric and drug treatment clinics and a vaccination certificate.

The results of the completed inspection are provided to the hygiene center, where, as a next step, certification of workers is carried out, which is paid additionally (approximately 180 rubles).

Thus, the total cost of a medical record when issued through a clinic will be about 3500 rub..

Specialized centers

In addition to the city clinic, a medical examination can be done in a private clinic or specialized centers that interact with "Center for Epidemiology and Hygiene".

In private clinics, the procedure costs a little more, from 2000 to 2500 rubles, however, it includes a number of advantages.

Pass lab tests and pass specialists perhaps within one day, and the results of diagnostic studies and the therapist’s conclusion will be ready in a week.

IN specialized centers all actions are performed In one place, from acquiring the ordination book to passing final certification, which significantly reduces the time required to complete the document.

The total cost of the finished medical book is from 3000 to 3500.

Is it possible to create a document for free?

For citizens applying for work in educational, healthcare, food industry organizations, as well as in enterprises providing household and utility services to the population, the costs of obtaining a medical book are paid at the expense of the employer(Article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Usually, when applying for a job, people undergo a medical examination at your own expense, and the employer reimburses within a month them the full cost.

But many private organizations (catering establishments, trade organizations, hairdressing salons) require applicants to have a ready health book, which they must do in advance and themselves.

In this case, the book should already be with passed a medical examination.

And so, in answer to the question: how much does it cost to make a medical book, we can say that its cost ultimately varies from 3500 to 4000.

Prepare a document inexpensively and in short time possible in specialized centers, and all registration costs must be borne by the employer.

Having a medical record is an indispensable requirement for a number of specialties related to:

  • Catering,
  • children's educational institutions,
  • spheres of household and public services,
  • medicine, etc.

This document certifies that a person does not have dangerous diseases that he can infect other people while performing his professional duties.

Is it possible to get a health card for free?

Of course, you don’t want to pay extra money to get a health card, so a logical question arises: “How to apply for and get a medical book for free”? Let's try to figure it out.

Before you make a health book for free or on a self-supporting basis, you need to know that those who receive the document for the first time will still pay a certain amount for its issuance. Is it possible to get a medical record at a clinic for free if you have a medical insurance policy? Regional clinics have their own tariffs for consultations with specialists and tests for medical records. They are, of course, significantly lower than in private clinics, but the process will take a little longer. At the clinic you will be given a list of specialists whose marks are required in accordance with the declared specialty. Without a medical record, an employee simply will not be hired for a position that requires it.

Free registration of a medical record

But there is still an option to apply for and receive a medical book for free. The book is needed to perform a specific job, so it is assumed that the person will work in some organization. Most organizations reissue medical records for their employees at their own expense. Thus, a health book in a clinic is issued to an employee free of charge at the expense of the employer. When applying for a job where a health certificate is required, check with the employer about this issue. Will he pay you for the renewal and re-issuance of the document or will you be required to do this on your own? Large organizations even carry out specialist visits to the site for a centralized mass renewal of medical records for employees. Naturally, all this is free for employees.

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A medical record is a document that is mandatory for every person when applying for a job in the catering and trade sectors, in preschool and educational institutions, as well as in medical and other institutions where employees are subject to special sanitary and hygienic requirements. A medical record is a direct confirmation of the future specialist’s professional suitability and absence of serious illnesses.

The requirements for completing this document are regulated by the current Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 302-dated April 12, 2011, which entered into force on January 1, 2012. It approves a list of harmful or severe factors and work, before performing which the employee is required to undergo established medical examinations, and also approves the procedure for conducting medical examinations.

Areas of activity whose workers are subject to the mandatory registration of a medical record:

  1. Branches of the food industry: production and manufacturing, transportation, storage and sale of food products.
  2. Catering organizations (restaurants, cafes, canteens, kiosks and fast food shops, snack bars, bars, pie shops), as well as any catering units, baby food distribution points and dairy kitchens.
  3. Trading enterprises selling, storing and transporting all types of food products and drinking water.
  4. Maternity hospitals and rehabilitation departments, children's hospitals and clinics, neonatal pathology centers.
  5. Children's and adolescent seasonal health institutions (health camps, labor collective associations of schoolchildren and adolescents).
  6. Organizations of temporary stay for the purpose of recreation or treatment: sanatoriums, hotels, holiday homes, boarding houses, guest houses, homes for the disabled and elderly (working directly with food - preparation, distribution).
  7. Swimming pools, steam rooms, baths, rejuvenating spa centers, centers providing medical and health procedures.
  8. Construction of water supply and water canals (work directly related to the preparation and treatment of water, maintenance sewer networks and structures, with the removal and disposal of all types of household waste).
  9. Livestock complexes for keeping different types of livestock, farms for breeding and keeping deer and cows, pig farms and enterprises processing products of animal origin.
  10. Kindergartens, children's development centers, specialized groups for various types activities (any work in groups where there are children of preschool and primary school age).

Methods for obtaining a medical record

This can be done in two ways: paid and free. It all depends on how much time and money the future employee has.

Option 1 (free) – go to the clinic at your place of registration. In this case, the algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Purchase a medical record form, fill out the first page and paste in your photo (you can buy the form at the SES or specialized medical centers).
  2. At the clinic reception desk, make an appointment with a therapist (bring your passport, insurance policy, outpatient card and medical record form with you).
  3. At the therapist’s appointment, clearly identify the area future activities(the number and types of tests and medical examinations may vary depending on the profession).
  4. According to the therapist’s directions, go through all the appointed specialists, obtain the necessary records and stamps in the book.
  5. Get tested (it is important to do this after all the specialists have been passed, since their validity period is limited).
  6. After this, make an appointment with your therapist again to complete the registration.

Option 2 (paid) - issue a document through a specialized medical center. center.

This significantly saves time and nerves, because most honey. centers offer complete walkthrough specialists and taking the necessary tests in 30 minutes. On the same day, the future employee receives a certificate stating that his medical record is being processed. And after a few days, you just need to come for certification and pick up a ready-made document with the necessary stamps and a hologram.

List of documents for preliminary medical examination:

  • passport;
  • photo 3*4;
  • direction to from the organization (with its data);
  • medical record form;
  • the result of the completed fluorography;
  • information about previous vaccinations.

List of specialists to pass

As mentioned above, the research and analysis required to obtain a medical record varies depending on the field of activity.

For workers who do not have contact with children, those who do not provide services to patients and do not work with food products - the list of specialists to be examined will be the smallest.

It is enough to get the result of fluorography, see a therapist, dermatologist and venereologist, and also pass the most basic tests, such as testing for gonorrhea, syphilis and trichomoniasis.

In certain areas of work, more stringent requirements are imposed on obtaining a medical record. So, you may need to undergo such specialists as an otolaryngologist and a dentist. Tests for typhoid fever and enterobiasis may be required.

A throat smear examination is often necessary to rule out the presence of a staphylococcal infection.

In some rare cases, workers donate blood for biochemistry, as well as tests that detect the level of bilirubin, enzymes and proteins in order to timely detect liver pathologies.

Medical employees are required to be tested for hepatitis and HIV infection.

How often are medical records issued?

Upon initial receipt, an initial medical examination and certification is carried out, then a medical examination is required to be completed annually.

How to renew a medical record

Renewal of a medical record means repeated visits to the necessary specialists and tests within a specified period. The frequency of this extension directly depends on the field of activity. For example, for persons who come into contact with children during their work, an examination is carried out every three months. mandatory. And for trade in manufactured goods, a second pass is required no earlier than after a year.


It is quite difficult to answer this question unequivocally; it depends on the prices of a particular honey. center, but it costs 4000-6000 rubles to navigate. (tests, specialists, vaccinations)

Responsibility for falsifying a medical record.

Today, the Internet is replete with tempting advertisements from companies offering to purchase fake honey. books at a low price for one day. It is worth avoiding this kind of proposal, since a medical record is the same document, and its forgery is criminally punishable and prosecuted by law. Moreover, the law punishes both the production and sale, as well as the purchase of counterfeit honey. books. Therefore, you should trust its execution only to organizations that document the authenticity of the document.

Thus, when faced with the need to obtain a medical record, you should remember:

  1. Get honey. You can get a book at the lowest cost by going to the clinic at your place of residence (if you have unlimited free time).
  2. To speed up the process of obtaining a document, you can use the services of paid medical centers. This will save time, but will not be cheap (about 5,000 rubles).
  3. Particular attention should be paid to the reputation of the organization providing the service. Criminal liability for falsifying a medical record falls on both the manufacturer and seller, as well as the owner of the document.
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