How to become a cool mage in Skyrim. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Walkthrough for the College of Mages. Charging empty soul stones

Choosing a leveling style for completing games in the series The Elder Scrolls has always been challenging. There are a lot of possibilities, but you won’t be able to use them all in one playthrough. The smartest thing to do is to decide in advance about your preferences for creating a character. To help in this difficult task, I will write the most interesting and balanced options in my opinion.

Path of Power:


  • Description: A fighter who relies exclusively on close combat. Screw spells and stealth - you're a heavily armored killing machine!To fight the dragon, you should complete the main one as soon as possible. storyline to get the Dragon Slayer shout.
  • Race selection: Orc, Redguard, Nord.
  • Skill Selection: One-handed or two-handed weapon, blocking possible (if using a shield). Heavy Armor, Smithing, Enchanting, Lockpicking. Perhaps Speech to make it easier to sell junk.
  • Selecting a constellation sign: Warrior, Atronach, Horse, or Lady.
  • Choice of ammunition: The best heavy armor available, ideally Daedric. Two-handed weapon, either a one-handed weapon and a shield, or two one-handed weapons in each hand. Collect more potions.


  • Description: A more tactically interesting variant of the warrior. We add a bow to a melee weapon, and it is not necessary to use heavy armor. A bow can start a fight wonderfully, it allows you to kill a weak enemy at a distance with one shot, and it can take out a flying dragon. At the same time, you will not be defenseless in close combat.
  • Race selection: Breton, Orc, Redguard, Nord, Dark Elf, Imperial.
  • Skill Selection: One type of melee, possibly Blocking, Shooting, Heavy or Light Armor, Lockpick, Speech.
  • Selecting a constellation sign: Lover, Warrior, Atronach, Horse, or Lady.
  • Choice of ammunition: Melee weapon, possibly a shield. Bow and many arrows. Armor to taste. Collect potions.


  • Description: Warrior-mage variant. You are wearing heavy armor, a weapon in one hand, a spell in the other. Choosing schools of magic and spells is largely a matter of personal preference.
  • Race selection: High Elf, Breton, Orc, Redguard, Nord, Dark Elf, Imperial.
  • Skill Selection: One-handed weapon, Heavy armor, Hacking, Speech, 2-3 schools of magic to taste.
  • Selecting a constellation sign: Lover, Atronach, Horse, or Lady.
  • Choice of ammunition: One-Handed Weapons, Heavy Armor, Potions (Unless you chose Restoration as a skill).


  • Description: The last and most extreme class. The skills of unarmored and unarmed combat have been removed from the game. If you liked this kind of roleplaying in previous parts of the series, you have only one way.
  • Race selection: Khajiit, and only him (Claw ability).
  • Skill Selection: Heavy armor (perk Fists of Steel and beyond), Smithing, Enchanting, Alchemy, Lockpicking.
  • Selecting a constellation sign: taste.
  • Choice of ammunition: Heavy armor, preferably Daedric. Collect ingredients if you decide to do alchemy (I think it would be appropriate).

Path of the Shadow:

  • Description: The assassin uses daggers and bows if he doesn't get close to the target. Relies on sneak attacks. Can use alchemy to help himself, creating poisons, or spells from the school of illusion, to large groups enemies, and most importantly - the Invisibility spell, which will greatly help you get close to the victim. Invisibility can also be achieved with potions. Since you've already followed the shady path, you can start pickpocketing.
  • Race selection: Argonians, Wood Elves, Dark Elves, Khajiit, Nord, Imperial.
  • Skill Selection: Stealth, One-Handed Weapon, Light Armor, Alchemy or Illusion, Pickpocket, Lockpick.
  • Selecting a constellation sign: Thief, Lover, Atronach, Lord.
  • Choice of ammunition: Daggers, Bow and arrows, Light armor. The rest is up to you.
  • Description: Never before have bows been such an independent weapon as in Skyrim. Dragon shooting season is declared open! Bows are most effective when combined with stealth. You can also use alchemy to always have plenty of good poisons. You can also try yourself as a pickpocket.
  • Race selection: Wood Elf, Khajiit, Dark Elf, Redguard, Imperial.
  • Skill Selection: Shooting, Light Armor, Stealth, Alchemy, Hacking, Pickpocketing.
  • Selecting a constellation sign: Thief, Lover (shooting is a military skill), Atronach, Lord.
  • Choice of ammunition: Light armor that provides bonuses to stealth and shooting. Bow and many arrows. Everything for alchemy.

Mad Alchemist
  • Description: Alchemy is pumped to the maximum, you have a ton of powerful potions in your backpack! For everything! Do you suspect a battle is imminent? Drink five bells and go! With alchemy you can: increase regeneration, resistance, damage, create powerful poisons and much more.
  • Race selection: optional.
  • Skill Selection: ALCHEMY!!!
  • Selecting a constellation sign: optional.
  • Choice of ammunition: Tons of ingredients, collect everything! Actually, in this class everything is optional - alchemy will do its job.

Path of Magic:

Battle Mage

  • Description: The Battle Mage is probably the easiest and most popular magic class to master. We put on a robe and shower everyone with fire, ice and lightning. In general, if you decide to train a magician, you may find spells and abilities from all schools of magic useful to varying degrees. There is no clear recipe here.
  • Race selection: High Elf, Dark Elf, Breton, Imperial.
  • Skill Selection: Destruction, Restoration, Enchantment, Hacking (no hacking spells), Speech, other schools of magic if desired.
  • Selecting a constellation sign: Mage, Atronach, Lord, Tower.
  • Choice of ammunition: A mantle that speeds up mana regeneration and improves destruction. A hood that adds magic. Boots and gloves, enchanted to taste.


  • Description: The ban on necromancy remains somewhere in Oblivion. And here there are no problems with her! You can create a real army of the dead! You can also summon Daedra. And remember: a true necromancer kills only with someone else’s hands.
  • Race selection: High Elf, Dark Elf, Breton.
  • Skill Selection: Witchcraft, the rest is optional.
  • Selecting a constellation sign: Mage, Atronach, Lord.
  • Choice of ammunition: A mantle that accelerates mana regeneration and improves spellcasting. A hood that adds magic. Boots and gloves, enchanted to taste.

  • Description: A psionicist can simply walk past an entire squad of enemies, and none of them will attack him. It can cause enemies to scatter, or even kill each other.
  • Race selection: High Elf, Dark Elf, Breton.
  • Skill Selection: Illusion, the rest is optional.
  • Choosing a constellation sign: Mage, Atronach, Lord.
  • Choice of ammunition: A mantle that accelerates mana regeneration and improves illusion. A hood that adds magic. Boots and gloves, enchanted to taste.

Magic in Skyrim takes up a third of skills and its highly trained adherents are perhaps the strongest fighters. It is quite diverse, divided into 5 schools, all schools of magic in Skyrim have their own functions and a certain scope of action.

Destruction – brings powerful physical damage with fire, cold or electricity. The School of Restoration - which studies all kinds of blessings, the School of Change - is quite remarkable: its spells allow you to manipulate various properties of objects and breathe under water. Witchcraft - the darkest one - deals with the summoning of creatures, in principle, it combines very well with the magic of Destruction, the School of Illusion - manipulation of the enemy’s consciousness. Enchanting is a craft in the magical system - enchanting objects to give them new properties and qualities.

Each specialization has its own skill level, which affects the quality and strength of the spells available to the player - beginner, student, adept, expert and master. Accordingly, as your skill level increases, new spells become available. The process of casting a spell consumes mana - magical energy, which is restored over time. Some of them act instantly, for example the spell from the school of Destruction - Frostbite. Others act for a long time, for example, the Healing spell from the Restoration category will act as long as the player holds down the key and as long as there is magical energy.

The main disadvantage of a caster is a small supply of health and weak protection, which cannot be compensated for by clothing for a magician in Skyrim - wizards do not wear armor, unless of course he is a combat sorcerer, for whom, in principle, armor is also not desirable. So the magician’s path is quite thorny, but extremely exciting, and it’s very interesting to play. Leveling up a mage in Skyrim requires paying special attention to the Enchantment skill, since it is this skill that allows you to improve clothes, giving a fairly significant advantage.

The magician guide comes down to leveling up several priority branches; there are many ways to develop, as there are many possibilities, depending on the preferred specializations of magic and combinations of skills, which is why playing as a caster is so interesting and exciting. But approximately the development can be reduced to two main builds - a caster that acts at a distance and avoids close contact - is especially effective when large quantities enemies. He uses the magic of destruction and, at the master level, becomes a kind of terminator, incinerating everything that moves. Here, whoever likes what - the choice of spells is very large, they usually use a combination - a sorcery that hits a single target and a spell that affects a certain area, capable of hitting several opponents at the same time.

And the second type, in fact, is a combat sorcerer who envelops himself in protective spells and wields a sword or mace. The Breton race is most suitable for this type of spellcaster, as their innate magic resistance in Skyrim and bonus to mana play a large role. The main skills are Restoration, Balance, Alteration, Absorbing Ward, Armor and enchanted mage clothing, which gives bonuses to mana and its regeneration, because master-level skills require quite a lot of energy. Of course, the full power and variety of the game is not limited to these two options, so it’s better to play it yourself than to read it a hundred times.

Sorcerers are pragmatic people. They like to do everything calmly and measuredly. Running, jumping, sneaking, dodging and hitting - all this fuss is not for them. Having noticed an enemy, they prefer to kill him without unnecessary movements, without being distracted from examining the surroundings in search of something valuable. Burn and incinerate, leaving behind only handfuls of ashes on the scorched earth - this is how they treat those who stand in their way.

As always in the TES series, the magician can be anyone. Nobody forbids you to throw fireballs and at the same time walk around in heavy armor. But here I want to talk about playing as a pure mage who does not wear armor and does not use any weapons other than magic.

Despite the fact that the gameplay in Skyrim has become much more exciting, including the gameplay as a sorcerer, the magic itself in the game is quite primitive. I hope there will be more interesting and useful spells in the future. However, even with what you have you can achieve a lot. A properly upgraded mage is a walking anti-aircraft gun, showering everyone with an endless stream of fire and lightning. Such a mage can destroy any enemy without spending a single bottle of healing potion or mana.

I want to talk about several ways to achieve great power when playing as a magician.

In principle, a mage can be played by any class, but High Elf and Breton have some advantages here. The elf has the ability to turn on rapid mana regeneration for a minute once a day, which helps when you need to throw spells at particularly thick enemies. But I would still recommend playing as a Breton. Firstly, with proper build-up, the question of the amount of mana will soon become irrelevant, and secondly, the Breton has a natural resistance to magic, which will help him survive in a fight with magicians.

Playing as a Mage: The Path to Power

Playing as a Mage: The Path to Power

1. Infinite mana

In the game, mana is responsible for 2 parameters: the amount and speed of regeneration. At first it may seem that it is beneficial to develop the speed of mana regeneration (there are even corresponding perks in the school of restoration), especially when you come across items that increase the regeneration speed by 100% or more. But in practice everything is not so beautiful. I would advise you to neglect this parameter altogether, because when you run out of mana in battle, no amount of regeneration will save you. In fact, it is so weak that the difference between 100% regeneration and 300% is almost imperceptible.

Therefore, if you see items with +100% mana recovery, don’t flatter yourself too much. Properties that reduce the cost of spells will be much more useful. Actually, this is one of the main keys to the power of a magician - enchantment.

In pursuit of more powerful spells from the school of destruction, you will sooner or later stumble upon the ceiling when you simply do not have enough mana to kill strong enemy. While you will lose all your health in 1-2 attacks. As a result, you will have to cut circles around the pillars, swallow bottles and constantly save. Not too epic, right?

Enchantment, when fully upgraded, will allow us to make any 2 schools of magic absolutely free. To do this, you need to pump up the enchantment to 100, pump up all the perks to increase the power of the effects you apply (5 pieces) and 1 perk that allows you to apply 2 effects to one item at once (it’s the very last one, to open it you’ll need to open 2 more before it, in total 8). When combined with a Greater Soul Gem, you can apply 2 skill boost effects to a single item, giving 25% mana savings on spells each.

There is some limitation in the game, quite ridiculous. Not all effects can be applied to all items. For example, the effect “skill increase: destruction” can only be cast on clothes, headdress, necklace and ring. Apparently this is done to prevent you from getting infinite mana too early. When you level up the first 5 perks and enchantment to 100, four items are enough to make one school of magic, such as destruction, completely free.

With the last perk you can make 2 schools free, but I would advise making one free - destruction, and two at 50%. For example, illusion and witchcraft. This will save experience points and invest less in perks to reduce the cost of spells.

How to enchant objects

To enchant objects, you will need a soul stone, a table with a pentagram (found in the college, among court magicians, in forts, and often found in necromancer habitats) and studied effects. To apply an effect to an item, the effect must first be studied. To do this, find an item with the effect you want, go to the enchanter’s table, open the “remove enchantment” section and select this item from the list. The item is destroyed and its effect appears in your enchantment list. It doesn’t matter what strength the effect of the item was, only your parameters and the size of the soul stone will be taken into account when enchanting. If an item has 2 effects at once, then in your list of enchantments one enchantment with two effects at once will appear, and their strength will be much weaker than if you apply each of these effects separately.

About soul stones

The biggest ones are the great ones. But the main thing is not the size of the stone, but the size of the soul in this stone. If there is a tiny soul in the great stone, the enchantment effect will be appropriate. Great soul stones can be purchased from magicians (in the "miscellaneous" section). They can be found in some locations. Stones already charged with a great soul often fall out of Dwemer centurions.

Charging empty soul stones

If you have an empty soul stone, you need to charge it. This can be done using the “soul capture” spell: cast an enemy, kill within a minute, and the soul of the killed person occupies the smallest soul stone that can fit into it. The cooler the mob, the larger the soul. Great soul stones can be filled using mammoths.

Since the Soul Seize spell only works at close range, it can pose some challenges if the opponent is strong (such as a giant). The paralysis spell can help you here. And also use summoned creatures, or hire big guys so that they distract opponents.

You can also capture souls using a weapon enchanted to capture souls. Or using a summoned weapon, if you have the appropriate perk. But if you play as a pure mage, then this weapon is not for you.

You can only capture the souls of creatures. To capture the souls of people you will need black soul stones (these include the “Black Star of Azura” stone, which can be refilled endlessly, given as part of a quest near the Azura sanctuary, in the mountains not far from Winterhold). Any human soul is considered great.

Fast leveling up enchantment

To quickly level up a mage, you will need a bunch of charged stones (no matter what, the size of the soul does not affect the number of experience points) and a bunch of items. Then you simply enchant everything and sell the resulting magical garbage. At first, 2-3 enchantments per skill level will be enough. Towards the end there are about 7-8 enchantments per level. If you have a lot of money, then some of the stones can be bought from magicians immediately charged. Dwemer vehicles often come across already charged stones. Plus, cast spells on all sorts of crabs and wolves to fill the empty ones. I advise you to enchant only ordinary gear, not armor, and do it in the college of magicians. There are a lot of magicians there who will then buy it all from you and they don’t buy armor, only ordinary things. Plus they are easier to carry and not difficult/cheap to get. Just remove gloves, boots and hats of no more than 1 weight from corpses. A couple of raids on bandits in some fort or cave will give you a lot of material. There is plenty of it both on enemies and on the shelves of closets and chests of drawers nearby. You can also look into a clothing boutique in Solitude and buy all the cheapest clothes there, there are a ton of them.

If you still have enough mana and the enchanted items you found, then there’s no point in bothering with it. Just after several raids in caves, take all the collected gear with stones, enchant it and sell it.

Alchemy Enhancement

Alchemy can be used to create potions that make your enchantments even stronger. While with the help of enchantment you can create items that affect the strength of the elixirs you create. Those. for example, make a potion of “enchantment 10% stronger for 60s,” drink it and create an item with the effect of “potion 27% stronger,” equip it and make another potion, more powerful. And so on. At most, using elixirs you can increase the enchantment by about 30% (thanks to gorinbl4 for the information).

Playing as a Mage: The Path to Power

Playing as a Mage: The Path to Power

2. Destruction

For most magicians, this is their main school. To upgrade the school of destruction, use the most powerful spells available and then it will develop quite quickly. Fireballs and incineration have a good effect on pumping. It seems that runes also work well.

There is no point in spending money on developing this skill with the help of teachers; it is already constantly growing. In addition, if you constantly use destruction, your level increases due to it the most, and when you level up to 100, the level growth will slow down.

About "wall" spells

Somewhere at the adept level, the spells “wall of flame”, “thunderstorm wall” and “wall of frost” already become available. Outwardly, this is approximately the same as the starting “flame”, “spark”, “frost” - a flow of elements from the hands. The main difference is that using the same “wall of flame” you can start a fire. They need to attack not at the enemy himself, but under him. Then the floor will light up and cause damage to the enemy on its own (about 10 seconds). To do this, by the way, it is enough to cast with one hand; if you do not have infinite mana, you will save money. It looks cool, if you want, you can fill the entire room with fire (ice, lightning), so that there will be no place for enemies to stand. Or make a path in a narrow passage so that enemies don’t get bored on their way to you. But in practice, these spells are not that useful. They take a long time to kill and are effective mainly against weak enemies. You can hit a strong enemy with a “wall of flame” only when he is stupid: sometimes tough enemies can get stuck in one place and become stupid. Then it will be possible to jump out from around the corner every 10 seconds to set fire to the floor under their feet and wait until they finally cook. But this is not the most effective tactic. However, if the terrain allows, you can run around some pillar from enemies, setting fire to the ground beneath you. Everyone has their own joys.

Each of the elements has its own basic spells and a number of specific advantages and disadvantages:


Fire has a fireball and incineration. The ball is suitable against a group of mobile enemies in open spaces. Its main advantage is the combination of speed and attack area.

It is better to use Incinerate against larger opponents, as it is more powerful.


For lightning, these are chain lightning and lightning discharge. Chain lightning can attack two nearby opponents at the same time: it bounces from the first to the second. It's a pleasure to watch how she scatters weak enemies. In addition, the ricochet sometimes reveals those enemies that you did not notice, which can save the life of an unprotected magician. Works well in conjunction with the Storm Atronach. While your nah is fighting, you can, from around the corner, hit him with chain lightning, which will ricochet at enemies. The Storm Nach is immune to lightning, but other summons or companions will be harmed by your spells. Keep this in mind when attacking in an area near allies.

A lightning discharge is characterized by greater power and the absence of rebound.

The main advantages of lightning are attack speed, good range and effectiveness against magicians. Since, in addition to damage, lightning damages the enemy’s mana. In addition, there are few enemies in the game that have resistance to electricity. But a little more mana is spent than on cold or fire.


Cold has an ice storm and an ice spear. Ice Lance is essentially an analogue of Incinerate, with the difference that the cold additionally damages the enemy's stamina and slows him down slightly. This could make the element of cold very popular, since the benefits are greater than those of fire. But many opponents are immune to cold. For example, Dwemer machines, in my opinion, are generally indifferent to the cold, and the undead don’t seem to be very susceptible to it.

The most interesting thing about the cold is the ice storm. The spell has a rather low speed, but has good damage, an area attack, and can be attacked through walls and obstacles. It works well in a narrow passage, when the enemies are lined up and in one gulp you can hit them all at once.

There is also an assumption (I haven’t checked) that ice spike is quite a useful spell, since the damage is more similar to physical damage (icicle launcher). Perhaps against magicians who are weakly protected from physical damage, the thorn will be effective. At least I remember he killed the dead quite well.

Master Spells

Each school also has its own master spells. In the school of destruction, this is a storm (of fire, cold and lightning, respectively). To obtain such spells, you need to take a quest from the college of magicians from the teacher corresponding to this school (they are given out upon reaching skill level 90-100, depending on the school). The master's spells are created within 5 seconds and during this time you must be motionless, which limits their use, because few people will allow a frail magician to slowly cast spells surrounded by enemies. So here you need to either summon creatures for distraction, cast a spell from invisibility, or take advantage of the moment. But in general, these spells are not so necessary. They will not cause much trouble to strong opponents. And the weak ones can be killed faster with ordinary spells.

Useful Perks

The most useful perks are two-handed casting and the next perk in the branch for stunning the enemy. When using spells that fire in one gulp, the enemy is stunned for 2-3 seconds. Thus, you can kill absolutely any enemy one on one if you attack him with a certain frequency (and if there are no restrictions on mana, through enchantment or elixirs). Just don't attack him continuously, but only at the moment when he comes to his senses. Then he simply won’t even have the opportunity to answer you. Works on everyone, including dragons.

Of course, perks for increasing the power of spells are useful.

As for the final perks in the elemental branches, I’m not very sure about their usefulness.

Fire causes fear in enemies when there are few lives left. I didn’t take it, because I have no desire to chase undead enemies, besides, they can then restore their health and return with new enthusiasm.

The cold turns enemies with low health into ice. There are perks that are even more useful.

Lightning turns into a handful of ashes.

I took the last perk for lightning (disintegration), but for some time I regretted it (then I got used to it). I hoped that it would allow me to kill opponents faster, but in practice I did not notice anything like that. The perk is useful against necromancers in order to prevent them from reviving fallen comrades - it is impossible to resurrect a handful of ashes. However, you won’t be able to resurrect them either, so if you need a faithful and obedient necromancer, then kill him in another way (IMHO, there is little point in reviving other creatures, they are too stupid, but at least magicians are useful, especially the strong ones). Another bonus of disintegration is that there are no annoying skeletons left from dragons.

If you quickly level up your enchantment, you can save on perks that make spells cheaper.

Playing as a Mage: The Path to Power

Playing as a Mage: The Path to Power

3. Witchcraft

Conjuration allows you to summon weapons and creatures, which expands your tactical options when playing as a mage. And at the beginning of the game this is a good help.

Because the we're talking about about a pure magician, I will not consider summoning weapons, since I think this branch is not necessary for a sorcerer. Let's only touch on summoning creatures.

Fire pet

At first, it is a very useful beast for clearing dungeons. In fact, this is a homing mine. A few seconds after being summoned, it explodes and deals good damage to the enemy. But the explosion can cause damage to you too, so do not summon it in peacetime, summoned creatures have a habit of staying closer to their master.

Conveniently, the fiery pet itself rushes at enemies as soon as it notices them, so if you are pinned down by a particularly angry mob, you can simply stand near the passage around the corner and send your stinger at the enemy. Fortunately, he doesn’t spend a lot of mana.


Atronachs are good to use against magicians. Create nakhs in accordance with the element used by the enemy magician, then he will have no chance in battle. It’s especially good if you manage to pin the sorcerer somewhere, then your nah will kill him with his claws. With the help of ice nakhs you can still plug the passages. True, sometimes the game glitches and creates an icy one not in front of you, but behind you. Thus, instead of closing you off from the enemy, he cuts off your return path. But if you succeed, you can slowly throw ice storms through your enemy while the enemy unsuccessfully tries to pick out this hulking block of ice.


Zombie. Stupid clumsy creatures. They always get stuck out of the blue, sometimes in a passage, preventing you from scurrying as fast as you can and tactically retreating when meeting some big guy. They often crumble into dust before they can reach the enemy. Or they come when you've already finished with everyone. They make annoying sounds. After death or expiration, revived creatures crumble into dust and cannot be brought back to life again (unless there is a “dead thrall” spell, but more on that below). Apart from magicians, I don’t see much point in reviving anyone: they hit at a distance, are quite nimble, are less stupid than others, and can summon creatures.

There is a “ghost” spell that allows you to revive anyone (even rabbits), but there is a level limit. For example, you won’t be able to revive a draugr-warlord, at most a draugr-executioner.

It's a pity you can't revive horses. Firstly, it’s somehow unreasonable, and secondly, it’s very convenient. Still, playing as a magician should be interesting and varied, and not just a shooter.

Lord Dremora

I love this one the most. Looks cool and is good in combat. And overall a cheerful guy. It is very convenient to set on archers, especially if you cannot see them in the dark. You just summon a Dremora in a place visible to the archer and wait. Spewing insults, Lord Dremora takes out his two-handed butter knife and demolishes every warrior, simultaneously explaining to him how he is worse than him. It can even take down a draugr warlord or an ordinary dragon one-on-one. Not always, however, but after two attempts it will definitely go out. But it is not very effective against magicians.

Master Spells

Master-level spells allow you to summon creatures without time limits. They are not particularly strong against strong opponents, but they can distract attention, especially useful when enemies notice you before you notice them. Most often, your slave immediately attacks them and turns attention to himself, giving you time to uncover your magic hands and let your adversaries fertilize.

So far I've only come across nahi (storm thrall, fire thrall, ice thrall) and revive (dead thrall).

The dead thrall only works on people (and other races) and does not work on monsters and animals (and I really wanted a tame bear or a spider). But after death, your slave will not crumble into dust and can be revived again (and used as a cart for things).

Additionally: to revive it, it is better to find a strong mob and throw weapons and clothes at it steeply (although there is a glitch and during fast travel the armor changes to the initial one). Thanks for the information Soth!

I also heard that there is a certain Shadow that is summoned for 60 seconds, but is completely invulnerable. And I really hope that you can summon the Dremora on an ongoing basis. If not, then I'm really looking forward to a mod that will fix this.

Support Spells

You can also use witchcraft spells to banish and capture summoned enemy creatures. But honestly, at higher levels of play there is no need for them. Moreover, these spells only work up close.

Useful Perks

Firstly, it is a two-handed cast that summons creatures for a longer time. Otherwise, you will simply hesitate to call the same dremora.

The second is “paired souls” - the last perk. To study it, you will need to complete at least one of the branches: necromancy or atronachs. My choice is atronachs. They are more useful. And necromancy is more like entertainment; it does not require pumping for this.

Witchcraft is well upgraded by capturing souls (you can even cast spells on corpses) and, of course, summoning creatures. Moreover, you gain experience when your creatures are in a state of combat. You can find a place where some aggressive beast is sitting in a cage, call some nah and, for example, go have a snack or a smoke break (whoever has what). Or you can attack your nah so that he becomes aggressive towards you, and run from him (it’s better to take an ice one, he’s not dangerous at a distance). Or you can not bother and use the creatures for their intended purpose and the skill itself will gradually improve. For example, I completed the last 10 levels of witchcraft, entrusting all the showdowns to the Dremora, it worked out pretty quickly. And, by the way, he coped well.

Playing as a Mage: The Path to Power

Playing as a Mage: The Path to Power

4. Change

The change includes several very useful spells that can decide the outcome of the battle.

Oak/Iron/Ebony leather

Protective spells that can make a small defenseless magician a little less defenseless. Of course, they cannot compare with real armor, but sometimes it is magical protection that allows the magician to survive an enemy attack, which is also not small. After all, if the enemy failed to kill the magician the first time, there may not be a second chance. However, sometimes even with this protection you can be killed in one hit.

Life/Death Detection

A very useful thing, as it allows the magician to notice enemies before they notice him. Significantly reduces the number of surprises and unexpected face-to-face meetings. Using death detection, for example, you can notice draugs who have not yet woken up, place runes in their path, and call on creatures to help when an ambush is detected.


Turns fights with many opponents into beating babies. Especially useful against magicians. You paralyze the enemy, set fire to the floor under him and go clean the chests while he burns down. Works even on giants and draugr warlords. But it no longer works on cooler creatures. It doesn’t seem to take dragons either (to be honest, I haven’t tried it). Convenient for capturing the souls of strong opponents in stones.

Water breathing

It is rarely useful, but sometimes it allows you to find chests hidden under water, which are difficult to reach without underwater breathing. But if the game had traps that trapped you underwater, water breathing wouldn't be able to help you. It is impossible to cast magic while swimming in water.

Mass paralysis

To be honest, I wasn't impressed. It is weaker than normal paralysis and is useless at high levels. Casts for 5 seconds and requires immobility.

Dragon Shukra

Master's Spell. Creates a magical shield that absorbs 80% of all damage against you. Lasts 90 seconds (if with all perks).

Useful Perks

Double casting makes spells last longer, which is convenient. Protection lasts longer, paralysis lasts longer.

Mage armor (3 levels) – increases the effectiveness of magical protection by 2-3 times (depending on the level of the perk). Without this perk, IMHO, “skin” spells are completely useless. But there is an important condition - you must not wear armor, otherwise it will not work. Don't forget to also remove boots and gloves if they have an armor class.

The Atronach is a very useful thing in battles with magicians; 30% of enemy magic is absorbed into your mana.

Magic protection (3 levels) – reflects from 10 to 30% of magical attacks (depending on the level of the perk). It seems like a useful thing, but I completely managed without it; an atronach and Breton immunity were enough. If the magicians are pressing you too hard, pump it up, maybe it will help.

The skill of change is very well developed by detecting life. Go into a crowded place and constantly cast this spell.

You can save on the change if you spend half of your points on health during leveling - then your mage will not die from one attack from high-level enemies.

Playing as a Mage: The Path to Power

Playing as a Mage: The Path to Power

5. Illusions

Perhaps the most interesting spells are here. There are few of them, but, alas, there is nothing better. So we wait for the DLC, fashion and hope.


A cool thing that allows you to pit enemies against each other. It has an area effect, so it’s better to shoot at your feet; with one volley you can hit several at once standing in a heap. After this they will start attacking everyone. Including you, so you need to choose your position and victim wisely. Try to have one of his allies nearby in the NPC's field of view so that he will notice him first. And it’s good when you have the opportunity to quickly hide. You can use invisibility for this.

Invisibility/Mutling Footsteps

The invisibility here is very short, only 30 seconds, but it's better than nothing. And unlike elixirs, it is endless. Invisibility subsides when you make any interaction with the environment (including moving from one location to another, even into a cave where there is no door, so there is no point in casting spells before entering). If you are noticed, you can hide using invisibility, but they will not lose sight of you right away, so move, especially if the enemy can attack from a distance.

Another use of the spell is the ability to cast master spells that require you to remain motionless for 5 seconds. Of course, you will eventually become visible, but only after the spell has worked.

Can be used as an alternative to detect life in school changes. We went in, looked, if there was someone there, we went back out and got ready (the advantage is that you can at the same time find out who you will have to fight against).

And yet, if you play as a magician, then most likely your stealth is not leveled up, which means that without muffling your steps, invisibility will be useless; enemies are perfectly oriented by hearing. So remember to tone down your steps.

Taking damage doesn't seem to remove invisibility. At least the traps definitely don’t remove it.

By the way, in my opinion, invisibility works even against the dead (without the perk that allows you to influence the dead).


Spells that calm opponents. Sometimes they can be useful. For example, I once accidentally hit my horse and it got angry at me. I calmed him down with a spell, otherwise I would have had to kill him. You can also calm down the guards who are trying to bring you to justice. Well, in general, an excellent choice for pacifists. You don’t have to kill anyone, but only calm them down and move on.


This is apparently to increase the effectiveness of the allies. Since I always go alone (it’s difficult for a magician to get support, given his sweeping magic), I can’t evaluate how useful it is. But, in theory, the spell can be useful for leveling up. It's not negative and people probably won't kick your horns if you cheer them up a little. It’s a good experience for them and for you. But this is just a theory, I have not tried it in practice.


I've seen on forums that this spell can be used to beat bosses and strong mobs well. The point is that as long as the NPC is fearful, he will flee from you. Given the advanced AI in the game, most likely he will run into a wall and mark time, while you can shower him with fire and lightning with impunity.

Mass Spells

I don't have them yet. As I understand it, you can calm everyone down en masse or set them against each other. Most likely, the mass version will work less well than the usual one, but I will definitely try to arrange a booth in the center of a city when the opportunity arises).

Useful Perks

Firstly, double casting - increases the power of spells. Those. If rabies doesn't work with one hand, it will almost certainly work with two. It seems like the strength increases by 2 times.

Silent spell casting is a useful perk for stealth play. For silent kills and unnoticed extension of invisibility.

And the top perk is that it allows you to influence even the dead with illusion (truly magic!)

To quickly level up your illusion skill, you can constantly cast muffled steps and invisibility. Regardless of whether there is someone next to you or not, the skill will be upgraded.

Playing as a Mage: The Path to Power

Playing as a Mage: The Path to Power

6. Recovery

IMHO, the most useless school. Those. healers will certainly come in handy, but I don’t see any point in investing experience points in recovery for a magician. It works fine anyway. I invested a few points there but ended up regretting it. It was easy to do without them. The only perk that seems useful to me is escaping death. They will allow you to avoid unnecessary death if you suddenly gape. A small thing, but nice. But in general I don’t see any need for this. The amulets are practically useless. They eat up a lot of mana and are easily penetrated by strong attacks. So you can save money on restoration.

Additionally: Charms can help against dragon flames. Thanks to GaimerX for the information. I think if recovery is made free, high-level wards could become an insurmountable defense. True, I usually kill all opponents very quickly with a two-handed cast, in some cases I call upon the Dremora, they perfectly cut out everyone and distract them.

Playing as a Mage: The Path to Power

Playing as a Mage: The Path to Power

7. Solving problems with excess weight

Mages usually do not pump up their strength, which is why they carry only a limited number of things with them. In principle, they don’t need much. They have no armor or weapons, only junk for sale. But sometimes it happens that there seem to be valuable things nearby that can be put in your pocket, but there is no room. Personally, I created several rules for myself to reduce such hemorrhage to a minimum. I evaluate all things based on the weight/price ratio. If it is lower than 1/100, then the item goes to the landfill (at the beginning of the game, if it is lower than 1/50). The exception is when there is a merchant nearby and the junk can be quickly picked up.

For example, the same dragon guts. The magician doesn’t really need them, but the same bones have a ratio of 15/500, i.e. only 1/33. Despite the fact that traders will still pay you even less. It is much better to collect some rings and necklaces and light enchanted clothes. It only has a positive effect on your well-being, since you spend less time running around merchants and more time earning treasures)

Playing as a Mage: The Path to Power

Playing as a Mage: The Path to Power

8. Regarding the spells on sale

It happens that no one has good spells, although the level seems to be normal. The game is kind of stupidly random in this regard. Given the meager selection of spells, this brings nothing but irritation to the game. For example, the same thunder atronach appeared to me closer to the hundredth level, and not from a merchant, but found it in some dungeon. And only then did it go on sale, when it was no longer needed.

I came across recommendations on the forum that if you save in front of the seller, exit the game to the desktop and enter again, new spells will appear. Someone said that this was enough, but they also said that it only works if you save before entering the room with the merchant and before you approach him for the first time (the first time in 48 hours, this is, it seems, the time for updating the assortment and money). I don’t know if it works or not, whoever wants it, try it.

Playing as a Mage: The Path to Power

Playing as a Mage: The Path to Power

9. Play for fun!

The approach described here is not the only correct one. Everyone can have their own effective strategy and their own playing style. if you have interesting ideas pumping - feel free to experiment. You can always save, spend a perk and check what has changed. If you don't like it, just roll back. Good luck!

How to assign hotkeys

For those who don’t know yet, you can assign hotkeys in the game, which is very important for a magician. They didn’t do it very crookedly, you can assign keys only through the favorites menu: add an item/spell/ability to favorites (by default the “F” button, which is also responsible for changing the camera), open favorites (by default “Q”), move the mouse to the desired item in the list and press the key from 1 to 8. Done.

Class description (for starters)
A battle mage is a person who has chosen the path of sword and magic. There are also such people in Skyrim, and the player can also become one. It is enough just to pump up your character as needed, and also, even when creating him, to choose the right race of the character.

Of course, battle mages use spells from the “Destruction” school and one-handed weapons (mostly swords or staves) in battle. Often weapons can be enchanted (this is up to you). Also, in addition to “Destruction”, it would be very nice to use spells from the “Witchcraft” school; this is also very effective in battle.

Let's move on to character creation
The most suitable race for any type of magician (not just combat) are the Bretons and Altmer.

The Bretons are true masters of spells from the Witchcraft school. If you decide to make your character a Breton, then an additional 10 points will be added to the “Witchcraft” skill. Bretons also have special abilities “Dragon Skin” and “Magic Resistance”, which are quite useful in battles with enemy magicians.

Even from birth, Altmer or High Elves have 50 additional MP units, as well as a special ability that allows the player character to restore MP much faster. In addition, elves have 5 additional points for the Destruction and Sorcery skills.

So this is the best option.
Skills needed for the class
Main skills: Destruction, Sorcery, One-handed weapon
Secondary Skills: Enchantment, Alchemy, Light Armor, Alteration, Restoration

I have already written that in addition to magic, you will also have to use a sword in battle. And, of course, an enchanted sword is stronger than a regular one. The game also has such a wonderful feature as staves, which are much more useful and effective in battle, and can also be a weapon for a battle mage.

Of course, you won’t be able to use magic forever (unless you use console command tgm, of course). The effects of many racial talents and skills also cannot be used too often. Therefore, it is better to always have good magic potions with you. And it’s even better to have potions with you that you made.

Of course, if you wear only the clothes of a magician, this will not always protect you from close-range physical attacks. Usually magicians are not accustomed to wearing armor, but they need to protect themselves somehow. And the best option (specifically for battle mages) is light armor.

You also need to be able to breathe underwater and be able to manipulate your hapless opponents. This works best with spells from the Alteration school.

Spells from the “Restoration” school may be needed to heal well after a battle without wasting a healing potion.

Equipment for the character
The initial version of equipment for a battle mage low level- these are, of course, the robes of a magician and an ordinary one-handed sword. Something like this:

Armor or attire: College Apprentice's Robe, Mage's Hood, College Apprentice's Boots, Gloves.
. Right hand: Flame, Frostbite, or Sparks spells.
. Left hand: Imperial sword or steel sword.

As your level increases, so do your magic and equipment levels:

Armor or Robe: Enchanted Draconic Scale Armor.
. Right hand: Leveled spell from the Destruction or Conjuration school.
. Left hand: Enchanted ebony sword or any staff of Destruction.
Suitable Guardian Stones
For beginning battle mages, the Mage Stone will be very effective, which you can meet at the beginning of the game, after escaping from Helgen.

At the end of the game, an already leveled up character will need the blessing of another stone. The best solution for a battle mage would be to choose the Lord's Stone. He will be on the mountain, south of Solitude. Also, at the Stone itself, you will have to show your talent in magic again, because a bunch of bandits will be waiting for you there, waiting in the wings.


​This mage runs around in enchanted armor, shreds opponents with one-handed weapons, deceives the mind and tears them apart with destructive magic. He prefers to run alone because summoned animals and partners only get in the way.

Race selection

Regarding the choice of race, you can be completely individual. But when choosing to play as a Breton. You will have much more useful bonuses for the game than with anyone else.

Breton - starting bonuses to magic skills and the racial ability to ignore 25% of damage from magic.
Guardian stones: The Magician's Stone is at the beginning, while we begin our journey. Atronach Stone - I advise you to take it as soon as possible. This will help with pumping and recharging mana.
Upgrading stats: Getting a level, we pump up the character as follows.
Magic 50% - Health 50% - Stamina 0% - up to level 50!

By level 50 you should have 350 points in Magic (Mana) and 350 in Health. After that, we no longer pump up mana and throw points only into health.

​Pumping up and perks

Basic - Destruction, Illusion, One-handed, Alchemy, Enchantment
Minor - Restoration, Change, Blacksmithing; Heavy or Light armor (optional)

One-handed weapon- solely to deal damage if they get too close, run out of mana, or if magic is ineffective.
Perks: Steel Arm 5/5;

Destruction- used to destroy enemies and keep them at a distance. With a bonus from perks, we can enhance our enchantments on weapons, increasing their damage.
Perks: Newbie - schools of destruction; Strengthened (flame 2/2, frost 2/2, lightning 2/2); Double destruction; Shock wave;

Illusion- - to control large concentrations of enemies, and moderate especially fat guys. Overall, you can have a lot of fun with this branch, making even the bosses run away from you in fear.
Perks: Beginner - schools of illusion; Double illusion; Animal deception; Deception of human eyes; Hypnotic look; The Science of Fear; Silent spells (optional); Fury; Master of the Mind;

Recovery- will help in battle, and strengthen your spells with the help of the Necromagus perk (it works especially well if you decide to play as a vampire)
Perks: Beginner - recovery schools; Regeneration; Necromagus; Respite (optional);

Change- only needed for three things. The first is Paralysis. The second is Magic Resistance. The third is the Atronach perk.
Perks: Beginner - Expert of the school of change; Magic resistance 3\3; Atronach;

Next, choose one of the branches
Light armor- in my humble opinion, light is more preferable. Since it requires less investment and has more benefits. The rest is unfortunately or fortunately. But any armor in the game, when maxed out, gives the same level of protection from enemy damage. A special feature of light armor is the Agile Fighter perk, which completely ignores damage with a 10% chance. Next, I will tell you the features when choosing armor.
Perks: Agility in defense 1/5 (we throw only one perk); Fit; Second skin; Wings of the Wind; A deft fighter;

Heavy armor- if you want to reflect damage, you can put perks in the second half of the branch (but I don’t recommend it, it’s of little use and a lot of perks are wasted)
Perks: Juggernaut 1/5 (we throw only one perk); Fists of Steel; Soft padding; Hard training;

Enchantment- this imbecile branch is needed to make us very strong. No comments necessary
Perks: Enchanter 5/5; Fire, Frost, Thunder spells; Enchant Skills; Additional effect;

blacksmith craft- the same as with enchantment
Perks: For Light - Steel armor; Blacksmith-wizard; Elven armor; Complex types of armor; Glass armor; Dragon armor;
Perks: For Heavy - Steel armor; Blacksmith-wizard; Dwemer armor; Orc armor; Ebony armor; Daedric armor;

Alchemy- the most valuable branch! Poisons, skill boosts, mana. Complements enchanting and blacksmithing
Perks: Alchemist 5/5; Healer; Pharmacist; Poisoner; Concentrated poison; Herbalist;


The best swords in terms of damage are dragon, daedric and ebony.
We make two swords, and use them depending on the type of enemy, improve them in the forge and enchant them as follows

Fire Damage/Electric Damage
Silver sword, great against Undead (Draug, Vampires, Werewolves)

Cold Damage / Electric Damage- Dragon sword, I use it if the enemy is immune to fire (for example, a dragon)

*additionally, if desired, we create a sword to capture souls (if you are too lazy to use the spell
Fire Damage / Soul Capture

**also a good option with a vampire effect
Electric Damage / Health Absorption

***By reducing the cost of destruction spells by 99%, the weapon will practically stop consuming enchantment charges.

Choose armor to your taste, but I can add that with leveled up blacksmithing skill, you can make absolutely any armor legendary with a maximum protection of 80% from damage (iron, leather or dragon). Therefore, we focus exclusively on personal preferences in appearance. Next, I will describe which enchantments are most effective.
When you drink a potion that increases enchantment by 34%, cast an enchantment

Illusion - 33%
Destruction - 33%

Illusion - 33%
Destruction - 33%

One-handed weapons - 54%
Increased mana - 85

One-handed weapons - 54%
Fire protection - 60% (if you play as a vampire like me) or any other enchantment of your choice

One-handed weapons - 54%
Destruction - 33%

One-handed weapons - 54%
Illusion - 33%

Result: Destruction - 99%; One-handed weapons - 216%; Illusion - 99%; Mana increase - 80; Fire protection - 60%;

***To achieve such enchantment indicators we do the following.

A set of things for the alchemist-blacksmith

Alchemy and enchantment must be fully upgraded. Then, create 4 things to improve skills

Head - Alchemy 25%
Gloves - Alchemy 25%
Ozhirelye - Alchemy 25%
Ring - Alchemy 25%

We equip and create 6 potions to increase the enchanting skill. It should be 34%. After which we drink the potion we made and make a new set of clothes with these effects.

Head - Alchemy 33%
Chestplate - Blacksmithing 33%
Gloves - Alchemy 33% - Blacksmithing 33%
Boots - Increased carrying weight
Ozhirelye - Alchemy 35% - Blacksmithing 33%
Ring - Alchemy 33% - Blacksmithing 33%

With the help of such a set, you can improve your armor by creating a potion to increase your blacksmithing skill, and also carry it with you everywhere in case you need to create a potion or poison.

Potions and Poisons

Poisons help greatly weaken the enemy’s resistance to the elements and kill them much faster. We use it on “fat” opponents / bosses

We create poisons on:

  • Vulnerability to Fire
  • Vulnerability to cold
  • Lightning Vulnerability
  • Vulnerability to magic
  • Vulnerability to Poison

To make good potions, you need to enchant things to enhance your alchemy skill and carry them with you everywhere.

We create potions for:

  • Destruction Skill Enhancements
  • Illusion skill boost
  • One-handed weapon skill enhancement
  • Strengthening enchantment skill
  • Blacksmithing skill boost
Also, when leveling up and creating a potion, use alchemy calculators - I advise you to search on Google

How to upgrade

You have 2 ways to level up

First- normal gameplay
In the beginning, the emphasis is on destruction magic and one-handed weapons for close contact. Illusions to control the enemy and distract. Every time we cast armor from the change branch before the battle to pump up and increase the armor rating.

In the game, be sure to collect absolutely all the ingredients that we meet on our journey, with the help of them we will brew powerful potions and poisons to instantly kill the enemy, as well as make quick money. We use alchemy to create poisons and enhance skills.

From levels 1 to 20 - actively download Destruction, One-Handed, Illusions. They will be the main ones at the beginning. First of all, we go through the magicians' quest and become a local bigwig. Take the Atronach Stone.
From level 20 - you can gradually start pumping up Enchantment, Alchemy - fortunately, the money will have to accumulate plus the enchantment will be pumped up, by removing enchantments from things. We're pumping up Change for armor spells a little.
From level 35 - Alchemy, Enchantment should be pumped up, although not completely, but enough to do good things.

That is, conventionally, by level 35 you have perks in the Illusion, Destruction, One-Handed, Alchemy, Enchantment branches.

The main thing is not to rush to upgrade everything at once at the beginning. First, in the destruction branch, we maximize fire, then electricity, and pump up cold at the end.

Second- for those who want everything to the maximum at once
After the prologue, we go to Whiterun and head to the local Alchemist. We buy all the herbs. Let's save. Let's hit her in the face. Loading up. (the range of products will be updated). We buy the ingredients - Repeat the procedure.
We run out of money - open the Alchemy calculator (look on Google) and create potions from what is in your inventory - create the most expensive one, then sell it.

We continue this way until the pump is fully pumped. And only then we take on blacksmithing and enchanting.
After such procedures, you will have a lot of money

Answers on questions

Why no witchcraft? - I will answer.

Witchcraft loses any meaning in leveling up after level 50 simply because your atronachs and dremora will be cut out in two pokes. But you won’t revive a corpse simply because it will be of a high level. If you're lonely, take a partner. Well, or download it - if you like it :)

Why no Adept-Master perks?

Why if there is an enchantment that will reduce the cost of spells up to 100%. You can use perks much more wisely. Change branch exception. Paralysis is cheaper. Perk Atronach. Magic Resistance Perk.

No mana regeneration

The regeneration charm is absolutely useless. Reducing the cost of spells for schools of magic is much more effective. In battle, the regeneration rate will be the same, both with a 0% bonus and with a 300% bonus - the effect only exists outside of battle (it’s easier to wait an hour by pressing T or drinking a potion). Again, with pumped up Alchemy, you simply won’t feel the lack of mana.

Heavy Armor and Light Armor

Of course, you can take heavy armor instead of light. She is beautiful and generally cool. But Bethesda completely killed any meaning in it, and it does not provide anything other than the function of decoration. So decide for yourself what is closer to your liking. But I believe that the light one will be more profitable

Magic Resistance and Absorption

Counting the Briton race, bonuses for quests, perks and guardian stones. Your resistance and ability to absorb spells will be about 80% if you also wear Miraak’s carcass, the absorption is generally 100%, which means complete immunity to all types of magical attacks + recharging your mana. Automatically you become - IMBOY
If anything, absorption and resistance are different abilities and they are summed up separately from each other. But at the same time they are interconnected. If you are hit by a spell, Absorb will trigger with a chance check. If it doesn’t pass, damage occurs and this damage is already cut with the help of resistance. For example, 100 damage = 50 damage at 50% Resistance.

Armor limit

The maximum amount of armor, after which there is no point in increasing characteristics and pumping up 567 units = 80% damage resistance i.e. maximum. This indicator is very easy to achieve by improving armor using blacksmithing. This is why there is no point in heavy armor and its perks. It’s better to upgrade the easy one, which requires fewer perks and is more useful.

Mandatory quests, items and more


Black Star- on the quest Black Star of Azura
Silver sword- for vampires and draugr
Wabbajack Staff- for fun
Staff of Magnus- if you click the mouse a little at a time, and not keep the beam on the enemy, you can replenish mana in battle and spend charges much slower
Vokun mask- will help before leveling up enchantment and alchemy
Nakrin mask- also a great alternative

College of Winterhold- for a magician it is extremely important to first complete a series of quests for the college
Driftshade Shelter- here you can find Silver swords that will faithful companions against the undead up to level 60!

"From the Depths"
Pick up in the port of Riften from an Argonian woman named From the Deepest. She will ask you to take the Dwemer dictionary back to the ruins.
For completing the quest you receive the permanent effect "Dwemer Knowledge", which increases the class of Dwemer armor by 25%, and your blacksmithing skill grows 15% faster.

"Murder at Frost Lighthouse"
The quest is NOT displayed in the quest log, but a message pops up about what needs to be done. This quest can be started by going to "Rime Lighthouse". It is located almost exactly in the middle between Dawnstar and Winterhold, or just a little southwest of Hob's Cave. In this quest we have to find out the cause of death of the lighthouse owners. Throughout the lighthouse there are diaries of ordinary people, from which you can read a very touching story.
For completing this quest you will receive the permanent "Sailor's Rest" effect, which increases the effectiveness of healing spells by 10%.

"The Scarlet Roots of Nirn"
For completing this quest you will receive the permanent effect "Sinderion's Surprise", which allows you to create a second identical potion at a time with a 25% chance.

"Service to Mara - Goddess of Love"
To start the quest, just talk to one of the priests in the Temple of Mara, which is located in Riften. They will instruct you to help 3 lovers.
For completing this quest you will receive the permanent effect "Mara's Chosen", which increases your magic resistance by 15

"Service to Dibella - Goddess of Beauty"
You need to talk to the beggar in Markarth, he will ask you to steal the figurine of Dibella from the temple, but don’t be in such a hurry, the quest can be completed in two ways. The first one is for real thieves, steal the figurine and give it back, but then you won’t get that coveted permanent effect.
The second way is to catch the eye of the servants, or if you are a professional thief or assassin, to be deliberately noticed, then the very part of the quest that we need will begin. In this part of the quest, they will tell us that since we got here, they should have killed us, but we will be more useful alive, and they will entrust us with the task.
For completing this quest you will receive the permanent “Chosen of Dibella” effect, which increases the damage you deal to the opposite sex.

Mods for the game

  1. SkyUI - convenient menu
  2. Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch - patch for bugs
  3. Atlas Map Markers - a better map
  4. A Quality World Map - a better map
  5. Better Vampires - more interesting game for a vampire
  6. Dual Wield Parrying - block with a sword, even if magic is used in the left hand
  7. Acquisitive Soul Gems - placing the souls of creatures into appropriate stones
  8. moreHUD - item details
  9. Immersive HUD - a more beautiful HUD
  10. Simply Knock - you can enter almost any home even at night by knocking on the door
  11. Immersive Citizens - more advanced population AI
  12. Pure Weather - improved climate and gamma
  13. RLO (Realistic Lighting Overhaul) or ELFX - more natural lighting
  14. Immersive Armors - new armor
  15. Immersive Weapons - new weapons
  16. Immersive Sounds Compendium - improved sounds (or analogues)
  17. Cloaks of Skyrim - cloaks in the game
  18. aMidianBorn Book of Silence - HD textures
  19. Immersive College of Winterhold - improved College of Mages
  20. Skyrim Flora Overhaul - more vegetation
  21. ETaC - more developed cities
  22. Revenge Of the Enemies - more advanced AI
  23. Run For Your Lives
  24. Oblivious Horses

​This is how my first written build for the Battle Mage in Skyrim turned out.
You will be completely pumped up in the game by level 63. And believe me, you don’t need to swing anymore :)

If you have any questions, leave a comment
Thank you for your attention and enjoy the game!

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