A relative of Naina Yeltsina. Naina Iosifovna Yeltsina: biography, career and personal life. Popularly elected president

All his ancestors have roots from here - grandfather Ignat Yeltsin, parents - Nikolai Ignatievich and Klavdia Vasilievna. They are all Russian and even several generations old. The version of Jewish origin was developed precisely from the grandfather, who was recorded under the surname “Yeltsin” - the absence of a soft sign prompted historians to look for a Jewish origin in this whole story. It was also possible to establish that in the 18th century. Under the same surname there was another paternal ancestor - Sergei Yeltsin. All this has prompted historians to study Yeltsin's genealogy over several generations.

Jewish roots - myth or truth?

In the early 90s, a theory appeared that Boris Nikolaevich’s uncle was a Jew, Eltsin Boris Moiseevich. Many tried to prove their relationship. To this end, several representatives of the all-Russian movement went to the Yeltsins’ homeland to interview local residents live and retrieve archives. The FSB hindered the search in every possible way, so the group returned back with nothing. Although there is a very low probability that they could confirm their version. In her historical works, M.E. Bychkova completely refuted the Jewish theory, arguing that there were no Jews in the family of Boris Nikolaevich and there could not have been. The famous historian D. Panov claims that already in 1921 a soft sign appeared in Yeltsin’s surname, as evidenced by the official questionnaires of immigrants who went to the Urals in search of work. Among them were the ancestors of B.N. Yeltsin. According to the census data, there were no Jews among them. The Yeltsin family firmly established itself in the Urals, where the future president was born, graduated from college and began building his career.

Trying to prove Yeltsin’s Jewish origins, biographers subsequently switched to his legal wife. And there was something to catch on here. Anastasia Girina was a classmate of Boris Nikolaevich. At school and at home they called her Naya - it was this fact that seemed suspicious and became the reason to rummage through her biography. Although at that time there were no official statements about Naina Iosifovna’s Jewish genes. A serious argument was the confession of Yeltsin’s mother; she told reporters that Naina Yeltsin was indeed Jewish. But this is the story of the next generation and it has nothing to do with the origins of Boris Nikolaevich.

It is known that many facts about the biography of political figures of that time were hidden. But regarding Yeltsin, this was only information about the repressions to which his ancestors were subjected. No more. Therefore, on the basis of officially proven facts, it can be argued that Boris Nikolaevich belongs to the Russian nation. Although the study of the genealogical tree of the Yeltsin family continues. Who knows, maybe over time facts about other roots will emerge.

IN official biography Naina Iosifovna Yeltsina, widow former president Russia, it means that she was born into a large Russian family of Old Believers Joseph and Maria Girin.

Place of birth: the small village of Titovka in the Orenburg region. Parents were employees. The family is quite wealthy.

Yeltsin's biographers always focused on the fact that the entire Girin family was very religious. It was strictly forbidden not only to drink alcohol in the house, but also to swear. This explained Naina Iosifovna’s high moral qualities, her penchant for charity, as well as her ability to endure the difficult character and eternal employment of her late, now sovereign husband.

National question

Boris Yeltsin always said that his wife was Russian. However, supporters of the “Jewish version” of the origin of the President’s wife think differently. They argue that the very names “Iosif” (Iosif Alekseevich, the father of Yeltsin’s wife) and “Naina” are of Jewish origin, and are very common in Jewish families. Naina means "innocent".

Yeltsina indicated that she was named Anastasia at birth, but all her relatives called her Naina. She got used to this name. Having matured, at the age of 25 she went to the registry office and wrote an application asking to change her name to a more familiar one. Since then, in all her documents it is not “Anastasia Iosifovna”, but “Naina Iosifovna”.

Another sister of Naina Iosifovna was called Rosa, another common name in Jewish families. The remaining names of the children of the Girin spouses are Russian: Vladimir, Vitaly, Maria, Anatoly, Leonid. The Girin family clearly had a tradition of calling their offspring by both Russian and Jewish names.

Mixed marriages

It may seem strange where the daughter of Russian Old Believers could find a Jewish groom (if we take into account the “Jewish version”). But the statistics are inexorable. In the Orenburg region, where the Girins lived, there was always a very mixed population. Russians, Tatars, Mordovians, Kazakhs, Belarusians, Germans, Ukrainians, Poles and several other nationalities lived there - and still live to this day.

There were many Jews among them. According to the 1959 census, there are 8,716 people. So Maria Fedorovna Girina, Naina Iosifovna’s mother, had many chances to marry a Jew. It is likely that Joseph not only took the bride’s surname, but also adopted her faith. In mixed marriages, quite often one of the spouses adopts the religion and views of the other.

In addition, history knows many examples when Jews, having married a person of a different faith, take his surname in order to avoid persecution on a national issue. Obviously, this happened with the Girins too. There is no 100% reliable evidence of this, since neither the pedigree nor the origin story of Naina Iosifovna has been published anywhere.

At the same time, from the point of view of the Jews themselves, Naina Iosifovna can no longer be considered a Jew. Orthodox Jews are very strict about maintaining blood purity and always strive to marry only their own (Jews). Among Jews, it is believed that “Jewish” genes are transmitted through the maternal line. A Jewish man who marries a non-Jew deprives his children of the right to be considered Jews. Moreover, if he was baptized and raised his children in Orthodoxy. So, according to Jewish laws, Naina Iosifovna is not a Jew.

President - Yeltsin (married to a Jewish woman).
Naina Iosifovna Yeltsina, Jewish wife of former Russian President Boris Yeltsin
Presidential Adviser on Economic Affairs Livshits is a Jew.
Throughout Yeltsin's reign (1991-1999), most of his advisers were Jews.
Heads of the Presidential Administration Filatov, Chubais, Voloshin - all Jews

Minister of Economy - Yassin - Jew
Deputy Minister of Economics - Urinson - Jew
Minister of Finance - Panskov - Jew
Deputy Minister of Finance - Vavilov - Jew
Chairman of the Central Bank - Paramonova - Jewish
Minister of Foreign Affairs - Kozyrev - Jew
Minister of Energy - Shafrannik - Jew
Minister of Communications - Bulgak - Jew
Minister of Natural Resources - Danilov-Danilyan - Jew
Minister of Transport - Efimov - Jew
Minister of Health - Nechaev - Jew
Minister of Science - Saltykov - Jew
Minister of Culture - Sidorov - Jew

Chairman of the Media Committee - Gryzunov - Jew

"Izvestia" - Golembiovsky - Jew
“Komsomolskaya Pravda” - Fronin is a Jew
“Moskovsky Komsomolets” - Gusev (Drabkin) - Jew
“Arguments and Facts” - Starkov - Jew
“Labor” - Potapov - Jew
"Moscow News" - Karpinsky - Jew
“Kommersant” - Yakovlev (Ginsburg) - Jew
"New Look" - Dodolev - Jew
"Nezavisimaya Gazeta" - Tretyakov - Jew
“Evening Moscow” - Lisin - Jew
“Literary Newspaper” - Udaltsov is a Jew
"Glasnost" - Izyumov - a Jew
“Interlocutor” - Kozlov - Jew
“Rural Life” - Kharlamov is a Jew.
“Top Secret” - Borovik is a Jew.

State TV and Radio Company, Ostankino - A. Yakovlev - Jew.
Russian television and radio company - Poptsov is a Jew.


There is no point in talking about the government.
All Russian finances were concentrated in the hands of Jews.

The country was ruled by seven bankers, six of whom were Jews:
1. Aven - Jew,
2. Berezovsky is a Jew,
3. Gusinsky is a Jew,
4. Potanin (according to Potanin, the data varies).
5. Smolensky is a Jew,
6. Friedman is a Jew,
7. Khodorkovsky is a Jew.
The heads of the Presidential Administration are Jews: Chubais, Voloshin and the Daughter of the President (a new position for the Jewish authorities) Tatyana Dyachenko (according to Jewish law - Halakha, as the daughter of a Jewish woman - a Jew).

Political education - Central Jewish Resource - claims that Putin's mother: "...tired of constant moving, she left Pechersky and married the Jew Epstein (he, Epstein, took his wife's last name), who adopted Vova Putin - Putin's father."
The electronic newspaper “Petersburg News” wrote: “PUTIN HAS ALREADY SAID THAT THE JEWS HAVE LONG AVOIDED SYMPATHY IN HIM, and he happily recalls how he grew up in a communal apartment on Baskov Lane among Jewish neighbors, the sweetest and most pleasant people.”

Putin's wife, Lyudmila Abramovna (Alexandrovna) Shkrebneva is Jewish,
daughter of Ekaterina Tikhonovna (Mikhailovna) Shkrebneva,
daughter of the Jew Alexander (Abram) Avraamovich Shkrebnev

Now the Jews have simply bought up the entire cabinet of ministers and deputies.

Chairman of the Board of RAO UES of Russia - Chubais - Jew
Chairman of the Management Board of OJSC GAZPROM - Miller - Jew

During Putin's tenure as President of the Russian Federation, there was a concentration of funds Mass Information in the hands of Jews who deliberately identify a small number Jewish Diaspora with the concept of the state. They say, for example: “In the hands of the state.” Jews are hiding, afraid of reprisals.

Data is provided only for “state” channels or channels controlled by companies with a controlling stake in the “state”. Most of them are under the control of Jewish presenters, who invite the appropriate “experts” supported by Jews:
“Times” (Channel 1) - Posner is a Jew.
“To the Barrier” (NTV) - Solovyov is a Jew.
“Sunday Evening” (NTV) - Solovyov (by the way, Vladimir Rudolfovich, based on his fanatical passion for Jewish mystical teaching - Kabbalah, went crazy, that’s why the program starts at 22.22) - Jew
“What to do” (Culture) - Tretyakov - Jew
“Meanwhile” (Culture) - Arkhangelsky - Jew
“Cultural Revolution” (Culture) - Shvydkoy - Jew
“Versts” (TVC) - Mlechin - Jew
“Week” (REN-TV) - Maksimovskaya is Jewish.

Naina Yeltsin celebrates her anniversary today. The wife of the first president of Russia turns 80 years old.

The entire extended Yeltsin family will come to celebrate the birthday of mother and grandmother. Celebrate birthdays with the whole family New Year, Boris Yeltsin started the tradition when their daughters, Elena and Tatyana, were little.

Naina Iosifovna has three granddaughters, four grandchildren, three great-grandchildren and a great-granddaughter.


Naina Iosifovna was born on March 14, 1932 in the South Ural village of Titovka, Orenburg Region, in the family of Joseph and Maria Girin. Her parents were deeply religious people; they raised their six children (four sons and two daughters) in strict traditions.

At the age of 25, she changed her name from Anastasia to Naina. That’s why I changed my passport because I couldn’t get used to the official address in the service “Anastasia Iosifovna.”

In 1955 she graduated from the construction department of the Ural Polytechnic Institute. S. M. Kirova (Sverdlovsk) with a degree in civil engineering. After college, she was assigned as a civil engineer to Orenburg.

From 1956 to 1987 - chief engineer of the project, then - group leader of the Vodokanalproekt Institute, Sverdlovsk, retired at 55 years old. Since 1987 he has lived in Moscow.

In 1999, Naina Yeltsina was awarded the international Oliver Prize - “For the humanism of the heart.” The prize is awarded by the Foundation international assistance child "Frank".

She was also awarded the National Olympia Prize in the “Honor and Dignity” category. This is the only prize in Russia that recognizes the achievements of outstanding contemporaries in politics, business, science, art and culture.

Naina Yeltsina and her sister Rosa. Photographed by Boris Yeltsin

Naina Iosifovna met Boris Yeltsin while studying at the institute and lived happily married to him for more than fifty years. Throughout all these years, Naina Iosifovna was always by her husband’s side, with him she experienced all the ups and downs, all the difficulties and joys, while remaining a reliable support for her husband.

Yeltsin himself subsequently wrote: " All subsequent life showed that this was fate. It was exactly that choice - one out of a thousand. Naya accepted me and loved me for who I was - stubborn, prickly and, of course, it was not so easy for her with me... I fell in love with her, soft, gentle. Good - for life".

Naina Yeltsin herself always said that she did not consider herself a “first lady,” but first of all a wife, mother and grandmother: “Family is sacred to me. I can sacrifice anything, sleep and health, for the sake of children, grandchildren, husband ... This is the need to please your loved ones."

On March 14, 1932, Anastasia Girina, who was destined to become the first lady, was born in the village of Titovka, Orenburg Region. Russian Federation. In the biography of Naina Iosifovna there was also a Second World War, and becoming new Russia, and the death of loved ones.

Childhood and youth

For a couple of namesakes Joseph and Maria Girin, Nastya became the first-born. The father was sure that his eldest daughter would become a teacher - Anastasia Iosifovna. Since it would be difficult for the students to pronounce such a name and patronymic, the father called his daughter Naya, Naina. Naina Yeltsina is Russian by nationality. Naya helped her mother raise her younger brothers and sister Rosa.

Eighteen-year-old Naya went to Sverdlovsk to enroll in the construction department of the Ural Polytechnic Institute named after. . Here the freshman met her tall, athletic future husband. Romantic feelings flared up in her second year, but the girl did not immediately become Yeltsin.

The future president was jokingly interested in Naya's other fans and suggested getting married, but things didn't go beyond words.

Personal life

Boris and Naina did not see each other for a year, since after graduating from university in 1955, both worked as assigned. Boris worked in Sverdlovsk, Naina - in the Orenburg region. At that time, the lovers exchanged touching letters.

The young people met in the city of Kuibyshev (now Samara), from where a mutual acquaintance sent Naina a comic telegram, which reported on the critical condition of Boris’s heart. The frightened girl asked to leave work, the telegram turned out to be a reason to meet. That evening Boris and Naina decided not to part.

In the summer of 1956, Boris asked Naina's hand from the girl's parents, and in September the couple got married. A hundred people came to the celebration in Upper Iset. The young family settled in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg), Elena was born in 1957, and their second daughter Tatyana was born in 1960. The children followed in the footsteps of their parents, receiving a technical education.

She worked as an engineer at the Soyuzvodokanalproekt Institute, where filtering and treatment plants were developed, for more than twenty-five years. Anastasia was not used to being formally addressed by name and patronymic in the service and, at the suggestion of her friends, changed her name to “Naina” in an official manner.

At this time, Boris Yeltsin was rapidly climbing the career ladder, first at a house-building plant, then elected to administrative positions in the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the CPSU.

In 1985, Boris Nikolaevich became the first secretary of the Moscow City Committee of the Communist Party, and the family moved. In the capital, Naina Yeltsin did not pursue a career, providing a strong rear for her husband at home. Finally, in the summer of 1991, Boris Nikolaevich was elected president of the RSFSR, and then the Russian Federation. Thus, Naina acquired the status of “first lady”.

First lady

First wife Russian President traveled to schools, orphanages and hospitals, providing charitable assistance. According to protocol, the first lady accompanies her husband on official visits abroad. In 1999, the Frank Foundation for International Child Aid awarded Yeltsin the Oliver Prize in the category “For Humanism of the Heart.”

The president's wife rarely gave interviews in the 90s, remaining in the shadow of Boris Nikolaevich. Naina took Yeltsin’s lies, intrigues and accusations of the worsening economic situation seriously. In the family circle there was a rule not to discuss politics.

On December 31, 1999, the head of state congratulated the people on the holiday for the last time. The resignation made Naina Yeltsin happy, because it meant the end of a restless, hectic life that affected the health of her beloved husband.

In 2000, the former president became a pensioner. At this time, the married couple often traveled to visit guests, meeting with the families of ex-heads of state, with whom they managed to become friends. Naina Yeltsina maintains contact with Madame Chirac, for example, to this day.

In 2006, the wife of the former president was awarded national award"Olympia" in the "Honor and Dignity" category.

Death of Boris Yeltsin

On April 23, 2007, Naina Iosifovna became a widow. Boris Nikolaevich died at the age of 77 due to cardiac arrest. The funeral took place at the Novodevichy cemetery. The heads of foreign states also came to say goodbye to their comrade. They lived together for a little over fifty years.

Naina Yeltsina now

In May of the same year, Yeltsin's successor Vladimir Putin signed a decree on a monthly pension for Naina Yeltsina, which amounted to 195 thousand rubles per month. In 2008, the former first lady joined the board of trustees of the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Center. Today, the widow of the ex-president is participating in events dedicated to the memory of her husband.

In the fall of 2015, the Yeltsin Presidential Center opened in Yekaterinburg, where there is a museum with the personal belongings of the former Russian president. For example, a statement of resignation from the party, the pen with which he signed decrees, and a diploma of graduation.

According to the widow of the former president, the activities of the Yeltsin Center will help the younger generation obtain reliable information about that difficult time for Russia.

Yeltsin periodically organizes culinary master classes in children's cafes and restaurants in Yeltsin's center. The famous husband did not like to eat outside the house, they did not have servants, so Naina Yeltsina has many recipes in her piggy bank.

In May 2018, Naina Iosifovna received an invitation to.

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