Traditions of celebrating Chinese New Year. Traditions of celebrating Chinese New Year Chinese New Year in the year

Russia celebrates the New Year, like most countries in the world - according to the Gregorian calendar on the first of January. However, in the land of the rising sun there is a tradition of celebrating it according to the Chinese calendar. Finding out what date this happens is not so easy, because exact time This holiday is determined by the second new moon following the Winter Solstice.

This day usually falls on last month winter. According to the Chinese, it is at the junction of winter and spring that the New Year should come, as the personification of the arrival of something new. Spring best fits this definition. With its onset, nature comes to life again, everything around is filled with new energy and is born, in the full sense of the word, new life.

history of the holiday

The Chinese calendar is revered not only in the Middle Kingdom. Other Eastern countries adhere to it. The celebration of the New Year according to the Chinese calendar has deep ancient roots and symbolizes the onset of a new life.

According to an ancient Chinese legend, every twelve months people were visited by the terrible monster Chun, who, crawling out of the sea, demanded tribute from people. To avoid this fate, everyone who could these days hid in the mountains. However, one day a strange thing happened. In the village, shortly before the terrible moment, an old man appeared who could not hide from Chun in the mountains due to his poor health and therefore asked one of the women to stay in her house. What a surprise the residents were when, after returning, they saw the old man safe and sound. He was dressed in a red robe, the same lanterns hung around him, and used firecrackers were on the ground. The old man was not only not afraid, but a smile was shining on his face. As the old man later said, the monster is very afraid of the color red, loud noise and fun.

From that time on, the residents of the village stopped hiding in the mountains, and once a year they dressed all in red and had noisy fun and enjoyed life. So they managed to overcome the terrible monster and drive away their fear and adversity. This tradition has been living for centuries on Chinese soil, and newly born children are told the legend of the brave old man again and again.

When does the New Year begin and end in 2019?

As noted above, Chinese New Year occurs on the second new moon after the winter solstice. The last event takes place according to the Gregorian calendar, usually on December 21-22. In 2019 the picture will look like this:

On February 6, 2019, the second new moon will occur at 18:13 Moscow time, which means the start of the New Year according to the Chinese calendar also falls at this time. However, you need to take into account that the time difference between Moscow and Beijing is five hours. This means that in China the exact time of the New Year will be 23:13. Moreover, if Russia celebrates 2019, then in China it will be 4716. The symbol of the year will be the Yellow Earth Pig. This is the twelfth character in Chinese horoscope.

Celebrating New Year in China

The Chinese celebrate things a little differently than the Slavs. new year holidays. Despite the fact that the official holidays in China will be 02/5/19 – 02/19/19, the celebration of Chun Jie, which is what the New Year celebrations are called, will continue for fifteen whole days. The first days are completely devoted to relaxation and festivities.

It should be noted that the Chinese NG has its own characteristics:

  • Before the celebration, the houses are brought into perfect condition. Old or broken items are thrown away.
  • Housewives prepare the family's favorite dishes. Traditionally, there must be meat (not pork) and fish on the table.
  • All residents wear red clothes, which, according to the general belief, bring happiness and good luck.
  • The threshold of the house is decorated with red lanterns, and the dwellings are decorated with paired drawings. This should protect the home from troubles and adversity.
  • During the holiday, music must be played loudly, and the house must be filled with laughter and fun. It is advisable that everything be accompanied by the sound of fireworks and the sound of firecrackers.
  • Sorrow and sadness are not welcome. According to ancient beliefs, only joy and laughter can drive out the monster Chun.
  • Celebrating the “Spring Festival” (also called the New Year) does not require the presence of a Christmas tree. However, it is mandatory to have a spread with eight oranges. The fruits are laid out in a circle and there should be exactly eight of them in strict order. This number is believed to bring good luck.

If you think that Chinese Chun Jie is completely different from our New Year, then you will be deeply mistaken. Both in the Russian Federation and in the Celestial Empire, this is, by and large, a family holiday. On the eve of the holidays, the Celestial Empire turns into a real “anthill”. Everyone is going somewhere, swimming, flying. The reason is that there is an established tradition on Chun Jie to be close to your parents, in the house where you come from.

Traditional gifts

In China it is not customary to give gifts expensive gifts for the New Year, but everyone loves to receive presents. These may include:

  • souvenirs in the form of a New Year symbol;
  • money in red envelopes;
  • simple trinkets.

The most important thing is that everything is in duplicate or in pairs. Although, the number four is not recommended. This number is associated with death.

What's the best way to celebrate?

If you want this good-natured animal to bring you good luck, you should do the following:

  • Christmas tree decorations must certainly be golden or yellow color;
  • When decorating your home, you need to give preference to yellow and light brown shades;
  • When choosing a wardrobe for the New Year, you should pay attention to the fact that there are no sparkles or ultramarine on your clothes. Everything should be done in calm colors. Avoid miniskirts as well. There is no point in teasing the patroness of 2019 again. Medium-length outfits and jewelry made of gold and amber would be appropriate. Yellow colored jewelry is also suitable;
  • The table should be decorated with meat dishes; when preparing salads, yellow vegetables and fruits can be used;
  • Dogs are group animals, so it’s better to celebrate New Year’s holidays in a noisy company;
  • If you are going to celebrate the holiday together, it doesn’t matter. The most important condition for a successful New Year's Eve is a good mood, laughter and fun.

The Yellow Earth Pig is a sensible animal. If you are persistent and go towards your goal without fuss, the patroness of 2019 will always meet you.

Annually on the last Saturday of March environmental action is being carried out all over the world" Earth Hour", organized by the World Fund wildlife(WWF).

The meaning of the action is in voluntary cessation of consumption electrical energy for one hour. Thus, society realizes the importance of taking measures to reduce negative impact human activity on the environment.

This great idea was first implemented in Sydney, Australia in 2007. Then about two million residents of the metropolis took part in the action, and energy savings amounted to about 10%.

Inspired by the example, more and more cities began to join the Earth Hour campaign every year. It is expected that in 2020, more than 7 thousand residents will take part in a voluntary power outage for 1 hour. settlements of our planet (more than 2 billion people). Of course, among the countries participating in the action is Russia.

What date and time does the Earth Hour 2020 campaign take place:

As we wrote above, the event is held annually on the last Saturday of March, with the exception of those years when the last Saturday in March precedes Easter.

This year's Earth Hour is scheduled for Saturday. March 28, 2020. The promotion will begin at 20:30 local time and will last for an hour, until 21:30.

That is, the Earth Hour 2020 campaign - what date is it held and at what time:
* Date: March 28, 2020
* from 20:30 to 21:30 local time.

Chinese New Year 2018 fell on February 16 (Friday), and the festival in China will last until March 2, about 15 days in total. Lunar New Year 2018 heralds a new beginning, life with clean slate. Another aspect of the New Year is new beginnings.

Lunar New Year 2018 is a great time to go on a trip that will allow you to stay in harmony with nature.

Lunar New Year 2018: when does the holiday begin?

The dates of Chinese New Year vary slightly from year to year, but usually occur between January 21 and February 20 in the Gregorian calendar. It depends on the Chinese lunar calendar. The lunar calendar is related to the movement of the moon, which usually determines traditional holidays such as Chinese New Year (Spring Festival), Lantern Festival, and Dragon Boat Festival.

A public holiday in China is only seven days from the lunar calendar. New Year falls on the sixth day of the first lunar month, however, in general the festival lasts longer, from Lunar New Year's Eve to the Lantern Festival.

According to old folk customs, the holiday begins even earlier, on the 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month. Among these days, New Year's Eve is the peak of the holiday.

Lunar New Year 2018: what is the lunar calendar

While we are all accustomed to using the usual calendar - also called the Gregorian or civil calendar - on the other side of the earth they live according to the lunar calendar. And while the two calendars have some similarities, they are also very different from each other.

The lunar calendar depends entirely on the phases of the moon. The full cycle goes through all the phases of the Moon (there will be eight of them), which last about 29 and a half days. Each of these cycles is called a lunar cycle. The lunar calendar displays twelve full lunar months. Lunar months are shorter than regular calendar months; the lunar calendar is approximately 11 days shorter than the Gregorian calendar. The lunar calendar consists of 354 days.

Lunar New Year 2018: astrology and predictions

Aries, astrologers predict preparation for drastic changes. You need to be courageous, strong and energetic to achieve your goals.

For those born under the sign of Taurus, astrologers predict 2018 as a year of complete control over what is happening. Taurus people are creative and will keep their lives under control. Emotions that may rage during the new moon should be contained.

For sociable and quick-witted Geminis, 2018 will be an emotionally balanced year. There may be changes in your personal life, and there is also a high probability of moving or renovation.

Cancers are known to be famous for their intuition and sentimentality. This year will be spent with your family in a warm home environment.

For Leo, astrologers predict changes in personal growth. 20148 has prepared many new opportunities for this sign. Every lunar cycle will be a chance to take advantage of these opportunities.

Virgos are complex creatures with an analytical mind, a kind heart, and practicality in life. 2018 promises to be a time of new beginnings.

For Libra, the coming year is predicted to be an occasion to engage in creative endeavors. The stars advise planning carefully every month.

Scorpio is known as a strong-willed and mysterious sign, Scorpios should tune in to the personal and professional benefits that will come into their lives. Those born under this sign will experience positive changes.

Sagittarius, energetic people with a love of travel, 2018 has prepared all the opportunities for personal growth and self-realization for you.

For Capricorns New Year prepared opportunities for spiritual growth that would entail new travels, intellectual achievements and even foreign connections.

Independent and outgoing Aquarians will discover new social experiences. The sociability of this sign will allow you to make new useful acquaintances.

For Pisces, astrologers predict that this year will bring them happiness and balance in all areas.

Lunar New Year 2018: Stay in harmony with the Moon

The use of the phases of the Moon and the lunar calendar allows you to correctly use energy flows and select right time for certain actions. By being active at a time when the power of the Moon allows it, we can achieve good results in business and personal life.

The lunar calendar is useful as a powerful planning tool. He gives all the necessary knowledge so as not to make mistakes. By tracking your health and the phases of the moon, you can achieve mental, emotional and spiritual balance throughout the lunar year.

In China, the first celebration falls on January 1, as elsewhere. Chinese New Year, as a traditional national holiday, is calculated according to the lunar calendar and falls on a new day every year. Preparations for the celebration of the ethnic New Year in China are unusual. Chinese traditions, rituals and customs arouse genuine interest among other peoples, especially Europeans. What is special about celebrating the New Year by the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom?

Chinese New Year 2018: when does it start and end and how does it go?

Chinese New Year, when does 2018 begin and end? Chinese New Year begins on February 16, 2018 and ends on February 4, 2019. The current year's patron, the Rooster, will hand over the reins of government. This means that the Dog will become the patron and symbol of the next year. Main color is Yellow, element is Earth.

Every year, millions of people visit China in January or February to watch the Chinese New Year. This is one of the longest celebrations in the world, lasting 15 days.

What date is Chinese New Year? There is not and will not be a clear answer to this question, because the date of the holiday is “floating”.

Chinese New Year 2018 is celebrated from February 16 to March 3 inclusive.

Every day of the holiday is carried out with rites and rituals according to the traditions of the Chinese people. But this does not mean that all 15 days are public holidays. As is customary among Europeans, the Chinese also spend this sacred holiday for them in the circle of family and friends, for rich festive table. This celebration is not complete without gifts and surprises.

The celebration of the traditional New Year on the night of January 1st is noisy and crowded. Mass celebrations, fireworks, practical jokes - all this is typical for the Chinese. In turn, the second New Year is spent with the family, with relatives and friends. In order for the coming year to be successful, it is necessary to observe this tradition. And then the symbol of the year, the earthy yellow Dog, will be a talisman against misfortunes and troubles, helping in difficult times.

On this day, you need to devote a lot of time to your loved ones and family, once again say how much you appreciate and love them, how dear they are to you. Small memorable souvenirs, exchange of pleasantries, a quiet and relaxing dinner, sincere communication with loved ones - these are the distinctive features of this day. A peaceful environment is the key to good luck for the coming year.

How to celebrate New Year in China

How do they prepare and celebrate the New Year in China?


Preparations for the upcoming holiday begin long before it arrives. Residential premises, offices, public places undergoing global cleanup. Total cleanliness is restored everywhere. The Chinese get rid of old, unnecessary and broken items. City structures are being repaired and painted. Each resident makes his or her contribution to restore order. In this way, the Chinese disperse old negative energy, making way for the arrival of new vital energy.


Instead of spruce and pine, a Light Tree is installed; it is a traditional New Year's attribute in China. The entire interior of the home is decorated with festive lanterns, garlands, and everywhere there is a symbol of the year in the form of images and figurines of the ruling animal.

An interesting custom is observed: hanging colorful ribbons on the front door. There must certainly be 5 of them. Each of them is responsible for one of the areas of life:

  • Family,
  • Finance,
  • Business sphere,
  • Love,
  • Health.


Of course, the main holiday in China is not complete without setting the festive table. Every housewife in a Chinese family knows how the main dishes are prepared and served: a variety of sweets, pieces of rice with spices, as well as traditional dumplings, a sign of abundance and prosperity. Dumplings must be molded in the shape of a gold bar. The presence of sweets on the table promises a sweet life for every household member in the coming year. A properly set table, observing all the rituals and using traditional dishes, helps to attract good luck in the coming year.

The Chinese New Year's table is set for all family members, even if for some reason they cannot attend the joint holiday celebration. Cutlery, plates and even napkins are all set for absent relatives. The centuries-old tradition of celebrating the New Year in a close family circle is rarely violated. But this does not mean that the Chinese spend all 15 days only with their loved ones; they also like to spend the subsequent days of the celebration visiting or with friends.

Legends of Chinese New Year

Legends about Chinese New Year

Some chinese legends explain the origin of the New Year.

Legend No. 1

This legend begins with the story of one unfortunate woman who was married and could not give birth to a child. She was very sad about this and could not find consolation. One day a miracle happened! One day, her husband saw a prophetic dream that helped the poor woman get pregnant. My husband dreamed of a Phoenix bird; it flew to him holding a grain of rice in its beak. The husband was very surprised and ate the grain he brought. Nine months later, a son was born into the family.

But the boy’s lot was not easy. After a short time, the mother died, and the father found a stepmother. This woman turned out to be insidious and an evil person, she disliked the little boy. She kept thinking about how to kill an innocent child and persuaded her husband to kill the boy.

The son found out about the plot of his stepmother and father and left the house. Being a wise and kind young man, he entered the service of the Emperor, who fell in love with the boy and, in response to his devotion, married him to both of his daughters. As a sign of recognition, he transferred the throne not to the direct heir, his son, but to a noble young man.

The coronation of the new emperor took place on the first day of the new moon. On this day, a sign occurred: 10 suns sparkled in the sky - evidence of the chosen one of the Gods.

After many years of righteous rule, when the time came to hand over the crown, the emperor did the same as his predecessor: he gave the reins of power not by inheritance, but to an outside youth, whose coronation also took place on the first day of the new moon.

This is where the tradition of celebrating the New Year comes from in honor of the memory of all the emperors, thanks to whom China flourished for many centuries. This holiday is a symbol of hope for a bright future for the entire country and every person.

Legend No. 2

The New Year is always considered the beginning of something new, both in human life and in nature. The Chinese have long noticed that the awakening of the Earth after hibernation occurs after the first new moon. Therefore, the New Year in China is traditionally celebrated on the day of the first new moon, thereby beginning a new year.

Legend No. 3

The third legend about the New Year is mythical in nature, but it is most popular among modern Chinese. According to ancient legends, a terrible and hungry monster lives on the seabed, which leaves its refuge once a year when the new moon occurs. Having climbed onto land from the depths of the sea, the monster devours all living things on its way, not sparing people, animals and even small children.

Every year the Chinese looked forward to this day with horror, and could not defeat the bloodthirsty creature. On one of these new moons, the monster burst into a small house and saw a little boy wearing bright red pajamas. The monster froze, and at that moment the boy’s mother began to loudly hit the walls in order to scare the creature.

The monster, frightened by the loud sound and red color, rushed away. Since then, the Chinese knew how to defeat the bloodthirsty creature. Therefore, every year, on the day of its emergence, they decorate their homes using red fabric and red toys, and bamboo is thrown into the fireplace, which burns with a loud crash.

Chinese New Year Gifts

What gifts are customary to give for Chinese New Year?

The Chinese do not give expensive gifts New Year's Eve. These can be symbolic souvenirs and pleasant trinkets. Parents often present their children with red envelopes containing a sum of money. This is one of the traditions that helps bring prosperity to the home in the coming year.

What to give

The most popular small gifts:

  • Memorable souvenirs;
  • Talismans and amulets to attract good luck;
  • Sweet sets;
  • Figurines of the symbol of the year (in 2018 these are all kinds of figurines of puppies and dogs);
  • Greeting cards with best wishes for the new year.

Inappropriate gifts

There are also rules about what should not be presented or done for Chinese New Year:

  • If you decide to wrap a gift or package it in a holiday box, you should never use blue and white colors. For the Chinese it is a symbol of mourning.
  • Be careful with numbers. For example, the number 4 for the Chinese is the personification of death (as in European culture 13 and 666).

Gift etiquette

  • When giving a gift, make sure you are in private. After all, for the Chinese this is a purely personal moment and the presence of strangers is not allowed.
  • The delivery of the gift is carried out in mandatory with both hands.
  • No matter how unusual it may seem, the pairing of the gift must be observed. If you give a figurine of a Dog or Dog, the lord of the coming year, then you should give at least two figures.
  • Congratulations always begin with the elders, thereby respecting the adult generation. The kids are the last to receive their gifts.

Features of Chinese New Year for each holiday

First day

Celebrating Chinese New Year by day

On New Year's Eve, the whole family sits down at a festively laid table. When preparing the table, rituals and traditions are observed. On the table there are obligatory dishes such as dumplings in the shape of gold bars, rice seasoned with spices, sweets and meat. If the family lives in the south of the country, then various seafood, duck, and sausages are put on the table.

After spending time with loved ones and relatives, the Chinese go to mass celebrations or to visit guests. On this night, it is customary to give two tangerines, which symbolize happiness, love and prosperity. This country also cannot do without deafening explosions of firecrackers and fireworks, sparklers and the lighting of bamboo sticks.

Second day

The main ritual on the morning of this day is prayer. Every Chinese person turns to the Gods with gratitude for a successful year and their petitions for the coming year. Then during the day they go to celebrate with guests, continuing to receive congratulations and present gifts. It is very important to help poor and needy people on this day. It could be food, clothing or even money.

The third day

This day is conducive to a calm, homely environment. They don’t go to visit and don’t host anyone. The day is spent with friends and family enjoying pleasant communication. This day is without gifts and a festive table. In China, the third day of the New Year is called "red dog" or "red mouth".

Fourth day

This is one of last days for many Chinese, which is an official holiday. Therefore, it is dedicated to last visits and congratulations to remaining relatives and friends. The next day, workdays begin.

Fifth and sixth days

These days are marked by the preparation of a traditional Chinese dish under the original name “bobo”. It is shaped like dumplings, but tastes like dumplings. The beginning of the work week usually begins with a magnificent fireworks display.

Seventh day

In China, it is customary to order prayer services on this day and thank God. This day is not complete without a magnificent dinner. Traditional dish is a raw fish called "Yusheng". Every Chinese should definitely try some of this fish so that the coming year will be successful and rich.

Eighth day

This day is considered very important for every Chinese, since according to their beliefs, the first grain of rice appeared on earth on this day. The weather on this day can tell attentive Chinese what the harvest will be like this year. If the day was good, then expect a rich harvest; if the weather on that day is inclement, then the year may not be productive. On this day, the stars are venerated, temples are visited, and candles are burned. At the end of the working day, a family feast is arranged.

Ninth day

On the ninth day, many Chinese already went to work. The rest visit temples to perform prayers, light candles and incense. This is a historic day for the Chinese people, it is associated with the liberation of their country from the Japanese. It is good to donate food to the Gods on this day, thereby praising the Jade Emperor and the day of heaven. Today it is allowed to serve pork at dinner.

Tenth day

This is the day of honoring the stone. It is bad luck to use objects made of stone on this sacred day. In honor of the holiday, candles and incense are burned in churches. In the evening they sit down with family and friends to play checkers or chess, etc.

Eleventh day

On this day, sons-in-law are praised. On this occasion, a rich table with traditional Chinese dishes is set. The friendly feast gives way to laudatory speeches and the presentation of souvenirs.

Twelfth day

On this day, it is customary to cleanse the body, give it a break from excessive consumption of heavy foods, fatty and high-calorie foods. It is good to stick to a vegetarian diet on this day. An important day for entrepreneurs who visit the temple to pray to the Gods, wishing well-being and prosperity in their personal business.

Thirteenth and fourteenth days

Only in this country do they love and know how to make various lanterns. Therefore, the Chinese carefully prepare for the Lantern Festival two days in advance. The process of making lanterns is not labor-intensive and entertaining. All kinds of materials and objects are used for production. All skill and imagination are fully demonstrated. On this day, it is still important to cleanse the body and eat low-calorie foods.

Fifteenth day

The final day of the New Year celebration is dedicated to the Lantern Festival. It is considered a good tradition to gather with family in the evening to make lanterns together. The evening continues at the festive table with traditional Chinese dishes such as pork in sweet sauce, rice porrige with sweets, dumplings. At the end of dinner, all household members go out into the street with made lanterns to participate in mass celebrations, concerts and fun performances.

What do the Chinese expect from 2018?

In China, they believe that the coming year will echo the features and characteristics of the animal, which will become a symbol of the year. In 2018, we will experience the year of the yellow earthen Dog, which means that the coming year will be significantly different from the previous fiery Rooster.

There will be ambiguity in many areas. The dog is the lord of the year, endowed with noble traits such as friendliness, justice, honesty and loyalty, but unpredictability and laziness can creep into its behavior.

The Chinese believe that 2018 will bring us stability and tranquility, harmony and peace await us. Any conflicts will be resolved peacefully, contradictions will fade into the background. The year will be favorable for the conclusion of alliances both by individuals and entire states. If you are thinking about adding to your family in the near future, then the birth of a child in the Year of the Dog best time for this important event.

The Chinese say that if you give a treat to all the dogs you meet on a holiday, you will be expected great luck And good health in the year of the Dog.

So the real thing is finally coming Chinese New Year which is dedicated Yellow earthen dog. According to tradition, the New Year according to the Chinese calendar can be celebrated for a whole month; in the Middle Kingdom, at least, that’s what they do.

When is the “real” Chinese New Year of the Dog?

According to the Chinese calendar year Yellow earthen dog night falls from 15 to 16 February 2018, leaving in the past the totem animal of the passing year - Red fire rooster.

In China, they have been used since ancient times lunar calendar, and the beginning of the New Year is considered to be the second new moon after the winter solstice. Total in Chinese astrological calendar twelve totem symbols, which, replacing each other, form twelve-year cycles. These cycles, in turn, are superimposed on two more cycles - the five main elements (metal, wood, water, fire and earth) and two types of “cosmic energy” - Yin and Yang.

Coming on the night of February 16, the year of the Dog is the eleventh in the 12-year cycle, its energy is Yang, the year is also subordinate to the energy of the earth, which Chinese tradition associated with the color yellow. That's why the year is dedicated Yellow earthen dog.

In China, the traditional New Year is a very important holiday. It is advisable to spend this time with your family - in feasts and fun.

During this time, the Chinese try to take vacations (it is customary to celebrate, of course, not for a month, but from 11 to 15 days) and go to their families. The movements of Chinese citizens around the country and the world at this time represent the highest seasonal migration of the population.

By the beginning of the New Year in China itself and in numerous Chinatowns around the world, in accordance with national traditions decorate houses and streets. It is also customary to thoroughly clean homes and prepare a rich festive table to appease the family gods.

Although the traditions of celebrating the Chinese New Year are very ancient, some of them have taken root well in Western countries, America and Russia. On this day, it is customary to gather around a richly laid festive table, set off fireworks, and delight loved ones with gifts. In China, on New Year's days, traditional colorful parades with dragon dances and other vibrant national events take place. All over the world, tables are bursting with an abundance of famous Chinese cuisine.

What to wear for Chinese New Year

If you want to celebrate the New Year of the Dog according to all the rules, then all shades of yellow, ocher, golden, brown, crimson, burgundy, etc. are suitable for the outfit. Also appropriate is the most popular color in China, red, which is given a mystical meaning.

What to put on the table

Dogs are known to love meat, and Chinese cuisine is famous for its meat dishes. So all kinds deli meats They will be more than appropriate on the holiday table. But let’s not forget about the Russian flavor - New Year’s Olivier, herring under a fur coat, jellied meat, tangerines, as well as drinks suitable for the holiday have not yet been canceled. The main thing to remember here is that, unlike China itself, the Chinese New Year in Russia is by no means a holiday.

Chinese New Year 2018: traditions and signs, what not to do

The ancient Chinese had a whole series of traditions of prohibitions that could not be violated when celebrating the New Year. Some of these traditions have migrated to the present day.

Before the New Year, all debts should be paid off (in Russia there is also such a sign). It’s not worth borrowing or borrowing money on New Year’s Day; it’s harmful to your financial “health.”

At the festive table you need to talk only about the future, without remembering what happened in the past year. Therefore, the Russian tradition should be “carried out” old year It’s hardly appropriate for a Chinese holiday.

In the first three days of the Chinese New Year, you should not clean the house, especially sweeping, so as not to sweep away your good fortune. It is also not recommended to cut your hair or even wash your hair during the first three days of the New Year, otherwise, they say, you can cut your hair or wash away your luck.

After the Chinese New Year, you shouldn't buy new shoes right away, otherwise it could be a tough year to get up to.

Well, and, of course, on New Year’s Day you should never quarrel or swear, otherwise you won’t see good luck and prosperity.

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