Information systems technology who can work. Specialty "Information systems and technologies" (bachelor's degree). Information process and its structure

Good mastery of the specialty will provide you with the following competencies and allow you to apply them in future work in professions where they are needed:

  • Programming in high level languages.
  • Development of software associated with various operations carried out with information.
  • Development of software for various purposes.
  • Creation of operating instructions for IS.
  • Collecting information from existing components, supporting its operation, and preventing threats to data.
  • Creation of web servers, Internet sites.
  • Digital information processing.
  • Organizational activities.

      A graduate with a bachelor's degree is engaged in research activities in the IT field. He develops, implements and maintains information systems (IS) and technologies. This presupposes the ability to work with information processes, skillfully selecting the optimal tools and methods for their configuration, production and use. The main areas of application of professional skills are automation of the trading process, software modern education, computerization of business, production and research organizations.

      Professions for which this specialty can become the basis:

      • WEB administrator;
      • developer and database administrator;
      • specialist in the field of digital video, computer graphics and animation;
      • systems analysts and programmers.
      • more details in the next profession tab


Good specialists are needed everywhere: in commercial, government agencies, web studios and other companies that need programmers, database specialists and others. On average, in Russia the salary level is young specialist– 30-40 thousand rubles. But with skillful use of the acquired knowledge and a certain talent, you can receive many times more, an unlimited amount, since the use of your knowledge can be very profitable. If we take the labor market, then an experienced good specialist receives an average of 100k.

Information Systems Specialist is engaged in the development, maintenance and implementation of various information systems. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in computer science (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

An information system is a system for automating the activities of organizations, which includes:

  • technical support (a set of technical means for the operation of the system);
  • software and mathematical support;
  • information support and technology;
  • organizational, methodological and legal support.

The main purpose of an information system, for example, in economics, is to create an information infrastructure for effective activities and company management. Thus, the 1C: Enterprise information system is designed to automate all accounting processes in an enterprise. Information Systems for organizational management, they automate the activities of management personnel in hotels, banks, and trade. Manufacturing enterprises use systems to automate the functions of technical personnel: production lines, microcircuit production, assembly. Automation of design processes represents information systems such as the creation of design and graphic documentation, modeling of objects.

The professional standard for this profession was developed and approved relatively recently - on November 18, 2014, by Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection No. 896n “On approval of the professional standard “Information systems specialist”.

Information systems are initially created with users in mind who are experts in their subject area, but do not have special knowledge in the IT field. Therefore, information system applications should be as simple, convenient, easy to learn, and intuitive as possible.

Features of the profession

The functional responsibilities of an information systems specialist can be divided into 3 stages:

  1. Creation and maintenance of information systems:
  • negotiations with the customer to clarify his requirements for the information system;
  • collecting information to model the project’s subject area and the requirements of future users of the system;
  • drawing up, together with the customer, technical specifications for the development of an information system;
  • development of an information system and interaction with all project participants during the work;
  • deployment of information system workstations at the customer;
  • installation and configuration of application software necessary for the operation of the system;
  • setting up technical equipment involved in the operation of the system;
  • integration of the information system with technical support customer;
  • Carrying out internal testing of the system with setting parameters;
  • trial operation of an information system at an enterprise;
  • elimination of claims from system users after trial operation;
  • identifying and eliminating errors during operation.
  1. Technical support:
  • installation of the information system;
  • support of the system during operation;
  • software coding within a certain framework of assigned tasks;
  • development of operating instructions and technical documentation.
  1. Interaction with system users:
  • training information system users in how to work with it; consulting information system users;
  • creating presentations and demo versions of the system;
  • drawing up a report on training results.

A group of specialists can work at each stage, depending on the volume of the enterprise and the assigned tasks.

Pros and cons of the profession


  1. Demand.
  2. High wages for qualified specialists.
  3. Developing useful connections and acquaintances in business.


  1. User training on initial stage associated with their misunderstanding and opposition.
  2. The need to convince and repeatedly explain basic things to users who do not have special qualifications in the field information technologies.
  3. Frequent business trips are possible.

Place of work

Legally, an information systems specialist is an employee of an IT company that develops information systems, but geographically, during the period of system implementation, he works at the enterprise. A department for supporting implemented information systems is sometimes created within the structure of the enterprise itself, so that after training and trial operation, its own specialists can identify and eliminate possible incidents.

Important qualities

  • Analytical mind;
  • systems thinking;
  • communication skills;
  • ability to work with groups of people;
  • the ability to create constructive interaction between IT specialists and system users;
  • attention to detail;
  • responsibility;
  • discipline;
  • knowledge in English for reading technical literature.
  • Professional skills
  • knowledge of the architecture and functioning of modern information systems;
  • knowledge of the principles of database analysis and storage;
  • knowledge of the basics and languages ​​of programming, modern methods information systems testing;
  • knowledge of automation standards for various processes (ERP, CRM, MRP, ITIL, ITSM, etc.);
  • the ability to quickly delve into and understand the subject area of ​​the information system being designed;
  • knowledge of the basics is desirable economic activity and enterprise management;
  • ability to work with information: collection, processing, analysis.


Salary as of 08/05/2019

Russia 25000—60000 ₽

Moscow 50000—180000 ₽

A beginning information systems specialist can count on a salary of 60 thousand rubles. A specialist with more than 3 years of experience can receive from 100 thousand rubles. in the metropolitan region.

Career steps and prospects

An information systems specialist can start his career by operating a system at an enterprise, then go through all the stages from a simple specialist to a chief information systems implementation specialist. The next level is Information System Implementation Project Manager, then the level of Information Systems Developer.

Types of information systems

Classification by purpose and use of the system:

  • organizational or administrative management systems;
  • process control systems;
  • automated scientific research systems;
  • computer-aided design (CAD) systems.

According to the organizational level, there are 4 types of information systems:

  • systems for interactive processing of requests at the operational level Transaction Processing Systems (TPS);
  • knowledge level systems, Knowledge Work System (KWS) and office automation systems - Office Automation Systems (OAS);
  • management level systems Management Information Systems (MIS) and decision support systems (DSS);
  • strategic level systems Executive Support Systems (ESS).

This specialty is in the spirit of the times, so to speak. It can give you knowledge that will definitely be in demand in the modern information technology world. Information systems are everywhere. The ability to work with information in every sense will give you a guaranteed place in the labor market. As part of the specialty, students will study a number of highly specialized disciplines (which may vary and be supplemented depending on the profile): tools, modeling and IS architecture, computer graphics, programming and database technologies, information processing technology, computer science theory, information and network technologies. The priority objective of the course is to train a young specialist who will be able to realize himself in any field related to computerization, automation, and information technology. Here you cannot do without a love for the exact sciences, the knowledge of which is tested on applicants.

Information Systems Specialist is engaged in the development, maintenance and implementation of various information systems. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in computer science (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

An information system is a system for automating the activities of organizations, which includes:

  • technical support (a set of technical means for the operation of the system);
  • software and mathematical support;
  • information support and technology;
  • organizational, methodological and legal support.

The main purpose of an information system, for example, in economics, is to create an information infrastructure for the efficient operation and management of a company. Thus, the 1C: Enterprise information system is designed to automate all accounting processes in an enterprise. Information systems for organizational management automate the activities of management personnel in hotels, banks, and trade. Manufacturing enterprises use systems to automate the functions of technical personnel: production lines, microcircuit production, assembly. Automation of design processes represents information systems such as the creation of design and graphic documentation, modeling of objects.

The professional standard for this profession was developed and approved relatively recently - on November 18, 2014, by Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection No. 896n “On approval of the professional standard “Information systems specialist”.

Information systems are initially created with users in mind who are experts in their subject area, but do not have special knowledge in the IT field. Therefore, information system applications should be as simple, convenient, easy to learn, and intuitive as possible.

Features of the profession

The functional responsibilities of an information systems specialist can be divided into 3 stages:

  1. Creation and maintenance of information systems:
  • negotiations with the customer to clarify his requirements for the information system;
  • collecting information to model the project’s subject area and the requirements of future users of the system;
  • drawing up, together with the customer, technical specifications for the development of an information system;
  • development of an information system and interaction with all project participants during the work;
  • deployment of information system workstations at the customer;
  • installation and configuration of application software necessary for the operation of the system;
  • setting up technical equipment involved in the operation of the system;
  • integration of the information system with the customer’s technical support;
  • Carrying out internal testing of the system with setting parameters;
  • trial operation of an information system at an enterprise;
  • elimination of claims from system users after trial operation;
  • identifying and eliminating errors during operation.
  1. Technical support:
  • installation of the information system;
  • support of the system during operation;
  • software coding within a certain framework of assigned tasks;
  • development of operating instructions and technical documentation.
  1. Interaction with system users:
  • training information system users in how to work with it; consulting information system users;
  • creating presentations and demo versions of the system;
  • drawing up a report on training results.

A group of specialists can work at each stage, depending on the volume of the enterprise and the assigned tasks.

Pros and cons of the profession


  1. Demand.
  2. High wages for qualified specialists.
  3. Developing useful connections and acquaintances in business.


  1. User training at the initial stage is associated with their misunderstanding and opposition.
  2. The need to convince and repeatedly explain basic things to users who do not have special qualifications in the field of information technology.
  3. Frequent business trips are possible.

Place of work

Legally, an information systems specialist is an employee of an IT company that develops information systems, but geographically, during the period of system implementation, he works at the enterprise. A department for supporting implemented information systems is sometimes created within the structure of the enterprise itself, so that after training and trial operation, its own specialists can identify and eliminate possible incidents.

Important qualities

  • Analytical mind;
  • systems thinking;
  • communication skills;
  • ability to work with groups of people;
  • the ability to create constructive interaction between IT specialists and system users;
  • attention to detail;
  • responsibility;
  • discipline;
  • knowledge of English for reading technical literature.
  • Professional skills
  • knowledge of the architecture and functioning of modern information systems;
  • knowledge of the principles of database analysis and storage;
  • knowledge of the basics and languages ​​of programming, modern methods of testing information systems;
  • knowledge of automation standards for various processes (ERP, CRM, MRP, ITIL, ITSM, etc.);
  • the ability to quickly delve into and understand the subject area of ​​the information system being designed;
  • knowledge of the basics of economic activity and enterprise management is desirable;
  • ability to work with information: collection, processing, analysis.


Salary as of 08/05/2019

Russia 25000—60000 ₽

Moscow 50000—180000 ₽

A beginning information systems specialist can count on a salary of 60 thousand rubles. A specialist with more than 3 years of experience can receive from 100 thousand rubles. in the metropolitan region.

Career steps and prospects

An information systems specialist can start his career by operating a system at an enterprise, then go through all the stages from a simple specialist to a chief information systems implementation specialist. The next level is Information System Implementation Project Manager, then the level of Information Systems Developer.

Types of information systems

Classification by purpose and use of the system:

  • organizational or administrative management systems;
  • process control systems;
  • automated scientific research systems;
  • computer-aided design (CAD) systems.

According to the organizational level, there are 4 types of information systems:

  • systems for interactive processing of requests at the operational level Transaction Processing Systems (TPS);
  • knowledge level systems, Knowledge Work System (KWS) and office automation systems - Office Automation Systems (OAS);
  • management level systems Management Information Systems (MIS) and decision support systems (DSS);
  • strategic level systems Executive Support Systems (ESS).

Final exams are just around the corner. Which will inevitably be followed by graduates thinking about what to do (how to live) next?

I imagined myself in the role of a high school student who decided for one reason or another (for example, after studying a review of supply/demand in the IT labor market, or under the impression of words about an increase in the number of budget places in universities in IT specialties) enter a technical university and become a highly qualified programmer.

Let me remind you that this kind of specialty is one of the 23 “leaves” of the tree-like “European Classification of IT Specialists”. In addition, this is the name of one of the professional standards in the field of IT, developed under the auspices of APCIT and approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation.

On the website of one of the universities of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications (so as not to be accused of advertising it, I will not disclose the name of this university) I read the following lines:

"The Faculty of Information Technologies *** provides training to students in several areas in the field of infocommunications and information technologies.
1. Direction “Informatics and Computer Science”, profile "Computer software and automated systems" Graduates of this profile are highly qualified programmers, the demand for whom in the labor market is constantly growing and will not decrease in the foreseeable future. Almost all graduates work in their specialty and have earnings significantly higher than the regional average. The demand for such specialists is great in any industry, in the banking sector, in the development and operation of information systems. There is also master’s training in this area at ***.”

Approximate information about the earnings of university graduates, the percentage of those employed in their specialty after completing a bachelor's or master's degree, as well as the number of budget places in this area and information about passing score There are no abstracts for this direction. Which, of course, is sad. But it is clear that if an applicant has decided to become a highly qualified programmer, then it makes sense for him to consider studying at a given university in this area as one of possible options your career growth.

However, it is interesting to note that a profile with the same name “Software for computer technology and automated systems” also appears in the annotation of another area of ​​training for specialists at this university.

This is what it says on the website of the Faculty of Information Technology mentioned above educational institution ***:

2. Direction “Information systems and technologies”, profile with the same name. Graduates of this profile are highly qualified specialists in the field of design, development and implementation of various types of information systems, currently used in almost any field of activity. The need for specialists in this profile is very great and a graduate can easily get a job in any company he likes. Graduates *** of this direction develop information websites of companies, create databases, including for distributed information systems.”

Please note: in the annotation of this direction there are no words like “Almost all graduates work in their specialty and have earnings significantly higher than the regional average. The demand for such specialists is great here and there... There is also master’s training in this area in ***.” It turns out that the demand for programmers who completed training in the field of “Information Systems and Technologies” at the university *** is lower than for programmers who completed training in the field of “Informatics and Computer Science” at the same university?

So in what direction is the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education (federal state educational standard higher vocational education) is it better to study for those who want to become a highly qualified programmer: 03/09/01 (“Informatics and Computer Science”) or 03/09/02 (“Information Systems and Technologies”)? What do you think about this? And in general, by what criteria should an applicant who has decided to become a highly qualified programmer or other IT specialist choose a university?

Here’s another note on the topic of this post: “Yes, everything is wrong with IT education. But what should we do?” . It was written in October last year and, among other things, it notes that this problem with the lack of IT specialists in the required quantity and quality did not arise yesterday and will not be solved tomorrow. And it’s not a fact that it will be decided at all. At best, it will only be smoothed out to one degree or another. It is also noted that every year from educational organizations higher education Russia produces up to 25 thousand IT specialists. Moreover, today only 15-20% of engineering graduates are suitable for immediate employment in the field of information technology. That is, applicants should choose a university and faculty very carefully. In order to get into those same 15-20% of graduates who are suitable for immediate employment in the field of information technology.

Another question arises. Why “Future Russian IT specialists are not guided in choosing a specialty”? Due to the lack of a competent career guidance system in the country or due to the fact that technical universities, in educational programs of whom there are IT specialties, cannot competently present themselves (their educational services) (praise, advertise)? Or maybe the reason is that IT companies hold “Days open doors” or other events aimed at future IT specialists that are not so frequent and not at the proper level?

Diagram from note

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