How to cook corn porridge with milk in a slow cooker. Corn porridge in a slow cooker with milk and water. Classic porridge on water

How to cook corn porridge in a slow cooker? The process of preparing this dish always raises questions. Therefore, in our article we will provide specific recommendations for users.

Corn and corn grits

Corn is a very common crop. It is grown in many countries around the world and has high nutritional value. Corn is used to make various products - cereals, oil, flour, canned food, etc.

The birthplace of the culture is North America. Local Indians began cultivating it even before the arrival of Europeans. They were able to achieve excellent results; the average cob size increased significantly.

Europeans continued to cultivate corn. They began to make various products from it. This included the appearance of the famous cereal, which has been used for many centuries to prepare corn porridge.

To produce cereals, grains are first dried. They are then crushed to obtain a homogeneous mass. Today there are three degrees of grinding:

  • Small.
  • Average.
  • Large.

The smaller the grind, the faster the porridge cooks. Our stores usually offer medium-ground grains; they are considered the most common in Russia. But to save time when preparing, you can grind the product yourself:

  1. Take a coffee grinder and pour the indicated dose of cereal into it.
  2. Turn on the device for about 30 seconds.
  3. After grinding, you will get a grain that is more like a powder.

How to cook corn porridge with milk in a slow cooker: basic recipes

How to cook corn porridge in a slow cooker? Today, all recipes can be divided into three categories:

  • On milk.
  • On the water.
  • Unusual solutions with various additives.

There are a huge number of step-by-step recipes with photos. But most of them are similar to each other and differ only in details. Therefore, our article will discuss the main options.

Corn porridge is usually cooked on the stove. But the classical method has a number of disadvantages:

  1. Unable to fully control temperature regime.
  2. Many novice cooks make mistakes when choosing the heating level.
  3. Porridge often burns, which negatively affects its taste.
  4. The process must be constantly monitored.
  5. Cooking the perfect dish requires some experience.

Nowadays, multicookers have become widespread. They have a number of advantages:

  • They received a stylish design and will be able to fit into the interior of the room.
  • They are compact in size and do not take up much space.
  • They don't consume much energy.
  • There are many programs available for preparing different dishes.
  • You can save your own time and entrust the process to a multicooker.
  • The device independently selects the temperature regime based on the built-in algorithms.
  • Some models are equipped with heating elements on all sides. Due to this, the bowl heats evenly.
  • In most cases, the porridge turns out quite tasty, unless you mix up the program.
  • In a multicooker you can perform many technological operations - boiling, baking, frying, stewing, etc.
  • She is easy to care for.
  • A good multicooker can completely replace a stove.
  • This is affordable equipment. The cost of multicookers starts from 1000 rubles. A good model can be purchased for about 5,000 rubles.

With milk

Corn porridge in a slow cooker with milk, the recipe for which is presented below, is considered the most popular option. Let's list the advantages of this dish:

  1. High nutritional value.
  2. Delicate and pleasant taste.
  3. Increased amount of nutrients.
  4. It is suitable for both adults and children.


  • Water – one and a half glasses.
  • Milk – 1.5 cups.
  • Cereals – 100 g.
  • Butter – 50 g.

But why can’t you use pure milk? Wouldn’t it be tastier this way? You can, no one is stopping you. But pure milk tends to “run away” and burn. Therefore, it is recommended to dilute it with water to increase stability and facilitate the cooking process.


  1. Cereals are always pre-washed.
  2. Pour it into a saucepan.
  3. Pour in liquids, add flavor enhancers.
  4. Mix well to ensure even distribution.
  5. Close, select the mode for milk porridge.
  6. The average cooking time that needs to be set is 35 minutes. If the cereal does not have time to boil, then time can be added.
  7. After cooking, add butter. It can be pre-melted in the microwave and poured into the porridge.
  8. Mix well, now you can portion and serve.

Nobody forbids you to “pump up” your dish. You can add a little jam, preserves, syrup, honey. Nuts and dried fruits go well with porridge. They improve taste and lift your mood.

Important! Additives increase the calorie content of the finished dish. If you are on a diet, then you should take this fact into account. Also, some supplements are contraindicated for people with diabetes.

How to cook with water?

How to cook corn porridge in a slow cooker? Some people prefer a simple option on the water. There are several reasons for this:

  • They want to save money.
  • Suffer from intolerance to dairy products.
  • They watch their figure and want to reduce calories.

Keep in mind that porridge made with water is inferior to its counterpart made with milk. Therefore, it is recommended to flavor the finished dish with butter to improve the taste and take it to another level.


  1. Water – 600 ml.
  2. Cereals – 200 g.
  3. Butter – 70 g.

Cooking technology:

  • The cereal is initially washed well under the tap.
  • Then pour it into the bowl.
  • Pour in the liquid, add flavor enhancers, stir.
  • Select the “Porridge” program.
  • Close and wait for the beep.
  • It is better to melt the butter first microwave oven and pour into the porridge.
  • Mix well and portion.

Corn porridge– a great option for breakfast. It includes carbohydrates with a complex structure that provide the body with energy for a long time. You definitely won’t feel hungry until lunch!

Cereal porridge is often used as a side dish. In this case, it is cooked quite thick, reducing the volume of water. Corn porridge goes well with meat products.

In a slow cooker in Redmond

Redmond is a company that produces a large number household appliances. Multicookers from this brand are very popular and are very common on the market.

Let us immediately make a reservation that different models are somewhat different. Our recipe is based on the Redmond M70 multicooker. You can familiarize yourself with it in order to find suitable parameters in your model in the future.


  1. Milk – 300 ml.
  2. Water – 650 ml.
  3. Cereals – 100 g.
  4. Butter – 50 g.


  • Pour the washed cereal into the bowl.
  • Add liquids and flavor enhancers.
  • Stir and close the lid.
  • Select the “Milk porridge” mode, time – 35 minutes (this mode is present in most models of the manufacturer).
  • We are waiting for a sound signal indicating the end of cooking.
  • Open the lid, add butter and stir.
  • Portion and serve. Tasty additions are welcome.

In a slow cooker in Polaris

Polaris multicookers are not inferior to Redmond in popularity. Two companies have a significant share in this market. Therefore, most of the recipes presented on the Internet are intended specifically for them.


  1. Cereals – 130 g.
  2. Water – 560 ml.
  3. Butter – 20 g.


  • Place the washed cereal into the bowl.
  • Add water, salt and sugar, mix.
  • Select the “Groats” mode.
  • After 30 minutes, the multicooker will notify you that the program has completed.
  • Add butter.
  • Select the “Heating” mode.
  • Wait another 20 minutes until the porridge reaches and steams well.

How to cook corn porridge with milk for a child in a slow cooker?

Cooking for a baby is no different. The dish itself is dietary, so it does not need to be changed or “lightened” in any way. The only thing is that sugar can be replaced with honey, but this is not at all necessary.

So, let's give an example based on two servings:

  1. Milk – 1.5 cups.
  2. Water – 1.5 cups.
  3. Cereals – 0.5 cups.
  4. Sugar and salt - to taste.
  5. Butter – 50 g.


  • Rinse the cereal under water.
  • Add to the saucepan, fill with liquids, add a little sugar and salt.
  • Stir until the cereal is evenly distributed in the pan.
  • Select the “Milk porridge” mode. The standard time value is 35 minutes.
  • Once cooked, add butter, stir and transfer to plates.

Tip: to encourage your child to eat the dish, you can add chopped nuts, preserves, marmalade, raisins, grated chocolate, etc. Such toppings will keep your child interested.

Why should corn porridge be included in your family's diet?

Let's look at the beneficial properties of this dish:

  1. It does not contain gluten. People with intolerance to this food component can eat porridge.
  2. It has a low calorie content - about 86 kcal per 100 g. Final the nutritional value depends on the preparation technology and additives used.
  3. Provides the body with energy until lunch. Complex carbohydrates are gradually absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Contains vitamins B 5, B 6, E and K.
  5. Includes a number of minerals.
  6. Provides quick saturation.
  7. Well suited for dietary nutrition.

More interesting things on our website.

Corn grits are one of the healthiest grains. It contains amino acids, silicon, iron and other minerals and vitamins that are no less important for the body. But not only that, corn contains fiber that is so necessary for our body, thanks to which we can cleanse our body of toxins that are unnecessary for us. This type porridge is recommended to be included in the diet of children, people leading healthy image life, and of course, older people are simply obliged to eat this porridge in the morning.

Everyone cooks corn porridge differently, and in some countries it is even national dish, for example, in Italy, Moldova and Romania. And corn porridge did not bypass our country; it fits tightly into our menu. Our housewives prefer to cook corn porridge in milk and butter; they prepare unsweetened porridge from corn grits in water, using it as a side dish for meat or vegetable dishes.

It turns out very tasty in a Russian oven when it languishes there for a long time. But since it cannot be found in a city apartment, a multicooker, which has already become our constant assistant in the kitchen, will help us in preparing delicious porridge. The taste of corn porridge in a slow cooker is very similar to porridge from the oven, just as aromatic and tasty. If desired, everyone can add dried fruits, nuts or fresh fruits to their plate; a very tasty porridge is also obtained if it is topped with any syrup, especially homemade jam.

This recipe is just about how to cook corn porridge in this miracle saucepan.

Corn porridge in a slow cooker

Remember that corn grits should be stored in tightly closed glass or plastic containers. And from damp cereals you risk getting a bitter porridge with lumps and a not very pleasant damp taste.

In order to cook corn porridge with milk in a slow cooker, you need to decide what thickness you generally prefer for milk porridge. Your result will depend on the correct ratio of cereal and liquid. The first recipe given is a thicker porridge, the second is thinner. Liquid milk corn porridge is suitable for baby food; after cooking, you only need to let this porridge stand on the heat so that it steams, and then use a blender.


1 recipe

  • Corn grits - 1/2 cup,
  • Cow's milk – 500 ml,
  • Granulated sugar – 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • Butter (natural) – 50 grams,
  • Salt - a pinch

2 recipe

  • Milk – 800 ml,
  • Corn grits - ½ cup,
  • Sugar – 3 tablespoons,
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Butter – 50 g.

Cooking process:

Corn grits, like other grains, need to be washed in large quantities water.

To be on the safe side, use a piece of butter to first make a butter rim along the top of the bowl so that the porridge does not run away. Add the rest to the cereal.

Then add the liquid for the porridge - milk, a mixture of water and milk (you can cook the porridge not only with milk, adding 100 ml of water or completely replacing the milk with water, according to your taste).

After the multicooker beeps that the porridge is being cooked, you need to stir it and, closing the lid again, leave it for another 30 minutes on the “Warming” program. In this mode, the porridge, constantly remaining warm, will become even more tasty.

TIP: It is very convenient to cook corn porridge on a delayed start (timer), adding all the ingredients the night before.

But if you don’t have time, then just put the porridge on plates, put a small piece of butter on top and enjoy your meal!

If desired, you can add pre-washed raisins, dried apricots or prunes to the corn porridge.

Eat healthy and tasty!

Good recipes.

Find decent, practice-tested variations of recipes for corn porridge in a slow cooker on an educational online culinary resource website. Check out the versions of porridge made with water, milk or broth. Prepare a delicious dish with meat, mushrooms, and various vegetables. Check out the sweet options with dried fruits, honey, nuts, pumpkin and berries. Feel free to experiment with this versatile side dish!

Corn porridge is rightfully considered the most “slender” porridge. 100 g contains 86 kcal. At the same time, it is unique in its set of useful elements. With a simple ratio of liquid to cereal (2.5:1), it is still quite capricious in preparation (to avoid burning it must be stirred constantly). However, having a multicooker as your assistant, all difficulties will be left behind. The cereal does not require long preparations before cooking. The main thing is that it is fresh, not raw or stale. Before cooking, the cereal should be rinsed a little.

The five most commonly used ingredients in slow cooker corn porridge recipes are:

Interesting recipe:
1. Rinse the cereal thoroughly until the water is clear.
2. Pour into the multicooker bowl.
3. Fill with cool water. Add salt and mix.
4. Set the “Porridge” (or “Buckwheat” or “Grains” program, depending on the multi-oven model) for one hour.
5. Stir when finished. To taste.
6. If the grains turn out to be a little hard, then cook in the “Stew” mode for 20 minutes.
7. Season with oil.
8. Serve with meat, fish, vegetables, with a variety of gravies or sauces according to individual taste and desire.

Five of the fastest recipes for corn porridge in a slow cooker:

Helpful Tips:
. If the porridge turns out to be thick, you can add a little liquid at the end (water, milk, broth) and keep it in the “Warming” mode for 10-15 minutes.
. Corn porridge goes well with many foods. Therefore, you can safely add sautéed onions and carrots, sweet peppers, tomatoes, cheeses and herbs.

Corn porridge is considered a national dish in Moldova and Romania, and is popular in Italy, where it is called polenta. Porridge is prepared from corn grits (finely ground corn). You can cook porridge in water or milk, with the addition of herbs, Very delicious combination gives corn grits with pumpkin in porridge. Corn grits are very healthy, they are rich in vitamins and contain few calories, which makes them indispensable for people watching their weight and leading a healthy lifestyle. Cooking corn porridge is similar in technology to cooking millet porridge, but corn porridge needs to be stirred more often. This tip is for those who cook porridge on the stove. And those who cook corn porridge with milk in a slow cooker, you are freed from this, because the multicooker will prepare delicious porridge without your participation.


  • 500 ml milk (you can take 400 ml milk and 100 ml water)
  • 0.5 multi cup corn grits
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • a pinch of salt
  • butter taste


Wash the corn grits and pour into the multicooker bowl. Add sugar, salt and butter.

Pour in milk. Mix.

Set mode “”

After the signal corn porridge with milk stir again.

Ideally, it would be great to leave the porridge for another 30-40 minutes in the heating mode, the porridge will “cook” and thicken a little more. This option is very suitable for a timer; the time needs to be calculated so that the corn porridge simmers a little more while heating

In a slow cooker (on water) - this is not just a children's delicacy, full beneficial properties and vitamins. This dish may well become one of the most irreplaceable dishes! A multicooker allows you to prepare delicacies for your home that were previously unpopular in the family due to difficulties in preparation. Here's the same porridge: you can't cook it in a simple pan - it will burn, you need a special thick-walled one. And it turns out the most rich in its own oven.

The corn porridge comes out like it comes out of a Russian oven; it will not stick in any way and is cooked perfectly. Therefore, our portal will be pleased to demonstrate several simple recipes porridges that are definitely worth trying!

Classic corn porridge

Most housewives do not like to cook corn porridge. It is very long and tedious. You need to select a special container with a thick bottom, cook over low heat and stir constantly. Then it needs to be wrapped up for it to reach. But if you have a multicooker, the process of cooking porridge becomes a pleasure. We suggest preparing a real, classic porridge.


  • corn grits – 200 g;
  • water – 600 ml;
  • butter – 70 g;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking step by step:

  1. The cereals need to be washed well several times.
  2. Pour corn grits into a saucepan and add water.
  3. In the multicooker menu, set the “Porridge” mode. The time is set automatically.
  4. When it's ready, taste it. Many people prefer boiled, softer cereals. Then it is better to leave the dish to “cook” for another 20 minutes, “Warming” mode.

Corn porridge is served as a separate dish or as a side dish along with vegetables, meat, and mushrooms. Salt is added to classic porridge. You can cook a sweet dish in a slow cooker with sugar, dried fruits and raisins

Corn porridge with milk

Delicious corn porridge made using a slow cooker is a wonderful breakfast for anyone! Each serving contains a charge of energy and vigor for the whole day. Corn porridge is rich in vitamins, so it should be included in the diet of both adults and children. Corn contains a huge amount of carbohydrates and protein, which will provide the energy necessary for life and strength for new challenges. What else is needed for a good start? working week? This dish is ridiculously easy to prepare! Especially if there is a modern kitchen device in sight - a multicooker. It is enough to pour the required number of ingredients into it, and then set the appropriate mode. Most likely, it will be called “Porridge”. The multicooker will prepare an incredibly tasty and delicious dish that the whole family can enjoy!


  • corn grits - 1 tbsp;
  • whole cow's milk - 2 tbsp.;
  • drinking water - 1 tbsp.;
  • granulated sugar - 1–2 tbsp. l.;
  • table salt - 0.5 tsp.

General information:

  • Cooking time: 1 hour
  • Portions: 4 servings


You need to start cooking corn porridge by washing the cereal. In order to clean the cereal from excess impurities, it should be placed in a large plate and poured cold water, and then mix thoroughly by hand. Impurities will float to the top. The washed corn grits should be transferred to a multi-cooker bowl. Add the required amount of salt and sugar there.

The amount of sugar in the plate can be set to your own vision. With one spoon taste qualities The porridges turn out average, with two - sweet. We do not recommend experimenting with salt. Here is the best ratio to make corn grits as tasty as possible.

Add a glass of clean cool water to the cereal. By the way, if desired, the same volume of water can be exchanged for milk. Then add good cow's milk to the other ingredients. This milk should be as fresh as possible. Otherwise, the milk in the cereal may curdle! Set the multicooker to “Porridge”. The best cooking time is 60 minutes. During this period of time, the porridge will have time to cook as much as possible. Thanks to the special structure of the device, the cereal will receive an amazing delicate taste and will not lose its amazing aroma!

Corn porridge with meat

A very hearty dinner, thanks to which you don’t have to worry about meat additives or side dishes. The cooking process occurs synchronously. Our recipe uses pork, but you can also use chicken, turkey, or lamb. Beef takes longer to cook to perfection, so it needs to be simmered for 50 minutes before pouring in the grain.


  • pork - 600 g;
  • corn grits - 2 cups;
  • water - 4 glasses;
  • onion - 1 large head;
  • paprika, marjoram;
  • salt.


Cut the fillet into bars. Place in hot oil, turning on the “Fry” mode. Cook until golden brown. Peel and chop the onion. Pour it over the meat. Cook for 7 minutes. Add washed cereals, pour warm water. Set the “Porridge” mode. In devices with a valve, before starting cooking, you need to set it to the “Closed” mode. With this cooking, the dish will “arrive” in about 12 minutes from the start of the countdown.

In standard devices, the cooking time for porridge is 50–60 minutes. Both porridge with milk in a slow cooker and a normal meat dish are prepared very easily and simply. Take the risk of trying our recipes for every day, and you will definitely not be dissatisfied!

Porridge with dried fruits and honey


  • corn grits - 1 cup;
  • milk – 2 glasses;
  • water – 1 glass;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • dried fruits;
  • cinnamon.


Rinse the cereal as usual and pour into the bowl. Add water, selected dried fruits, salt and sugar. Press the Milk Porridge button and set the timer for 25 minutes. Add milk and set the timer again for 25 minutes.

If someone in the family does not eat honey, you can add the product directly to the plates.

Corn porridge in the Polaris multicooker

We would like to offer you a cool option on how to cook corn porridge in the Polaris multicooker. In this case, this is a sweet option that is wonderful for breakfast or afternoon snack, for example. But if you leave out the sugar, you can make a great side dish for any main dish. A simple process, the main part of which will be taken care of by technology, will definitely appeal to busy housewives. The porridge does not burn, does not “run away” and turns out really incredibly tasty!


  • Corn grits - 2/3 Cup
  • Water - 320 Milliliters
  • Milk - 480 Milliliters
  • Butter - 50 grams (or more to taste)
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt - 1 pinch

General information:

  • Cooking time: 45 minutes
  • Portions: 4 servings

Cooking step by step:

  1. This is the simple set of ingredients we will use.
  2. 2. First of all, you need to rinse the cereal several times under running water.
  3. 3. Place the cereal in the multicooker bowl, fill with water and add salt.
  4. 4. Set the “Milk porridge” program for 20 minutes. Then open the lid, pour in milk and add sugar if desired. And turn on the program again for another 20 minutes.
  5. 5. That's all, the delicious corn porridge is ready! Add butter before serving.

Creamy corn porridge in a slow cooker

Milk corn porridge in a slow cooker traditional recipe usually prepared for breakfast. We would like to invite you to try adding kaymak instead of butter - this is cream with a fat content of more than 40%.


  • Corn grits - 100 g
  • Kaymak (heavy cream) - 50 g
  • Milk - 100 ml
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Water - 300 ml

General information:

  • Cooking time: 1 hour
  • Portions: 2 servings

Cooking step by step:

Prepare ingredients for making corn porridge in a slow cooker. It is important to observe the specified proportions. How to cook creamy corn porridge in a slow cooker:

  1. Turn on the multicooker in the “Grains” mode for 25 minutes. Mix corn grits with sugar in a multicooker bowl.
  2. Fill with water and close the multicooker lid.
  3. After 25 minutes, pour milk into the multicooker bowl and add kaymak, mix everything.
  4. In order for the corn grits to boil better, turn on the “Multi-cook” mode for 20 minutes, setting the porridge simmering temperature to 90 degrees.
  5. After 15 minutes, at the end of cooking, add salt to the porridge to taste. Creamy corn porridge in a slow cooker is ready. Bon appetit!

Corn porridge with vegetables


  • two multi-cups of cereal;
  • five multi-glasses of water;
  • salt;
  • garlic;
  • vegetable oil;
  • bulb;
  • carrot;
  • small zucchini.

Cooking step by step:

  1. Peel all the vegetables, cut the onion into small cubes, carrots into thin strips, young zucchini into medium cubes.
  2. Pour oil into the multicooker pan, fry it, turning on the “Baking” mode, first the onions, then add the carrots and lastly the zucchini.
  3. Add chopped garlic, spices and salt, let sit a little longer until all excess liquid is gone, then transfer to a plate.
  4. Place the cereal in a bowl that you don’t need to rinse after vegetables. Fill it with water, add a little salt, cook on the “Porridge” mode for 40 minutes.
  5. After the beep, open the multicooker lid, add previously fried vegetables to the porridge, and stir.
  6. Cook for another 30 minutes on the “Keep Warm” setting.

Corn porridge with pumpkin in a slow cooker

A great dish for any time of day, simply perfect option for breakfast – corn porridge with pumpkin. Children love this porridge, and adults will like it too. Pumpkin adds wonderful flavors and makes the dish even healthier. Porridge is prepared with milk. You can easily control the consistency of the porridge by adjusting the amount of milk.


  • corn grits - one glass;
  • pumpkin – 300 grams;
  • milk – 2.5 cups;
  • butter – 40 grams;
  • sugar – 3 tbsp. l.

General information:

  • Cooking time: 1 hour 10 minutes
  • Portions: 2 servings

Cooking step by step:

  1. Corn grits should be washed under cold water. The water should become clear, so wash the cereal several times.
  2. Remove the thick skin of the pumpkin, carefully remove all seeds, and cut out the inner fibers.
  3. Cut the pumpkin into small pieces.
  4. Take the multicooker bowl. Add pumpkin, corn grits, and milk with sugar into it.
  5. Mix everything well.
  6. Set the mode to “porridge”. The timer must be set for 40 minutes.
  7. When 40 minutes have passed, open the bowl and add butter to the porridge.
  8. Mix thoroughly again.
  9. Let the porridge cook in the desired mode for another 15 minutes. Corn porridge with pumpkin in a slow cooker is ready! Bon appetit.

Millet-corn porridge in a slow cooker


  • Millet - 2/3 cups
  • Corn grits - 1/3 cup
  • Milk - 3 glasses
  • Butter - 2–3 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt - 0.25–0.5 teaspoons
  • Sugar (optional) - 1–3 tbsp. spoons


Millet cereals must be thoroughly washed with water (5–7 times) and scalded with boiling water. Rinse corn grits separately. Combine with millet. Pour milk, salt. Add sugar. Cook on “Porridge” mode for 20 minutes. After the time is up, leave on heat for 10 minutes. Then add oil and stir. Serve!

Corn porridge with cheese

This porridge is incredibly tasty if you add cheese to it.


  • corn grits - 350 g;
  • drinking water – 1 liter;
  • salt and herbs to taste;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tablespoon;
  • hard cheese (anything from Parmesan to feta cheese will do) – 100–150 g.

Cooking step by step:

  1. Prepare the slow cooker and ingredients.
  2. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Wash the parsley, dry and chop.
  3. Turn on the “Multi-cook” mode, set the temperature to 140 °C. Boil 1.5 liters of water in a multicooker bowl, add salt. Stirring wooden spoon, gradually add corn grits. Cook, stirring constantly, 30 minutes.
  4. Add butter, cheese and parsley. Mix well.
  5. Corn porridge with cheese is ready.

Corn porridge with mushrooms

In a slow cooker you can easily make delicious corn porridge with aromatic mushrooms. It will delight every housewife with its ease of preparation and delicate taste. It is also a very healthy porridge.


  • Corn grits – 500 g.
  • Mushrooms – 250 g.
  • Carrot 1 pc.
  • Onion – 2 pcs.
  • Corn oil – 4 tbsp.
  • Spices for mushrooms – 1 tsp.
  • Ground black pepper - to taste
  • Salt - to taste
  • Water – 1 liter

General information:

  • Cooking time: 1 hour
  • Portions: 6 servings

Cooking step by step:

Prepare all ingredients for cooking. Peel the mushrooms, carrots, and onions. Rinse the cereal several times in cold water. Cut the mushrooms into medium pieces and the carrots into strips. Cut the onion into quarters, cut the quarter into strips. In the multicooker, set the “Fry/Deep Fry” mode for 10 minutes and with the lid open, fry the mushrooms, carrots and onions in corn oil. The choice of oil is not important

Add cereal, water, salt, pepper, spices. Close the steamer with a lid; if there is a steam release valve, close that too. Set the “Cereals” program for 15 minutes. Corn porridge can vary in consistency. Using the amount of water according to the recipe, you immediately get a fairly liquid porridge, which then naturally becomes denser. Don't be upset when you see water when you open the lid of the multicooker.

You can serve the porridge sprinkled with herbs. Lightweight fits perfectly vegetable salad. Bon appetit!

Features of cooking porridge in a slow cooker

The dish is hearty and has a positive effect on work gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it is low in calories, so it is eaten without fear of gaining weight. Corn porridge is recommended for children from an early age.

To make corn grits porridge appetizing, check out the features of preparing it in a slow cooker:

  • First of all, rinse the cereal 2 times in cold water.
  • Prepare the dish in the “Porridge” mode. In multicookers different models The timing of food preparation is clearly defined. Therefore, follow the manufacturer's advice. The average cooking time is half an hour.
  • Vary the ratio of products based on thickness. For crumbly corn porridge, add less liquid (proportion - 1:3). For liquid porridge, increase the amount of water (proportion - 1:4).
  • If you like tender porridge and your model has a “Warming” function, simmer it for 15 minutes.
  • Do not keep the porridge on the heat for more than 15 minutes, otherwise it will turn into a lump.

By following these simple tips, you will cook delicious corn porridge.

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