Competitions for the 60th anniversary. Competitions, games for the anniversary. case declension


Leading: Today our birthday boy is an idol and a role model. Everyone would like to be in his place, to accept so many congratulations and good words. Let's find out who looks like the birthday boy the most?

Among the guests, the presenter asks those to stand...

- who is the namesake of the birthday boy,

- whose date of birth is closest to the birthday person’s date of birth,

- who has the same number of children,

- who has the same eye color,

- same hairstyle

- tie of the same color, etc.

Those who get up fill their glasses and drink to the birthday boy.

Leading: And now I will need several men, the bravest and bravest! Birthday boy, this concerns you first of all! I’m announcing a sleight of hand competition, and at the same time let’s check what the respected hero of the day has learned over the years of his working life!


Participants are blindfolded, given a bottle of mineral water, several plastic cups, and asked to complete a task: pour the same amount of liquid into the cups. When the task is completed, the presenter removes the bandages from the players and evaluates the accuracy of the dosage. The presenter comments with humor on the result obtained.

Leading: We have already held a funny competition among our men. Now it’s the fair half’s turn! To strengthen your masculine strength, you need to prepare absolutely amazing drinks. A competition is announced for the best cocktail from what is on the tables. Only men will judge the competition, or rather, guess what the cocktails are made of!

Women come up with cocktails, men choose the most original drink.

Leading: Thank you, beautiful ladies! Our women have always been distinguished by their ingenuity and ability to make something out of nothing, and our men will always find a reason to drink this “something”! Let's check who knows more compliments and good words? Today the hero of the day celebrates his sixtieth birthday. And he deserves to receive sixty compliments! Thirty each - from the male half of the guests and from the female half. And the main thing for me is not to lose count, let's go!

Guests must give thirty compliments to the hero of the day. The presenter counts.


Leading: Friends! Just a minute ago, a mysterious bag was delivered to me with a request to give it to the birthday boy. But there is so much here that it’s not even clear why he needs some of these items...

The host brings out a bag in which a wide variety of objects are collected, for example, a toy, a spoon, a sock, a sponge, a hammer, a potato... Each guest must take out one object, show it to everyone, and then “gift” it to the birthday boy, coming up with a witty explanation for Why does he need this item?

Leading: Looks like it's time for everyone to get moving again! After all, in order to live long, it is very important to maintain good physical fitness! I am announcing a competition that will remind you of a happy childhood...


This competition is for everyone: who can jump rope the longest. The presenter counts the number of jumps and rewards the winner with a “cup” - a bottle of alcohol.

A dance break is announced.

During the dance, the host invites the men to take part in a dance competition.


Each participant has their own song, and they need to dance around its content. Then the audience chooses the most artistic one with applause.

Examples of songs for the competition:

“Chocolate Bunny” (from the repertoire of Pierre Narcisse),

“Come, girls, to the seas...” (from the repertoire of the group “Brilliant”),

“Oh, once, and again” (from the repertoire of V. Vysotsky),

“The boy wants to go to Tambov” (from the repertoire of M. Nasyrov),

“My Girl” (from the repertoire of S. Krylov),

“Come to me, sailor” (from the repertoire of E. Osin),

“I am what you need” (from the repertoire of V. Syutkin),

“The Driver’s Song” (from the repertoire of L. Agutin).

Leading(after a dance break): What frisky guests we have here! Any youth will dance! And who said that one should be sad about lost youth - although it cannot be returned, there are many more advantages in adulthood! I have a toast that is just about this:

Sixty is not twenty-five,

But don't be sad:

At twenty-five you are young and poor,

No stake and no yard,

Neighbors in the dorm

The songs howl until the morning!

You'll meet a girl

And there is a problem with finances:

Money, like through a funnel,

Flowing away to nowhere...

And now - another thing:

You are serious and skillful,

There's no end to friends!

You are solid, well-fed and important,

Your life is organized...

The advantages cannot be counted,

You just need to forget about the years

And appreciate everything that you have!

Let's raise our glasses, friends, and let's appreciate life for all the good things it has given us!

An excerpt from the song “I love you, life” (from the repertoire of I. Kobzon) is played.

Leading: Now we'll play a little again... I need some brave souls!


The game is played to the song “Dance Without Me” (from the repertoire of the group “Hands Up”).

There are several participants. Each participant has a toy tied to their waist—a ball with an elastic band. With this ball you need, without helping yourself with your hands or feet, to push a box of matches forward. The finish line is marked on the floor - a tape is placed. Whichever player pushes his box to the finish line first is the winner and receives a prize.

GAME "Knot"

The game involves pairs - men and women. The presenter ties the scarves for the players; the task of the pairs is to untie the scarves on each other without using their hands. The couple that does it the fastest wins and receives a prize.


Two men or two women are invited to participate. Players are given balls of thick threads, the goal of the game is to tie as many guests as possible with a thread while the music is playing, and the one with the longest “chain” wins, that is, who manages to tie more people.


Everyone is invited to attend. Players receive tasks - to depict living pictures based on the plots of famous sculptures or paintings, for example: “Worker and Collective Farm Woman”, “Lenin on an Armored Car”, “Venus de Milo”, “Ivan the Terrible Kills His Son”, etc. The audience guesses what the participants depicted.


You need to make a drawing that shows several different smiles (it’s better to cut them out like holes in a sheet of paper).

Instructions for use

1. Smile.

2. Compare the width of your smile with the picture and draw a conclusion:

A) you are a person with a sense of humor,

B) you are a cheerful person,

B) you - happy man,

D) you are an incredibly happy person,

D) you are such a happy person that shame on you!

Leading: Our festive program is coming to an end... But the evening continues, walk, dance, have fun as long as your seething energy is enough! And I once again congratulate the hero of the day, may everything be wonderful for him at the new stage of his life! This is exactly what will happen, because there are so many loving family and friends next to him...

What warmth and joy

The smiles of loved ones radiate!

After all, the man is so wonderful

Celebrating a big date!

We wish him good luck

And life is bright, like summer,

Everything that means a lot to the heart,

And may all this come true!

Good luck to all of you - both retirees and those who are working to become one!

The presenter performs the song “The Roof of Your House” (from the repertoire of Yu. Antonov).

Throughout a person’s life, he or she is haunted by round dates. There are a lot of them, and psychologists advise celebrating them all in order to feel alive, to communicate with new people, to rest your soul. Therefore, if your loved one’s (or woman’s) anniversary is coming soon, which, by the way, is an anniversary, then it is your direct responsibility to arrange for him a holiday from which he will still be very happy. for a long time move away

In order to organize everything at the highest level, you need to plan everything carefully. To do this you will have to write a small script. What should be included in the celebration? Firstly, any holiday begins with a feast. At this time, all loved ones raise their glasses to the woman of the day and say some beautiful words parting words, wishes. Secondly, there must be dancing. If someone says that he does not like to dance, it means that he has drunk very little - add alcohol to the poor fellow. Thirdly, no anniversary passes without the presentation of gifts. A gift for a woman must be chosen extremely carefully. Some older ladies react negatively to gifts such as cosmetics and perfumes. They consider this an insult, as if you told her to her face that she looks terrible and smells bad.

Don’t look at the fact that the hero of the day is far from young. Don’t forget, when writing a script for a woman’s 60th anniversary, she has finally turned 60. And we need to show her that she is still young enough. And this can be done thanks to fun competitions. Then improvise based on your knowledge about the birthday girl.


Every person has the right to a holiday, and a date such as the 60th anniversary of the catfish brings celebration. At this age, a woman simply deserves it, because she is not just a woman, she is a good mother and already a caring grandmother.


“Older years are not a problem, the 60th date is full of happiness.” The script should fully reveal the life of a pensioner, prove that even at this age she is undoubtedly beautiful as a woman and simply a role model for her grandchildren. We decorate the room colorfully: balloons, fresh flowers, Anniversary congratulatory garlands.


The evening will be charming

The holiday will be entertaining,

And I am so glad to see you, guests,

I shout: “Hurray!”, I’m loud to you,

Thank you for coming here,

They brought smiles with them,

There is a reason for this,

And this is the news

(name, patronymic) – 60,

And may the years praise her,

Her soul is young,

And the looks are just as good

Why am I chatting here?

It's time for us to call her!

One-two-three (name, patronymic) - come out!

(the guests call out to the hero of the day in unison, she comes out to applause)


With a smile I present you with a medal,

And congratulations on your anniversary,

I also give you a certificate,

For living your life!

(medal and certificate can be purchased at a specialized gift store)


Before I say a toast,

I will give each guest one word,

I ask you to give compliments around,

And praise our dear hero of the day!

(guests in a circle say compliments to the hero of the day)


Well, now we open the champagne,

We pour it into glasses,

We lift them up

And for the happiness and health of (name, patronymic) - we drink!

(musical break, meal)


I declare grandma's competition open,

And I call all knitters here!


The competition is called: “Knitted thread”. Everyone is welcome to participate. Each participant is given knitting needles and a ball of thread. At the command of the leader, accompanied by cheerful music, everyone must knit a thread 10 cm long in two rows. Who will make everyone ahead? He's the winner. Prize: a good ball of woolen thread.


To keep your soul warm,

So that (name, patronymic) can still be lucky in many ways,

I order everyone to raise their glasses,

And drink wine for her!

(musical break, meal)


You can’t do without ditties on a day like this,

Who wants to sing, well, respond?


The competition is called: “Best ditty maker.” 4 people take part. Each person is given the words of the ditty and the image of the hero in whose name they will be performed is described.

Baba Yaga (broom);

Text: On the chicken hut, I galloped here to sing you a ditty: Happy Birthday to you!

Doctor Aibolit (medical gown);

Text: I take care of my health, and I’ll tell you what, congratulations on your anniversary. I always want to drink the balm!

Alla Pugacheva (red wig);

Text: That’s how Alla Pugacheva is, I congratulate you, 60 is not much, because you can’t tell from me, huh?!

Luntik (pink ears)

Text: My grandchildren asked me to congratulate you. They teased me with Luntik because I have big ears!

Everyone is given a prize - a box of chocolates, and the best one, according to the Jubilee, also gets a bottle of cognac.


The competition for glory was clearly a success,

Everyone sitting would admit this,

Let's pour some wine for this,

And let’s drink together this entire holiday!

(musical break, meal)


60 is not a little, and not a lot,

60 are wonderful years,

Confirm this to your guests again and again,

Congratulate the hero of the day, say the words!

(guests take turns congratulating the hero of the day and giving gifts)


For these gifts and congratulations,

Please pour some wine without delay,

For the happiness of (name, patronymic) - we drink.

And happy 60th birthday to her!

(musical break, meal)


Entertainment is needed

Entertainment is important

And even more so when it’s for everyone,

There will definitely be success here!


The competition is called: “Let's heal together.” Everyone is welcome to participate; we are divided into two teams. The point of the competition is to show how our dear grandmothers treat, but they always treat deliciously, not with medicine, but traditional methods. In front of each team, at a distance of 5-6 meters, a chair is placed, on it hangs a headband, a jar of jam, a spoon, a jug of fruit juice and a glass. Task: everyone, one by one, runs up to a chair, puts on a bandage, eats a spoonful of jam and drinks a glass of fruit drink, then returns to their team and passes the baton to the next participant. The team that runs out of medicine the fastest recovers and wins. Prize: each person gets a jar of jam.

You need to drink for this

Now we know how to treat

We can always ask our grandmothers!

(musical break, meal)


Grandmothers cook everything very tasty,

Grandmothers definitely won’t hide this,

So (name, patronymic), baked pies,

And looking for someone who wants to eat them in two chews!


The competition is called: " Inconvenient pie" Four people take part. Everyone is given a plate on which lies the most ordinary pie. On the leader’s command, the participants must begin to eat their pies, but only without using their hands. Whoever eats it first gets a prize - a big cheesecake.


And now I will say my words, and so as to correspond to this triumph:

Six dozen flew by at a time,

And you won’t understand right away,

Did everything turn out the way I wanted?

Was there truth or lies all around?

But it probably doesn’t matter

After all, half your life is still ahead,

If only these years would go by slowly,

So that they could be longer,

And so that everything would be exactly like this,

I wish you well from my heart,

So that happiness circles everywhere,

So that you (name, patronymic) are in love with everything,

So that they can raise their grandchildren,

So that they can nurse their great-grandchildren,

So that everything you dream about comes true,

So that there is everything for the soul!

Happy 60th birthday! Happy anniversary!

(good rhythmic music sounds)

(the holiday continues, but without a presenter)

And that means we will walk,
But you need to call him: (they call him in chorus
The hero of the day by name) (The hero of the day enters, applause sounds) I will immediately give you gifts,
And also the best medals,
So that everything is for your joy,
And also to all our guests! (the presenter takes out a bag of gifts and begins to give one by one
For the hero of the day, gifts must correspond to the expected age) No. 1 And so this keychain,
So that there would be a bell on the keys! No. 2 May life be easy tomorrow! No. 3 Armani, whatever one may say! No. 4 And in order for you to stand out here,
But just so as not to be embarrassed,
I want to put a tie on you,
What a joy it would be to watch! (a tie can be purchased at any specialized store that sells everything for the holiday; a tie will not create any inconvenience
to the hero of the day and will make him stand out from the crowd) (after presenting gifts
The hero of the day takes his place)

Scenario for 60th anniversary for a man

Anniversary 60. Games and competitions


Presenter: Today our birthday boy is an idol and a role model. Everyone would like to be in his place, to receive so many congratulations and good words. Let's find out who looks like the birthday boy the most? Among the guests, the presenter asks those to stand...

Who is the namesake of the birthday person, - whose date of birth is closest to the date of birth of the birthday person, - a tie of the same color, etc. Those who get up fill their glasses and drink to the birthday boy. Host: And now I will need several men, the bravest and bravest!
Birthday boy, this concerns you first of all!
I’m announcing a sleight of hand competition, and at the same time let’s check what the respected hero of the day has learned over the years of his working life!


Participants are blindfolded, given a bottle of mineral water, several plastic cups, and asked to complete a task: pour the same amount of liquid into the cups. When the task is completed, the presenter removes the bandages from the players and evaluates the accuracy of the dosage.

The presenter comments with humor on the result obtained. Host: We have already held a funny competition among our men. Now it’s the fair half’s turn!
To strengthen your masculine strength, you need to prepare absolutely amazing drinks. A competition is announced for the best cocktail from what is on the tables. Only men will judge the competition, or rather, guess what the cocktails are made of!

Women come up with cocktails, men choose the most original drink. Host: Thank you, beautiful ladies!
Our women have always been distinguished by their ingenuity and ability to make something out of nothing, and our men will always find a reason to drink this “something”!
Let's check who knows more compliments and good words? Today the hero of the day celebrates his sixtieth birthday. And he deserves to receive sixty compliments!
Thirty each - from the male half of the guests and from the female half. And the main thing for me is not to lose count, let's go! Guests must give thirty compliments to the hero of the day.

The presenter counts.


Host: Friends!
Just a minute ago, a mysterious bag was delivered to me with a request to give it to the birthday boy. But there is so much here that it’s not even clear why he needs some of these items...

The host brings out a bag in which a wide variety of objects are collected, for example, a toy, a spoon, a sock, a sponge, a hammer, a potato... Each guest must take out one object, show it to everyone, and then “gift” it to the birthday boy, coming up with a witty explanation for Why does he need this item? Host: Looks like it's time for everyone to get moving again!
After all, to live long, it is very important to maintain good physical shape!
I am announcing a competition that will remind you of a happy childhood...


This competition is for everyone: who can jump rope the longest. The presenter counts the number of jumps and rewards the winner with a “cup” - a bottle of alcohol. A dance break is announced.

During the dance, the host invites the men to take part in a dance competition.


Each participant has their own song, and they need to dance around its content. Then the audience chooses the most artistic one with applause. Examples of songs for the competition:“Chocolate Bunny” (from the repertoire
Narcissa), “Come, girls, to the seas...” (from the repertoire of the group “Brilliant”), “Eh, once, and again” (from the repertoire
V. Vysotsky), “The boy wants to
Tambov" (from the repertoire
M. Nasyrova), “My Girl” (from the repertoire
S. Krylova), “Come to me, sailor” (from the repertoire
E. Osina), “I am what you need” (from the repertoire
V. Syutkina), “The Driver’s Song” (from the repertoire
L. Agutina). Presenter (after a dance break): What frisky guests we have here!
Any youth will dance!
And who said that one should be sad about lost youth - although it cannot be returned, there are many more advantages in adulthood!
I have a toast that is just about this:

The host invites guests who consider themselves the most accurate in the gala hall to participate. A pencil is hung from the heroes' belts on a thread, and an empty bottle is placed on the floor in front of the participants. Without using their hands, accurate players must hit the bottle with a pencil. The cheerful laughter of all those present in the hall is guaranteed, and the task of the “shooters” becomes more complicated if more than one toast to the anniversary has already been pronounced. Interested players are divided into two teams and lined up. The host gives the first player square objects and empty ones plastic bottles, which must be placed one at a time under the left hand. At the end of each line there is a basket or just a chair on which these “gifts” need to be placed without using your hands. The winner of the competition is the team that quickly carries all the “gifts” without hands. Guests are divided into two teams, each team has one participant who will play the role of a “mummy”. The presenter periodically gives signals and the players take turns wrapping the “mummy” with toilet paper. The winner is the team that “bandaged the mummy” faster and more accurately. Prepare task cards in advance with “roles” written on them. Volunteers draw a card as if in an exam and play a role without preparation. Options: woman with heavy bags, sparrow on the roof, gorilla in a cage, stork in the swamp, long-legged girl in a tight skirt high heels, a watchman during night duty, an embarrassed guy at the sight of an unfamiliar pretty girl, a baby who can barely stand on his feet. This competition will fit well into the wedding anniversary scenario. In advance you need to draw a daisy with tear-off petals, on back side Write the date of each petal: mother-in-law’s birthday, date of acquaintance, etc. The husband must take turns tearing off the petals and saying what this date means. When all the petals are torn off and the dates are correctly named, the spouse receives a “medal” for good memory. For the competition you will need several children's bicycles. All players are divided into two or three teams. Each team is assigned a bicycle.

Each player must ride a given distance on a bicycle. The team whose players do it faster wins.
The competition is a lot of fun as the adults piled on top of the kids' bikes look quite hilarious. For the competition you will need several girl-boy pairs. Everyone wears an apron. But girls have a button sewn into the center of their apron, while boys have a loop. The task of each pair is to thread the button through the loop.
The movements that couples will make to thread the button through the loop will make everyone laugh. Guests must name famous couples who became famous for their love and warm relationships. These can be like literature characters (Romeo and
Juliet) and historical figures(Caesar and
Cleopatra). The last person to name the loving couple wins a prize. Thanks to this competition, your guests will be able to get to know each other faster. On cards or postcards, write a couple of lines of a song familiar to everyone, and a continuation of one or two lines on another postcard. Give each guest such a card, and at the beginning of the evening they will have to find their “other half.”
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Portrait of the hero of the day

The competition participants are divided into teams. A piece of Whatman paper is hung in front of each team. Players take turns approaching the Whatman paper, putting on a mask or blindfold and waiting for the leader’s instructions.

He announces which part of the body they should draw now. Then the next participants come up and the competition continues. The winning team that drew the best portrait is determined by the birthday boy himself.

Anniversary hedgehog

Participants are divided into teams. Each of them receives an apple or other fruit, into which 60 toothpicks or skewers are stuck. Participants take out one toothpick (skewer), while pronouncing one compliment to the hero of the day.

The winner is the team that completed the task faster and came up with the required number of compliments.

Our song is good

Paired cards are prepared in advance, on one of which a line from a song is written, and on the other - the next line from the same song. The cards are shuffled and given one to each guest.

The guests' task is to find their "soul mate", so they must walk around and quietly hum their song to find each other. The winners are the participants who not only found “their song,” but also sang it in its entirety for the birthday boy.

60 steps

Participants in the competition are asked to reach the birthday boy in exactly 60 steps. At the same time, during the competition the hero of the day can move one step from place to place 5 times.

The participant’s steps can be microscopic and very wide, they depend on the distance at which the birthday person is from him. The winner is the participant who correctly selected the width of the steps and fulfilled the conditions of the competition.

60 fruits

A basket is placed in front of the competition participant, in which 60 fruits are mixed, but no more than 4 different types. For example, plums, apricots, apples and cherries. The presenter blindfolds the participant and times the time during which he places different fruits in different containers.

The winner is the participant who copes with this in the shortest possible time.

60th anniversary


One of the competition participants goes into another room, and the rest, including the hero of the day, trace the contours of their palms on a large sheet of whatman paper. Then the participant is taken back into the room and asked to determine exactly where the “hand mark” of the birthday person is. The one who guesses correctly receives a prize and a ceremonial handshake from the hero of the day.

What's in your name

The presenter announces that the bag contains prizes for the competition participants. The name of each prize begins with the letter contained in the name of the hero of the day. If the participant guesses which prize corresponds to the next letter, then he receives it.

The one who collects the most prizes during the competition wins. More on the topic “Games and competitions for the 60th anniversary at the table - at the table at home and in a restaurant”:

As you approach your friend, brother, husband, father, grandfather, or colleague's sixtieth birthday, don't forget to prepare interesting competitions for a man's 60th birthday. Do you think it will be difficult to find games for a man’s anniversary that no one knows about yet? Check out the materials on our website!

Our competitions are new ideas for holding anniversary celebrations. Even such a significant anniversary should be fun and relaxed, because the hero of the day himself is worried. 60 years for a man is a new stage of life; for many, it is the beginning of a “retirement” career, while others will continue their career. But, in general, a man of this age is still full of strength, so he will certainly want to show it to his invited guests.

And the best way to do this is by participating in various holiday competitions. You just need to select them taking into account the invited age category. This will be easy for you to do if you look through our entertainment collection. Our authors have come up with games of various types. These are table, and intellectual, and also active (how could we live without them, despite the fact that the hero of the day is 60!). Look at all the competitions for a man’s anniversary, you will certainly find what you have been looking for for a long time.

That bright sunny day has come when your loved one - father, uncle, husband - will celebrate his first “adult” anniversary, his sixtieth birthday. Festive dishes are already being prepared, guests have been invited, gifts for the hero of the day have been bought, congratulations are learned by heart, and we can begin. Stop, let's turn back time.

In order for the holiday of your dear hero of the day to be a success, you need to prepare properly: come up with interesting and unusual congratulations, funny competitions, games, entertainment, etc. This is exactly our scenario for a man’s 60th anniversary without a toastmaster and will help you organize everything.
This is what will be remembered by the birthday boy for his holiday; colorful pictures will remain in photographs for many years.

By the way, it is not necessary to involve an experienced presenter to prepare and conduct the anniversary - you can easily do it yourself if you steadily follow the advice from the scenario for the anniversary of a 60-year-old man without a toastmaster. We invite two friends of the birthday boy to celebrate. It’s good if it’s a married couple who have known the hero of the day for many years. We will conditionally call them “Leader” and “Leader”. The holiday script is written in a nautical style, because our birthday boy is a strong, courageous captain of his family ship.

Scenario for an anniversary for a man without a toastmaster “60 years in the passport, but youth and fire in the soul!”

So, the guests are “on the doorstep”, the hero of the day is not yet there. The hosts of the celebration invite guests to gather in the banquet hall, and in a few minutes the hero of the day will appear here.
In advance, you need to agree with the hero of the day that he will not appear among the guests ahead of time.
The solemn chords of the holiday sound, and the presenters come to the center of the hall.

Meeting the hero of the day

HOST: We are glad to meet everyone who is with us today, here and now!

HOST: We welcome you all to the beautiful hall of the most refined and luxurious restaurant “Versailles”, which today is filled with trembling hearts of all who have gathered here to share the joy of the holiday with a wonderful, wise, and always young man.

HOST: So, just today he bought a brand new white suit, bought excellent white shoes in the best shoe store in the city and all this in order to amaze all of you, dear friends, with his excellent shape.

HOST: Yes, our birthday boy is famous person of our city, both adults and children know him. What's his name?
The guests answer in unison.

HOST: Today he is especially handsome, his image has been carefully chosen, and gray hair suits him more than ever. Who is he?
The guests answer.

HOST: Who is the most charming and generous man on our street?
The guests answer.

HOST: Of course, you all recognized him, but you didn’t mention the age of our hero of the day! How old is the birthday boy today?
The guests answer.

HOST: So let's meet the hero of the day in our hall with loud applause and admiring glances!
Music sounds, guests applaud, the birthday boy enters the hall, greets those present

HOST: Our dear friend! Today you are truly the star of our evening. If only you could see with what admiring glances the women present here look at you!

HOST: I confirm. Well, for the health of our hero of the day, we invite you to drink full glasses of wonderful drinks, and for this we invite everyone to join us!


HOST: On the yoke of summer and autumn of this year, many greetings and wishes are addressed to the wise, kind, popular, constant in his thoughts and actions, a well-known person of our region, our good friend Sergei Alexandrov, on the occasion of his anniversary!

HOST: Congratulating you on your birthday, we express our admiration for your kind and friendly heart, which knows how to both help and support. We are sincerely glad to have known you for so many years. We know that your intelligence, honor and dignity have a high calling to be needed by people.
We wish you further inspiration, solemn uplifting of the soul, great personal and family happiness!

Fun “Portrait of a real man”

HOST: Dear friends! We don’t doubt for a minute that our birthday boy is a truly respected man. But even the most confident man will never give up the real thing. female attention.

HOST: So, to participate in our competition, we invite our birthday boy and several women to the center of the hall.
The presenter selects five participants of the middle age category from the women present, puts caps on their heads with the names “Cologne”, “Watch”, “Tie”,

HOST: So, dear women, everyone knows that before a man leaves the house, he needs to create a certain style. The first piece of style is cologne. Approach the birthday boy and create a unique fragrance with your hands.
To the melody of the song “Tender Aroma of Love,” “Cologne” approaches the birthday boy and dances near him.

HOST: After applying cologne, the man puts on a stylish tie that matches his status.

The song “Stylish Lilac Tie” plays, the girl “Tie” dances near the birthday boy. But the presenter stops her and invites her to “hang” on the neck of the hero of the day.

HOST: We continue to care for the man. The next step is to put on the watch. "Clock" is your solution!

A girl in a “watch” hat approaches the birthday boy to the melody of the song “Tick-Tock”, dances, and takes his arm.

HOST: For our birthday boy’s image, he doesn’t have enough of a gun.

“Gun”, to the music of “Bang-bang”, approaches the hero of the day and climbs up behind him.

HOST: To complete the image, a car is not enough. So, the Niva car is in the studio!
A girl in a Niva hat approaches the hero of the day to the song “We bought a car.”

HOST: Birthday boy, lean on your car. And now, attention, we’re filming: all the girls take their positions at the same time - first “Cologne”, followed by “Tie”, then “Watch”, then “Gun” and “Car”. And now, everyone kissed the birthday boy together. Happened! Look, friends, this is a portrait of a real man!


HOST: To a real man, caring husband Today our congratulations to our father, reliable friend and simply wonderful person
With all our hearts we wish to preserve our best human qualities for at least a hundred years and always remain such an energetic, businesslike, responsible and necessary person.

LEADING: Good health, happiness without measure, harmony and prosperity, and also good luck in everything, no matter what you undertake. And may the Lord give many more bright and happy events in life, which will always be pleasant to remember, such as tonight!

Competition "Captains for Life"

HOST: Dear friends, today we, together with the birthday boy, on his ship of life, are sailing through another beautiful island called “60, and in the soul there is youth and fire!” The atmosphere on our ship is positive, the level of alcohol is normal, the guests’ sense of humor is in abundance. Guests have already tried hot dishes and noble drinks.

HOST: According to the decision of the ship's passengers, our dear birthday boy, Sergei, was appointed captain of our voyage, and his wife Natalia was appointed captain. Let's give them insignia!

Guests dress the hero of the day in a captain’s cap, and his wife in a beautiful sun hat.

HOST: And now, we suggest that the captain and captain choose teams for themselves, and in a fair “fight” decide which of them is more important. “Captain” recruits a team of men, “Captain” - a team of women.
The men’s team can be dressed in “sailor” costumes (vest, cap), and the women’s team can be dressed in sailor costumes (sunglasses, hats, summer scarves, etc.)

HOST: The first task for the teams is intellectual. On a tray, the presenter will bring out shells with questions about the hero of the day hidden inside. The team's task is to guess greatest number correct answers. We take the captain and captain to the other side, he must give written answers to the questions posed, and the presenters must compare the answers of the teams and the hero of the day, and determine the correct one.


1. On which day of the week was the birthday boy born?
2. What is the name of the city in which the hero of the day was born?
3. What was the name of your favorite kindergarten teacher?
4. What school did you graduate from?
5. How many specialties did you receive at the university?
6. At what age did he become a father?
7. How many bottles of vodka were drunk in honor of your son’s birthday?
8. How many days did the guests walk when the first granddaughter was born?
9. How many cars did the hero of the day have?
10. How many wives?
11. How many times will the captain kiss his captain now?

Based on the number of correct answers, the presenters determine victory in the game.

Dance competition

HOST: The teams of the captain and captain did an excellent job with the first, intellectual task. The next competition is a dance competition.

HOST: We invite the teams to stand against each other and use dance to prove which of you is stronger.
For you, various compositions, modern and not so modern, will sound alternately. The team that copes with the task better wins the dance competition.

Further, according to the anniversary scenario for a 60-year-old man without the participation of a toastmaster, you need to select in advance the soundtracks of dance tunes, starting with lambada, rumba, twist, ending with hip-hop and rock compositions. First the captain's team dances, then the captain's team dances. Re-dancing should take place to the applause of the guests of the anniversary evening.

Competition for men and women
"Sailors and Mermaids"

HOST: As you know, more than four million different marine animals live in the sea. But among them there are unknown creatures, whose name is hidden behind the veil of fairy tales and legends. Their name is Mermaids.

HOST: Now the hero of the day’s team will turn into mermaids for a few minutes, and a team of young and young fishermen, members of the captain’s team, will go hunting for mermaids.

The presenters dress the women who take part in competitions in multi-colored wigs with long hair. The men are dressed in naval caps and vests. There should be one more female “mermaid” than male fishermen

HOST: Let's ask the fishermen to stand in a circle, and the mermaids to form a circle around them. Now a famous sea musical composition will sound, mermaids and fishermen must dance, seducing each other.

HOST: Then, the music stops, and the fisherman must pick up one of the mermaids.

HOST: Of course, as you can see, one of the mermaids is not enough for a fisherman - in this case, she receives an incentive prize in our game and is eliminated from it.

The competition begins. As the game progresses, 1 mermaid is eliminated in each round, and she must also take 1 fisherman with her. The competition continues until there are 2 mermaids and 1 fisherman left. And this will be the most “dramatic” moment of the game.

Finale of the holiday

HOST: Dear guests of our birthday boy. Now I want us all to go outside together, where large gel balls are prepared. Let's write on them all the best wishes for the hero of the day.

HOST: Let's write those golden words that the guests of the holiday uttered with all their hearts.

HOST: And after that, we will definitely drink to the longevity of our birthday boy and to the fact that in a year we will celebrate our 61st birthday with the same composition.

All guests go outside, the hosts hand out colored gel pens, markers, and felt-tip pens with which they can write beautiful words for the birthday person.
Beautiful music sounds, everyone releases balloons into the sky together

TOGETHER: Happy holiday, dear friend!

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At anniversaries and birthdays, guests most often gather who came not so much to have fun themselves, but who are eager to please or surprise the hero of the occasion with something. The peculiarity of these holidays is that in addition to fun entertainment, touching congratulatory moments are very popular at them.

The anniversary program often includes entertainment that emphasizes the importance of the hero of the day or tells the story of his life in a playful way. Also, the traditional beginning of any anniversary has become the solemn celebration of the heroes of the occasion: “Anniversary Parade”, “Rainbow of Life”, “Star Track” and others - this is an occasion from the very beginning to “bless” him or her with attention, applause and flowers.

Suggested collection entertainment and games for the anniversary will help guests organize a pleasant surprise or celebration of the birthday person, or simply cheer him up

1. Entertainment for the hero of the day "True Lady".

A wonderful anniversary entertainment (the author of the idea is Oshchurkova N.V.) and many presenters are happy to carry out this toy - it entertains the audience well and makes it possible to bring joy to the birthday girl, especially since it can be advantageously emphasized by the musical appearance of each character by choosing a suitable song, for example, on the output of “Mirror” sounds a cut from Antonov’s song - “I look at you like in a mirror...”, for “Cell Phone” take any fiery ringtone.

And it’s also worth starting the game with compliments to the hero of the day, glorifying her as a charming and delightful woman and a true lady.

Then the presenter remembers famous expression about the fact that the queen is “made” by her retinue, and continues: “and a true lady can be recognized by being surrounded by worthy men, of course there are many of them in the hall, so we are waiting for the six closest ones!” (we hang signs for them: “mirror”, “blouse”, “skirt”, “necklace”, “handbag”, “cell phone”).

Leader's words:“I am absolutely sure that no one present doubts the irresistibility of our birthday girl, so let’s ask her to come on stage with general applause!

Like a true lady, she will certainly look in her mirror before leaving the house (here the man with the corresponding role begins to loom in front of the lady and look into her face).

A real woman always has a special blouse with a neckline and a wrap skirt in stock. Please, show us these beautiful and comfortable things (two men: “skirt” and “blouse” - wrap around the hero of the day in the upper and lower parts of the body).

After that, it’s time to put on the jewelry: “necklace” - please wrap it around her neck!

- Of course, never leave home without a purse. (man - “handbag” hanging on the lady’s hand), and in our purse we will definitely put a mirror and a mobile phone “Mirror” and a “mobile phone” - on the way out.. A lady often takes a mirror out of her purse and looks at it. And the mobile phone should be set to vibrate so that it doesn’t drown out the flurry of compliments with its ringing, because it’s his lady literally doesn't let go of his hands. Let's check the vibration mode (of course, the man under the name “cell phone” should vibrate a little).”

Comments to the taste and imagination of the presenter. For each “detail” of the image or wardrobe of a true lady, it is better to also come up with appropriate musical compositions, and when the image is completely assembled, any of the songs like “The most beautiful in the world”, “How beautiful you are today” or “Everything suits you” sounds loudly "

“There is no doubt that none of the strong half of humanity will be able to resist our Superlady! Look, you don’t have to look far: one is hanging on her hand (handbag), others are in complete admiration for her figure (skirt and blouse), the third is cherishing her neck (necklace), and some are simply shaking with an irresistible desire to kiss our dear hero of the day ( cell phone on vibrate alert)! So let’s drink so that it will always be like this!”

2. Anniversary game with gifts “Magic rope”.

The good thing about the game is that it can involve all the guests. To do this, they are asked to cut out from paper an approximate image of what they would like to present to the birthday boy, but due to the high cost, they cannot yet do this. For example, a dacha, a car or even an airplane (this can be done gradually during one of the banquet breaks, since there are not so many scissors at once). When all the “wishes” are ready, they are attached to the string using ordinary paper clips.

Then the hero of the occasion is blindfolded and allowed to cut off three “gifts”. Moreover, the presenter gives a 100% guarantee (the guarantee can be printed on paper in the form of a certificate) that these wishes will certainly come true this year.

To activate the guests, you can invite the birthday person to guess who could wish him this. And so, when the hit is one hundred percent, the guest must sing, dance for the hero of the day or tell him some outstanding toast!

3. Anniversary game - congratulations "A Real Man".

(Thanks for the idea of ​​this original Oshurkova N.V.) This is a small game that can be both entertaining and congratulatory at the same time. To enhance the effect, the scene can be advantageously emphasized with the musical entrance of each heroine by choosing a suitable song, for example, at the entrance of “Tie,” a cut from the song of the Bravo group “Orange Tie” is played. In addition, from this small scene you can make an eyeliner for the original congratulations of the hero of the day, offering at the end to drink to a real man such and such.

The essence of the entertainment is as follows: the hero of the day is invited to the center and praised in every possible way, emphasizing his merits. And such a man cannot be deprived of the attention of the fair half of humanity - the five ladies who love and appreciate the birthday boy more than anyone else are also invited to the center of the hall. Their task is to create the appropriate surroundings for their beloved real man.

Each of the ladies will play roles written on special signs. These signs can be pinned to dresses like badges, or you can simply hang them around your neck using a beautiful ribbon: “cologne”, “tie”, “watch”, “gun”, “car”.

The presenter comments something like this: “By what details do we usually recognize a real man? Firstly, a real man can always be recognized by his expensive perfume. Cologne to go out! (the lady with the “cologne” sign impressively comes out to the music) Now make it clear to everyone how fragrant our birthday boy smells (the girl waves her arms and moves around the hero of the day, depicting the fragrance and aroma). Sprinkle it again and again on all sides and continue to smell fragrant!

Secondly, a true dandy in such solemn moments as today cannot do without a tie. (If the hero of the day has a tie, then you can emphasize that it does not hang erotically enough, so another one is needed). Tie, we are waiting for you! (“the tie” comes out effectively to the music). Decorate our hero's neck! Hang on it! Hanging!

A tie like this requires a matching watch. A Rollex no less! The clock has come your time! (the lady with the “Clock” sign comes out to her song). Decorate the courageous hand of our hero of the day. Grab it tightly, otherwise you will fall and get lost!

The image is almost complete; to complete the picture, our man needs a brutal hobby. Let it be a hunt. Gun, hurry to your owner! (comes out to music) And take your place on the hunter's shoulder!

At the end, we’ll drive a cool car for the birthday boy (a girl comes out who gets to play the role of a car and the hero of the day must lean on her like a friend).”

As the game progresses, the host can comment and ask the ladies to better perform their role: smell fragrant, hang more erotically, etc.

“Well, isn’t it obvious now that this is not just a Superman, I would even say a macho! And what circumstance gives it away? Naturally, a swarm of beautiful women hovering around him: one cannot let go of his hands (watch), the other literally does not move a step wherever he goes (cologne), and the rest simply hang on him in the literal sense of the word!

So let’s drink to superman (name)!”

4. Original general congratulations “Happy Anniversary!”

9. "Down with Mondays!"

For this game, the presenter needs to stock up on three tear-off calendars: two - directly for the game, they can be simpler and one souvenir for the hero of the day with the cover “Happy Year” (can be ordered at any photo studio), in which all the sheets with Mondays are carefully removed in advance from the day of birth until the last day of the year.

Before the start of the game, the host addresses the guests with the words: “One famous song says that there is no day more miserable than Monday. But I know well, dear guests, that on this holiday you wish nothing more for the hero of the day than good luck and prosperity. Therefore, I suggest you save the birthday boy from Mondays! This honor will be given to those who correctly answer two questions: the most favorite day of the week of the hero of the day (find out in advance) and the most fun day of the week for the majority of Russians (Friday)?” The two who give the correct answers the fastest are invited to take part in the fun.

Participants receive tear-off calendars; their task is to tear out as many pieces of paper with the inscription “Monday” as possible while the song “Island of Bad Luck” is playing. Then you can give these calendars to the players, and solemnly give the hero of the day a souvenir version.

10. "The most attentive guest."

The presenter calls three volunteers (women for the hero of the day and men - for the hero of the day). The birthday boy stands in the center, and the players form a circle around him, turning their backs to the hero of the occasion.

It is also best to provide players with tablets with blank pieces of paper and pens. The presenter begins to ask questions regarding the birthday person:

1. What color are the eyes of the hero of the day?

2. What color is the suit or dress?

3. How many buttons does it have?

4. What kind of jewelry are you wearing?

5. Is there a mole on your right cheek?

6. Do the shoes have a buckle?

7. How many rings are there on your fingers?

8. Is he wearing a watch?

9. What kind of stones are in the earrings?

10. What color is the shirt?

It must be said that this process captivates everyone present so much that the guests themselves begin to ask questions, helping the presenter. But it’s better not to delay the process, and limit yourself to, for example, fifteen questions. The prize goes to the participant who has the most matches.

11. "Anniversary fireworks."

This is a fun entertainment from the category of “icebreakers”; after it, the mood usually rises, and the guests loosen up and unite, since they will take part in a common surprise for the hero of the day; it is good to celebrate it towards the end of the first feast. It is important to conduct it in a fiery and fun way, as befits a real fireworks display.

You can start with this question: “Tell me, what is first necessary for any decent fireworks display? Of course, a gun! (the one who shouted this word first becomes a “gun”). What else do you need to get the fire going? Bickford cord! (the one who gave the answer goes out to participate in the game and let him take a couple of table neighbors with him).” “Performers” are also recruited to play the roles of matches, boxes and lights.

Next is complete improvisation by the presenter; the success of the entertainment depends on his comments. To begin with, you can conduct a rehearsal. The text is something like this: “Let’s remember together how the fireworks are fired. “Gun”, please stand in front, Bickford cord, where are you guys? Come closer to the gun, otherwise you won’t be able to transfer the charge, and also closer to each other - stand in a row. “Match” strike your head on the “box”, did it work? Then why is the “light” standing, run to the “bickford cord”. The charge went, the cord ran to the gun! Cannon - arms in different directions and loudly: “Bang!” No, that won’t work, the fireworks are kind of thin. Our hero of the day deserves more. Let's help the audience, as soon as the light reaches the cannon, the female half of the hall stands up, enthusiastically raises their hands and shouts: “Bang!”, and the male half stands up, stomps their feet and shouts: “Bang!” We are rehearsing with the audience. Ladies “Bang!”, gentlemen: “Bang!” Did everyone remember their tasks? Then let's go. The cannon is ready, the match strikes on the box, the light from the box goes to the cord, the cord runs to the cannon, the cannon - arms to the sides, the hall - more friendly.”

The presenter can be guided by the reaction of the guests and, if people like it, then criticize and “force” them to do everything again, only more clearly, louder and more friendly. Usually this fun goes off with a bang.

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