Krasnoyarsk State University named after Astafiev. Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after. V.P. Astafieva. More information about the institutes and department

Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V. P. Astafiev

Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V. P. Astafiev
(KSPU named after V. P. Astafiev)
Year of foundation


Legal address

660049 Krasnoyarsk, st. Ady Lebedeva, 89


Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after. V. P. Astafieva- one of the oldest and largest higher educational institutions in Siberia. Founded in the year as a pedagogical institute. Received university status in the year. Today it is one of the largest universities in Krasnoyarsk along with the Siberian Federal University and the Siberian State Aerospace University named after M. F. Reshetnev.

History and educational activities of KSPU

Monument to front-line students of the KSPU named after V. P. Astafiev

List of front-line students of the KSPU named after V. P. Astafiev

KSPU was opened in 1932 by decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR No. 289 as the Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical Institute. In 1993, by decision of the Boards of the State Committee for Higher Education of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education, the institute was reorganized into the Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University. In 2004, the university was named after V. P. Astafiev. In 2005, the university was among the 100 best universities in Russia and was awarded the medal " European quality education". Currently, the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education KSPU named after. V.P. Astafieva is one of the leading pedagogical universities Siberian Federal District, providing a wide range of educational services under pre-university, university, post-graduate and additional education. On February 5, 2009, at a meeting of the Accreditation Board of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science (Rosobrnadzor), a decision was made to confirm the state accreditation status of the Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University.

Over the years of its existence, the university has trained over 55 thousand specialists for educational institutions, science, culture, economics and other fields of activity. Among the employees who worked in it over the years, as well as its graduates, there are many famous scientists, teachers, writers, government and public figures, athletes. More than 500 teachers and graduates were awarded the honorary titles “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation”, “Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation”, “Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation”, “Excellence in Public Education”, “Honored Worker of Higher Professional Education of Russia”. A number of them were awarded government awards, State awards in the field of science and education.

Every year the university graduates about 1,500 specialists who are in demand in various segments of the labor market in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. In socially oriented institutions of the region, over 40% of the total number of employees in them are university graduates. The share of university graduates working in the regional education system is 80% of the total number of teaching staff. A number of graduates of the Pedagogical University hold responsible positions in the Regional Administration, the Legislative Assembly, are heads of district administrations, and head city and district education authorities.

Since 2002, the university has been carrying out targeted work to change the quality of teacher education based on the Concept and Program for updating the professional pedagogical training of teachers at the Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University developed by the university team. The implementation of this Concept and Program required a revision of the organization of the entire educational process, the replacement of established traditional forms and technologies with forms and technologies adequate to modern ideas about the training of specialists.

To train teachers of the new generation, create a new educational practice in the region, master the foundations of fundamental classical sciences, modern methodological, philosophical, historical and cultural, psychological type knowledge, the university has developed a model of the university scientific and educational complex “Krasnoyarsk Humanitarian and Pedagogical University”. The main goal of the complex is the general and professional development of a person based on the creation of a new pedagogy - anthropopedagogy, the humanitarian knowledge and technologies of which will ensure the disclosure and development of students’ abilities to continuously increase knowledge, competencies, subjectivity, and lifelong learning along an individual educational trajectory. Currently, organizational work is underway to create this complex.

Since 2005, the university began to implement multi-level training in undergraduate programs. Currently educational process carried out in 7 undergraduate areas. Obtained a license for the right educational activities in 4 master's areas. The university has created a system for training teachers highly qualified. Preparation of candidates of sciences is carried out at the university postgraduate school in 26 specialties, in which 400 people study. Doctoral studies are open in 6 specialties. Scientific activity The university is carried out in 14 main areas, a number of them are innovative in nature. For example, the quality of teacher education: methodology, theory and practice; problems of developing the civic character of the new generation of Siberians; theory and practice of socio-pedagogical support and integration of children and adults into society; content, tools and technologies of open education, etc.

The university has formed and is actively developing scientific schools that have Russian and world recognition. Among them:

  • scientific school under the leadership of corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor M. I. Shilova “Theory and methodology of education: traditions and innovations”;
  • scientific school under the leadership of Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor N. I. Drozdov “Archaeology and paleoecology of Central Siberia”;
  • scientific school under the leadership of Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor L. M. Gornostaev “Synthesis and research of quinones and their analogues”;
  • scientific school under the leadership of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor A. I. Zavyalov and Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor D. G. Mindiashvili “Biopedagogy of Physical Education and Sports”;
  • scientific school under the leadership of corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Gendin A. M. “Sociocultural aspects of the development of education and spiritual life of society”, etc.

Educational process and scientific work KSPU is provided by a unique team of teachers and scientists. Currently, the university has 4 corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Education, 2 Honored Scientists, 3 Honored Workers high school, 3 Honored Cultural Workers, 4 Honored Workers physical culture, 32 teachers are academicians and corresponding members of Russian and international public academies of sciences. The structure of the university includes 5 institutes, 13 faculties, 63 departments, 5 branches in the cities of Achinsk, Kansk, Zheleznogorsk, Norilsk, Minusinsk, and a representative office in Kyzyl.

Depending on the tasks being solved related to the development of the university, the structure of the university is constantly changing: existing departments are abolished and reorganized, and new ones are created. Between 2004 and 2008, 25 new departments were opened, including a laboratory for problems of neuropsychology in education; Museum of Geology and Geography of Central Siberia; laboratory of geoecology; laboratory of paleography and paleecology ancient man; Center for Strategic Forecasting and University Development Problems; educational and methodological center for quality management of education; Laboratory of Archeology and Ethnography of Central Siberia; Institute of Further Education and Advanced Training; resource center French; institute distance education; educational and methodological center for employment and career support for students and graduates; laboratory “Problems of developing the character of the new generation of Siberians”; Department of Digital Educational Resources and Instructional Design; resource information and methodological centers; and etc.

Issues related to the development of informatization occupy an important place in the activities of the university. The main directions in this area are: development of a corporate computer network; computerization and technical equipment of the structural divisions of the university; introduction of computer technologies into the scientific and educational process; introduction of computer technologies into university management.

In 2003, the university, the only one in Russia, won 2 Intel grants “Teaching for the Future”; in 2006, it was one of 10 Russian universities that won the NFPC grant “Development of programs and teaching materials for training students of pedagogical universities in the field of using digital educational resources."

In accordance with the Concept and Program adopted at the university, educational work is carried out with students. The main thing in this type of activity is the creation of the necessary conditions that ensure the formation of an educational environment at the university. The university has formed a unified student project space, within the framework of which a number of significant projects are being carried out: “Formation of communicative competence of student tutors”, “Adaptation classes as conditions for the formation of psychological competence of students of pedagogical universities”, “Identification of social activity of student youth”, etc. A significant part of student projects are awarded diplomas at the Russian and regional levels and are implemented in the activities of the university.

Within the framework of concluded agreements with the administrations of rural areas, the university provides scientific and methodological assistance to teachers in organizing the educational process, studies the state of the quality of education of schoolchildren, and gives specific recommendations for improving it. On the basis of districts, advanced training courses for education workers are being created, work is being carried out with parents of students on topical issues education and upbringing.

The University is the developer of a number of Programs on behalf of the Administration Krasnoyarsk Territory: “Youth policy in universities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in 2008–2010”, “Shaping the character of the modern generation of Siberians as a factor in the development of human resources in the region”, “Civic education of children and youth of the Krasnoyarsk Territory”, etc.

Popov, Sergey Alexandrovich (October - February of the year);

Dolbenko, Alexander Vasilievich (February - August 1937);

Makarov, Pyotr Dmitrievich (August - March of the year);

Pridannikov, Ivan Aleksandrovich (March - May of the year);

Pavlov, Alexander Petrovich (May - September of the year);

Zhurov, Vasily Semenovich (September - October of the year);

Raisky, Boris Fedorovich (October - January of the year);

Teterev, Efim Mikheevich (September - November of the year);

Safronov, Viktor Petrovich (November - September of the year);

Pelymskaya, Olga Gavrilovna (September - February of the year);

Falaleev, Albert Nikolaevich (February - November of the year);

Karlova, Olga Anatolyevna (from August to the present)

Faculties and institutes

  • History department
  • Faculty of Foreign Languages
  • Faculty of Biology, Geography and Chemistry
  • Faculty of Philology
  • Institute of Physical Culture, Sports and Health named after. I.S. Yarygina
  • Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy of Childhood
  • Faculty primary classes
  • Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics
  • Faculty of Pre-University Training
  • Institute of Special Pedagogy
  • Institute of Psychology, Pedagogy and Educational Management
  • Institute of Further Education and Advanced Training


  • Branch in Achinsk (website)
  • Branch in Kansk (website)
  • Branch in Norilsk (website)
  • Branch in Zheleznogorsk (website)


  • "100 best universities in Russia"
  • “Best University in Russia” (twice)
  • Gold medal "European quality"



  • Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University
  • Laboratory of Archeology and Ethnography KSPU named after. V.P. Astafieva

Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V. P. Astafiev- higher education institution in Krasnoyarsk, one of the oldest and largest in Siberia. Founded in 1932 as a pedagogical institute. Received university status in 1993. Today it is one of the largest universities in Krasnoyarsk along with the Siberian Federal University and the Siberian State University of Science and Technology named after M. F. Reshetnev.

From June 11, 2013 to March 11, 2014, the rector of the university was Dr. F. Sc., professor Olga Anatolyevna Karlova.

Since December 3, 2015, the rector of the university has been Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Valery Anatolyevich Kovalevsky.

History and educational activities of KSPU

Currently, the KSPU named after V.P. Astafiev is one of the leading pedagogical universities in the Siberian Federal District, providing a wide range of educational services under pre-university, university, postgraduate and additional education programs. On February 5, 2009, at a meeting of the Accreditation Board of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Education and Science (Rosobrnadzor), it was decided to confirm the state accreditation status of Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University.

Over the years of its existence, the university has trained over 55 thousand specialists for educational institutions, science, culture, economics and other fields of activity. Among the employees who worked there over the years, as well as its graduates, there are many famous scientists, teachers, writers, government and public figures, and athletes. More than 500 teachers and graduates were awarded the honorary titles “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation”, “Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation”, “Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation”, “Excellent Enlightenment”, “Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of Russia”. A number of them were awarded government awards and State Prizes in the field of science and education.

Every year the university graduates about 1,500 specialists who are in demand in various segments of the labor market in the Krasnoyarsk region. In social institutions of the region, over 40% of the total number of employees are university graduates. The share of university graduates working in the regional education system is 80% of the total number of teaching staff. A number of graduates of the Pedagogical University hold responsible positions in the Regional Administration, the Legislative Assembly, are heads of district administrations, and head city and district education authorities.

Since 2002, the university has been carrying out targeted work to change the quality of teacher education based on the Concept and Program for updating the professional pedagogical training of teachers at the Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University developed by the university team. The implementation of this Concept and Program required a revision of the organization of the entire educational process, the replacement of established traditional forms and technologies with forms and technologies adequate to modern ideas about the training of specialists.

To train teachers of a new generation, create a new educational practice in the region, and allow future teachers to master the fundamentals of fundamental classical sciences, modern methodological, philosophical, historical, cultural, and psychological types of knowledge, the university has developed a model of the university scientific and educational complex “Krasnoyarsk Humanitarian Pedagogical University.” The main goal of the complex is the general and professional development of a person based on the creation of a new pedagogy - anthropopedagogy, the humanitarian knowledge and technologies of which will ensure the disclosure and development of students’ abilities to continuously increase knowledge, competencies, subjectivity, and lifelong learning along an individual educational trajectory. Currently, organizational work is underway to create this complex.

Since 2005, the university began to implement multi-level training in undergraduate programs. Currently, the educational process is carried out in 7 undergraduate areas. A license was obtained for educational activities in 4 areas of master's degree. The university has created a system for training highly qualified teachers. Preparation of candidates of science is carried out at the university postgraduate school in 26 specialties, in which 400 people study. Doctoral studies are open in 6 specialties. The university's scientific activities are carried out in 14 main areas, a number of which are innovative in nature. For example, the quality of teacher education: methodology, theory and practice; problems of developing the civic character of the new generation of Siberians; theory and practice of socio-pedagogical support and integration of children and adults into society; content, tools and technologies of open education, etc.

The university has formed and is actively developing scientific schools that have Russian and world recognition. Among them:

  • scientific school under the leadership of corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor M. I. Shilova “Theory and methodology of education: traditions and innovations”;
  • scientific school under the leadership of Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor N. I. Drozdov “Archaeology and paleoecology of Central Siberia”;
  • scientific school under the leadership of Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor L. M. Gornostaev “Synthesis and research of quinones and their analogues”;
  • scientific school under the leadership of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor A. I. Zavyalov and Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor D. G. Mindiashvili “Biopedagogy of Physical Education and Sports”;
  • scientific school under the leadership of corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Gendin A. M. “Sociocultural aspects of the development of education and the spiritual life of society”, etc.

The educational process and scientific work at KSPU is provided by a unique team of teachers and scientists. In 1998, KSPU had 8 faculties, which trained specialists in 12 specialties, employed 20 professors and doctors of science, over 200 candidates of science, postgraduate studies in 19 specialties and a dissertation council for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations in pedagogy and the history of pedagogy were created . Currently, the university has 4 corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Education, 2 Honored Scientists, 3 Honored Workers of Higher Education, 3 Honored Workers of Culture, 4 Honored Workers of Physical Culture. 32 teachers are academicians and corresponding members of Russian and international public academies of sciences. The structure of the university includes 5 institutes, 13 faculties, 63 departments, 5 branches in the cities of Achinsk, Kansk, Zheleznogorsk, Norilsk, Minusinsk, and a representative office in Kyzyl.

Depending on the tasks being solved related to the development of KSPU, the structure of the university is constantly changing: existing departments are abolished and reorganized, new ones are created. Between 2004 and 2008, 25 new departments were opened, including a laboratory for problems of neuropsychology in education; Museum of Geology and Geography of Central Siberia; laboratory of geoecology; laboratory of paleography and paleecology of ancient man; Center for Strategic Forecasting and University Development Problems; educational and methodological center for quality management of education; Laboratory of Archeology and Ethnography of Central Siberia; Institute of Further Education and Advanced Training; French language resource center; Institute of Distance Education; educational and methodological center for employment and career support for students and graduates; laboratory “Problems of developing the character of the new generation of Siberians”; Department of Digital Educational Resources and Instructional Design; resource information and methodological centers, etc.

Issues related to the development of informatization occupy an important place in the activities of the university. The main directions in this area are: development of a corporate computer network; computerization and technical equipment of the structural divisions of the university; introduction of computer technologies into the scientific and educational process; introduction of computer technologies into university management.

In 2003, the university, the only one in Russia, won 2 Intel grants “Teaching for the Future”; in 2006, it was one of 10 Russian universities that won the NFPC grant “Development of programs and teaching materials for training students of pedagogical universities in the field of using digital educational resources."

In accordance with the Concept and Program adopted at the university, educational work is carried out with students. The main thing in this type of activity is the creation of the necessary conditions that ensure the formation of an educational environment at the university. The university has formed a unified student project space, within the framework of which a number of significant projects are being carried out: “Formation of communicative competence of student tutors”, “Adaptation classes as conditions for the formation of psychological competence of students of pedagogical universities”, “Identification of social activity of student youth”, etc. A significant part of student projects are awarded diplomas at the Russian and regional levels and are implemented in the activities of the university.

Within the framework of concluded agreements with the administrations of rural areas, the university provides scientific and methodological assistance to teachers in organizing the educational process, studies the state of the quality of education of schoolchildren, and gives specific recommendations for improving it. On the basis of districts, advanced training courses for education workers are being created, and work is being carried out with parents of students on current issues of education and upbringing.

The University is the developer of a number of Programs on behalf of the Administration of the Krasnoyarsk Territory: “Youth policy in universities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in 2008-2010”, “Shaping the character of the modern generation of Siberians as a factor in the development of human resources in the region”, “Civic education of children and youth of the Krasnoyarsk Territory”, etc. .

The rich research materials accumulated by the Center were published in the USSR/Russia and abroad in more than 200 monographs, brochures, articles, some of them were published by leading Soviet/Russian publishing houses and published in periodicals - “Science”, “Higher School”, in journal "Sociological Research". These studies were highly appreciated in the media, at congresses, symposia, and conferences, including international ones, held in Hungary, Germany, Poland, Finland, Czechoslovakia, Scotland, and South Korea. The research materials formed the basis for candidate and doctoral dissertations. The Center's employees have been repeatedly awarded diplomas and grants at competitions for scientific papers and research projects.

A little over ten years ago, a reorganization took place in Krasnoyarsk: several universities in the city were united into one large one, called However, this did not affect everyone; some institutions still live separately. For example, Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical University named after Astafiev.


Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafiev - this is its full official name - opened its doors to applicants in the summer of 1932. It is one of the very first universities in the Siberian and Far Eastern regions. In the first year of work, only four departments functioned at the institute, but gradually it “found its feet” and new faculties appeared. Initially, KSPU was located in the building of a former women's gymnasium in the very center of Krasnoyarsk. Then, when the university had grown sufficiently, they stayed there primary classes, the remaining directions were located in other buildings.

KSPU named after. Astafiev was not always named after the great fellow countryman of Krasnoyarsk. Only in 1999, Viktor Petrovich was appointed honorary professor of the university, and the university received his name after the death of the writer, in 2004.

The Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical University named after Astafiev has several branches in different cities of the region - Zheleznogorsk, Achinsk, Kansk, Minusinsk, Kyzyl, Norilsk. Since 2015, the university has been headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences Valery Anatolyevich Kovalevsky.


Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical University named after Astafiev is one of the largest in the world. Here you can get not only an education as a bachelor or specialist, but also complete a master's and postgraduate studies. There is a retraining center at the university, where you can undergo retraining and receive a document on additional education.

KSPU named after. Astafieva constantly receives scientific grants, which allows his employees to develop in their field, travel abroad and work in archives, publish scientific works, develop innovations and so on. University students go abroad on an exchange program, and students from other countries are also not uncommon in pedagogical institute. In addition, there are foreigners among the teaching staff - French, Japanese, Americans, Poles. The university has won the “European Quality” award three times, and has twice been recognized as the best in the country. KSPU named after Astafiev also cooperates with schools in Krasnoyarsk, thus high school students have the opportunity to get acquainted with the work of the university before graduating from school. In addition, the institute is developing special projects, the so-called scientific schools, the work of which is recognized by leading Russian scientists and specialists.

And how many creative teams live within the walls of the pedagogical school! And dance teams, and vocalists, and of course, athletes. The university publishes its own scientific journal, where the works of capable students are published, and almost every faculty publishes its own newspaper.

In total, more than eighty doctors of science, more than three hundred candidates, and 4 corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Education work at the Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical University named after Astafiev. There are more than eleven thousand students of all forms of education at the university.

Buildings and faculties

Now the university. Astafieva has five buildings. The main one is located in the city center, on Ada Lebedeva Street, near the Central Market. Students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Physical Education, philologists, biologists, geographers and chemists study there. The university administration, human resources department, library, and employment center are also located there.

Very nearby, on the neighboring street - Mira Avenue, there is the building of a former women's gymnasium, the same one where the KSPU began its work in the distant thirties of the last century. Now future primary school teachers are running there to study. And on Marx Street, the third central street of Krasnoyarsk, next to it is the building of the Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy. It is noteworthy because in the late fifties it was built exclusively by the hands of the students themselves.

Physicists, mathematicians, and computer scientists study on Perenson Street - this is also the center of the city. In the same building there are workshops and laboratories so necessary for these specialists. But future historians, political scientists, religious scholars and social workers go to another district - to Vzletka (the building is located on Vzletnaya Street, hence the name of the district). Their building is the newest among all five premises of the university - it was built approximately thirty years ago. By the way, the Museum of Archeology and Ethnography of Siberia also found its home there.

Distinguished Alumni

Here are just a few names of those who, before reaching certain heights in their field, studied within the walls of the Astafiev KSPU:

  1. Ivan Sergeevich Yarygin, athlete, Olympic champion.
  2. Boris Anatolyevich Chmykhalo, philologist, writer.
  3. Dmitry Georgievich Mindiashvili, freestyle wrestling coach.
  4. Ivan Aleksandrovich Terskov, biophysicist.
  5. Alexander Moiseevich Gendin, philosopher, sociologist.
  6. Gennady Fedorovich Bykonya, professor, doctor of historical sciences.

Facts about the institute

  1. Exactly 50 years after the opening there was awarded the order"Badge of honor".
  2. In 1993, it became one of the first pedagogical universities in Russia (before that it was an institute).
  3. In 2011, KSPU named after. Astafiev became the best socially oriented university in Russia.
  4. Cooperates with universities in other countries - France, Poland, Germany, Japan, Korea and China.
  5. Among the hundred best universities in Russia.

There are places where you go and feel comfortable and don’t want to leave. KSPU named after V.P. Astafiev is one of such places, within whose walls it is comfortable even for those who do not study there. Isn’t a welcoming atmosphere one of the the most important qualities a really good university?

Year of foundation: 1932
Number of students studying at the university: 10232
Cost of studying at the university: 36 - 62 thousand rubles.

Address: 660049, Krasnoyarsk region, Krasnoyarsk, A. Lebedeva, 89


Email: [email protected]

About the university

Opened in 1932. In 2004, the university was named after V.P. Astafieva. In 2005, the university was among the 100 best universities in Russia and was awarded the “European Quality of Education” medal. Currently, the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education KSPU named after. V.P. Astafieva is one of the leading pedagogical universities in the Siberian Federal District, providing a wide range of educational services under pre-university, university, postgraduate and additional education programs. February 5, 2009 at a meeting of the Accreditation Board Federal service for supervision in the field of education and science (Rosobrnadzor), it was decided to confirm the state accreditation status of the Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University.

Over the years of its existence, the university has trained over 55 thousand specialists for educational institutions, science, culture, economics and other fields of activity. Among the employees who worked there over the years, as well as its graduates, there are many famous scientists, teachers, writers, government and public figures, and athletes. More than 500 teachers and graduates were awarded the honorary title “Honored Teacher” Russian Federation", "Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation", "Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation", "Excellence in Public Education", "Honored Worker of Higher Professional Education of Russia". A number of them were awarded government awards and State Prizes in the field of science and education.

Every year the university graduates about 1,500 specialists who are in demand in various segments of the labor market in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. In socially oriented institutions of the region, over 40% of the total number of employees in them are university graduates. The share of university graduates working in the regional education system is 80% of the total number of teaching staff.

A number of graduates of the Pedagogical University hold responsible positions in the Regional Administration, the Legislative Assembly, are heads of district administrations, and head city and district education authorities.

Since 2002, the university has been conducting targeted work to change the quality of teacher education based on the Concept and Program for updating the professional pedagogical training of teachers at the Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University developed by the university staff. The implementation of this Concept and Program required a revision of the organization of the entire educational process, the replacement of established traditional forms and technologies with forms and technologies adequate to modern ideas about the training of specialists.

To train teachers of a new generation, create a new educational practice in the region, and allow future teachers to master the fundamentals of fundamental classical sciences, modern methodological, philosophical, historical, cultural, and psychological types of knowledge, the university has developed a model of the university scientific and educational complex “Krasnoyarsk Humanitarian Pedagogical University.” The main goal of the complex is the general and professional development of a person based on the creation of a new pedagogy - anthropopedagogy, the humanitarian knowledge and technologies of which will ensure the disclosure and development of students’ abilities to continuously increase knowledge, competencies, subjectivity, and lifelong learning along an individual educational trajectory. Currently, organizational work is underway to create this complex.

Since 2005, the university began to implement multi-level training in undergraduate programs. Currently, the educational process is carried out in 7 undergraduate areas. A license for the right to conduct educational activities in 4 areas of master's degree was obtained.

The university has created a system for training highly qualified teachers. Preparation of candidates of sciences is carried out at the university postgraduate school in 26 specialties, in which 400 people study. Doctoral studies are open in 6 specialties. The university's scientific activities are carried out in 14 main areas, a number of which are innovative in nature. For example, the quality of teacher education: methodology, theory and practice; problems of developing the civic character of the new generation of Siberians; theory and practice of socio-pedagogical support and integration of children and adults into society; content, tools and technologies of open education, etc.

The university has formed and is actively developing scientific schools that have Russian and world recognition. Among them:

* scientific school under the leadership of Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor M.I. Shilova “Theory and methodology of education: traditions and innovations”;
* scientific school under the leadership of Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Drozdov N.I. “Archaeology and paleoecology of Central Siberia”;
* scientific school under the leadership of Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Gornostaev L.M. “Synthesis and study of quinones and their analogues”;
* scientific school under the leadership of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Zavyalov A.I. and corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor D.G. Mindiashvili. “Biopedagogy of physical education and sports”;
* scientific school under the leadership of Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Gendin A.M. “Sociocultural aspects of the development of education and spiritual life of society”, etc.

The educational process and scientific work at KSPU is provided by a unique team of teachers and scientists. Currently, the university employs 4 corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Education, 2 Honored Scientists, 3 Honored Workers of Higher Education, 3 Honored Workers of Culture, 4 Honored Workers of Physical Culture, 32 teachers are academicians and corresponding members of Russian and international public academies of sciences. The structure of the university includes 5 institutes, 13 faculties, 63 departments, 5 branches in the cities of Achinsk, Kansk, Zheleznogorsk, Norilsk, Minusinsk, and a representative office in Kyzyl.

Depending on the tasks being solved related to the development of the university, the structure of the university is constantly changing: existing departments are abolished and reorganized, and new ones are created. Between 2004 and 2008, 25 new departments were opened, including a laboratory for problems of neuropsychology in education; Museum of Geology and Geography of Central Siberia; laboratory of geoecology; laboratory of paleography and paleecology of ancient man; Center for Strategic Forecasting and University Development Problems; educational and methodological center for quality management of education; Laboratory of Archeology and Ethnography of Central Siberia; Institute of Further Education and Advanced Training; French language resource center; Institute of Distance Education; educational and methodological center for employment and career support for students and graduates; laboratory “Problems of developing the character of the new generation of Siberians”; Department of Digital Educational Resources and Instructional Design; resource information and methodological centers, etc.

Issues related to the development of informatization occupy an important place in the activities of the university. The main directions in this area are: development of a corporate computer network; computerization and technical equipment of the structural divisions of the university; introduction of computer technologies into the scientific and educational process; introduction of computer technologies into university management.

In 2003, the university, the only one in Russia, won 2 Intel grants “Teaching for the Future”; in 2006, it was one of 10 Russian universities that won the NFPC grant “Development of programs and teaching materials for training students of pedagogical universities in the field of using digital educational resources."

In accordance with the Concept and Program adopted at the university, educational work is carried out with students. The main thing in this type of activity is the creation of the necessary conditions that ensure the formation of an educational environment at the university. The university has formed a unified student project space, within the framework of which a number of significant projects are being carried out: “Formation of communicative competence of student tutors”, “Adaptation classes as conditions for the formation of psychological competence of students of pedagogical universities”, “Identification of social activity of student youth”, etc. A significant part of student projects are awarded diplomas at the Russian and regional levels and are implemented in the activities of the university.

As part of concluded agreements with rural administrations, the university provides scientific and methodological assistance to teachers in organizing the educational process, studies the state of the quality of education for schoolchildren, and gives specific recommendations for improving it. On the basis of districts, advanced training courses for education workers are being created, and work is being carried out with parents of students on current issues of education and upbringing.

The University is the developer of a number of Programs on behalf of the Administration of the Krasnoyarsk Territory: “Youth policy in universities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in 2008–2010”, “Shaping the character of the modern generation of Siberians as a factor in the development of human resources in the region”, “Civic education of children and youth of the Krasnoyarsk Territory”, etc. .

After Russia signed the Bologna Agreement and the peculiarities of reforming higher education, the university began to most actively develop international activities. At the same time, the main strategic goal was determined - to create conditions at the university that would ensure its fastest entry into the international educational space. The practical implementation of this goal is carried out on the basis of 16 agreements concluded with various foreign universities and research centers.

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