Capricorn man born in the year of the Dog: characteristics and compatibility. Zodiac – Capricorn, eastern horoscope – Dog – characteristics of a man

Astrologers have ambivalent views on the fashionable trend to combine the Chinese and zodiac horoscopes. The eastern horoscope, based on the study of the positions of the Moon and Jupiter, is a much more complex system than a simple determination of character by year. When compiling zodiac horoscope, built on the movement of the Sun, you also need to take into account many additional factors. But ordinary life shows that even simplified interpretations of both horoscopes provide amazing accuracy in describing people’s characters. A combined horoscope is no exception, which shows how the traits of different signs are mixed in one person. How does such a horoscope interpret the combination Dog-woman? The characteristics of this person are a description of a strong-willed, successful woman with high moral qualities.

General characteristics of the Dog-Capricorn sign combination

Conservative, honest, with a developed sense of duty, these women live a prosperous and calm life without much turmoil. Thanks to the influence of the Dog, they are stable and reliable, pleasant to talk to, and you can always rely on them. At the same time, the Dog in this combination softens the restraint of the little emotional Capricorn, and he has a more open and sensitive character than Capricorns born in other years.

The main qualities of a Capricorn woman born in the year of the Dog:

  • honesty;
  • reliability and responsibility;
  • leadership skills.

As a rule, the Capricorn Dog woman is well educated, has excellent manners, is delicate and attractive in appearance. These qualities attract people to her, but it is not so easy to get into the close circle of these ladies. They are selective and subject everyone, without exception, to serious evaluation according to their strict criteria.

Capricorn dogs are real moralists and guardians of morality. Justice, honor, morality are by no means empty words for them. They are intolerant of lies, impunity and depravity and are ready to defend their beliefs.

Strict and serious, Capricorn-Dog women often seem dry and insensitive, but in reality this is not the case. They reserve their tenderness, love and generosity for those they truly love.

Women with this combination in their horoscopes focus on their work and social activities to worry about marriage. In addition, they are too responsible and faithful to enter into frivolous relationships or change husbands like gloves. They marry in adulthood, having established a career and secured a prosperous future for themselves, and choose their partner carefully. Often they are left alone.

In relationships, they try to take a leading position and impose their own rules. If a partner accepts this position of his soul mate, they will have a strong, happy union. The Dog-Capricorn woman will reward him a hundredfold - she will be a tender and devoted wife, on whose support and selflessness he can always count.

These women know how to make money. They are diligent and efficient, but what helps them achieve success, first of all, is their excellent financial sense. They always invest money successfully, do not take unnecessary risks and know how to find profitable offers.

They are ambitious and often occupy leadership positions in which they achieve success through determination, excellent planning and discipline. Bosses with this combination of signs have a tough leadership style, they are demanding of employees, merciless towards quitters and slackers.

However, despite the concentration on his career, the Capricorn Dog is not one of those who will burn at work. They always choose their own burden, prefer to work calmly, systematically and, thanks to a well-thought-out plan, often manage to do a lot in a short time.

They are law-abiding, pay taxes and always have the means to ensure a comfortable old age. When choosing a profession, they should pay attention to activities related to laws - they make excellent lawyers, judges, employees law enforcement, social authorities protection.

Compatibility with other signs of the eastern and zodiac horoscopes

For a Capricorn woman born in the year of the Dog, it is best to build relationships with the Rabbit, Rat and, surprisingly, Tiger. She also has good chances for a happy family life with men Horse, Dog and Snake, especially if they were born under the constellation Aries or Pisces.

The complete incompatibility of the Dog with the Rooster and the Sheep makes their relationship impossible, even if the man’s zodiac sign favors this union.

Born under the signs of Dog and Capricorn, the woman is quite successful; her personality characteristics speak of a strong, noble nature, capable of devotion and generosity. I can advise her only one thing - to devote more time to her personal life, take jokes more easily and not take criticism to heart.

The characteristics of this sign in various areas of life are very diverse. By nature, he is a very gentle person with a strong will and determination. Sometimes you can notice a hint of toughness in his character.

He is ready to help anyone who needs help. Moreover, he will not give advice, but will actually provide assistance. The dog always strives to move forward, and Capricorn helps her with his assertiveness. This is a wonderful colleague and friend. He strives to improve the lives of others, despite all obstacles.

He is a very ambitious and purposeful person, and he is also very charming and attractive. Such a man is never alone.

Capricorn, who was lucky enough to be born in the year of the Dog, is very impressionable, emotional and vulnerable. He quickly gets used to the object of his love and becomes a devoted and faithful partner. The man carefully considers his future plans and makes his own decision about the wedding.

If the partner refuses to continue the relationship, Capricorn takes the breakup very hard, trying not to show others that he is in pain. After this, he tries not to enter into a serious relationship for a long time.

If you just decide to take a walk with a representative of this sign, you will not regret anything. This is an easy, cheerful and emotional partner who will be at his best both in love and in bed.

When such a man starts a family, all his attention switches to his household members. In his opinion, the wife should manage the household affairs, and the husband should raise money for maintenance. However, Capricorn is an excellent host. He will be happy to do all the housework, helping his wife. His time is enough to play with the children and talk with his beloved.

A wife should feel her husband's mood. If her Capricorn is bored, she needs to be sad with him. If he is cheerful, wants to relax and have fun, you should keep him company.

A Rabbit-Taurus girl is ideal for marriage. Relationships with Capricorn, who was born in the year of the Tiger or Horse, will also be harmonious.

Dog Man - Capricorn: characteristics of the business sphere

Work and career always go well for this representative of the strong half of humanity. Where someone has to earn with blood and sweat, Capricorn gets everything easily and quickly.

His promotion is fast and interesting. In addition, it is accompanied by constant financial profit. With a man who was born in the year of the Dog under the sign of Capricorn, you will never live in poverty. His main goal is to improve the financial situation of his family.

Friendship with a Dog man - Capricorn

This person is a reliable and devoted friend who will always help and support. Of course, sometimes his actions may surprise his friends. He has a wonderful sense of humor, which can sometimes offend those around him. He is often jealous, because he considers himself the main friend of this or that person.

Even if you did something terrible, you cannot lose such a friend. He will protect you to the end and will not abandon you under any circumstances.

The health of a representative of this sign

In childhood and adolescence, the Capricorn Dog man practically never gets sick. He has great resistance to various diseases. But if, nevertheless, the disease does not bypass the Dog - Capricorn, then you will have to get sick for a very long time.

The downside is this man’s careless attitude towards his health. He often takes risks by changing sexual partners or not dressing during the cold season. Without noticing the first signs of the disease, it triggers a disease that requires more serious treatment.

The weak point is the legs, which a man can damage throughout his life. Closer to old age, heart and blood diseases, deafness and hormonal disorders are noted. To prevent these ailments, you need to engage in timely examination and prevention.

Thus, if there is a Capricorn Dog man in your environment, the characteristics of his horoscope indicate that he is a devoted friend, an excellent worker and simply an irreplaceable husband and father. By connecting your destiny with it, you will be confident in stable and reliable.

The personality of the Capricorn-Dog man is interesting; the sign is distinguished by its gentle character. But despite the outward calm and measuredness, these people have a firm nature. Sometimes they can show cruelty.

Character traits

More often, such men have a clearly established life scenario, according to which they live slowly. At the same time, these are quite ambitious people who constantly strive to be the first and best in everything. They may be satisfied exclusively with leading positions.

Following discipline and order comes from excessive responsibility and a sense of duty.

Kindness and kindness force such men to constantly participate in the problems of others, and not only give advice, but also actively act. The Dog's desire to meet loved ones halfway is combined with the pressure of Capricorn, who can be tough and decisive when circumstances require it. Better than a friend can't be found.

What are Capricorn-Dogs like in love?

Capricorn, born in the year of the Dog, is vulnerable and sensitive. Men very quickly become attached to the woman they love. If a girl is not in the mood for a serious relationship, Capricorn-Dog will give her fun and unforgettable meetings. Wherein increased emotionality and an extremely rich inner world attract the opposite sex like a magnet.

He deeply experiences quarrels and separations.

A serious attitude towards love leads to the fact that a man does not let anyone into his heart for a very long time. Even having chosen a partner, offering her his hand and heart, Capricorn-Dog will make decisions about their future together. Such inaccessibility is only a mask for a vulnerable nature.

Marriage and family of a Capricorn-Dog man

The desire to constantly moralize family members characterizes this sign not very well. positive side. But if a woman can understand all the subtleties of his character, she is guaranteed to receive a reliable and caring man. He is characterized by periodic manifestations of detachment, so his wife just needs to get used to this trait.

IN family relationships The Capricorn-Dog man is very attentive and caring.

Being an excellent owner, he himself will be able to cope with order in the house, both physically and morally. He will always find time for his wife, children, and numerous relatives. The wife must protect and feed him with her energy, otherwise there will not be enough of this man for everyone who is thirsty. His periodic coldness is explained only by mental fatigue due to wasted moral strength.

Capricorn-Dog men are conservative by nature and prefer to play by the rules. They protect their emotional and financial security, and do not take anything at face value. You will have to make a lot of effort to prove your reliability and get close to such a man.


Loyal, idealistic and resourceful, Capricorn Dogs are ambitious people who always want to do the right thing. Members of this sign strive for personal success within the framework of their own moral and ethical codes.

Capricorn Dogs are traditionalists and avoid trying new things until they have done their own research. New ideas, methods and social roles must be tested before they are accepted by the mind. Some people believe that these people are anxious, paranoid and distrustful. Indeed, men are careful before taking part in any unusual activities. It is this quality that often stands out from others, especially those who are more carefree.

For the Capricorn Dog, being right is more important than being adventurous. While they are willing to go a long way to achieve their goals, men also want to know if it's worth it. In other words, people of this sign always think and measure everything before jumping. This is necessary not only for their own safety and well-being, but also for those they care about.

Representatives of the sign often admire their friends and fear that their actions may have Negative influence on others. They are proud and do not want to be seen making a mistake. While this personality trait is often beneficial, it can also create many problems in decision making.

Unfortunately, men don't know when to stop. The more success they achieve, the less likely they are to listen to others.


It is very difficult to get close to the guy, since he always stands behind an indestructible wall. Not very sociable, but demonstrates determination and patience. He has fierce ambitions. If you look at him, it may seem that the person prefers solitude to company. Now it's worth taking a deeper look. This guy doesn't show anything, but wants admiration just like other people. The man is simply too shy to express his feelings openly.

The Capricorn Dog does not know what to do with compliments and immediately blushes. May be embarrassed or even ignored. Tell him that this sign is delightful, smart, handsome and attractive. A person should know this.

The profile makes it a true romantic, although you may not find out about it right away. A man prefers to maintain control over his emotions.

If you manage to look into his heart, you will see a charming person who loves to dream.

The Capricorn-Dog man will always provide you with a roof during a storm, and will also help you stay warm on a frosty winter night. Don't expect him to start reading poetry for you. Such a guy is a romantic at heart, but these feelings will not be displayed. He doesn’t need to tell the world that he loves, it’s enough that he knows it himself. You will have to slowly lure him out of his protective shell, so only those girls who have a lot of patience will last in a relationship with him.

You need to show a man that you believe in his dreams, then Capricorn will achieve his goal. This man is one of the few who is very serious in his youth and tends to relax only with age. When all your classmates are old, the Capricorn Dog will look just as good.

In bed he likes to play a leading role, so he should feel recognized and respected at all times. A guy of this sign will never take sexual experiences lightly, even if he is having a casual affair with someone he doesn't know very well.


The sign of Capricorn is considered one of the coldest, according to the horoscope. Nevertheless family life, makes this person soft and kind, caring and loving, as if his only goal in life is to find someone to cuddle with.

He may appear to be a strong man with fierce beliefs, but in reality he is a gentle soul who craves the attention of other people, especially his partner and those with whom he shares intimate details.

It won't be easy to penetrate it emotional world, because the guy is looking for a practical, devoted and sensitive partner who is ready to face all the challenges of real life.

You won't have to worry much about fidelity. A man literally idolizes family ties and will not sacrifice them for the sake of short, meaningless actions. Family plays a primary role.

You need to demonstrate impeccable manners in front of his friends. You'll have to impress your family. This is what matters to your Capricorn. It's better to get used to the fact that you are loved, but never talked about. A person of this sign will never forgive you for your mistake and leave; betrayal for him means a complete break. Representatives of this sign have ideal compatibility with the Taurus-Rabbit girl.

As a father, he will be a little strict and demand respect, discipline and adherence to rules from his children. Will always sacrifice his own happiness to see them smile.

It is almost amazing how gentle and devoted this man can be with his children. Has the incredible ability to transform your negative emotions into pure love. Very often his approach will be traditional.

He considers his children the most valuable thing in life, and sees that they need to make every possible effort for their prosperity and happiness.


There is always an element of surprise in his approach to daily activities. Capricorn-Dog is smart enough to face any problem and must prioritize in order to move forward in any direction. If he starts moving in two directions at the same time, he may lose both opportunities simply because he cannot be indecisive by nature.

Best areas of activity:

  • policy;
  • philosophy;
  • jurisprudence;
  • banking;
  • sociology;
  • Agriculture;
  • furniture industry;
  • cooking;
  • sport.

Regarding finances, such a man will always be in a state of anxiety. It is important for him that there is always money available; if he finds himself without it, the guy will become confused and will do rash things. Tends to plan for the future years in advance.


This is a man who knows that hard work will take him where he always wanted to go. Very often he will squander his talents and qualities, simply moving forward along the beaten path, ready to give up many things just to achieve his goals. The representative of this sign is sure that modesty is the key to solving many problems, and the mind can fix anything in life.

It is obvious that his personal task lies in the ability to find unity with another person. A man needs connections and works on them, no matter what year he was born.

He needs to think about people, because loneliness will not help to achieve true potential, although a person may feel abandoned all his life.


This is a person who will rarely make friends. As Capricorn gets older, their social circle should expand because it is necessary, but not because the sign wants it.

Such people are unsociable; they prefer quiet evenings in their own company. Noisy clubs, cafes, city celebrations plunge the representative of the sign into real horror. The best pastime is solitude. All household members should take this into account and not try to take a man out for a walk if he doesn’t want to.

However, those few who are lucky enough to be friends of Capricorn-Dog can always count on his support and loyalty.

You will learn more about the Capricorn man in the following video.

Capricorn-Dog men love order and discipline in everything. From birth they have such qualities as duty and responsibility, especially to people close to them. They are very kind and kind-hearted and try to help everyone with their advice and certain actions. But at the same time, they have a rather tough character, thanks to which they achieve all their goals and adjust all life situations to suit themselves.

These men always strive to make other people's lives better. To do this, they use moralizing, which quickly gets boring. But in some cases, their sense of tact still allows them to turn men towards them. They usually become successful. This is partly explained by the fact that they take life lightly and often approach different situations with humor. Everything ordinary in their performance turns out to be fun and interesting.

By nature, these are ambitious and subtle men. They know how to achieve their goal without spending a lot of time and effort. They are so charming that they are always surrounded by numerous friends. When setting a goal, they see the end result - entertainment, luxury and money. This is a great incentive, so it’s easy for them to achieve everything they set out to do. They often deny the seriousness of life, making it a fun adventure.

Characteristics of a Capricorn-Dog man in Love

He is very vulnerable, sensitive and is afraid of all these feelings. Having gotten to know him better, his beloved will be surprised at how rich his inner world is and how gentle, kind and caring he is. He quickly becomes attached to his beloved woman and can even sometimes become dependent on her. He takes any separations and quarrels too close to his heart and can experience them very deeply.

In love he shows great seriousness. He is very distrustful when meeting girls and tries not to open his soul and let them into his life. He can demonstrate this in the most different ways. One of them is his independence, when he himself tries to resolve all issues and make important decisions without consulting anyone. It should be noted that all this inaccessibility is just a defensive reaction.

Capricorn Man, born in the year of the Dog, in Bed

In bed, he does not prefer to lead, allowing his mistress to feel like a real seductress. To make love with him, a woman needs certain time for preparation, since he really loves all kinds of decorations. So, it should be a properly decorated bedroom, silk linen, lit candles, and so on. Therefore, if you really want to hit him, then do the appropriate preparation properly.

Only a girl who is reliable in his eyes can establish an intimate relationship with him. Here he shows his conservatism and does not want to enter into such a relationship before marriage. In bed, he is a passionate and emotional partner who will receive genuine pleasure from physical relationships. At the same time, he does not like to build illusions and dwell in fantasies, as other guys do.

Horoscope of Capricorn-Dog man in Family and Marriage

This is a very good owner who will keep the house clean and tidy, handling all tasks independently. He also makes a caring and attentive partner. He will be interested in all his wife’s affairs and will try to help her in any way. He tries to maintain smooth relations with his relatives, not wanting to quarrel with anyone. But if his rights are affected, he will appear on a completely different side.

He is very attentive to the choice of his wife. He needs a reliable girl with whom he can feel confident. Even when in love, he can sometimes give his wife a cold wave and detachment, which she should get used to. In general, it will be quite easy to get along with him, because he is ready to make quite large concessions and compromises to maintain peace in the family.

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