Hybrid tea rose Sophie. Characteristics and description of the Sophia Loren rose variety Tea hybrid rose Sophia Loren description

The rose is rightfully considered the queen of the garden. Rose bushes become the main component landscape design, giving the rest of the composition chic and grace. Among all types of roses, tea stands out hybrid variety Sophie Loren. The variety is grown both as garden decoration and for cutting. When cut, the flowers retain their external bud shape for a long time.

Rose Sophia Loren is a hybrid variety of the Rosaceae family. This variety belongs to the hybrid tea type, characterized by repeated flowering. The rich bright red color of the buds attracts attention from afar.

History of the variety's creation

In 1967, a separate hybrid rose variety was bred in Germany by breeder Matthias Tantau. This variety is distinguished by its magnificent appearance, therefore it quickly spread throughout Europe and Russia. The name of the variety was given in honor of the famous film actress Sophia Loren - Hybrid Sofi Loren rose.

Rose Sophia Loren

Characteristics of the variety

The buds of the hybrid tea rose Sofia have a pronounced rounded-pointed shape. The petals are velvety, deep red. The average size of flowers when fully blooming varies between 10.5-12.5 cm in diameter. The description of the graceful appearance is achieved by a large number of delicate velvety petals. The flowers have a fairly strong but unobtrusive aroma.

The hybrid is distinguished by abundant flowering, repeated several times in one season. The bushes can reach 1.2-1.5 meters in height, the stems are located vertically upward. The stems themselves are strong, straight and stable. Both single flowers and inflorescences can form on the bushes.

The leathery leaves are ovoid in shape. The dense leaves have a rich green color with a shimmering gloss. The thorns are located sparsely along the stem and are large in size.

Like many rose varieties, Sophia Loren is susceptible to pest attacks. These can be insects, viral and fungal infections. The main period for diseases is summer. As preventive measures against rot, you should choose places with good ventilation, observing a proper watering regime. Spider mite infestations can be treated by spraying the leaves natural oil rosemary.

To prevent the development of powdery mildew:

  • regularly trim stems and buds;
  • treat the plant with a soap solution of copper sulfate;
  • after the snow melts, treat with 3% Bordeaux mixture;
  • regularly loosen and mulch the soil;
  • After the leaves fall, collect them and dispose of them by burning.

Pruning roses

Features of agricultural technology

Rose bushes can be cultivated both in greenhouse conditions and in open ground. The optimal dimensions of the planting pit for a seedling are 50*50*50 cm. Such dimensions allow you to freely place the root system, allowing the roots to spread out into the soil.

The periods for planting Sophia Loren roses are spring and autumn. In spring, special attention should be paid to preparation, since the bushes are not particularly strong after storage in winter time.

It is preferable to stop at autumn planting, since during the season the Sofia rose has the opportunity to take root and, after the snow melts, it will grow at the same pace as older bushes.

The basis for abundant flowering is the choice of a suitable planting site. The best choice is a small slope directed towards the south. This place allows you to get maximum lighting and warmth.

Note! Planting in hot sun can have a negative impact on growth processes. In the absence of shading, it is necessary to install artificial shade in the form of low bushes or a canopy.

An elevated place will eliminate the influence of groundwater on the root system of the plant. Root dampness can be prevented by choosing soil with a thick drainage layer. After digging the planting hole, it is necessary to add river sand and fertilizers.

Organic matter and peat prepared in advance should be used as fertilizers. After filling the hole, you need to leave it for 1-2 weeks for shrinkage. This measure will prevent the bush from falling through after planting.

There are 2 methods of planting young plants: dry and wet. The choice of method depends on the initial moisture content of the soil layer.

The dry method is the traditional method of digging a hole and covering the seedling with prepared soil.

The wet method involves filling the hole with soil moistened to the point of porridge. Thereby, root system adapts faster to new conditions.

For your information. When the first buds appear, they should be removed. Plucking the buds will allow the plant to grow stronger without wasting energy on flowering.

During planting, a mound should be formed at the bottom of the hole, thanks to which the root system expands. When planting a seedling, the grafting site should be located strictly below the surface of the earth. This arrangement will protect the seedling from freezing in the winter and prevent the formation of wild shoots in the summer.

After planting, be sure to water the tree trunk abundantly. It is recommended to hill up and mulch with compost to better retain soil moisture. 14 days after planting, the hilled soil should be removed. Otherwise, adventitious roots from the shoots will begin to form, weakening the entire bush.

If the planted seedling was not pruned, it should be pruned after planting. This is necessary to stimulate the growth of shoots at the base of the bush. During the first month, the use of growth stimulants has a beneficial effect on development.

Planting a rose

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The undeniable advantages of the variety include:

  • high winter hardiness;
  • resistance to disease - black spot;
  • ability to withstand prolonged waterlogging;
  • high decorative properties;
  • long flowering period.

Disadvantages include high demands on the place of growth and the need for regular pruning of shoots.

To summarize, we can say that the hybrid variety of Sophia Loren rose is highly valued by gardeners for its large, bright red flowers with a bright aroma. However, to get a beautiful bush, you must strictly follow the prescribed standards of care.

Perhaps there is not a single connoisseur of beautiful flowers who would not be familiar with this rose. The Sophia Loren variety is one of the most popular representatives of Rosaceae, which is confirmed by numerous design compositions featuring this flower. Bred in 1967 by flower growers in Germany, this delightful variety of roses received its name in honor of the incomparable actress Sophia Loren. Since then, the hybrid tea rose Sophia Loren has been victoriously decorating the most exquisite garden compositions, bringing with it special notes of real beauty, elegance and splendor.


Rose Sophia Loren has a wonderful, unobtrusive and at the same time very sensitive aroma. Its luxurious rounded-pointed buds are located on powerful stems, singly and in inflorescences. Opened buds with a large number of delicate velvety petals reach approximately 12 cm in diameter. The flower opens completely and retains its shape perfectly.

The bush with flowers rises about one and a half meters in height. Like other hybrid tea representatives, the Sophia Loren rose blooms repeatedly throughout the season. The leaves of this variety are dark green, leathery, and have rounded outlines. Like a real rose, Sophia Loren has large thorns, which, however, are quite rare. After cutting, the flowers of this variety retain a fresh and attractive appearance for a long time.


The Sophia Loren variety adapts perfectly to the climatic and soil characteristics of regions, even with a cool climate. It can be cultivated both in greenhouses and in open spaces. For comfortable growth, places with good air circulation and sufficient level are suitable. sunlight. In this case, some shading is desirable, since direct rays of the sun can lead to loss of color and rapid fading.

Excessive watering should also be avoided, to which the rose is also very sensitive. Ideal option in this case, the use of a root drip system will be used. Timely removal of weeds, periodic loosening of the soil, cultivation and spraying with nutrient mixtures - this is essential for the perfect Sophia Loren rose to grow on your site. You can buy this lovely flower in our online store "Gardens of Eden".

Having received such a unique and magnificent name, it cannot but please you with its correspondence to the famous image, since the Sophia Loren rose is one of the most famous representatives of the Rosaceae family, as the encyclopedia of roses says. In this article we will look at how to choose the right one, how to carry out correct landing, fertilizing and which plants are best combined with.

Biological features

It is not for nothing that the Sophia Loren variety captivates all flower growers with its beauty. They have buds of a pointed-rounded shape, bright red petals and a velvety surface. The Sophia Loren rose variety belongs to those that have repeated flowering.

Did you know? The world's smallest rose (variety "Si") is the size of a grain of rice.

At the stage of full bloom, the average size of this variety reaches 12 centimeters. Characteristic feature is a large number of velvety petals, which is why the flowers look elegant and very decorative. It is also worth noting the very strong, but pleasant and not very intrusive aroma of flowers. The shrub blooms, as a rule, with single flowers or in inflorescences, on powerful, straight stems.

The leaves of the bush are leathery, dark green, shaped like an egg, the bush reaches a height of 150 centimeters. There are also large but sparse spines. The Sophia Loren variety holds its bud shape well, for a long time Retains a fresh appearance after the flowers have been cut. The rose adapts well to soil and weather conditions, even in regions with cold climates, where it takes root well. The flower blooms completely, the plant itself reaches its maximum size. The flower is cultivated and under open air, and in greenhouse conditions.

The Sophia Loren variety was bred by flower growers in Germany in 1967 and, due to its beauty and effectiveness, was named after the famous actress Sophia Loren.

How to choose the right seedlings when purchasing

When purchasing seedlings of this variety, you need to choose annual or biennial specimens. must have at least 2 woody stems that are dark green in color, have dormant buds and a developed root system with healthy roots. The root collar should be 8-10 millimeters in diameter. Flowers, leaves and fruits should be trimmed.

Important! If you observe a high degree of agricultural technology and follow all the recommendations of flower growers, the rose variety» already in the second year of growth it will achieve high decorative qualities and remain productive for 20 years.

Flower growers recommend buying seedlings planted in a container, in which case you minimize the risk of damaging the plant during transportation. At the same time, a seedling in such a container is several times more expensive than a regular one with bare roots.

You also need to pay attention when purchasing any seedling to the roots and stems. They must look healthy, without damage or signs of disease. Do not overdry the roots of the seedling if they are open; remember that they need moisture during transportation.

Planting roses on the site

You also need to keep the bushes clean. Remove from time to time (carry out maintenance at least once a week). You also need to pay attention to loosening the soil surface. Loosening prevents the formation of a soil crust, which prevents the penetration of air and water into the soil.


With regular feeding, the shrub prolongs its flowering and the number of flowers increases. It is recommended to apply for the first time in the spring at the beginning of the growing season.

Also, fertilizing should be carried out during the period of active budding. During this period, potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are suitable, and you can also prepare the solution yourself. To do this, mix 10 g, 10 g and 10 g. Dissolve the ingredients in 10 liters of water. Recommended in moderation, as they do not like excessive feeding.


Sophia Loren rose bushes should be pruned in the spring. Pruning allows you to shape the bush and increase flowering. 2, maximum 3 well-formed buds are left on the stem. If the stem is weak or small, it is recommended to leave 1 or 2 buds.

Preparing for winter

Also, caring for a flower requires proper preparation. It must begin at last days August or early September. At the same time, it is not recommended to prune flowers, as this stimulates the appearance of new shoots.

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