Types of inanimate nature. Connections between living and inanimate nature. The relationship between living and inanimate nature. What are natural phenomena

Children are taught to distinguish between inanimate and animate nature in primary school, but this topic is considered in most detail in the 3rd grade. Knowing the main nuances, children will learn to correctly perceive environment and treat the objects of the planet with care.

In order for children to learn to easily assign any objects to the desired area, the differences between different objects should be explained to them. Most often, the problem in determining essence arises when considering inanimate objects, which are often confused with artificial objects created by man.

In contact with

Concepts of living and inanimate nature

By nature we mean surrounding a person Wednesday, which originated and develops without the participation of people. In it there is a mutual coexistence of living and inanimate objects. Living creatures are able to breathe, grow, eat and reproduce, while inanimate objects do not have such characteristics and practically do not change.

Natural components are objects that are created by nature, not by man. Living nature includes people, animals, birds, insects, plants, microbes and everything that grows, moves, eats, develops, breathes and lives. And everything else is considered inanimate nature.

If you go out of town and find yourself in a place where there are no buildings or human inventions, everyone can notice that it is surrounded by many objects of inanimate nature. To the side you can see a flowing stream, and in the distance - the peaks of high mountains. Looking up, you can see clouds floating across the sky and the gently warming sun.

This nature is primary, since it was in it that the origin of life on Earth took place. All living things use the gifts of the inanimate environment and exist at its expense, and after death they become part of it. Felled tree trunks, fallen leaves, dead animals - all these are objects of inanimate nature.

When considering a topic, questions often arise about what objects such as bricks, glass, cars, telephones, houses belong to. Everything that is created by human hands is artificial objects.

Signs and features of objects

When comparing non-living organisms with living ones, we can immediately say that they are not able to breathe, eat, grow, reproduce and die. For example, mountains that appear once will always have their peaks directed towards the sky. Or planets with stars that arose billions of years ago and lined up in certain systems still exist to this day.

Objects in this sphere can be recognized by the following distinctive features:


All over the world there is big number inanimate objects. A huge variety of objects is studied by specialists in chemistry, physics, geology, hydrography, astrology and other sciences.

The main classification of objects includes three main groups:

Objects of all three groups do not have the need for respiration, nutrition and reproduction, but many of them are vital for people, animals and plants.

Relationship with living organisms

Most inanimate objects play an important role in the life of living organisms. Living nature cannot exist without non-living nature, since they are completely interconnected. The most important items inanimate environment are:

Objects of inanimate and living nature have a close connection with each other. People, animals and plants need air and sun. Plants can only live with soil, water, solar heat and light. And the presence of living objects in water - fish, animals and microorganisms - helps maintain its chemical composition. Having learned all these nuances, children will understand that it is necessary to preserve and protect their environment in order to live in harmony with the world.

Nature is everything that surrounds us and pleases the eye. Since ancient times, it has become an object of research. It was thanks to her that people were able to comprehend the basic principles of the universe, as well as make an unimaginable number of discoveries for humanity. Today, nature can be conditionally divided into living and non-living with all the elements and features inherent only to these types.

Not Live nature- This is a kind of symbiosis of the simplest elements, all kinds of substances and energies. This includes resources, stones, natural phenomena, planets and stars. Inanimate nature often becomes a subject of study by chemists, physicists, geologists and other scientists.

Microorganisms are able to survive in almost any environment where there is water. They are present even in hard rocks. A feature of microorganisms is the ability to reproduce quickly and intensively. All microorganisms have horizontal gene transfer, that is, in order to spread its influence, a microorganism does not have to pass on genes to its descendants. They can develop with the help of plants, animals and other living organisms. It is this factor that allows them to survive in any environment. Some microorganisms can survive even in space.

It is necessary to distinguish between beneficial microorganisms and harmful ones. Beneficial ones contribute to the development of life on the planet, while harmful ones are created to destroy it. But in some cases, harmful microorganisms can become beneficial. For example, some viruses are used to treat serious diseases.

Vegetable world

The plant world today is large and multifaceted. Nowadays there are many natural parks that collect a large number of amazing plants. Without plants there can be no life on Earth, because thanks to them, oxygen is produced, which is necessary for most living organisms. Plants also absorb carbon dioxide, which harms the planet's climate and human health.

Plants are multicellular organisms. Today, no ecosystem can be imagined without them. Plants not only serve as an element of beauty on Earth, but they are also very beneficial for humans. In addition to producing fresh air, plants serve as a valuable source of food.

Conventionally, plants can be divided according to food characteristics: those that can be eaten and those that cannot. Edible plants include various herbs, nuts, fruits, vegetables, grains, and some algae. Inedible plants include trees, many ornamental grasses, and shrubs. The same plant can contain both an edible and inedible element at the same time. For example, apple tree and apple, currant bush and currant berry.

Animal world

The fauna is amazing and diverse. It represents the entire fauna of our planet. The characteristics of animals are the ability to move, breathe, eat, and reproduce. During the existence of our planet, many animals disappeared, many evolved, and some simply appeared. Today, animals are divided into different classifications. Depending on their habitat and method of survival, they are waterfowl or amphibians, carnivores or herbivores, etc. Animals are also classified depending on the degree of domestication: wild and domestic.

Wild animals are distinguished by their free behavior. Among them there are both herbivores and carnivores that feed on meat. A wide variety of animal species live in different parts of the planet. They all try to adapt to the place in which they live. If these are glaciers and high mountains, then the coloring of the animals will be light. In the desert and steppe, ocher color predominates. Every animal tries to survive by any means necessary, and the change in color of their fur or feathers is the main evidence of adaptation.

Domestic animals were once wild too. But man tamed them for his needs. He began to raise pigs, cows and sheep. He began to use dogs as protection. For entertainment, he tamed cats, parrots and other animals. The importance of pets in a person's life is very high if he is not a vegetarian. From animals he receives meat, milk, eggs, and wool for clothing.

Living and inanimate nature in art

Man has always respected and appreciated nature. He understands that his existence is possible only in harmony with her. Therefore, there are many works of great artists, musicians and poets about nature. Some artists, depending on their adherence to one or another element of nature, created their own movements in art. Such directions as landscape and still life appeared. The great Italian composer Vivaldi dedicated many of his works to nature. One of his outstanding concerts is “The Seasons”.

Nature is very important for humans. The more he takes care of her, the more he receives in return. You need to love and respect her, and then life on the planet will be much better!

Nature is a capacious concept that includes all the objects around us created without human intervention, although we are also part of it. From school textbooks, since childhood, we have become accustomed to dividing this concept into two separate categories: living and inanimate nature. The differences between them are so striking that even preschoolers can distinguish one from the other.

What about living nature? It consists of animals, people, insects, fish, birds, all plants, that is, objects that can grow and reproduce, eat and breathe, drink and die. During the period of their existence they change their appearance, sizes, can hurt, suffer, feel.

Inanimate nature is unchanging and permanent objects that do not need food and drink, they do not reproduce or grow. If any changes occur, they occur over a long period, sometimes invisible to the human eye.

These two types of nature are so closely related to each other that they could hardly exist separately. After all, every living creature needs the warmth and light of the Sun, water in order not to feel thirsty, air in order to breathe. Wind helps plants pollinate and reproduce by seeds. The soil gives nutrients plants that people and animals then feed on. You can create many ecological chains, in each of which inanimate nature necessarily takes part. This is the basis of all life on Earth.

Basic signs of inanimate nature

If you compare objects of living and inanimate nature, then certain distinctive features immediately catch your eye, by which you can give a clear definition of inanimate nature. These are the following properties:

  • Resistance to external changes. Even after thousands of years, the ocean will remain the same blue, the stone will remain solid, and the tops of the mountains will just as reliably support the vault of heaven. Every day we see the Sun above our heads during the day and the Moon at night. Even if the landscape around us changes during the process of weathering or exposure to water, this does not happen in one day, but over many centuries.
  • They don't need to eat.
  • No air required to breathe.
  • They don't reproduce.
  • They do not grow or destroy on their own, and are also not able to move. You can quite reasonably object, because rivers flow, but this happens due to a decrease in the level of the surface of the earth along which they move along the channel.

Changes in inanimate nature

Changes in the existence of inanimate objects occur slowly. Mountains are formed as a result of shifts of lithospheric plates and increase slightly in size over time, but the height can change by only 1 cm over a year. Abrupt changes in inanimate nature are cataclysms such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, flooding or hurricanes. As a result of the impact of wind and water, mountains can collapse and the outlines of the banks of rivers and lakes can change. The stones gradually turn into sand and dust, the salt can dissolve in the water.

The most striking transformation of inanimate nature on the planet is considered to be a change in the state of water. It can evaporate, rise into the air, and fall as precipitation back to the surface of the earth. The cold turns the liquid into solid stone.

Different states of objects

The traditional classification of all inanimate objects of nature is based on the state of matter. Thus, three main groups can be distinguished:

  • gases;
  • liquids;
  • solids.

There are objects of inanimate nature, for example water, which exist in all of the listed states, but basically they retain one of the properties throughout the entire period of existence. Let's take a closer look at what relates to inanimate nature later in the article.


Bodies that have a high density are called solids. They retain their shape perfectly for a long time. We list the most common substances of this type:

  • mountains;
  • stones;
  • minerals;
  • minerals;
  • the soil;
  • glaciers;
  • sand;
  • planets;
  • asteroids;
  • gems.

Many students, when asked: “Are the Sun and Moon living or inanimate nature?” - they will answer correctly: “Inanimate.” However, let's think about what objects these celestial bodies can be classified as. As everyone knows, the Moon is a huge rock, which from constant rotation has turned into an object round shape. But about the Sun, many will give a less confident answer. In some sources it is classified as a solid, but due to the enormous temperature, all substances, even metals, on its surface are in a liquid state. And scientists have discovered many gases in the solar structure. So the question remains without a precise answer.


These are fluid substances that do not have their own form, but take the form of the vessel in which they are located. This is an intermediate state between solids and gases. The most common liquid on Earth is water.

Without it, the life of all living beings is impossible. Water is a habitat for fish and mammals, invertebrates and mollusks. Thanks to water, plants grow and life on the planet has become possible in general.

In order for liquids to maintain their state, a certain temperature is required, and a separate one for each substance. Even solid metals can become liquid from the heat of a blast furnace. For sale, gas is also converted into liquid, so that all states of inanimate nature are very relative and interconnected with one another.


Gaseous substances retain neither volume nor shape. Their molecules have weak ties and are located far from each other, and also have great mobility.

Air is considered the most common gas on Earth. The atmosphere not only serves to protect the planet from radiation from the Sun, but also participates in the breathing of all living beings. Without air, neither people, nor animals, nor plants can live. There is gas in the bowels of the Earth; people use it for their economic purposes.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. When we use the word nature, we often mean completely different things, because the concept is very broad.

Today we will try to look at this from different angles.

Let's define what nature is, what it is like, why it is formed and how it coexists. natural communities(), what types of natural phenomena exist and much more.

The word “nature” belongs to the Old Russian language and consists of two parts - the prefix “pri” and the root “genus”.

Mention is made of a deity named Rod, who personified the unity of people belonging to the same clan. It was this god who created such words as birth, childbirth, woman in labor, newborn, etc.

Also under nature in spoken language often refer to natural habitats. For example: birds living in natural conditions, live longer than their relatives tamed by humans.

Children begin to study nature (find out what it is) in primary school school in class " The world" A synonym for the term “nature” is the word “ nature».

It follows that nature is everything that exists on its own, in a natural way, which has not been touched by the hand of man. This is the external, material world, in front of which a person is powerless, but can still influence it.

For example, people are unable to control rainfall, earthquakes, wind, etc. But they can easily plant trees, creating entire parks, or, conversely, destroy an entire forest.

To simplify the definition completely, nature is natural shell of the earth(that, ), including:

  1. bodies of water (oceans, seas, lakes, rivers);
  2. vegetation (flora);
  3. fauna (fauna);
  4. mountains, rocks, caves, sand, earth, deserts;
  5. weather and climate.

By the way, man himself is also part of nature. But what he invented and created is no longer there.

For example, a house built of wood is not a natural object, although it consists of natural material.

Studying natural world deals with many sciences, which are called natural: physics, chemistry, astronomy, biology and others.

Living and inanimate nature

The material world of the Universe can be divided into two groups:

Objects of inanimate nature can be in three states:

  1. gas - air, evaporation;
  2. liquid – precipitation, clouds, fog;
  3. firmament - stones, glaciers, sand, mountains.

Such objects can change shape or size, but not independently, but under the influence of external factors. For example, water due to low temperatures will turn into ice, in extreme heat it will become evaporation. Winds and precipitation carry stones, wash them into sand, and create hills.

Living and inanimate nature are closely interconnected: one cannot exist without the other. Without living beings, our planet would look gray and lifeless. At the same time, living beings need sun, air, and water.

What is a natural community

By interacting, objects of living and inanimate nature form natural communities.

Each participant influences others and experiences their influence on himself at the same time. Their coexistence interconnected and beneficial for everyone.

Community members are adapted to its conditions and will not be able to live. In their environment they have every opportunity for a full existence. For example, Marine life won't survive in fresh water, and forest animals will not be able to live in the desert.

Each such system exists independently and does not require human help. On the contrary, human intervention only destroys these natural worlds.

What is an ecosystem

The totality of a natural community and habitat is called an ecosystem - translated from Greek house + association (biogeocenosis).

Example: different inhabitants live in a swamp: animals, insects, microorganisms, plants. Snakes eat frogs, frogs eat insects that breed in the thickets of plants in this place.

They all need water with a certain chemical composition, temperature, physical characteristics, etc. Remove at least one element from this chain, the rest will definitely feel it.

The sum of ecosystems is the living shell of the earth - biosphere.

Living and inanimate nature in an ecosystem are in the process of constant exchange of substances and energy. The stronger these connections, the more stable the system, and the longer it exists. The last factor implies a rich diversity of species of inhabitants.

And even if one of them disappears for some reason, then another, close in origin, can take its place, which will ensure safety of the entire biogeocenosis.

If large-scale changes in conditions occur in the system, then natural communities are replaced by others. For example, if you stop cultivating fields, cultivating them, and harvesting crops, then after a while trees will begin to grow in this place.

Natural phenomena

Also called natural phenomena. For example, in the spring leaves grow on trees, and in the fall they fall off. After the rain, a rainbow appears in the sky and mushrooms grow. In winter it snows, together with the wind forming a blizzard or blizzard.

All this and much more are natural phenomena, the totality of which divided into classes:

  1. by origin (climatic, cosmic, geological, biogeochemical, geomorphological) - tsunamis, hurricanes, earthquakes, precipitation, lightning, solar and moon eclipse etc.;
  2. by duration (instant, short-term, long-term) - volcanic eruption, icicles, drying out of a river bed, etc.;
  3. by regularity of action (daily and seasonal) - sunrise, bud opening;
  4. by scale of distribution;
  5. by the nature of the impact (favorable, unfavorable). For example, natural phenomena can be very destructive - floods, tornadoes, etc.

Unusual natural phenomena

We are all used to rain or high tide at sea. But there are unusual phenomena that cause surprise, fear and awe:

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Take a look around. How beautiful! Gentle sun, blue sky, clear air. Nature beautifies our world and makes it more joyful. Have you ever wondered what nature is?

Nature is everything that surrounds us, but is NOT created by human hands: forests and meadows, sun and clouds, rain and wind, rivers and lakes, mountains and plains, birds, fish, animals, even man himself belongs to nature.

Nature is divided into living and nonliving.

Live nature: animals (including animals, birds, fish, even worms and microbes), plants, mushrooms, humans.

Inanimate nature: sun, space objects, sand, soil, stones, wind, water.

Signs of wildlife:

All wildlife objects:

- eat,
- breathe,
- give birth to offspring
and they are also born and die.

In inanimate nature the opposite is true. Its objects are not able to grow, eat, breathe and give birth. Bodies of inanimate nature do not die, but are destroyed or transform into another state (example: ice melts and becomes a liquid).

How to distinguish what nature this or that object belongs to?

Let's try it together.

What nature is a sunflower part of? A sunflower is born - a sprout hatches from the seed. The sprout is growing. The roots take nutrients from the ground, and the leaves take carbon dioxide from the air - the sunflower feeds. The plant breathes by absorbing oxygen from the air. A sunflower produces seeds (seeds) - which means it reproduces. In the fall it dries up and dies. Conclusion: sunflowers are part of living nature.

A person is born, grows, eats, breathes, has children, dies, which means we can also be safely classified as living nature. Man is part of nature.

The Moon, the Sun, a spring, stones do not grow, do not feed, do not breathe, do not give birth, which means they are bodies of inanimate nature.

The snowman, house, cars are made by human hands and do not belong to nature.

But there are also bodies of inanimate nature that possess certain characteristics of living organisms.

For example, crystals are born, grow, and collapse (die).
A river is born from the melting of a glacier, grows when small rivers flow into it, and dies when it flows into the sea.
An iceberg is born, grows, moves, dies (melts in warm seas).
A volcano is born, grows, and dies with the cessation of eruptions.

But they all DO NOT eat, DO NOT breathe, and DO NOT give birth.

If you break a piece of chalk in half, you get 2 pieces of chalk. Chalk remained chalk. Chalk is an inanimate object. If you break a tree or split a butterfly into pieces, they will die, because the tree and the butterfly are living things.

In elementary school, difficulties arise in determining whether an object belongs not only to living and inanimate nature, but also to nature in general. Will you be able to complete the task correctly?

Find a group in which all objects belong to inanimate nature:

a) sun, water, earth, stones.
b) moon, air, lunar rover, stars.
c) ice, earth, water, ship.

The correct answer is a). The lunar rover and the ship do not belong to inanimate nature, they do not belong to any nature, because they were created by human hands.

Relationship between living and inanimate nature

Undoubtedly, living and inanimate nature are interconnected. Let's make sure together.

For example, the SUN: without heat and sunlight, neither humans, nor plants, nor birds, nor even fish can live.

Let's continue. AIR. All living things breathe. And no one can live without him.

And finally, FOOD. A person eats various objects of living nature: plants, mushrooms and products that he receives from animals.

On the other hand, living organisms also invariably influence objects of inanimate nature. Thus, microorganisms, fish and animals living in water support it chemical composition; Plants, dying and rotting, saturate the soil with microelements.

Based on our observations, we conclude that our whole life is closely connected with nature.

Man learns a lot from nature and even creates objects similar to natural objects. For example, by observing a dragonfly, man created a helicopter, and birds inspired the creation of an airplane. Every home has an artificial sun - this is a lamp.


Nature is everything that surrounds us and is not made by human hands. Nature has two forms: living nature and non-living nature. Living and inanimate nature are closely related to each other, because all living things breathe air, all living things drink water, humans cannot live without food, and animals and plants give us food. Nature is our home. Man must preserve and protect it and use natural resources wisely.

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