What to do to achieve your goal? And what not to do. Expulsion and fall of planets. Neptune in the natal chart


Neptune's Higher Vibrations are religiosity, spirituality, compassion, understanding, self-sacrifice and imagination.

Lower vibrations Neptune - feelings of powerlessness, sadness, delusion, lost illusions and deception.

1. Religiosity, spirituality, compassion.

2. Secrets, mysterious events, a tendency to study everything mysterious in nature.

3. Self-sacrifice, sacrifice\ Fanaticism.

4. Hypersensitivity\ Mental disorder.

Neptune people tend to be spiritual, idealistic, creative, sensitive, impressionable, musical.

The ability to comprehend the sublime and spiritual.

5. Clairaudience, clairvoyance, intuition, psychic phenomena, magic, mystical events, mysticism, spiritualism\ Mediumship, possession.

They believe in prophetic dreams, willingly participate in spiritualistic séances, and tell fortunes, so it’s easy for them to fool their brains as you please.

6. Meditation, trance, hypnosis, prophetic dreams, unexpected revelations, coma\ Absent-mindedness, inattention.

7. Relaxation\ Alcohol and drug use.

8. Fantasy, dream, ideal\ Illusion, delusion, deception.

They often become wonderful craftsmen in any field of art. They have an extremely vivid imagination. Neptune often creates his own internal fantasy world of dreams, permeated with music, poetry, colors and smells. All people of this sign are characterized by a figurative-mystical, abstract way of understanding the surrounding reality.

9. Privacy. Hospitals\ Self-isolation.

10. Neptune brings tangible luck and protection that sometimes seems almost supernatural.

11. Help, an irrepressible desire to help everyone in need.

Pisces selflessly tries to please everyone. They subtly sense the spiritual vibrations of the people living next to them, and are able to intuitively recognize their own and others. They are good psychoanalysts. Their self-esteem is not developed. They are too modest and shy.

12. Indecisiveness. They are slow and subject to fluctuations. They rarely play sports and have little capacity for vigorous action. They are not fighters, they would rather suffer than fight for their rights, they have a martyr complex. PISCES - A sign of suffering or salvation. They like to feel sorry for themselves, to play the role of a martyr.

13. Suggestibility. They easily become involved in religion, and not necessarily orthodox one. Fanatics are often found among Pisces. Pisces are suggestible. Pisces tend to worry a lot and worry about trifles. Their mental wounds do not heal for a long time.

15. Coldness. They often say about Pisces: “Cold as a fish.”

Negative: powerlessness, sadness, self-indulgence, chaos, amorphism, negativism, black magic, deception.

Neptune Chakra: Death's Gate.

Uranus rules the feet, toes, poisoning, dehydration, and malignancies.

Diseases: flaw vitality, psychosis, mania, hypochondria, oncology.

Neptune colors: pinkish, grayish, bluish-lilac, shimmering, sea green.

Metal: Uranus.

Stone: Opal, Euclase.

NEPTUNE in the signs of the Zodiac

Secondary monastery - convocation SAGITTARIUS.

Exaltation - conv. AQUARIUS.

Fall - conv. A LION.

Exile - conv. VIRGO, GEMINI.

Neptune operates more strongly in Pisces, Sagittarius and Cancer and less easily in Virgo, Gemini and Capricorn.

The influence of Neptune is difficult in Virgo, Gemini, Capricorn.

Neptune spends 13 years in each sign. As a result, the position of the planet in to a large extent more indicative of a generation of people than of an individual. The position of Neptune in the Houses is much more individualized than the position in the Zodiac sign. When Neptune is well aspected in a horoscope, it can mean tangible luck and protection that sometimes seems almost supernatural.


Spiritual creativity.

Sometimes spiritual pride and selfishness.

You were born during the 14-year period when people were born with an independent and individualistic approach to religious and spiritual matters. Your generation is attacking church doctrine and dogma, and virtually all organized religions are undergoing some major changes in their philosophy. Your generation is also testing the strength of other long-term ideals of society and searching for alternative ideals, hopes and aspirations. Your age group is also the pioneer of radical new concepts and styles in art, music and literature. The avant-garde enjoys success with you, and the classics give way to fresh, new styles.


Utopian vision.

Sometimes excessive preoccupation with money and possessions.

You were born during the 14-year period, when people were born who were practical, down-to-earth in religious philosophy and spiritual views. Your age group brings their ideals and views into everyday life and invests more time and energy than other generations in decorating projects, creating parks and recreation areas, nature reserves that preserve the beautiful, unique wildlife. The construction of buildings is also carried out by your generation with care and attention to the aesthetic side of things, and you find it difficult to understand how others can construct buildings with so little attention to aesthetics. Your age group pays little attention to spiritual and metaphysical issues. You are more interested in using imagination and intuition in practice, in art, than in research of a metaphysical nature. Some musical works and the works of art of your generation are among the world's masterpieces.

3. NEPTUNE in GEMINI (expulsion)

Active imagination.

Sometimes a passion for imaginary values. Inability to tolerate lack of money, limited communication, loneliness. The ability to easily succumb to empty fears, the tendency to exaggerate trifles, painful sensitivity. Tendency towards mysticism. Healing through faith. Stealth. Love of nature, developed sense of beauty. Collectors. Dangers: the possibility of accidents on the water, the threat of becoming a victim of deception from dishonest people.

You were born during the 14-year period when people with intense imaginations were born. People in your age group show great interest in poetry and fiction. Your generation includes some of the most talented and imaginative poets and writers. People in your age group show great interest in parapsychology, astrology and other supernatural sciences. People belonging to your generation treat religion rationally and unemotionally. They are quick to spot the logical flaws in religious doctrines. Weak respiratory system.


Strong psychic abilities.

Sometimes oversensitivity.

You were born during the 14-year period, when people were born with highly developed intuition, emotional, and heightened sensitivity. People of your generation are emotional and devoted to religion. They think less about different dogmas and doctrines than people belonging to other generations. People in your age group are very impressionable; they remember dear and remarkable moments of their lives for a long time. Tendency to binge drinking, excessive worry about one’s health, fear of getting sick incurable disease, hypochondria.

5. NEPTUNE in LEO (fall)

When a planet is in a sign opposite to that of its exaltation, then that planet is in debilitation or pit. In its fall, a planet has a negative karmic status, and then it can manifest its negative properties, or complexes that interfere with evolutionary growth.

The "fallen" planet shows how the world affects such a person, which this person is subconsciously afraid of, which instills in him unconscious anxiety. A planet in its fall can manifest its negative properties in everyday situations, showing a person clearly and openly through which he can fall and degrade.

Planets in exile and decline can contribute to the basest manifestations and the accumulation of the heaviest negative karma.

Great artistic talent.

Tendency to self-delusion.

You were born during the 14-year period when people with vivid, vivid imaginations were born. They have a great love for color, for what is fashionable, for drama. People of your generation had a tremendous influence in America on the growth of the Hollywood film industry and other performing arts. Most people in your age group have fantastic, naive, childish ideas about film actors and other idols of the entertainment industry. Needless to say, this tendency to create idols for oneself can lead to great disappointments. And those of you who get married at an early age transfer your fantasies to your husband or wife. Over the years, fantastic ideas about family life They can’t stand the collision with reality. Cardiac arrest may occur as a result of taking sedatives.

6. NEPTUNE in VIRGO (expulsion)

Detailed, materialistic imagination.

The "expelled" planet shows what a person will have to consume from the external environment. An exiled planet operates on a subconscious level, so it is more hidden and insidious and usually manifests its negative qualities in extreme situations. Planets in exile and decline can contribute to the basest manifestations and the accumulation of the heaviest negative karma.

Sometimes psychosomatic illnesses. Too much attention to unimportant things. They lack intuition. They believe flatterers, indulge in illusions and self-deception.

Materialistic imagination.

You were born during the 14-year period when people were born who were conservative and moderate in their spiritual aspirations. People belonging to your age group avoid indulging in thoughts about the supernatural. Interest in parapsychology is considered very strange and incomprehensible among people in your age group.

You also have a highly developed sense of fair and unfair. In religious matters, you tend to attach the greatest importance to ethics and morality. The atmosphere of conservatism and pedantry that is created by people in your age group gets on the nerves of people with a developed imagination. And they end up rebelling against it. Neptune's influence on your personality: openness to new ideas and plans; inspiration, premonition, power of imagination, idealism, insight into the essence of other people; aptitude for mathematics; interest in psychic phenomena and mediumistic inclination; intelligence, consistency and patience; painful sensitivity, confusion, lack of plans and goals, self-disappointment, selfishness, cunning; doubt or denial of intuitive impulses; exaggerated materialism; underestimation of reality and departure from reality; an attempt to appear more stable than one actually is; lack of clear concepts of morality; bad eating habits and eating foods prepared with chemical additives. It is possible that creativity and imagination are crossed out by material circumstances. There may be difficulties in finding a job, as well as problems in relationships with subordinates or working conditions. There may be a penchant for growing plants and a love for fish and pets.


Blind obedience without assessing the significance of the matter.

Social responsibility.

You were born into a 14-year period that produced people who shared a highly idealized understanding of universal brotherhood and worldwide cooperation. These concepts, among other things, permeate the movement for peace and freedom. People in your age group are also interested in spiritual philosophy and cultural traditions of other peoples. They are devoid of dogmatism in relation to religion, absorbing these concepts into themselves. People in your age group tend to have an eclectic approach, assimilating elements of many systems (for example, Eastern and Western). It is difficult for them to follow the practices of religions that are ossified in their traditionalism. Credulity and inability to make decisions make people in your age group easily susceptible to deception. As a result, many ideals and goals conceived with the best intentions are completely destroyed due to lack of clear goal and directions.


Secret imagination.

Free morality. Clairvoyance.

You were born during the 14-year period when people were born with very strong psychic sensitivity and imagination. Your age group is attracted to everything unknown, supernatural and unusual. You have a strong sense of something creepy and strange, and this is clearly reflected in the music, art and fashions characteristic of your age group. Books and films full of mysteries and horrors are also popular with you. Your age group has higher rates of drug addiction, suicide, and emotional depression than others. You have a deep mystical feeling, and Eastern religions and meditation are very attractive to your age group. A strong individual who strives to realize himself in a team; guidance of the senses, refined senses that allow for broader perspectives and inventiveness; subconscious impulses; the ability of clairvoyance; medial phenomena, interest in parapsychology; persistence, secrecy, mystery; some tendency to receive an inheritance. Depression, confusion, short temper, overestimation of oneself, self-deception, self-disappointment, strange sources of income, irritability, changeability; love of sensation and luxury; search for new revelations; disorder sexual relations; alcohol and drug abuse; exposure to slander or reproaches, as well as loss of inheritance due to betrayal; fanaticism for unclear reasons; the ability to instinctively sense the weaknesses of others, but to ignore one's own weaknesses.

9. NEPTUNE in SAGITTARIUS (secondary monastery)


Spiritual, philosophical imagination.

In the main abode, the planet makes the best use of the energy of a given zodiac sign and manifests its most positive properties or virtues. The “abode” determines what a person must give to the world. Planets in monasteries and exaltations with a negative karmic status may manifest any negative properties, which will consist in excessive or hypertrophied use by a person of the zodiacal energy of the sign of the monastery or exaltation, which is associated with some kind of oversaturation and exaggeration. With a positive karmic status of the planet in the monastery or in exaltation, when making any mistakes, they do not allow a person to go against his conscience, degrade and keep him from violating the Higher Laws and generating negative karma.

You were born during the 14-year period, when people were born who were extremely idealistic, unstoppable dreamers. Your age group is very generous, open-minded, and the church under your influence is becoming more flexible, more eclectic in its approach. Religions that are not adapted to the expanded perception of your group are simply not able to arouse your interest and attract you.
Your group is characterized by reflections on metaphysical topics, as well as a strong interest in all kinds of psychic phenomena, UFOs, prophecies, etc. This interest will bring you many new thoughts and insights, but it is often accompanied by an excess of imagination and various ideas that are taken more seriously than they deserve. The influence of Neptune in wonderful dreams, visions, bursts of inspiration, psychological phenomena. Numerous trips abroad. Sometimes aimless wanderings (searches for cults, gurus). Inspires people to search for higher religious and spiritual values, to restore moral ideals. Neptune endows these people with high spirituality, the ability to see other worlds, goodwill, intuition, and the gift of foresight. They are generous, magnanimous, sentimental. Neptune in Sagittarius erases the feeling of the Motherland, cosmopolitan ideas appear. Activation of the subconscious side of thinking. Creative abilities are enhanced by abstract thinking. All their lives they strive to learn something. We grow spiritually all our lives. These are philosophers prone to daydreaming. Poets, painters, musicians, writers.



Purposeful, ambitious imagination. Imagination in planning. Karmic account (reckoning).

This Neptune gives people the ability to subordinate their lives to a single goal. This skill will border on fanaticism and dogmatism of views (narrowness of consciousness), lack of spiritual flexibility and attention to the specific needs of people. They are dependent on their own mood, prone to depression, withdrawn into themselves, touchy, and vulnerable. They are extremely sensitive. They have a strong imagination and often dream of great achievements. They are romantic, have a highly developed imagination, and often live in their own dream world. They need freedom in their views and not to get attached to societies and people. Many of them are innately religious. Many people have a strong desire to travel, especially by water.

You were born in the 14-year period, when conservative people were born, committed to traditions in spiritual aspirations and religious views. Your age group is returning to traditional foundations in religion, as well as traditional styles in music and art. Classical music and literature receive new life in your age group, and you are inspired by the creations of outstanding representatives of art, music, literature and philosophy of the past. When it comes to religion, your age group takes a contemplative and reflective attitude; You approach religious issues objectively and logically. Many people are cynical and critical of spiritual and metaphysical ideas. Other age groups criticize your lack of warmth and compassion. Sometimes this is true, judging by the extraordinary cunning, manipulation and deception that exists at the highest levels of society - in government and big business.

11. NEPTUNE in AQUARIUS (exaltation)


Free imagination.

Exaltation is the position of a planet in a certain zodiac sign at which its strength is greatest. The exalted planet determines what a person subconsciously strives to convey to others, how a person influences the world around him. A planet in exaltation enhances the creative manifestation of the energy of a given zodiac sign, providing an additional incentive for evolutionary growth. Planets in monasteries and exaltations with a negative karmic status may manifest any negative properties, which will consist in excessive or hypertrophied use by a person of the zodiacal energy of the sign of the monastery or exaltation, which is associated with some kind of oversaturation and exaggeration. With a positive karmic status, the planets in the monastery or in exaltation, when making any mistakes, do not allow a person to go against his conscience, degrade, and keep him from violating the Higher Laws and generating negative karma.

Highly developed intuition and clairvoyance. They have wonderful paranormal abilities, can master deep intuition and clairvoyance. They have developed the gift of observation, high spirituality, humanity, and a willingness to help loved ones. These are creative people. They are sensitive and romantic. Often unsure of themselves. Abstract figurative thinking. They love reading. They look for new ideas in religious teachings. They are attracted by the mysteries of religions and their influence on the masses. On the low spiritual development phenomenal abilities will not be developed and they will be drawn into dangerous games with the Astral World. Predisposition to engage in spiritualism. They need to overcome their hypersensitivity and develop a sense of self-confidence.

You were born in the 14-year period when progressive people were born, with broad views on religious philosophy and spirituality. You cannot be called an ardent supporter of mysticism, but you also do not belong to skeptics or cynics. However, in general, you follow the path of religious philosophy only when it corresponds to your logic and common sense. The most ancient religions, based on intuitive understanding, are of little interest to your age group; in your time, religions underwent significant “modernization”. Your generation is blurring the distinction between science and mysticism; Your scientific discoveries are accompanied by a sense of awe and wonder, and the discoveries themselves only serve to enhance this feeling. The dry, academic approach to science is fading into the background in your time. Science fiction is very popular in your age group. Abstract are also popular art styles, reflecting your progressive imagination.

12. NEPTUNE in PISCES (primary abode)


Compassionate, merciful imagination.

In the main abode, the planet makes the best use of the energy of a given zodiac sign and manifests its most positive properties or virtues. The “abode” determines what a person must give to the world. Planets in monasteries and exaltations with a negative karmic status may manifest any negative properties, which will consist in excessive or hypertrophied use by a person of the zodiacal energy of the sign of the monastery or exaltation, which is associated with some kind of oversaturation and exaggeration. With a positive karmic status, the planets in the monastery or in exaltation, when making any mistakes, do not allow a person to go against his conscience, degrade, and keep him from violating the Higher Laws and generating negative karma.

The ability to heal. High spirituality. They are dreamy, sentimental, romantic, prone to self-sacrifice, and have subtle intuition. Neptune often creates an internal fantasy world of dreams. Tendency to study everything mysterious in nature. Prophetic dreams, unexpected revelations. They are characterized by a figurative-mystical, abstract way of cognition environment. They can intuitively identify friends or strangers. They are good psychoanalysts. They have high Ideals and great ambitions. This man is full of contradictions: sometimes he is strong, sometimes he is weak. They need to create in a calm, measured environment, when there is no outside influence. Humanitarian knowledge.

You were born in the 14-year period, when people were born very intuitive, receptive, with a rich imagination. Art and music are very important to your age group and they thrive with your support, talents and contributions. Your group is replete with artistic and musical talents. All kinds of religions and psychic research are also developing. There is great interest in fundamental questions and answers, and in phenomena that seem scientifically inexplicable. Mysticism in your age group is at its best. Spiritual qualities such as participation and sacrifice are also highly valued in you, celebrated and extolled more openly than in other age groups. Your spiritual and emotional sensitivity is so high that there is a danger of addiction to alcohol and drugs; their consumption in your generation is increasing.

Some zodiac signs are especially favorable for the revelation of certain qualities of the planet, others are less favorable. It's about about the special positions of the planets that they will have in certain signs of the Zodiac.
Each planet has four special positions (abode, exile, exaltation and debilitation). Each of the four special positions will most clearly demonstrate certain qualities of the planet. The special positions of the planets form a very harmonious system, which we will call the system of the Zodiac.
If a planet is in a Zodiac sign that is not its special position, this does not mean that the planet is not
can manifest itself through this sign, it’s just that the sign will not strengthen or weaken certain qualities of the planet. And in the best case, the planet can manifest itself more harmoniously in all its aspects; in the worst case, the planet will require additional impetus from the outside so that it can manifest itself.
Abodes The element Earth will correspond, exile will correspond to Water, elevation will correspond to Fire, and fall will correspond to Air.
Some signs of the Zodiac are an abode for the planet, a place where the planet feels most cozy and comfortable. The Abode is the sign of the Zodiac in which all the basic, fundamental qualities of the planet can most strongly and vividly manifest themselves (Fig. 3.1). In the monastery, the planet is like at home, it is quite well protected from external adverse influences, from stress and troubles, it has a “roof over its head” (if such comparisons are appropriate in relation to the planets). The planet feels safe, and therefore can slowly reveal all the best that is inherent in it. A planet in a monastery forms in a person the most significant character traits, the most durable and fundamental virtues. That is, a home for the planet is a good thing, but in every barrel of honey there is a fly in the ointment. While in the monastery, the planet can “get a buzz,” become self-sufficient, “mothball” in this well-being and stop developing (of course, not the planet itself, but a specific person in whose birth chart this planet is in the monastery). In the worst case, the planet in the monastery “grows fat” and becomes lazy and motionless. If a person is not able to constructively perceive the energy of the planet, the planet in the monastery can reward the person with an excess of certain qualities, that is, such “virtues” that can become unnecessary ballast, a “stone on the soul,” unclaimed potential that closes a person’s path to development.
The monastery is associated with the element Earth. That is, the permanent, most stable, and therefore the most reliable, proven, harmonious qualities of the planet appear in the monastery.


Royalty, man is the bearer of spiritual power, broadcast highest principles solar Logos. Full and harmonious disclosure of all creative abilities, the opportunity to realize the highest plans. A person is aware of his power over people, he knows that it is from God, it cannot be used for selfish purposes, it must be used only for the enlightenment and enlightenment of people.
Brightness, shine, great creativity, huge supply vital energy; there are a lot of optimists, long-livers, healthy people. A person considers himself a central figure in society, is very pleased and proud of himself, knows his worth, is self-centered, self-sufficient, and does not allow others to treat him without due respect. Never suffers from an inferiority complex. Generosity and generosity.
Pride and selfishness can dominate the psyche. Such people, even when they ask, command, and apologize as if they forgive. Man is given enormous creative potential; if it is used for other purposes, the person is punished. More given - more demand. Power-hungry habits, the temptation of direct energetic power over people. A person buys into flattery and can become a puppet in more cunning hands.

This is the principle of cosmic motherhood. Kinship, empathy, internal connection with one’s family, ancestors, history. Awareness of your roots, karma, life experiences accumulated in past lives. Wealth of inner world, achievement inner harmony. The ability to quietly and unobtrusively make the world better, cleaner, fill it with content, purify and protect true values.
Great emotionality, sensitivity, romanticism, attachment to people and circumstances. He subtly senses all moods, grasps the essence of what is happening, but does not always know how to express his feelings. Good memory, intense life of the soul, subtle artistic nature, but painfully perceives external disharmony. Changeable person, reacts strongly to lunar cycles. Intuitiveness.
In life, children's habits are strong, capriciousness, inconstancy, unreliability, you cannot rely on them for anything - a lot depends on the emotional impulse. Personal, narrow family, clan or tribal egoism, isolation in one’s own little world. Inner vulnerability and touchiness, they remember bad things for a long time, and are capable of deeply thought-out revenge. Overwhelmed with oneself, inability to throw out one’s emotions.

MERCURY IN GEMINI (night abode)

The internal, intuitive qualities of Mercury appear. Extreme flexibility and subtlety of thinking. The mind is able to penetrate the hidden side of things and bring information to the surface of consciousness. Control over your thought process, connection to information channels, awakening the memory of the past. The ability to fill a word with the deepest content.
Ease, naturalness in contacts, in communication, but some chaos, spontaneity, changeability in character. Good memory, orientation in the environment, easy perception of even internally contradictory information, well-spoken speech, ability to express one’s thoughts. The ability to find what they want, establish contact with the right person, maintain the necessary connections.
The mind is too mobile, uncontrollable, switches from one thing to another. Scatteredness, inability to concentrate one’s consciousness on one issue. Intemperance in speech - talkers, idle talkers, capable of talking to anyone. They easily manipulate mental images, can easily replace reality with them, and form the wrong idea in others.

MERCURY IN VIRGO (daytime abode)

The external, creative side of Mercury appears. Enlightenment and ordering of thinking, consciousness. Powerful mental creativity - the creation of viable, bright mental images. The ability to use your intelligence in a variety of ways and with the greatest impact. Deep analysis, ability to plan the future down to the smallest detail. A harmonious, balanced system of life.
A person’s thought process, connections and contacts are more formalized, orderly and organized. Rationalism, healthy practical acumen, strong intellect, the ability to keep track of what is necessary and weed out what is unimportant. Logic, all phenomena fit into one general picture. Mercury does not make contacts as easily as in Gemini, but the results are often more significant.
The element Earth somewhat fetters the airy Mercury. Heavy mind, attachment to particulars, to external, formal aspects. In communication they are bores, they strive to overwhelm everyone with their intellect and erudition, they notice the slightest mistake of their interlocutor and can prick painfully. Littered speech and thinking, grief from the mind - cannot be simple-minded and open.

VENUS IN TAURUS (night abode)

VENUS IN LIBRA (daytime abode)

Sophistication, refinement, aestheticism. A subtle feeling of world harmony. Understanding that Love and Beauty are the main forces that can make society creative and people happy. Love and feelings extend not to a specific object or object, but to society as a whole, to the whole world. Often an artistic gift, ability for music, theater, poetry, talent as a public figure.
Feelings are mature, healthy, balanced, reasonable, sometimes ostentatious. The desire to resolve any issue amicably, the ability to come to an agreement and smooth out conflict. Tactfulness, politeness, good sense of social trends. Great attention to the external side of things. Values ​​in a partner, wife external beauty, manners, social status, image. Knows how to control feelings - no crazy love.
Adaptation, the desire to live at the expense of others, at the expense of society. The ability to play on the feelings of others and extract dividends from it. The ability to put even nasty things in an elegant, aesthetic way. Coldness in feelings, iron calculation, superficiality, no depth of experience. He is sensitive to his appearance, the ability to show off. Immorality and unscrupulousness are often hidden behind a beautiful sign.

MARS IN ARIES (night abode)

Striving for a higher ideal, defending one’s beliefs and views. Upholding the principle of justice, protecting the weak, all the humiliated and insulted. A person feels personally responsible for everything that happens around him. A deeply conscious, active position in life. Self-sacrifice, heroism, courage. There is no danger that would frighten, there is no problem that would be beyond our strength.
A very strong will, impulsiveness, pressure to achieve a set goal, fanatical straightforwardness, openness, vulnerability to deceit. Great efficiency, breakthrough abilities, but sometimes there is a lack of common sense, some haste and fussiness in actions. It tolerates physical overload well if it is not permanent.
Blind elemental will, an uncontrollable force that does not distinguish between friends and foes. A flash of passion, fuse, rage, vigorous activity is replaced by depression, headache. Life is a constant battle, a very hot-tempered nature, no brakes, can break a lot of wood. Resolving all issues from a position of strength, head-on. If a person is wound up, then it is impossible to convince him or explain something to him. The ability to sharpen corners, overt rudeness, violence.

MARS IN SCORPIO (daytime abode)

A deeply conscious struggle against world evil. Complete control over your actions, thoughts, desires, control of your energy, hidden functions of the body, control of subconscious reactions, victory over your lower, animal nature. Endurance, the ability to use one’s strengths and capabilities in the most balanced and expedient manner. Harmonization of the energy of space, increasing the energy tone of other people.
Desires and aspirations are quite conscious, the ability to wait for the best moment, prepare, mobilize one’s strength and act in the chosen direction. The ability to calculate the consequences of your actions. Capable of long-lasting and strong passion and dedication. The ability to prove that you are right, the gift of persuasion, suggestion, the power of thought. Tolerates long-term physical overload well.
A person is strong and dangerous not only physically, but also mentally and psychologically. It accumulates energy, strength, anger or malice for a long time, then explodes and destroys everything in its path. Conscious cruelty, violence, ability to find weak spots opponents and take cruel revenge. Aggression, destructive mental tendencies: from sadism to masochism. Often he himself becomes a victim of animal instincts.

(JUPITER IN PISCES (night abode)


Unlimited creative and organizational abilities. A spiritual leader who opens new horizons of development to people. Life-affirming philosophy, optimism. Man is, as it were, overshadowed by divine grace, his life is an example to follow. Breadth of views, unlimited opportunities for the implementation of a higher life program, the use of official channels, cooperation with the political and religious structures of society.
A person lives the life of society - political, religious, making a tangible contribution. Life gives a person a lot, he easily achieves power and position, wealth and recognition, and good luck accompanies him. Indefatigability, hunting passion, faith in the best, an all-conquering thirst for life. Ability to organize and direct people. The desire to teach everyone, ideological, spiritual leadership, educational work, teaching. Well-deserved authority.
Huge appetites, knows no limits in anything, vanity, lust for power, desire for honors, awards, recognition at any cost. Spirituality is replaced by ideology, fanatical devotion to the party, clan, sect. Requests increase as desires are satisfied. A feeling of superiority over people, of being chosen. To satisfy his own ambitions, he is ready to sacrifice entire groups of people. Authority is protected by police methods.

SATURN IN AQUARIUS (night abode)

Finding a center of self-awareness, accepting yourself as you are, achieving inner freedom. The ability to isolate the main thing, see the essence and stick to it in any conditions. Strengthening true values ​​in people's minds, breaking down outdated stereotypes and curbing destructive processes in public life. The fight against prejudice and the difficult legacy of the past. It is hard work to cultivate a new consciousness, while having to face misunderstanding, hardship and suffering. Society crucifies its liberator.
A person feels different from everyone else; internal principles and criteria allow one to orientate oneself well in the environment and understand what is happening more deeply than others. Independence in views is often condemned by the environment. A person protests against meaninglessness and unnecessary restrictions, but is ready to do the hardest work if it is necessary, justified, and expedient. Inner instinct helps right choice. Psychological readiness for any trouble: the vanka-standup effect - quickly restores the original position.
A person’s attitudes and life principles are often subject to deformation and change. It is difficult to stay on what has been achieved; the desire for the best, the new, often deprives a person of a well-proven old one. Periods of depression, disappointment with life, and gloominess are replaced by a desire to start from scratch. The desire to find a universal remedy for all ills. An amazing ability to ruin a seemingly 100% business, the ability to knock out cornerstones, bring chaos and confusion into the measured life of a team, sow seeds of discord.

SATURN IN CAPRICORN (daytime abode)

An internal spiritual core, a deeply conscious value system. Conscious asceticism, limitation in material things in the name of achieving spiritual heights. Life wisdom, the ability to see based on personal experience the limits of your free will. Working with personal and public karma. Consistent affirmation of one’s principles in life, an example of spiritual self-sacrifice. Affirmation of justice and expediency through personal example of serving people.
A clear position in life, a love of clarity and certainty. Self-reliance, common sense, determination, good professional skills, full effort, responsibility and finishing what you start. Persistence, firmness, and inflexibility help you achieve what you want. Living at low potential, but with hard work can achieve more than anyone else. Trials and hardships strengthen the spirit. Somewhat reserved, reluctant to allow outsiders to see their values.
Too serious, harsh character. Dryness, dogmatism, is not able to change one’s point of view, despite its complete absurdity. The desire for a specific material goal, for which a person is ready to die, often results in disappointment in oneself and in the world. Any deviation from the set goal causes depression. Defeats are bitter and victories are rare. A lot of hard work, no time to straighten your back. It is especially difficult when it is not clear why such deprivations are taking place.

URANUS IN AQUARIUS (night abode)

Genius, higher states of consciousness, insights, the gift of prophecy, work at the level of the Earth's information field. "Expanding people's consciousness, introducing fresh, NEW, pure influence into life, cosmic thinking, preparing conditions for a breakthrough into a bright future. Generating bright ideas in public life, creating an elevated, sophisticated atmosphere of collective creativity. The magnetic center of everything bright and advanced.
Unexpectedness in manifestations, the desire to go beyond the usual boundaries and stereotypes. Freedom and ease, the need for a team of like-minded people - and at the same time the constant shocking environment. A person does not yet fully control his sense of freedom; many of its manifestations are spontaneous and unbalanced. Paradoxical judgments and intuitiveness can break with the usual state of affairs with amazing ease.
An exaggerated sense of freedom, loss of contact with reality, an uncontrollable, anarchic personality. Inappropriate behavior, the desire to do exactly the opposite, eccentricities and tomfoolery can develop into destructive tendencies. But, even being in hopeless stupidity, he is sometimes capable of stunning revelations. Often acts as a conductor (unconsciously) of destructive processes in collective consciousness people.

URANUS IN CAPRICORN (daytime abode)

Here it is no longer the spontaneous gift of providence that is manifested, but the ability to control one’s superconsciousness. Working with the heavenly roots of earthly events. Transformative, reform activities aimed at improving the material foundations of life. Untangling the knots of old karma and incorporating a new, more progressive one. Working with the structure of time itself. Victory over the limitations of matter, the ability to be truly free in any, even the most unfavorable conditions.
Originality of thinking, the ability to see the unusual in ordinary things, the gift of an inventor and researcher. An inquisitive, penetrating mind. Increased interest in the unusual, unique, an attempt to bring all this to life. They are undemanding to environmental conditions, unpretentious if they are allowed to do what they love. Eccentrics who spend a lot of energy and time on what others consider a completely useless task. They live by a dream, often an irrational ideal.
Man lives in a world of ideas and abstractions, but his material aspect of life is completely unsettled. There is nothing stable and definite; a person does not fit into the context, does not navigate ordinary things. Chaos, discord, existence loses its meaning. An attempt to put everything in order turns into even greater destruction. Failure of hopes and plans. The position of an unrecognized genius. A person is cramped within the usual framework, so he finds terrible forms of self-expression.

NEPTUNE IN PISCES (night abode)

Spiritual seers who have learned the secrets of existence and guide others on the path of knowledge of the truth. Subtlety of perception of cosmic rhythms, harmony of spheres. The gift of straight-knowledge, penetration into the highest planes of existence. Participation in occult work to harmonize the very nature of things. Mysticism: working with the world from the inside, through merging with it. Finding an internal connection with the highest principle of the Universe.
Intuition, increased sensitivity, great musical, occult abilities. Sensitivity, mediumship, a person easily perceives good and bad, therefore he suffers in inharmonious conditions. Subtle mental organization, vulnerable soul, takes the successes and failures of others to heart. He feels much more deeply and understands more than others, but he does not always manage to express this.
The inner hidden reality is sometimes more important than everyday life. Complete helplessness and inability to adapt, immersion in the world of illusions, wandering in the labyrinths of the soul, inability to express oneself through accessible means. An escape from the imperfections of the surrounding world into alcohol and drugs. Oblivion, oblivion, search for an ideal, disappointment in life.


PLUTO IN ARIES (night abode)

Perception and harmonization of collective energy, the energy of the cosmos. The ability to contain destructive social phenomena. Transformation of sexual, animal impulses, work with the collective unconscious, reorienting it to positive programs. The ability to join huge energy flows, connect to egregors, broadcast the Higher Will, turn on powerful evolutionary cycles, the ability to resist world evil.
An inexplicable desire to do something great, heroic. A person feels an extraordinary surge of strength when he participates in mass events. Passion, outbursts of indomitable activity, which cannot always be controlled. Attraction to places of mass gatherings, riots, squabbles. The ability to heat up the atmosphere and escalate tension. Stupidly, he can let the genie out of the bottle, but is unable to control it and often becomes a victim.
A person is subject to insane, uncontrollable rage. Outbursts of jealousy, destructive moods, unbridledness, indomitability of nature. A volcano that brings disaster to everyone around. Easily wound up, subject to the mood of the crowd, can turn into a brainless sheep, gripped by panic, can be used by a dark egregor to perform destructive functions, cannon fodder, loss of the ability to make independent decisions.

PLUTO IN SCORPIO (daytime abode)

Complete control over your energy, victory over animal nature. White magic, the transformation of reality in accordance with the cosmic plan. “Descent into Hell”, the ability to defeat evil at its very center (both internal and external). Identification of the causes of destructive processes, psychoanalysis, knowledge of the secrets of existence, the laws of the reverse, the dark side of life. Power, might, there is no such force that would not obey a person. The gift of all-conquering, life-affirming creativity.
A huge internal supply of energy, inexhaustible, the ability to survive in any environment. In calm, harmonious living conditions, it does not show any special qualities. In extreme, crisis, catastrophic conditions, he becomes a leader and many talents are revealed. Magnetic gaze, gift of suggestion, passion, strong emotional experiences. In many ways it goes to the end - either to complete victory, or to self-destruction (death). He often lets off steam and dumps excess energy on those around him.
Overflowing with internal energy and strength that does not find creative fulfillment makes a person dangerous to others. Gloominess, pessimism, destructive tendencies, desire for violence, suppression of the will of others. Black magic talent. Enormous energy requires release, otherwise it begins to burn the person himself from the inside. A volcano of passions, the ability to attract misfortunes and disasters, to evoke the forces of chaos. Often a person himself becomes a victim of his unbridled energy.

CHIRON IN TAURUS (night abode)

Formalization and materialization of the highest social ideals in everyday life. Ennoblement of material reality, a harmonious combination of material and spiritual aspects of life. Using the beauty of the material world for spiritual growth. Saturation, fullness of life, the ability to accept everything and rejoice, without rejecting or dividing into lower and higher. The ability to enjoy life and make others happier, to turn everyday life into a holiday.
An excellent sense of form, plasticity of consciousness, artistic gift, ability to work with material. The ability to adapt, to make life more comfortable and beautiful. Ease, naturalness in behavior, the ability not to become attached to either good or bad, and therefore not to suffer from material inconvenience or excess material well-being. The ability to benefit from any situation, excellent orientation in earthly affairs.
It is difficult for a person to combine the highest aspirations in his daily life with the depressing imperfection of material reality. A person cannot completely abandon the material, earthly, but he cannot completely surrender to it. Internal discord, confusion, discrepancy between aesthetic and sensual canons and what a person encounters every day. The desire to grab a fat piece for yourself, a warm place turns into disappointment.

CHIRON IN LIBRA (daytime abode)

Finding a connection, a stable balance between the higher and lower “I” of a person. Expansion of consciousness, conscious work on different levels. Understanding and managing processes leading to the harmonious development of society. Implementation of the principles of cosmic justice, bringing peace and order. The ability to coordinate the interests of society and the individual. Occult abilities.
Diplomatic abilities, good orientation in social processes, ability to benefit from ambiguous situations. Balance, a sense of alternative, an objective view of things, the role of an arbiter and peacemaker. The ability to smooth out contradictions and find common ground in the most critical situations. Sometimes there is a craving for the unusual, abstruse, cosmic.
The gift of combination, manipulation of public opinion, consciousness, the ability to profit from conflicts, to benefit from two warring camps. The gift of mimicry, opportunism, “getting on board”, easily changes views and beliefs. Superficial, frivolous attitude to life's problems. There are no clear moral and aesthetic canons, no problems, no taboo topics.

Neptune in natal chart

Neptune is also associated with the desire to go beyond the ego boundaries set by Saturn. But, unlike Uranus, the exit occurs through merging with the surrounding world, dissolving in it. All vague, unclear and indefinite aspirations of a person to join something unearthly, located beyond all forms, belong to the area of ​​​​action of Neptune. He concretizes the abstraction and brings it to a level that is perceivable by humans.

Astrology attributes to Neptune divine love, love for everything and endless compassion, the desire to penetrate everywhere and master everything from within. However, this love is so universal and universal that it can absorb everything. In its highest manifestation, Neptune is able to bestow a person with the highest states of mystical experiences and experience of the beyond. During these states, a person loses the sense of his limited self and merges with the universal, experiencing a state of ecstasy. This, however, also has its negative sides, allowing people to escape from the difficulties and exams of Saturn. Worlds of fantasy, illusion, hallucinations, dreams, pseudo-occultism and virtual reality are generated by Neptune. Astrologers have long ago, and not unreasonably, assigned him control of the gambling business, drugs and alcoholic beverages. In recent years, astrologers have accumulated data confirming the connection between Neptune and attention deficit disorder (ADD) in modern children.

Neptune's influence transforms the value system formed by Saturn, purifies and refines it, switching the emphasis from the material and material to the spiritual and metaphysical. In medieval alchemy, Neptune was the symbol of the Universal Solvent. It was believed that this liquid was capable of dissolving everything, including alchemical salt obtained from sulfur and mercury. Later, this universal solvent was understood symbolically as a subtle agent leading to the transformation of the gross matter of the body, through its dissolution or absorption into the universal.

In the diagram of the Tree of Life, Neptune corresponds to the sephira Chokmah (Wisdom), which is capable of reflecting the light of the Supreme Spirit without introducing any distortion into this process. This is intuitive knowledge, our inner voice, intuition, as the only criterion of truth, which we can and should trust. The answers to all global questions - about happiness, love, the meaning of life - cannot be found in the environment physical world, outside of our “I”, they can only be received intuitively. But, in order to avoid distortions, direct access to this sephira, bypassing the others, is considered prohibited in Kabbalah.

In the physical world Neptune is in charge of everything apparent, illusions, any falsehood. If the Sun symbolizes happiness and fullness of life, then Neptune gives imaginary happiness, offering alcohol and drugs as consolation. Instead of true religiosity, he seeks to foist sectarianism on man, idolatry instead of God, superstition instead of faith, and deception and delusion instead of truth. The strong Sun endows a person with true beauty, while Neptune is in charge of beauty that is simpler and more accessible, but to some extent false: the world of cosmetics, makeup, jewelry and popular culture. If in economics the Sun represents gold reserves, then Neptune represents paper money.

A person with a strong Neptune has the ability to comprehend the world through feelings, is distinguished by daydreaming and fantasy, the ability to have mystical experiences and mediumistic phenomena. He is distinguished by his ability to empathize, has a subtle artistic and musical taste, and in most matters he tends to trust his intuition. Very often these people want to appear to be altruists, but their altruism is too passive and inactive; rather, it is sentimental and tearful. If in the horoscope Neptune is strongly placed, well aspected, and in addition the Sun is in a good position, then it frees the mature soul from all passions, instincts, earthly attachments of duty and responsibility.

Problematic Neptune indicates a person overwhelmed by feelings, with unbridled imagination, prone to mystification, deception and self-deception, prone to neuroses. Such a person is characterized by self-doubt, unconscious anxiety, a feeling of spiritual loneliness, self-doubt, chaos and weakness of will. He is characterized by secrecy, anonymity, the desire to act in a roundabout way, confusing his tracks and embarking on intrigue.

Weak Neptune ensures sobriety of judgment and thinking, forms skepticism and pragmatism. Such people usually do not have sympathy and empathy, they are not prone to romantic acts or self-sacrifice.

More about Neptune in sections,

“There is rapture in battle and a dark abyss on the edge.” A.S. Pushkin

Plutonians in their pure form are quite rare. But if such a person met at your life path, then you won’t be able to miss it. This is the Count of Monte Cristo incarnate, pale from long-term lack sunlight face and piercing gaze - he went through all the torments of the underworld and climbed to the surface of the earth with only one desire - to punish those whom he considers guilty of his suffering.

It is noteworthy that the actor who played this character in the Russian film, Viktor Avilov, has an exalted Pluto in conjunction with his Sun in his natal chart.

Pluto is the farthest planet from the Sun and therefore the coldest planet. The archetype of Pluto is the king of the underworld and the kingdom of the dead - Hades. Pluto rules Scorpio and the 8th house and is associated in astrology with deep transformation, borderline states and very powerful energy. Death and sex are traditionally associated with Pluto. Death is like a transition to a qualitatively different level of existence (crossing the most mysterious border), and sex is like a powerful release of energy, which is a potential source of the birth of a new life. Thus, the energy of Pluto is so strong and has such a mystical nature that it can overcome even those boundaries that a person cannot normally cross.

A person with a strong Pluto (or Scorpio sign) is practically invincible. On the way to his goal, he will overcome incredible obstacles, emerging unscathed from the most critical situations. He has an extraordinary reserve of strength, endurance and thirst for victory and power. All this is given to him by Pluto through powerful transformations of consciousness, which occur constantly among Plutonians. There is such psychotraining associated with dying and resurrection. A person who has some kind of insoluble situation commits an act of symbolic death, and then is resurrected for a new life. This helps him, as it were, to be born again, to leave all the burden of problems in past life and enter a new one, clean as a baby. So, among the Plutonians, symbolic dying and resurrection occurs constantly. As a result of constant rebirth, very powerful energy is released, which changes not only the owner of Pluto, but also the world around him. Therefore, all Plutonians are partly magicians; they can change the surrounding reality with the power of thought.

The situations of the 8th house are so intense that the person caught in it experiences a strong change in consciousness. There are known cases when, in critical situations, people took on unknown forces and did something that they could not do later under any circumstances. The mother was lifting a tree that had fallen on the child, which four healthy men could not lift. A man, broken by a bear, crawled through the forest for several months and finally reached the people. In a more harmonious form, the situation of Pluto is in the delivery room when a child is born. At the same time, the woman in labor seems to be born again herself, carrying out internal transition from one state of consciousness to another. In this regard, women have an advantage over men; almost all of them stood on the edge and saw the abyss, and even looked into it. And they have several lives in their baggage during their lifetime. Men encounter Pluto situations most often in war, where they meet death face to face. However, the Plutonian transformation according to the male version often turns out to be destructive (Pluto is, after all, a female planet) - hence the “lost generation” arises, which was never able to adapt itself to peaceful life. However, there are exceptions - for example, the writer Erich Maria Remarque, who was able to use the experience of war as a creative stimulus - Pluto, by the way, is in conjunction with Mercury.

Where Pluto or the sign of Scorpio is located in your chart, you have very great strength and power. Strong Pluto makes it possible to defeat opponents over very long and difficult distances. I would recommend that parents consider the position of Mars and Pluto in the natal chart in order to know where to direct their child if he has shown an interest in sports. Mars is emphasized - those sports in which you need to get together and do it are suitable: high jump, run a hundred meters, etc. Example: Olympic pole vaulter Elena Isinbaeva has an exact conjunction of Mars with the Sun in her radix, while Pluto is conjunct Saturn (at the return of Saturn she was unable to take Olympic gold). If Pluto is strong, then weightlifting, long-distance running, football are suitable - that is, where endurance and endurance are required. Thus, the famous weightlifter Valentin Dikul has an exalted Pluto in conjunction with Mars and Saturn (Saturn in his case indicates that he had to go through serious difficulties to victory - a broken spine).

Scorpio is so strong that even the exiled and fallen planets in it are not weak. Scorpio Moon is able to materialize its desires. And Scorpio Venus is to be so sexually attractive to men that it makes its owner a femme fatale.

No planet except the Sun can defeat Scorpio. The strong Sun cannot be broken either by destructive plutonic force, or by magic, or by crises - by nothing. It both shone and will shine for everyone and always, as a symbol of Life itself. And Life always defeats Death.

Signs of a strong Pluto in the radix

1. Pluto is in monastery, exaltation, exile or debilitation (in the signs: Scorpio, Taurus, Leo, Aquarius)

2. Pluto is in the water and also fire elements: Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer, Leo, Aries, Sagittarius.

3. Pluto is in aspect with the Sun or Moon, as well as personal planets: Mars, Venus, Mercury.

4. Pluto is on the ascendant and also in the angular houses (or rules the ascendant and angular houses).

5. Pluto is in a stellium (since it is the highest planet (not counting the hypothetical Proserpina), then Pluto rules any stellium in which it is located).

6. Strong sign of Scorpio.

The longer your list of aspects that Pluto is included in, the greater the role it will play in your life.

About the author

Eleanor Dun

Eleanor Dun, consulting astrologer. She studied at the St. Petersburg School of Astrology. I provide consultations on reading natal charts, relationships, careers, career guidance, and life mission. I am an expert in forecasting. I answer various questions.

Power of planets in signs

Planets are channels through which signs can manifest themselves; through them the connection with the cosmos is characterized.

Abode- it's a sign, manager which the planet is. This is potential energy, showing the capabilities of the sign. Here there is a uniform, complete manifestation, the planet has positive features.

Exile- it's a sign, opposite monastery. This is the other side, the subconscious. Here the planet has weak energy, but knows how to cleverly hide its shortcomings.

Exaltation- these are signs where the features of the planet exaggerated, convex. This provides for the evolution of the sign and creativity. Often this can be difficult to work through, since the energy is visible to everyone, as they say, “rushing” from everywhere, “gushing out”, unbridled.

A fall- these are signs where the features of the planet turn into complexes requiring compensation. This sign needs cleansing! This shows the area in which a person loses sense of proportion, shows excessiveness. This is weakness, a pronounced sin that is obvious to others and striking.






(quickly inspired, creative energy)


(Selfishness, crisis, trials, humility needs to be developed)


(ugly, loud, quick feelings, fall in love quickly, heroes for an hour!)




(creative state, artistry, psychological abilities, moment of suffering)

Saturn, Uranus

(concentration on matter, physical work, greed)

Mars, Pluto


Mercury (Vulcan)


Neptune(subconscious feeling of loss of authority, hidden pride)


Jupiter(motherhood viewed broadly, expansion of education)

Mars(caution, indecisiveness, cowardice, uncertainty, sometimes aggression)

Saturn, Uranus



Neptune(illusion of love, search for ideals, artistry)

Uranus, Saturn

Mercury (Proserpine)


Venus(rationalism in love, often – inability to love, love according to the model accepted in society, coquetry, debauchery, intellectual approach)


Jupiter(atheism, lack of faith)



(the core of balance, you need a partner to see yourself through a partner)

Sun(no energy, weakness, self-confidence, vanity)

Mars, Pluto


Pluto, Mars

(not afraid to lose life)


Moon(desire for intense feelings, extreme sports, uncontrollable emotions, nervousness, everything bad sticks, pessimism, penchant for gourmands, unusual sexuality)

Venus(the concept of beauty on a sexual level, insatiable in sex, emotional, passionate)

Jupiter, Neptune

Saturn, Uranus


(commanders, able to concentrate energy)


Moon(no soulfulness)

Uranus, Saturn

(originality, higher intelligence, calculation)

Mercury, Neptune

(thought penetrates everywhere, information from above, intuition, high spirituality)



Neptune, Jupiter


Venus(high, sacrificial love, creativity, sensitivity, search for ideals, partners change)


Mercury(chaos of thinking, think emotionally, creativity, poetry, need order, logic)

Astrologers of the past believed that fall is opposite to exaltation in sign and degree. Now this system has been slightly expanded.

And the fact that all planets, except the Moon and the Sun, have 2 abodes, explains their ability to retrograde movement which changes their character. IN forward motion they have 1st house, and in retrograde - 2nd house. 1 house is on half of the Sun (day house), the other is on half of the Moon (night house).

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