Damir is a Tatar name. Origin and character of the name Damir. Character conveyed by the name Damir

Nowadays you can often meet little Damirchik. A cheerful, smiling and sociable child. You look at him and your soul rejoices.

What is the meaning of the name Damir, the character and fate of its owner? Who will this cute and smiling boy grow up to be? Let's talk about this in more detail.

Origin and meaning

Traditionally, the conversation begins with us finding out where the name came from. What does it mean?

There are several versions about the origin and meaning of the name Damir for a boy. Let's start with the very first one. And she tells that the name is Tatar. It is considered a variant of the name Timur. And it means "iron".

Let's turn to the second option. He reports that the name is Arabic. Translated as “honest, conscientious.”

According to the third hypothesis, the history of the name Damir and the meaning of the name Damir have Slavic roots. Derived from the Old Slavonic name Dalemir. That is, the “distant world”.

So we got to the fourth option. There is a possibility that the name comes from the Land of the Soviets. These are the first letters of three words: “Give a world revolution.”

Abbreviated forms

If we have figured out the meaning of the name Damir for a boy, it’s time to move on to its abbreviated versions.

How to affectionately address your baby? Mir, Mirchik, Dema, Demushka, Damirchik, Damirushka.


What is hidden in the meaning of the name Damir for a man and a child? Let's start by answering the second part of this question.

From the very early years Demushka is charming. He smiles at everyone, willingly goes into their arms and carefully studies the person holding the baby. If Dema is sleeping, he will not scream loudly when he wakes up. He will lie silently and examine the world around him. A baby cries when he is very hungry.

Growing up, having barely learned to speak, Demushka tries to call all her loved ones by diminutive terms. Not mom, but mommy. Dad is replaced by daddy. This sounds especially touching when performed by children, when the baby is still difficult to pronounce words.

The boy grows up kind, sympathetic and very charming. It has a certain charm. Girls of the same age are magnetically drawn to Damirushka. Adults cannot remain indifferent to the charming baby with bun cheeks.

In kindergarten, Demushka becomes a leader. Not on purpose, he doesn’t need it. It’s just that peers are drawn to Damir. He is very sociable and loves to organize various games. Injustice is nipped in the bud. Capable of fighting for a just cause, defending the truth with his fists. But little Dema rarely reaches this measure.

Behind kindergarten, School zone ahead. How will she meet Damirka? He will meet you well, love you and be proud of your student. He is smart, inquisitive, and strives for knowledge. He gravitates towards the exact sciences, but does not ignore history, literature and the Russian language.

Damir's teachers love him. The guy is smart, thinks on his feet. He also helps his classmates if they ask. He won’t refuse help, but he won’t let you sit on his neck. Does your friend not understand the subject? Damir will explain it to him. Doesn't want to understand, but wants to write it off? Dema will stop this in a moment. That’s why he has few friends left; Damir is very fair. Others consider this to be harmful.

Early years

We looked at what the origin and meaning of the name Damir means. Let's go back to the period adolescence this guy.

Parents whose son bears this name! How lucky you are. Demu delights adolescence bypassed. His boys the same age become rude and uncontrollable. They go outside, try alcohol and cigarettes. They start courting girls, disappear in nightclubs or hang out in computer games. And Demushka’s parents are amazed when they listen to the revelations of the mothers of his classmates.

For Damir, the best entertainment is interesting book. For this young man to smoke or drink on the street? This is beneath his dignity. Dema has completely different goals and interests. He starts playing sports and spends his free time from studying in the gym. On weekends he likes to be with his parents. It handles family shopping trips with flying colors. Helps mom and dad as best he can.

Sports, reading, studying the “insides” of a computer, mastering books on economics, finance and auditing are the main part of young Damir’s life.

And he also loves animals. Alas, it is not possible to have the dog that the young man so dreams of. There is no one to look after the dog. Damir starts an aquarium and before bed often watches the inhabitants of the underwater world.


Having talked about the meaning of the name Damir, the history of the name Damir and his character at a young age, we move on to the topic of the adult Dem.

What is he like? Still as good-natured and smiling. Damir has a huge inner world. And he hides his wealth from others. He doesn’t really let anyone into his soul. This is the secret of his name.

After graduating from a prestigious university, a gifted young man gets a job Good work. He does it on his own, without any cronyism. He is gifted, so this guy graduates from school and university with flying colors. A medal and a red diploma, as a rule, are rewards for work and diligence.

Some might say that young specialist without experience they will not hire you for a good position. They take people like Damir. When communicating with him, you understand: this is an amazingly smart person in front of you. One can only envy his logic. She's flawless.

At first Dema works diligently. But then he may get tired of working for someone else's uncle. And the guy opens his own business. It could be construction company, your own store or veterinary clinic. Don't think that the industries are too diverse. Dema is gifted, as mentioned above. And he succeeds in any type of activity.

An interesting pattern: Damir works a lot, has a high income, but he always has no money. Why is that? He gives everything to his parents and supports his less successful friends. Treats them like brothers. He develops himself, pushes them and motivates them to work on themselves. If he sees that it is useless, and his friends have found a source of freebies in him, he will break off the relationship. No matter how much it hurts. And he will help in secret. This is Damir’s nature - to help and treat everyone.


Success is hidden in the meaning of the name Damir, the character and fate of its bearer. This man is lucky. He grasps everything on the fly, and the result of his abilities is his own business.

What do Damirs become if they don’t open their own business? Auditors, financiers, economists, programmers, engineers, builders. In general, they prefer professions related to logical thinking.

Others choose the specialty of a veterinarian or dog handler. Affects the love for animals, especially dogs.

Relationships with women

What is hidden in the meaning of the name Damir, the character and fate of the one who is named so? What awaits him in communicating with the opposite sex? Surely, with his beauty, courtesy and charm, Damir will become a ladies' man.

No matter how it is. This man has been surrounded since his youth female attention. He knows that if he smiles dazzlingly, anyone will agree to follow him. But Dema doesn't use girls. He is too noble for such actions. Representatives of the fair sex are friends. No more. There are both beauties and ugly women in his circle. Damir does not look at appearances; the essence of a person is important to him. And if the beauty turns out to be a rare piece of trash, he will not accept her into his social circle.

Will handsome Damir really live his whole life single? We will learn about this in the next subsection.

Family life

What is hidden in the meaning of the name Damir, the character and fate in the family of the one named by it? What kind of family man will he make? If it works out at all.

He will make a great father and husband. He chooses a wife who is independent and cheerful, to match himself. Household women who can only nag their husbands and are always dissatisfied with everything are not for Dema. His wife is a laugher, an excellent cook and very easy-going.

By the way, Damir himself cooks well. He can be seen very rarely at the stove. But if you have already decided on a culinary feat, the dish will turn out to be mind-blowing.

Damir gets married closer to 30 years old. After he is completely back on his feet. He doesn't care about his children. True, he is not particularly eager to educate them. But he closely monitors education and spiritual development. On weekends, he takes his offspring to their grandparents, walks with the children, teaches homework, and plays. In general, he is an excellent father.

It happens that Dema and his wife slip off their offspring to the older generation, and then rush off to rest for a week. Enjoy each other. All his life Damir has had an ardent and passionate nature. And sometimes he and his wife want to remember their childless past. When the prodigal parents return home, the grandparents and grandchildren go to rest. And mom and dad go to work, continuing to work.


What does the meaning of the name Damir, the character and fate of its owner hide? How is our hero's health?

He is a sporty person. And this contributes to the fact that diseases bypass Damir. He doesn't even catch a cold.

Despite all his busyness, he does not forget about sports. She can run in the morning if she doesn’t have time to visit her favorite gym.

Advantages of the name

Which positive features lie in the origin of the name Damir, the character and fate of the man so named?

    Purposefulness and determination.

    Presence of common sense.

    Analytic mind.

    Logic in actions.

    Ability to make quick decisions.


    Ability to earn money.



    Devotion to family.

    Loyalty in friendship.

    Respectful attitude towards parents.

    Love to the animals.


    Kindness and the ability to have compassion for others.

This is an impressive list. Just a treasure, not a man. Well, let's now look at negative sides our Demushka.

Cons of Damir

Does he even have them? A very extensive list of advantages can be seen above.

Everyone has negative qualities. The name Damir is for boys, in the meaning of the name Damir and his character they are also there.

    Excessive adherence to principles. On the one hand, this is great. There are still people in our time who are not indifferent to the moral aspects of certain issues. But on the other hand, sometimes you need to be flexible. Damir does not have this, even in small things he will stand his ground.

    The ability to break off relationships with lightning speed. If Dema understands that they are trying to fool him, he will immediately push the deceiver out of his own life. It's good that Damir can do this. On the other hand, the person might not have tried to deceive him at all. He said something out of stupidity, and left something unsaid out of forgetfulness. Damir is very careful, and he has such a trait as suspicion.


We talked about the meaning of the name Damir, the origin, character and fate of its owner. Dema is a wonderful person. And the question of whether it’s worth naming a child that way doesn’t even arise. Undoubtedly yes.

The unusual name Damir has become widespread in both the East and the West. It began to be used not only for boys, but also for girls - in the form of Damir. This name is especially suitable for children born under the sign of Taurus and Virgo. The characteristics of the name perfectly match zodiac horoscope, foreshadowing a happy fate and long life. Bearers of the name are distinguished by a pleasant character, friendliness, and intelligence.

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    Origin and meaning

    The name Damir is of interest due to its unusual etymology. Onomasts put forward several versions of its origin. The roots of the word can be found in different languages. Depending on the religious affiliation of the family, it adheres to one or another interpretation of the name.

    Muslims believe that Damir is of Arab or Turkic origin. Translated from Arabic, it stands for “honest”, “conscientious”, “persistent”, or “mind and conscience”. Names in Islam often highlight the best aspects of the bearer's character. Adherents of the Turkic-language version express the opinion that Damir is a modified form of the name Timur, which means “iron.”

      In the countries of the Balkan Peninsula and Central Europe, the name is considered as a shortened form of the Old Slavic Dalimir (Dalemir, Dalimil). The basis is a two-root word: “gave” + “peace”. The literal meaning of the name Damir is “peace giver”, “peace bringer”, “peacemaker”.

      In the 20–30s. last century old name received an unexpected interpretation. Paying tribute to communist traditions, it was presented as an abbreviation for the expression “GIVE WORLD REVOLUTION!” "

      Diminutive forms of the name used in personal communication: Damirushka, Damik, Damirka, Mir.

      Since the name does not have a Christian origin, at baptism the child receives a different baptismal name.


      Damir’s character contains equally positive and negative qualities. TO best sides character include: seriousness, curiosity, friendliness, responsibility, independence. At any age, he shows himself as a leader. Damir has a keenly developed sense of justice. As a child, he protects the weaker and does not tolerate deception and lies.

      The fate and formation of certain character traits are influenced by the season of the year in which the child was born:

      • “Winter” - purposeful, persistent, adventurous.
      • “Spring” - assertive, cautious.
      • “Summer” - stubborn, reserved.
      • “Autumn” - neat, diligent.

      Unpleasant characteristics of the name include impulsiveness, short-sightedness, and intractability. In adult life Damir often tries to use friends and acquaintances to achieve personal goals. He has a hard time obeying general rules, prefers to do things his own way. As a rule, he lives one day at a time and thinks little about the future. Only with age does he come to understand the need for self-discipline.


      Since childhood, Damir loves to be the center of attention of others. Adults need to be attentive to their son's needs and channel his energy and enthusiasm in the right direction. The boy is happy and enthusiastic about playing sports, attending technical clubs, or trying his hand at art. The child shows particular interest in studying nature. If Damir is allowed to have a pet, he takes care of it with diligence and attention.

      Little Damirka is very restless and loves active games. He enjoys going to sports clubs and participating in competitions. However, he rarely achieves high results. He often finds himself drawn into conflict situations because he considers his point of view to be the only correct one and is ready to defend it. Violation of discipline causes criticism from teachers. Parents have to show rigor and restraint in order to cope with the difficult character of a teenager and guide him along the right path.

      Damirka begins to show independence early and quickly leaves the care of her parents. At the same time, he always pays attention to them and, being an adult, helps as much as he can. Damir has a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. He makes contact easily and quickly establishes connections with other people. Damir attracts attention with his intelligence, goodwill, generosity, and magnanimity.

Curious and independent. Already from childhood, the meaning of the name Damir reveals in its owner a love of knowledge and the ability to apply the information received in practice.

He loves animals, enjoys reading books about them, and from a young age he asks his parents to buy a pet, which he will take care of himself. Carefully studies all information about the animal, strictly adhering to the written requirements. He will be happy with fish, hamsters, and a dog.

A child is inherently independent; the boy will not bother his parents with matters that he can handle himself. He grows up as an obedient baby, trying not to upset his family with trifles, paying attention to great importance communicating with them.

Among friends he often takes a leadership position, knows how to organize and communicate his ideas. For each friend, the boy will find time to talk heart to heart, listen and play. He has innate organizational skills that allow him to make his friends like-minded people and helpers without abusing this.

At a young age, the meaning of the name Damir for a child is revealed even more. In addition to the fact that the qualities acquired in childhood are not lost, but are even more rooted in the little consciousness, such qualities as masculinity, discipline and goodwill are also added to them.

The boy maintains relationships with his childhood friends and will always find the time and desire to inquire about the affairs and lives of his friends, which are of considerable importance to the boy. He will always come to the rescue in difficult times, support not only with words, but also with actions.

He tries to maintain a close relationship with his parents, paying attention to their tips and advice, but very often he acts as his heart tells him. He is tactful, tries to express himself and act in such a way as not to hurt a person’s pride and honor.


The meaning of the name Damir for a boy in the love sphere reveals its owner as a sensual and sensitive man. Personal life young man It turns out very well, often choosing a life partner for himself: a cheerful and energetic girl who will become his like-minded person and assistant in any endeavors.

He values ​​independence and independence in his chosen one. This means that Damir will never infringe on her freedom of action, trusting her in everything and in every possible way contributing to the personal and career growth of his wife.

In an intimate sense, he tries not only to get pleasure, but also to bring his partner to bliss.


Very attached to home. This means a desire to spend more time with family. He likes to organize frequent outings outside the city, walks, picnics and hikes, teaching his household members to an active lifestyle. Easy-going, he can easily help his wife with household chores.

Usually a man has two or more children. The man himself will check his child’s homework, patiently explaining the misunderstood material. Enjoys playing board games with the little ones.

He is interested in fishing and hunting; a man’s life is always full of interesting events and hobbies.

Business and career

The interpretation of the name Damir is very beneficial in the career field, which means that a young man can become a successful scientist, diplomat, or HR manager. A man manages to easily lead a large team, infecting them with optimism and ideas.

A man is also good at entrepreneurial activity, to which he will attach considerable importance, trying to make his work easy and enjoyable.

Origin of the name Damir

The origin of the name Damir has no clear history. According to the first version of the origin, the name Damir is a dialectal form of the ancient Turkic word Timer, whose name is etymologically translated as “iron, iron.” This name was very common among the Turkic peoples and acquired many dialectal forms - Timer, Timur, Timir, Damur, Damer, Dimer.

According to the second hypothesis, the word from which the name came is considered to be the Slavic two-layer name Dalemir, the first part of which is the stem “da” (gave, giving, giving), the second is the word “mir” (peace; universe). Thus, the name has the following meanings: “bringer of peace (tranquility)”, “founder of the world (universe)”.

According to the third hypothesis, male name Damir, belongs to a rare type of names artificially created in the 20s (twentieth century). Names were created different ways: adding the basics (Remira (Revmira) - World Revolution, Vladlen - Vladimir Lenin), reverse reading of the word (Lenin - Ninel) and even abbreviation (Mels - Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin). In this case, the secret of the name Damir stands for “Long live the World Revolution.”

Characteristics of the name Damir

The characteristics of the name Damir give new parents the opportunity to see the pros and cons of character, and other meanings of naming their future child.

Among the advantages in a child’s character, curiosity, willpower, friendliness, tact, and the ability to apply one’s knowledge in practice stand out. It's always easy and interesting with him.

There are practically no downsides to the boy’s character, and with a decent upbringing he will grow into a real man.

The mystery of the name

  • Talisman stone – onyx, garnet.
  • He does not celebrate his name day, since among the Orthodox saints there was no person with such a name.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius.
  • Patron planet - Saturn.
  • The treasured plant is mandrake, ginseng.
  • Color – orange, all shades of gray.
  • The totem animal is a horse.

Famous people

  • Damir Akhmetov (1988) is the son of the famous Ukrainian oligarch Rinat Akhmetov. He studied at one of the most prestigious private schools in Switzerland - Le Rosey. Not noticed in scandals, appears in public very rarely. He dreamed of becoming a football player, but his father did not allow him to follow this path. According to Focus magazine, he ranks third in the list of eligible bachelors in Ukraine.
  • Damir Zhyafarov (1994) is a Russian hockey player, forward for the Kuznetsk Bears and Metallurg hockey clubs (Novokuznetsk). He is considered a very promising player. He took part in international competitions and the world Challenge Cup.
  • Damir Khalilov – owner and CEO Social Media (GreenPR agency). One of the first in Russia to engage in marketing on the Internet. Work experience in the field of Internet marketing is more than 12 years. He is the presenter of corporate trainings on running and promoting business on Internet networks, and has written several books and textbooks on this topic.

Different languages

Translation of the name Damir into different languages not much different from its counterpart in Russian. In English the name is translated as Damir, in French - Damir, in Spanish - Desconocido, in German - Damir.

In Chinese, the name sounds like 达米尔 (Dá mǐ’ěr), in Japanese - ダミル (Da-mi-ryu).

Name forms

  • Full name: Damir.
  • Name options: Demir, Timer.
  • Derivatives (diminutive and shortened form) - Damirka, Damirchik, Dema, Damirushka, Damik, Damya.
  • The declension of the name is Damira-Damira.
  • Since the name Damir is not among the calendar calendars, you can independently, or with the help of a priest, choose a name that is consonant and close in meaning.

Damir's birthday

Damira’s name day is not celebrated, since there are no saints with that name in the calendar.

Meaning of the name Damir

Damir means “conscientious, honest” (this is the translation of the name Damir from Arabic).

Origin of the name Damir

It makes sense to start analyzing the mystery of the name Damir with its origin. The history of the name Damir has several versions of its origin. The first version says that this name is of Arabic origin, and translated into Russian it means “conscientious, honest.”

The second version claims that the name Damir is of Slavic origin. It is a short form of the Slavic name Dalimir (Dalemir, Dalimil), meaning “the giver of peace,” “the founder of the universe (the world),” “the bringer of peace.”

According to the third version, the name Damir is a variant of the Tatar name Timer (Demir), often sounding like Timur, Dimer, and translated as “iron.”

What does the name Damir mean according to B. Khigir

In accordance with the interpretation of the name Damir according to B. Khigir, from childhood the bearer of this name is distinguished by curiosity, a thirst for knowledge and the ability to apply acquired knowledge in practice. He enjoys reading books about animals and knows how to raise his little pet and what to feed it. He gets fish and thoroughly studies the conditions of their existence. Independent, does not require the help of parents in the matters in which he is engaged. The serious and all-knowing Damir is attracted by his peers, whom he masterfully leads. He easily turns them into like-minded people and assistants, although he never abuses their trust - he simply has extraordinary organizational skills, the ability to captivate everyone with one idea.

The character of the name Damir remains the same in adulthood. Damir easily achieves success in building a career and willingly helps others move up the career ladder. He never forgets about his childhood friends, closely follows their successes, and considers himself their guardian. Damir remains an obedient son, never upsets his parents, does not contradict them, but always acts in his own way. He is determined and has a strong will, which, combined with a wealth of accumulated knowledge in all areas of activity, leads him to success. He can be a good entrepreneur, skillfully manages a team, and is an excellent boss. Successfully engaged scientific research. He gets along with everything, he gets along with people easily, and is well versed in psychology. Tactful in communication. For this, everyone respects him and follows him with pleasure. It’s easy and interesting to work with Damir; he’s full of unrealized ideas. Generous in soul, benevolent.

He successfully arranges his personal life and marries a cheerful, energetic woman who can be an assistant in all his affairs. Values ​​autonomy and independence in a spouse. Does not infringe on her freedom and interests. He supports her in every possible way and helps her make a career. Very attached to home, loves children. Damir usually has both sons and daughters. He is not involved in raising children, but he does vigilantly monitor their spiritual development and education. He is an indispensable assistant in solving tricky puzzles; he enjoys solving crossword puzzles, charades, and playing checkers or chess. Likes to spend time in nature, skiing in winter, in summer - is interested in fishing, hunting. His life is rich and filled with interesting events.

Characteristics of the name Damir Derivatives of the name Damir

Variants of the name Damir: are missing.

Diminutives for the name Damir: Damirchik, Damirushka, Damirka, Damik, Damya.

Name Damir in different languages

Famous Damirs:

  • Damir Skomina is a football referee from Slovenia, FIFA category.
  • Damir Darvisovich Khamadiev is a Russian football player, mini-football player, all-rounder. Player of the Ekaterinburg club "VIZ-Sinara" and the Russian national mini-football team.
  • Damir Ismailovich Salimov is a Soviet director of animated films and feature film director.
  • Damir Ravilyevich Shadayev is a Russian political figure. Deputy State Duma fourth convocation, member of the LDPR faction. Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region of the second and third convocations.
  • Damir Kamaletdinov is a Soviet and Tajik football player and coach. Currently, he is the head coach of the Tajikistan futsal team.
  • Damir Kaxriman is a Serbian footballer, goalkeeper of the Tavria club.
  • Damir Maratovich Sadikov is a Russian football player, striker for Amkar Perm.
  • Damir Alekseevich Vyatich-Berezhnykh is a Soviet film director and screenwriter.

Meaning of the name Damir: The boy's name means "iron." This affects the character and fate of Damir.

Origin of the name Damir: ancient Turkic.

Diminutive form of name: Damirushka, Damirka, Mir.

What does the name Damir mean: This name is considered to be derived from Timur. The meaning of the name Damir among the Arabs is deciphered as “honest”, “conscientious”, “persistent”. It is also translated in Arabic as “mind” or “conscience”. Among the Slavs, the meaning of the name Damir is “bringer of calm” or “giver of peace.” This word is read with two roots, one of which is “gave”, and the second is the world. The latest, fourth version of the origin of the name Damir is Soviet. According to her, this name means “Give a world revolution” or, alternatively, “Long live the world.”

Day of Angel Damir: is not celebrated for the reason that the name Damir is not included in the list of Orthodox and Catholic holidays.

Meaning of a boy's name

Damir is interested in everything that surrounds him, from art to sports. Very often, a hobby serves as a kind of outlet for Damir, allowing him to abstract from the realities of life and those circumstances that he cannot change. It is very important that Damir takes into account the advice and useful recommendations from more experienced people in order to make right choice in favor of one profession or another. It must be said that Damir often chooses the path that leads to fame and success.

In childhood, the name Damir stands out from among his peers for his extraordinary intelligence. He is brave, mobile and active, often plays sports, but does not make it his profession, since sports activity requires effort and concentration, which Damir is not capable of. But sports hobbies allow him to realize his energy potential, which is also important. As a child, Damir often conflicts with his peers and emerges victorious from all disputes. A similar trend can be observed in the life of the older Damir, who always has his own opinion, which is correct and not subject to discussion. That is why, in disputes, Damir is not inclined to listen to his interlocutor, but simply defends his point of view to the bitter end, although he understands that in some moments he is completely wrong. With discipline, too, everything is not as good as we would like - teachers often complain about Damir, and his parents punish him for minor and major offenses.

The influence of the seasons.“Autumn” Damir is careful and always has goals that he wants to achieve. His distinguishing feature is punctuality. There is also a noticeable thirst for knowledge. Damir, born in autumn, loves to read. Tries to be independent and even in difficult situations prefers to do everything without outside help.

Damir, who celebrates his birthday in winter, loves adventure very much and is not known for his perseverance. He has a goal that Damir strives for to the best of his ability. Possessing a gambling nature, an adult man named Damir still tries to restrain himself from participating in conflicts and disputes. Independent, does not require the help of parents in the matters in which he is engaged. The serious and all-knowing Damir is attracted by his peers, whom he masterfully leads. He easily turns them into like-minded people and assistants, although he never abuses their trust - he simply has extraordinary organizational skills, the ability to captivate everyone with one idea. He remains that way even as he grows up. He never forgets about his childhood friends, closely follows their successes, and considers himself their guardian. The name Damir remains an obedient son, never upsets his parents, does not contradict them, but always acts in his own way. He is determined and has a strong will, which, combined with a wealth of accumulated knowledge in all areas of activity, leads him to success. He can be a good entrepreneur, skillfully manages a team, and is an excellent boss. Successfully engaged in scientific research. He gets along with everything, he gets along with people easily, and is well versed in psychology. Tactful in communication. For this, everyone respects him and follows him with pleasure. It’s easy and interesting to work with Damir; he’s full of unrealized ideas. Generous in soul, benevolent.

Character of the name Damir

Positive features: In numerology, the meaning of the name Damir is determined by the number 3, which characterizes a person with a cheerful disposition, who already at an early age has diverse interests and strives for change.

Negative features: As a rule, Damir does not take life too seriously and lives one day at a time. He, however, does not think about the future - for Damir, the meaning of existence lies in communication and leisurely pastime. Damir is too impatient to take a long time to achieve his goal. This means that global tasks are beyond his capabilities, and he often stops halfway.

Name Damir in love and marriage

Due to the meaning of his name, Damir, by nature, will choose a girl similar to him, that is, inquisitive, active, cheerful. Often he manages to find such a soul mate. Women often feel that the name Damir means sensuality, sensitivity, and determination. These are the qualities they love in men.

It is very important for a man to have such qualities in a woman as independence and autonomy. He will not try to infringe on the girl’s rights or limit her in anything, but on the contrary, he will approve and support her in her endeavors. If a girl is important to him, then he will contribute to her career and personal growth. In an intimate sense, Damir’s similar character is revealed - he strives not only to receive, but also gives pleasure to his partner in sex.

The origin and meaning of the name Damir laid the basis for a person’s idea of ​​a family, which plays a paramount role for him. For Damir, his parents are of primary importance, he always takes care of them and tries not to upset them, he listens to their advice, but does not always follow them, he does everything in his own way.

If we consider a family created personally by a person named Damir, which means reliability and devotion in this direction, in most cases love and respect will reign in the house. Men love their children and wives and always find time to spend with their family. Personally, they do not like to raise their offspring, but prefer to control and observe this process. They believe that spending time with family should be fun and useful, so they choose active or logical games.

Compatibility with female names

Most likely, Damir will be able to build reliable and strong relationships with girls named Albina, Tatyana, Ruslana, Inessa, Alina, Svetlana, Elena, Ilona.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Character and destiny in the meaning of the name Damir are also manifested in good career growth. The knowledge and skills that the boy acquired in childhood, his leadership qualities, determination, diplomacy skills - all this contributes to achieving success in his career. All these qualities will allow Damir to become a good leader, diplomat, outstanding scientist, HR manager or successful businessman. It is easy for him to manage large teams; he charges them with energy, optimism and new ideas. His career success will depend on his personal ambitions and life priorities. For example, sometimes he may want to spend more time with his family, and this desire will eventually take precedence over attempts and aspirations to make a career. But even when working for other people, thanks to deep knowledge, perseverance and established connections, he will achieve good results.

Business and career: In the life of the name Damir, career plays an important role, and work is sometimes more important to him than family. Thanks to his diligence, Damir rises through the ranks over time as much as he wants. He gets along with people easily in life, but breaks up just as easily - he has few real friends. Damir “autumn” communicates with new people without problems. He easily achieves success in building a career and willingly helps others move up the career ladder.

Health and energy named after

Since childhood, Damir has been involved in sports, so he keeps his body, as well as his spirit, in excellent condition. Poor health is a rare occurrence in this man’s life, not to mention serious systemic diseases.

Damir's talismans

  • Element – ​​Fire
  • Colors – Dark Purple, Red
  • Metal – Platinum
  • Tree – Ficus
  • Planet – Jupiter
  • Constellation – Indian
  • Number – Three
  • Food – Meat and vegetables
  • Animals – Goat
  • Stones – Malachite

The fate of the name Damir

  1. Damir Khamadiev is a Russian football player, futsal player, and all-rounder.
  2. Damir Kamaletdinov is a Soviet and Tajik football player, coach, and currently the head coach of the Tajikistan national futsal team.
  3. Damir Shadayev is a Russian political figure.
  4. Damir Doma is a French fashion designer originally from Croatia.
  5. Damir Vyatich-Berezhnykh - born 1925, Soviet film director and screenwriter.
  6. Damir Kaxriman is a Serbian footballer.
  7. Damir Salimov - born 1937, Soviet director of animated films, director of feature films.
  8. Damir Sadikov is a Russian football player.
  9. Damir Skomina is a football referee from Slovenia, FIFA category, who refereed the semi-final matches of the Olympic football tournament at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, China.
  10. Damir Khasanov - 1938-2005 electric welder of the Nefteprovodmontazh trust, Hero of Socialist Labor.
  11. Dalimil is the author of the first historical chronicle written in Czech, presumably begun in 1309 - “Dalimil's Chronicle”. Died after 1315.

How the name is declined according to cases

  • Nominative case: Damir
  • Genitive case: Damira
  • Dative case: Damiru
  • Accusative case: Damira
  • Instrumental case: Damir
  • Prepositional case: Damire
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