Have you been born in the year of pig? Negative sides of the sign

The hostess of this year Yellow Earthen Pig will end the twelve-year cycle of the Chinese calendar. Therefore, the results of the past period are summarized and plans are being built for the next. It is no coincidence that conflicts are eliminated by the beginning of the new stage and relationships are being established. To manage everything in time, it is important to know what 2019 will be.

To do this, it is necessary to figure out the positive and negative features of the totem. It may be both successful and not quite successful. Here much depends on the installation of a person to positive and his aspirations for success.

Strong features of the totem animal

  1. kindness;
  2. honesty;
  3. fidelity;
  4. devotion;
  5. justice;
  6. optimism;
  7. thrift;
  8. hardworking;
  9. prudence;
  10. dedication

You can always rely on this animal. It can make compromises for avoiding conflicts. Lies and hypocrisy are not in honor of this totem. The pig manifests care and loves children. She always advocates the upbringing of good and decent qualities among the younger generation. This animal is essentially very decent and believes in resolving any problems through peace and consent.

Weakness of Pigs

As with any person, this animal has negative features. These include:

  • stubbornness;
  • character change;
  • egoism;
  • excessive curiosity.

Pig can defend its opinion until it stops. The mood of the animal changes several times a day. It can be lazy. In this case, the pig cannot be shifted from the dead point. It is quite selfish and most often lives one day. Totem does not like to look around for past events and plan their lives.

What to expect from 2019

Since the pig is distinguished by hard work and has a practical look at what is happening, 2019 promises to be very productive. This is especially true of career growth and love relationship. Representatives will be able to achieve success in the career if they come enough forces and skills to achieve goals. In family and will also be observed harmony. Busty passions will be departed. Favorite people on the other hand will look at their relationship and will open new features in each other, which are still with greater force to unite lovers. Those who have not yet found their own second half must prepare for new romantic meetings.

In 2019, your fate will largely depend on your efforts. It is necessary to take the initiative in everything. Only hard work and perseverance will help solve any problems. If you fully show these qualities, then the pig will go to your side.

Totem supports collective actions. If you have any problems at work, do not try to solve them alone. Try to interest your colleagues and allow existing problems with joint efforts. Collective efforts are easier than new projects.

Pig supports and mutual help of relatives and friends. Do not neglect the advice and experience of older people and best friends. Believe in your loved ones, and they always reach out help in a difficult moment. In 2019, the hostess of the year will help to reconcile those who have fallen by people and even to states. She will make a constructive in business and family relationshipsAnd also will try to smooth the negative and establish a new relationship.

Thanks to its kindness, the pig will work almost on all areas of human activity. This is especially felt in business, personal and financial relations. An animal is not afraid of difficulties and will be in a positive way to think about everything. The pig contributes to the fact that the person does not bother in the past and the future, but lived in real life.

The mistress of the year will push us to the fundamental action. If you do not like work, place a residence of family relationships, the Totem will contribute to the improvement of these components. You will forever get rid of no decisiveness and achieve incredible success in many areas of your life. The pig is inherent in the surface attitude towards feelings, so when creating new romantic relationships are not treated too seriously to them. They can collapse at any time.

The same frivolity at the totem animal to the money. They will be easily earned and also spent. Those who expect something to postpone in 2019 may not hope for success. You should also not borrow money and take loans.

The pig does not care about his health, so if you do not want to earn chronic diseases, pay attention to your well-being. 2019 can not be called problematic, everything will succeed and happen.

The features of the character of people born in the year of the pig

Such personalities have an extraordinary, sociable and cheerful character. They appreciate friendship and never refuse to help. With them you can always talk about something and ask for advice. They have an excellent sense of humor and never sore with them. Such faces have a good nature and exemplary family mans come from them. They are a soul of any team and they are glad in any house. People born in the year of pigs are faithful in love and friendly relations. They can always rely on them.

As well as positive qualities Such people have a number of negative qualities. They can skillfully let the dust in the eyes. Thanks to its ability to communicate, they will sometimes show that they know a lot and know how. Although, in fact, it is not. Representatives of pigs also possess excessive ambition. Very often they love to protrude themselves, which does not particularly like others.

What will be the year on the signs of the zodiac


Representatives can enhance the service and raise the salary. They will have enough money to implement their dreams. Also, this sign can find the second half.


Will work a lot, but they will be achieved. They will have enough money for expensive resorts and purchases. Family representatives of this sign can count on replenishment in the family, and lonely to meet their ideal.


Totem will help in all spheres. The main thing is not to overdo it at work, otherwise twins are waiting for serious problems in family life. To resolve them, it is best to go with family on vacation in warm edges.


In 2019, plunge into your affairs. Astrologers advise not to close the representatives of this sign, and more communicate and relax. This will help to establish new business connections that will benefit. Also worth paying attention to your figure. Excess weight Help to remove hiking in the gym and pool.

a lion

Will be the center of attention. They have a perspective to take a guiding position. Close relatives will also need the care of Lviv. It is worth paying attention to your health. Excessive employment can lead to deterioration of health. There is a chance to meet the soul mate and move to another city.


There is a need to analyze your past plans and adjust them to achieve new goals. In the middle of the year, a big profit that can be spent on real estate or opening your own business. Chronic diseases may be aggravated. Normalizes relationship with others.


Representatives will have inspiration, and they will delight in full in the implementation of their plans. To finally do not spoil relations with households, you need more attention to render native and loved ones. Hello everything will be fine. Single scales can meet a loved one, and everything can end the wedding.


expect new life This concerns career, study, relationships and even place of residence. Scorpions will have a tide of strength and they have achieved much. Women will use incredible popularity and some of them will be discarded to childbirth. Try to ignore the problems of others, otherwise it can lead to a nervous breakdown.


It is necessary to fear loneliness. It can lead to a protracted depression. Chat more with friends and relatives. Representatives of this sign may have replenishment in the family, which will aggravate the financial situation. Single Archers can meet their love, but the relationship will last long.


For this sign of time change. Capricorns can change everything from work and ending with the place of residence. All year will be held under the sign of mastering in a new place and repair. By the end of the year, representatives of this sign will articulate the result of their efforts and get a good remuneration. After going on vacation, they will acquire new acquaintances who will continue to help in their work.


For this sign is complex. We will have to establish relationships with others. The cause of their deterioration will be the egoism of water. Without revising their views, it will not be possible to solve the problem. Representatives of this sign must be careful about the problems of others. In the middle of the year financial problems may appear. Relatives and best friends will come to revenue.


2019 year - a year of earthy pig.Your sign of the Chinese zodiac is a pig if you were born in the following years: 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019.

Pig - the last sign in the 12-year-old cycle of the Chinese zodiac. 12 animal zodiac follow in that order: rat, bull, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig.

Have you been born in the year of pig?

If you were born in the following years, then most likely, Your sign of the Chinese zodiac - Pig: 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995 or 2007. Why is "most likely"? The thing is that only a year of birth can not always determine your zodiac animal.

The signs of the Chinese zodiac are determined by the lunar calendar, with the onset Chinese New Year . New Year in China comes in the period between January 21 and February 20And the date of the holiday is changing from year to year.

Let's figure out on a specific example. Take 1995:


Determine your zodiac sign

Specify the date of birth and find out who you are on the sign of the zodiac

Chinese oriental calendar:

Your sign:

  • Happy numbers:
  • Happy colors:

In 1995, the Year of Pigs came on January 30th. If you were born after January 30, then your zodiac sign is a pig. But if you were born until January 30, then you are a dog, the previous sign. Take advantage of ours special calculator Right to know exactly who you are on the sign of the Chinese zodiac!

Dates of the Chinese New Year for Pig:

Year of Pig

Dates in different years

Type of pig

Wooden pig

Fire Pig

Earthy pig

Water Pig

Wooden pig

Fire Pig

Earthy pig

Golden (Metal) Pig

What brings luck born in the year of pig

Chinese I. western horoscopes We are similar to the fact that every sign of the Chinese zodiac has its happy days, colors, numbers, flowers and even the parties of the world that bring to him good luck. Do you know, What is the difference between the Chinese zodiac and western ?

  • Happy figures: 2, 5, 8 and numbers containing them (for example, 25 and 58)
  • Happy Days:17th and 24th Chickens of the Lunar Month (gap from New Moon to New Moon)
  • Happy colors:yellow, Gray, Brown, Golden
  • Happy flowers:hortensia and Margaritak
  • Happy directions: east and southwest
  • Happy months: 2nd, 7th, 10th and 11th months of Chinese lunar calendar


  • Unlucky color:red, Blue, Green
  • Unlucky numbers:1, 7 and 8
  • Unlucky direction: southeast
  • Unhappy months:4th, 9th and 12th months of the Chinese lunar calendar

Year of Pig Characteristics

Born in the year pigs are distinguished by zeal, compassion and generosity. When they set a goal, they know how to focus and direct all their energy for its achievement. And although the pig rarely appeals for help, nevertheless, the born under this sign will not refuse to help others. They never suspect deception, so they are easy to fool.

In difficult situations, the pig remains calm and does not bother. All dependencies on how serious the problems that born under the sign of the pig will fit weighingly, with all caution. Strongly developed sense of responsibility Helps a pig to bring the work started to the end.


Pigs are usually good health throughout life. But during frequent meetings with friends and public events, the pig should still be avoided overeating, excessive alcohol and smoking. In addition to the right nutrition, to stay in the form born in the year of the pig extremely exercise is needed.

Since pig-born pigs do not depend on someone else's opinion, they rarely face stress. With elevated workloads, the pig knows how to avoid overwork. And the very effective methodTo restore forces, is a dream.

The most suitable professions for pig

In the career of the pig is usually successful. The reason for smooth movement along the career ladder is in their conscientious attitude to work and accuracy.

Fabricating difficulties, pig, as a rule, receives help and support from others. A large sense of responsibility allows the pigs born in the year to follow their vocation, they are creative, in the work they use a creative approach and fantasy.

Communication will help the pig to achieve career growth - surround yourself with close people in spirit and success is guaranteed.

Born under the sign of the pig succeed in creative professionsThey are beautiful restaurants, doctors, veterinarians and decorators. Perspective and career growth is extremely likely in the field of transport, the entertainment industry, retailers and in the hotel business.

How to build relationships with born in the year of pig?

The pig is able to establish relationships, so to close the pigs born in the year, it is not necessary to make excessive efforts. Sincere and honest, they are always surrounded by friends. Pigs clearly imagine goals and are not worried about trifles. They highly appreciate friendship and never betray friends.

In love Pigs born in the year gentle and sensual. The faithful and devotees as soon as they find a suitable partner, pigs, as a rule, devote themselves to serious relationships. However, the lack of due mutual understanding threatens some problems in relations.

If you are tuned to long-term relationships with people born in the year of pig, be honest and carefully treat what your partner cares.

Year of pig compatibility with other signs

  • Best compatibility:Goat, tiger, rabbit
  • The least successful: Monkey, snake

Famous people born in the year of the Pig:

  • Oleg Tabakov, Anna Netrebko, Fyodor Tyutchev, Vladimir Nabokov, Samuel Marshak, Arkady Raykin, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Konstantin Khabensky, Valery Kharlamov.
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger, Elton John, Alfred Hitchcock, Ernest Hemingway, Jack London, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Luciano Pavarotti, Henry Ford.

Types of Pigs on the Eastern Calendar - 5 Elements

What type do you feel about?

In Chinese theory, 5 elements each zodiac sign is influenced by one of the 5 elements (elements): gold (metal), wood, water, fire and earth. For instance, Year of yellow earthy pigwhich comes next 2019, happens once in 60 years. Learn about other interesting things. Facts about chinese zodiac which kind of milk who knows.

According to this theory, the person's characteristic is determined by the sign of the animal, in whose year it was born, as well as the elements. That is, in the Chinese zodiac there are 5 types of pigs, each with its definite characteristic:

2019 the year of pig as a whole will be favorable for representatives of this sign of the zodiac. In the career, health and love, a pig is waiting for well-being, as well as a generous material remuneration for embedded efforts and works.

Pig Career in 2019

In 2019, the pig in the career will be a small decline. But as soon as the pig will begin to make efforts, everything will work out and will be very successful. Especially favorable 2019 will be for entrepreneurs, this is a good year for business development.

Recent months of 2019 - best time For pig to achieve your goals.

Pig health in 2019

With a careful attitude towards his health, a pig is waiting for a relatively calm year. Born in the year of the pig it is recommended to avoid excessive load at work and paying the right time on vacation and healthy sleep. It is especially worth being careful on the road.

Financial well-being pigs in 2019

Pigs are waiting for excellent financial perspectives in 2019. They will get a good return on their investments and will be able to earn decent.

Year of pig love in 2019

In 2019. Male pigs Will be quite successful in love. They will be able to successfully meet their chosen.

Woman-pigs This year will have more effort than men of representatives of this sign. Perhaps in the middle of the year it will seem to you that all efforts are in vain, but do not rush to despair - everything is permitted to be favorable at the end of 2019.

The year of fate 2019 in the birth of pigs

When the year of your zodiac animal comes, in China they say that Benmingnian has come - the so-called Year of Fate. In 2019, Benmingnian in people born in the year of pigs.

This is definitely a special year, however, in China believe that those people whose year has come, prepared tests and unexpected changes. Find out, , The year of fate is good or bad and what is the feature of Benmingnian!

You feel about the category of people who pragmatically build their plans in advance and pay out important goals for the emerge and unhindered achievement, then surely you will be interested in finding out what the coming 2019 has prepared you. Most people who are accustomed to safeguard themselves from various troubles and surges of fate, morally and physically prepared for unexpected surprises of life in that carefully and wary study the picture of the upcoming reality in advance through the prophecies and predictions of leading star. With their great help, a person can quickly and effectively "bring order" in his head, "exhausted" and "covered" by many household problems And hassle, find certain answers to the questions for the long time, and most importantly, be prepared for everything, with which it is to come face to face soon. If you touched you this topic, then visit our article, which will provide the overall astrological characteristics of 2019 and the horoscope for all year for all the signs of the zodiac. Best patience and plunge into the world of mystery and unknown now.

2019 Year of Yellow Pig (Kabana)

In our doors. It is clear that most people hopping his breath submissively prepared to follow and imitate all the whims of this animal in order to conquer its location and favor. After all, we are, in fact, on the threshold before the unknown itself! But, if you run the instructions and predictions of the leading astrologers, you can relax a little and exhale, because this peace-loving and energetic creature is not coming to "block firewood", but on the contrary, to strengthen public peace, order, development and prosperity in all spheres of vital activity each person. With his joyful and bright nature, it is right - Taki, say, get everyone around, fill their hearts with a new hope for the best, will give a lot of warm and sincere smiles, good friends, loyal satellites in life, will allow everyone without exception conflicts and civilians, on a pedestal Honor Watering Good, Mercy and Understanding. In other words, it will try to put on full capacity and argue, so let's say, immense, in order to eradicate the evil rock of humanity and all its earthly defects accumulated over many years of existence. Such a serious and responsible role is placed on it for no accident, because the Eastern calendar, the twelve-year-old cycle completes and summarizes this particular animal. In order to enter into the future, figuratively speaking, in a new and clean hut, it is diligently and diligently reciprocal to shine and impeccable purity. What will actually do, its Majesty Yellow Pig.

Yes, naturally, to fully rely on the symbol of the year and swim throughout you are unlikely to succeed, according to the description of star, as the patience and the federation of this animal has its sharp boundaries. Despite attachment to people, friendliness and sociability, the boar will be able to persist and indiscriminate its uncompanihood and sometimes even selfishness towards unaffordial individuals. You should not force it to shit you in the soul, otherwise it will have to snatch.

In general, the decent and responsible mistress of the upcoming New Year 2019 will behave carefully and economically. Thanks to her efforts, many purposeful people will succeed in the career, opening and promoting their own business, and will also be able to quickly and effectively settle problems and small trouble at work, stretching quite a long time without viscosive. Lazy nature, of course, in this period of time will have to be disadvantaged. Although the in itself the yellow pig loves a fool to cook, but will not tolerate such behavior and lifestyle from the side. Its in a literal sense will bring out the decency and equilibrium framework. Therefore, your hands in your feet and forward, as they say, "conquer the vertices of Everest."

As for the financial characteristics, here, according to the information of the astrological horoscope, in principle, stability is planned, but it will be directly dependent on the individual investments of each person. That is, if for the past year they plowed, like a breakdown horse, invested money into the development and expansion of any case, then, naturally, and get according to the relevant merit, well, and otherwise, with oil with butter. But in order not to be behind everyone, it is recommended to stay in any beginnings together, because the team and all difficulties are overcome easier and faster.

According to the description of star, quite bright and memorable will be 2019 for people who adore travel in different cities and countries. It is desirable, of course, to carry out their movements through machines, buses, trains and other land transport, although aircraft and ships are also not prohibited. The pig is very energetic and restless, so all sorts of change and moving to her in the shower.

In the scientific direction, the world expects great progress. People who devoted themselves to inventiveness, various studies and observations, achieved incredible peaks and discoveries, deserve public respect and recognition.

If you are not a politician and not creative nature, you are not impressive science and other types of similar professions, then we advise you to do agricultural activities. In this area, the astrological horoscope promises a white strip of life. The symbol of 2019 will contribute to this scope flourishing and expanding, bringing weighty fruit. The farmer does not have to become a farmer if finances do not allow, just just to disclose as an exemplary and enviable owner in their home or in the country, to bring orders there, if desired, acquire animals, violent vegetation and the like. You will see, get from this mass of pleasure and indescribable positive.

In general, as folk wisdom says: "Perseverance and work, everything is a little!" So that there is neither, but give hands - not the way out of the current situation not only in 2019, but also in general. After all, all the benefits, if you yourself want, sooner or later turn to you. But not in this, dear friends, true happiness! The main thing is that the loneliness of the majority of the Most of the Perse is finally will be built by finding the second half. Friendly communication between the free opposite floors can turn into something more serious and strong. And those who are in a pair of prominently in misunderstandings and scandals of the throat, a decline in pressure in the form of parting, but do not be mistaken, new ones will come to replace the old relationship, which will bring real sincere feelings.

Anyway, a lot in the coming year will depend on your wisdom and your own purpose! The yellow pig will certainly have their ambulance at the right moment, because she is the keeper of a family hearth and the patroness of everyone in need, but her views will first of all be aimed at your actions. With which mood and zeal you will come, and "swim".

Horoscope for 2019 for all zodiac signs

If there is a desire to learn much more about what awaits you in the near future, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the general astrological characteristic of 2019 for all zodiac signs separately. The brief description of the information that follows us will allow you to tune in to the desired wave and become ready for all upcoming events.

Horoscope for 2019 Aries (March 21 - April 20)

Updated and self-confidently hairs needed a little to influence their fervor and wake up the estimated eyes for the past 2018. Surely because of excessive ambitiousness and unwillingness to make any other points of view, you have had enough problems and nonsense. So it's time to fix it all in 2019, because it is the final in the twelfth cycle of the Chinese calendar, so things can be said, the nevity. Once there is no time, notice the traces of their errors and mistakes!

Finance and Career

What is - what, and finances will not sing from the representatives of this sign of the zodiac romances. According to predatory descriptions of leading astrologers, the financial situation will practically be stable, but without exception of some minor jumps, which for the most part will come to January - February. But it is not worth a panic about this, because if you do not fold your hands and do not swear, and hard and hardworking will go ahead, then in the spring you will be expected to career growth or a change of profession on something better and more profitable, raising salary , unforeseen profits in the form of winnings in the lottery, returning you old debts.

By the way, if you have a plan for opening your own business in your head, then God to help you! Stars in 2019 will come up so that your good endeavors will succeed success and confident takeoff. Make a business plan in advance so that from the beginning of the year, take the course to promote your goal. You do not need to doubt your abilities, believe in yourself and everything will turn out by the end of summer. The result, as you can see, do not make long wait. The main thing is to want to "grow" very much.

Studying is also your horse, according to the characteristics of the development! Want to get a new profession or complete your studies, send all your attention to this process. Excellent perspective in your hands, do not even doubt it.

Love horoscope

It is clear that because of the desires to rise to swell, time as such to love will not remain, so the astrological horoscope is predicted. In married couples, there will even make some coolness in relationships. But this is not a reason for parting and tormenting themselves with remorse. Understand, this passage is simply necessary for Aries, because its excessive impulsiveness and the unbridled behavior will be able to overflow all the boundaries of admitted. Get what it is so inspired by running, but at the same time try not to offend your second half, because it is like no other sneaking for you and is silent.

The free representatives of this zodiac sign, according to the description of the horoscope of star, will fall into the field of view of the secret fans, if you even look around the sides, then this will notice and take measures for further "birth" of relationships.


Since the chief of 2019 yellow pig has prepared for you, so many pleasant surprises, ranging from career and ending possible discovery Private case, a spoonful of the tar is still bold. Health will not withstand moral and physical overload, experiences and stress on a new field, and will give a crack. The broken nerves will entail "holes" in the digestive and immune system, organs of vision, hearing. The blood circulation will also fail. The head is tortured by incessant pain. To avoid this, contact a sensible specialist in advance. Do not wait for the full flourishing of your "bouquet" of diseases.

Rest, as a panacea from all violations in the body, should stand in this difficult period of time in the first place. Go along with family on a journey warm country, Enjoy the velvet rays of the sun, having a splash of the waves and a shrill cry of tea. Here you will see a month and your ailments will remove your hand!

Horoscope for 2019 Taurus (April 21 - May 21)

Persistent and strong spiritualities will be, according to astrological descriptions of the eastern horoscope, at the height. Starzets say that the representatives of this sign of the zodiac will be surrounding from nowhere, literally to wash on the face of the earth. And this is not a fright to be behind everyone, but the position of life! They are active, purposeful, clearly know what goes and for what purposes. But despite its innate foresight and thoughtfulness to the smallest detail, in 2019 it will not be possible to avoid conflicts with close and familiar people. They will perform initiators and kinds of quarrels of quarrels, worry and fold that you will have to worry.

Finance and Career

Describing this area, it is worth noting that the astrological horoscope in the field of finance and career does not foresee significant changes and jerks. A similar stagnation can push you to a depressive state, but it is not worth it to succumb. Better do the training "trails" to enhance the service for the future. Direct all your strength and mental skill, patience and desire in the right direction, and then the award will be predetermined. The zeal will definitely be unnoticed by your boss, it will delight you with a salary or an unexpected premium. Just beware of the secret envious, they have long accurate your sharp tooth, so that at the right moment throw with their accusations or slander.

Love horoscope

According to astrologers, 2019 will be not very favorable in personal plan. Deparagus, betrayal, endless deception will go hand in hand with you until the summer. Sad and hurt, but even your second half will turn on the path of betrayal, which I will not be able to forgive and without a trace. To remove the increased tension and accumulated as a result of this experience, put in full work. Only she will pull you out of trouble. But such grows will not last all year, already in June you will meet an interesting person, which will become your faithful destiny with the right and reasonable scenario.

Params that have not been able to start toddler for a long time, there will be such an excellent opportunity. The stork will fly over your home and will throw my present. So prepare in advance of this valuable acquisition.


The astrological characteristics of the health horoscope is not different as threatening. Stop waving your hand to my state of mind, because it will sooner or later lead to the fact that all chronic diseases will get out to the gun and will not make themselves waiting for a long time. Take care of the throat, insult during the cold seasons and be sure to examine the endocrinologist, because the entire body will suffer from the impaired functioning of the thyroid gland. Hence the weakness of anything, where, dizziness, jumps of pressure and the like. And finally, to balance your meals. It is not necessary to overload your stomach with harmful food products, take a look at yourself in the mirror from the side and see that they have already threw their "grain" in you. The figure is so-so, from this understated self-esteem, closure and frequent nervos. Change your life, go through sports, walk a lot in the fresh air and is not required more from you!

Horoscope for 2019 Gemini (May 22 - June 21)

Special tests of the yellow pig did not prepare for twins in 2019, well, except only in personal plan. There will be a missing, quarrels, resentment and other bustles. The prudence and restraint of this sign of the zodiac will be able to overcome all the converges of fate. In the rest of the people of this zodiacal constellation will be expected to be successful and successful in all matters.

Finance and Career

As noted earlier, the near future wishes hardworking nature by luck, promotion over the career ladder, the win-win introduction of his ideas to work, which will make the higher guide to think about it and give you an increase to the salary and a repeated premium for initiative. Abruptly growing authority and universal respect for colleagues will allow you to be secretly proud of themselves, and this will give forces for new professional bursts.

Finance, as a rule, will find you everywhere where you would not go. Constant and substantial profit will give you the opportunity to sweep the enynu amount to embody your clauses and desires. In other words, they say, you will swim as a cat in oil!

Love horoscope

In early 2019, in love, the astrological horoscope for twins describes not exactly idyll. For a long time, those who lived will begin to test the lack of emotions and positive. Seashes of everyday life threatens to overlook them with their heads, however, if desired, it is possible to fix everything. Suppose, to really go somewhere abroad to replenish the reserves of your sleeping impressions, more often arrange romantic dinners, smoothly flowing into matrimonial role-playing games. It will not be superfluous to be a frequent change of image of both half, the purchase of a chic wardrobe and all sorts of clinging eyes accessories. It will play "appetite" and you will plunge into the newly-made trepidate feelings. Only here is not standing with caution to look into the wallet, the money there just for all this more than abuse, be calm.

The free personalities of the yellow pig also prepared a little joy in his personal life. Of course, it will not get everyone, but selectively. To someone, the fleeting meetings, not leading to anything serious, and to someone who is a complete bowl of good, by drinking which everyone will be on top of the present happiness.


As for the characteristics of health, here the astrological horoscope for the twins makes the older generation. Immunity will be weakened, which will lead to the exacerbation of a number of diseases. This is usually the reference - motor, digestive and cardiovascular system. To at least brighten the impending situation and bring it to a positive level, you should abstract yourself from any negative, stress and nervous disruptions. In addition, they will be appropriate in advance to the doctor for help.

Young species of this sign of the zodiac Health does not intend too disturbing, and here only emotional depression and experience, apathy and loss of interest in the whole environment will be reliable satellites In 2019. More often in merry companies, give in to cultural entertainment, indulge yourself with various kinds of gifts and then the Handra will retreat on the background.

Horoscope for 2019 Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

Explosive and fairly emotional cancers, according to the description of the priests, will join the yellow pig with a combat mood. With any life circumstances will try to defend their point of view, without seeing anyone in front of them, even a beloved person. Naturally, nothing good will bring it, even closest people can be disappointed in you. And if this happens, neither success in work, nor financial flows will console you. So let's get up on the path of self-improvement and self-development, get used to owning unbridled emotions today, so that tomorrow they do not overlook you in full.

Finance and Career

The beginning of the new year will be marked by minor problems in relationships with colleagues at work and even the bosses. Wow, this is your dust! He rolls firewood, but not so bad, according to the characteristics of star. You will take the head, and rather, you will force you a yellow pig, which Yaros hates all sorts of gnawing and rewriting. Literally autumn there will be a career ladder promotion, as well as a lot of tempting proposals regarding labor activity from the side. Any decision you adopted will lead to a breakthrough into a bright and cloudless future. You will find the conclusion of profitable and profitable contracts, acquaintance and close cooperation with new partners, if it is somehow relate to your own business. But before you take certain decisions, I will definitely think if it is worth your attention and spent forces!

Finance will flow by the river, it will be possible to scat good capital, but it should not be disappeared, because the money is such an interesting thing, here they seem to eat, and tomorrow there is no irrational use.

Love horoscope

According to the forecasts of the astrological horoscope, both sexes will be able to arrange their personal life in the best possible way. Here, as they say, the truly fortune will smile. Pleasant meetings, kisses under the moon, languid expectations of the next date will become inevitable and pleasant for this sign of the zodiac. Having passed this candidate - the bakery period, you will make sure that you finally found our sincere love. Of course, those are more people who make up the fleeting vision more, the decisive steps will not make it possible. On the flirt and pleasant stagnation, everything will end, which is actually, and will not upset them.

According to the description of asterisals, everything will be in married couples: the parties and ardent feelings, as in general, and in any married couple. However, astrologists strongly recommend racks for the maximum to restrain themselves, in order to not talk with the three boxes of the second half of the nasty. The word is not a sparrow, crashes, you can't catch.


In 2019, cancer should be preserved their own nerves. This applies not only to the elderly people, but also young people. By virtue of its excessive emotionality and disasonability, it will not be possible to abstract from ill-wishers and slanders. Their dirt poured will hooks you acutely and hurts that it will cause a storm of the next bursts and moral decay of the forces.

As for other diseases and ailments, it can be put in a fat point, because no colds and viral attacks are not terrible. So seduced the mistress of the year Yellow Pig.

Horoscope for 2019 Lion (July 23 - August 21)

Since the yellow pig on the Spirit does not tolerate and bulk, too self-confident and sparkling people, such a sign of the zodiac as a lion will have to be browned. Yes, it sounds extremely surprising and even strange, but with any other scenario, you do not see how your own ears. At the working field, the situation will delight not only career growth, but also a systematic increase of finance. Only here in the family focus there will be some troubles because of your permanent employment. But if you pick up everything is instantly resolved.

Finance and Career

According to the astrological horoscope, 2019 will bring many victories and enhancements. And this is not so much luck as the stubborn and painstaking Lion's work. After the past year, they walked, as the damned, rare the foot papers, sitting until midnight, but now it's time to reap the fruits. Maybe for someone, this turn of fate will seem unexpected, but not for people of this constellation. They will be proud of themselves and their achievements, their own superiority over other employees, and especially above the enemies. But keep yourself in your hands, because you can disappoint the symbol of the upcoming year and then with the annoyance will have to crash upwards.

As for the finance characteristics, the description of astrologers, the weather will be good. It will be possible to pay off with old debts, give loans and even to lend some state. The soul will rush apart from joy and succeeding, and head to split from where it is to spend everything. But the stop, curb your temper and the transjarce at the same time, every penny, as you know, loves the score, so only the most important and necessary allocate money, otherwise you do not want to eat.

Love horoscope

A wave of success will fully cover and this will affect your behavior. The second half will experience your anger, the irritation due to unnecessary unnecessary issues, they say, "where was so long?", "Why didn't you call?" etc. In you, this issue of the nose will not hurt for living. I would still, because you are a self-sufficient person and have the right to dispose of your destiny yourself. Yellow pig with disgust will look at you and your antics, and then puts it in the big "puddle" booty if you do not exacerbate on time.

The second reason why harmony will be broken in the married couples of Lviv, is very strong employment at work. Free time is quite small, and if it runs, then again the head in thought about profitable deals and the like. It seems to be a beloved person and at home, and no attention.

The free representatives of this sign of the zodiac will be lucky much better in 2019. They will completely give up to pleasant meetings, living and cheerful communication with the chosen one or chief, will enjoy their beauty and charm, cheerfulness and filled with positive and positive energy. But in the cycle of events and meetings, do not lose your destiny, it is completely close!


The incessant desire to surprise everyone at work and anywhere, unbearable loads and increased activity, soon it may entail a long depression of your pretty asked the body. Astrological horoscope claims that everything will suffer in a literal way, ranging from the tips of the hair and ending with the insides. Let yourself a breather and as often as possible. All so know that you are invincible and hardy, however, first of all. Go to the leading specialist so that he carefully examined you, do not let everything go on a sidier, because it's not a long time. Walk more, communicate with friends, travel, put it right, enjoy life, and work, as you know, not a wolf, will not run into the forest!

Horoscope for 2019 Virgo (August 22 - September 23)

For restrained and very judicial virgins, they furified, as well as for other signs of the zodiac, many interesting and fateful change and events. Although the person who was born under this constellation and far-sighted, accustomed to squeeze each step in advance, but in 2019 it will not be able to keep under control. The path of personal and business promotions will be changeable and sometimes confusing. But thanks to stubborn labor and constant self-improvement, the Virgin will find a way out of any prevailing position, even the most unpleasant. But despite the innate wisdom, problems with the second half avoid failure, no matter how the representatives of this zodiac sign did not want.

Finance and Career

Describing this area, it is important to notice that in the near future, according to the description of the astrological horoscope, hardworking nature will be accompanied by luck in all matters and endeavors. Career will go upwards because the accumulated professionalism and experience will begin to bear fruit. Higher leadership will certainly check out the imbibeable and enduring nature of the virgins, with ease of those who are ready for any minute to rush to their team. Conscription, attentiveness, demanding not only to itself, but also to the rest, complete dedication and confidence in their inexhaustible opportunities will put forward many of the purposeful people born under this zodiac sign, ahead. If it affects your own business, then be prepared for the fact that there are many important persons who will give you a help and long-term cooperation to you on your way. But you should not too trust the surroundings, even though people are all educated, but everyone will approach you with their secret intent. If not to be selective, then you can fall into the trap, from which it is not so easy to get out - then it will be just.

Finance, according to observation astrologers, will be gathered at the very beginning of the virgin. After all, so long and purposefully, they went to this bright moment, looked for four, not seeing nothing more, except to become successful and independent. Though the amounts in their hands will be tangible, but ourselves ourselves and relaxed pragmatic virgins will not lead. They know the price of everything that gets unbearable.

Love horoscope

How no one else knows the sense in real and faithful feelings. She will not be exchanged on trifles and fleeting love, because she impresses her native and beloved person with whom a lot of many years of life lived. After a hard work day, sitting in an embrace with the second half in front of the TV, rushing into a warm plaid and knitting fragrant tea, they will enjoy what they are sent over. Although such idyll will not always reign in the relationship of this sign of the zodiac because of the excessive cavity of their partner and jealousy.

For the free representatives of this zodiac constellation 2019, the doors will open the door to the world of some overwhelming. According to the astrological horoscope, they will meet the long-awaited real love, which will be disturbed and enjoyed as if there are the last moments of their lives. If the partner is really clean to the soul and open with a heart, then the marriage in the future with it is inevitable, and quite happy.


If briefly and accurately characterize the state of the health of the virgin in the new year, then immediately I would like to put an emphasis on the purchase of calm, harmony in the soul and self-control. If you do not pay due attention to these qualities, then frequent and endless stress will completely bring you out of normal building. And this is a straight road to a variety of diseases, both viral and more serious. Take care of sports in order to pull out your body and develop confidence in your superiority and perfection, yoga to clean the body from harmful accumulated substances and achieve peace, well, or something more pleasant and suitable for you. Not too much and proper nutrition. Blocks make on fresh fruits, vegetables, cereals, dairy products, low-fat poultry meat and fish. With such a useful and vitamin diet, your forces will acquire a new power, which you have not recently recently.

Horoscope for 2019 year Scales (September 24 - October 23)

Analyzing the general astrological characteristic of 2019 years of weight, one can make a conclusion that they will not go out of mental equilibrium. Of course, moments in the life path will meet enough as good and not very, however, they will not be dangerous and disturbing for the elevated and unearthly representatives of this sign of the zodiac. Success is planned in labor at work, among colleagues - warm and trusting relationships, but in a personal plan - there will be no feather from fans.

Finance and Career

In the field of career, the yellow pig passed for you a good surprise - promotion over the career ladder. So so this have long wanted and sought at the price of our efforts to get the desired thing that came your hour. Take this valuable gift as appropriate and do not lose your skills in a temporary euphoria state. Do not open in full before employees, among them the worst your enemy and the envious. He languishes in the long expectations of your fall and collapse, so be extremely attentive and careful not to get into his cunning networks.

As for the financial system, the astrological horoscope describes a stable state. You can close all your "holes", carry out many cherished dreams and installed plans, ranging from the purchase of a car and ending with real estate. All that the soul wishes will be at your feet, but at the same time do not forget about force majeure life situations. Just for them, it is necessary today to postpone a penny on Prosapas.

Love horoscope

Describing the love of scales, it should be noted that married couples in 2019 the yellow pig will help to establish communication and mutual understanding. Peak enjoyment will have to gold autumn. It is at that time of the year you will understand how much love and value with your family, how much she means for you and your peace of mind and excellent well-being. With a partner, understanding will be occurring even at the level of the views, which will bring you closer to you as a marital faith.

Experience and swimming in the "rays" of freedom of freedom and not to be resolved to go deep into serious relationships, and even more so they will not come to step to the construction and planning of marriage. And what, after all, so good to soar in the clouds of dreams, breathe full of breasts, not aggravated by problems and homemade domestic fuss.


According to forecasts of all-seeing astrologers, representatives of this sign of the zodiac will have to pay their close attention to the functioning of the kidneys. They and including shaky nerves will become your main and painful problem that violates the overall balance of the balance and tranquility of the whole organism. Stop chasing the latest updates of fashion, freezing in short jackets in frosty days, because your organs have no difference in a thing from which designer they walk today, the main thing is that everything is closed and warm, that is, for the season.

In order not to bring your nervous system to the limit and the heat, go to pleasant travel, admire the beauty of countries or just cities. Do not think that this is an excess savings spending, not at all! Take acquaintance with the new environment and the environment for the most beautiful moments in your life, bringing joy, unforgettable impressions, calm and long memory.

Horoscope for 2019 Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)

For scorpions 2019, the year will be marked by good work, achieving important goals, a possible move to another country, to get a family and kids. Do not be particularly worried and nervously break your fingers at a meeting with a new uncharted future. You did not prepare anything bad and catastrophic star, be calm in this regard. But the astrological horoscope does not advise you too relax, because with the loss of your darling attention on life paths, solid shoals and mistakes are lined up in a row. Vigilance and more vigilance!

Finance and Career

Show finally all their decisiveness and confidence, discover the deep individuality to the higher leadership to navigate the work at work. After all, if you are so easy to stand in a corner, shifting from my legs to the leg, it is unlikely that something good will succeed. As among many employees, the Chef will notice exactly your potential, professional grip and purposefulness?! Of course, maybe you are not very tight to the heights of success, but he is to you even in a slight extent, but will come, as well as money.

As for collective panibrates, here be extremely careful. Do not throw empty words to the wind, they will return to you boomerang, and in the form of dirty gossip, discussions and leaders.

Love horoscope

Describing love, the astrological horoscope for 2019 describes not quite a slight position. The work will be so much that it will not give rest and free minute to enjoy the romantic relationship in full. Scorpions will rush from one to the second, trying to find the golden middle, but in the meantime they asleep their nervous system. It is better to take yourself in hand, wait for hard times, I can be satisfied with what is, and the time will put everything in its place without fail.

In married couples, a similar setting will note its imbalance. Because of the lack of proper attention, family members will score alarm and take care of their claims and resentment. But in order not to breed a real fire in a relationship, one should be extremely reasonable and conspiracting, attentive and sensitive to those who love you so much and needs your care.


Everything would be nothing, but here are frequent stress, the reason for which the tension will perform at work will lead you to general weakness and ailments. Dizziness and loss of appetite will accompany your experiences and anxiety often and thick. Do not go about your emotions and alarms, it is better to take a vacation and deal with the prevention of your lame health. Frequently walk with your family, breathe fresh air, do sports and adjust your food. Such warning measures, according to astrologers, will benefit you.

Horoscope for 2019 Sagittarius (November 23 - December 22)

The fractures of the yellow pig prepared a lot of tests, to overcome which will be needed, of course, steel nerves. Already today, begin to prepare yourself to ensure that you have a number of tests in your personal plan and on a service field. Clearly put the goal in front of you what you expect from life, determine if your desires are not imagined, whether it is really for them to become the right position in the ring of fate. If so, take the whole will in the fist and, as they say, in battle. Behind the place under the sun, you need to really compete!

Finance and Career

Describing labor activities, the astrological horoscope of 2019 describes that everything will have to seek everything on its own, no support from colleagues will be foreseen at all. Especially if you find yourself in a new job place. Envy, gossip and sticks in your wheels will not walked you, how not to twist. Include promise, smelting and exposure to exit the finish line without unnecessary problems and chagrins.

As for the finance, here at least do not have to turn too much in order to reduce the ends with the ends. In a difficult moment, you always have a surveying, which is always in hand, in principle, characteristic. When the climb will begin in your life, then the affected savings will be replenished. Honestly work and in no way try to enriches at the expense of any dark earnings and fraud. Your actions will certainly be disclosed and exposed to disgrace.

Love horoscope

Family Archers would not hurt to say goodbye to their doubts about the sincerity and loyalty of their partner. Infinite distrust you will definitely push your loved one, as they say left. Then the gray band will begin, which threatens with regrettable parting. Take yourself to your hunters, all comments or claims are kept with you. Finally, the wiser and the world will be greatly simplified for you and your family.

Free representatives of this sign of the Zodiac Yellow Pig ordered still to walk and enjoy independence. Of course, the fleeting meetings with pleasant romantic dates are not excluded, which you will raise the mood and will help to stay on a positive constant, despite the difficulties in work. Somewhere by the end of 2019 you are finally going to meet her - your destiny. Relationships will develop smoothly, on increasing, which will lead to the construction of a strong and strong pair.


Describing health, you should be on the check, because the astrological horoscope promises a difficult period, it is advisable to choose to choose for themselves soothing means On herbs and make prevention in advance. Otherwise, crossing the threshold of the New Year, you closely make friends with neurosis, stress and other disorders. We try to find calm in alcohol, undermine the liver, violate the metabolism of your body and the weight, which previously located within the limits of reasonable, shake up. Because of the sharp replenishment will suffer the lumbar back. This vicious circle, as you noticed, so run on the pharmacy now. Type everything that the doctor has prescribed, and the olive is aromatic grabbing for massage and general relaxation.

Horoscope for 2019 Capricorn (December 23 - January 20)

The coming 2019 year for Capricors promises to be active and filled with pleasant surprises. You will be almost all spheres of vital activity to accompany success and prosperity. But here you should gain courage and decisiveness to decompose everything on the shelves in personal plan and service. Because of the attacks of constraint, you can miss your luck from the hands in the form of an increase in the career ladder and the creation of a family, which is not very good to you and will please you. In general, work out a sense of self-confidence, projirm on the achievement of a bright future and with a calm soul, go on vacation in warm edges. And the time and finance you will certainly allow this luxury.

Finance and Career

Describing the labor area of \u200b\u200bactivity, the astrological horoscope describes that you are promoting career growth and development both at the state-owned enterprise and in our own business. Your initiative and creative approach to any case will attract the attention of many high-ranking individuals, from here the conclusion of profitable transactions, the signing of contracts and the acquisition of reliable partners. If the Capricorn will suddenly want to change the former place of work for a new one, then you will have to face a dilemma prepared by the yellow pig as a gift. This is a dream position, but for a small cash income and not quite at the place of place, but for a decent payment. Where to root, you will have to decide personally!

With finances, everything will be much easier! The income is stable and standing, however, the waste will also wait for a long time. Family needs, life, rest, holidays will be in a penny and practical caperpashers.

Love horoscope

Family couples 2019 will seem the second honeymoon. Excellent trusting relationships, mutual understanding, respect for each other, thrill and passion will stand in the foreground. Even the majority of household problems in this background will seem to you by a trusting trivia, the solutions will immediately and will not shut up from one shoulders to others, thereby causing irritation and disagree in the family.

The free representatives of this sign of the Zodiac Yellow Pig will delight the long-awaited meeting of love. It will be an apple of discord for you and your competitors. Combine and prove its explicit superiority over the others still need. In this way, you are not only winning the location of the partner, but also lift your own self-esteem.


If you analyze the overall astrological characteristics of 2019 in terms of health, then you need to immediately notice that it is necessary to monitor the right and full nutrition constantly and strictly. Your stomach and the whole digestive system at the limit because of constant inattention and negligence to themselves. You eat on the run, or even asleep this is a vital process to the background, if contracts are burning. From this you and frequent headaches, dizziness and nausea. Tie with it, if you do not want to spend your holiday on the hospital bed.

Horoscope for 2019 Aquarius (January 21 - February 19)

In the coming new year, the yellow pig will take place for, so let's say, re-education in the Nrava Aquarius. Their durability, windiness and changeability will slightly annoy a good-natured and cheerful mistress, so it will take care of the cardinal changes. Laine will be changed in hard work, negligence and inattention to care for loved ones and relatives, easy compliance with someone else's influence on the hardness in the nature and development of its point of view. If the representatives of this air sign of the zodiac will try to oppose the will of the Major Animal, then it will naturally give yourself to know. And first of all it can affect the relationship with your loved one, at work, in well-being and many other things, which for people is so important and valuable. Cold and 2019 Meet the fulfillment!

Finance and Career

In terms of labor activities, Aquarius will need to make some efforts to not fall under dismissal. Again, all the fault is your inconsistency and emotionality. If suddenly you encountered a difficult task that you cannot solve, you should not panic and squeeze on life, blame someone from colleagues. A lot of bad words, flying out of your mouth at the time of affect, will become a stumbling block for you in the future. Remember, forty on the tail will bring a lot of interesting things about you, that's how the threat of your care will be born. We work, not to twist the hands, less words, as they say, more things! Then shine and distinguish on the service field will certainly succeed.

As for the finance, here the astrological horoscope describes something that you may upset at first glance. Yes, of course, the difficulties will be, the lack of money the first six months will give themselves to know sharply, but to be patient and tighten your strap, learn how to save. If it is possible to take some amount of loan from good friends or acquaintances, do not be afraid, take it. By the end of 2019, your position will begin little by little to be corrected for the better, that's then sigh of a full breast.

Love horoscope

It is possible to describe the near future of Aquarius in terms of love: in married couples will be rapid and disagreement due to the fact that this zodiac sign is not entirely attentive to close and beloved people. The windiness inherent in the absentness in these people, sometimes the irritation due to the violations by someone his personal space can cause a storm in family idyll. But when the restraint developed and the correct placement of life priorities, conflicts will be avoided.

Lonely Aquarius, as the astrological horoscope promises, in the coming year, they will change little on their own way. Meetings and dates, of course, will be with pretty individuals, but, as a rule, they will not lead to any serious. Yellow pig gives you the time for your impermanentness and freedom-lodges to spend accomplishment and replace them came a great desire to get a family.


As for health, it is right - the gold will be gold in 2019 in the aquarity. Although legs are slightly tired, the reason for this will be a sedentary lifestyle. Move more, do sports and always in excellent mood. Try to create a positive setting around yourself, it is more likely to smile, meet friends, communicate and all illnesses, even the slightest, do not marry you.

Horoscope for 2019 Fish (February 20 - March 20)

For fish, astrologers describe a fairly calm and pleasant year. Successes at work, in personal life and in any fields of activity will be directly chopping representatives of this sign of the zodiac. Of course, the beautiful half of humanity will slightly aggravate the position of the perfectionism inherent in them. Extra nerves, spoiled mood and apathy, as a result, will be awarded for your desire for ideality literally in everything, even if it should not be there at all.

Men will be much smarter in this case and easier. They will not be taken for the work that will not be a broken penny, but it is better to pay attention to what they are really important and expensive.

Finance and Career

Astrological horoscope promises a good fish in principle, 2019, however, no significant events expenses from him yet. If the representatives of this sign of the zodiac have long been involved on a higher position, it is possible to smile at them, but provided that their work will be stubborn. You should delve into all the subtleties of work, to then show your high professionalism and businesslikeness.

As for Finance, the yellow pig has established balance and balance in this regard. Neither a penny, no penny, the golden mountains will not be promised, no need to wait. It is necessary to be content with what is available, or even it takes.

Love horoscope

The characteristic of the love life of the fish causes delight and lunizing, because with partners and all members of their family they will live in peace and harmony. Deep respect for each other and mutual understanding, care and gentle reverent feelings will become the key to their fortress and inseparation. On the basis of this, the likelihood of such ideal families Finally, the stork will look and bring the present.

For the free representatives of this sign of the zodiac, as described by the priests, the yellow pig is nothing special in love. Short-term dates, unforgettable meetings and a sense of periodical love will ask for everyday life.


Catastrophic health problems Astrological horoscope does not promise. But this does not mean that they will not be at all. The most painful for the people of this constellation will be legs. Their diseases should be prevented in advance by campaigning to a leading specialist. Nervous disorders will also want to steal the mood of their masters, but learning how to think correctly and positively, this can be avoided. Everything, as they say, in your hands.


So our article came to its conclusion, which revealed to you the overall astrological characteristics of 2019 for all zodiac signs. Having studied the information provided by the World Benemen regarding the impending future, everyone can choose the path for himself, which will lead it to the desired goal and success. In some points, it will be possible to avoid trouble and chagrin, and somewhere to decide on the first step in order to change their destiny for the better. But be that as it may, according to the description of the star, the mistress of the Yellow Pig will try to please and give a lot of pleasant moments and surprises.

Certains certain properties and events that are interpreted according to the typical features of the animal totem. True, the character of the beast is changing every 12 years of the cycle - depending on what kind of element it belongs. Based on this, at first glance, the tangled system, 2019 will be under the auspices of the yellow pig.

Color in this case means the element of the Earth. Total Elements B. chinese horoscope 5, and each in its own way changes the symbol of the year. So a wooden pig has a penetrative character, like a tree, germinating a crack in the asphalt. Metal is distinguished by the ability to earn, and the water can see people through - as a bottom through the transparent water thickness.

The boar, which obeys the element of fire - the embodiment of the coziness and the keeper of a homely hearth. And finally, - generous and welcoming, like fertile land.

In the coming year, to manage the events fell by an earthen pig, which means that everything is waiting for an abundant and rich year. Someone already lives waiting for unprecedented generous - and right. Well, for someone, the future 12 months will become the most exciting in life, because in your family is about to appear a little miracle - your baby.

Astrologers believe that in 2019, the BabyBoom \u200b\u200bwave is waiting for us, and the replenishment is worth waiting for many families. Moreover, as for those who have long wanted a child and, for whom the news of pregnancy will become a complete surprise. But absolutely all parents will be interested to find out the characteristics of the months, what are they - children born in 2019.

Knowledge of the main features and predispositions of the baby is very important in the further development of your Chad. An animal patron gives him a certain set of talents, abilities and features.

Owning this information, you can choose the best methods of upbringing, choose interesting and useful hobbies, to deal with the child will be happy. And most importantly, you can easily find a common language with the younger generation.

general characteristics

Children who appeared in the year of pigs - cheerful and sunny, regardless of their sign of the zodiac. From the first days of their life, all surrounding begin to reach them, as if confined, and such universal love will surround the child constantly, at any age.

Already from the diaper, the baby will begin to show curiosity to everything around and will try to participate in all events. He needs constant attention, and, despite the constraint, a small cable will be any possible ways to achieve this. Greater, the children of this sign will become excellent listeners and even companions for adults.

Thanks to his ability to notice the details, they will surprise older friends or relatives with their completely non-dishevetty and latitude of knowledge. From an early age, born in the year of the pig, will build its principles, to violate which in the future will not be under any circumstances. So, parents better carefully consider the opinions and habits of the child - many of them will remain with him for many years.

Young pigs are distinguished by generosity, and it is unlikely to try to hide the last candy in a secluded corner. They will share "trophies" with the whole family, but will be childishly happy if the treat will get them entirely. These children love praise, it is important for them to feel the estimated, necessary and loved ones.

Feeling at least minimal support, they will gladly help on household and responsibly approach their duties. If, for the work done, the Cabanchik will not get encouragement (material or oral), it will be upset, up to the fact that there is no other favorite occupation, for example, washing dishes, it will become hated.

Studying children born in the year

The kids born under the sign of the pig love to learn and know the world. On the other hand, it is an extremely nonsense personality, and it is worth a child to lose interest, as all diligence is blown away by the wind. Because of this, knowledge often remain superficial, albeit extensive. That is, he can know the capital of all states, but at least one of them will be difficult to find on the map.

If parents want to give a sibling deep and thorough knowledge, it is worth hired a tutor or to study with the baby themselves, the present material as exciting as possible with interactive, games, competitions. In addition, the children of 2019, relating to the elements of the Earth, are at all the lazy and passive of all pigs, and therefore will have to try to interest such a bed.

In high school and at the institute, these adolescents are already understood that apathy is their main enemy. They will try to overcome natural laziness to get out of time to people, but from time to time, they will need in gingerbread, and in the whip. Therefore, independent swimming in adulthood should be controlled by the elders. Only so young boar will reach well-being and success.

Friendship and Relationship with peers

Little pigs are friendly and sociable. Most often they are pretty silent, but they love the company, and without difficulty they have friends. Not a small role in this plays their honesty and nobility. This is the most non-conflict sign of the Eastern Horoscope. However, parents more than once will have to die the baby from the fight, both the Son and daughter.

All because they do not tolerate injustice, and if necessary, be sure to defend a weak comrade. In adulthood, especially during the period of youthful maximalism, the children of this year can nourish themselves problems, just because of the rejection of hypocrisy and falsehood.

The collision with the real world, where dishonority, corruption and hypocrisy rules today, will be very painful for them. But, despite the contradictory youth, young pigs will not lose their peace and goodwill, and only strengthen the desire to help weak, engage in charity and volunteering.

Children's health born in 2019

Trigger for diseases in kids pigs is always the lack of attention and loneliness. They are physically independent - as for warm to eat or dress, but completely helpless emotionally.

For example, if working parents do not call first-graders, who returned after school into an empty apartment, already at the same evening the child can be concentrated. More conscious age, children will begin to eat their psychological problems, quickly losing a sense of measure. Hence problems with weight, digestive system and metabolism.

In addition, these are people of mental labor, and therefore more often lead a sedentary, sedentary lifestyle. FROM early years We must instill a child love for hiking, bike, swimming, tennis, etc., so that sports activity becomes one of its fundamental life principles.

What hobbies and professions choose?

Cabanchik from childhood can be "pushing" to the choice of profession. It should choose the direction itself, but after that it is worth sending it - to courses, master classes, in the circles and sections.

From born in 2019, methodological doctors are obtained, lawyers who are attentive to detail, responsible social workers. The pig may be interested in working as a cook, and you can be sure that the title of the Chef is only a matter of time.

Children 2019 like the work related to the details, scrupulsiness, i.e. Those areas where they will be able to apply their ability to collect many facts (ingredients, symptoms) into a single holistic picture. The main thing is to help the child immediately find your niche and do everything you need so as not to disappear interest.

Video horoscope

The article is written specifically for the site "2019 Year of Pig": https: // Site /

The passion for the eastern culture and Chinese traditions firmly entered our daily life, reflected on habits and customs. The celebration of the New Year on the Eastern calendar supports an increasing number of people, and the rest are simply tracking, which animal corresponds to the coming year.

At the heart of the Eastern calendar lies the Chinese system of the study system, which consists in the cyclical twelve repetition of the zodiac signs. Each year in this cycle corresponds to a certain zodiac animal patron. Depending on how the totem animal corresponds to a certain period, it is determined, with which tests and surprises will have to meet in the near future. Also, the Chinese calendar prescribes people, what undertakings will be appropriate, and what of which it is better to pay.

In addition, the totem animal helps to choose the right time for important events in life: weddings, birthday of children, travel, shopping housing, serious projects, etc.

Under what sign 2019 will pass

In accordance with the Gregorian calendar generally accepted in our country, we celebrate the New Year on the night of December 31 to January 1. But in China, the arrival of this holiday has no accurate date.

The new year's offensive here is dedicated to the change in the lunar calendar, namely to the second new moon, coming after December 21. This date always falls out for a period of January 21 to February 20. The Chinese celebrate such a change of cycle 2 weeks, completing it with the traditional holiday of lanterns.

2019 will become the last of the twelve cycle, during which Jupiter has time to make one full turn around the sun. This period will patronize a pig or a boar. In addition to the animal, the Chinese determine the elements and the color that will be leading at the next stage. Therefore, in Eastern interpretation, the coming 2019 will become a year of yellow earthen pig.

It is the combination of all these characteristics to affect the initiatives will be more successful, and what should wait until the next change of the zodiac totem, how to behave as much as possible to realize their potential, and what should be careful.

Totem animal 2019 is a yellow earthen pig, it will summarize under all the actions that occurred during the lunarly solar cycle, and will indicate the direction in which it is to move throughout the next 12 years. Since the pig in Eastern culture is considered a symbol of equilibrium, patientity and hard work, it is these qualities that will be especially useful in everyday life and bring success to people.

When the year of pig comes

As already mentioned above, the beginning of the year in the Gregorian and East calendar does not coincide, so January will be completely passed under the patronage of the 2018 Totem - Dogs. Only February 5, 2019 A yellow boac will come to replace the dog, because it is at that night, Jupiter will begin his new round around the sun. On the night of 4 to 5 February 2019, the adherents of Eastern traditions plan to celebrate this holiday worldwide.

Element and color, as well as the type of animal, determine the rules of the celebration, which should be followed in order for the pig in favor of man in all his endeavors. For those who want to "back up" boars, one should listen to such advice:

  • At the festival, you need to be in the clothes of the appropriate color (yellow or any shade of brown, as well as green).
  • Kaban favored financial stability, so to ensure good income for the coming year under the Christmas tree you need to put a bill, preferably - high nominal.
  • Dishes on the table should not be cooked from pork, but the other varieties of meat are quite allowed. Also good will take the abundance of fruits and vegetables, which will fall to taste.

According to the Eastern calendar, 2019, the period of change and shocks is closed, and it comes to change the cycle of stability and constancy, therefore it is believed that families created throughout this time will be particularly strong, the new jobs will be permanent and will provide good profits, and children born In the year, pigs will become hardworking, persistent and morally resistant to stress.

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