Devil may cry dante's sword. Dante. Appearance of the sword in other games


Summoned Swords Square. Magic swords will appear in the air and fly towards the enemy. After performing the first move, hold R1, forward and square. A whirlwind of swords will appear around Virgil, killing anyone who is nearby. After performing the first move, hold R1, back and square. A row of swords will line up near Virgil and strike the enemy.

Dante's Weapon

Hand to hand combat

The sword you start the game with. Despite the low damage, it works well when enemies are huddled together. Thanks to Dante's heroic scope, everyone will get the horns.

Regular combinations 3 times triangle.
Dante will perform a simple punch combination. 2 times triangle, pause, triangle. It differs from the previous combination by two additional strikes. If you quickly press triangle while performing this technique, then Dante will hit for a very long time, after which he will lunge. Jump and triangle. Air strike. Simple and effective to surprise the enemy. . A sharp throw towards the marked enemy and a blow. Great if you want to quickly get to the enemy. . A sharp throw towards the enemy and an uppercut with a sword. Apart from the external difference, it is no different from the previous blow. Hold triangle. Dante will accumulate in the sword and send a wave of energy. Do not use it in a crowd, otherwise they will trample. Jump and cross. In the air, press the cross a second time to jump again. What does this have to do with the sword, though, I absolutely don’t understand. However, if you pay 20,000, you can ride like a mountain goat. With Swordmaster style 2 times circle. A twisting blow and a step forward. Jump and circle 4 times. Dante jumps up and throws four punches in the air. Works great in conjunction with a move that throws you into the air. They sent it flying, caught up and chopped it up. Hold R1, forward and circle. Dante will throw the sword at the enemy. If you press triangle while you don't have a weapon, he will kick the demon. To return the sword, press circle again. Hold R1, back and circle. Dante quickly runs up to the enemy and strikes with his sword. Immediately after hitting, press circle successively to deal an obscene number of hits.

The first captured weapon you will receive. It hits slower than a sword, but removes more health.
Regular combinations 5 times triangle.
A series of blows that ends with a powerful lunge. 2 times triangle, pause, 2 times triangle. The beginning is the same as the previous combination, but the ending is much more powerful. If you quickly press triangle while performing a move, Dante will begin to spin the flail, scattering enemies. Jump and triangle. Air strike. By the way, this is the fastest air attack. Hold R1, forward and triangle. A sharp throw and a strong blow. One of best practices for a flail - allows you to suddenly jump up to the enemy and inflict decent damage. Hold R1, back and triangle. A sharp throw towards the enemy with an untwisted flail. Press triangle several times to move on. With Swordmaster style Circle. Dante spins the flail in front of him. Hold R1, forward and circle. Dante slams his flail into the ground, sending a stream of ice towards the enemy. Press circle many times to intensify the move. Hold R1, back and circle. Spins a flail above his head and creates an ice shield around himself.

Agni & Rudra
Great weapon. Fast, destructive and hits all monsters that are nearby. It will last perfectly until the end of the game. Regular combinations 5 times triangle. Perhaps the most powerful combination. Seven blows that will leave the enemy no chance. The only drawback is the slow start.

Triangle, pause, 2 times triangle. A five-hit combo that ends with a two-blade slash. Triangle, pause, triangle, pause, triangle. A variation of the previous combination, but stronger, faster, more furious. During the move, press Triangle to continue slashing with both blades. Jump and triangle. Dante jumps and strikes. Hold R1, forward and hold triangle. A sharp throw and four hits. The main thing is not to let go of the triangle, otherwise you will finish the technique earlier than expected. Hold R1, back and triangle. First a blow, then an uppercut - and the enemy is sent flying. Cross after the jump. Double jump in the air. With Swordmaster style Circle. Strike with two swords. Jump, 3 times circle. Four air strikes, then land with swords spinning. Hold R1, forward and circle. Dante plunges his swords into the ground and releases a column of fire. Hold R1, back and circle. Dante raises his swords above his head and sends out a whirlwind of fire.

Unusual weapon. To use it, you will need remarkable dexterity. As long as you understand how to perform combinations correctly, seven pots will do. But once you get the hang of it, you can do a lot of damage. Regular combinations Triangle. It's not even an attack. Dante will take out his guitar and strike a pose. It is from this position that most combinations begin. Make sure that no one is running around, otherwise you will get the worst of it. Triangle. One hit on the strings, and a flock of bats is heading towards the enemy. Hold R1, left, triangle. And four flocks of bats fly towards the enemy. Until the mice fly away, you will receive a little protection from attacks. Also, while performing the move, quickly press triangle and you will get a huge flock of bats.

Hold R1, right, triangle. A blow to the strings - and everything around explodes. Jump, triangle. For this and the next combination it is not necessary to get into a pose. Dante jumps up and sends a flock of bats flying. Quickly press triangle to send out four swarms. Hold R1, forward and triangle. The hero rushes forward sharply, knocking down opponents and painfully hitting them with his guitar. Also after this move, Dante remains standing in the pose. Hold R1, back and hold triangle. Dante runs up to his opponent and gives an uppercut with his guitar. If you hold the triangle, flocks of bats will fly after the monster. Hold R1 and jump. After turning into a demon, press the indicated combination. Dante will fly up and soar proudly. If you press the cross several times, your opponents will get hit in the head with lightning. If you press triangle, Dante will attack from the air. With Swordmaster style Circle. Dante hits his guitar and strikes a pose. Jump and circle. Double attack in the air. Hold R1, forward and circle. Dante spins his guitar, then punches his opponent and gets into a pose. Hold R1, back and circle. A flock of bats flies towards the enemy. Dante strikes a pose.

The most powerful weapon, but also the slowest, which is compensated by interesting features. However, it is not suitable for every situation. Regular combinations 3 times triangle. Punch, kick, uppercut. Simple and tasteful. 2 times triangle, pause, 2 times triangle. A series of kicks and punches. While performing the move, quickly press triangle to allow Dante to continue his series of strikes. After this, the enemy usually does not survive. Jump and triangle. Dante dashingly jumps up and slams the monster with his boot. Hold R1, forward and triangle. A sharp throw and a powerful blow. Hold R1, back and triangle. A powerful uppercut, after which the opponent goes into a long flight. Hold R1, back and triangle 2 times. The same blow as in the previous combination. Only Dante will follow the enemy into the air. Jump and cross. Double jump. With Swordmaster style Circle. A shot of energy. Jump and circle. Air strike. Hold R1, forward and circle. Punching the ground, causing everything to explode to hell. Hold R1, back and circle. A powerful uppercut with a sharp throw. While performing the move, press circle to make Dante perform a series of kicks.

Firearms There are plenty of firearms in the game, but they are significantly inferior to cold weapons. Let's just say - this is a weapon of support and style. It’s beautiful to fight with him, but it will also cripple the enemy a little. Firearms can also be upgraded.

Ebony & Ivory

Perhaps the most useful weapon. Shoots quickly and far, deals good damage. And overall it looks great. If there’s anything to improve, it’s only this weapon. With Gunslinger style While standing on the ground, quickly press circle. Dante opens fire with pistols on two opponents at once. The first pistol fires at the enemy it is aimed at. The second one needs to be aimed with the left joystick. Considering that you cannot move while performing the technique, the benefit of it is very doubtful. When the enemy is on the ground, run up close and press square. Dante will jump on his head, release the clip and finish with a kick. You can also do this: when the enemy falls, jump on it, press forward and press square. Dante will dashingly ride on his body while simultaneously shooting at the monsters. Looks damn tempting. Jump and circle. Dante will jump up and shoot at all the enemies below. While performing a move, press circle to continue shooting. Hold square. Dante will accumulate energy and fire a powerful shot. Quickly press square. Powerful and rapid-fire shots.

Shotgun The shotgun is useful at close ranges. But why shoot at close range when you can slash with a sword and get a much better result? The usefulness of this weapon is questionable. With Gunslinger style Quickly press circle. Dante will dash forward, back and to the sides. Perfect if you are surrounded by weak demons - you will kill most of the monsters. The same technique can be repeated in the air. Square. A quick shotgun blast. Hold square. Dante will accumulate energy and fire a powerful shot. . Dante will dash towards the enemy and shoot him in the chest. While performing the move, quickly press circle to fire the shotgun repeatedly.

Artemis Some kind of futuristic laser. Interesting feature: If you save energy, you can shoot at three targets. Use it if the enemy is far away and you are lazy to run towards him. Not suitable at medium distances - it takes a long time to recharge. With Gunslinger style Circle. Dante can fire a bolt of energy at one enemy. Works well against bosses and strong demons. Hold R1, forward and circle. Dante will fire at nearby enemies. If you press circle while performing a technique, the attack area will increase.

Spiral Sniper rifle, which cannot be fired in the air. If the enemy is far away, then yes - you can cover up the bullet, especially since the charge power allows it. With Gunslinger style Click circle. Dante will shoot the ceiling, causing damage to enemies. Hold R1, forward and circle. Dante takes careful aim, shoots the monster in a weak spot and deals a lot of damage. If you press circle while performing a technique, the bullet will ricochet off the floor and walls and, upon impact, will cause additional damage.

Kalina Ann Grenade launcher. It shoots close, takes a long time to aim, but covers a large area and deals a lot of damage. Should be used against a crowd of weak opponents - they will die out at once. True, that’s the only thing it’s good for. With Gunslinger style Circle. A bunch of missiles fly towards enemies, but cause little damage. There is practically no benefit. Hold R1, forward and circle. An attack that knocks the enemy down.


A Crazy Party As soon as Dante wanted to eat hot pizza, a horde of demons came and ruined everything. They ruined our dinner - we will ruin their lives! The first mission is the easiest. Chop monsters that jump out of portals and break furniture to collect red balls. When the last monster crumbles to dust, the mission will end.

The Blood Link You can go through the first mission again to accumulate red balls and buy a Stinger attack. Overall, an unremarkable level. There are a lot of monsters that are just asking to be tested with a couple of interesting combinations. The only thing to be wary of is kamikazes. Having noticed him, run away and fire at him with a pistol. Don't forget to pick up the first aid kit that lies near the door. You will need it soon, because you will finally have to fight the first boss. This is a fairly simple enemy, but loves to use spatial portals. Instant movement from one point to another is dangerous because you can miss a stab in the back. His favorite attacks after moving are a sharp lunge and a scythe strike, or two strikes at the same time. Therefore, when he disappears, immediately jump to the side and open fire with your pistols. Then run up and slash with your sword. Sometimes you can be in time and interrupt the attack with a counterattack, but it’s better not to risk it. When the boss puts a block, immediately run around him from the side and throw a series of blows. If things are really bad, use the first aid kit you found. Although this can be avoided...

Basic skill. Clicked Space- the character jumped. They squeezed - they jumped higher. Clicked Gap in the air- the character creates a hellish platform and jumps up from it. Used to overcome obstacles, evade enemy attacks, keep the character and his opponents in the air, and speed through levels.

Walking on heads

Acquired skill. Available for purchase immediately. Allows you to push off opponents (on the ground or in the air) and jump. Click on the enemy Space. Doubtful usefulness - unless it saves you from landing on the ground or allows you to gain altitude.


Basic skill. Please note - TWO keys are responsible for this action - R And Shift. Allows you to evade enemy attacks using dashes and rolls. You can dodge both on the ground and in the air.

  • roll back if player Just standing on the ground motionless or roll to the side in the direction of movement character
  • in the air the same way - somersault in the air in place or small somersault to the side
  • correction - dodging in demon mode in the air without choosing a direction Dante will fulfill jerk back

Demon Evage

Acquired skill. Available for purchase after purchasing the Arbiter axe. In demon mode (E key), dodge an enemy attack at the very last moment, and Dante will receive temporary bonus to attack power and style points(the character's hands will characteristically be shrouded in red haze). A very useful thing, especially if you fight with demonic weapons.

Has two levels of development. The second level extends the time of using the bonus.

Angel Evade

Acquired skill. Available for purchase after purchasing the Scythe of Osiris. In angel mode (Q key) perform a dodge twice - Dante teleports through Limbo , increases evasion range (if the character is moving) and for a short period of time does not take damage from attacks. Works effectively only on the ground. Important - if you use the technique on site, then you will perform a dodge and teleport to the starting position, which is very useful for going on a counterattack.

Has two levels of development. The second level increases teleportation range.

Demon Pull

in daemon mode attract enemies and elements of the environment right click.

  • Works in the air too
  • Tears off the shields of Pathos and Baphos, removes the protection of Death Knights and Hell Knights (when they are with shields), drops the standing Despot to the ground
  • Does not work with Butcher, Despot (head on and rage mode), Ravager (rage mode), Witch (while in shield), enemy in Witch's shield, Phantom Wraths and Ice Knights

Kick Off

Acquired skill. Unlocks after purchasing the Hellhook. After using Hellhook on a demon, wait for it to approach you and press E+RMB.

  • Kick in the air sends the enemy flying forward
  • A kick on the ground either stuns the enemy or knocks them down
  • If you guess as accurately as possible the moment the enemy approaches Dante, then UCHNNSR- the camera will get closer to Dante, the damage and style points for the move will increase ( 220 vs standard 180), plus enemy guaranteed will be knocked down

Angel Lift

Issued in the second mission. Allows in angel mode be attracted to enemies and elements of the environment right click.

  • Works in the air too
  • Does not work with Butcher, Despot (head on and in rage mode), Ravager (rage mode), Witch (while in shield), enemy in Witch's shield, Blood Wraths and Hell Knights


Acquired skill. After using Angel Whip on a demon, wait for Dante to get close to the target and press Q+RMB. The opponent will receive an uppercut and fly up. Useful for juggling or for gaining height.

Has two levels of development. The second level improves damage.

Angel Shift

Issued in mission 3. Allows Dante to fly long distances in the air. Very useful both in battle and for speeding through levels. In the air, press Q+Space.

  • Using the skill don't let go of Q, so that Dante slows down in flight and accelerates over a greater distance
  • Also increase the acceleration distance, starting the technique at the highest point of the jump
  • Acceleration possible and necessary combine with Hell Hook and Angel Whip


Acquired skill. Unlocked by purchasing the Hell Hook and Angel Whip. The principle of action is similar to an improved version of Walking on Heads, only much simpler and more elegant. Use on the enemy Whip or Hook, then without releasing the mode key angel/demon, click Space. Squeeze - and you will push upward from the enemy. Combine this move with the Hook and Whip to reach unprecedented heights.

Important - the move in the form of an angel has a faster animation.

Hell Face (Devil Trigger)

Dante in Hell's Face

Obtained in mission 9. By attacking enemies, you fill the Hell Face meter ( purple stripe under the white health bar). After the counter will fill to the minimum level, you can activate the skill, by pressing V.

    • Activating the skill dyes Dante's hair white, the environment becomes black and white,
    • All enemies are thrown into the air (even those who appear in the arena) and float there for the duration of activation, do not attack, their rage modes and Witch shields are broken, attacks are interrupted
    • Also allows use Hell's Thrust and Angel's Whip on ANY opponents, depending on their type and vulnerabilities, and ignores invulnerabilities to certain types of weapons ( For example, Phantom and Blood Wraths Can kill by Rebel)
    • After the end of Hell's Face or the early disabling of the skill, enemies fall to the ground
    • While AL Dante is active deals more damage, takes less damage from attacks, gains more style points, and also receives bonus points for air attacks and kills
    • Increase AL action time, purchasing Crosses AL and finding Fragments of the Cross AL
    • AL energy, in addition to attacks, is replenished purple spheres and AL stars

  • Dante's starting weapon
  • Optimal balance of speed and power, average increase in style points
  • The main types of melee attacks, but there are also long-range techniques and for getting closer to the enemy


Standard reception. A combo of four slashing strikes, dealing significant damage to a single target. Press LMB four times.

Has two levels of development. The second level improves damage.

Death Coil

Standard reception. An improved version of the Slayer for multiple targets - two slashes, a pause, a spinning sword swing around Dante, then two forward slashes, and at the end a powerful finishing blow that knocks back small enemies (if they survive). 2 times LMB + pause + 3 times LMB.

Has two levels of development. The second level improves damage.

High Time

Standard reception. Allows you to send small demons into the air. On the ground pressing F sends the target upward. Hold down the key- and Dante will rise up. This technique is convenient for starting air attacks.

Helm Breaker

Standard reception. In the air press F to drive the demon into the ground. It is useful to knock down attacks or the enemy himself.

Aerial Rave

Standard reception. Something like a Slasher in the air - four slashing blows to an air target, the last blow throws the enemy forward.

Has two levels of development. The second level improves damage.

Roulette Spin

Purchased reception. In the air, after two hits, pause and hit again (2 times LMB, pause, LMB). Dante, with a twisting movement of his sword, will lift the enemy and himself up, and the target at the end of the move will slightly exceed the character in height.

Has two levels of development. The second level improves the climb.


Acquired techniques. Moreover Overdrive requires Level 1 Drive.

Drive is a very useful long-range attack aimed at multiple targets standing in the same line. Hold and release LMB, so that Dante charges his sword and releases a wave of energy at his enemies, passes right through most enemies. You can attack right away, or wait charging Drive to full power- lasts a couple of seconds, plus there will be a sound and animation prompt. You can keep Drive for as long as you like, hurry up slowly.

Overdrive is an improved version of Drive, adding two shock waves to the reception. All you need is press LMB exactly after performing the Drive.

Both techniques have two levels of development. The second level improves damage.

Stinger/Trillion Stubs

Acquired techniques, and A trillion hits requires a Level 1 Sting.

Sting is an attack designed to get close to an opponent on the ground. Double-click on the movement key and LMB - Dante will make a sharp jerk and hit the enemy with a pointed piercing blow. In most cases the demon will be thrown forward.

Trillion Strikes is an improved version of the Sting. Perform Sting, but before Dante gets close to the enemy, Press LMB quickly and several times. The enemy will receive quick piercing blows, plus at the end he will grab the final piercing blow with knockback. It's especially great to use this technique to drive several enemies into the ground.

Both techniques have two levels of development. Second level of Sting increases distance overcome by Dante, second level of Trillion Strikes allows strike longer.

  • Given in mission 2
  • Slow but powerful strikes, above average style point gain
  • The techniques are aimed at close combat and, partly, at long range - infusing damage on large targets, knocking the enemy down, juggling
  • Good for repelling attacks and juggling enemies


Trinity Smash


Tide/Aerial Flush

A short overview of all the weapons available in the game.

Nero's Weapon

Red Queen

Once upon a time it was an ordinary sword of the Order. Until he fell into the hands of Nero. In order to make his weapon strong, Nero combined it with a gasoline engine and accelerator. Simply pressing the hilt of the sword delivers fuel to the tip and creates powerful explosive force. No one except Nero was able to use this invention, and the sword came into his full use. Thanks to a complex sword system called Supremacy, Nero can perform formidable moves and combos.

Blue Rose

Nero's revolver, again, modified by him personally. Nero added another barrel and now the revolver fires two bullets at once. Although it does little damage, the speed of the shots is quite high. If you load the weapon with the power of Nero's hand, you can fire a powerful shot with a rhinestone from two barrels. It should be noted that no one in the Order uses firearms, for only the sword, in their opinion, is capable of bringing retribution and justice.

Demon hand

I don’t know if you can call it a weapon, but it’s a cool thing. With its help, Nero can attract enemies to himself or be attracted to them himself. For each demon and each boss, Nero has a special hand trick. By the way, she appeared to him not so long ago before the events of the game began under mysterious circumstances.


A katana that once belonged to Virgil, Dante's brother. Falling into the hands of Nero, it awakens the demon in him. As a separate weapon, the katana is not available to the player, but when the Trigger is active, a spirit with a Yamato in its hands is visible behind Nero, repeating all of Nero’s movements. And right away interesting fact: Nero is left-handed and fights with his left hand, but the spirit behind him does a combo with his right hand.

Available after the 6th story mission.

Dante's Weapon


Dante's faithful companion, received from his father. When Dante was 19 years old, the demon in him was awakened with the help of this sword. A double-edged two-handed sword with a skull-shaped hilt. It is Dante's main weapon.

Ebony and Ivory

Pistols created specifically for Dante. Shots from them cause little damage, but have a very high rate of fire. Dante usually uses both pistols at the same time. Right hand Ivory rapid fire weapon. Left hand Ebony long-range weapon.


Powerful shotgun. Fires slowly, but does more damage. Dante enhanced it specifically to destroy demons. This sawn-off shotgun is only effective at close range. Does not require recharging.


An unusual demonic weapon, which is a metal that merges with the body, turning it into steel. Consists of a mask, gloves and leg armor. Accumulates energy for each blow, causing great damage. Has high speed, but a small radius of destruction.

Dante receives it after the fight with Echidna in the 13th mission.


Truly a weapon of misfortune. Capable of taking 666 forms, but only 7 of them can be used in the game, alas. Transforms into a crossbow, rocket launcher, laser launcher, machine gun, boomerang, rocket launcher and a box that emits light that dispels the darkness. To use Pandora to its full potential, you must allow her to accumulate power.

Name: Dante, Tony Redgrave, "Son of Sparda", "Legendary Dark Knight".

Origin: Devil May Cry

Gender: Male

Classification: Demon-human hybrid, demon hunter, mercenary, paranormal detective

Age: Unknown

Dante is half-demon, half-human, the son of Sparda and an earthly woman. Being a half-breed, Dante has the ability to be in both the normal world and the world of demons. He has developed muscles, long, silver-white hair with bangs, blue eyes, and usually wears a red leather cloak. Dante's arsenal includes firearms and bladed weapons, including two constant pistols “Ebony” and “Ivory”, which translated means “Ebony” and “Ivory” (in localization - “Dark” and “Light”), as well as the swords “Rebellion” (Russian: Rebel) and “Force Edge” (Russian: Edge of Strength). He has superhuman strength inherited from his father, which gives him the ability to temporarily turn into a demon. In this state, Dante possesses enormous strength, high speed and agility. Dante remains confident when facing any opponents, regardless of their size and strength, and often allows himself to taunt them before the fight begins.

Dante is very calm and serene all the time. He is in debt all the time and is unable to pay it off. His favorite foods are pizza and strawberry ice cream, but he doesn't like pizza with olives.

Dante has a twin brother - Virgil. Both brothers were raised by their mother named Eva, a common person. While Sparda was away, the family was attacked by demons of Mundus, during which Eve died. This event influenced Dante's choice of main occupation, who chose the path of a demon hunter. Later, Dante often clashed with his brother Virgil in fierce battles. The reason for this was Virgil’s choice of a different path in life - he wanted more power, seeking for this any knowledge about his father and his sword Edge of Power (Dante, unlike Virgil, was quite content with the fact that he was half-human, half-demo.

Skills, powers and abilities: Superhuman physical characteristics and senses, fencing, hand-to-hand combat, manipulation of pathos, trolling, agility, slashes, accuracy, shock waves, extrasensory perception (pseudo-precognition), aura (explosive), resistance (temperature, magic, spiritual, mental), magic, absorption, barriers, possible immortality (type 2, 4), regeneration (type 2, 3), shape changing, clones, explosion manipulation, time manipulation (slowing down, stopping time), manipulation of primitive animals ( the bats), fire manipulation, air manipulation, electricity manipulation, ice manipulation, light manipulation, dark manipulation, energy manipulation, energy attacks, homing attacks, flight, seals, teleportation, dimensional attacks, ignore intangibility (type 3), limited telekinesis

Weaknesses: He often behaves frivolously in battle; he has revealed his full potential for quite a long time, but there are no obvious weaknesses.

Stamina: Superhuman, supported by regeneration

Intelligence: Above average, excellent trolling skills, excellent actor

Combat skills: Very high; excellent fencing, shooting, close combat skills, vast experience in fighting various demons; single-handedly defeated many powerful enemies, including Argosax, and was also able to single-handedly confront Mundus.

Rebel is a demonic sword that is Dante's main weapon. The blade's power was initially limited and dormant, but through contact with Dante's blood, its true power was awakened.

Bone and Tree - two semi-automatic M1911 pistols, specially upgraded for two-handed fire, have a very high rate of fire. Dante's constant companions. In demon form, the speed and power of fire increases.

Demonic energy - Dante, being the son of one of the strongest demons in the DMC universe, Sparda, has huge reserves of demonic energy, which he can spend to use various abilities.

Demon Form - Dante transforms into a demon, releasing his powers. In this form, all characteristics are significantly increased; Dante also gets the opportunity to charge his firearms with demonic energy, significantly increasing its power; in the air, instead of pistols, he uses two miniguns, which are located inside his hands.

Sparda's Demonic Form is the form Dante takes on with Sparda's sword. In this form, all of Dante's physical characteristics are significantly enhanced, and he himself gains the ability to fly. Dante becomes strong enough to fight Mundus on equal terms.

Majin form is Dante's strongest and final form, in which his appearance greatly changes, gaining four wings. In this form, all of Dante's physical characteristics increase even higher, and he is also able to fly and attack enemies with two red swords. He can attack an enemy from a distance using energy blasts.

This is Dante's main weapon - a sword that personifies the demonic power of Dante himself, since it was with the help of the powerful energy of this sword that his demonic essence awakened in Dante (Devil Trigger, a reference to the game DMC 3). Ribellion is also a reminder of his father, Sparda once fought with him. This weapon is the basis of many of the abilities Dante possesses.

Ebony & Ivory (spoiler below)

This is also Dante’s main weapon for all times - two pistols specially created for Dante by the owner of the Izdeleya .45 caliber gun salon Nell Goldstein (a reference to the official DMC novel), which have a high rate of fire. They are comfortable to hold with two hands and aim at targets at a distance. Right hand - Ivory - rapid-fire weapon. Left hand - Ebony - long-range

Coyote-A (spoiler below)

Dante will also have a shotgun at his disposal; it is stronger than Ebony & Ivory and also does not require reloading, but it fires much slower. Adapted for fighting demons.

Gilgamesh (Gilgamesh Impact Steel) (spoiler below)

Gilgamesh is one of the new weapons that Dante will receive after defeating the boss of the Echidna level [end of mission 13]. It is a metal from the demon world that can merge with a living being, turning part of its body into steel.
It consists of a set of armor: a face mask; metal gloves (up to the elbow); armor on legs.
It has enormous striking force, the power of which increases as energy accumulates. Acts similarly to Beowulf and Ifrit weapons (a reference to the games DMC 1 and DMC 3) in close combat, but the destructive power is truly “shock”.

Pandora (Weapon of Misfortune Pandora)
(spoiler below)

Receives after defeating the boss of the Dagon level [end of mission 15] Weapon of the demon world, capable of receiving various shapes. Pandora's power is enormous; she can destroy all enemies around in an instant. Modified into a machine gun; bazooka; steel boomerang blades; a rocket launcher - basically an entire army arsenal in one suitcase, capable of destroying a small city in a couple of minutes. And these are just the obvious techniques, for Pandora to show her true power, you need to give her this power

Lucifer (Inexhaustible Sword Lucifer) (spoiler below)

Another new weapon that Dante will receive after the fight with the boss of the Berial level [end of mission 16]. A device from the demon world that can endlessly produce exploding energy swords that can stick into enemies or hover in the air, serving as an inexhaustible strategic weapon. The damage radius is long. It is a metal skull with sharp steel wings on the sides like gargoyles.

Dante in Devil Trigger (spoiler below)
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