Who is the author of the fairy tale, The Wizard of the Emerald City? Emerald City -=Books=. In the book "Yellow Fog"

And some other heroes. In Baum's books, the scarecrow does not have its own name. As Volkov wrote his own continuations of the fairy-tale series, his Scarecrow became less and less similar to his American prototype.

Character history

In the book "The Wizard of the Emerald City"

Straw Scarecrow Scarecrow- the first of three creatures that the girl Ellie met, according to Villina’s prediction, on her way to the Emerald City. He “worked” as the Scarecrow for only a couple of days, but during this short period of time he managed to understand that his main difference from a normal person was his lack of brains. This idea was prompted by the crow Kaggi-Karr, after which the Scarecrow began to dream about how to acquire brains. Therefore, when Ellie took him down from the pole, he happily went with her and Toto to the Emerald City to the wizard Goodwin. The Scarecrow hoped that it would not be difficult for Goodwin to fulfill his cherished wish. Soon the Tin Woodman and the Cowardly Lion joined the company, each of whom also had their own dream.

Along the way, the friends experienced many dangerous adventures. And although at that time the Scarecrow did not yet have a brain, he constantly gave valuable ideas and performed courageous actions: he threw himself at the feet of the Ogre; suggested crossing the abyss on a felled tree, and crossing the Big River on a raft; saved his friends from the Saber-Toothed Tigers with his advice; gave an idea on how to take the Lion out of the poppy field, etc. When Goodwin refused to fulfill the wishes of the petitioners for nothing and sent them to fight against the evil Bastinda, the Scarecrow performed several more feats: remembering the scarecrow’s skills, he dealt with Bastinda’s forty ravens, and then protected him with his straw for Ellie, Lev and Toto from the stings of black bees.

The road to Stella was also not easy. The Scarecrow was seriously injured during a flood in Big River. But his friends did not leave him in trouble and, in the end, the journey ended happily. Stella managed to send Ellie home, and the Scarecrow, Woodcutter and Lion, who became rulers during their travels different parts Magic Land, the Flying Monkeys delivered everyone to their subjects.

In the book "Oorfene Deuce and his wooden soldiers"

The Scarecrow ruled the Emerald City wisely and fairly. But he did not have the same reputation as Goodwin, whom everyone feared. No one was afraid of the Scarecrow, and therefore, soon after he came to power, a wooden army marched towards the Emerald City under the command of the envious carpenter Oorfene Deuce. The power-hungry Deuce, into whose hands the magic life-giving powder accidentally fell, had by that time managed to plan several dozen wooden soldiers, revive them and capture the Blue Country with this army. Deuce's appetites did not stop there, and now his army besieged the Emerald City.

The Scarecrow personally led the defense of the city and even himself was on duty at night on the city wall, helping the defenders repel the attacks of wooden soldiers. However, among the townspeople there was a traitor - a petty courtier named Ruf Bilan, who himself aimed to be Goodwin's heir. Bilan opened the gates to Urfin's soldiers, the Scarecrow was tied up and arrested, the city fell. And soon the Woodcutter, who was rushing to the rescue of the Scarecrow and fell into a trap, was also captured.

The Scarecrow and the Woodcutter flatly refused to cooperate with the conqueror and Deuce imprisoned them at the top high tower, with the condition that if they do not submit to his will within six months, death awaits them both. However, the Scarecrow did not sit idle. He came up with the idea of ​​writing a letter to Ellie asking for help. The letter was delivered by the faithful friend of the Scarecrow and the Woodcutter, the crow Kaggi-Karr.

Having received the letter, Ellie begged her parents to let her go to the Magic Land again, this time under the supervision of her uncle, the experienced sailor Charlie Black. Ellie, Black, Totoshka and Kaggy-Karr, having overcome many dangers, managed to reach the goal and freed the Scarecrow and the Woodcutter. By that time, the Scarecrow’s health had seriously deteriorated, since for the fiery speeches he had announced from the top of the tower, Oorfene Deuce ordered him to be put in a damp and dank punishment cell. However, once free among good and caring friends, the Scarecrow quickly recovered.

The freed captives successfully escaped pursuit and moved to the Violet Country, where they managed to overthrow the cruel governor Enkin Fled. The general battle that took place soon with the main forces of Oorfene Deuce decided the outcome of the war: Deuce's power fell, and the Scarecrow was restored to the position of Ruler of the Emerald City. Then the straw thinker figured out how to re-educate the blockheads: the city craftsmen cut out smiling faces for them instead of evil faces, and the blockheads turned into peaceful garden workers. For this truly ingenious decision, the enthusiastic townspeople awarded the Scarecrow the title of Thrice-Wise.

After the magnificent celebrations, Ellie, Charlie Black and Totoshka left for their homeland, and the Scarecrow began to establish a peaceful life in the Magic Land. On his orders, the blockheads exterminated almost the entire population of bloodthirsty saber-toothed tigers, making it safe to travel through the forest along a road paved with yellow bricks.

In the book "Seven Underground Kings"

A few months later, the Scarecrow received the stunning news that Ellie, along with her second cousin Fred, was languishing in captivity among underground miners living in a huge Cave right under Fairyland. The children were brought to the miners by chance - they were inspecting a cave in their homeland, but a collapse cut off their way back, and after long wanderings among the underground labyrinths they found themselves in the miners' possessions. There they were detained by seven local kings, in the hope that Ellie would be able to return the lost Sleeping Water, vital for the existence of the entire Underworld. Source wonderful water shortly before this, the traitor Ruf Bilan, who fled to the dungeon after the overthrow of Urfin, was destroyed; and he inspired the kings with the idea that Ellie was a fairy capable of returning the Sleeping Water through witchcraft. The news of these events was brought to the Scarecrow and his friends by Totoshka, who managed to escape from captivity.

Filled with anxiety for the fate of Ellie, the Scarecrow threatened the underground kings with war (in which he was warmly supported by the Woodcutter and the Lion). However, Ellie, through the mediation of the fleeing Fred, managed to dissuade the Scarecrow from his dangerous decision, and the mechanic Lestar figured out how to settle the matter peacefully. A delegation from the upper world, led by the Scarecrow, descended with the consent of the seven kings to the Underground Country and organized work to restore the destroyed source, in exchange for the success of which Ellie was promised freedom.

While repair work was going on and the kings were plotting to seize sole power, the Scarecrow came up with another revolutionary idea: he suggested that the Keeper of Time Ruggiero put all the underground kings to sleep at once, and along with them other parasites, and then convince them that they had lived honestly all their lives. labor . The plan worked brilliantly. The thousand-year-old royal power in the Cave fell without a single shot, the former parasites turned into kind, hardworking people, and the people of miners breathed freely. Soon the miners generally began to move up to the empty lands adjacent to the country of the Munchkins.

Also, the Scarecrow, to whom the climate of the Cave was harmful, left the gloomy dungeon along with the rescued Ellie and with his other friends.

In the book "The Fire God of the Marrans"

When Ellie, Fred and Toto went to Kansas on the dragon Oyhho, the Scarecrow, in order to overshadow the bitterness of separation with something, conceived a new large-scale undertaking: he decided to turn the Emerald City into an island. According to the drawings drawn up by the Ruler, the blockhead workers dug a huge pit around the city and poured water into it from the Affira River. The pit turned into a canal where boats could float and children could swim; but the main importance of the canal was to increase the defenses of the Emerald City in case a new enemy arrived.

A few years later, life proved the Scarecrow right: Oorfene Deuce again moved towards the city, who managed to stand at the head of the backward but warlike people of the Marrans. Unfortunately, even the canal could not save the city from capture, although it delayed the attackers for a long time. The Scarecrow and the Woodcutter were again captured by Deuce, and again refused his proposed cooperation with the dictator. They were not even seduced by Deuce’s offer to give them freedom and appoint them governors over their countries under his supreme dominion. The refusal of the Scarecrow and the Woodcutter, as last time, was categorical. The angry Oorfene Deuce wanted to destroy the rebellious captives, but this time he was restrained by another circumstance: he wanted to find out from the Scarecrow the secret of a magic box, with the help of which the usurper could restore shaken discipline in his army. This box (more precisely, a magic TV) was given to the Scarecrow by Stella several years before Deuce’s secondary rise. At that time, work on the canal was completed and the Scarecrow was again exhausted from boredom and idleness; Stella's gift, which allowed him to see at any moment what this or that person was doing in the Magic Land, no matter how far he was, entertained the Scarecrow for a while, but about the promise to keep an eye on Deuce, who in those years did not pose any danger , The Scarecrow quickly forgot. Now Oorfene has seized power and the life of the Scarecrow and the Woodcutter turned out to be directly connected with the secret of the magic box.

It is unknown how this confrontation would have ended if guests from Kansas had not come to the Magic Land again - now it was no longer Ellie, but someone who was exactly like her younger sister, Annie, with her friend Tim and dog Artoshka. The children took an active part in the fate of the Scarecrow, the Woodcutter and other prisoners. They obtained Sleeping Water, drugged the guards guarding the prisoners, and took them to freedom. Again, like ten years before, their path lay in the Violet Country. And again Urfene sent his army against them, this time consisting of the Marrans, in order to rectify the situation with one blow. But times have changed and it didn’t come to a battle: on the approaches to the Violet Country, the Marrans discovered that Deuce had deceived them in the most cynical way, and the power of Urfene came to an end, now irrevocable.

In the book "Yellow Fog"

However, although the Magic Land was to experience two more in the coming years armed conflict, already after the war with the Marrans it became noticeable that the individual role of the Scarecrow in the events taking place gradually decreased. The course of events no longer depended so much on his decisions, and the defense of the Magic Land from enemies began to be carried out more and more successfully together, through the joint efforts of many characters.

Nevertheless, when a year later the giant sorceress Arachne awakened from a centuries-old sleep, the Scarecrow remained at the “battle post”. He again led the defense of the Emerald City, as a result of which the sorceress, who was trying to swim across the canal at night and make her way into the city, was bombarded with cobblestones; Arachne almost drowned and was forced to flee.

The evil fairy did not calm down and sent a poisonous Yellow Fog to the Magic Land, which prevented people from breathing, seeing and talking. Moreover, the Fog did not transmit the sun's rays well, and because of this, in the Magic Land, for the first time since its creation, autumn and then winter came. Residents of the country were threatened with mass starvation and death from frost. In these conditions, unprecedented for a magical land, the Scarecrow led the further struggle against Arachne and took all possible measures to limit the harmful effects of the Yellow Fog. The Sage of Straw came up with a way to provide protective filters for animals and birds, and organized mass medical care for the population. But this was clearly not enough to defeat Arachne, and then the Scarecrow decided to send a messenger to Kansas for help.

Annie, Tim and Charlie Black, who arrived at his call, energetically joined in the common struggle. Under the leadership of Charlie Black, the iron self-propelled giant Tilly-Willy was created, intended to destroy Arachne, and a mobile fortress-wagon was equipped. The Scarecrow became one of the crew members of this fortress, which, together with Tilly-Willy and a detachment of blockheads, advanced to Arachne’s shelter. The path was full of dangers, but the Scarecrow and his friends won: Arachne found her death among the rocks, and the Yellow Fog disappeared from the Magic Land forever. The tribe of gnomes, previously subordinate to Arachne, swore allegiance to the Scarecrow, promising him as a “tribute” to keep a chronicle of the Magic Land.

In the book "The Mystery of the Abandoned Castle"

Two years later, the Scarecrow again had to deal with defense issues, now against Aliens from the distant planet Rameria, who flew to Earth with the goal of annexing it to their possessions. In this war, mainly positional, the Scarecrow coordinated the actions of the “scouts” - Mentaho, Castallo and the Arzak Ilsor, who went over to their side. In addition, at the request of the Scarecrow, Annie, Tim and Fred, who became an engineer, flew in from Kansas. Fred armed the residents of the Emerald City with real guns, which, fortunately, were not needed. The Scarecrow also came up with the idea of ​​protecting the blockheads with mirror shields so that the Aliens' ray guns could not harm them. The blockheads' raid on the enemy camp ended in complete success. Before the raid on the Emerald City of the Ramerian helicopter squadron, the Scarecrow competently built a defense, providing an air barrier and reserve detachments of the city’s defenders, but the squadron did not reach the target: on the approaches to the city it was attacked and scattered by the giant eagles of Carfax. When they managed to bring pipes with Soporific water to the alien camp, the Scarecrow personally, riding on Oikhho, brought the news to his friends that “the mice had fallen asleep” (that is, the Soporific water had been delivered and there was no need to blow up the Rameria starship with Fred’s mine).

In addition to conducting military operations, the Scarecrow did a lot to improve the life of the Magic Land. In particular, by his order, lanterns were installed along the entire road, paved with yellow brick; through Big river bridged; and a library appeared in the Emerald City.

Borrowing an image from other authors

He is a character in Leonid Vladimirsky’s fairy tale “Pinocchio in the Emerald City”.


By character, the Scarecrow is smart, charming, resourceful, and at first a little shy. He is good-natured, loves to show off, but also rejoices like a child and sings songs if there are no subjects nearby. He read many books from the library of the Emerald City and likes to insert “smart” and long words into his speech from time to time, flaunting “encyclopedic knowledge”; usually pronounces such words syllable by syllable. Touchy, but easy-going. Sometimes he is careless and intemperate with his tongue: in the second book he blurted out to his enemies that Ellie was already in the Magic Land, which is why he ended up in a punishment cell and made it difficult for his friends to fight Oorfene Deuce.

Volkov himself admitted that the Scarecrow is his favorite hero.

Individual characteristics

  • Does not require food or water.
  • Doesn't need sleep.
  • Not subject to fatigue and pain.
  • Able to see in the dark as well as during the day.
  • Loses the ability to see, hear and speak if his eyes, ears and mouth are washed away by dampness or water. However, it can easily restore lost abilities; all you need to do is paint your face with fresh paint.
  • He also easily returns to life, even if his “body” was torn into pieces (as was the case in the fight with the Flying Monkeys) - you just need to put all the parts back together and stuff them again with straw.

  • We will search among the fandom characters

Character Groups

Total characters - 123

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Giantess girl from the Ouid tribe

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The second maid of honor of the sorceress Stella stole the Golden Cap and, with the help of the Flying Monkeys, seized power in the Pink Country. Was expelled, later came to power in the Blue Country by deception, but was also expelled

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The main positive male character in the books of Sergei Sukhinov. White knight. Born in the Country of Underground Miners, after his father was arrested by order of King Tognar, he fled to the Yellow Country and was raised in the palace of the sorceress Villina. He found the legendary sword of the sorcerer Thorn, took part in a campaign in the Underground Country, and conducted reconnaissance, during which he learned the secret of the Gates of Darkness. Married Ellie Smith

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Kansas farmwoman, mother of Ellie and Annie Smith, wife of John Smith, sister of Charlie Black, grandmother of Chris Tull and/or Annushka (Annie) and Tom (boy)

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Daughter of Alarm and Ellie Smith, sister of Tom (boy)

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Evil sorceress-giantess, daughter of Karena. She appeared in the Magic Land in ancient times and was put to sleep by Gurricap for 5 thousand years. After awakening, she tried to conquer the Magic Land by releasing the Yellow Fog on it.

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Blacksmith-Migun, member of the Dark Squad. Built the Iron Castle and the first car in the Magic Land

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Chronicler from the Land of Underground Miners

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The dog, Annie Smith's companion on her travels, Toto's grandson

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Sabertooth Tiger, defeated by cave lion Grau and disappeared into the Land of the Weeds

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General of the Ramerian army, red-bearded Menvit. He led the expedition of the starship "Diavona" to conquer the Earth. The owner of Ilsor. Was put to sleep by the Arzaks and the inhabitants of the Magic Land

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Prince of the World of Clouds, Irinia's fiancé. He opposed the Lord of Darkness Pakir and was cast down with his people underground, where he became the King of the Darkness. His ghost lived in the ruins of a castle on the shores of the Underground Sea

0 1 1

Cook at the Emerald Palace

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One of the Seven Underground Kings, orange

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Evil sorceress, ruler of the Violet Country, sister of Gingema, mistress of the Golden Cap. Died at the hands of Ellie Smith as a result of being doused with water.

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The Guardian of Time, who proposed putting non-reigning kings to sleep for six months

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Marran, colonel in the army of Oorfene Deuce, then one of the elders of the tribe

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One of two miner doctors

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A prince who rebelled against his father and was banished to the Cave along with his supporters. First ruler of the Underground Miners, ancestor of all Underground Kings

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Leader of the Black Dragons. Captured in the Forest of Ghosts, freed by Korina, helped her come to power in the Emerald City

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Descendant of basilisks. It looks like a sea stingray with a long tail, decorated with a bony crest, covered with blue scales, and fringed along the edges of the wings. The head is bar-shaped, the eyes are located below. One is ordinary, the other is magical, paralyzing people with indescribable horror for a day or two. A gloomy and unsociable beast. He is only friends with a ghost named Mom and Parzelius. Feeds on butterflies. He was with Parcelius until he went into the caves to look for the Black Flame. Then he joined the Fairytale People.

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Bride of the Tin Woodman, mother of Princess Langa. For many years she lived in the village of Sosenki, cut off from the rest of the world by the Forest of Ghosts and the Endless Wall.

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Good sorceress, ruler of the Yellow Country. Capable of instantly moving from one place to another, she possesses a book that shrinks and grows at her will. I met Ellie and Annie Smith when they first arrived in the Magic Land, they were both sent to walk along the road paved with yellow bricks. According to Sukhinova's books - Guardian of the Edge of the Thorn, Eskimo by birth

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A girl from the planet Irena, who came to Earth and the Land of Elms through a synchrotunnel

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One of two mechanical mules created by Fred Canning

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Leader of the Menvits, ruler of the planet Rameria. Sent the starship "Diavon" to Earth with the aim of conquering

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A dog from a neighboring farm with whom Totoshka was at enmity

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The heroine of the magazine version of “The Secret of the Abandoned Castle” by Alexandra Volkova. Arzachka, nurse from the starship Diavona

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Evil sorceress, ruler of the Blue Country. Caused hurricanes, died crushed by the Smiths' caravan. According to the books, Sukhinova adopted and trained Korina, who was lost in the forest.

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Water serpent from the Land of Weed, guardian of the Dark River

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Cave lion from the planet Rameria. Moved to the Magic Land, where he became the assistant of the Brave Lion

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One of the eagle owls of Gingema, who became an adviser and companion to Oorfene Deuce

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According to Sukhinov's books, this was the name of the Tin Woodman when he was still a man

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An illusionist from Kansas who arrived in Magic Land in a hot air balloon. Founder and first ruler of the Emerald City. For many years he successfully convinced everyone that he was the Great and Terrible Wizard. Exposed by Ellie and her friends, returned to Kansas, leaving Scarecrow as his successor

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A giant wizard who created the Magic Land according to the books of Volkov and Kuznetsov and put Arachne to sleep. According to Kuznetsov, originally from Rameria

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Mayor of the city of Stellaria, the capital of the Pink Country. One of the leaders of the uprising against the self-proclaimed Queen Agnet

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A boy from a neighboring farm who tried to hit Kaggi-Karr with a stone. According to Kuznetsov, he became the husband of Ellie Smith and the father of Chris Tull

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Kansas farmer, father of Ellie and Annie Smith, husband of Anna Smith, grandfather of Chris Tull and/or Annushka (Annie) and Tom (boy)

2 5 0

The Longbeard Soldier from the Emerald City was the only man in Goodwin's army. One of the closest friends and associates of the Scarecrow the Wise, was appointed field marshal, participant in the wars with Oorfene Deuce, Arachne, and the Menvits

0 5 1

Ugly orphan boy from Big World, crippled since birth. Wanting to gain beauty and health, he came to the Magic Land with Ellie Smith. He got what he wanted from Corina by betraying Ellie, but then, tormented by remorse, he saved her. Became the Black Knight of the Lord of Darkness Pakir, assembled and led the Dark Squad. After losing the fight for the sword, Torna languished in prison, from where he was released by Princess Langa.

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The Iron Giant, guardian of the Gate of Darkness, lost his memory and shrunk by Korina

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Giant, ruler of the Fairy Folk

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Munchkin, a woodcutter who gradually became ordinary person iron due to the evil magic of Gingema, provoked by his fiancee's aunt. After that, having lost his heart, he returned his word to his bride and began to live alone in the forest until he was caught in the rain and rusted. Saved by Ellie, Toto and Scarecrow. The woodcutter told them about his dream of having a heart again and joined their company. The Flying Monkeys defeated the Tin Woodman, throwing him into the gorge onto sharp rocks. After the death of Bastinda, he was restored by Migunami and called upon to rule the Violet Country. Having received the heart from Goodwin and escorted Ellie to Stella, he returned to the Violet Country and truly became the ruler of the Miguns

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The Crow who advised the Scarecrow to get a brain. She came to the Scarecrow’s court in the Emerald City as his “oldest friend,” “educator and mentor,” and remained there. Created a bird relay race, becoming General Director Fairyland connections. I took a letter to Ellie to Kansas asking for help. Acted as Ruler of the Emerald Isle while the Scarecrow was in captivity

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Giant sorceress, mother of Arachne. Enslaved the Taurek tribe, also known as the Dwarf Chroniclers. Was robbed and left to fend for herself by her own daughter

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Giant eagle. He was persecuted by the leader of his tribe, Arrajes, who tried to usurp Carfax's turn to produce an heir. He organized a conspiracy against Arrajes, which, due to betrayal, was discovered. Saved by Oorfene Deuce. In gratitude, Carfax served Urfin, creating the image of the Fire God until he saw through his deception. He retired to the mountains, where he became the leader of the eagle tribe. Participated in the fight against Arachne. Has a son, Goriek

The book The Wizard of the Emerald City by Alexander Volkov has a very interesting story. One day an unusual letter arrived at one of the Moscow publishing houses. The author of the letter asked to republish a book that he could not find in any library and even offered to send this book as a sample if the editorial office did not have one. He intended to copy the sample by hand, since the copy he had was so dilapidated that it would not be suitable for editing. We were talking about the book The Wizard of the Emerald City by Alexander Volkov.

We read the book The Wizard of the Emerald City as children, and now our children and grandchildren read it. Probably many people remember the author of the book. This is the writer Alexander Melentyevich Volkov.

A few words about the writer Alexander Volkov

The writer Alexander Volkov was born at the end of the century before last. All his life he strived to gain new knowledge. He graduated from a university and two institutes, knew several foreign languages, including Old Church Slavonic and Latin. He taught physics, mathematics, natural science, geography and history. The range of subjects taught speaks volumes about the breadth of knowledge of this person. Alexander Volkov taught new languages ​​in his own way - he took a book and translated it into Russian.

Book The Wizard of the Emerald City

One day Volkov came across a fairy tale by the American writer Baum, published in English language. It was the story of the wise man from Oz. Born in the process of translation A new book about a wizard from the Emerald City.

All this happened before the Great Patriotic War. The book was published from a distance, it was quickly sold out, and then they forgot about it, new ones appeared interesting books. And then came the letter mentioned above. The reader's request was fulfilled by the publisher. The book about the wizard of the Emerald City was published, and after it six sequels were published, written by the author no longer as a translation, but as completely independent works.

According to the writer Alexander Volkov himself, the main goal of his books is to show that there is nothing better and more valuable in the world than friendship and mutual assistance.

If you have not yet read the book The Wizard of the Emerald City by Alexander Volkov, we recommend that you definitely do so, you will enjoy it greatly.

Ellie had been walking for several hours and was tired. She sat down to rest by a blue hedge, beyond which lay a field of ripe wheat.

There was a long pole near the fence, with a straw effigy sticking out on it to drive away the birds. The head of the stuffed animal was made of a bag filled with straw, with eyes and a mouth painted on it, so that it looked like a funny human face. The scarecrow was dressed in a worn blue caftan; Here and there straw stuck out from the holes in the caftan. On his head was an old, shabby hat, from which the bells had been cut off, and on his feet were old blue boots, such as men wore in this country.

The scarecrow had a funny and at the same time good-natured appearance.

Ellie carefully examined the funny painted face of the stuffed animal and was surprised to see that it suddenly winked at her with its right eye. She decided that she had imagined it: after all, scarecrows never blink in Kansas. But the figure nodded its head with the most friendly look.

Ellie was frightened, and the brave Toto, barking, attacked the fence, behind which there was a pole with a scarecrow.

Good night! - the scarecrow said in a slightly hoarse voice.

You can speak? - Ellie was surprised.

“Not very good,” the scarecrow admitted. - I still confuse some words, because they did this to me recently. How are you?

OK, thank you! Tell me, do you have a cherished desire?

I have? Oh, I have a whole bunch of desires! - And the scarecrow began to list quickly: - Firstly, I need silver bells for my hat, secondly, I need new boots, thirdly...

Oh, enough, enough! - Ellie interrupted. -Which of them is the most cherished?

The best? - The scarecrow thought. - To impale me!

“You’re already sitting on a stake,” Ellie laughed.

“But indeed,” the scarecrow agreed. - You see what a traveler I am... that is, no, a confusion. So, I need to be removed. It’s very boring to hang around here day and night and scare the nasty crows, who, by the way, are not afraid of me at all.

Ellie tilted the stake and, grabbing the scarecrow with both hands, pulled it off.

“Extremely conscious... that is, grateful,” the scarecrow panted, finding himself on the ground. - I feel like a new person. If only I could get silver bells for my hat and new boots!

The scarecrow carefully straightened his caftan, shook off the straws and, shuffling his foot on the ground, introduced himself to the girl:


What are you saying? - Ellie didn’t understand.

I say: Scarecrow. That's what they called me: after all, I have to scare the crows. And what is your name?

Beautiful name! - said the Scarecrow.

Ellie looked at him in surprise. She could not understand how a scarecrow stuffed with straw and with a painted face could walk and talk.

But then Totoshka became indignant and exclaimed indignantly:

Why don't you say hello to me?

“Oh, it’s my fault, it’s my fault,” the Scarecrow apologized and firmly shook the dog’s paw. - I have the honor to introduce myself: Scarecrow!

Very nice! And I'm Toto! But close friends are allowed to call me Toto!

Ah, Scarecrow, how glad I am that I fulfilled your most cherished wish! - Ellie said.

Sorry, Ellie,” the Scarecrow shuffled his foot again, “but it turns out I was mistaken.” My most cherished desire is to get brains!

Well, yes, brains. Very good... sorry, it’s unpleasant when your head is stuffed with straw...

Aren't you ashamed to lie? - Ellie asked reproachfully.

What does it mean to deceive? I was only made yesterday, and I don’t know anything...

How did you know that you have straw in your head, but people have brains?

One crow told me this when I was quarreling with her. It was like this, you see, Ellie. This morning a large, disheveled crow flew near me and not so much pecked at the wheat as knocked the grains out of it onto the ground. Then she cheekily sat on my shoulder and pecked me on the cheek. “Kaggi-karr! - the crow shouted mockingly. - What a scarecrow! He's no use at all! What kind of weird farmer thought that we crows would be afraid of him?

You understand, Ellie, I laughed terribly... that is, I got angry, and tried my best to speak. And what was my joy when I succeeded. But, of course, it didn’t work out very well for me at first.

“Psh... psh... go away, you disgusting one! - I shouted. - Ns... ns... Don't you dare peck at me! I’m prt... shrt... I’m scary!” I even managed to deftly throw the crow off my shoulder by grabbing its wing with my hand.

The crow, however, was not at all embarrassed and began brazenly pecking at the ears of corn right in front of me.

“Eka, surprised! - she said. “I don’t know for sure that in Goodwin’s country even a scarecrow can speak if he really wants to!” But I’m still not afraid of you! You won’t get off the pole!”

“Psh... psh... Psh! Oh, unfortunate me, - I almost burst out laughing... forgive me, I started sobbing. - Really, where am I good for? I can’t even protect a field from crows! And all the time I say the wrong words.”

For all its impudence, that crow was, apparently, a kind bird,” continued the Scarecrow. - She felt sorry for me.

“Don’t be so sad! - she told me hoarsely. - If you had brains in your head, you would be like all other people! Brains are the only worthwhile thing for a crow... And for a person!”

That's how I learned that people have brains, but I don't. I sadly... that is, cheerfully, shouted: “Hey-hey-hey-go! Long live the brains! I’ll definitely get them for myself!..” But the crow is a very capricious bird, and it immediately cooled my joy.

“Kaggi carr!...” she laughed. - If there are no brains, it won’t happen! Karr karr!..” “And she flew away, and soon you and Toto came,” the Scarecrow finished his story. - Now, Ellie, tell me: can you give me brains?

No, what are you talking about! Only Goodwin in the Emerald City can do this. I’m just going to him to ask him to return me to Kansas, to my dad and mom.

Where is the Emerald City, and who is Goodwin?

Do not you know?

No,” answered the Scarecrow sadly. - I do not know anything. You see, I'm stuffed with straw, and I have no brains at all.

Oh, how I feel sorry for you! - the girl sighed.

Thank you! And if I go with you to the Emerald City, will Goodwin definitely give me brains?

Don't know. But even if the great Goodwin doesn’t give you brains, it won’t be any worse than now.

“That’s right,” said the Scarecrow. “You see,” he continued trustingly, “I cannot be hurt, since I am stuffed with straw.” You can poke a needle right through me and it won't hurt me. But I don’t want people to call me stupid, and without brains, can you learn anything?

Poor! - Ellie said. - Go with us! I'll ask Goodwin to help you.

Hello! Oh thank you! - The Scarecrow corrected himself and bowed again.

Really, for a scarecrow who had lived only one day in the world, he was surprisingly polite.

The girl helped the Scarecrow take the first two steps, and together they walked to the Emerald City along the road paved with yellow bricks.

At first Totoshka did not like his new companion. He ran around the stuffed animal and sniffed it, believing that there was a mouse nest in the straw inside the caftan.

He barked unfriendly at the Scarecrow and pretended to want to bite him.

“Don’t be afraid of Toto,” said Ellie. - He won't bite.

Yes, I'm not afraid! Is it possible to bite straw? Let me carry your basket. It’s not difficult for me - I can’t get tired. “I’ll tell you a secret,” he whispered in the girl’s ear in his hoarse voice, “there is only one thing in the world that I am afraid of.”

ABOUT! - Ellie exclaimed. - What is it? Mouse?

No! Burning match!

After a few hours the road became rough; The Scarecrow often stumbled. There were holes. Toto jumped over them, and Ellie walked around. But the Scarecrow walked straight, fell and stretched out to his full length. He didn't hurt himself. Ellie took him by the hand, lifted him, and the Scarecrow walked on, laughing at his awkwardness.

Then Ellie picked up a thick branch from the edge of the road and offered it to the Scarecrow instead of a cane. Then things went better, and the Scarecrow's gait became firmer.

Houses came across less and less, fruit trees completely disappeared. The country became deserted and gloomy.

The travelers sat down by the stream. Ellie took out some bread and offered a piece to the Scarecrow, but he politely declined.

I'm never hungry. And this is very convenient for me.

Ellie did not insist and gave the piece to Toto; the dog greedily swallowed it and stood on its hind legs, asking for more.

Tell me about yourself, Ellie, about your country,” the Scarecrow asked.

Ellie talked for a long time about the wide Kansas steppe, where in the summer everything is so gray and dusty and everything is completely different from this amazing country of Goodwin. oskazkah.ru - website

The Scarecrow listened attentively.

I don't understand why you want to go back to your dry and dusty Kansas.

“The reason you don’t understand is that you have no brains,” the girl answered hotly. - Home is always better!

The Scarecrow smiled slyly.

The straw with which I am stuffed grew in the field, the caftan was made by a tailor, and the boots were made by a shoemaker. Where is my home? In the field, at the tailor's or at the shoemaker's?

Ellie was confused and didn’t know what to answer.

They sat in silence for several minutes.

Maybe now you can tell me something? - asked the girl.

The Scarecrow looked at her reproachfully.

My life is so short that I don't know anything. After all, I was only made yesterday, and I have no idea what happened before in the world. Fortunately, when the owner made me, he first of all drew my ears, and I could hear what was going on around me. Another Munchkin was visiting the owner, and the first thing I heard was his words: “But those ears are big!”

"Nothing! Just right!" - the owner answered and drew my right eye.

And I began to look with curiosity at everything that was happening around me, because - you understand - this was the first time I looked at the world.

“A suitable peephole! - said the guest. “I didn’t regret the blue paint!”

“I think the other one came out a little bigger,” said the owner, having finished drawing my second eye.

Then he made me a nose out of a patch and drew a mouth, but I still couldn’t speak because I didn’t know why I had a mouth. The owner put on me his old suit and hat, from which the children cut the bells. I was terribly proud. I felt like I looked like a real person.

“This guy will be wonderful at scaring crows,” said the farmer.

"You know? Call him Scarecrow! - the guest advised, and the owner agreed.

The farmer's children shouted cheerfully: “Scarecrow! Scarecrow! Scare the crows!

They carried me to the field, pierced me with a pole and left me alone. It was boring hanging there, but I couldn’t get down. Yesterday the birds were still afraid of me, but today they are already used to it. Here I met a kind crow who told me about brains. It would be nice if Goodwin gave them to me...

“I think he’ll help you,” Ellie encouraged him.

Yes Yes! It's uncomfortable to feel like a fool when even the crows laugh at you.

Let's go! - Ellie said, stood up and handed the Scarecrow a basket.

Towards evening the travelers entered a large forest. The branches of the trees hung low and blocked the road paved with yellow brick. The sun had set and it became completely dark.

If you see a house where you can spend the night, tell me,” Ellie asked in a sleepy voice. - It’s very uncomfortable and scary to walk in the dark.

Soon the Scarecrow stopped.

I see a small hut on the right. Let's go there?

Yes Yes! - Ellie answered. - I am so tired!..

They turned off the road and soon reached the hut. Ellie found a bed of moss and dry grass in the corner and immediately fell asleep, hugging Toto. And the Scarecrow sat on the threshold, protecting the peace of the inhabitants of the hut.

It turned out that the Scarecrow was not in vain. At night, some animal with white stripes on its back and a black pig's muzzle tried to enter the hut. Most likely, he was attracted by the smell of food from Ellie’s basket, but it seemed to the Scarecrow that Ellie was in great danger. He, hiding, allowed the enemy to the very door (this enemy was a young badger, which the Scarecrow, of course, did not know). And when the badger had already stuck his curious nose through the door, sniffing the tempting smell, the Scarecrow hit him on his fat back with a twig. The badger howled, rushed into the thicket of the forest, and for a long time his offended squeal could be heard from behind the trees...

The rest of the night passed calmly: the forest animals realized that the hut had a reliable defender. And the Scarecrow, who was never tired and never wanted to sleep, sat on the threshold, staring into the darkness and patiently waiting for the morning.

November 8 would have been the 166th birthday of Bram Stoker, the man thanks to whom popular culture Vampires have been found for more than a century and a half. the site remembered the authors whose works in the horror genre still deprive numerous readers of sleep.

Bram Stoker was a theater critic and also the impresario of the famous British actor Henry Irving. He led a stormy bohemian life, was friends with Conan Doyle, and was interested in the occult and Eastern European folklore. Stoker's last passion, which took him eight years, eventually turned into the novel Dracula (1897), which was a fantastic success. The book was so popular that it was even released in a separate edition in a cheap paperback cover. Bram Stoker, of course, did not invent any vampires, but it was in his version that these characters received “recognition,” becoming part of world culture. The prototype of Dracula, the Romanian medieval prince Vlad Chepesh, who bore the nickname Dracula (son of the Dragon), did not drink blood literally, but figuratively - quite: his antics were distinguished by extreme cruelty.

Frankenstein came to his creator in a dream: Mary Shelley dreamed of a “pale scientist” assembling a living creature on the operating table. Having accepted the challenge of Lord Byron, her sister’s then friend, who offered to promptly compose a story, Shelley wrote down her own dream, slightly developing it. After some time, this story was completed, turning into a full-fledged novel. The author was not yet twenty that year; It is not surprising that Frankenstein was originally published under a pseudonym. As for the prototype of Victor Frankenstein, one version says that Shelley, while writing the novel, had in her head the image of Johann Conrad Dippel, a German alchemist who tried to create an artificial man by boiling individual body parts in a vat.

Stevenson was not trained in horror and was not interested in mysticism - he was interested in travel, romance in any form and real life. However, the writer remained in history thanks not only to “Treasure Island”, but also to “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” - a book that was completely unlike its author. Main character, suffering from a split personality, each side of which pulls him towards itself, became the first in a large number of schizophrenic characters in world culture, from Norman Bates (“Psycho”) to Beavis and Gollum. Comic book creators are especially fond of this theme of duality: today many superheroes suffer from a loss of identity, be it the Hulk or the Green Goblin.

In his most famous photograph, taken the year of his death, Poe looks like an unpleasant, swollen fellow, his face grimaced with bile. The poet had enough reasons for dissatisfaction: a difficult personal life, lack of proper recognition, problems with alcohol, poverty. Despite all this (or, conversely, thanks to it), Edgar Allan Poe accomplished a lot in his forty years. The Fall of the House of Usher, Annabel Lee, The Raven, Murder on the Rue Morgue, The Cask of Amontillado - these names and titles have become firmly established in literary usage. The persona of this American classic and founder of the detective genre has long been a real cult, with its own traditions, myths and the famous secret Admirer - a man with a covered face who has been visiting Poe’s grave for many years on his birthday.

Lovecraft's main book, The Call of Cthulhu, about a terrible deity, has become a genre example. The texts of the writer, little known during his lifetime, became canonical and innovative. It was Lovecraft who laid the foundations for horror associated with the invasion of extraterrestrial forces and created his own Universe filled with myths. The tradition of playing with fictitious primary sources also belongs to this author: the dangerous “Necronomicon”, mentioned by him in many books, has driven dozens of conspiracy theorists crazy, confident that such a manuscript really exists.

American writer who produced large quantities pulp fiction - “cheap” stories in which horror was intertwined with fantasy. However, the novel “Psycho” went down in history. The story of Norman Bates, a maniac obsessed with his own mother, is based on the case of Ed Gein, one of the most terrifying serial killers ever. known to the world. Arrested in 1957, Gein spent many years killing and dismembering women, keeping their body parts in visible places in his home. Two years later, “Psycho” appeared on the shelves of bookstores, which had big success. This book cannot be called an investigative novel, just as it cannot be called one hundred percent fiction: Bloch, who knew the Gein case only in general terms, turned real story as an excuse for your own fantasies. “Psycho” impressed director Alfred Hitchcock so much that he not only acquired the film rights, but also tried to buy up the entire circulation in order to keep the plot a secret from future viewers.

The classic of American literature, who died this summer, is known throughout the world thanks to his active friendship with Hollywood. The relatively recent, 2007, film adaptation of Matheson’s main novel, “I Am Legend,” added new fans to the author, who may not have known that the blockbuster with Will Smith is the fourth film version of the book. Matheson is considered the founding father of the zombie apocalypse theme; those writers who write about pandemics, the coming of the living dead, and so on. (from Stephen King to Max Brooks with his “World War Z”), one way or another develop his ideas.

The commonplace “king of horrors,” despite all its banality, is true to its essence. King is truly the number one writer in the horror genre; thanks to him, phobias, violence, vampires, the otherworldly, became part of a larger culture. He himself is also a great writer, whose efficiency and phenomenal love for literature cannot but be admired. It seems that there is no topic on which King would not speak, there is no genre in which he has not tried himself.

Author of dozens of bestsellers, formally number two in the genre after Stephen King. Kunz - classic example a craftsman who knows his business and doesn’t lay claim to anything except large circulations (and they are off the charts - more than 100 million) (which is also, of course, a lot). The story of how Dean Koontz's wife gave him five years to write a bestseller and get rich is revealing and explains a lot. Koontz is fine - books are being sold and written, Hollywood is making films (the latest film adaptation is the thriller "Odd Thomas" with Anton Yelchin), but when The New The York Times writes that “Koontz reads King and is afraid, King reads Koontz and is afraid,” the respected publication recklessly equates these authors.


Clive Barker. British multi-actor, known as a screenwriter and director (Hellraiser, Candyman) almost more than as a writer. Barker also writes plays, stages them in theaters, writes essays, and produces films.

Koji Suzuki. The smiling Japanese man, who hates horror and prefers to deal with “normal” literature, is nevertheless famous for his “Ring” trilogy.

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