Initiation of a young specialist into a teacher: scenario. Initiation of young teachers into teachers

Characters: 1st presenter; 2nd presenter.

1st presenter.
We welcome today
Your young friends
Those who are full of strength and knowledge,
Fresh thoughts and ideas.
You all chose the best
Among the many roads,
If you're going to school soon
She brought the threshold.

2nd presenter.
My first lessons
You have successfully completed
And they taught me something
And they were able to captivate the children.
You are now worthy of honor
Be called "teacher".
Here is the first tangible one
All efforts come to fruition.
1st presenter.
Earned per month
Your first bread, labor!
Receive it and sign it!
Photo for us at such a moment!

It is better to photograph the moment by a professional photographer.

2nd presenter.
Your first paycheck
You can taste it.
The first bread is much tastier
Than bananas and watermelon!
1st presenter.
Here we have a replenishment.
Our business is not easy
We wish you patience
Infinite, at that.
2nd presenter.
Become the children best friend
And manage to do everything:
Teach, inspire, force,
And at the same time, you won’t get bored.
1st presenter.
Yes, even if you had a salary,
So that there is enough for food.
And the surplus goes for travel:
To the sea, to the palm trees, to the cockatoo
2nd presenter.
So that fortune smiles,
So that at least by miracle, but luck,
To protect you from troubles
The school walls are cozy and warm.
1st presenter.
And now for you gifts,
But it’s not just like that,
With meaning. We'll tell you
What, to whom, why and how.

Gifts can be presented by students together with the presenters.

1st presenter.
(To the teacher of the junior group - buttons).
Fidgets on panties
You sew on the button,
And along the loop - onto the chairs.
You fasten your seat belt and everything is ok.
2nd presenter.
(Vocal teacher - 2 ropes).
So that from the stage you captivate
Everyone smiles from ear to ear,
Here, take this remedy
And sew on the ties.
1st presenter.
(To the teacher-organizer - a collection of anecdotes).
Even if at a concert
This thing is in my pocket,
You can in case of a hitch
You reach into your pocket for words.
2nd presenter.
(To the teacher in English in the most younger group- pacifier).
The children will soon overcome
All English, but understand
That the pacifier is more welcome
Your little ones.
1st presenter.
(To the English teacher at the very senior group- a cigarette inserted into the body of a pacifier).
And in the adult group the nipple
For peace of mind you need
But for a different age
She changed too.
2nd presenter.
(To the history teacher - a soldier).
This is the beginning of the collection.
You'll gather a whole regiment of them
Then your kids
They will know a lot about battles.
1st presenter.
(To the choreography teacher - a mop).
If suddenly there is nowhere today
Give you a lesson
You can stay here.
There's a lot of space. Here's the machine.
2nd presenter.
(To the button accordion teacher - a handkerchief).
Take care of the button accordion from damage:
If you get deuces
So that tears don’t corrode
And the furs did not spread.
1st presenter.
(To the folklore teacher in the younger group - a rattle).
For folk ensemble
Here most useful item:
And you can go on stage,
And a toy for three years old.

The rest of the gifts are suitable for teachers of any subject.

2nd presenter.
(Dice with numbers (playing, but without a six).
Ah, grades! How it happened:
A three is a lot, a two is not enough.
What to put? Don't torture your mind
Let chance decide.
1st presenter.
(Bag of peas).
If by your trick
The student disrupted the lesson
Then put it without regret
Put it in the corner for peas.
2nd presenter.
(Stencil with a cut “two”).
If suddenly it’s commonplace
He will start handing out deuces,
Make this job easier
This makes them easier to draw.
1st presenter.
For the placed buttons
And hanging cats
Be threatening with pranksters,
Merciless and harsh.

These funny gifts can be distributed to other teachers. The presenters continue.

1st presenter.
Now it will come for you
And the solemn moment:
Get the most important
Your employment document.

The director hands over work books to young teachers.

2nd presenter.
But this is for your memory.
There will be light and shadow in life,
But try harder
This is an important day to remember.

Gifts are given.

1st presenter.
Congratulations to you, colleagues,
Recognition and honor to you.
Be with us, be with your childhood
More than one academic year!

After the young teachers have been congratulated, the holiday goes on as usual: skit party, concert, games, tea party - as you wish. And let the newly-minted teachers perform their own act - a parody of the famous poem by A. Barto and at the same time the famous “Letter to the Village to Grandfather.” It can be read like a poem or sung with a guitar (there is no shortage of composers in such groups).
Hello grandpa! Writes to granddaughters.
You told everyone and wrote,
That your grandson is the leader of half-educated people,
And you won't believe who I have become.
So know, grandfather, that I am a teacher,
Yesterday I taught a lesson for the first time.
I dreamed that I was a torturer
Some small round crumbs.
I had nightmares all night,
I woke up ten times
After all, teach the lessons yourself
It was my first time.
So I woke up on a dark night,
And it was only three o'clock
And I was terribly scared
That my lesson has already begun.
I put on my outfit in a minute
And he grabbed a magazine from the table,
And dad rushed after him
And he caught up with me at the door.
And behind the wall the neighbors stood
And the electricity was turned on
While we were waking up we understood
Dad and I went to bed again.
So I woke up the whole apartment
And I couldn’t sleep until the morning,
And even my grandmother dreamed
It's like she's teaching a lesson
And even my brother dreamed
It's like he's standing with a pointer
And what's under the globe is random
He discovered dynamite.
There is some kind of coldness in the eyes of mothers,
All greetings are silent,
They say I'm indecently young,
And they are in no hurry to entrust their children.
And I'm sitting with an unshaven muzzle,
There's a kilogram of chains on the jacket,
Very proud of his hippie look
And the obedience of children.
They fall silent like fish
And someone even climbed into the closet,
Seeing a gloomy smile
And a mohawk haircut.
Little ones need discipline!
After all, eyewitnesses say
They knocked down the piano
And they are always on your ears
I want to confess to you honestly:
And I could have knocked him down.
Now it's useless to think
After all, from now on I am a teacher.
I will be paid for my hard work,
But they say that sometimes
Everything works out here, which means
It's probably not a problem.
I'll finish writing here,
I kiss you, dear grandfather.
With warm fiery greetings
Vanyushka Zhukov, your grandson.

It's good if yours educational institution occupies a spacious separate building. But if you are huddled “as a bird” in a semi-basement room and are forced to put up with the proximity of a sovereign owner who is far from art (which happens all the time), then the highlight of your program may be the appearance of this same “owner” at the evening with a parody of himself ( perhaps also performed by a young teacher).
May you have creative success
And see colorful dreams!
But don't forget,
What you always have to do here:
Reimburse me for all rent
And pay for all the warmth
And take part in everything,
Whatever goes on here.
And to learn “spillies”,
Still keeping things in mind:
Patch up the roof for the season
Not out of conscience, but out of fear.
Wash all the corridors with a song
And decorate shop windows,
Restore paintings
And congratulate the management.
If you didn't run away
And we agree to endure everything,
Let me congratulate you
And sit down at your table.

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Day open doors Usually held at the end of April, in May. And for any private enterprises this is a more than responsible undertaking. Here I used live performances and edited videos. The installation was carried out by me. Naturally, I connected two VCRs, I connected the sound of the outgoing VCR to an audio mixer, and a computer with various music there. Output from the mixer to the recording VCR. This combines the sound with the video and the music you choose.

In the assembly hall there are 20 freshmen... school year, teachers, guests.

On the screen there is a splash screen: the inscription “Congratulations on your initiation as a student!” against the backdrop of the main college building.

The presenters take the stage.

Presenter 1: Hello, dear friends! We are glad to see you in our cozy, hospitable assembly hall at the Student Initiation Celebration.

Presenter 2: Today, students of the general education department of the humanities (technical) direction and their curators came to the hall.

Presenter 1: This is now your abode,

Your family is here now!

In our glorious friendly home

Welcome, friends!

Presenter 2: We want to show you a short film about our college, which was made by our volunteers. So, our college through the eyes of students:

A college video that includes a slideshow of the new intake groups.

Presenter 1: Especially for you, first-year students of the 20..academic year, we have composed a new song, which is called “First Year”.

The song “First Course” plays.

First course

There is no better college in the world, believe me,

Senior students can give you advice:

If you dream of the future, come to us to study,

We will answer any question.

First course, first course!

You came to college one day.

First course, first course!

Everyone wants to study here.

For first year students

Undoubtedly the most important.

For every taste,

It doesn’t matter if we know them yet.

First course, first course!

This is a college, not a university,

Let's go to the session with courage!

We have gathered in this hall today,

Don't get bored and have fun with us!

It is impossible to perform on this stage without excitement -

Don't be embarrassed and be brave!

Presenter 2: It was not by chance that you chose our college and your future profession? The performance of each group today will be dedicated to the presentation of the profession.

Presenter 1: Do you want to know your profession?

Hurry up to our college!

Presenter 2: If you look pretty

And they look like a top model

Presenter 1: And they’re not stupid either,

Don't be stingy with a smile.

Presenter 2: So, being a student too!

And a student - he can do a lot!

Presenter 1: Discover talent in college

And master a profession!

Presenter 1: But studying is not easy -

After all, there are more than a hundred items!

Presenter 2: From semester to semester

There is no room for laziness here!

Presenter 1: Don’t be timid, look boldly:

Diplomas are coming!

Presenter 2: There is one family in college.

With dedication to you!

Presenter 1: Today senior students came to congratulate and support us. They often perform on this stage!

Presenter 2: Today is a holiday for us. And any holiday means music, songs, dances. A fiery “Hip-Hop” dance will be performed for you by a 3rd year student, our favorite – Aika!

Presenter 1: Thank you, Aika! I wish I could learn to dance! Secrets of mastery... Mastery in creativity, mastery in future profession- things are interconnected.

Presenter 2: I think our creative heights are still ahead,

But the first recognition begins here, in our college, in this assembly hall, because our first-year students take the stage—

Group 9D-11 - the most beautiful girls in the world! Let's support them with applause!

Group performance...

Presenter 1: And now the group will show their presentation...

Presenter 2: Representatives of the group come on stage...

Presenter 1: Welcome to the next group -...

Presenter 2: That's not all! Let's meet the group...

Presenter 1: The presentation of the groups ends with the most fun group on the course - group 9KM-11!

Presenter 2: And now representatives of the groups - first-year prefects - are invited to the stage. We have prepared a small test for them - a quick survey. Feel free to take the stage!

Presenter 1: Are you ready? Started:

  1. Who are the students? (The main consumers of ballpoint pens)
  2. Why does a student need a record book? (To collect teachers' autographs)
  3. What is a session? (The battle is not for life, but for a scholarship)
  4. What is a scholarship? (A student's moment of joy)
  5. Who is a curator? (One who takes care of fledgling chicks, like a mother hen)
  6. Why do students study in pairs? (So ​​that later, at work, you don’t have to worry)
  7. How can you decipher the word “student”? (A lot of money is urgently needed, there is nothing to eat. Period)
  8. Which cheat sheet is the best? (The one in the head)
  9. What qualities does a student need? (Ability to run quickly from the department head)
  10. How many of you know the recipe for a student sandwich?

(bread with mayonnaise)

Presenter 2: Well, the elders did not let us down. And now we move on to the most solemn moment of our holiday - the student oath.

Presenter 1: The path to the profession is not easy,

And there are many temptations in life.

But don't fool yourself -

After all, study somehow

I, a student, will be ashamed

Indecent, undignified.

I'm not afraid of the session!

I swear to this!

Presenter 2: There are many different professions.

They all don't like idle people,

They all dislike laziness.

I will overcome all obstacles!

I will pass exams, tests,

I'm not afraid of any work.

I will gain solid knowledge -

I swear to this!

Presenter 1: It’s not enough to be a good guy.

I'll become a professional!

I firmly decide this

I say this proudly!

College is the path to my success.

Does anyone think differently?

Away doubts and sadness:

I swear to be a student!

Presenter 2: And now, according to tradition, all freshmen present must take the student oath, so we ask you to repeat the word “We swear!” in chorus after it sounds in the text of the oath. Attention!

We are joining the ranks of students of St. Petersburg technical college management and commerce, we swear to proudly carry this title throughout our lives. We swear, having joined the ranks of young professionals after graduating from college, to always serve the cause of the prosperity of Russia.


We swear to master knowledge and not give in to difficulties. We swear to defend the honor of the college, not sparing our belly, and, if necessary, other parts of the body.


We swear to be not only specialists in our profession, but also singers, athletes, musicians, actors and to keep our sense of humor not in a savings bank.


We swear not to forget our beloved college and rush to it at the first call, no matter where globe we weren't there.


We swear to leave our mark on the earth without leaving too much of a legacy. We swear to live honestly, act according to our conscience and fight injustice.


We swear when going to the exam to know the name of the teacher, the name of the subject and the color of the textbook. We swear that upon graduation from college we will receive diplomas in the same composition as now, so that we will not be painfully ashamed of the years we spent aimlessly.


We swear to be gallant like the French, cheerful like the Italians, serious like the British, thrifty like the Japanese and rich like the Americans. Which means we vow to be real college students!



Dear friends and colleagues! For you
This meeting today is like a holiday.
Songs flow for you, warm congratulations sound,
These moments are so pleasant and memorable.
Every glance wishes you good luck, patience,
And smiles, hope, strength, inspiration.
Year after year, the family of teachers grows,
Congratulations and success to you, teachers!
We sincerely congratulate all those present,
We enter the school year together and boldly.
We accumulated strength during our vacation, new ideas,
We look forward to seeing our children at school.
In the meantime, let's rest, say, an hour or two,
Let's watch the performances and get ready for battle!

/ Quiet music sounds - audio or piano, against which the presenter continues. /


Living life is not a field to cross,
It is very important to find yourself in it.
Happiness, if it succeeds,
And your work will be called a calling!

/ To any improvised melody, accompanied by a piano, the music teacher performs an introduction - “verses” to the production. /

An ordinary story, a little romantic
Sometimes we want to tell you something problematic.
Atypical nature, quite pretty,
Leading from childhood to maturity on stage to show.
All poems, for the power of impression
We will put it into the sounds of music... create, just create.
We will invite the audience to participate, because we are one dynasty.
We want to charge you with an amazing example!

/ The soundtrack of the song “School Years” plays, and a first-grader girl enters the stage with uncertain steps, looking around. In her hands is a bouquet of flowers and a briefcase. Then she sits down at her desk. The presenter, located at the edge of the stage, or behind the scenes, continues./


A student sat down at her desk,
She really wants to study!

/ The bell rings and the Teacher enters the makeshift classroom. At this time the Student gets up. She can use gestures to invite everyone present in the room to stand./


The teacher came in...
The whole class stood up!


Sit down, children, now
We'll sail on a ship
To a wonderful world of goodness and knowledge.


The first teacher is our idol,
Creator of wonderful endeavors!

/ The teacher performs the first verse of the song “ What do you have chat at school". The student raises her hand “wanting to answer.” The teacher approaches her, takes her hand and leads her to the edge of the stage. The second verse is performed by the Student. The third verse sounds in a duet. The bell rings. A teacher with flowers and a student with a briefcase leave the stage./


It was our first call. After
It has been heard hundreds of times over the years.
I want to add between the lines,
The beloved sang: “Home, freedom!”
Completed first grade, second,
Behind them are the fifth and tenth...
And here's to your graduation party
The boys and girls came...

/ The introduction of the song “Waltz of Parting” sounds. 3-4 couples, boys and girls, appear on the stage in a whirlwind of waltz. Our heroine is among the dancers. An ensemble of teachers, freely depicting communication, stops in two groups on different sides of the stage and performs the “Waltz of Parting” ( hear the anxious winds blowing). When performing the second verse of the song, the heroine joins the teachers. The couples also leave the stage in a circle. Behind them, to the last chords of the final passage, the teachers also leave, “communicating.” Only one graduate remains on stage - our heroine./


I made a firm decision today
Be sure to become a teacher
Guys come to my class
And year after year, gradually
They are getting smarter before our eyes,
Thanks to my efforts.
Will I be able to leave a good mark on fate?
So there is a calling!

/ The graduate leaves, the presenter continues. /


And I went to college,
Graduated with dignity...
In this class they are waiting for her,
There's a killer contingent of kids here...

/ To the music of “rap”, the STUDENTS enter with an imposing gait. Their roles are played by teachers. In a cheeky tone, without taking the chewing gum out of their mouth, they carry on a conversation./

1 student:

Today they brought in a new chick
So that mathematics can teach us. Yo!
(Gestures with hands)

2nd student:

Where is Galina?

1 student:

We got her.

3rd student:

And I can’t stand young people, lads!

2nd student:

Let's arrange a meeting for her!..


Let it heal your nerves later!..

/ They stand in a circle, whisper, gesticulate, laugh./


The surprise for the teacher is ready.
Can you pass the test?..
To earn authority,
It takes a lot of effort...

/ The bell rings, and a young teacher, our heroine, enters the “class” with a timid, hesitant gait. In her hands is a cool magazine and a pointer. /


Hello guys…
Let's get acquainted?..

1 student:

And we are always ready!

2nd student:

What, bros, let's have some fun?!

/ The lads sing and dance to the soundtrack of the song “tu es fortu” performed by “In-Grid”. /


So she entered the class
Holding your magazine under your arm,
She greeted me, clearly thinking: “How good I am!”
But we can’t be taken for a show-off,
It’s not our first day at school...
OH!...Did your voice disappear somewhere from excitement?...
We cannot be curbed by threats or persuasion.
And it’s not worth giving lectures about education here,
Or pour out a blizzard about the importance of knowledge of sciences
We only love DISCO, the killer, caressing sound!

/ They dance to lose. The teacher sits down in shock. The magazine and ruler fall to the floor, but after a while, having gained control of herself, she gets up and with an assertive step in the rhythm of the music approaches the students and sings to the same tune./


I completely understand you guys, yes... the music is great!
And what’s important is that she fits into our classroom.
Well, why strain your brains and take tests?
There is no need for a certificate to shine in a DISCO before retirement!
To dress decently and go to a disco,
We need to find a sponsor, uncle or aunt,
They are given diplomas and higher positions and ranks,
Only.. it’s unlikely that they need you in your role, guys!

/ The teacher is dancing. The students look at each other with wide eyes and shrug their shoulders. At this moment, the musical accompaniment changes and, to the melody of the song “Hey, you up there,” the HEAD TEACH quickly steps onto the stage. She sings while gesticulating./

Head teacher/sings/:

What kind of “ta-ra-ram” is this?
Everyone quickly took their seats!
I'm going to see the director now...
I won't spare any of you!..

/Addresses the auditorium/.

And you, in the first row?..
After all, I expect attention from everyone,
Well, they've completely fallen apart
I'm in your class like I'm in hell!..
It's time, it's time,
yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes... /etc./

Teacher /sings to the same tune/:

I apologize to you,
We'll sort it out quickly now
This... was a surprise to me from the guys,
And none of them is to blame.
We all know for a long time:
Studying is expensive every hour!
Please, excuse me...
Forgive us for the last time...

/The chorus is sung by the students and the teacher and everyone present in the hall. /

It's time, it's time,
yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes...
Time for fun! / 2 times/.

/ The music ends, the HEAD TEACHER turns to the TEACHER./

Head teacher:

Now teach your lesson,
Then, go see the director...

/ The head teacher leaves. The bell rings, the students noisily “run out of the classroom” and leave the stage. The teacher comes to the stage and, looking at the audience, sings an “aria of despair” to the tune of the song “Belle”. /


I imagined everything completely differently.
Pain, the first day, and immediately failure.
How to calm the rush of despair in my soul,
After all, I have long dreamed of becoming a teacher.
Well, how can I understand this generation?..
How can I pass on my knowledge to them?!
And you can’t become limp, because I’m a teacher,
I must conduct my lesson with dignity!

/ At the last chords of the song, he leaves the stage with his head down. /


Days pass by, life goes on.
Believe in your dream, and your finest hour will come!
Be persistent, kind, patient,
Brighten up your work with a burst of creativity.
Love your work and believe in its meaning,
Success always brings inspiration!

/ All participants in the production come on stage and perform the song: “Everything is in your hands” to the tune of the song of the same name by L. Agutina. /

Autumn outside the window is spinning in the arms of September
The day was awakened by a gentle scarlet dawn.
The festive flow is again, bringing joy to school
Childhood and dreams, feelings and flowers, and you...

You know, everything is in your hands, everything is in your hands,
All in your hands,
You know, everything is in your hands, everything is in your hands,
Believe me!

The bell will ring and you will enter the classroom for your lesson.
Warm the gaze of restless children's eyes with your heart.
Happiness if the day is bright,
And when he's in black
Don't shed bitter tears,
Smile quickly and sing!

Chorus: the same.

If fate brings you to a boarding school through friendship,
A frisky family will take you to such heights!
It will give you so much strength and patience,
Skills and inspiration -
You can become completely
You are the manager. GOROO or GUNO!

Chorus: the same.

/ To the applause of the audience, the participants in the production leave the stage. /

Scenario “Initiation as a young teacher”
At the entrance to the assembly hall - distribution of emoticons and markers. Each teacher depicts himself as a smiley face.

We welcome today
Your young friends.
Those who are full of strength and knowledge,
Fresh thoughts and ideas.
You all chose the best
Among the many roads,
Have a fun day today
She brought the threshold.

My first lessons
You have successfully completed
And they taught me something
And they were able to captivate the children.
You are now worthy of honor
Called "Teacher".
Here is the first tangible one
All efforts come to fruition.

Ksyusha: The Children's EcoCenter hospitably opened its doors to young teachers. AND
Today we are very pleased to welcome you into our big friendly family.
Tanya: The work of a teacher is unique. It requires a lot of endurance, dedication, and patience, but all this is easily compensated by the smiles of the children of your associations.
Ksyusha: It's time to get acquainted! My name is Ksyusha - I am a teacher-organizer!
Tanya: And I’m Tanya, the head of the organizational and mass department!
Ksyusha: There are two of us and we are wearing vests!
Tanya: We will do everything to make this evening fun and memorable.
Ksyusha: Let's get acquainted. I ask everyone to stand in one big circle.
Acquaintance in a circle (snowball - Tatiana - Talented, Ksenia - Creative...)
Tanya: And we continue our acquaintance, only our tasks become more complicated.
Unity game - line up by height, hair length, shoe size, work experience, first letter of full name, patronymic, number of hours of study
Ksyusha: Well done. You do a good job with our tasks.
Tanya: A teacher should always be able to find a naughty child, a naughty child who corrupts the team and affects general discipline. Now we will check how you cope with this.
Frog (1 leader, 1 frog, you need to identify the frog, the frog, sticking out its tongue, takes players out of the game)
Ksyusha: We all work in the institution additional education. And each of you has faced the problem of competition. We fight with competitors when we recruit children into associations, performing at competitions and festivals.
Tanya: And we’ll see which of you does it best.
Thousand (like in a western, 2 hands 2 pistols, leader)
Ksyusha: And we move on. You work not in a simple institution, but in a children's environmental and biological center. And we want to check if you know its features. If the statement we read is true, then you run to the right, but if it is false, then to the left.
Tanya: First statement. Children's EcoCenter is a UNESCO school (+).
Ksyusha: Our institution has 6 departments (-).
Tanya: Deputy Director for Educational Work - Lyudmila Viktorovna Martynova (+).
Ksyusha: Methodical day - Tuesday (-).
Tanya: Yulia Valerievna Shurova is the chairman of the council of young teachers (-).
Ksyusha: There is a Sacred Myna in the zoo (+).
Tanya: The pony's names are Nikita and Olya (-).
Ksyusha: There are 5 computers in the methodological department (-).
Tanya: In the office of public initiatives, safari is on wallpaper (+).
Ksyusha: IEA is an international environmental association (-).
Tanya: BB - 20 years (+).
Ksyusha: The director of our institution is Galina Viktorovna Sitnikova.
“Yes - no” truth and fiction about the EcoCenter
Tanya: And now it’s time to meet our wonderful department heads. I ask everyone to come to me and stand in one line.
In front of them, the letters BTI, TsKG, SHYUV are scattered on the floor. Their first task is to collect all the letters. The next task is to determine what these letters are. Once they guess that these are the initials of all employees, they need to identify those who belong to their department.
Ksyusha: Thanks to our managers. I ask them to take their places in the hall.
Tanya: The time has come for the most long-awaited, most interesting and exciting action.
Ksyusha: Dedication to young teachers. Today they will have to pass tests from all 4 departments.
Tanya: Teachers - please come to us. We start with the task of the botany department.
Pass an apple in a circle without using your hands
Ksyusha: The MEA department has prepared the following task for us
bring clothes for speed (watch, tie, glasses, shoe, jacket or sweater, belt, scarf, cell phone, mirror).
Tanya: And we welcome the zoology department
identify animals in closed cages (Achatina snails, zoophobos, leopard geckos, bronze beetles).
Ksyusha: You coped with three difficult tests. The last thing left is from the ecology department.
Sitting on chairs they answer questions.
. aviary,
. stable,
. reception,
. Assembly Hall,
. toilet,
. cafe,
. fountain,
. Salt Lake,
. zoo,
. methodological department,
. organizational and mass department,
. Botanical Garden.
. How often do you go there?
. What do you like to do there?
. What smell is associated with this place?
. Do you enjoy going to this place?
. Which teachers would you take there?
. Why do you go there?
. Will you spend your holiday there?
. What are you missing there?
. Participation in corporate events,
. Receipt wages,
. Recruitment of children to the association,
. Conducting a lesson
. Participation in seminars,
. Participation in cleanup days,
. Cleaning the fountain
. Participation in the pedagogical council,
. Participation in competitions,
. Compilation of a report,
. Filling out logs
. Business trip.
. Are you doing this alone or with someone?
. Do you like doing this?
. How do you feel when you do this?

. How often do you do it?
. Will you teach this to your children?
. How often do you do it?
. How do you prepare for this?
. Do your parents know you're doing this?
. How many times a week are you willing to do this?
Tanya: Well done, you completed all the tasks, it’s time to take the teacher’s oath!
Arm yourself with plans and notes, lists and other papers to prove your professionalism.
Remember what they have long said in Rus': “Talent must be hungry.” Therefore, give up on everything and eat exclusively spiritual food.
Amaze yourself and others with your own invention, imagination, talent, enthusiasm, as well as modesty and politeness.
And now I ask you to take an oath and after each point repeat three times: “I swear!”
Solemn oath
. We vow to uphold the Olympic motto “Faster, Higher, Stronger.”

. We swear not to scream louder than the children and forgive them for their pranks.
Young professionals. We swear!
. We swear to love all children and maintain loyalty to the EcoCenter.
Young professionals. We swear!
Tanya: Colleagues of the new arrivals, congratulate the young people.
Ksyusha: The honorable right to say parting words to young teachers and congratulate the staff on Teacher’s Day is given to the director of the Children’s EcoCenter - Galina Vladimirovna Sitnikova
(congratulations, presentation of children's drawings)
Tanya: Passing the “Tree of Pedagogical Innovations” in a circle with wishes.
General photo



There are 2 newspapers on the wall of the assembly hall - “Welcome to our school family” (About the school for young teachers),

“Happy holiday, beloved teachers!” (Students about their favorite teachers)

Fanfare sounds.

Presenter-1: Forests are just around the corner

Magicians live now.

They come to school with us

Or rather, a little earlier than us.

Presenter-2: Is there a blizzard, snow, is autumn rustling,

In the trees chilled overnight,

They come and bring

The sun is in our trembling hands.

(Song “A gentle bell calls for your desks...”)


Dear friends, today is a big, solemn day at our school.


In the Kingdom of the Russian Magisterium, abbreviated as CIA, reigning persons will appear and their coronation will take place.

Let's greet them with applause.


Invited Babicheva Inna Igorevna - teacher primary classes.


Marina Ivanovna Kirpichnikova, a primary school teacher, is invited.


Natalya Viktorovna Myasnyankina, a primary school teacher, is invited.


Nina Vladimirovna Tokareva, a primary school teacher, is invited.


Svetlana Aleksandrovna Postnikova, a mathematics teacher, is invited.


We invite Yulia Aleksandrovna Sapelchenkova, an English teacher.


Tatyana Igorevna Sogacheva, a chemistry teacher, is invited.


Today, on the eve of Teacher's Day, you are joining the CIA.

Anyone joining the CIA must:

Arm yourself with plans and notes, lists and other papers to prove your professionalism

Remember what they have long said in Rus': “Talent must be hungry.” Therefore, give up on everything and eat exclusively spiritual food.

Amaze yourself and others with your own invention, imagination, talent, enthusiasm, as well as modesty and politeness.


Now we ask you to take an oath and after each point repeat: “I swear!”

Solemn oath.


We swear to teach based only on the state program - a step to the right, a step to the left is considered an attempt to escape.

Young professionals: We swear!

Presenter -2:

We vow to uphold the Olympic motto “Faster, Higher, Stronger.” This means: don’t run faster than the wind during recess, don’t jump higher than the administration, don’t be stronger than Atlanta, and don’t carry bags with notebooks weighing more than 10 kilograms.

M.S.: We swear!


We swear not to shout louder than the children and forgive them for their pranks.

M.S.: We swear!


We swear to love all children and maintain loyalty to the school!

M.S.: We swear!

(Mentors present crowns with the inscription “Learning is light” and badges “Teacher” to young specialists.


Diplomas, badges and crowns are presented by mentors.

Primary school teacher, Alliluyeva Natalya Gennadievna. Her work experience is years.


Primary school teacher, Lazareva Ekaterina Vitalievna.

Years of work experience.


Primary school teacher, Serykh Olga Vitalievna.

Years of work experience.


Primary school teacher, Oksana Vyacheslavovna Mugaeva.

Years of work experience.


Mathematics teacher, Elena Evgenievna Kabanovskaya.

Years of work experience.


English teacher, Victoria Vladimirovna Sazonkina.

Work experience 32 years.


Biology teacher, Ivanova Lyudmila Evgenievna.

Years of work experience.


The word for congratulations is given to the school director

I want to tell you, my dears,

Now you are at the beginning of the path

So beautiful and young

May God grant you to go through it firmly and wisely.

A teacher is like an actor on stage:

No matter how bad your heart is,

Cry on the sly during recess

And go to the children’s classroom with a smile.

Not everything will be smooth on this road,

Don't lose heart, move forward!

He who is open in heart does not live without anxiety,

Hope and faith lead to success.

There will also be many good minutes,

And I’ll be happy to tell you years later,

What if life were turned back to the beginning,

I would become a teacher again!

We wish you success, health, good luck,

In the family - understanding, to be loved.

We wish you to solve any problems,

Be faithful and strong friends with colleagues.

We also want to tell you, dears,

Only then will your work become happiness,

When you achieve recognition, and the children

You will be called your favorite teacher


Your colleagues congratulate you.

Congratulations to colleagues.


Today we dedicate you

In high rank of teacher.

The guys are preparing surprises.

From now on you are priestesses of good.

You will be like kittens

Look for germs of intelligence in them.


Teach, develop and educate,

And there is no other way.

And count your nerves and strength,

Who came to school - you can’t leave it!


This is reasonable, good, eternal,

I came to school - and you are ours.

Glory awaits you, dear, endless,

Instead of a salary - a mirage!


The youngest of our large family of school No. 52 came to congratulate you.

Congratulations to first graders.


And now the head teacher of the school urgently requests the floor for a lecture on a pedagogical topic.

If you have just recently

They gave me a class where there is no order.

Don't despair too much!

After all, they pay for this too!

Even if it’s small, it’s stable!

Enter class with confidence

And give out slaps,

To be respected!

And then hit it hard

Hard on the table

So that everything is all around at once

It started shaking!

Talk about something important

For example, about behavior.

Well, what if this

It doesn't reach the kids

Then think about it in a moment,

Who's the "boss" here?

Tell him: “Why don’t you go out?

You and I

For a heartfelt conversation

In this quiet corridor?

And take it with you

A thick book or a scrap!

You need to talk to your child

Start with a reminder

What is he, a little brat,

Acts very badly

with your stupid behavior

He's a disgrace to the whole class!!!

If subtle hints

Have no results

In order to promote

Educational process

Call dad to school

With or without mom.

Ask about health

About success at work,

Praise, ask

Influence the evil child.

You can do it right this very hour!

And when a happy boy

forgetting about all the fun,

rubbing my buttock

And the head with your hand,

Yours will leave the office,

Submit to your will

He will become a good girl and a bunny -

Don't worry, calm down:

The class will immediately begin

Peace, quiet and grace!

And now there is a little left:

Take a solemn oath,

Having listened to these advice,

Remember and understand them.

And in my work at school

Never use.

From the school administration, let me present you with folders with recommendations for your work.


Look at your badges with the proud name “Teacher”. And in order for you to better remember the name of your profession, let's play a game. We ask a question, and you answer in unison: “Teacher.”

Who answers the famous question “Why?” always finds the answer?

Young professionals: Teacher.


M.S.: Teacher.


Who in one working day can act as a public figure, psychologist, artist, educator and astronaut (if we are talking about overloads)?

M.S.: Teacher.


Who comes up with four to five hour homework assignments to distract you from the pernicious influence of the street and TV?

M.S.: Teacher.


Of course, you haven’t forgotten how to pass exams yet. Let's see how you answer our questions.

(There are tickets and answers - cheat sheets for them on the table. Examinees take a question, read it out loud, then take and read out any card with an answer.)

Will you write notes to parents about their children's misbehavior?

Will class favorites appear soon?

Will you wake up a student who has fallen asleep in your lesson?

Will you call parents to school?

Will you tell jokes from time to time in class?

Will you often be late for classes?

Will you allow the use of cheat sheets?

Are you going to use the pointer as a bladed weapon?

No way!

I never even thought about this!

May be. I'll think about this some more.

Can't wait!

Look what you want!

Yes! I've been dreaming about this for a long time.

Maybe. It will depend on my mood.

Why not? Some people can, but I can’t!


Well done! Now let's listen to what the newly-minted teacher writes about his work.

(Scene “Letter to the village to grandfather.”)

Hello grandpa! Writes to granddaughters.

You told everyone and wrote,

That your grandson is the leader of half-educated people,

And you won't believe who I have become.

So know this, grandfather. That I'm a teacher

Yesterday I taught a lesson for the first time.

I dreamed that I was a torturer

Some small round crumbs.

I had nightmares all night.

I woke up ten times.

After all, teach the lessons yourself

It was my first time.

So I woke up on a dark night,

And it was only three o'clock

And I was terribly scared

That my lesson has already begun.

I put on my outfit in a minute

And he grabbed a magazine from the table,

And dad rushed after him

And he caught up with me at the door.

And behind the wall the neighbors stood

And the electricity was turned on.

While we were waking up we understood

Dad and I went to bed again.

So I woke up the whole apartment

And I couldn’t sleep until the morning,

And even my grandmother dreamed

It's like she's teaching a lesson.

And even my brother dreamed

It's like he's standing with a pointer

And what's under the globe is random

He discovered dynamite.

There is some kind of coldness in the mothers' eyes.

All greetings are silent.

They say I'm indecently young,

And they are in no hurry to entrust their children.

And I'm sitting with an unshaven muzzle,

There's a kilogram of chains on the jacket,

Very proud of his hippie look

And the obedience of children.

They fall silent like fish

And someone even climbed into the closet,

Seeing a gloomy smile

And a mohawk haircut.

Little ones need discipline!

After all, eyewitnesses say

They knocked down the piano

And they always stand on our ears...

I want to confess to you honestly:

And I could have knocked him down.

Now it’s useless to think -

After all, from now on I am a teacher.

I will be paid for my hard work.

But they say that sometimes

Everything works out here, and that means -

It's probably not a problem.

I'll finish writing here.

I kiss you, dear grandfather.

With warm, fiery greetings.

Vanyushka Zhukov, your grandson.

(A boy and a girl read a poem

R. Rozhdestvensky)

Good luck to you, rural and urban, dear teachers,

Good, evil and no captains on the bridge of the ship!

Good luck to you, debutants and aces, good luck!

Especially in the morning when you enter the school classrooms,

Some are like being in a cage, others are like being in a temple.

Good luck to you, busy with things that cannot be completed anyway,

Tightly shackled by instructions and shouts from RONO.

Good luck to you, looking differently, with ideas and without any ideas,

Loving or hating these - be they three times... - children.

You know, I still believe that if the Earth survives,

Teachers will someday become the highest dignity of humanity!

Not in words, but in the things of tradition, which matches the life of tomorrow.

You will have to be born as a teacher and only after that you will have to become a teacher.

There will be talented and daring wisdom in him,

He will carry the sun on his wing.

A teacher is a long-range profession,

Home on Earth.

Our dears, we congratulate you once again. We hope that you will not have the opportunity to regret your professional choice. Grateful students, patience, health, love!

(A group of students performs a waltz.)

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