Walkthrough of “Raid on Humane Labs” - Heists for GTA Online. The Humane Labs Raid in GTA online - Raid on the GTA 5 Laboratory online robbery humane labs

It's time get into Humane Labs and steal documents. As usual, the board in the apartment will show your share and the distribution of revenue between the players, as well as their roles.

You need to choose clothes. Be careful when wearing clothes marked “heavy” - you won’t be able to run in them.

There are two teams in this heist - ground and air. The ground team will sneak in and steal the documents, while the air team will fly over the building in Valkyrie and pick up the ground team when they're done.

First you need to get Valkyrie. It is located five miles from Downtown, near the Alamo Sea, and you will have to get to the helicopter by land.

When everyone is loaded into the helicopter, you can fly to the landing zone. You don't have to land here, you just need to fly to the area above the surface. At this time, the EMP will begin to operate, and the ground team will parachute out of the helicopter. Night vision will automatically turn on.

Blow up the doors at the entrance, they work great here sticky bombs. Next you will have to make your way through heaps of enemies, and it is best to use assault rifle or an assault shotgun. Eventually you will reach double doors. Here need voice chat, since both players must activate the locks at the same time.

We take the data and run outside along the marker, killing everyone on our way. Eventually you will need to jump into the water, but before that you need to activate the breathing apparatus (left arrow on the D-Pad). You will need to swim through the tunnels to the surface of the sea. There is no need to worry too much about oxygen, even if it runs out, you will still have time to reach the surface without suffocating to death.

Swim to the marker on the shore. Once you're on the sand, you'll need to light a flyer to show your location to the crew in the helicopter. The landing will be difficult, so It's better to step aside in advance.

Once you're back in the air, three players will take on the task of destroying the attacking enemy helicopters. It's best to keep your enemies on target by pointing it out to the pilot - this way all three weapons can attack at the same time.

Hello ladies and gentlemen. The Gamebizclub team is in touch with you. This time we will tell you how to complete The Humane Labs Raid in GTA Online. This case is the third in a row and becomes available after completion. Previous missions will seem like flowers compared to this one. As you go through the preparatory missions for this heist, you will have to demonstrate true teamwork.

From this article you will learn:

Third case

The third mission is called The Humane Labs Raid. In it you have to infiltrate the territory of the research center and get secret documents which are very important.

So, this is an elite test in which you try to meet the following conditions:

  • Don't do quick restarts.
  • Finish it in 11 minutes.
  • Damage to vehicles should not exceed two percent.
  • Everyone survived.

For this you will be given an additional $100,000.

With organization costs of $54,000, you can earn various amounts:

  • Easy (Easy) – $270,000.
  • Medium – $540,000.
  • Complex (Hard) – $675,000.

The stakes are increasing, so there are now five preparatory stages.

Access codes

Your goal in this task is to meet with the contact in order to obtain access codes to the laboratory. Your team will consist of four people, including a buyer and a bodyguard, as well as two lookouts responsible for the southern and northern sides.

The buyer and bodyguard head to the meeting point, while the watchmen climb the walls in order to cover their partners in the event of an unplanned attack. The meeting with the contacts provokes the appearance of a video in which our characters are attacked by special agents of the Federal Reserve Bank.

The faster you kill all your opponents and rush off into the distance, the better, so the sentries should not be distracted by anything, and it is better for the bodyguard and the buyer to have grenade launchers. In addition, there is an alley on the right that will not be so difficult to break through. After that, take the documents and go to your apartment.


Head to Davis Quartz Quarries and you'll need to steal two Insurgent vehicles. Having passed the checkpoint with guards, you can drive up to the quarry and, with the help sniper rifles, shoot most of the enemies there. Of course, there is a possibility that you will still have to jump and finish off the lucky ones who cannot be hit from a distance.

After that, you need to split up and jump into the SUVs. It's important to note that only one of them is equipped with a machine gun, and it should be the one bringing up the rear of your mini-column to provide firepower support.

While you are driving through the quarry, try to blow up the pursuing helicopters, because if you don’t do this, the mission will be very difficult to pass. In addition to helicopter pilots, you will be pursued by Meriwether soldiers in armored jeeps.

Of course, you will have to shoot these crooks; after the pursuers are dealt with, all you have to do is get to your destination.

Electromagnetic Emitter (EMR)

Once again, your team will not have to choose any specific roles, so teamwork will be enough.

First, you need to find a boat located on the beach and climb into it. Once all four are in place, a marker will appear on the map indicating the area to which you need to go - upon arrival you will see a huge aircraft carrier, which can only be reached from the back of the ship, so go around it and climb inside.

As always, you will have to shoot back from the guards, of whom there are plenty on the ship. Be careful and don't get into trouble.

After all the enemies have been destroyed, you can proceed directly to the task - stealing the Mammoth Hydra (and after successfully completing the mission, you can buy it), to which is attached an EMP generator necessary to turn off the lights in the laboratories of the research center.

Since only one hero will take the helm of the VTOL fighter, the remaining three must climb into three Lazer fighters. As soon as the “hydra” takes off into the air, opponents will immediately appear, trying to disrupt the entire operation and bring all efforts to nothing, so the pilots of the “lasers” will have to demonstrate their skills and get rid of their pursuers. After this, all that remains is to transport the Hydra to the target and successfully land it.

Helicopter Valkyrie

Your goal will be to capture the Valkyrie helicopter, which is located on the docks at one of the Meriwether operating bases. Although they are not military, the security of this organization is very serious. On your way there will be not only simple armed infantry, but also snipers, as well as air fire support in the form of Buzzard helicopters.

At the entrance to the base, we recommend stopping and using a sniper rifle to clear out the enemies. In this case, you can rely on the map by the presence of red markers. Of course, as soon as the guards suspect the presence of unwanted guests, a serious war will begin.

Therefore, while three players deal with the guards, one must take care of the helicopter, which can cause a lot of trouble.

After all the enemies have been dealt with, climb into the Valkyrie and take off, while your players will share three roles - one will be the pilot, two will be the shooters, and one will take the place of the co-pilot and will control the weapon, which can easily tear any fighter.

Having taken off, you will be subject to a new attack - five enemy helicopters will be sent to intercept you, each of which will have to be shot down. Then everything is as simple as shelling pears - fly to the location marked on the mini-map and land the rotorcraft.

EMR delivery

You need to deliver your EMP generator on the Insurgents to Humane Labs. To complete this task you need to acquire sniper rifles with a silencer. You must not be detected, otherwise this will lead to mission failure. You will only have 10 minutes at your disposal, so don’t hesitate. We also recommend using stealth mode.

First you need to get to the Insurgent cars, and then go to Humane Labs with them. Before you enter the research complex, you will be shown a view from surveillance cameras, so you can remember the location of the targets (they will be marked with red markers on the map).

It is important to inspect everything very carefully, since an undetected enemy can raise the alarm, which will lead to the failure of the mission.

Place the car on the marker and start clearing the area. You may encounter moments when you will have to shoot almost simultaneously, so that no one notices anything and raises the alarm.

As soon as the area is cleared, get back into the car and drive to the gate, which, by the way, you will have to break into, but this will not be difficult at all.

The final step is to drive into the territory and park the car in the garage, and then transfer to a truck located nearby. Then use it to leave Humane Labs without attracting attention - just drive out calmly.

Raid on Humane Labs

The final chord will be the robbery itself. Your group will be divided into a gunner, a helicopter pilot, and a two-player ground team.

First, the team must get to the location of the helicopter, which is located in Blaine County. As soon as you are in the air, head to the territory of the research center. As soon as the helicopter reaches the yellow marker in the area, the electromagnetic pulse generator will work, which will inevitably lead to a power outage. The ground team then drops out of the helicopter, and upon landing, their night vision devices are automatically turned on.

Next, use a sticky bomb to blow up the entrance doors of the laboratory and enter the building. Following the route, you will have to shoot several opponents. The next “checkpoint” can be considered the doors, which will open only if both partners have used the card at the same time, so we strongly recommend using a headset so as not to spend too much time fiddling with the combination lock.

When the doors are open, all you have to do is steal necessary files and take off running, dealing with everyone in your path. Your goal is an underwater tunnel that leads to a pond, so put on your oxygen masks and dive. It will be possible to surface as soon as the tunnel ends.

After this, all that remains is to get to the shore and send a signal to your accomplices using a flare.

If you climbed into the helicopter, then there is only one test left to pass - to shoot down enemy helicopters, just as you did when hijacking the Valkyrie. When the horizon is clear, get to the meeting point and you will watch a magnificent video with a spectacular helicopter explosion.

In addition to Valkyrie, bonuses will include Insurgent and Insurgent Pickup, Nagasaki Dinghy, and night vision devices and oxygen masks will be brought to Ammu-Nation.

That's how most of the robberies were completed. There are only two tasks left, and after spending the loot you can begin.

We hope that our guide helped you cope with all the difficulties that arose as a result of completing this task. Stay in touch. Bye everyone.

The Humane Labs Raid- Raid on the Laboratory, the third mission in the " " chain. This mission is long and at the same time very interesting. Get ready to steal a "VTOL" or in Russian "Vertical take-off and landing aircraft."

After completing the previous robbery "", Lester will contact you and inform you that the person who gave the job to rescue Rashkovsky from Prison wants to meet with you and your team again. Having assembled the team, Lester will visit you at headquarters and explain everything.

It will be necessary to steal documents from the security company Merryweather, which are located in Humane Labs, containing important information about the location of the dangerous gas, and give them to the employer - Lester's boss. Before the robbery itself, you will need to complete five preparatory tasks.

The Humane Labs Raid

Players required: 4
Organization costs: $54,000
Reward for completion: Easy: $270,000; Normal: $540,000; Hard: $675,000;

How to complete The Humane Labs Raid - Raid on Humane Labs in GTA Online

This Heist includes 5 preparatory missions and a final stealth mission. In the Humane Labs Blitz you will need a team of 4 players, otherwise you will not be able to start it. After completing "The Humane Labs Raid" you will receive a decent sum of money and open transports:
  • Hydra - VTOL fighter - Vertical take-off and landing aircraft
  • Valkyrie is a military helicopter equipped with two miniguns.

How to complete the preparatory mission "Key Codes" in The Humane Labs Raid - task 1

Key Codes is an easy preparatory mission where players will have to share four roles: buyer, bodyguard, south side observer and north side observer. The goal of the task is to steal the “Access Keys”, which in the future will help you get into a closed room located in the Humane laboratory.

It won't be difficult to complete this mission. Drive to the parking lot marked with a yellow marker on the map. Upon arrival, each player will be told where to go. Observers will occupy buildings from which they will observe, and the buyer and bodyguard will remain in place.

When all the players take their positions, a seller will come to the parking lot with whom you will need to agree on the purchase of those same “Security Keys”.

After the buyer hits the hands of the seller and takes the keys, the FBI will show up. You will need to shoot everyone who stands in your way. Here players with the roles of observers will join in, they will need to fire at the FBI and cover the retreat of the players below, so make sure that they are in the correct positions.

Having reached the headquarters and delivered the “Access Code Cards”, you will receive payment.

How to complete the preparatory mission "Insurgents" in The Humane Labs Raid - task 2

In this task you will need to steal two "Insurgent" armored vehicles, which are located in a quarry in the east of the desert. One of them is ordinary, and the second with a stationary machine gun. Upon arrival at the place, you will be met by soldiers of the Merryweather security company, who, of course, are not ready to just give up their armored cars.

Divide into two players per car. Let those who will sit in the "Insurgent" with a machine gun ride in the back. Two combat helicopters will follow you, which will need to be shot down, otherwise further driving will be difficult. In addition to the machine gun mounted on the armored car, try to use homing missiles - this will make it easier for you to destroy helicopters. After you got rid of the tail, we move on.

While driving, try to stay close to each other. Remember, "Insurgent" must ride behind with a turret, since you will have to fight off a huge number of pursuers, who will mostly be in armored jeeps.

Upon reaching the landing site, finish off the remaining guards and go to the yellow marker and receive payment.

How to complete the "EMP" preparatory mission in The Humane Labs Raid - task 3

Another task where there will be no forced division into roles. In this mission you have to steal a Hydra fighter directly from an aircraft carrier. “EMP - Electromagnetic Pulse” is installed on the Hydra, with which in the final part you will turn off the electricity in the Laboratory.

You all go together and climb into the boat, which is indicated in the instructions. Then swim to the aircraft carrier marked with a yellow pointer.

Having sailed to the aircraft carrier and climbed onto it, you will have to eliminate the military by clearing the red dots that are indicated on the map. Having reached the Hydra fighter, one player must take the helm. The rest will sit at the controls of Lazer aircraft, thereby providing cover for the player in Hydra.

Players guarding Hydra should focus specifically on protecting him, as he will be the main target of attackers. Players in “Lasers” do not have to worry about their health; the main thing is to deliver the Hydra safely to its destination. After the plane is delivered and landed, the mission will be completed and you will receive the money.

How to complete the preparatory mission "Valkyrie" in The Humane Labs Raid - task 4

This is a preparatory mission where you will have to steal a Valkyrie combat helicopter, which is located at the Merryweather base in the port of Los Santos in the southernmost part of the map.

On the way to the helicopter you will be met by heavily armed guards, as well as combat helicopters. So get ready for the shooting range. Protect all the red dots along the way, and most importantly, destroy the Buzzard combat helicopter using homing missiles, as it will cause you a lot of trouble. Also, when you pass through the hangar with submarines, be vigilant and shoot the snipers in the tower on the left side. When you kill everyone, go inside.

After you lift the helicopter into the air, the Buzzards will come to you again to intercept. The player controlling the helicopter will need to aim at the enemy Buzzards - the Valkyrie’s weapon will automatically lock onto targets for destruction. The Valkyrie has three slots for weapons. Two of them are occupied machine guns mounted on both sides of the helicopter and one with a special anti-fighter cannon, which is located on the front panel for the co-pilot.

As soon as you fight off the enemy helicopters, fly to the meeting point marked in red on the map. Land the helicopter on the ground and get your hard earned money.

How to complete the preparatory mission "Deliver EMP" in The Humane Labs Raid - task 5

Target of this assignment- take the Insurgent armored car, load it with an Electromagnetic Pulse and deliver it to Humane Labs.
List of recommendations before starting the task:
  • Try to use only a silent, sniper rifle. If you use a weapon without a silencer, you will fail the mission early.
  • Don't get noticed by the guards. If you are detected, the mission will be considered failed.
  • In the Lab episode, you only have 10 minutes. Keep track of the time, otherwise fail.
  • When the shooting episode starts, use stealth mode - stealth, which allows you to sneak around unnoticed.
Having reached the “Laba” in the armored car, kill the first guard at the gate with a sniper, and then the second, as soon as he leaves a little. After entering the gate, turn right towards the stairs.

You will find yourself in the courtyard. Kill the nearest enemy using a sniper rifle, then split into two teams. The first team, let it be called the “assault group,” should include a couple of players with experience in completing previous parts of the heist. The remaining two team members should be assigned to the second - let's call it the “support group”.

While the support team should remain in place, the assault team should run forward to the wall where the number "8" will be painted. On the other side of the wall there is a box that you can climb onto to reach the top.

One player goes up, kills the guard and calls the second member of the assault team to follow him. Afterwards, two players must aim and simultaneously remove two red dots. It is very important.

While the assault team kills three of their enemies, the support team must keep their sights on the flight of stairs in the courtyard between the walls where the number “5” is painted. You will see two scientists at the bottom of the stairs - you need to aim, distributing the targets, and take them out at the same time.

The assault team member must now shoot the guard across from those two scientists. The support team cannot see this guard, so until you kill two scientists and a guard at the same time in two separate groups, the alarm will go off each time and the mission will end. We repeat once again - kill two scientists and a guard at the same time.

After this, the support group must go down the steps. To the right and on the opposite side of the passage, in front, stand two scientists. Separate the targets and kill them. The assault team must now go above where the scientists were and eliminate two more red dots that are invisible to the support group on the right side of the passage. You need to be very careful not to attract anyone's attention, so use stealth and move slowly. After that, all four players need to choose different targets and take out the four bad guys. Have someone count to three, after which everyone shoots at the same time. That's it, if you have completed all the difficult tasks, you can rejoice - there should be no more red dots on the radar.

There is nothing more to fear. One player must get to the Insurgent SUV and the EMP while the other team member hacks the garage door. Hacking takes place in the form of a mini-game. It's quite simple. Drive the car into the garage and climb into the truck that is parked nearby.

After this, leave the Laba territory, but do not engage in battle with anyone. A Merryweather security patrol will rush past, don't pay attention to it - just ignore it. That's it, after this you will complete the mission and receive a cash reward.

How to complete the final mission "Humane Labs Raid" in The Humane Labs Raid - the robbery itself

After completing the preparatory tasks, an unknown boss guy will visit you and tell you that you can start. When changing clothes, it is recommended to wear “light” items, they will allow you to run during the Heist.

In this task, players will be divided into two groups: ground and air, which will be by helicopter. The ground group will infiltrate the Laboratory and steal documents, while the air group will fly in by helicopter to pick them up.

The first thing you need to do is get to the Valkyrie helicopter. It is located in Blaine County near the Alamo Sea. You will have to get there by car.

After you take the helicopter, fly to the EMP release point indicated by the yellow marker. After resetting the device, all electricity in the Laboratory building will be turned off. Two players from the ground team will have to parachute and parachute down. After landing, their night vision mode will automatically turn on.

The doors leading to the Lab are easiest to blow up with sticky bombs. Next, follow the yellow markers, killing enemies along the way. Go all the way until you reach doors with a combination lock. Each ground team member needs to stand next to the combination lock and press the button at the same time. It is desirable that these players have voice communication. Otherwise, good luck.

Next, you will need to escape from there, killing enemies on your way. You will have to leave through a water tunnel, so put on your masks and jump. You don’t have to worry about the oxygen, it won’t run out. In the end you will swim out to sea and then to the surface.

Now you need to swim to the beach, where there is a yellow marker. After reaching the sand, fire a flare, thereby telling the air team where to land.

You take to the air: the pilot controls, the other three use the built-in cannons to fight off enemy Buzzard helicopters. After destroying all enemy helicopters, fly to the meeting point. Upon landing, the final part and the The Humane Labs Raid will be considered completed. You will be shown a scene where one of the players, as if in an action movie, will take a grenade and blow up the Valkyrie.

At this point, the Robbery is considered completely completed. Everyone will receive their share and possibly subject to compliance with the conditions.

"Raid on Humane Labs" is the third robbery in GTA Online and an order of magnitude more difficult than previous cases. The point of the robbery is to infiltrate Humane Labs and steal very secret and important files from there.

Organization costs: $54000
Final catch:
Easy level: $270000
Average level (Normal): $540000
Heavy level (Hard): $675000

Is waiting for you 5 preparatory tasks.

1. Preparatory task: Codes

You need to meet the contact in the city center to get access codes to Humane Labs.

The team is divided into four roles: buyer, lookout (north), lookout (south) and bodyguard.

This preparatory mission may seem very simple, however, players still have difficulties completing it. You go to a place, each player has their own role. Sentinels climb onto buildings nearby to provide cover in case of an ambush; the buyer and the bodyguard act in pairs. When the messengers appear, you and I watch a short cut-scene in which we are given access codes, after which FBI agents attack you.

You need to get rid of them as quickly and effectively as possible. The buyer or bodyguard should have grenade launchers; they will help quickly deal with those who arrived in cars. If you don’t have such weapons, then there is one point. In this parking lot, on the right, there is an opening door; if you approach it, it will open, and you will find yourself in a kind of pocket. It still revives fallen players, so take note. There is also an option to quickly jump into the right lane, where you will not encounter much resistance and the chances of being killed will be significantly reduced.

As soon as you hold back the offensive, a mention will appear to pick up the documents. You need to prepare for this from the beginning; your enemies won’t let you go so easily. Act quickly, get in the cars, gas to the floor and rush to your home. As soon as you deliver the documents, the mission will be considered completed.

2. Preparatory task: Insurgent

The task will be to steal two armored cars Insurgent from Merryweather Base. In the future, one of them will be needed for a raid on Humane Labs.

Your team is not divided into any specific roles, you act together.

Break through the checkpoint, there will be 2 guards on guard, kill them or ignore them, it’s up to you. Go to the training ground and kill everyone who resists you. Your team will have a good position - on top of the quarry - so you can shoot everyone without fear of any violent resistance. Or you can simply fly in there in an armored vehicle and quickly shoot everyone.

After clearing the area of ​​enemies, divide into pairs and get into armored cars. One of them is equipped with a machine gun, so the main goal will not only be to deliver the vehicle, but also to protect it from the enemies pursuing you. First, get rid of the two helicopters chasing you, and you need to do this immediately, otherwise problems will not be avoided.

Next, head to your destination. Along the way, you will be attacked by Merryweather fighters, so be prepared to give them a fight, and also cover another squad, which is unlikely to reach the point without your fire support.

When you deliver both armored cars to their destination, the mission will be considered completed.

3. Preparatory task: EMR

You need to get an electromagnetic emitter (EMP) that will help turn off the electricity in Humane Labs, and to do this you need to hijack a fighter jet Hydra(in which the emitter is installed) from an aircraft carrier. The task is quite dynamic, so put on body armor, stock up on ammunition, and go into battle.

First, you go to a boat on the beach and all four of you get on it. After this, follow the GPS to the open sea. You need an aircraft carrier, the path to it is not very close, but you won’t be able to lose sight of it, it will be difficult not to notice it.

The entrance is at the back of the aircraft carrier, swim up, jump off, and head towards the marker.

Now you need to kill everyone on the ship, moving to your destination, the flight deck. The enemies are aggressive, so keep your eyes open, it’s better to be on the safe side than to risk bullets.

After you have killed everyone you can, the fun begins - one person (the most experienced pilot) gets into Hydra, and the rest - in Lazer's. As soon as the Hydra is in the air, enemy planes will begin to attack it, so the main task of the other players is to protect the Hydra. The most effective way to do this is with homing missiles.

As soon as all the planes are shot down, we escort Hydra to the airfield. It is not necessary for all players to sit down in order to avoid collisions and, accordingly, failure of the mission. When you deliver the Hydra to the drop point and bring it into the hangar, the mission will be completed.

Bonus: unlocked Mammoth Hydra($3 million) for purchase.

4. Preparatory Mission: Valkyrie

You need to hijack a helicopter Valkyrie, which is located at the docks at the Merryweather base.

"Valkyrie" is located in the southernmost part of the map.

Go to the docks. Be careful: the security of the helicopter is very strict, air support is provided in the form of a helicopter, and snipers, including ordinary soldiers. It will not be possible to break through to the helicopter right away. An armored vehicle will save you from the onslaught of enemies, and there will be a lot of them. It is especially important to shoot down an enemy helicopter, otherwise it will shoot you down and leave you without a car.

You can simply break through the enemies in an armored vehicle to the helicopter, clear everything around and calmly take off.

Your team is divided into a pilot, two gunners, who have a minigun on both sides, and a co-pilot, who has an anti-aircraft anti-aircraft system.

We take off and fight off enemy helicopters, there will be all of them 5, so you'll have plenty of fun. After fighting back, you head to your destination. As soon as you land the helicopter, the mission will be completed.

5. Preparatory task: deliver the EMP

You need to deliver the EMP emitter to Humane Labs in an armored car. Insurgent.

The task will not be particularly difficult to complete if the team is organized and acts together.

For this task you will need sniper rifles with silencers. Don't get noticed by anyone; if a guard or scientist notices you, the task will automatically fail.

You will have 10 minutes in-game time, so act synchronously and quickly if possible. Use stealth mode while shooting, do not make noise, and do not take unnecessary shots.

Head to Humane Labs. As soon as you get inside, a ten-minute countdown will begin. Before this, you will have a short view from surveillance cameras, with the help of which you can inspect the area, as well as all the fighters within the range. Inspect everything quickly and carefully, if you miss someone, then there is a high probability that some fighter will not be shown on the map and will raise the alarm, which will lead to the failure of the mission.

Leave the car at the marker; you won't need it until you've figured out a path for it.

After that, after you eliminated everyone, give them a ride Insurgent to the gate, where first you need to hack it using a simple mini-game.

Park the armored car, get into the van parked next to the garage, no one will notice you in this vehicle, and you will not arouse any suspicion. A patrol will pass by you, but you don’t need to react to it, just calmly head towards the exit from the sector.

6. The robbery itself “Raid on Humane Labs”

All preparatory tasks passed, now we have to raid Humane Labs to steal files from there.

Your team is divided into three groups: ground group (2 players), pilot and gunner. The ground team searches for files, and the pilot and gunner provide air support: destroy enemy helicopters and ground troops. There will be more than enough enemies, so it is recommended to shoot accurately, react to enemies quickly, and the pilot to adjust the helicopter so that the shooter hits the target and does not shoot into space.

You need to get to the Valkyrie helicopter. Then you take off and head towards the laboratory. There, the EMP turns on, the lights in the laboratory go out, after which the ground team jumps down from the helicopter and lands in the parking lot. Their night vision goggles turn on.

Before entering, you need to blow up the control panel. Sticky bombs are what you need. The ground team goes inside and makes their way to the laboratory, destroying all enemies that they meet on the way.

After this, the group reaches a keypad with a combination lock. To open it, you need to simultaneously insert a key card. Therefore, it is advisable to use voice communication with a partner so as not to waste extra time at this point.

After downloading the files, get outside. You get to the elevator, eliminating enemies on your way, and head to the cooling duct. Then you put on your breathing apparatus and jump into the water. We swim through the tunnels and get out onto land.

Once on the beach, we shoot from a signal pistol to show the pilot where to land. The place is quite cramped for landing a helicopter, so be extremely careful not to get hit by the propellers, and the pilot needs to be no less careful in this case.

After the ground team has boarded the helicopter, players will need to shoot back at enemy helicopters. Once the air is clear, the pilot must land at the designated point.

A spectacular ending awaits you and, on top of all this, a successfully completed task.

Bonus: helicopter unlocked for purchase Valkyrie, cars Insurgent And Insurgent Pickup, boat Nagasaki Dinghy. Also in gun store Now you can buy night vision goggles and breathing apparatus for scuba diving.

The Humane Labs Raid is the third heist added in the Heists expansion. Again, work from the already familiar Agent 14. This time we will need to penetrate the Humane Labs and Research building to find traces of production chemical weapons. Like the previous one, this robbery is carried out by four people. The mission is divided into five preparatory missions and one final mission. During preparation, the team will have to obtain access codes to the laboratories, a pair of armored cars, a heavy combat helicopter and an EMP bomb, and also deliver this bomb to the Humane Labs building.

Number of players: 4
Preparation costs: $54000

Rewards for completing

Elite Challenge:
  • complete the final mission in less than 11 minutes
  • transport damaged no more than 2%
  • none of the team died
Completing Elite Challenges isn't just for show, it will also add an extra $100,000 to your wallet. And as a reward for completing all the elite challenges of the Heists update, the player will receive a special T-shirt.

Walkthrough of the “Humane Labs Raid”

Perhaps this is the first robbery that can become a real challenge, especially for an unprepared team. The main target is the Humane Labs and Research building, a secret and highly guarded facility located deep in the mountains, off the coast in the southwest of the island. You will have to act secretly and under cover of night, in the presence of the most serious opposition.

Preparatory task “Codes”

In this task, you will need to meet with Agency agent Karen Daniels in order for her to give the team access codes to the laboratories. The team is divided into two groups. One goes to a meeting with the agent, and the second takes a convenient position on the buildings, in case everything does not go according to plan.

Soon this happens. An entire army of FBI agents arrives on the scene, Karen escapes, leaving the team to fight the feds. Basically, all you need to do here is destroy all the agents, pick up the case with the codes and escape from pursuit.

Preparatory mission "Insurgent"

To successfully attack the laboratories you need two good armored cars. Insurgent, which is being tested by mercenaries from the Merryweather company, is perfect. The armored cars are located in a quarry west of Sandy Shores. The whole team works together. The best way To get to the armored cars, you will have to clear the territory using sniper rifles, however, nothing prevents you from breaking into the quarry with a machine gun at the ready or quietly shooting all the guards with a weapon with a silencer.
After capturing the armored cars, they need to be delivered to their destination. Here you will have to try to bring them safe and sound, since Merryweather will throw all available forces to intercept.

Preparatory task "EMP"

An EMP bomb is not something you can just buy in a store. Therefore, in order to get it, you will have to make a sortie onto an aircraft carrier and hijack a Hydra combat aircraft equipped with such a device. In this task, the whole team works together again. Everyone gets into the boat and heads out to the open sea, towards the aircraft carrier. Having climbed on board through a point at the stern, the team begins cleaning. Next is not the easiest road to the take-off deck. Having reached it, the team needs to take seats in the fighters standing on the deck, and the Hydra will go to one, the most experienced pilot. The task of the fighters is to protect Hydra on the way to the collection point.

Preparatory mission "Valkyrie".

We'll have to visit Merryweather again, this time for a combat helicopter. This time the resistance will be even stronger than in the "Insurgents" mission. Players who are working together again should carefully clear the entire area of ​​the enemy before moving towards the helicopter. As soon as the Valkyrie takes off, Merryweather helicopters will rush to intercept it. They need to be shot down as quickly as possible, since just three missile hits will destroy the Valkyrie. You should also be wary of snipers who will appear constantly until the team completes the task.

Preparatory task “Deliver EMP”

The team needs to deliver the EMP device removed from Hydra to the labs. This task must be completed secretly. You should make sure in advance that all weapons are equipped with a silencer, since if the players are noticed by anyone at the base, the mission will fail. Also, the task is time limited - you have 10 minutes to complete it. One of the players will be given control of the CCTV cameras, which should make the task somewhat easier.

The team in armored cars goes to the laboratories, the countdown will begin as soon as the players find themselves on the territory of the laboratories. The players' task is to clear the area of ​​all enemies without attracting attention, break open the garage doors and leave the armored car with an EMP bomb inside. It is important to remember that all guards must be killed in pairs to avoid raising the alarm. After the armored car with the bomb is in place, all that remains is to quietly leave the territory.

Walkthrough of the final task “The Humane Labs Raid”

All the long preparation led the team to this moment. This is another stealth mission. The team is divided into two groups: the assault team and the support team. Having taken their seats in the helicopter, all players fly to the laboratories and hover high above them. When the EMP bomb is activated and the labs lose power, the assault team parachutes out of the helicopter and lands in the parking lot. The support team remains in the helicopter and fires at the lab guards from the air.

To get inside the building you need to blow up the control panel, for example, with sticky bombs. After this, the stormtroopers move deeper into the complex, killing everyone in their path, until they reach a terminal with a combination lock. To activate it, you need to simultaneously insert two key cards into the terminal. Players will likely need to use a voice headset to do this. When the downloading of the files is complete, the stormtroopers need to proceed to the elevator, continuing to destroy all enemies on the way, and go down to the cooling system channel. After putting on breathing masks, players descend into the tunnel and swim until they reach the exit. Then, one of the players signals the helicopter with a rocket launcher and it picks them up.

Important point: the area where the helicopter will need to be landed is very narrow, so the pilot must be experienced so as not to accidentally crush an ally.

When the whole team is in the air again, you will have to take on another batch of Buzzard helicopters. Firing back from two miniguns and rocket launcher, the helicopter needs to get to the meeting point.

  1. Board the Valkyrie.
  2. Get to the drop zone.
  3. Land with a parachute in the laboratory parking lot.
  4. Blow up the door control panel.
  5. Get to the required laboratory.
  6. Activate the terminal, download files.
  7. Get to the elevator.
  8. Get to the tunnel.
  9. Swim through the tunnel to the exit.
  10. Signal to the support team.
  11. Get to the meeting point.
  1. Board the Valkyrie.
  2. Get to the drop zone.
  3. Secure the perimeter.
  4. Destroy the attacking helicopters.
  5. Get to the meeting point.
  1. Board the Valkyrie.
  2. Bring the helicopter to the drop zone.
  3. Patrol the perimeter.
  4. Destroy the attacking helicopters.
  5. Deliver the team to the meeting place.

The heist will fail if all players die or the Valkyrie is destroyed.
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