Essays on the topic “Winter forest. You walk through the winter forest and don’t fall in love with the class. Essays on the theme “Forest in winter”

You're walking along winter forest and you can’t stop admiring its transformed beauty. How long has it been since the grasses bloomed here, the birds sang, there was a smell of sunny strawberries - and it was nice in the summer forest. Then the grass withered, the birds flew away, the elegant autumn flared up with many colors - and it was good too.

But now the forest is completely different - quiet and snow-covered, as if it were not a forest at all, but a fairy-tale palace.

There are no words, the winter forest is beautiful, only a little sad in it - luxurious, empty and echoing.

Empty? No, it’s because of the frosty silence that it seems that the forest is sleeping, and with it the animals and birds are sleeping. But it only seems so. Of course, there are also inveterate sleepyheads. They have been sleeping in hollows for a long time, hanging upside down and wrapped in membranous wings like a cloak, the bats; the badger sleeps on a soft bedding of dry leaves in a warm, tightly closed hole; The hedgehog is sleeping and, of course, Teddy Bear is sleeping. But it’s worth taking a closer look at the forest, and everywhere you can see traces of an ongoing, albeit hidden life.

...The snow rustles under the skis. I am moving further and further away from the road. Quiet all around. Spruce trees are dozing in elegant boxes. White caps, like warm sheepskin hats, were pulled over tall stumps. And the young pines are so covered in snow that the needles are not visible.

The pink sun rose over the forest. The tops of the trees turned red. But what is it? A sparkling kurzhak streamed from one. The branch swayed, and a bright bird with a strange beak flashed on it like a red flashlight. The beak is thick, short, similar to tweezers used to crush sugar, only the sharp curved ends go in one after another. But this is a crossbill!

Having crushed the sharp needles with its paws, the crossbill deftly, like a parrot, turned upside down, picked off the shriveled cone and let's husk it! He quickly filled his goiter and fluttered to a nearby tree. And there, in the fork of the branches, some green ball darkens. That's right, a crossbill's nest. The female has already leaned out to meet her.

The crossbill latched onto the nest and fed her from beak to beak.

Everything is clear: the female is sitting on her eggs. They, the crossbills, have a habit of soaring in winter. If, of course, there is a lot of food - seeds coniferous trees. And not necessarily in a specific month. Even in January, in the coldest weather, the female lays four or five greenish, thickly speckled eggs in a good, winter-insulated nest and incubates them without leaving for a minute. But of course! Otherwise you'll freeze. A caring male brings food at this time.

And again the skis glide. I walk through clearings and under the thick overhang of tree crowns.

And here is the first footprint in the snow. Clearly printed, as if cast in earthenware. Whose? There are two dots, and a little in front there are two oval grooves. Of course, hare! Only the hare walks as if he were leaning on crutches with his front paws. Where was the hare and where did it go? We'll find out now. He “wrote” everything in detail in the snow.

At night the hare nibbled winter crops in the field, and by dawn he went to the forest edge to rest. This is clearly visible on the trail - it goes straight, does not turn anywhere. On the fat - you can’t figure it out, it’s all twisting and turning, but here it’s like pulling a string. But I know it won’t last long...

The hare jumped and jumped and suddenly stopped. He stood up on his hind legs, stood there, and listened. Everything is calm, and he goes back. Why did it happen? Yeah, since he started to be cunning, to confuse his tracks, it means the bed is close. And how cleverly it confuses: jump back - and straight into the old trail, jump again - and again into the trail! But now the double trail ends. He is neither in front nor behind. The hare didn't fly away!

It was he who took a big leap to the side. I made a “discount”, as the hunters say. There are three or four such discounts in a row. Now keep your eyes open! Don't make too much noise if you want to see the oblique one. The hare disappeared from his trail and hid somewhere here, very nearby. He lies somewhere on a hill, or even on a stump, dozing, and his ears listen, guarding his sleep. He himself is white, and the snow is white. While the bloodhound-fox was there to figure out where the hare had gone, he jumped behind a bush - and was like that...

There are even more animal and bird tracks here. They are full of patterns in the snow. Here is some little mouse sewing an even stitch from the butt of a fallen pine tree to a hummock. But the squirrel was picking up a dried mushroom that had been prepared in the summer from a branch, but dropped it and had to go down to the ground. “I had lunch in the snow. I just had a wasteful lunch and crumbled half a mushroom. But he will still remember him - the winter is long!

And the hares here danced in circles under the fir trees - everything was trampled and compacted. There is no way to figure out how many of them there were and what they were doing. And why should I figure it out and waste my time? I'm not going to hunt without a gun.

Without a gun... But now, perhaps, it wouldn’t hurt: at the bottom of the ravine, it was as if a soft and heavy load had been dragged through the snow. Not a trail, but a whole ditch.

Okay, I wasn’t, I’ll go through it.

At first the animal moved through the ravine, and when the spruce forest began to become ugly and cluttered, it got out of it and let’s spin the monograms in the windfall! He can fit under any turnout, under any snag, but what is it like for me on skis? I got tired of trying to get out of the bushes and sat down on a dead tree. Who am I following? Maybe for a trot? Look how she ironed the marks with her belly!

But in one place the animal stopped, stood for a long time, and because it stood for a long time, the snow melted under its paws. And then I made out an elongated clawed mortar with a depression in the middle. No, not a lynx - it is tall on its legs, its belly will not touch the snow, and its paw is lumpy, as if gathered into a fist, and when walking it extends its claws, like a cat. Who is this? I started to look around. In the aspen grove the trail switched to mahi. Not exactly wide swings, but frequent, hasty ones, and from them it was clear that the animal was not running quietly.

Excitement took over me, and I also quickened my pace. I run, and I look ahead - the animal is unfamiliar, inadvertently it will wait somewhere behind the forest!

He broke out a thicker stick... He ran out into the clearing following the trail. There is such a wide clearing, and in the middle of it is a stack of hay. From it, other footprints darken in the snow with swift strokes.

I immediately guessed: roe deer. During the winter lack of food, roe deer often gather near the hay. But what kind of idiot is this beast if it runs so openly at a roe deer? Will he catch up with them, fleet-footed as the wind?

And yet the “dunce” tagged along with the roe deer. He dived and dived through the deep snow, stopped, trampled - and back. Only he didn’t follow the old trail, but diagonally, straight towards the clearing. Whose tricks are these?

I thought and thought and remembered: wolverine. How did I not think of it before? Only she is capable of such tricks. It cannot catch up with prey, kill it in pursuit, as a wolf does - it sits, watches on the path or at a watering hole. And she has no less tenacity and ferocity than the same wolf. He will wait a day, two days, a week if necessary, but he will wait.

And now I’m probably planning to climb the haystack. The roe deer will return anyway. The bloodthirsty beast is not afraid of an elk. If only he came to the hay. He will jump from above, sink his teeth into the scruff of the neck and ride the maddened stag until he falls.

But it’s okay, it won’t travel. I'll come tomorrow with a gun. Today we can’t make it in time, the sun is low and is about to disappear behind the blue oval of the mountain. If only we could get out of the forest before dark!

You walk through the winter forest and you can’t stop looking at it. The snowdrifts lie deep and clean under the trees. Tall, motionless, sleeping pines, the bluish shadows of their slender trunks lie on white untouched snowdrifts. Above the forest paths, the trunks of young birches are bent under the weight of frost in lacy white arches, the branches of tall and small spruce trees are covered with heavy caps of white snow. Such a white cap will fall from the top of a tall spruce - for a long time the light snow dust will shine silver in the frosty air.

It’s quiet in the sleeping winter forest, but a sensitive ear catches living subtle sounds

You walk through the winter forest and you can’t stop looking at it. The snowdrifts lie deep and clean under the trees. Tall, motionless, sleeping pines, the bluish shadows of their slender trunks lie on white untouched snowdrifts. Above the forest paths, the trunks of young birches are bent under the weight of frost in lacy white arches, the branches of tall and small spruce trees are covered with heavy caps of white snow. Such a white cap will fall from the top of a tall spruce - for a long time the light snow dust will shine silver in the frosty air. It’s quiet in the sleeping winter forest, but a sensitive ear catches living subtle sounds

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Define language Klingon (pIqaD) Azerbaijani Albanian English Arabic Armenian Afrikaans Basque Belarusian Bengali Bulgarian Bosnian Welsh Hungarian Vietnamese Galician Greek Georgian Gujarati Danish Zulu Hebrew Igbo Yiddish Indonesian Irish Icelandic Spanish Italian Yoruba Kazakh Kannada Catalan Chinese Chinese Traditional Korean Creole (Haiti) Khmer Laotian Latin Latvian Lithuanian Macedonian Malagasy Malay Malayalam Maltese Maori Marathi Mongolian German Nepali Dutch Norwegian Punjabi Persian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Cebuano Serbian Sesotho Slovak Slovenian Swahili Sudanese Tagalog Thai Tamil Telugu Turkish Uzbek Ukrainian Urdu Finnish French Hausa Hindi Hmong Croatian Chewa Czech Swedish Esperanto Estonian Javanese Japanese Klingon (pIqaD ) Azerbaijani Albanian English Arabic Armenian Afrikaans Basque Belarusian Bengal Bulgarian Bosnian Welsh Hungarian Vietnamese Galician Greek Georgian Gujarati Danish Zulu Hebrew Igbo Yiddish Indonesian Irish Icelandic Spanish Italian Yoruba Kazakh Kannada Catalan Chinese Chinese Traditional Korean Cre Ola (Haiti) Khmer Laotian Latin Latvian Lithuanian Macedonian Malagasy Malay Malayalam Maltese Maori Marathi Mongolian German Nepali Dutch Norwegian Punjabi Persian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Cebuano Serbian Sesotho Slovak Slovenian Swahili Sudanese Tagalog Thai Tamil Telugu Turkish Uzbek Ukrainian Urdu Finnish French Hausa Hindi Hmong Croatian Chewa Czech Swedish Esperanto Estonian Javanese Japanese Source: Target:

Russian forest is good in winter and summer, autumn and spring! On a quiet winter day, you would go out into the forest on skis and you would breathe and not get enough. Deep, clean snowdrifts lie under the trees. Above the forest paths, the trunks of young birch trees bent in lacy white arches under the weight of frost. The dark green branches of tall and small spruce trees are covered with heavy caps of white snow. You walk through a quiet winter forest and you can’t stop looking at it. Tall, motionless pines sleep. The bluish shadows of their slender trunks lie on the white untouched snowdrifts. The winter forest is filled with invisible life. Light squirrel tracks, small mouse and bird tracks stretch from tree to tree. (I.S. Sokolov - Mikitov)

1) This knight has a hare's heart. 2) The lady wore a hare’s foot for luck. 3) Lord Paltrow was given a bunny sheepskin coat. 4) They sewed a fox fur coat for the lady. 5) A fox tail went onto the collar. 6) She noticed his foxy look. 7) The guests attacked the food with a ravenous appetite. 8) The hunters came across a wolf's lair. 9) The squire lost his wolf hat somewhere.

Editing the text The coldest month of winter has arrived - February. This year the frosts are more severe than last, but the guys are still doing their best free time on the snowiest hills and building ice towns better than last year. And then they go home and drink hot tea with more delicious pies.

The coldest month of winter has arrived - February. This year the frosts are more severe than last year, but the guys still spend all their free time on snow slides and build ice towns better than last year. And then they go home and drink hot tea with delicious pies.

The changeable month of February - He loves spring, and he feels sorry for winter. He darkens the glass in the morning with an icy haze, And at noon he drops the bright stars. And, squinting through the sun, he looks into the frozen distance, Smilingly sad February. Bright blue shadows lie on the snow from black trees, and, kneeling down, barely audibly he whispers waking tales to the earth, over the snow he casts a spell for those who are under the snow in the darkness. And the frosty joy of spring wears away sadness into the deceptive month of February.

MKOU Kirgintsevskaya Secondary School

Public lesson Russian language

in 6th grade

Journey through the winter forest

(lesson of general repetition on the topic


The lesson was prepared and taught by:

teacher of Russian language and literature

II qualification category

MKOU Kirgintsevskaya secondary school

Maer Irina Alexandrovna


Open Russian language lesson in 6th grade

Subject: Journey through the winter forest (a general review lesson on the topic “Adjective”)

Type: general repetition lesson


Educational– repetition of the studied information on the topic “Adjective”;

Developmental– development of the ability to determine the categories of adjectives; developing the ability to correctly form forms of degrees of comparison; development of the ability to form short forms of adjectives; development of children's creative abilities.

Educating– fostering interest in learning the Russian language and love for Russian nature.

Method: partially search.

Equipment: multimedia projector, computer, cards.

During the classes:

I. Organizing time.

Hello guys! Today I will teach your lesson. My name is Irina Aleksandrovna. I hope that the lesson will be fruitful and interesting.

Our lesson today is devoted to repeating and systematizing the knowledge you gained while studying the topic “Adjective”.

In order for our lesson to become interesting and fruitful, I suggest you go on a journey through the February forest.

Well, let's go?

Open your notebooks and write down today's date and cool work.

II. Introduction to the topic.

Guys, there is a map in front of you. The starting point will, of course, be your school. As you can see, after the journey you and I must return to it. Along the way we will make several stops at which you will be offered tasks. Only if successfully completed will you and I be able to continue our journey. At each stop, you will evaluate your work yourself. If everything is done perfectly, we mark it with a red flag. If you have completed tasks with minor blemishes, mark them with a green flag. Well, if there are errors, we will put a blue flag.

III. Repetition.

Before we go, let's remember what an adjective is.

What does an adjective mean?

What questions does it answer?

What permanent morphological characteristics does it have?

Name the inconstant features of an adjective.

When is it impossible to determine the gender of an adjective in its full form? (if the word is in the plural).

What is the role of full adjectives in a sentence? (definition).

What are short adjectives in a sentence? (predicate).

Well done guys, you remembered everything.

Well, on the road?

IV. The first stop is the categories of adjectives.

Guys, here is the text. The first task is to read and title the text.

Russian forest is good in winter and summer, autumn and spring! On a quiet winter day, you would go out into the forest on skis and you would breathe and not get enough. Deep, clean snowdrifts lie under the trees. Above the forest paths, the trunks of young birch trees bent in lacy white arches under the weight of frost. The dark green branches of tall and small spruce trees are covered with heavy caps of white snow.

You walk through a quiet winter forest and you can’t stop looking at it. Tall, motionless pines sleep. The bluish shadows of their slender trunks lie on the white untouched snowdrifts.

The winter forest is filled with invisible life. Light squirrel tracks, small mouse and bird tracks stretch from tree to tree.

(I.S. Sokolov - Mikitov)

Determine the text type. (Description).

Title the text.

What is the theme and main idea of ​​the text?

What part of speech words help reveal the theme and main idea?

Let's conclude, what are adjectives used for in Russian?

Listen to the poem.

I am a wonderful word, -

The adjective said -

I don't know anyone like me:

I indicate the signs.

There is no object without signs -

The whole world knows about this.

I define objects

They are very noticeable to me.

I decorate your speech

You need to know me, take care of me.

Did the poem confirm your words?

Before we begin the next work, let's remember what categories adjectives are divided into. (qualitative, relative and possessive).

What do qualitative adjectives mean? (a sign of an object that can be to a greater or lesser extent).

How do qualitative adjectives differ from relative and possessive adjectives?

(have degrees of comparison and can be in short form).

What do relative adjectives mean? (spatial, temporal characteristics, material from which the object is made).

What do they mean? possessive adjectives? (belonging to a person or animal).

What question do possessive adjectives answer? (whose?)

Now, guys, I would like a few people to complete the cards, and the rest will work with the text. Let's complete the distribution letter (collectively).

From this text, write down all the adjectives in three columns: qualitative, relative and possessive. (tables on back side cards with text).












Dark green


Little ones







Little ones











From the sentences, write down the adjective + noun phrases in three columns: qualitative, relative and possessive.

1) This knight has a hare's heart. 2) The lady wore a hare’s foot for luck. 3) Lord Paltrow was given a bunny sheepskin coat. 4) They sewed a fox fur coat for the lady. 5) A fox tail went onto the collar. 6) She noticed his foxy look. 7) The guests attacked the food with a ravenous appetite. 8) The hunters came across a wolf's lair. 9) The squire lost his wolf hat somewhere.

(three people answer orally)

So, the task of the first stop has been completed, but before we go further, let's mark with a flag how well you completed the task.

(one student marks the stop with a flag)

V. Hunting lodge.

Guys, you are probably tired. Let's take a look at the hunting lodge and relax. And the most best vacation– this, as you know, is a change of activity. Let's have a physical minute. Everyone stood up, listen to the task. I tell you phrases, and if you hear a qualitative adjective, you take a step forward - back, a relative - stretch your fingers, a possessive - move your head up and down.

Is the task clear? Then we do it.

Wonderful day, winter forest, hare tracks, cold wind, February frost, birdsong, light drifting snow, night storm, bear den, tall trees.

Let's mark on the map how the physical session went.

VI. The second stop is the degree of comparison.

You're probably tired, so let's take half a minute for a joke.

(dialogue from fun baby monitor lessons)

So, what degrees of comparison does an adjective have?

(comparative and superlative)

What is a positive degree?

How are they formed comparative degrees: simple and compound?

How is it formed superlative simple and compound?

Well, now you will work as editors. Find errors in sentences.

The coldest month of winter has arrived - February. This year the frosts are more severe than last year, but the guys still spend all their free time on the snowiest slides and build ice towns better than last year. And then they go home and drink hot tea with more delicious pies.

(incorrectly placed adjectives in degree of comparison)

You must edit the text verbally.

Now let's verbally form all degrees of comparison from the adjective cold.

(cold - colder, colder, coldest, coldest).

The task is completed. Let's mark on our map with a flag how successfully you coped with it.

VII. Halt "Mysterious"

Guys, the next stop is “Mysterious”.

I'll tell you a riddle, and you must give the answer.

Glass fields,

Wooden boundaries

Tin handles.

(window frame)

What spelling did you see that you studied in the “Adjective” section?

What is special about the spelling of these adjectives? (exception words).

Tell us about the spelling of the adjective “window”.

At this rest stop, another riddle is prepared for you.

This red-haired cheat

And insidious and cunning.

He catches fast hares deftly,

Chickens stealing from the yard

And profit from mice

Loves nimble...

Who is this? (fox).

It was easy to guess, but what helped you recognize her so quickly? (adjectives).

Guys, what is special about the adjectives “cunning” and “cunning”? (short adjectives).

How are short adjectives formed?

Can all adjectives be formed into short forms?

Let's parse the first sentence and remember which parts of the sentence are adjectives.

Well, the task was completed. Let's determine how good. Check the box.

VIII. Halt “Winter creativity”.

Guys, it's February. We are walking through the February forest. But what do we know about this month?

The Old Russian name for February is “fierce”. Why do you think? In February there is a lot of snow and there are severe frosts.

What poems and proverbs about February do you know?

The changeable month of February is

He loves spring, and he feels sorry for winter.

He darkens the glass in the morning with an icy haze,

And at noon it drops bright stars.

And, squinting through the sun, he looks into the frozen distance,

Smilingly sad February.

Bright blue shadows lie on the snow

From the black trees, and, kneeling,

Barely audible, he whispers waking tales to the earth,

He casts a spell over the snow for those

Who is under the snow in the darkness?

And the joy of frosty spring is sharpened by sadness

In the deceptive month of February.

The month of February is fierce: he asks how you are wearing shoes.

The beginning of February is fine - expect an early, beautiful spring.

Guys, name the epithets in poems and proverbs.

Look at the screen. Here is a photo sketch of a February forest. You must write an essay - a miniature based on this photo sketch, using epithets.

(children read out several works).

Another halt is behind us. Let's celebrate how successfully we dealt with it

IX. Lesson summary. Reflection. Grading.

Halt "Final"

What did we review in class today?

What did you like?

Now try to compose a syncwine on the topic “Adjective”.

Do you know what syncwine is?

(five-line poetic form).

    The first line is a designation of the topic, usually one word (noun )

    The second line is a description of the topic

    (two adjectives)

    Third line – description of the action (three verbs or gerunds)

    Fourth line – attitude to the topic (four word phrase)

    The fifth line is a synonym (metaphor) from one word that repeats the essence of the topic

Brief and complete
Complement, decorate, clarify
It's boring without them!

Guys, where do we put the flag on our map? Of course at school. We returned from our walk.

Did you enjoy the walk? Me too. Thank you for the lesson.

X. Homework.

The frosts have become weaker.

Perform a morphological analysis of the adjective.

Repeat the spellings you studied in the “Adjective” section.

(I. Ehrenburg)

1. Where are the hare tracks left?
2. What helped the hare avoid trouble?
3. Who tried to unravel the tracks of the hare?
4. What did the dog think about the hare?

4th grade



In the spring, the guys found a turtle near the road. The sun woke her up from hibernation. She walked along the path with difficulty. The guys rejoiced at the find. They made a house for the turtle and put some straws in it. The turtle got used to both the soft bed and new apartment.
(According to Yu. Yakovlev)


Every morning black grouse flew to the forest clearing. The birds ate the seeds of the Christmas tree and alder. Magpies were feeding not far from the grove. One day the fox was coming from hunting. She smelled the birds. The fox quickly crawled towards its prey. Magpies began to chatter on the top of the alder tree. The black grouse escaped from feeding.
(According to N. Nikolsky)

* * *

We walked along the path to the grove. There were a lot of wild berries at the edge of the grove. Magpies flew up to the birch tree. The woodpecker knocked on the aspen tree with its beak. The rooks walked importantly across the arable land. The bees flew from porridge to carnation, from violet to chamomile.
(According to V. Svedenkov)

* * *

A large Christmas tree was brought into the room. The tree gave off a chill. But its branches thawed and fluffed up. The house smelled of pine. The guys began to decorate the Christmas tree. Firecrackers, beads, and long paper chains appeared on the forest beauty. Golden cobwebs stretched from twig to twig. Kirill and Gennady fixed a star on the top of the tree. The tree came to life and lit up with millions of lights.

* * *

Every blade of grass and needle wanted to quickly catch the first drop of rain. A winding path led from the river to the village. I walked slowly along the path. She led me to the edge of the forest. Rain is coming. The hazel grouse disappeared into the middle of a dense tree. A finch nestled under a branch. A hedgehog ran by. The rain fell quietly. It seemed to me that he was whispering something to the tree.
(According to M. Prishvin)

* * *

Suzanna and Alla came to their aunt and uncle in the village. They drove to the village along railway. In the morning, their uncle took them by car to their grandmother. Sparrows were jumping on the roof of the hut. Grandmother's house stood on the bank of a narrow river. Geese and ducks swam along the river. The girls helped their grandmother take care of the bird.

* * *

Clouds hung over the horizon. They crawled across the sky like a shaggy beast. There was cold and fog coming from the swamp. My friend and I went to a river near the forest. The silence was broken by the rustling of tall grass. A woodpecker pecks a spruce cone with its beak and removes the seeds with its tongue. A dog stands under a tree, looks at a hazel grouse and starts barking.

* * *

There is a zoo in the yard and in the teacher’s house. There lived a tame monkey in the zoo. The owner gave her to the Kyiv circus, and in return he took a bear cub. Now the monkey performs in Kyiv. The bear cub lives in Taganrog. The animal lover enjoys filmmaking. Everyone really likes the film about the friendship of a monkey, a shepherd and a magpie.

* * *

Our country is vast. It's a long, harsh winter in Arkhangelsk. And in the south, in Yalta, people swim in the sea and sunbathe on the beach. It’s still night in St. Petersburg, but in Irkutsk the sun has already risen. Morning comes in Krasnoyarsk several hours earlier than in Donbass.

* * *

Thawed patches appeared in the fields and gardens. Streams run in the ravine. A small bird flies high above the field. This is a lark. On the collective farm, a starling echoes him from the birch trees. The starling settled in his native birdhouse. He walks importantly in the garden along the bed.
(According to G. Skrebitsky)

* * *

Collective farmers are coming from the village along the road. Near the grove they walked along the path. In the clearing we turned off the path and headed towards the river. A group of guys were sitting in a haystack by the river. It's quiet all around. Birch leaves rustle in the weak wind. A cheerful herd of little calves was grazing on the green grass.

* * *

The spruce forest is gloomy. There is always a damp smell in it. The prickly paws of spruce trees scratch your face and hands. Beautiful little forest beauties!
Spruce is a very valuable tree. Paper is made from spruce wood. Spruce sings in the violin, in the piano. A lot of different furniture is made from spruce. In a dense spruce forest, birds take refuge from cold and blizzards.

* * *

Find out the address of the blueberry from the shaggy and gloomy spruce trees. Strawberries love to grow along forest edges, clearings, and hillocks. Mushrooms also have their own addresses. Champignons grow in fields, along forest roads, and in vegetable gardens. Saffron milk caps grow under pine trees, spruce trees, fir trees, and larches. Honey mushrooms grow on stumps and living trees.
(According to N. Nadezhdina)

* * *

In the autumn forest the wind blows freely. Nothing stops him from shaking earrings from the alder tree. He picks up pollen. Pollen flies throughout the forest. The sun illuminates the bright and fluffy flowers. The forest smells of honey. Bees and bumblebees are buzzing. The first butterflies fly by. How elegant everything is!
(According to N. Pavlov)

Our forest

Autumn is delayed. The shifting swamps and rivers did not freeze for a long time. But the autumn rains have passed. Frost bound the earth and water. Snow fell in flakes at night. Early snow fell on the branches of spruce and apple trees. The titmouse left her tiny footprint on the snowy tablecloth. Clean and white all around. Nature does not like garbage and dirt. It is difficult for her to endure wounds inflicted by humans. Burns from tourist fires do not heal for many years. Shards from bottles and cans pollute the forest. Take care of the forest!
Words for reference: inflicted, burns.
Note. The teacher warns the children about using a comma.


Throughout August I walked to work through a rye field. The field is getting better every day. Yellow whiskered ears were pouring. From the warm light breeze they swayed to the beat. It seemed to me that dense cast waves were moving across the field. At the very edge of the field there were two birch trees. They seemed to have run away from the forest edge and were basking in the sun. The path ran nearby. The sister birches greeted me in a whisper early in the morning and saw me off in the evening. The Russian field and these two young birches remained in my memory for a long time.
Words for reference: as if.

People with a sweet tooth

End of summer. The rowan trees' hands are getting heavy. I wandered through the forest for a long time and came out into a clearing. There was a large stack of hay towering there. I lay down in the fragrant hay, breathed the spicy smell of grass, and looked at the clouds. Like lumps of clouds, the white sides of a magpie flashed among the green rowan trees. Magpies swung on flexible branches. Then I noticed that all the birds flew up to only one rowan tree.
I walked over and tasted berries from all the trees. Where the magpies sat, the berries were juicy and sweet. On other trees they turned out to be dry and bitter. That's it, magpies!
Words for reference: came out, towered, spicy, magpie, noticed.


Early autumn has arrived. The weather is warm. There was no rain, and in the morning the grass was covered with shiny droplets of water. Where did the water come from? Is this dew from the air? She really appeared out of thin air. The nights have become cold. The ground cooled overnight. There is always water vapor in the air. When the water vapor touches cold objects or plants, it turns into water droplets. Dew is good for plants. Dew is drunk by insects, birds, and lizards. Dew forms in the morning.
(According to V. Korabelnikov)


A hedgehog runs through a forest clearing. In autumn, hedgehogs have little prey. The nimble lizards disappeared. Slippery snakes curled into circles. It is also difficult to find bugs.
IN autumn days The busy hedgehog is preparing his home for the winter. Night and day he drags soft moss and fragrant leaves into the hole. Winter will come. A deep snowdrift will cover his hole. He is warm under the fluffy blanket.
Words for reference: lizards.

Mysteries of the forest

Late autumn can no longer retain the heat. The cold wind penetrated far to the south. The meadows and fields are sad. The leaves flew off the trees. The entire forest is translucent. We are approaching familiar terrain. There in the clearing a mighty oak reigns. The yellow leaves stick stubbornly to the oak tree. They make a quiet noise. Sometimes it’s like spring is in autumn attire. Everyone knows lingonberries. Its bushes are covered with shiny leaves. They even go green under the snow.
Words for reference: shines through and stays on.

forest fire

It was autumn days. We were driving through the forest. Suddenly it began to smell like burning. There was a crash. The centuries-old spruce trees began to rustle. Burning pine branches crawled along the narrow strip. Our horse quickly ran along the road. The carriage jumped. A squirrel rushed by. Moose ran by. Forest birds flew by noisily. A snake flashed. The top of the tree quickly began to burn. Fire in the forest is terrible.
Words for reference: became scary.


Mid November. It's a warm autumn. You can also go pick mushrooms. Late flowers remained in the wasteland. They are amazingly beautiful. But a blizzard winter is already on the doorstep. Many birds become neighbors of humans. A mass of crows begins to move even before the onset of cold weather. The gray crow is extremely careful. A winter day begins with a search for food. A well-fed crow does not leave an extra piece unattended. She will hide it in autumn leaves or under the snow.
Words for reference: become, attention.

Wonderful birds

Autumn has come. The leaves in the forest turned yellow. The wind tears them off and carries them through the air. Gloomy clouds floated across the sky. It was bad for the poor duckling.
One evening a whole flock of large birds rose from behind the forest. They were white, with long slender necks. The birds flapped their wide wings. They flew from the cold meadows over the blue sea.
The duckling did not know the names of the birds and where they were flying. He was overcome with anxiety. He craned his neck and screamed. The duckling fell in love with these beautiful birds with all his heart.
(According to G. H. Andersen)
Words for reference: because of, anxiety.

It was autumn

It was autumn in the taiga. She rustled leaves on the paths. She hung the last mists over the river. A steep fog from the river crept into the forest, hiding the ends of the clearings and the far edges of the clearing. The fog settled on the leaves and branches and compressed into cold drops. At first, red and burgundy spots were mixed with the green color of the taiga. It was the autumn gray hair of wild rosemary. Then pale yellow strokes of rowan appeared. At night they were touched by frost, and the leaves fell, fell, fell...
(According to V. Burlak)

Guests of the forest

The hot summer has already begun to be forgotten. The time of prolonged rains, the first powder and frosts is coming. Autumn forest chilly It's all translucent. Red rose hips are visible far through the branches. The sweet and juicy rowan berry, touched by frost, beckons. A flock of cheerful birds flies merrily from rowan tree to rowan tree. From northern forests The bullfinches have arrived. Tap dancers also showed up for the winter. They flew up to the alder tree and deftly began to eat the earrings. And here is a guest from the tundra. This is a warbler.
Words for reference: forget yourself, tap dance.


The sun came out from behind the gray clouds. Under his gentle gaze, nature became cheerful and began to smile. The last leaves glittered on the bare branches like gold coins. The wind picks them off and drives them from birch tree to birch tree. The fields and forests washed by the autumn rain became silent. Flexible bare branches of bushes and trees are waiting for a new artist. It is he who will dress them in a white fluffy outfit. It's winter's turn to paint its picture.
(According to G. Skrebitsky)


We were approaching a moss swamp. It is overgrown with sparse pine trees. Cranberries were blushing like a necklace on the moss hummocks. The flock rose up noisily wild ducks. They flew low over the ground and disappeared behind the trees. We walked for a long time on soft moss. Evening was coming. The path led us to the lake. We stopped for the night. Uncle Ilya began to prepare dinner.
Words for reference: necklace, stood up.


This happened in late autumn during the war. There were battles right in the factory workshops. In the midst of the battle, a cat suddenly appeared. It was an ordinary gray tabby cat. He was covered in dust and soot. On what roofs and floors did the cat roam under enemy fire? The soldiers fed the cat. He lay down comfortably and purred quietly. The soldiers remembered native home, your family. My heart became lighter. The days did not seem so long and difficult now. The cat was named Purr. Murlyka quickly got used to the fighters.
Words for reference: suddenly, not like that.

Autumn was walking through the taiga

It was autumn in the taiga. On the path she rustled a leaf. On the river at dawn, autumn spread fog. Cool fog from the river reached the forest. He hid the end of the clearing, the edge of the clearing. Fog settled on the leaves and branches of aspen, birch, and spruce. Autumn gray hair has appeared on the wild rosemary. Yellow strokes appeared on the mountain ash. At night the trees were touched by frost. He also silvered the clearing. A herd of deer stopped at the edge of the forest. A mouse scurried towards the hole. The wind flew from the river and lay on the grass with a soft whisper.
(According to V. Burlak)
Words for reference: wild rosemary, in a whisper.


Autumn has come. The leaves on the trees turned yellow and brown. An angry wind swirled them through the air. It became very cold. Heavy clouds rained hail, snow, and rain onto the ground.
One evening a flock of wonderful birds appeared from behind the forest. They were white as snow. They had long and flexible necks. It turned out to be swans.
The birds fluttered their magnificent wings. They flew from cold meadows to warm lands. It was impossible to take your eyes off the beautiful swans.
(According to G. H. Andersen)

On a hike

We reached a distant lake. Was in charge West wind. He flew from the top to the top of the pine trees. The pale sky was visible through their branches.
The writer Gaidar was with us on the hike. We moved slowly. The foot was drowning in green moss. With great difficulty we reached a wooded hillock and fell onto the wet ground. Gaidar examined the area. He called us. Huge elk tracks stood out on the soil. We followed the moose trail. He led me to a spring.
(According to K. Paustovsky)

In the morning

Early in the morning I left the tent. The winter sun shone brightly on the blanket of snow. Snow that fell overnight covered the wide pasture. I took a few steps. I noticed deer tracks in the snow. Animals approached the tent at night. The hare's trail stretched in a long loop. The first snow revealed the secrets of the night life of animals. We went down into the valley. We saw a bear against a bright background of snow. He noticed us and quickly sped off.
Words for reference: tent, shroud, several.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin

A man walks through the winter forest. There are snowdrifts all around. There are heavy snow caps on the trees. The trees stand straight. Strong spruce paws hold the snow. And the birches bent in an arc under the weight of the snow. They stand low. Only a hare can run there. The man hit the birch tree with a stick. The snow fell from the top. The Russian beauty straightened up. So from birch tree to birch tree Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin goes. The writer traveled a lot. In the Caucasus, a mountain peak and lake are named after him.
(According to L.V. Voronkova)
Words for reference: traveled, appropriated.

Nature in autumn

Autumn days are coming. Nature looks sad. The earth was covered with dry leaves. They are soft and plump in wet weather. On frosty days the leaves are hard and brittle. Lonely gold coins hang on an aspen tree. The wind carries leaves along the path to the edge of the forest. We are approaching the river. She straightened up and became wider. Because of the cold, the watery color in her disappeared. Because of the frost, the grass along the banks withered and sank to the bottom of the river. There is silence. The bird voices fell silent. Nature is waiting for winter to come.


Rainy autumn has arrived. The whole family is at home. Ilya looks at his mother. She sews with her head bowed. Mom is thin, silent, with gray radiant eyes. Mom comes home late. Preparing lunch. On autumn evenings he reads a lot and helps Ilya do his homework. Ilya closed his eyes. The room is almost dark. Only a small corner is illuminated with golden light. Mom hums quietly. How much trouble and worry falls on mother’s thin shoulders! It's always warm and joyful to be with mom.

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