What does it mean to dispose of waste? Ownership of waste and contractual relations in the field of waste management. Waste as an object of property. Waste management during rental relationships

Article 5. Waste as an object of property rights

1. Waste is the subject of property rights. Ownership of waste can be transferred from one person to another in the manner prescribed by state legislation.

2. The right of ownership of waste belongs to the legal or natural person whose production or other economic activity leads to the generation of waste and which, when exercising its property rights, is obliged to take measures to prevent harm to the environment and public health, and to strive for a more complete and rational use of raw materials. The waste producer acquires ownership of the waste from the moment of its generation, unless otherwise provided by state legislation and (or) an agreement on the use of the property that was the source of the generation of this waste.

3. The owner of waste has the right to transfer ownership of waste, the property itself and the risk associated with such transfer, to other persons on the basis of a purchase and sale agreement, barter, donation, other transaction on the alienation of waste or by performing other actions indicating the acquisition of waste in your property.

4. The owner of waste has the right to alienate waste into the ownership of another person, transfer to him, while remaining the owner, the right to own, use or dispose of waste, if this person has a license to carry out activities in the field of waste management.

5. Relinquishment of the right of ownership of waste is permitted subject to compliance with the requirements of state legislation on waste and does not entail the termination of the rights and obligations of the owner in relation to this waste until the acquisition of ownership of it by another person, except in cases where the waste is in accordance with the legislation of the state subject to removal.

6. In the event that filling out a waste hazard certificate is mandatory in accordance with state legislation, the owner of the waste or another person authorized by him, when making a transaction for the alienation of this waste, must transfer such a passport to the person to whom the ownership of the waste is transferred under the transaction.

7. When privatizing state-owned enterprises that have accumulated certain volumes of waste, ownership of the waste and responsibility for the harm they cause to human health, property of individuals or legal entities and the environment passes to the new owners, unless otherwise provided by state legislation or the conditions of privatization of these enterprises.

The conditions of privatization may provide for joint liability of the previous owner and the owner of the privatized enterprise for harm caused by waste to the environment, health and life of the population.

8. The state is the owner of waste that is generated at state-owned facilities or located on the territory of the state and does not have an owner or the owner of which is unknown.

9. If waste is abandoned by the owner or otherwise left by him in order to renounce the ownership of it, the person who owns, is in possession or is in use of the land plot, reservoir or other object where the abandoned waste is located may turn it into his own. property by starting to use them or performing other actions indicating their receipt of ownership in accordance with the legislation of the state.

Such a person also has the right to demand in court compensation for damage caused to him in connection with the abandonment of waste on a land plot, regardless of its further use, unless otherwise provided by state legislation.

10. Determination of the regimes for the use of waste referred to in paragraphs 8 and this article is assigned to local authorities state power and local government bodies, unless otherwise provided by state legislation. Local government bodies and local self-government bodies keep records of these wastes and are responsible for compliance with the conditions for safe and resource-saving handling of these wastes with the prevention of their negative impact on environment and people's health.

11. Owners or users of land plots on which waste that does not belong to them are found are obliged to notify the relevant local government body or local government body about them, which, in turn, are obliged to take measures to determine the owner of the waste, its hazard class, accounting, certification and make decisions regarding their handling.

Industrial development causes the negative impact of harmful substances on the planet. Therefore, the owner of production and consumption waste bears full responsibility for the consequences that arise due to improper handling of production products.

According to Federal Law No. 89-FZ, the owner of production products is the owner of materials, raw materials, the result of processing of which was the generation of waste.

The right of ownership of waste regulates the occurrence of no-man's landfills, which appear due to the unfair use of resources by the owner.

The owner is an individual entrepreneur or legal entity that:

  1. Generates waste and carries out recycling or disposal.
  2. Carry out other work with waste (disposal).

Ownership of garbage has individual:

  • Owner of a private house.
  • The owner of an apartment and/or other premises in a residential building.

Ownership of waste belongs to the person (or company) who owns the resource that caused the pollution.

Waste stored in municipal landfills is the property of the municipal executive authority, usually the utility service.

Civil Code

According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the owner of production products is the owner of raw materials, the processing of which caused the generation of waste.

If a manufacturer produces products from raw materials owned by a third party, then the right to the resulting contamination belongs to the owner of the material.

The volume of waste according to the Civil Code is prescribed in Art. 24.7 No. 89-FZ. Legislation allows the owner to use his property in several ways:

  • Sell.
  • Give.
  • Transfer the right of use with or without alienation.


In civil law Art. 4 indicates the possibility of transferring the owner's garbage into the possession of a third party.

Waste transfer can be:

  • With transfer of ownership rights.
  • With retention of ownership rights.

Important! Ownership can be transferred even if the recipient does not have documents confirming permission to transport, neutralize and store waste of hazard classes I-IV.

Sale of waste

A person who buys garbage must have a license to independently carry out:

  • Collection.
  • Transportation.
  • Disposal.
  • Placements, etc.

The seller is not obliged to check the buyer’s license (according to the amendment to Federal Law No. 89 dated December 29, 2014).

Only the owner of the raw materials from which they are formed can sell waste.

Transfer of waste to other organizations is carried out in accordance with the agreement:

  • exchange;
  • purchase and sale;
  • donations;
  • or other agreement.

Transfer of ownership is subject to taxation. The alienation of returnable raw materials (can be reused) is subject to value added tax (VAT), since waste acts as a product intended for sale.

The gratuitous transfer of production waste is also recognized as an object of VAT taxation.

Article 4 of the Law “On Waste” interprets the right of ownership of waste as belonging to the owner of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, and other items and products, as well as goods (products) as a result of the use of which waste was generated.

This right of ownership of waste can be acquired by another person on the basis of civil contracts (purchase and sale, exchange, barter, donation or other transaction for the alienation of waste).

The owner of hazardous waste has the right to alienate it to another person or transfer it for processing while remaining the owner (supplied raw materials), only if that other person has a license to carry out activities in the field of hazardous waste management.

If waste is abandoned by the owner, then the person who owns the land plot or other object where the abandoned waste is located can turn it into his own property (Article 226 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Having started to use waste or performed other actions indicating their conversion into property, a person has a priority right, in any case, to their processing and consumption.

The owner has the right to use waste without a license, if this does not contradict the terms of the license, as well as the provisions of clause 4 of part 1 of Article 22 of the Law “On Subsoil”.

If the ownership right has been transferred to another person, then he will need a license. Also, Article 18 contains a ban on providing subsoil for the subsequent production of building materials if there is a possibility of using waste.

Ownership of waste may cease if ownership is renounced, but renunciation terminates ownership if the renunciation is accepted by the competent authority.

The law does not distinguish waste disposal as a refusal or termination of the right to waste, and does not establish legal consequences.

The state is obliged to ensure the maintenance of a waste cadastre, including registration of waste disposal sites and subjects of rights. At the same time, some of the waste falls into the category of hazardous, including radioactive. The use is subject to certain restrictions. See Federal Law “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Industrial Facilities”, Federal Law “On the Use of Atomic Energy”.

Powers of ownership.

    Right of use - the right to extract individually - certain things, extract beneficial features, income and fruits.

    Possession of a thing is the actual possession of it, the ability to make certain improvements (cosmetic repairs, major repairs, even reconstruction).

    Disposal of a thing is the right to determine its fate up to alienation (lease, lease, or otherwise change the owner or user of the thing).

Legal regime of geological information

Article 27 of the Law “On Subsoil”:

Geological information can be publicly or privately owned, depending on whose funds were used to obtain it.

Thus, legal regime information may be determined by the ownership or right of use of other persons, and the forms of ownership may be different.

Ownership of information is not a real right; it is usually designated by the term intellectual property, as well as in relation to works of science, literature, art and objects of industrial property (inventions, industrial designs) or means of individualization.

Personalization meanstrademarks, service marks, corporate identity and sign.

Reading time: 6 min

Ownership of waste - I often see that entity- the waste generator enters into an agreement with another legal entity to transfer ownership of the waste. As a result, the waste generator believes that if ownership of the waste is transferred to another person, then the responsibilities for compliance with environmental legislation are transferred to another person.

Ownership of waste(ownership of waste)

In accordance with Article 4 of the Federal Law of June 24, 1998 N 89-FZ “On Production and Consumption Waste,” ownership of waste is determined in accordance with civil law.

What the Civil Code (Civil Code) says:

Ownership of new thing, manufactured or created by a person for himself in compliance with the law and other legal acts, is acquired by this person.
The right of ownership to fruits, products, income received as a result of the use of property is acquired on the grounds provided for in Article 136 of this Code.

Clause 1 of Article 218 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Fruits, products, income received as a result of the use of a thing, regardless of who uses such a thing, belong to the owner of the thing, unless otherwise provided by law, other legal acts, contract or follows from the essence of the relationship.

Article 136 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Thus, as follows from Article 136 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the owner of waste from the operation (use) of equipment, machinery, buildings, structures and other things is the owner of the specified property.

Clause 7.8 "GOST 30772-2001. Interstate standard. Resource conservation. Waste management. Terms and definitions" establishes that the owner of waste is a legal entity, individual entrepreneur, producing waste, in whose ownership they are, who intend to collect, process waste and other waste management work, including disposal.

Based on the above, from the moment waste is generated, ownership rights arise with the legal entity or individual entrepreneur in the process of whose economic or other activities waste is generated.

Transfer of ownership of waste

From this moment on, all responsibilities for compliance with environmental legislation fall on the shoulders of the new owner.

The right of ownership to property that has an owner can be acquired by another person on the basis of a contract of sale, exchange, donation or other transaction for the alienation of this property.

Clause 2 of Article 218 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Responsibilities of the waste owner

Responsibilities of the waste owner from whom the waste was generated:

  • lead (graphs accumulated at the beginning, formed, transmitted, accumulation at the end);
  • develop (if it belongs to waste of hazard class 1-4);
  • do (for ENVOS categories 1, 2);
  • report on ;
  • Don’t forget about the new waste reporting for NVOS category 3 facilities (but there is no information on it yet).

A caveat: waste can only be transferred to the ownership of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur who has a license to collect waste!

Responsibilities of the waste owner to whom the waste was transferred:

  • lead (graphs accumulated at the beginning, formed, accepted, transferred, accumulation at the end);
  • waste must be accepted with a waste passport (if it belongs to waste of hazard class 1-4);
  • everything else is the same.

I hope the topic of waste ownership has become clearer to you.

the federal law
  • Order of Rostechnadzor
  • On the issue of waste transfer Letter from Rosprirodnadzor
  • Agreement for waste removal and disposal Consultation
  • How to draw up a waste purchase and sale agreement? Consultation
  • Is it possible to transfer waste to the public? Consultation
  • Transfer of spent alkali waste Consultation
  • Waste not included in the landlord's limits Consultation
  • Report 2-TP (waste) for the construction project Consultation
  • Waste removal agreement Consultation
  • Is it possible to sell bird droppings? Consultation
  • Agreement with Zhilkomservice for the removal of solid waste Consultation
  • Determination of waste disposal entities Consultation
  • Transfer of used containers to persons who do not have a waste management license Consultation
  • Transfer of used motor oil to a private person Consultation
  • Requirements for drawing up a tripartite waste transfer agreement Consultation
  • Transfer of waste for production Consultation
  • Who owns the generated waste? Consultation
  • Consultation
  • Transfer of waste to an organization licensed to handle waste of a higher hazard class Consultation
  • Transferring waste to an unlicensed organization Consultation
  • Who should enter into an agreement with the landfill for the transportation and disposal of waste? Consultation
  • Abandoned waste on the territory of the enterprise Consultation
  • Documentation for waste sales Consultation
  • Agreement for transportation and disposal of waste during rental relations Consultation
  • Documentation when transferring waste to a transport company Consultation
  • Sale of waste to be neutralized Consultation
  • Documentation of the organization for the reception and transfer of waste Consultation
  • Ownership of waste Consultation
  • Waste management during rental relations Consultation
  • Agreement on transfer of ownership of waste Consultation
  • Lease relationships in waste management Consultation
  • Responsibilities of the Lessor and the Lessee when handling waste Consultation
  • How to correctly conclude an agreement for waste collection and disposal? Consultation
  • Ownership of waste Consultation
  • Do I need to pay for the negative impact on the environment if a waste removal agreement has been concluded with a specialized company? Consultation
  • Soil formed during excavation work Consultation
  • Who is the owner of the waste generated during construction? Consultation
  • What documents must confirm the transfer of waste to specialized organizations? Consultation
  • About the NOLR project for the Lessor Consultation
  • Ownership of waste and the obligation to carry out work to restore disturbed lands Consultation
  • Transfer of waste into ownership Consultation
  • Waste disposal agreement Consultation
  • How to legally get rid of old furniture? Consultation
  • Who should develop a waste disposal project? Consultation
  • Used computer equipment Consultation
  • Transfer of waste into the ownership of another person Consultation
  • Limits on waste disposal for the tenant Consultation
  • Should the tenant or landlord expect to provide information on the amount of payments and make payments for negative environmental impacts? Consultation
  • Case A79-6276/2012 Resolution Arbitration Court Volga-Vyatka district
  • Agreement on transfer of ownership of waste of hazard class 4-5 Consultation
  • Documents when transferring sludge from settling tanks of wastewater treatment systems Consultation
  • Tenant waste management Consultation
  • It is referred to
    • On licensing of certain types of activities (as amended as of July 21, 2014) the federal law
    • On production and consumption waste (as amended as of November 25, 2013) the federal law
    • Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Part One) (Articles 1 - 453) (as amended on May 5, 2014) (version effective from July 1, 2014) Code of the Russian Federation
    • In the case of verifying the constitutionality of Article 16 of the Federal Law "On Environmental Protection" and the Government Resolution Russian Federation"On approval of the Procedure for determining fees and their maximum amounts for environmental pollution, waste disposal, and other types of harmful effects" in connection with a complaint from the limited liability company "Topol" Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation
    • Constitution of the Russian Federation (as amended on July 21, 2014) Constitution of the Russian Federation
    • On the issue of waste transfer Letter from Rosprirodnadzor
    • On approval of the Guidelines for the development of draft standards for waste generation and limits on their disposal Order of Rostechnadzor
  • set bookmark

    set bookmark

    The material is current as of 08/04/2014

    Waste as an object of property. Waste management during rental relationships

    There are often cases when enterprises enter into an agreement for waste removal with specialized organizations involved in the collection and disposal of waste. At the same time, business entities have questions about how to properly draw up a waste removal agreement, should the receiving organization have a license for waste management activities, and who should pay for waste disposal?

    In a lease relationship, further actions with waste also depend on the conditions specified in the lease agreement. At the same time, the parties to the agreement ask themselves what conditions must be provided for in the lease agreement, who should develop the PNOOLR and pay the fee for the NVOS - the tenant or the lessor.

    Ownership of waste

    Waste is subject to property rights. The right of ownership of waste belongs to the owner of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, other items or products, as well as goods (products) as a result of the use of which this waste was generated ( Article 4 of the Federal Law of June 24, 1998 No. 89-FZ “On Production and Consumption Waste”).

    The owner bears the burden of maintaining the property he owns, unless otherwise provided by law or the relevant agreement (Article 210 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

    Ownership of waste can be transferred to another person on the basis of a purchase and sale agreement, exchange, donation or other transaction on the alienation of waste (Article 4 of Federal Law No. 89-FZ of June 24, 1998). Also, in accordance with Part I of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the owner can transfer his property to other persons while remaining the owner.

    As a rule, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs enter into contracts for the removal and subsequent disposal of waste with specialized organizations. It is important to know that the presence of such an agreement does not exempt you from paying fees for negative impact on the environment, the extent of which depends on the amount and danger of waste. The exceptions are the following cases:

    • when the contract provides for the transfer of ownership of waste to a specialized organization;
    • when waste disposal is carried out on behalf of another person on the basis of a concluded intermediary agreement (commission agreement).

    It is important to distinguish the transfer of waste with a transfer of ownership from the transfer of waste to an organization providing waste removal services.

    If the owner of the waste has transferred ownership of the waste, he is not responsible for it. If such waste was disposed of after the transfer of ownership, then a fee for the negative impact on the environment should be paid to the new owner.

    Another type of agreement is an agreement on the final disposal of waste. With such an agreement, the organization receiving the waste assumes all responsibilities for the disposal of this waste, the calculation of fees for environmental pollution and its payment, regardless of whether the agreement provides for the transfer of ownership of the waste.

    In order to correctly determine the payer of the fee for the waste collection and disposal and to prevent repeated payment amounts, it is recommended that when drawing up an agreement with specialized organizations that provide services for the collection and disposal of waste, it is recommended to clearly define the type of agreement and the conditions for the transfer of ownership.

    Arbitrage practice

    Under such circumstances - even taking into account that carrying out business activities (given its risky nature) necessarily requires a certain prudence - a specialized organization providing services for the disposal of industrial and consumer waste, when forming its contractual policy in 2009, could not foresee that it will be obligated to pay a fee for waste disposal, and to provide in the contract with the organization, as a result of whose economic and other activities waste is generated and which in any case should bear the economic burden of bearing the costs associated with the waste disposal, a condition for taking this into account payment in the structure of the cost of services provided.

    The absence of such a condition in the contract allows the specified organization, which previously itself paid into the budget a fee for the negative impact on the environment, not to transfer the corresponding amounts to the other party - the specialized organization that disposes of waste.

    At the same time, in the absence of a clear regulatory fixation of the obligation to pay for the NVOS, draft standards for waste generation and limits on their disposal, developed by a specialized organization and submitted by it to government bodies in the prescribed manner, will most likely only concern waste generated in as a result of her own activities.

    The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation makes the following conclusion:

    Thus, in the context of the current uncertainty of legal regulation, the use of a five-fold increasing factor for above-limit disposal of production and consumption waste when establishing the taxable base for payment for non-recycling waste in relation to a specialized organization engaged in the disposal of waste generated as a result of economic and other activities of other organizations, in violation of Part 1 of Article 19, Part 1 of Article 34, Part 1 of Article 35, Article 42 and Article 58 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, transforms this public law payment from a compensatory environmental payment into an instrument of excessive restriction of the right to free use of their property for business and other purposes not prohibited by law economic activity and property rights.

    Thus, regarding the issue of payment for the IEE in terms of waste disposal, we can draw conclusions that, prior to entering into legal regulation necessary changes:

    • the fee is paid by the owner of the waste, that is, the waste generator, if the contract does not provide for the transfer of ownership;
    • a five-fold increasing factor when calculating fees for environmental waste should not be applied to a specialized organization engaged in the disposal of waste generated as a result of economic and other activities of other organizations, if there were no violations on its part related to the determination of limits on waste disposal.


    Hence, if the lease agreement between the parties does not regulate the issue of waste ownership, That obligation to calculate, provide information on the amount of payments and pay fees for waste disposal falls on the tenant as the owner of the waste.

    A common situation is when a tenant leaves waste in the landlord's container, but the lease agreement does not say anything about waste.

    If waste is abandoned by the owner or otherwise left by him in order to renounce ownership of it, the person who owns, is in possession or is in use of the land plot, reservoir or other object where the abandoned waste is located may turn it into his own. property, starting to use them or performing other actions indicating their conversion into property in accordance with civil law (clause 4, article 4 of the Federal Law of June 24, 1998 No. 89-FZ).

    A citizen or legal entity may renounce the right of ownership of property owned by him by declaring this or taking other actions that definitely indicate his removal from the possession, use and disposal of property without the intention of retaining any rights to this property. Relinquishment of the right of ownership does not entail the termination of the rights and obligations of the owner in relation to the relevant property until the acquisition of ownership of it by another person (Article 236 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

    In this case, the waste abandoned by the tenant, left in trash container The lessor becomes the property of the latter.

    According to paragraph 3, paragraph 5 of the Methodological guidelines for the development of draft standards for waste generation and limits on their disposal, approved by Order of Rostechnadzor dated October 19, 2007 No. 703, if a business entity acts as a lessor of part of the production areas, premises or equipment and provides the tenant with the right to dispose of waste at its own facilities, then tenant waste should be included in Landlord's PNOOLR. If tenant himself carries out activities related to waste management, the PNOLR is accompanied by documentation, confirming these tenant obligations .

    Thus, if the agreement with the tenants stipulates that waste from the tenants’ activities is the property of the landlord and they are included in the landlord’s PNOLR, then only the landlord pays the fee for the NVW. If the waste is transferred to the lessor without alienation and acquisition of ownership, then the payment for the NVOS is paid by the tenants who own the waste.

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